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synced 2025-02-21 09:09:35 +01:00
Sync all current locale changes across languages.
Also fixes the missing % signs in some locale strings.
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
Acrobatics.Ability.Proc=[[GREEN]]**Elegantni pristani**
Acrobatics.Combat.Proc=[[GREEN]]**Uskocil jsi**
Acrobatics.DodgeChance=[[RED]]Dodge Chance: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Acrobatics.DodgeChance=[[RED]]\u0160ance na \u00faskok: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Acrobatics.Effect.1=Redukuje nebo ru\u0161\u00ed zran\u011bn\u00ed zp\u016fsoben\u00e9 p\u00e1dem
Acrobatics.Effect.2=\u0160\u0165astn\u00fd kotoul
@ -8,13 +8,13 @@ Acrobatics.Effect.3=Dvojt\u00e1 effectivita ne\u017e norm\u00e1ln\u00ed
Acrobatics.Effect.5=Sn\u00ed\u017een\u00e9 zran\u011bn\u00ed o polovinu
Acrobatics.Roll.Chance=[[RED]]Roll Chance: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Acrobatics.Roll.GraceChance=[[RED]]Graceful Roll Chance: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Acrobatics.Roll.Chance=[[RED]]\u0160ance na kotoul: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Acrobatics.Roll.GraceChance=[[RED]]\u0160ance na \u0160\u0165astn\u00fd kotoul: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Acrobatics.Roll.Text=**Valis se**
Acrobatics.Skillup=[[YELLOW]]Dovednost akrobacie byla navysena o {0}. Celkem ({1})
Archery.Combat.DazeChance=[[RED]]Chance to Daze: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Archery.Combat.RetrieveChance=[[RED]]Sance na obnovu sipu: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Archery.Combat.DazeChance=[[RED]]\u0160ance na om\u00e1men\u00ed: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Archery.Combat.RetrieveChance=[[RED]]\u0160ance z\u00edsk\u00e1n\u00ed \u0161\u00edp\u016f zp\u011bt: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Archery.Combat.SkillshotBonus=[[RED]]Bonusov\u00e9 zran\u011bn\u00ed p\u0159esn\u00e9 trefy: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Archery.Effect.0=P\u0159esn\u00e1 trefa
Archery.Effect.1=Zv\u00fd\u0161en\u00e9 po\u0161kozen\u00ed lukem
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ Axes.Ability.Lower=[[GRAY]]**ODLOZIL JSI SVOU SEKERU**
Axes.Ability.Ready=[[GREEN]]**P\u0158IPRAVUJE\u0160 SI SVOJ\u00cd SEKERU!**
Axes.Combat.Cleave.Proc=[[DARK_RED]]Zas\u00e1hnut ROZ\u0160T\u00cdPNUT\u00cdM!
Axes.Combat.CritStruck=[[DARK_RED]]Byl jsi KRITICKY zasazen!
Axes.Combat.CritChance=[[RED]]Sance na kriticky uder: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Axes.Combat.CritChance=[[RED]]Sance na kriticky uder: [[YELLOW]]{0}%
Axes.Combat.CriticalHit=[[RED]]KRITICK\u00dd Z\u00c1SAH!
Axes.Combat.GI.Proc=[[GREEN]]**\u00daDER VELKOU SILOU**
@ -93,10 +93,10 @@ Fishing.Listener=Rybareni:
Fishing.MagicFound=[[GRAY]]C\u00edt\u00edte dotek magie s t\u00edmto \u00falovkem...
Fishing.Skillup=[[YELLOW]]Dovednost v rybareni byla navysena o {0}. Celkem ({1})
Herbalism.Ability.DoubleDropChance=[[RED]]Sance na dvojity zisk: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Herbalism.Ability.DoubleDropChance=[[RED]]\u0160ance na dvojn\u00e1sobn\u00fd zisk: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Herbalism.Ability.FD=[[RED]]Farm\u00e1\u0159\u016fv apetit: [[YELLOW]]Rank {0}
Herbalism.Ability.GTe.Length=[[RED]]D\u00e9lka trv\u00e1n\u00ed Zelen\u00e9 planety: [[YELLOW]]{0}s
Herbalism.Ability.GTh.Chance=[[RED]]Green Thumb Chance: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Herbalism.Ability.GTh.Chance=[[RED]]\u0160ance na dovednost Zahradn\u00edk: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Herbalism.Ability.GTh.Fail=[[RED]]**ZAHRADN\u00cdK SELHAL**
Herbalism.Ability.GTh.Stage=[[RED]]Green Thumb Stage: [[YELLOW]] Crops grow in stage {0}
@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ Mining.Effect.7=Navysuje vzdalenost exploze TNT
Mining.Effect.8=Odborn\u00e1 demolice
Mining.Effect.9=Snizuje zraneni zpusobene vybuchem TNT
Mining.Effect.Decrease=[[RED]]Sn\u00ed\u017een\u00ed \u0161kod Demoli\u010dn\u00edho experta: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Mining.Effect.DropChance=[[RED]]Sance na dvojity zisk: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Mining.Effect.DropChance=[[RED]]\u0161ance na dvojn\u00e1sobn\u00fd zisk: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Mining.Skills.SuperBreaker.Off=[[RED]]**Super Ni\u010den\u00ed vyprchalo**
@ -147,18 +147,20 @@ Mining.Skills.SuperBreaker.Other.On=[[GREEN]]{0}[[DARK_GREEN]] has used [[RED]]M
Mining.Skills.SuperBreaker.Refresh=[[GREEN]]Schopnost [[YELLOW]]Super Breaker [[GREEN]]obnovena!
Mining.Skillup=[[YELLOW]]Dovednost v dolovani byla navysena o {0}. Celkem ({1})
Mining.Blast.Effect.0=+35 rud
Mining.Blast.Effect.1=+40 rud
Mining.Blast.Effect.2=+45 rud, bez suti
Mining.Blast.Effect.3=+50 rud, bez suti
Mining.Blast.Effect.4=+55 rud, bez suti, dvojit\u00e9 dropy
Mining.Blast.Effect.5=+60 rud, bez suti, dvojit\u00e9 dropy
Mining.Blast.Effect.6=+65 rud, bez suti, trojit\u00e9 dropy
Mining.Blast.Effect.7=+70 rud, bez suti, trojit\u00e9 dropy
Mining.Blast.Effect.0=+35% rud
Mining.Blast.Effect.1=+40% rud
Mining.Blast.Effect.2=+45% rud, bez suti
Mining.Blast.Effect.3=+50% rud, bez suti
Mining.Blast.Effect.4=+55% rud, bez suti, dvojit\u00e9 dropy
Mining.Blast.Effect.5=+60% rud, bez suti, dvojit\u00e9 dropy
Mining.Blast.Effect.6=+65% rud, bez suti, trojit\u00e9 dropy
Mining.Blast.Effect.7=+70% rud, bez suti, trojit\u00e9 dropy
Mining.Blast.Radius.Increase=[[RED]]Navyseni radiusu vybuchu: [[YELLOW]]+{0}
Mining.Blast.Rank=[[RED]]V\u00fdbu\u0161n\u00e9 t\u011b\u017een\u00ed [[YELLOW]] Rank {0}/8 [[GRAY]]({1})
Mining.Blast.Other.On=[[GREEN]]{0}[[DARK_GREEN]] pou\u017eil [[RED]]V\u00fdbu\u0161n\u00e9 T\u011b\u017een\u00ed!
Mining.Blast.Refresh=[[GREEN]]Dovednost [[YELLOW]]Dolovani vybuchem [[GREEN]]je nyni obnovena!
Repair.AnvilPlaced.Spout1=[mcMMO] Anvil Placed
Repair.AnvilPlaced.Spout2=Right click to repair!
Repair.Effect.1=Oprava zbroje a n\u00e1stroj\u016f
Repair.Effect.10=Oprava zlata ({0}+ SKILL)
@ -191,9 +193,9 @@ Repair.Skills.FeltEasy=[[GRAY]]To bylo snadn\u00e9.
Repair.Skills.FullDurability=[[GRAY]]Tento p\u0159edm\u011bt nen\u00ed po\u0161kozen\u00fd.
Repair.Skills.SalvageSuccess=[[GRAY]]Item salvaged!
Repair.Skills.NotFullDurability=[[DARK_RED]]You can\'t salvage damaged items.
Repair.Skills.Mastery=[[RED]]Repair Mastery: [[YELLOW]]Extra {0} durability restored
Repair.Skills.Mastery=[[RED]]Mistrovstvi v opravovani: [[YELLOW]]Extra {0} \u017eivotnosti obnovena
Repair.Skills.StackedItems=[[DARK_RED]]Nem\u016f\u017ee\u0161 opravovat nestackovan\u00e9 p\u0159edm\u011bty.
Repair.Skills.Super.Chance=[[RED]]Super Repair Chance: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Repair.Skills.Super.Chance=[[RED]]\u0160ance na superopravov\u00e1n\u00ed: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Repair.Skillup=[[YELLOW]]Dovednost v opravovani byla navysena o {0}. Celkem ({1})
Repair.Arcane.Chance.Downgrade=[[GRAY]]Sance na degradovani magicke sily predmetu: [[YELLOW]]{0}%
Repair.Arcane.Chance.Success=[[GRAY]]Mira uspesnosti AF: [[YELLOW]]{0}%
@ -204,20 +206,20 @@ Repair.Arcane.Perfect=[[GREEN]]Udr\u017eel jsi nezn\u00e1mou enegii v tomto p\u0
Repair.Arcane.Rank=[[RED]]Tajemne kov\u00e1n\u00ed: [[YELLOW]]Level {0}/4
Swords.Ability.Lower=[[GRAY]]**ODLOZIL JSI SVUJ MEC**
Swords.Ability.Ready=[[GREEN]]**PRIPRAVIL JSI SVUJ MEC**
Swords.Combat.Bleed.Chance=[[RED]]Bleed Chance: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Swords.Combat.Bleed.Chance=[[RED]]\u0160ance na krv\u00e1cen\u00ed: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Swords.Combat.Bleed.Length=[[RED]]D\u00e9lka krv\u00e1cen\u00ed: [[YELLOW]]{0} tik\u016f
Swords.Combat.Bleed.Note=[[GRAY]]NOTE: [[YELLOW]]1 trva 2 sekundy
Swords.Combat.Bleeding.Started=[[DARK_RED]] Krv\u00e1c\u00ed\u0161!
Swords.Combat.Bleeding.Stopped=[[GRAY]]Krvaceni bylo [[GREEN]]zastaveno[[GRAY]]!
Swords.Combat.Bleeding=[[GREEN]]**NEPRITEL KRVACI**
Swords.Combat.Counter.Chance=[[RED]]Sance na protiutok: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Swords.Combat.Counter.Chance=[[RED]]\u0160ance na proti\u00fatok: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Swords.Combat.Counter.Hit=[[DARK_RED]]Zasa\u017een proti\u00fatokem!
Swords.Combat.SS.Struck=[[DARK_RED]]Zasazen Hrozivym utokem!
