mcMMO.Description=[[DARK_AQUA]]Riguardo il [[DARK_AQUA]]Progetto [[YELLOW]]mcMMO[[DARK_AQUA]]:,[[GOLD]]mcMMO \u00e8 una [[GOLD]]mod GdR [[RED]]open source [[GOLD]]creata nel Febbraio 2011,da [[BLUE]]nossr50[[GOLD]]. Il suo obiettivo \u00e8 di fornire un\'esperienza GdR di qualit\u00e0.,[[DARK_AQUA]]Consigli:,[[GOLD]] - [[GREEN]]Usa [[RED]]/mcc[[GREEN]] per vedere i comandi,[[GOLD]] - [[GREEN]]Digita [[RED]]/NOMEABILIT\u00c0[[GREEN]] per vedere informazioni dettagliate sull\'abilit\u00e0,[[DARK_AQUA]]Sviluppatori:,[[GOLD]] - [[GREEN]]nossr50 [[BLUE]](Capo Progetto),[[GOLD]] - [[GREEN]]GJ [[BLUE]](Sviluppatore Capo),[[GOLD]] - [[GREEN]]NuclearW [[BLUE]](Sviluppatore),[[GOLD]] - [[GREEN]]bm01 [[BLUE]](Sviluppatore),[[DARK_AQUA]]Link Utili:,[[GOLD]] - [[GREEN]][[GOLD]] segnalazione bug,[[GOLD]] - [[GREEN]]#mcmmo @[[GOLD]] Chat IRC,[[GOLD]] - [[GREEN]][[GOLD]] Thread sul Forum di Bukkit
Guides.Acrobatics=[[DARK_AQUA]]Riguardo Acrobatica:\n[[YELLOW]]Acrobatica \u00e8 l\'arte di muoversi agilmente in mcMMO.\n[[YELLOW]]Fornisce bonus in combattimento e contro i danni ambientali.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]GUADAGNARE XP:\n[[YELLOW]]Per guadagnare XP in questa capacit\u00e0 devi eseguire una\n[[YELLOW]]schivata in combattimento o sopravvivere a una caduta da\n[[YELLOW]]altezze che ti farebbero danni.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]Come funziona Capriola?\n[[YELLOW]]Hai una possibilit\u00e0 passiva quando subisci danno da caduta\n[[YELLOW]]di annullare il danno fatto. Puoi tenere premuto il tasto furtivo\n[[YELLOW]]durante la caduta per raddoppiare le possibilit\u00e0.\n[[YELLOW]]Questo attiva una Capriola Aggraziata invece di una normale.\n[[YELLOW]]Le Capriole Aggraziate sono come le capriole normali ma hanno\n[[YELLOW]]il doppio di possibilit\u00e0 di avvenire e forniscono pi\u00f9 incolumit\u00e0 dai\n[[YELLOW]]danni rispetto alle capriole normali. Le possibilit\u00e0 di fare una\n[[YELLOW]]capriola sono legate al tuo livello di abilit\u00e0.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]Come funziona Schivata?\n[[YELLOW]]La Schivata \u00e8 una possibilit\u00e0 passiva di dimezzare il danno\n[[YELLOW]]quando vieni ferito in combattimento.\n[[YELLOW]]\u00c8 legata al tuo livello di abilit\u00e0.