Swords.Effect.1=Odra\u017e 50 zran\u011bn\u00ed
Swords.Effect.1=Odra\u017e 50% zran\u011bn\u00ed
Swords.Effect.2=Hrozivy utok (SCHOPNOST)
Swords.Effect.3=25 zraneni AoE, Krvaceni+ AoE
Swords.Effect.3=25% zraneni AoE, Krvaceni+ AoE
Swords.Effect.4=Hrozivy utok krvaceni+
Swords.Effect.5=Krvaceni po dobu 5 ticku
@ -246,7 +248,7 @@ Taming.Ability.Locked.1=LOCKED UNTIL {0}+ SKILL (THICK FUR)
Taming.Ability.Locked.2=LOCKED UNTIL {0}+ SKILL (SHOCK PROOF)
Taming.Combat.Chance.Gore=[[RED]]Gore Chance: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Taming.Combat.Chance.Gore=[[RED]]\u0160ance na nabodnut\u00ed: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Taming.Effect.0=Tradice \u0161elem
Taming.Effect.1=Na\u0159\u00edznut\u00ed kost\u00ed kontroluje vlky & oceloty
@ -275,12 +277,14 @@ Taming.Summon.Fail.Wolf=[[RED]]M\u00e1\u0161 p\u0159\u00edli\u0161 mnoho vlk\u01
Unarmed.Ability.Berserk.Length=[[RED]]Delka trvani Besneni: [[YELLOW]]{0}s
Unarmed.Ability.Bonus.0=Styl \u017eelezn\u00e9 pa\u017ee
Unarmed.Ability.Bonus.1=+{0} Zv\u00fd\u0161en\u00ed zran\u011bn\u00ed
Unarmed.Ability.Chance.ArrowDeflect=[[RED]]Sance na vychyleni sipu: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Unarmed.Ability.Chance.Disarm=[[RED]]Disarm Chance: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Unarmed.Ability.Chance.ArrowDeflect=[[RED]]\u0160ance na vych\u00edlen\u00ed \u0161\u00edpu: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Unarmed.Ability.Chance.Disarm=[[RED]]\u0160ance na odzbrojen\u00ed: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Unarmed.Ability.IronGrip.Attacker=[[RED]]Your opponent has an iron grip!
Unarmed.Ability.IronGrip.Defender=[[GREEN]]Your iron grip kept you from being disarmed!
Unarmed.Ability.Lower=[[GRAY]]**SKL\u00c1N\u00cd\u0160 SV\u00c9 P\u011aSTI**
Unarmed.Ability.Ready=[[GREEN]]**PRIPRAVIL JSI SVOJE PESTI**
Unarmed.Effect.0=B\u011bsn\u011bn\u00ed (SCHOPNOST)
Unarmed.Effect.1=+50 DMG, Nici slabsi materiali
Unarmed.Effect.1=+50% DMG, Nici slabsi materiali
Unarmed.Effect.2=Odzbrojit (Hr\u00e1ce)
Unarmed.Effect.3=Vyraz\u00ed nep\u0159\u00e1tel\u016fm p\u0159edm\u011bt kter\u00fd dr\u017e\u00ed v ruce
Unarmed.Effect.4=Styl \u017eelezn\u00e9 pa\u017ee
@ -297,7 +301,7 @@ Unarmed.Skills.Berserk.Refresh=[[GREEN]]Tvoje [[YELLOW]]schopnost B\u011bsn\u011
Unarmed.Skillup=[[YELLOW]]Dovednost v boji rukou byla navy\u0161ena o {0}. Celkem ({1})
Woodcutting.Ability.1=Odfoukne listi
Woodcutting.Ability.Chance.DDrop=[[RED]]Sance na dvojity zisk: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Woodcutting.Ability.Chance.DDrop=[[RED]]\u0160ance na dvojn\u00e1sobn\u00fd zisk: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Woodcutting.Ability.Length=[[RED]]D\u00e9lka Tree felleru: [[YELLOW]]{0}s
Woodcutting.Ability.Locked.0=LOCKED UNTIL {0}+ SKILL (LEAF BLOWER)
Woodcutting.Effect.0=Ni\u010ditel strom\u016f (ABILITA)
@ -334,6 +338,7 @@ Commands.Ability.Off=Pou\u017eit\u00ed schopnosti bylo [[RED]] vypnuto
Commands.Ability.On=Pou\u017eit\u00ed schopnosti bylo [[GREEN]]zapnuto
Commands.AdminChat.Off=Admin chat [[RED]]Vypnuty
Commands.AdminChat.On=Admin Chat[[GREEN]]Zapnut\u00fd
Commands.AdminToggle=[[RED]]- Prepnout admin chat
Commands.Disabled=[[RED]]Tento prikaz je vypnuty.
Commands.DoesNotExist=[[RED]]Hrac se v databaze nenachazi!
@ -345,6 +350,9 @@ Commands.Invite.Accepted=[[GREEN]]Pozvanka prijata. Pridal jsi se k party {0}
Commands.Invite.Success=[[GREEN]]Pozv\u00e1nka \u00faspesne odesl\u00e1na.
Commands.Leaderboards=<skill> <page> [[RED]]- Tabulka nejlep\u0161\u00edch
Commands.mcgod=[[RED]]- Prepnout GodMod
Commands.mcrank.Skill=[[YELLOW]]{0}[[GREEN]] - [[GOLD]]Rank [[WHITE]]#[[GREEN]]{1}
Commands.mcrank.Overall=[[YELLOW]]Overall[[GREEN]] - [[GOLD]]Rank [[WHITE]]#[[GREEN]]{0}
Commands.mmoedit=[player] <skill> <newvalue> [[RED]] - Modify target
Commands.ModDescription=[[RED]]- Precti si strucny popis pluginu
Commands.NoConsole=Tento prikaz nepodporuje pouziti z konzole.
@ -352,6 +360,7 @@ Commands.Other=[[GREEN]]--OSTATNI PRIKAZY--
Commands.Party.Accept=[[RED]]- Potvrdit pozvanku do party
Commands.Party.Chat.Off=Chat jenom pro partu [[RED]]Vypnuty
Commands.Party.Chat.On=Party chat [[RED]]Off
Commands.Party.Commands=[[GREEN]]--P\u0158\u00cdKAZY PARTY--
Commands.Party.Invite.0=[[RED]]VAROVANI: [[GREEN]]Obdrzel jsi pozvanku do party {0} od {1}
Commands.Party.Invite.1=[[YELLOW]]Napis [[GREEN]]/accept[[YELLOW]] pro potvrzeni pozvanky
@ -377,11 +386,9 @@ Commands.SkillInfo=/<skill> [[RED]]- Zjist\u00ed\u0161 bliz\u0161\u00ed informac
Commands.Stats.Self=Tvoje statistiky
Commands.Stats=[[RED]]- Shl\u00e9dnout svoje mcMMO statistiky
Commands.ToggleAbility=[[RED]]- Aktivace schopnosti prav\u00fdm tla\u010d\u00edtkem.
mcMMO.MOTD=[[BLUE]]Tento server pouz\u00edv\u00e1 mcMMO {0}! \n Napis [[YELLOW]]/mcmmo[[BLUE]] pro pomoc.
mcMMO.NoInvites=[[RED]]Momentalne nemas zadne pozvanky
mcMMO.NoPermission=[[DARK_RED]]Nedostatecna prava
mcMMO.NoSkillNote=[[DARK_GRAY]]Pokud nemas pristup k schopnosti, nebude zobrazena.
mcMMO.Website=[[GREEN]]http://forums.mcmmo.info[[BLUE]] - mcMMO Web
Commands.Party.InParty=[[GREEN]]Party: {0}
Party.Forbidden=[mcMMO] Party nejsou povoleny (pod\u00edvej se do Povolen\u00ed)
Party.Help.0=[[RED]]Spr\u00e1vn\u00e9 pouzit\u00ed je /party <party-jmeno> pro pripojen\u00ed nebo /party q pro opusten\u00ed
@ -433,16 +440,21 @@ Effects.Effects=EFEKTY
Effects.Level=[[DARK_GRAY]]LVL: [[GREEN]]{0} [[DARK_AQUA]]XP[[YELLOW]]([[GOLD]]{1}[[YELLOW]]/[[GOLD]]{2}[[YELLOW]])
Effects.Template=[[DARK_AQUA]]{0}: [[GREEN]]{1}
Guides.Acrobatics=[[DARK_AQUA]]O akrobacii:\n[[YELLOW]]Akrobacie je um \u00fa\u017easn\u00e9ho pohybu v mcMMO.\n[[YELLOW]]D\u00e1v\u00e1 ti bonusy v boji a bonusy po\u0161kozen\u00ed v prost\u0159ed\u00ed.\n[[DARK_AQUA]]Zisk XP:\n[[YELLOW]]K z\u00edsk\u00e1n\u00ed XP v t\u00e9to dovednosti mus\u00ed\u0161 uhybat\n[[YELLOW]]p\u0159ed ranami nep\u0159\u00edtele, nebo p\u0159e\u017e\u00edvat p\u00e1dy.\n[[DARK_AQUA]]Jak fungujou kotrmelce?\n[[YELLOW]]M\u00e1\u0161 \u0161anci kdy\u017e pad\u00e1\u0161 zmen\u0161it \u0161kody, kter\u00e9\n[[YELLOW]]by ti zp\u016fsobily p\u00e1dy. Dr\u017e kl\u00e1vesu na skr\u010den\u00ed\n[[YELLOW]]p\u0159i p\u00e1du k v\u00fd\u0161en\u00ed \u0161ance na kotrmelec.\n[[YELLOW]]T\u00edm vznik\u00e1 P\u016fvabn\u00fd kotrmelec m\u00edsto standartn\u00edho.\n[[YELLOW]]P\u016fvabn\u00e9 kotrmelce jsou jako norm\u00e1ln\u00ed, ale m\u00e1\u0161 2x v\u011bt\u0161\u00ed \u0161anci\n[[YELLOW]]p\u0159e\u017e\u00edt p\u00e1d a jsou bezpe\u010dn\u011bj\u0161\u00ed ne\u017e norm\u00e1ln\u00ed\n[[YELLOW]]\u0160ance na kotrmelec jsou ovlivn\u011bny tv\u00fdmi dovednostmi\n[[DARK_AQUA]]Jak funguje \u00faskok?\n[[YELLOW]]\u00daskok je \u0161ance na rozp\u016flen\u00ed \u0161kod\n[[YELLOW]]kter\u00e9 by jsi z\u00edskal v boji.\n[[YELLOW]]Je ovlivn\u011bn tv\u00fdmi dovednostmi
Guides.Archery=[[DARK_AQUA]]About Archery:\n[[YELLOW]]Archery is about shooting with your bow and arrow.\n[[YELLOW]]It provides various combat bonuses, such as a damage boost\n[[YELLOW]]that scales with your level and the ability to daze your\n[[YELLOW]]opponents in PvP. In addition to this, you can retrieve\n[[YELLOW]]some of your spent arrows from the corpses of your foes.\n\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]XP GAIN:\n[[YELLOW]]To gain XP in this skill you need to shoot mobs or\n[[YELLOW]]other players.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Skill Shot work?\n[[YELLOW]]Skill Shot provides additional damage to your shots.\n[[YELLOW]]The bonus damage from Skill Shot increases as you\n[[YELLOW]]level in Archery.\n[[YELLOW]]With the default settings, your archery damage increase 10%\n[[YELLOW]]every 50 levels, to a maximum of 200% bonus damage.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Daze work?\n[[YELLOW]]You have a passive chance to daze other players when\n[[YELLOW]]you shoot them. When Daze triggers it forces your opponents\n[[YELLOW]]to look straight up for a short duration.\n[[YELLOW]]A Daze shot also deals an additional 4 damage (2 hearts).\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Arrow Retrieval work?\n[[YELLOW]]You have a passive chance to retrieve some of your arrows\n[[YELLOW]]when you kill a mob with your bow.\n[[YELLOW]]This chance increases as you level in Archery.\n[[YELLOW]]By default, this ability increases by 0.1% per level, up to 100%\n[[YELLOW]]at level 1000.