Guides.Archery=[[DARK_AQUA]]About Archery:\n[[YELLOW]]Archery is about shooting with your bow and arrow.\n[[YELLOW]]It provides various combat bonuses, such as a damage boost\n[[YELLOW]]that scales with your level and the ability to daze your\n[[YELLOW]]opponents in PvP. In addition to this, you can retrieve\n[[YELLOW]]some of your spent arrows from the corpses of your foes.\n\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]XP GAIN:\n[[YELLOW]]To gain XP in this skill you need to shoot mobs or\n[[YELLOW]]other players.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Skill Shot work?\n[[YELLOW]]Skill Shot provides additional damage to your shots.\n[[YELLOW]]The bonus damage from Skill Shot increases as you\n[[YELLOW]]level in Archery.\n[[YELLOW]]With the default settings, your archery damage increases 10%\n[[YELLOW]]every 50 levels, to a maximum of 200% bonus damage.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Daze work?\n[[YELLOW]]You have a passive chance to daze other players when\n[[YELLOW]]you shoot them. When Daze triggers it forces your opponents\n[[YELLOW]]to look straight up for a short duration.\n[[YELLOW]]A Daze shot also deals an additional 4 damage (2 hearts).\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Arrow Retrieval work?\n[[YELLOW]]You have a passive chance to retrieve some of your arrows\n[[YELLOW]]when you kill a mob with your bow.\n[[YELLOW]]This chance increases as you level in Archery.\n[[YELLOW]]By default, this ability increases by 0.1% per level, up to 100%\n[[YELLOW]]at level 1000.
Guides.Axes=[[DARK_AQUA]]Riguardo Asce:\n[[YELLOW]]Con l\'abilit\u00e0 Asce puoi usare la tua ascia per molto pi\u00f9 che \n[[YELLOW]]la semplice deforestazione! Puoi fare a fette i mob\n[[YELLOW]]e i giocatori per ottenere XP, colpire i mob con effetto di\n[[YELLOW]]contraccolpo e infliggere critici MORTALI ai mob e ai giocatori.\n[[YELLOW]]Inoltre la tua ascia diventa una cippatrice a mano,\n[[YELLOW]]potendo distruggere le armature dei nemici con facilit\u00e0\n[[YELLOW]]man mano che il tuo livello aumenta.\n[[DARK_AQUA]]GUADAGNARE XP:\n[[YELLOW]]Per guadagnare XP in questa abilit\u00e0 devi colpire altri mob o\n[[YELLOW]]giocatori con un\'Ascia.\n[[DARK_AQUA]]Come funziona Spacca Teschi?\n[[YELLOW]]Questa capacit\u00e0 ti permette di infliggere un colpo EaA (con Effetto ad Area).\n[[YELLOW]]Questo colpo EaA infligger\u00e0 la met\u00e0 dei danni che hai fatto al bersaglio\n[[YELLOW]]principale, quindi \u00e8 ottimo per sbarazzarsi di ammassi di mob.\n[[DARK_AQUA]]Come funziona Colpi Critici?\n[[YELLOW]]Colpi Critici \u00e8 una capacit\u00e0 passiva che d\u00e0 ai giocatori una\n[[YELLOW]]possibilit\u00e0 di infliggere danno addizionale.\n[[YELLOW]]Con le impostazioni di base, ogni 2 livelli di abilit\u00e0 in Asce conferisce uno\n[[YELLOW]]0,1% di probabilit\u00e0 di infliggere un Colpo Critico, che cause 2 volte il danno\n[[YELLOW]]ai mob e 1,5 volte il danno contro altri giocatori.\n[[DARK_AQUA]]Come funziona Maestria con l\'Ascia?\n[[YELLOW]]Maestria con l\'Ascia \u00e8 una capacit\u00e0 passiva che aggiunge danno addizionale\n[[YELLOW]]ai tuoi colpi quando usi Asce.\n[[YELLOW]]Di base, il bonus al danno aumenta di 1 ogni 50 livelli,\n[[YELLOW]]fino a un limite di 4 danni supplementari a livello 200.\n[[DARK_AQUA]]Come funziona Impatto Armatura?\n[[YELLOW]]Colpisci con forza sufficiente a frantumare armature!\n[[YELLOW]]Impatto Armatura ha una probabilit\u00e0 passiva di danneggiare l\'armatura del tuo\n[[YELLOW]]avversario. Questo danno aumenta man mano che sali di livello in Asce.\n[[DARK_AQUA]]Come funziona Impatto Maggiore?\n[[YELLOW]]Hai una probabilit\u00e0 passiva di ottenere un impatto maggiore quando\n[[YELLOW]]colpisci mob o giocatori con la tua ascia.\n[[YELLOW]]Di base questa probabilit\u00e0 \u00e8 del 25%. Questa capacit\u00e0 passiva ha un\n[[YELLOW]]effetto di contraccolpo estremo, simile all\'incantesimo Contraccolpo II.\n[[YELLOW]]In aggiunta a questo, infligge danno bonus al bersaglio.
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Guides.Excavation=[[DARK_AQUA]]Riguardo a Scavi:\n[[YELLOW]]Scavi e l?atto di smuover il terreno per trovare tesori.\n[[YELLOW]]Scavando per terra troverai alcuni tesori.\n[[YELLOW]]Piu la userai , piu tesori riusciari a trovare.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]GUADAGNARE ESPERIENZA:\n[[YELLOW]]Per guadagnare esperienza in questa abilita devi scavare tenendo in mano una pala.\n[[YELLOW]]Solo alcuni materiali possono essere scavati per ricavare tesori ed esperienza.\n[[DARK_AQUA]]Materiali Compatibili:\n[[YELLOW]]Erba, Terra, Sabbia, Argilla, Ghiaia, Micelio, Soul Sand\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]Come usare Giga Drill Breaker:\n[[YELLOW]]Impugnando una pala premi col tasto destro per preparare il tuo attrezzo.\n[[YELLOW]Una volta in questo stato hai circa 4 secondi per entrare in\n[[YELLOW]]contatto con materiali compatibili e questo\n[[YELLOW]]attivera Super Trapano Breaker.\n[[DARK_AQUA]Cos?e Super Trapano Breaker?\n[[YELLOW]]Super Trapano Breaker e un?abilita con un tempo di raffreddamento\n[[YELLOW]]legato all?abilita Scavi. Triplica le tue possibilita\n[[YELLOW]]di trovare tesori e permette di rompere all?istante\n[[YELLOW]] i materiali appositi.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]Come funziona CercaTesori?\n[[YELLOW]]Ogni possible tesoro di Scavi ha un proprio\n[[YELLOW]]livello di abilita necessario per essere emesso, e come risultato e \n[[YELLOW]]diffiicile dire quanto sia utile questa abilita.\n[[YELLOW]]Tieni solo conto che piu alto sara il tuo livello di Scavi\n[[YELLOW]], maggiore sara la varieta di tesori che potrai trovare.\n[[YELLOW]]E ricordati anche che usando Scavi\n[[YELLOW]]ogni materiale compatibile ha la propria unica lista di tesori.\n[[YELLOW]]In altre parole troverai tesori diversi nella terra\n[[YELLOW]]rispetto a quelli nella ghiaia.\n[[DARK_AQUA]]Note riguardo a Scavi:\n[[YELLOW]]I premi di Scavi sono completamente personabilizzabili\n[[YELLOW]]Perci\u00f2 variano da server a server.