Guides.Axes=[[DARK_AQUA]]About Axes:\n[[YELLOW]]With the Axes skill you can use your axe for much more then\n[[YELLOW]]just deforesting! You can hack and chop away at mobs\n[[YELLOW]]and players to gain XP, hitting mobs with the effect of\n[[YELLOW]]knockback and inflicting DEADLY criticals on mobs and players.\n[[YELLOW]]Your axe also becomes a hand-held woodchipper,\n[[YELLOW]]breaking down the enemy's armor with ease as your level\n[[YELLOW]]increases.\n[[DARK_AQUA]]XP GAIN:\n[[YELLOW]]To gain XP in this skill you need hit other mobs or players\n[[YELLOW]]with an Axe.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Skull Splitter work?\n[[YELLOW]]This ability allows you to deal an AoE (Area of Effect) hit.\n[[YELLOW]]This AoE hit will deal half as much damage as you did to the\n[[YELLOW]]main target, so it's great for clearing out large piles of mobs.\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Critical Strikes work?\n[[YELLOW]]Critical Strikes is a passive ability which gives players a\n[[YELLOW]]chance to deal additional damage.\n[[YELLOW]]With the default settings, every 2 skill levels in Axes awards a\n[[YELLOW]]0.1% chance to deal a Critical Strike, causing 2.0 times damage\n[[YELLOW]]to mobs or 1.5 times damage against other players.\n\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Axe Mastery work?\n[[YELLOW]]Axe Mastery is a passive ability that will add additional damage\n[[YELLOW]]to your hits when using Axes.\n[[YELLOW]]By default, the bonus damage increases by 1 every 50 levels,\n[[YELLOW]]up to a cap of 4 extra damage at level 200.\n\n\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Armor Impact work?\n[[YELLOW]]Strike with enough force to shatter armor!\n[[YELLOW]]Armor Impact has a passive chance to damage your\n[[YELLOW]]opponent's armor. This damage increases as you level in Axes.\n\n\n\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Greater Impact work?\n[[YELLOW]]You have a passive chance to achieve a greater impact when\n[[YELLOW]]hitting mobs or players with your axe.\n[[YELLOW]]By default this chance is 25%. This passive ability has an\n[[YELLOW]]extreme knockback effect, similar to the Knockback II\n[[YELLOW]]enchantment. In addition, it deals bonus damage to the target.
Guides.Archery=Pruvodce jiz brzy...
Guides.Axes=Pruvodce jiz brzy...
Guides.Available=[[DARK_AQUA]]Guide for {0} available - type /{1} ? [page]
Guides.Excavation=[[DARK_AQUA]]O kopani:\n[[YELLOW]]Kopani je cinnost vykonavana nicenim bloku hliny lopatou a nachazenim pokladu.\n[[YELLOW]]Nicenim bloku lopatou ziskavate sanci, ze naleznete poklady.\n[[YELLOW]]Cim dele tuhle cinnost provozujete, tim vic zvysujete svou sanci k naleznuti.\n[[DARK_AQUA]]Zisk dovednosti:\n[[YELLOW]]Pro zisk dovednosti v kopani musite nicit hlinene bloky lopatou.\n[[YELLOW]]Pro naleznuti pokladu muzou byt niceni jen nektere bloky.\n[[DARK_AQUA]]Seznam bloku se sanci pro nalezeni pokladu:\n[[YELLOW]]Trava, Hlina, Pisek, Jil, Sterk, Podhubi, Zvetrany pisek\n[[DARK_AQUA]]Jak pouzivat Giga Drill Breaker:\n[[YELLOW]]S lopatou v ruce a klikem pravym tlacidlem aktivujete svuj nastroj.\n[[YELLOW]]Once in this state you have about 4 seconds to make\n[[YELLOW]]contact with Excavation compatible materials this will\n[[YELLOW]]activate Giga Drill Breaker.\n[[DARK_AQUA]]What is Giga Drill Breaker?\n[[YELLOW]]Giga Drill Breaker is an ability with a cooldown\n[[YELLOW]]tied to Excavation skill. It triples your chance\n[[YELLOW]]of finding treasures and enables instant break\n[[YELLOW]]on Excavation materials.\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Treasure Hunter work?\n[[YELLOW]]Every possible treasure for Excavation has its own\n[[YELLOW]]skill level requirement for it to drop, as a result it\'s\n[[YELLOW]]difficult to say how much it is helping you.\n[[YELLOW]]Just keep in mind that the higher your Excavation skill\n[[YELLOW]]is, the more treasures that can be found.\n[[YELLOW]]And also keep in mind that each type of Excavation\n[[YELLOW]]compatible material has its own unique list of treasures.\n[[YELLOW]]In other words you will find different treasures in Dirt\n[[YELLOW]]than you would in Gravel.\n[[DARK_AQUA]]Notes about Excavation:\n[[YELLOW]]Excavation drops are completely customizeable\n[[YELLOW]]So results vary server to server.
Guides.Fishing=Pr\u016fvodce bude ji\u017e brzy k dispozici!
Guides.Header=[[GOLD]]-=[[GREEN]]{0} Guide[[GOLD]]=-
Guides.Herbalism=Pr\u016fvodce bude ji\u017e brzy k dispozici...
Guides.Mining=[[DARK_AQUA]]O Miningu:\n[[YELLOW]]Mining spo\u010d\u00edv\u00e1 v t\u011b\u017een\u00ed kamenu a rud. Poskytuje bonusy\n[[YELLOW]]v po\u010dtu materi\u00e1lu, kter\u00fd vyt\u011b\u017e\u00edte.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]Z\u00edskan\u00ed XP:\n[[YELLOW]]Aby jste dostali XP, mus\u00edte m\u00edt v ruce krump\u00e1\u010d.\n[[YELLOW]]XP v\u00e1m d\u00e1vaj\u00ed jenom jist\u00e9 bloky.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]Kompatibiln\u00ed materi\u00e1ly:\n[[YELLOW]]Stone, Coal Ore, Iron Ore, Gold Ore, Diamond Ore, Redstone Ore,\n[[YELLOW]]Lapis Ore, Obsidian, Mossy Cobblestone, Ender Stone,\n[[YELLOW]]Glowstone, a Netherrack.\n\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]Jak pou\u017e\u00edt Super Breaker:\n[[YELLOW]]Dr\u017ete v ruce krump\u00e1\u010d a stisknete prav\u00e9 tla\u010ditko na my\u0161i.\n[[YELLOW]]Vr\u00e1mci \u010dty\u0159 sekund m\u00fa\u017eete buchnout do bloku, kter\u00fd je naps\u00e1n\n[[YELLOW]]v kompatibiln\u00edch materi\u00e1lech, kter\u00e9 aktivujou\n[[YELLOW]]Super Breaker.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]Co je to Super Breaker?\n[[YELLOW]]Super Breaker je schopnost, kter\u00e1 trv\u00e1 podle toho,\n[[YELLOW]]jak\u00fd m\u00e1te skill. Ztrojn\u00e1sobuje va\u0161i \u0161anci na z\u00edskan\u00ed extra v\u011bc\u00ed\n[[YELLOW]]a t\u011b\u017e\u00edte bloky na jednu r\u00e1nu.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]Jak pou\u017e\u00edt Blast Mining:\n[[YELLOW]]Kdy\u017e m\u00e1te v ruce odpalova\u010d, kter\u00fdm je flint and steel ve vychoz\u00edm nastaven\u00ed,\n[[YELLOW]]klikn\u011bte prav\u00fdm tla\u010ditkem na my\u0161i na TNT, a to zp\u016fsob\u00ed,\n[[YELLOW]]\u017ee hned bouchne.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]Jak funguje Blast Mining?\n[[YELLOW]]Blast Mining je schopnost, kter\u00e1 trv\u00e1 podle toho, jak\u00fd m\u00e1te\n[[YELLOW]]skill. D\u00e1va bonusy kdy\u017e t\u011b\u017e\u00edte pou\u017eit\u00edm TNT a umo\u017e\u0148uje v\u00e1m\n[[YELLOW]]d\u00e1lkov\u011b odp\u00e1lit TNT. Blast mining m\u00e1 3 \u010d\u00e1sti.\n[[YELLOW]]Prvn\u00ed \u010d\u00e1st je Bigger Bombs, kter\u00e1 zv\u011bt\u0161uje oblast v\u00fdbuchu.\n[[YELLOW]]Druh\u00e1 \u010d\u00e1st je Demolitions Expert, kter\u00e1 zvy\u0161uje po\u0161kozen\u00ed\n[[YELLOW]]v\u00fdbuchem TNT. T\u0159et\u00ed \u010d\u00e1st prost\u011b zvy\u0161uje mno\u017estvi rud, kter\u00e9\n[[YELLOW]]z\u00edsk\u00e1te z TNT a zni\u017euje su\u0165,\n[[YELLOW]]kter\u00e1 padne.
Guides.Page.Invalid=Not a valid page number!
Guides.Page.OutOfRange=That page doesn\'t exist, there are only {0} total pages.
Guides.Repair=Pruvodce jiz brzy...
Guides.Swords=Pruvodce jiz brzy...
Guides.Taming=Pruvodce jiz brzy...
Guides.Unarmed=Pruvodce jiz brzy...
Guides.Usage=[[RED]] Usage is /{0} ? [page]
Guides.Woodcutting=P\u0159\u00edru\u010dka ji\u017e brzy....
Inspect.Offline=[[RED]]Nem\u00e1\u0161 pr\u00e1va kontrolovat hr\u00e1\u010de co nejsou online!
Inspect.OfflineStats=mcMMO Statistiky pro offline hrace [[YELLOW]]{0}
@ -471,3 +483,23 @@ Perks.cooldowns.desc=Cuts cooldown duration by {0}.
Perks.activationtime.desc=Increases ability activation time by {0} seconds.
Perks.activationtime.bonus=[[GOLD]] ({0}s with Endurance Perk)
Hardcore.Player.Loss=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[DARK_RED]]You\'ve lost [[BLUE]]{0}[[DARK_RED]] from death.
Vampirism.Killer.Failure=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[YELLOW]]{0}[[GRAY]] was too unskilled to grant you any knowledge.
Vampirism.Killer.Success=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[DARK_AQUA]]You\'ve stolen [[BLUE]]{0}[[DARK_AQUA]] levels from [[YELLOW]]{1}.
Vampirism.Victim.Failure=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[YELLOW]]{0}[[GRAY]] was unable to steal knowledge from you!
Vampirism.Victim.Success=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[YELLOW]]{0}[[DARK_RED]] has stolen [[BLUE]]{1}[[DARK_RED]] levels from you!
Spout.LevelUp.1=[[GREEN]Level Up!
Spout.LevelUp.2=[[YELLOW]]{0}[[DARK_AQUA]] ([[GREEN]]{1}[[DARK_AQUA]])
Spout.Menu.Exit=[[GRAY]]Press ESCAPE to exit!
Spout.Menu.HudButton.1=HUD Type: {0}
Spout.Menu.HudButton.2=Change your HUD style!
Spout.Menu.Title=[[GOLD]]~mcMMO Menu~
MOTD.Hardcore.VampireOff=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[DARK_RED]]Hardcore & Vampirism enabled.
MOTD.Hardcore.Stats=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[DARK_AQUA]]Skill Death Penalty: [[DARK_RED]]{0}%
MOTD.Hardcore.VampireOn=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[DARK_RED]]Hardcore enabled.
MOTD.PerksPrefix=[[RED]][mcMMO Perks]
MOTD.Vampire.Stats=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[DARK_AQUA]]Vampirism Stat Leech: [[DARK_RED]]{0}%
MOTD.Version=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] Running version [[DARK_AQUA]]{0}
MOTD.Website=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[GREEN]]{0}[[YELLOW]] - mcMMO Website
@ -147,14 +147,14 @@ Mining.Skills.SuperBreaker.Other.On=[[GREEN]]{0}[[DARK_GREEN]] has used [[RED]]S
Mining.Skills.SuperBreaker.Refresh=[[GREEN]] Eich [[YELLOW]] Super Torri\'r [[GREEN]] gallu ei hadnewyddu!
Mining.Skillup=[[YELLOW]] sgiliau Mwyngloddio cynyddu {0}. Cyfanswm ({1})
Mining.Blast.Effect.0=+35 ore yield
Mining.Blast.Effect.1=+40 ore yield
Mining.Blast.Effect.2=+45 ore yield, no debris
Mining.Blast.Effect.3=+50 ore yield, no debris
Mining.Blast.Effect.4=+55 ore yield, no debris, double drops
Mining.Blast.Effect.5=+60 ore yield, no debris, double drops
Mining.Blast.Effect.6=+65 ore yield, no debris, triple drops
Mining.Blast.Effect.7=+70 ore yield, no debris, triple drops
Mining.Blast.Effect.0=+35% ore yield
Mining.Blast.Effect.1=+40% ore yield
Mining.Blast.Effect.2=+45% ore yield, no debris
Mining.Blast.Effect.3=+50% ore yield, no debris
Mining.Blast.Effect.4=+55% ore yield, no debris, double drops
Mining.Blast.Effect.5=+60% ore yield, no debris, double drops
Mining.Blast.Effect.6=+65% ore yield, no debris, triple drops
Mining.Blast.Effect.7=+70% ore yield, no debris, triple drops
Mining.Blast.Radius.Increase=[[RED]] Chwyth Cynnydd Radiws [[YELLOW]] {0}
Mining.Blast.Rank=[[RED]]Blast Mining: [[YELLOW]] Rank {0}/8 [[GRAY]]({1})
Mining.Blast.Other.On=[[GREEN]]{0}[[DARK_GREEN]] has used [[RED]]Blast Mining!
@ -217,9 +217,9 @@ Swords.Combat.Counter.Hit=[[DARK_RED]]Hit with a counter-attack!
Swords.Combat.Countered=[[GREEN]] ** GWRTH-YMOSOD **
Swords.Combat.SS.Struck=[[DARK_RED]] Taro gan Streiciau danheddog!
Swords.Effect.0=Counter Attack
Swords.Effect.1=Reflect 50 of damage taken
Swords.Effect.1=Reflect 50% of damage taken
Swords.Effect.2=Serrated Strikes (ABILITY)
Swords.Effect.3=25 DMG AoE, Bleed+ AoE
Swords.Effect.3=25% DMG AoE, Bleed+ AoE
Swords.Effect.4=Serrated Strikes Bleed+
Swords.Effect.5=5 Tick Bleed
@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ Taming.Ability.Bonus.5=Explosives do 1/6 normal damage
Taming.Ability.Bonus.6=Sharpened Claws
Taming.Ability.Bonus.7=+2 Damage
Taming.Ability.Bonus.8=Fast Food Service
Taming.Ability.Bonus.9={0} Chance for heal on attack
Taming.Ability.Bonus.9={0}% Chance for heal on attack
Taming.Ability.Locked.1=LOCKED UNTIL {0}+ SKILL (THICK FUR)
Taming.Ability.Locked.2=LOCKED UNTIL {0}+ SKILL (SHOCK PROOF)
@ -284,7 +284,7 @@ Unarmed.Ability.IronGrip.Defender=[[GREEN]]Your iron grip kept you from being di
Unarmed.Ability.Lower=[[GRAY]]**YOU LOWER YOUR FISTS**
Unarmed.Ability.Ready=[[GREEN]]**YOU READY YOUR FISTS**
Unarmed.Effect.0=Berserk (ABILITY)
Unarmed.Effect.1=+50 DMG, Breaks weak materials
Unarmed.Effect.1=+50% DMG, Breaks weak materials
Unarmed.Effect.2=Disarm (Players)
Unarmed.Effect.3=Drops the foes item held in hand
Unarmed.Effect.4=Iron Arm Style
@ -352,7 +352,7 @@ Commands.Leaderboards=<skill> <page> [[RED]]- Leaderboards
Commands.mcgod=[[RED]]- Toggle GodMode
Commands.mcrank.Skill=[[YELLOW]]{0}[[GREEN]] - [[GOLD]]Rank [[WHITE]]#[[GREEN]]{1}
Commands.mcrank.Overall=[[YELLOW]]Overall[[GREEN]] - [[GOLD]]Rank [[WHITE]]#[[GREEN]]{0}
Commands.mmoedit=[chwaraewr] <skill> <newvalue> [[RED]] - Targed addasu
Commands.ModDescription=[[RED]]- Read brief mod description
Commands.NoConsole=This command does not support console usage.
@ -474,8 +474,8 @@ Stats.Own.Stats=[[GREEN]][mcMMO] Ystadegau
Perks.xp.desc=Receive {0}x XP.
Perks.lucky.desc=Gives {0} skills and abilities a 33.3 better chance to activate.
Perks.lucky.desc.login=Gives certain skills and abilities a 33.3 better chance to activate.
Perks.lucky.desc=Gives {0} skills and abilities a 33.3% better chance to activate.
Perks.lucky.desc.login=Gives certain skills and abilities a 33.3% better chance to activate.
Perks.lucky.bonus=[[GOLD]] ({0} with Lucky Perk)
Perks.cooldowns.name=Fast Recovery
Perks.cooldowns.desc=Cuts cooldown duration by {0}.
@ -494,4 +494,11 @@ Spout.Menu.ExitButton=EXIT
Spout.Menu.HudButton.1=HUD Type: {0}
Spout.Menu.HudButton.2=Change your HUD style!
Spout.Menu.Title=[[GOLD]]~mcMMO Menu~
MOTD.Hardcore.VampireOff=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[DARK_RED]]Hardcore & Vampirism enabled.
MOTD.Hardcore.Stats=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[DARK_AQUA]]Skill Death Penalty: [[DARK_RED]]{0}%
MOTD.Hardcore.VampireOn=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[DARK_RED]]Hardcore enabled.
MOTD.PerksPrefix=[[RED]][mcMMO Perks]
MOTD.Vampire.Stats=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[DARK_AQUA]]Vampirism Stat Leech: [[DARK_RED]]{0}%
MOTD.Version=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] Running version [[DARK_AQUA]]{0}
MOTD.Website=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[GREEN]]{0}[[YELLOW]] - mcMMO Website
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ Acrobatics.Roll.Text=**Rolled**
Acrobatics.Skillup=[[YELLOW]]Akrobatik evne for\u00f8get med {0}. Total ({1})
Archery.Combat.DazeChance=[[RED]]Chance to Daze: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Archery.Combat.RetrieveChance=[[RED]]Chance for at Genvinde Pil: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Archery.Combat.RetrieveChance=[[RED]]Chance to Retrieve Arrows: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Archery.Combat.SkillshotBonus=[[RED]]Skill Shot Bonus Damage: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Archery.Effect.0=Skill Shot
Archery.Effect.1=Increases damage done with bows
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ Archery.SkillName=ARCHERY
Archery.Skillup=[[YELLOW]]Bueskydnings evne for\u00f8get med {0}. Total ({1})
Axes.Ability.Bonus.0=\u00d8kse Mestring
Axes.Ability.Bonus.1=Bonus {0} damage
Axes.Ability.Bonus.2=Armor Impact
Axes.Ability.Bonus.3=Deal {0} Bonus DMG to armor
Axes.Ability.Bonus.4=Greater Impact
Axes.Ability.Bonus.5=Deal {0} Bonus DMG to unarmored foes
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ Axes.Effect.2=Critical Strikes
Axes.Effect.3=Fordoblet Skade
Axes.Effect.4=\u00d8kse Mestring
Axes.Effect.5=Tilf\u00f8jer bonus skade
Axes.Effect.6=Armor Impact
Axes.Effect.7=Strike with enough force to shatter armor
Axes.Effect.8=Greater Impact
Axes.Effect.9=Deal bonus damage to unarmored foes
@ -159,6 +159,8 @@ Mining.Blast.Radius.Increase=[[RED]]Eksplosions Radius For\u00f8gelse: [[YELLOW]
Mining.Blast.Rank=[[RED]]Blast Mining: [[YELLOW]] Rank {0}/8 [[GRAY]]({1})
Mining.Blast.Other.On=[[GREEN]]{0}[[DARK_GREEN]] has used [[RED]]Blast Mining!
Mining.Blast.Refresh=[[GREEN]]Your [[YELLOW]]Blast Mining [[GREEN]]ability is refreshed!
Repair.AnvilPlaced.Spout1=[mcMMO] Anvil Placed
Repair.AnvilPlaced.Spout2=Right click to repair!
Repair.Effect.1=Repair Tools & Armor
Repair.Effect.10=Gold Repair ({0}+ SKILL)
@ -277,6 +279,8 @@ Unarmed.Ability.Bonus.0=Iron Arm Style
Unarmed.Ability.Bonus.1=+{0} DMG Upgrade
Unarmed.Ability.Chance.ArrowDeflect=[[RED]]Arrow Deflect Chance: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Unarmed.Ability.Chance.Disarm=[[RED]]Disarm Chance: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Unarmed.Ability.IronGrip.Attacker=[[RED]]Your opponent has an iron grip!
Unarmed.Ability.IronGrip.Defender=[[GREEN]]Your iron grip kept you from being disarmed!
Unarmed.Ability.Lower=[[GRAY]]**YOU LOWER YOUR FISTS**
Unarmed.Ability.Ready=[[GREEN]]**YOU READY YOUR FISTS**
Unarmed.Effect.0=Berserk (ABILITY)
@ -334,6 +338,7 @@ Commands.Ability.Off=Ability use toggled [[RED]]off
Commands.Ability.On=Ability use toggled [[GREEN]]on
Commands.AdminChat.Off=Admin Chat only [[RED]]Off
Commands.AdminChat.On=Admin Chat only [[GREEN]]On
Commands.AdminToggle=[[RED]]- Toggle admin chat
Commands.Disabled=[[RED]]This command is disabled.
Commands.DoesNotExist=[[RED]]Spiller eksisterer ikke i databasen!
@ -345,6 +350,9 @@ Commands.Invite.Accepted=[[GREEN]]Invite Accepted. You have joined party {0}
Commands.Invite.Success=[[GREEN]]Invite sent successfully.
Commands.Leaderboards=<skill> <page> [[RED]]- Leaderboards
Commands.mcgod=[[RED]]- Toggle GodMode
Commands.mcrank.Skill=[[YELLOW]]{0}[[GREEN]] - [[GOLD]]Rank [[WHITE]]#[[GREEN]]{1}
Commands.mcrank.Overall=[[YELLOW]]Overall[[GREEN]] - [[GOLD]]Rank [[WHITE]]#[[GREEN]]{0}
Commands.mmoedit=[player] <skill> <newvalue> [[RED]] - Modify target
Commands.ModDescription=[[RED]]- Read brief mod description
Commands.NoConsole=This command does not support console usage.