Guides.Fishing=[[DARK_AQUA]]About Fishing:\n[[YELLOW]]With the Fishing skill, Fishing is exciting again!\n[[YELLOW]]Find hidden treasures, and shake items off mobs.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]XP GAIN:\n[[YELLOW]]Catch fish.\n\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Treasure Hunter work?\n[[YELLOW]]This ability allows you to find treasure from fishing \n[[YELLOW]]with a small chance of the items being enchanted.\n[[YELLOW]]Every possible treasure for Fishing has its own\n[[YELLOW]]skill level requirement for it to drop.\n\n[[YELLOW]]The higher your Fishing skill is, the more\n[[YELLOW]]treasures that can be found.\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Shake work?\n[[YELLOW]]This active ability allows you to shake items loose from mobs\n[[YELLOW]]by hooking them with the fishing rod. \n[[YELLOW]]Mobs will drop items they would normally drop on death.\n[[YELLOW]]It is also possible to acquire mob skulls, which are normally \n[[YELLOW]]unobtainable in survival mode.\n\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Fisherman\'s Diet work?\n[[YELLOW]]This passive skill increases the amount of hunger restored \n[[YELLOW]]from eating fish.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]Notes about Fishing:\n[[YELLOW]]Fishing drops are completely customizable,\n[[YELLOW]]so results vary server to server.\n
Guides.Herbalism=[[DARK_AQUA]]About Herbalism:\n[[YELLOW]]Herbalism is about collecting herbs and plants.\n\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]XP GAIN:\n[[YELLOW]]Collect plants and herbs.\n\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]Compatible Blocks\n[[YELLOW]]Wheat, Potatoes, Carrots, Melons, \n[[YELLOW]]Pumpkins, Suger Canes, Cocoa Beans, Flowers, Cacti, Mushrooms,\n[[YELLOW]]Nether Wart, Lily Pads, and Vines.\n\n\n\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Green Terra work?\n[[YELLOW]]Green Terra is an active ability, you can right-click\n[[YELLOW]]while holding a hoe to activate Green Terra.\n[[YELLOW]]Green Terra grants players a chance to get 3x drops from\n[[YELLOW]]harvesting plants. It also gives players the ability to\n[[YELLOW]]spread life into blocks and transform them using seeds\n[[YELLOW]]from your inventory.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Green Thumb (Crops) work?\n[[YELLOW]]This passive ability will automatically replant crops when\n[[YELLOW]]harvesting.\n[[YELLOW]]Your chance of success depends on your Herbalism skill.\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Green Thumb (Cobble/Stone Brick/Dirt) work?\n[[YELLOW]]This active ability allows you to turn blocks into their\n[[YELLOW]]\"plant-related\" counterparts. You can do this by right-clicking\n[[YELLOW]]a block, while holding seeds. This will consume 1 seed.\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Farmer\'s Diet work?\n[[YELLOW]]This passive skill increases the amount of hunger restored \n[[YELLOW]]when eating Bread, Cookies, Melons, Mushroom Soup, Carrots,\n[[YELLOW]]and Potatoes.\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How do Double Drops work?\n[[YELLOW]]This passive ability gives players more yield from their\n[[YELLOW]]harvests.
Guides.Mining=[[DARK_AQUA]]Informazioni sul minatore:\n[[YELLOW]]Il minatore consiste nell?estrarre rocce e minerali. Procura dei bonus\n[[YELLOW]]alla quantita di materiali rilasciati dagli scavi.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]GUADAGNARE ESPERIENZA:\n[[YELLOW]]Per guadagnare esperienza in questa abilita, devi scavare impugnando un piccone.\n[[YELLOW]]Solo alcuni blocchi rilasciano esperienza.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]Materiali compatibili:\n[[YELLOW]]Pietra, Minerale di carbone, Minerale di ferro, Minerale d?oro, Minerale di diamanti, Minerale di Redstone,\n[[YELLOW]] Minerale di lapis lazuli, Ossidiana, MossStone, Pietra dell?Ender,\n[[YELLOW]]Glowstone, e Netherrack.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]Come usare Super Sfondamento?:\n[[YELLOW]]Impugnando un piccone , premi il tasto destro per preparare il tuo strumento.\n[[YELLOW]]Durante questo stadio, hai circa 4 secondi per entrare in contatto \n[[YELLOW]]con un minerale adatto, e ci\u00f2 attivera Super\n[[YELLOW]]Sfondamento.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]Cos?e Super Sfondamento?\n[[YELLOW]Super sfondamento e un abilita con un tempo di raffreddamento legato all?abilita Scavo \n[[YELLOW]]. Triplica la possibilita che vengano rilasciati oggetti in piu e\n[[YELLOW]]e permette di rompere istatntaneamenti i minerali rocciosi.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]Come usare Scavi Esplosivi:\n[[YELLOW]]Con in mano un detonatore ,che e impostato con acciarino ,\n[[YELLOW]]clicca col tasto destro sulla TNT a distanza. Questo fara si che la TNT\n[[YELLOW]]esploda all?istante.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]Come funziona Scavi Esplosivi ?\n[[YELLOW]]Scavi Esplosivi e un abilita con una durata legato all?abilita di scavo\n[[YELLOW]]. Dona dei bounus quando sis cava con la TNT e permette a te \n[[YELLOW]]di fare esplodere la TNT a distanza.Ci sono 3 parti in Scavi Esplosivi.\n[[YELLOW]]La prima parte e Bombe Maggiori , che aumenta il raggio dell?esplosione.\n[[YELLOW]]La seconda e Esperto Demolitore, che diminuisce il danno\n[[YELLOW]]da TNT. La terza parte aumenta semplicemente the\n[[YELLOW]]la quantita di minerali rilasciati dalla TNT e diminuisce i\n[[YELLOW]]detriti rilasciati.