@ -352,6 +360,7 @@ Commands.Other=[[GREEN]]--OTHER COMMANDS--
Commands.Party.Accept=[[RED]]- Accepter gruppe invitation
Commands.Party.Chat.Off=Party Chat only [[RED]]Off
Commands.Party.Chat.On=Party Chat only [[GREEN]]On
Commands.Party.Commands=[[GREEN]]--GRUPPE KOMMANDOER--
Commands.Party.Invite.0=[[RED]]ALERT: [[GREEN]]You have received a party invite for {0} from {1}
Commands.Party.Invite.1=[[YELLOW]]Type [[GREEN]]/accept[[YELLOW]] to accept the invite
@ -377,11 +386,9 @@ Commands.SkillInfo=/<skill> [[RED]]- View detailed information about a skill
Commands.Stats.Self=YOUR STATS
Commands.Stats=[[RED]]- View your mcMMO stats
Commands.ToggleAbility=[[RED]]- Toggle ability activation with right click
mcMMO.MOTD=[[BLUE]]This server is running mcMMO {0}! \n Type [[YELLOW]]/mcmmo[[BLUE]] for help.
mcMMO.NoInvites=[[RED]]You have no invites at this time
mcMMO.NoPermission=[[DARK_RED]]Insufficient permissions.
mcMMO.NoSkillNote=[[DARK_GRAY]]If you don\'t have access to a skill it will not be shown here.
mcMMO.Website=[[GREEN]]http://forums.mcmmo.info[[BLUE]] - mcMMO Website
Commands.Party.InParty=[[GREEN]]Party: {0}
Party.Forbidden=[mcMMO] Parties not permitted on this world (See Permissions)
Party.Help.0=[[RED]]Proper usage is /party <party-name> to join or /party q to quit
@ -433,16 +440,21 @@ Effects.Effects=Effekter
Effects.Level=[[DARK_GRAY]]LVL: [[GREEN]]{0} [[DARK_AQUA]]XP[[YELLOW]]([[GOLD]]{1}[[YELLOW]]/[[GOLD]]{2}[[YELLOW]])
Effects.Template=[[DARK_AQUA]]{0}: [[GREEN]]{1}
Guides.Acrobatics=[[DARK_AQUA]]About Acrobatics:\n[[YELLOW]]Acrobatics is the art of moving gracefully in mcMMO.\n[[YELLOW]]It provides combat bonuses and environment damage bonuses.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]XP GAIN:\n[[YELLOW]]To gain XP in this skill you need to perform a dodge\n[[YELLOW]]in combat or survive falls from heights that damage you.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Rolling work?\n[[YELLOW]]You have a passive chance when you take fall damage\n[[YELLOW]]to negate the damage done. You can hold the sneak button to\n[[YELLOW]]double your chances during the fall.\n[[YELLOW]]This triggers a Graceful Roll instead of a standard one.\n[[YELLOW]]Graceful Rolls are like regular rolls but are twice as likely to\n[[YELLOW]]occur and provide more damage safety than regular rolls.\n[[YELLOW]]Rolling chance is tied to your skill level\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Dodge work?\n[[YELLOW]]Dodge is a passive chance when you are\n[[YELLOW]]injured in combat to halve the damage taken.\n[[YELLOW]]It is tied to your skill level.
Guides.Archery=[[DARK_AQUA]]About Archery:\n[[YELLOW]]Archery is about shooting with your bow and arrow.\n[[YELLOW]]It provides various combat bonuses, such as a damage boost\n[[YELLOW]]that scales with your level and the ability to daze your\n[[YELLOW]]opponents in PvP. In addition to this, you can retrieve\n[[YELLOW]]some of your spent arrows from the corpses of your foes.\n\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]XP GAIN:\n[[YELLOW]]To gain XP in this skill you need to shoot mobs or\n[[YELLOW]]other players.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Skill Shot work?\n[[YELLOW]]Skill Shot provides additional damage to your shots.\n[[YELLOW]]The bonus damage from Skill Shot increases as you\n[[YELLOW]]level in Archery.\n[[YELLOW]]With the default settings, your archery damage increase 10%\n[[YELLOW]]every 50 levels, to a maximum of 200% bonus damage.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Daze work?\n[[YELLOW]]You have a passive chance to daze other players when\n[[YELLOW]]you shoot them. When Daze triggers it forces your opponents\n[[YELLOW]]to look straight up for a short duration.\n[[YELLOW]]A Daze shot also deals an additional 4 damage (2 hearts).\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Arrow Retrieval work?\n[[YELLOW]]You have a passive chance to retrieve some of your arrows\n[[YELLOW]]when you kill a mob with your bow.\n[[YELLOW]]This chance increases as you level in Archery.\n[[YELLOW]]By default, this ability increases by 0.1% per level, up to 100%\n[[YELLOW]]at level 1000.
Guides.Axes=[[DARK_AQUA]]About Axes:\n[[YELLOW]]With the Axes skill you can use your axe for much more then\n[[YELLOW]]just deforesting! You can hack and chop away at mobs\n[[YELLOW]]and players to gain XP, hitting mobs with the effect of\n[[YELLOW]]knockback and inflicting DEADLY criticals on mobs and players.\n[[YELLOW]]Your axe also becomes a hand-held woodchipper,\n[[YELLOW]]breaking down the enemy's armor with ease as your level\n[[YELLOW]]increases.\n[[DARK_AQUA]]XP GAIN:\n[[YELLOW]]To gain XP in this skill you need hit other mobs or players\n[[YELLOW]]with an Axe.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Skull Splitter work?\n[[YELLOW]]This ability allows you to deal an AoE (Area of Effect) hit.\n[[YELLOW]]This AoE hit will deal half as much damage as you did to the\n[[YELLOW]]main target, so it's great for clearing out large piles of mobs.\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Critical Strikes work?\n[[YELLOW]]Critical Strikes is a passive ability which gives players a\n[[YELLOW]]chance to deal additional damage.\n[[YELLOW]]With the default settings, every 2 skill levels in Axes awards a\n[[YELLOW]]0.1% chance to deal a Critical Strike, causing 2.0 times damage\n[[YELLOW]]to mobs or 1.5 times damage against other players.\n\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Axe Mastery work?\n[[YELLOW]]Axe Mastery is a passive ability that will add additional damage\n[[YELLOW]]to your hits when using Axes.\n[[YELLOW]]By default, the bonus damage increases by 1 every 50 levels,\n[[YELLOW]]up to a cap of 4 extra damage at level 200.\n\n\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Armor Impact work?\n[[YELLOW]]Strike with enough force to shatter armor!\n[[YELLOW]]Armor Impact has a passive chance to damage your\n[[YELLOW]]opponent's armor. This damage increases as you level in Axes.\n\n\n\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Greater Impact work?\n[[YELLOW]]You have a passive chance to achieve a greater impact when\n[[YELLOW]]hitting mobs or players with your axe.\n[[YELLOW]]By default this chance is 25%. This passive ability has an\n[[YELLOW]]extreme knockback effect, similar to the Knockback II\n[[YELLOW]]enchantment. In addition, it deals bonus damage to the target.
Guides.Archery=Vejledning kommer snart...
Guides.Axes=Vejledning kommer snart...
Guides.Available=[[DARK_AQUA]]Guide for {0} available - type /{1} ? [page]
Guides.Excavation=[[DARK_AQUA]]About Excavation:\n[[YELLOW]]Excavation is the act of digging up dirt to find treasures.\n[[YELLOW]]By excavating the land you will find treasures.\n[[YELLOW]]The more you do this the more treasures you can find.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]XP GAIN:\n[[YELLOW]]To gain XP in this skill you must dig with a shovel in hand.\n[[YELLOW]]Only certain materials can be dug up for treasures and XP.\n[[DARK_AQUA]]Compatible Materials:\n[[YELLOW]]Grass, Dirt, Sand, Clay, Gravel, Mycelium, Soul Sand\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How to use Giga Drill Breaker:\n[[YELLOW]]With a shovel in hand right click to ready your tool.\n[[YELLOW]]Once in this state you have about 4 seconds to make\n[[YELLOW]]contact with Excavation compatible materials this will\n[[YELLOW]]activate Giga Drill Breaker.\n[[DARK_AQUA]]What is Giga Drill Breaker?\n[[YELLOW]]Giga Drill Breaker is an ability with a cooldown\n[[YELLOW]]tied to Excavation skill. It triples your chance\n[[YELLOW]]of finding treasures and enables instant break\n[[YELLOW]]on Excavation materials.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Treasure Hunter work?\n[[YELLOW]]Every possible treasure for Excavation has its own\n[[YELLOW]]skill level requirement for it to drop, as a result it\'s\n[[YELLOW]]difficult to say how much it is helping you.\n[[YELLOW]]Just keep in mind that the higher your Excavation skill\n[[YELLOW]]is, the more treasures that can be found.\n[[YELLOW]]And also keep in mind that each type of Excavation\n[[YELLOW]]compatible material has its own unique list of treasures.\n[[YELLOW]]In other words you will find different treasures in Dirt\n[[YELLOW]]than you would in Gravel.\n[[DARK_AQUA]]Notes about Excavation:\n[[YELLOW]]Excavation drops are completely customizeable\n[[YELLOW]]So results vary server to server.
Guides.Fishing=Vejledning kommer snart...
Guides.Header=[[GOLD]]-=[[GREEN]]{0} Guide[[GOLD]]=-
Guides.Herbalism=Vejledning kommer snart...
Guides.Mining=[[DARK_AQUA]]About Mining:\n[[YELLOW]]Mining consists of mining stone and ores. It provides bonuses\n[[YELLOW]]to the amount of materials dropped while mining.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]XP GAIN:\n[[YELLOW]]To gain XP in this skill, you must mine with a pickaxe in hand.\n[[YELLOW]]Only certain blocks award XP.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]Compatible Materials:\n[[YELLOW]]Stone, Coal Ore, Iron Ore, Gold Ore, Diamond Ore, Redstone Ore,\n[[YELLOW]]Lapis Ore, Obsidian, Mossy Cobblestone, Ender Stone,\n[[YELLOW]]Glowstone, and Netherrack.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How to use Super Breaker:\n[[YELLOW]]With a pickaxe in your hand, right click to ready your tool.\n[[YELLOW]]Once in this state, you have about 4 seconds to make contact\n[[YELLOW]]with Mining compatible materials, which will activate Super\n[[YELLOW]]Breaker.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]What is Super Breaker?\n[[YELLOW]]Super Breaker is an ability with a cooldown tied to the Mining\n[[YELLOW]]skill. It triples your chance of extra items dropping and\n[[YELLOW]]enables instant break on Mining materials.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How to use Blast Mining:\n[[YELLOW]]With a detonator in hand, which is a flint & steel by default,\n[[YELLOW]]right-click on TNT from a distance. This will cause the TNT\n[[YELLOW]]to instantly explode.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Blast Mining work?\n[[YELLOW]]Blast Mining is an ability with a cooldown tied to the Mining\n[[YELLOW]]skill. It gives bonuses when mining with TNT and allows you\n[[YELLOW]]to remote detonate TNT. There are three parts to Blast Mining.\n[[YELLOW]]The first part is Bigger Bombs, which increases blast radius.\n[[YELLOW]]The second is Demolitions Expert, which decreases damage\n[[YELLOW]]from TNT explosions. The third part simply increases the\n[[YELLOW]]amount of ores dropped from TNT and decreases the\n[[YELLOW]]debris dropped.
Guides.Mining=[[DARK_AQUA]]About Mining:\n[[YELLOW]]Mining consists of mining stone and ores. It provides bonuses\n[[YELLOW]]to the amount of materials dropped while mining.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]XP GAIN:\n[[YELLOW]]To gain XP in this skill, you must mine with a pickaxe in hand.\n[[YELLOW]]Only certain blocks award XP.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]Compatible Materials:\n[[YELLOW]]Stone, Coal Ore, Iron Ore, Gold Ore, Diamond Ore, Redstone Ore,\n[[YELLOW]]Lapis Ore, Obsidian, Mossy Cobblestone, Ender Stone,\n[[YELLOW]]Glowstone, and Netherrack.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How to use Super Breaker:\n[[YELLOW]]With a pickaxe in your hand, right click to ready your tool.\n[[YELLOW]]Once in this state, you have about 4 seconds to make contact\n[[YELLOW]]with Mining compatible materials, which will activate Super\n[[YELLOW]]Breaker.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]What is Super Breaker?\n[[YELLOW]]Super Breaker is an ability with a cooldown tied to the Mining\n[[YELLOW]]skill. It triples your chance of extra items dropping and\n[[YELLOW]]enables instant break on Mining materials.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How to use Blast Mining:\n[[YELLOW]]With a detonator in hand, which is a flint & steel by default,\n[[YELLOW]]crouch and right-click on TNT from a distance. This will cause the TNT\n[[YELLOW]]to instantly explode.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Blast Mining work?\n[[YELLOW]]Blast Mining is an ability with a cooldown tied to the Mining\n[[YELLOW]]skill. It gives bonuses when mining with TNT and allows you\n[[YELLOW]]to remote detonate TNT. There are three parts to Blast Mining.\n[[YELLOW]]The first part is Bigger Bombs, which increases blast radius.\n[[YELLOW]]The second is Demolitions Expert, which decreases damage\n[[YELLOW]]from TNT explosions. The third part simply increases the\n[[YELLOW]]amount of ores dropped from TNT and decreases the\n[[YELLOW]]debris dropped.
Guides.Page.Invalid=Not a valid page number!
Guides.Page.OutOfRange=That page doesn\'t exist, there are only {0} total pages.
Guides.Repair=Vejledning kommer snart...
Guides.Swords=Vejledning kommer snart...
Guides.Taming=Vejledning kommer snart...
Guides.Unarmed=Vejledning kommer snart...
Guides.Usage=[[RED]] Usage is /{0} ? [page]
Guides.Woodcutting=Vejledning kommer snart...
Inspect.Offline=[[RED]]You do not have permission to inspect offline players!
Inspect.OfflineStats=mcMMO Stats for Offline Player [[YELLOW]]{0}
@ -471,3 +483,23 @@ Perks.cooldowns.desc=Cuts cooldown duration by {0}.
Perks.activationtime.desc=Increases ability activation time by {0} seconds.
Perks.activationtime.bonus=[[GOLD]] ({0}s with Endurance Perk)
Hardcore.Player.Loss=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[DARK_RED]]You\'ve lost [[BLUE]]{0}[[DARK_RED]] from death.
Vampirism.Killer.Failure=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[YELLOW]]{0}[[GRAY]] was too unskilled to grant you any knowledge.
Vampirism.Killer.Success=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[DARK_AQUA]]You\'ve stolen [[BLUE]]{0}[[DARK_AQUA]] levels from [[YELLOW]]{1}.
Vampirism.Victim.Failure=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[YELLOW]]{0}[[GRAY]] was unable to steal knowledge from you!
Vampirism.Victim.Success=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[YELLOW]]{0}[[DARK_RED]] has stolen [[BLUE]]{1}[[DARK_RED]] levels from you!
Spout.LevelUp.1=[[GREEN]Level Up!
Spout.LevelUp.2=[[YELLOW]]{0}[[DARK_AQUA]] ([[GREEN]]{1}[[DARK_AQUA]])
Spout.Menu.Exit=[[GRAY]]Press ESCAPE to exit!
Spout.Menu.HudButton.1=HUD Type: {0}
Spout.Menu.HudButton.2=Change your HUD style!
Spout.Menu.Title=[[GOLD]]~mcMMO Menu~
MOTD.Hardcore.VampireOff=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[DARK_RED]]Hardcore & Vampirism enabled.
MOTD.Hardcore.Stats=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[DARK_AQUA]]Skill Death Penalty: [[DARK_RED]]{0}%
MOTD.Hardcore.VampireOn=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[DARK_RED]]Hardcore enabled.
MOTD.PerksPrefix=[[RED]][mcMMO Perks]
MOTD.Vampire.Stats=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[DARK_AQUA]]Vampirism Stat Leech: [[DARK_RED]]{0}%
MOTD.Version=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] Running version [[DARK_AQUA]]{0}
MOTD.Website=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[GREEN]]{0}[[YELLOW]] - mcMMO Website
@ -170,14 +170,14 @@ Mining.Skillup=[[YELLOW]]Bergbau Skill um {0} gestiegen. Gesamt ({1})
Mining.Blast.Effect.0=+35 Erz-Ausbeute
Mining.Blast.Effect.1=+40 Erz-Ausbeute
Mining.Blast.Effect.2=+45 Erz-Ausbeute, kein Schutt
Mining.Blast.Effect.3=+50 Erz-Ausbeute, kein Schutt
Mining.Blast.Effect.4=+55 Erz-Ausbeute, kein Schutt, Doppel-Drops
Mining.Blast.Effect.5=+60 Erz-Ausbeute, kein Schutt, Doppel-Drops
Mining.Blast.Effect.6=+65 Erz-Ausbeute, kein Schutt, Dreifach-Drops
Mining.Blast.Effect.7=+70 Erz-Ausbeute, kein Schutt, Dreifach-Drops
Mining.Blast.Effect.0=+35% Erz-Ausbeute
Mining.Blast.Effect.1=+40% Erz-Ausbeute
Mining.Blast.Effect.2=+45% Erz-Ausbeute, kein Schutt
Mining.Blast.Effect.3=+50% Erz-Ausbeute, kein Schutt
Mining.Blast.Effect.4=+55% Erz-Ausbeute, kein Schutt, Doppel-Drops
Mining.Blast.Effect.5=+60% Erz-Ausbeute, kein Schutt, Doppel-Drops
Mining.Blast.Effect.6=+65% Erz-Ausbeute, kein Schutt, Dreifach-Drops
Mining.Blast.Effect.7=+70% Erz-Ausbeute, kein Schutt, Dreifach-Drops
Mining.Blast.Radius.Increase=[[RED]]Z\u00FCndstoff Radius Erh\u00F6hung: [[YELLOW]]+{0}
Mining.Blast.Rank=[[RED]]Z\u00FCndstoff Rang:[[YELLOW]] {0}/8 [[GRAY]]({1})
Mining.Blast.Other.On=[[GREEN]]{0}[[DARK_GREEN]] benutzte [[RED]]Z\u00FCndstoff!
@ -246,9 +246,9 @@ Swords.Combat.Counter.Hit=[[DARK_RED]]Treffer durch Gegenangriff!
Swords.Combat.SS.Struck=[[DARK_RED]]Getroffen von S\u00C4GEZAHNSCHLAG!
Swords.Effect.1=Reflektiert 50 des erhaltenen Schadens
Swords.Effect.1=Reflektiert 50% des erhaltenen Schadens
Swords.Effect.2=S\u00E4gezahnschlag (F\u00E4higkeit)
Swords.Effect.3=25 Umgebungsschaden, Blutung+
Swords.Effect.3=25% Umgebungsschaden, Blutung+
Swords.Effect.4=S\u00E4gezahnschlag, Blutung+
Swords.Effect.5=5 Ticks Blutung
@ -273,7 +273,7 @@ Taming.Ability.Bonus.5=Explosionen verursachen 1/6 Schaden
Taming.Ability.Bonus.6=Gesch\u00E4rfte Krallen
Taming.Ability.Bonus.7=+2 Schaden
Taming.Ability.Bonus.9={0} Chance auf Heilung bei Attacke
Taming.Ability.Bonus.9={0}% Chance auf Heilung bei Attacke
Taming.Ability.Locked.0=GESPERRT bis Skill {0}+ (Umweltbewusst)
Taming.Ability.Locked.1=GESPERRT bis Skill {0}+ (Dicker Pelz)
Taming.Ability.Locked.2=GESPERRT bis Skill {0}+ (Schock-Sicher)
@ -317,7 +317,7 @@ Unarmed.Ability.IronGrip.Defender=[[GREEN]]Your iron grip kept you from being di
Unarmed.Ability.Lower=[[GRAY]]**Du senkst deine F\u00C4USTE**
Unarmed.Ability.Ready=[[GREEN]]**Deine F\u00C4USTE sind bereit**
Unarmed.Effect.0=Berserker (F\u00E4higkeit)
Unarmed.Effect.1=+50 Schaden, Zerbricht weiche Materialien
Unarmed.Effect.1=+50% Schaden, Zerbricht weiche Materialien
Unarmed.Effect.2=Entwaffnen (Spieler)
Unarmed.Effect.3=Dropt Gegenstand aus der Hand des Feindes
Unarmed.Effect.4=Eiserner Arm
@ -395,6 +395,7 @@ Commands.Leaderboards=<skill> <seite> [[RED]]- Ranglisten
Commands.mcgod=[[RED]]- GodMode umschalten
Commands.mcrank.Skill=[[YELLOW]]{0}[[GREEN]] - [[GOLD]]Rank [[WHITE]]#[[GREEN]]{1}
Commands.mcrank.Overall=[[YELLOW]]Overall[[GREEN]] - [[GOLD]]Rank [[WHITE]]#[[GREEN]]{0}
Commands.mmoedit=[Spieler] <skill> <newvalue> [[RED]] - Ziel modifizieren
Commands.ModDescription=[[RED]]- Mod-Informationen Lesen.
Commands.NoConsole=Dieser Command wird nicht per Console unterst\u00FCtzt.
@ -538,8 +539,8 @@ Stats.Own.Stats=[[GREEN]][mcMMO] Werte
Perks.xp.desc=Erhalte {0}x XP.
Perks.lucky.desc=33.3 Erh\u00F6hte Chance auf Aktivierung von {0} Skills & F\u00E4higkeiten.
Perks.lucky.desc.login=33.3 Erh\u00F6hte Chance auf Aktivierung von gewissen Skills & F\u00E4higkeiten.
Perks.lucky.desc=33.3% Erh\u00F6hte Chance auf Aktivierung von {0} Skills & F\u00E4higkeiten.
Perks.lucky.desc.login=33.3% Erh\u00F6hte Chance auf Aktivierung von gewissen Skills & F\u00E4higkeiten.
Perks.lucky.bonus=[[GOLD]] ({0} mit Gl\u00FCck-Perk)
Perks.cooldowns.name=Schnelle Wiederherstellung
Perks.cooldowns.desc=Verk\u00FCrzt die Cooldownzeit um {0}.
@ -562,4 +563,13 @@ Spout.Menu.ExitButton=EXIT
Spout.Menu.HudButton.1=HUD Type: {0}
Spout.Menu.HudButton.2=Change your HUD style!
Spout.Menu.Title=[[GOLD]]~mcMMO Menu~
MOTD.Hardcore.VampireOff=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[DARK_RED]]Hardcore & Vampirism enabled.
MOTD.Hardcore.Stats=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[DARK_AQUA]]Skill Death Penalty: [[DARK_RED]]{0}%
MOTD.Hardcore.VampireOn=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[DARK_RED]]Hardcore enabled.
MOTD.PerksPrefix=[[RED]][mcMMO Perks]
MOTD.Vampire.Stats=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[DARK_AQUA]]Vampirism Stat Leech: [[DARK_RED]]{0}%
MOTD.Version=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] Running version [[DARK_AQUA]]{0}
MOTD.Website=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[GREEN]]{0}[[YELLOW]] - mcMMO Website
@ -179,14 +179,14 @@ Mining.Skillup=[[YELLOW]]Mining skill increased by {0}. Total ({1})
#Blast Mining
Mining.Blast.Effect.0=+35 ore yield
Mining.Blast.Effect.1=+40 ore yield
Mining.Blast.Effect.2=+45 ore yield, no debris
Mining.Blast.Effect.3=+50 ore yield, no debris
Mining.Blast.Effect.4=+55 ore yield, no debris, double drops
Mining.Blast.Effect.5=+60 ore yield, no debris, double drops
Mining.Blast.Effect.6=+65 ore yield, no debris, triple drops
Mining.Blast.Effect.7=+70 ore yield, no debris, triple drops
Mining.Blast.Effect.0=+35% ore yield
Mining.Blast.Effect.1=+40% ore yield
Mining.Blast.Effect.2=+45% ore yield, no debris
Mining.Blast.Effect.3=+50% ore yield, no debris
Mining.Blast.Effect.4=+55% ore yield, no debris, double drops
Mining.Blast.Effect.5=+60% ore yield, no debris, double drops
Mining.Blast.Effect.6=+65% ore yield, no debris, triple drops
Mining.Blast.Effect.7=+70% ore yield, no debris, triple drops
Mining.Blast.Radius.Increase=[[RED]]Blast Radius Increase: [[YELLOW]]+{0}
Mining.Blast.Rank=[[RED]]Blast Mining: [[YELLOW]] Rank {0}/8 [[GRAY]]({1})
Mining.Blast.Other.On=[[GREEN]]{0}[[DARK_GREEN]] has used [[RED]]Blast Mining!
@ -255,9 +255,9 @@ Swords.Combat.Counter.Hit=[[DARK_RED]]Hit with a counter-attack!
Swords.Combat.SS.Struck=[[DARK_RED]]Struck by SERRATED STRIKES!