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Guides.Repair=[[DARK_AQUA]]About Repair:\n[[YELLOW]]Repair allows you to use an iron block to repair armor and\n[[YELLOW]]tools, or a gold block to salvage armor and tools.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]XP GAIN:\n[[YELLOW]]Repair tools or armor using the mcMMO Anvil. This is an\n[[YELLOW]]iron block by default and should not be confused with\n[[YELLOW]]the Vanilla Minecraft Anvil.\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How can I use Repair?\n[[YELLOW]]Place down a mcMMO Anvil and right-click to repair the item \n[[YELLOW]]you\'re currently holding. This consumes 1 item on every use.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Repair Mastery work?\n[[YELLOW]]Repair Mastery increases the repair amount. The extra amount\n[[YELLOW]]repaired is influenced by your Repair skill level.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Super Repair work?\n[[YELLOW]]Super Repair is a passive ability. When repairing an item,\n[[YELLOW]]it grants players a chance to repair an item with\n[[YELLOW]]double effectiveness.\n\n\n\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Arcane Forging work?\n[[YELLOW]]This passive ability allows you to repair items with a certain\n[[YELLOW]]chance of maintaining its enchantments. The enchants may be\n[[YELLOW]]kept at their existing levels, downgraded to a lower level,\n[[YELLOW]]or lost entirely.\n\n\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Salvage work?\n[[YELLOW]]Place down a mcMMO Salvage Anvil and right-click to salvage\n[[YELLOW]]the item you\'re currently holding.\n[[YELLOW]]This will break the item apart en give back the used ingots.\n[[YELLOW]]Note: You can only salvage fully repaired tools or armor.
Guides.Swords=[[DARK_AQUA]]About Swords:\n[[YELLOW]]This skill awards combat bonuses to anyone fighting with a\n[[YELLOW]]sword.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]XP GAIN:\n[[YELLOW]]XP is gained based on the amount of damage dealt to mobs or \n[[YELLOW]]other players when wielding a sword.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Serrated Strikes work?\n[[YELLOW]]Serrated Strikes is an active ability, you can activate it by\n[[YELLOW]]right-clicking with a sword. This ability allows you to deal \n[[YELLOW]]an AoE (Area of Effect) hit. This AoE will do a bonus 25%\n[[YELLOW]]damage and will inflict a bleed effect that lasts for 5 ticks.\n\n\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Counter Attack work?\n[[YELLOW]]Counter Attack is a passive ability. When taking hits from mobs,\n[[YELLOW]]you will have a chance to reflect 50% of the damage that was \n[[YELLOW]]taken.\n\n\n\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Bleed work?\n[[YELLOW]]Bleed causes enemies to take damage every two seconds. The \n[[YELLOW]]target will bleed until the effect wears off, or death, \n[[YELLOW]]whichever comes first.\n[[YELLOW]]The duration of the bleed is increased by your sword skill.