Swords.Effect.0=Counter Attack
Swords.Effect.1=Reflect 50 of damage taken
Swords.Effect.1=Reflect 50% of damage taken
Swords.Effect.2=Serrated Strikes (ABILITY)
Swords.Effect.3=25 DMG AoE, Bleed+ AoE
Swords.Effect.3=25% DMG AoE, Bleed+ AoE
Swords.Effect.4=Serrated Strikes Bleed+
Swords.Effect.5=5 Tick Bleed
@ -282,7 +282,7 @@ Taming.Ability.Bonus.5=Explosives do 1/6 normal damage
Taming.Ability.Bonus.6=Sharpened Claws
Taming.Ability.Bonus.7=+2 Damage
Taming.Ability.Bonus.8=Fast Food Service
Taming.Ability.Bonus.9={0} Chance for heal on attack
Taming.Ability.Bonus.9={0}% Chance for heal on attack
Taming.Ability.Locked.1=LOCKED UNTIL {0}+ SKILL (THICK FUR)
Taming.Ability.Locked.2=LOCKED UNTIL {0}+ SKILL (SHOCK PROOF)
@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ Unarmed.Ability.IronGrip.Defender=[[GREEN]]Your iron grip kept you from being di
Unarmed.Ability.Lower=[[GRAY]]**YOU LOWER YOUR FISTS**
Unarmed.Ability.Ready=[[GREEN]]**YOU READY YOUR FISTS**
Unarmed.Effect.0=Berserk (ABILITY)
Unarmed.Effect.1=+50 DMG, Breaks weak materials
Unarmed.Effect.1=+50% DMG, Breaks weak materials
Unarmed.Effect.2=Disarm (Players)
Unarmed.Effect.3=Drops the foes item held in hand
Unarmed.Effect.4=Iron Arm Style
@ -404,6 +404,7 @@ Commands.Leaderboards=<skill> <page> [[RED]]- Leaderboards
Commands.mcgod=[[RED]]- Toggle GodMode
Commands.mcrank.Skill=[[YELLOW]]{0}[[GREEN]] - [[GOLD]]Rank [[WHITE]]#[[GREEN]]{1}
Commands.mcrank.Overall=[[YELLOW]]Overall[[GREEN]] - [[GOLD]]Rank [[WHITE]]#[[GREEN]]{0}
Commands.mmoedit=[player] <skill> <newvalue> [[RED]] - Modify target
Commands.ModDescription=[[RED]]- Read brief mod description
Commands.NoConsole=This command does not support console usage.
@ -545,8 +546,8 @@ Stats.Own.Stats=[[GREEN]][mcMMO] Stats
Perks.xp.desc=Receive {0}x XP.
Perks.lucky.desc=Gives {0} skills and abilities a 33.3 better chance to activate.
Perks.lucky.desc.login=Gives certain skills and abilities a 33.3 better chance to activate.
Perks.lucky.desc=Gives {0} skills and abilities a 33.3% better chance to activate.
Perks.lucky.desc.login=Gives certain skills and abilities a 33.3% better chance to activate.
Perks.lucky.bonus=[[GOLD]] ({0} with Lucky Perk)
Perks.cooldowns.name=Fast Recovery
Perks.cooldowns.desc=Cuts cooldown duration by {0}.
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
Acrobatics.Ability.Proc=[[GREEN]]**Aterrizaje Agraciado**
Acrobatics.DodgeChance=[[RED]]Probabilidad de Esquivar: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Acrobatics.DodgeChance=[[RED]]Probabilidad de Esquivar: [[YELLOW]]{0}%
Acrobatics.Effect.1=Reduce o Elimina el da\u00f1o de caida
Acrobatics.Effect.2=Rodada Majestuosa
@ -8,12 +8,12 @@ Acrobatics.Effect.3=El doble de efectivo que una rodada normal
Acrobatics.Effect.5=Reduce el da\u00f1o de ataque a la mitad
Acrobatics.Roll.Chance=[[RED]]Probabilidad de Rodar: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Acrobatics.Roll.GraceChance=[[RED]]Probabilidad de Rodada Majestuosa: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Acrobatics.Roll.Chance=[[RED]]Probabilidad de Rodar: [[YELLOW]]{0}%
Acrobatics.Roll.GraceChance=[[RED]]Probabilidad de Rodada Majestuosa: [[YELLOW]]{0}%
Acrobatics.Skillup=[[YELLOW]]Habilidad de Acrobacias incrementada en {0}. Total ({1})
Archery.Combat.DazeChance=[[RED]]Probabilidad de Aturdimiento: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Archery.Combat.DazeChance=[[RED]]Probabilidad de Aturdimiento: [[YELLOW]]{0}%
Archery.Combat.RetrieveChance=[[RED]]Probabilidad de Recuperar Flechas: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Archery.Combat.SkillshotBonus=[[RED]]Da\u00f1o bonus por Habilidad de Tiro: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Archery.Effect.0=Habilidad de Tiro
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ Axes.Ability.Lower=[[GRAY]]**BAJAS TU HACHA**
Axes.Ability.Ready=[[GREEN]]**PREPARAS TU HACHA**
Axes.Combat.Cleave.Proc=[[DARK_RED]]\u00a1Golpeado por PARTIR!
Axes.Combat.CritStruck=[[DARK_RED]]\u00a1Fuiste golpeado CR\u00cdTICAMENTE!
Axes.Combat.CritChance=[[RED]]Probabilidad de golpe cr\u00edtico: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Axes.Combat.CritChance=[[RED]]Probabilidad de golpe cr\u00edtico: [[YELLOW]]{0}%
Axes.Combat.CriticalHit=[[RED]]\u00a1GOLPE CR\u00cdTICO!
@ -147,18 +147,20 @@ Mining.Skills.SuperBreaker.Other.On=[[GREEN]]\u00a1{0}[[DARK_GREEN]] us\u00f3 [[
Mining.Skills.SuperBreaker.Refresh=[[GREEN]]\u00a1Tu habilidad de [[YELLOW]]S\u00faper Destructor [[GREEN]]est\u00e1 refrescada!
Mining.Skillup=[[YELLOW]]Habilidad de Miner\u00eda incrementada en {0}. Total ({1})
Mining.Blast.Effect.0=+35 de producci\u00f3n minera
Mining.Blast.Effect.1=+40 de producci\u00f3n minera
Mining.Blast.Effect.2=+45 de producci\u00f3n minera, sin residuos
Mining.Blast.Effect.3=+50 de producci\u00f3n minera, sin residuos
Mining.Blast.Effect.4=+55 de producci\u00f3n minera, sin residuos, doble drops
Mining.Blast.Effect.5=+60 de producci\u00f3n minera, sin residuos, doble drops
Mining.Blast.Effect.6=+65 de producci\u00f3n minera, sin residuos y triple drops
Mining.Blast.Effect.7=+70 de producci\u00f3n minera, sin residuos, triple drops
Mining.Blast.Effect.0=+35% de producci\u00f3n minera
Mining.Blast.Effect.1=+40% de producci\u00f3n minera
Mining.Blast.Effect.2=+45% de producci\u00f3n minera, sin residuos
Mining.Blast.Effect.3=+50% de producci\u00f3n minera, sin residuos
Mining.Blast.Effect.4=+55% de producci\u00f3n minera, sin residuos, doble drops
Mining.Blast.Effect.5=+60% de producci\u00f3n minera, sin residuos, doble drops
Mining.Blast.Effect.6=+65% de producci\u00f3n minera, sin residuos y triple drops
Mining.Blast.Effect.7=+70% de producci\u00f3n minera, sin residuos, triple drops
Mining.Blast.Radius.Increase=[[RED]]Incrementado Radio de Explosi\u00f3n: [[YELLOW]]+{0}
Mining.Blast.Rank=[[RED]]Miner\u00eda Explosiva: [[YELLOW]] Rango {0}/8 [[GRAY]]({1})
Mining.Blast.Other.On=[[GREEN]]\u00a1{0}[[DARK_GREEN]] us\u00f3 [[RED]]Miner\u00eda Explosiva!
Mining.Blast.Refresh=[[GREEN]]\u00a1Tu habilidad de [[YELLOW]]Miner\u00eda Explosiva [[GREEN]]est\u00e1 refrescada!
Repair.AnvilPlaced.Spout1=[mcMMO] Anvil Placed
Repair.AnvilPlaced.Spout2=Right click to repair!
Repair.Effect.1=Reparar Herramientas y Armaduras
Repair.Effect.10=Reparar Oro (HABILIDAD {0}+)
@ -191,9 +193,9 @@ Repair.Skills.FeltEasy=[[GRAY]]Eso ha sido f\u00e1cil.
Repair.Skills.FullDurability=[[GRAY]]Esto est\u00e1 nuevo.
Repair.Skills.SalvageSuccess=[[GRAY]]Item salvaged!
Repair.Skills.NotFullDurability=[[DARK_RED]]You can\'t salvage damaged items.
Repair.Skills.Mastery=[[RED]]Maestr\u00eda de la Reparaci\u00f3n: [[YELLOW]]{0} de durabilidad restaurada extra
Repair.Skills.Mastery=[[RED]]Maestr\u00eda de la Reparaci\u00f3n: [[YELLOW]]{0} de durabilidad adicional restaurada
Repair.Skills.StackedItems=[[DARK_RED]]No puedes reparar items apilados.
Repair.Skills.Super.Chance=[[RED]]Probabilidad de S\u00faper Reparaci\u00f3n: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Repair.Skills.Super.Chance=[[RED]]Probabilidad de Super Reparaci\u00f3n: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Repair.Skillup=[[YELLOW]]Habilidad de Reparaci\u00f3n incrementada en {0}. Total ({1})
Repair.Arcane.Chance.Downgrade=[[GRAY]]Probabilidad de Degradaci\u00f3n en FA: [[YELLOW]]{0}%
Repair.Arcane.Chance.Success=[[GRAY]]Tasa de \u00c9xito de FA: [[YELLOW]]{0}%
@ -204,7 +206,7 @@ Repair.Arcane.Perfect=[[GREEN]]Has logrado mantener las energ\u00edas Arcanas de
Repair.Arcane.Rank=[[RED]]Forja Arcana: [[YELLOW]]Rango {0}/4
Swords.Ability.Lower=[[GRAY]]**BAJAS TU ESPADA**
Swords.Ability.Ready=[[GREEN]]**PREPARASTE TU ESPADA**
Swords.Combat.Bleed.Chance=[[RED]]Bleed Chance: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Swords.Combat.Bleed.Chance=[[RED]]Probabilidad de Sangramiento: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Swords.Combat.Bleed.Length=[[RED]]Duraci\u00f3n del Sangrado: [[YELLOW]]{0} ticks
Swords.Combat.Bleed.Note=[[GRAY]]NOTA: [[YELLOW]]1 Tick sucede cada 2 segundos
Swords.Combat.Bleeding.Started=[[GREEN]]**ENEMIGO SANGRANDO**
@ -215,9 +217,9 @@ Swords.Combat.Counter.Hit=[[DARK_RED]]\u00a1Alcanzado por un contra ataque!
Swords.Combat.SS.Struck=[[DARK_RED]]\u00a1Golpeado por ATAQUE DENTADO!