Guides.Taming=[[DARK_AQUA]]About Taming:\n[[YELLOW]]Taming will give players various combat bonuses when using\n[[YELLOW]]tamed wolves.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]XP GAIN:\n[[YELLOW]]To gain XP in this skill, you need to tame wolves/ocelots or\n[[YELLOW]]get into combat with your wolves.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Call of the Wild work?\n[[YELLOW]]Call of the Wild is an active ability that will allow you to summon\n[[YELLOW]]a wolf or an ocelot by your side. You can do this by\n[[YELLOW]]left-clicking while holding bones or fish.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Beast Lore work?\n[[YELLOW]]Beast Lore allows players to inspect pets and to check the\n[[YELLOW]]stats of wolves and ocelots. Left-click a wolf or ocelot to use\n[[YELLOW]]Beast Lore.\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Gore work?\n[[YELLOW]]Gore is a passive ability that has a chance of inflicting a\n[[YELLOW]]bleeding effect on your wolves\' targets.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Sharpened Claws work?\n[[YELLOW]]Sharpened Claws provides a damage bonus to damage dealt\n[[YELLOW]]by wolves. The damage bonus depends on your Taming level.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Environmentally Aware work?\n[[YELLOW]]This passive ability will allow wolves to teleport to you when\n[[YELLOW]]they get near hazards, such as Cacti/Lava. It will also give\n[[YELLOW]]wolves fall damage immunity.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Thick Fur work?\n[[YELLOW]]This passive ability will reduce damage and make wolves\n[[YELLOW]]fire resistant.\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Shock Proof work?\n[[YELLOW]]This passive ability reduces damage done to wolves\n[[YELLOW]]from explosions.\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Fast Food Service work?\n[[YELLOW]]This passive ability gives wolves a chance to heal whenever\n[[YELLOW]]they perform an attack.
Guides.Unarmed=[[DARK_AQUA]]About Unarmed:\n[[YELLOW]]Unarmed will give players various combat bonuses when using\n[[YELLOW]]your fists as a weapon. \n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]XP GAIN:\n[[YELLOW]]XP is gained based on the amount of damage dealt to mobs \n[[YELLOW]]or other players when unarmed.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Berserk work?\n[[YELLOW]]Beserk is an active ability that is activated by\n[[YELLOW]]right-clicking. While in Beserk mode, you deal 50% more\n[[YELLOW]]damage and you can break weak materials instantly, such as\n[[YELLOW]]Dirt and Grass.\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Iron Arm work?\n[[YELLOW]]Iron Arm increases the damage dealt when hitting mobs or\n[[YELLOW]]players with your fists.\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Arrow Deflect work?\n[[YELLOW]]Arrow Deflect is a passive ability that gives you a chance\n[[YELLOW]]to deflect arrows shot by Skeletons or other players.\n[[YELLOW]]The arrow will fall harmlessly to the ground.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Iron Grip work?\n[[YELLOW]]Iron Grip is a passive ability that counters disarm. As your\n[[YELLOW]]unarmed level increases, the chance of preventing a disarm increases.\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Disarm work?\n[[YELLOW]]This passive ability allows players to disarm other players,\n[[YELLOW]]causing the target\'s equipped item to fall to the ground.
Guides.Woodcutting=[[DARK_AQUA]]About Woodcutting:\n[[YELLOW]]Woodcutting is all about chopping down trees.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]XP GAIN:\n[[YELLOW]]XP is gained whenever you break log blocks.\n\n\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Tree Feller work?\n[[YELLOW]]Tree Feller is an active ability, you can right-click\n[[YELLOW]]while holding an ax to activate Tree Feller. This will\n[[YELLOW]]cause the entire tree to break instantly, dropping all\n[[YELLOW]]of its logs at once.\n\n\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Leaf Blower work?\n[[YELLOW]]Leaf Blower is a passive ability that will cause leaf\n[[YELLOW]]blocks to break instantly when hit with an axe. By default,\n[[YELLOW]]this ability unlocks at level 100.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How do Double Drops work?\n[[YELLOW]]This passive ability gives you a chance to obtain an extra\n[[YELLOW]]block for every log you chop.