Swords.Effect.0=Contra Ataque
Swords.Effect.1=Reflejar el 50 del da\u00f1o recibido
Swords.Effect.1=Reflejar el 50% del da\u00f1o recibido
Swords.Effect.2=Ataque Dentado (HABILIDAD)
Swords.Effect.3=25 de da\u00f1o y Sangrado+ en el \u00e1rea de cobertura
Swords.Effect.3=25% de da\u00f1o y Sangrado+ en el \u00e1rea de cobertura
Swords.Effect.4=Ataque Dentado Sangriento+
Swords.Effect.5=Sangrado de 5 Ticks
@ -246,7 +248,7 @@ Taming.Ability.Locked.1=LOCKED UNTIL {0}+ SKILL (THICK FUR)
Taming.Ability.Locked.2=LOCKED UNTIL {0}+ SKILL (SHOCK PROOF)
Taming.Combat.Chance.Gore=[[RED]]Probabilidad de Mordisco: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Taming.Combat.Chance.Gore=[[RED]]Probabilidad de Gore: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Taming.Effect.0=Conocimiento de la Bestia
Taming.Effect.1=Golpear con un hueso para inspeccionar los lobos y ocelotes
Taming.Effect.10=A Prueba de Golpes
@ -275,12 +277,14 @@ Taming.Summon.Fail.Wolf=[[RED]]Tienes demasiados lobos cerca como para convocar
Unarmed.Ability.Berserk.Length=[[RED]]Duraci\u00f3n de Enloquecido: [[YELLOW]]{0}seg
Unarmed.Ability.Bonus.0=Estilo del Pu\u00f1o de Hierro
Unarmed.Ability.Bonus.1=+{0} Mejora de DA\u00d1O
Unarmed.Ability.Chance.ArrowDeflect=[[RED]]Probabilidad de Desv\u00edo de Flechas: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Unarmed.Ability.Chance.ArrowDeflect=[[RED]]Probabilidad de Desviar Flechas: [[YELLOW]]{0}%
Unarmed.Ability.Chance.Disarm=[[RED]]Probabilidad de Desarmar: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Unarmed.Ability.IronGrip.Attacker=[[RED]]Your opponent has an iron grip!
Unarmed.Ability.IronGrip.Defender=[[GREEN]]Your iron grip kept you from being disarmed!
Unarmed.Ability.Lower=[[GRAY]]**BAJAS TUS PU\u00d1OS**
Unarmed.Ability.Ready=[[GREEN]]**LEVANTASTE LA GUARDIA**
Unarmed.Effect.0=Enloquecido (HABILIDAD)
Unarmed.Effect.1=+50 de Da\u00f1o, Rompe materiales d\u00e9biles
Unarmed.Effect.1=+50% de Da\u00f1o, Rompe materiales d\u00e9biles
Unarmed.Effect.2=Desarmar (Jugadores)
Unarmed.Effect.3=Hace soltar el item que un enemigo lleva en la mano
Unarmed.Effect.4=Estilo del Pu\u00f1o de Hierro
@ -334,6 +338,7 @@ Commands.Ability.Off=Habilidades [[RED]]desactivadas
Commands.Ability.On=Habilidades [[GREEN]]activadas
Commands.AdminChat.Off=Chat s\u00f3lo para Admins [[RED]]desactivado
Commands.AdminChat.On=Chat s\u00f3lo para Admins [[GREEN]]activado
Commands.AdminToggle=[[RED]]- Alternar chat de admin
Commands.Disabled=[[RED]]Este comando est\u00e1 deshabilitado.
Commands.DoesNotExist=[[RED]]\u00a1El jugador no existe en la base de datos!
@ -345,6 +350,9 @@ Commands.Invite.Accepted=[[GREEN]]Invitaci\u00f3n Aceptada. Te uniste al grupo {
Commands.Invite.Success=[[GREEN]]Invitaci\u00f3n enviada satisfactoriamente
Commands.Leaderboards=<habilidad> <p\u00e1gina> [[RED]]- Tabla de posiciones
Commands.mcgod=[[RED]]- Alternar Modo Dios
Commands.mcrank.Skill=[[YELLOW]]{0}[[GREEN]] - [[GOLD]]Rank [[WHITE]]#[[GREEN]]{1}
Commands.mcrank.Overall=[[YELLOW]]Overall[[GREEN]] - [[GOLD]]Rank [[WHITE]]#[[GREEN]]{0}
Commands.mmoedit=[jugador] <habilidad> <nuevo valor> [[RED]] - Modificar habilidad
Commands.ModDescription=[[RED]]- Lea la descripci\u00f3n breve del mod
Commands.NoConsole=Este comando no es soportado desde la consola.
@ -352,6 +360,7 @@ Commands.Other=[[GREEN]]--OTROS COMANDOS--
Commands.Party.Accept=[[RED]]- Aceptar invitaci\u00f3n al grupo
Commands.Party.Chat.Off=S\u00f3lo chat de grupo [[RED]]desactivado
Commands.Party.Chat.On=S\u00f3lo chat de grupo [[RED]]activado
Commands.Party.Commands=[[GREEN]]--COMANDOS DEL GRUPO--
Commands.Party.Invite.0=[[RED]]ATENCI\u00d3N: [[GREEN]]Fuiste invitado al grupo {0} por {1}
Commands.Party.Invite.1=[[YELLOW]]Ingresa [[GREEN]]/accept[[YELLOW]] para aceptar la invitaci\u00f3n
@ -377,11 +386,9 @@ Commands.SkillInfo=/<habilidad> [[RED]]- Ver informaci\u00f3n detallada acerca d
Commands.Stats.Self=TUS ESTAD\u00cdSTICAS
Commands.Stats=[[RED]]- Ver tus estad\u00edsticas de mcMMO
Commands.ToggleAbility=[[RED]]- Alternar activaci\u00f3n de habilidades con click derecho
mcMMO.MOTD=[[BLUE]]Este servidor est\u00e1 utilizando mcMMO {0}! \nEscriba [[YELLOW]]/mcmmo[[BLUE]] para obtener ayuda.
mcMMO.NoInvites=[[RED]]No tienes invitaciones en este momento
mcMMO.NoPermission=[[DARK_RED]]Permisos insuficientes.
mcMMO.NoSkillNote=[[DARK_GRAY]]Si no tienes acceso a una habilidad no ser\u00e1 mostrada aqu\u00ed.
mcMMO.Website=[[BLUE]]P\u00e1gina Web de mcMMO - [[GREEN]]http://forums.mcmmo.info
Commands.Party.InParty=[[GREEN]]Grupo: {0}
Party.Forbidden=[mcMMO] No se permiten grupos en este mundo (Ver permisos)
Party.Help.0=[[RED]]El uso correcto es \'/party <nombre del grupo>\' para unirse o \'/party q\' para salir
@ -433,16 +440,21 @@ Effects.Effects=EFECTOS
Effects.Level=[[DARK_GRAY]]Nivel: [[GREEN]]{0} [[DARK_AQUA]]EXP[[YELLOW]]([[GOLD]]{1}[[YELLOW]]/[[GOLD]]{2}[[YELLOW]])
Effects.Template=[[DARK_AQUA]]{0}: [[GREEN]]{1}
Guides.Acrobatics=[[GRAY]]\u00a1Gu\u00eda pr\u00f3ximamente!
Guides.Archery=[[DARK_AQUA]]About Archery:\n[[YELLOW]]Archery is about shooting with your bow and arrow.\n[[YELLOW]]It provides various combat bonuses, such as a damage boost\n[[YELLOW]]that scales with your level and the ability to daze your\n[[YELLOW]]opponents in PvP. In addition to this, you can retrieve\n[[YELLOW]]some of your spent arrows from the corpses of your foes.\n\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]XP GAIN:\n[[YELLOW]]To gain XP in this skill you need to shoot mobs or\n[[YELLOW]]other players.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Skill Shot work?\n[[YELLOW]]Skill Shot provides additional damage to your shots.\n[[YELLOW]]The bonus damage from Skill Shot increases as you\n[[YELLOW]]level in Archery.\n[[YELLOW]]With the default settings, your archery damage increase 10%\n[[YELLOW]]every 50 levels, to a maximum of 200% bonus damage.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Daze work?\n[[YELLOW]]You have a passive chance to daze other players when\n[[YELLOW]]you shoot them. When Daze triggers it forces your opponents\n[[YELLOW]]to look straight up for a short duration.\n[[YELLOW]]A Daze shot also deals an additional 4 damage (2 hearts).\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Arrow Retrieval work?\n[[YELLOW]]You have a passive chance to retrieve some of your arrows\n[[YELLOW]]when you kill a mob with your bow.\n[[YELLOW]]This chance increases as you level in Archery.\n[[YELLOW]]By default, this ability increases by 0.1% per level, up to 100%\n[[YELLOW]]at level 1000.
Guides.Axes=[[DARK_AQUA]]About Axes:\n[[YELLOW]]With the Axes skill you can use your axe for much more then\n[[YELLOW]]just deforesting! You can hack and chop away at mobs\n[[YELLOW]]and players to gain XP, hitting mobs with the effect of\n[[YELLOW]]knockback and inflicting DEADLY criticals on mobs and players.\n[[YELLOW]]Your axe also becomes a hand-held woodchipper,\n[[YELLOW]]breaking down the enemy's armor with ease as your level\n[[YELLOW]]increases.\n[[DARK_AQUA]]XP GAIN:\n[[YELLOW]]To gain XP in this skill you need hit other mobs or players\n[[YELLOW]]with an Axe.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Skull Splitter work?\n[[YELLOW]]This ability allows you to deal an AoE (Area of Effect) hit.\n[[YELLOW]]This AoE hit will deal half as much damage as you did to the\n[[YELLOW]]main target, so it's great for clearing out large piles of mobs.\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Critical Strikes work?\n[[YELLOW]]Critical Strikes is a passive ability which gives players a\n[[YELLOW]]chance to deal additional damage.\n[[YELLOW]]With the default settings, every 2 skill levels in Axes awards a\n[[YELLOW]]0.1% chance to deal a Critical Strike, causing 2.0 times damage\n[[YELLOW]]to mobs or 1.5 times damage against other players.\n\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Axe Mastery work?\n[[YELLOW]]Axe Mastery is a passive ability that will add additional damage\n[[YELLOW]]to your hits when using Axes.\n[[YELLOW]]By default, the bonus damage increases by 1 every 50 levels,\n[[YELLOW]]up to a cap of 4 extra damage at level 200.\n\n\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Armor Impact work?\n[[YELLOW]]Strike with enough force to shatter armor!\n[[YELLOW]]Armor Impact has a passive chance to damage your\n[[YELLOW]]opponent's armor. This damage increases as you level in Axes.\n\n\n\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Greater Impact work?\n[[YELLOW]]You have a passive chance to achieve a greater impact when\n[[YELLOW]]hitting mobs or players with your axe.\n[[YELLOW]]By default this chance is 25%. This passive ability has an\n[[YELLOW]]extreme knockback effect, similar to the Knockback II\n[[YELLOW]]enchantment. In addition, it deals bonus damage to the target.
Guides.Archery=Gu\u00eda pr\u00f3ximamente...
Guides.Axes=Gu\u00eda pr\u00f3ximamente...
Guides.Available=[[DARK_AQUA]]Guide for {0} available - type /{1} ? [page]
Guides.Excavation=[[DARK_AQUA]]Sobre Excavaci\u00f3n:\n[[YELLOW]]Es el acto de excavar tierra para encontrar tesoros.\n[[YELLOW]]Cuanto m\u00e1s haces esto mas tesoros puedes encontrar.\n[[DARK_AQUA]]Ganancia de Experiencia:\n[[YELLOW]]Para obtener EXP en esta habilidad necesitas usar una pala.\n[[YELLOW]]Solo ciertos materiales pueden ser excavados para\n[[YELLOW]]obtener tesoros y EXP.\n[[DARK_AQUA]]Materiales Compatibles:\n[[YELLOW]]Pasto, Tierra, Arena, Arcilla, Grava y Arena del Infierno.\n[[DARK_AQUA]]Como usar Ultra Taladro Destructor:\n[[YELLOW]]Con una pala en mano hacer click derecho para prepararla.\n[[YELLOW]]Cuando est\u00e1 en este estado tienes cerca de 4 segundos para\n[[YELLOW]]hacer contacto con un material compatible para activar\n[[YELLOW]]la habilidad Ultra Taladro Destructor.\n[[DARK_AQUA]]\u00bfQu\u00e9 es Ultra Taladro Destructor?\n[[YELLOW]]Ultra Taladro Destructor es una habilidad limitada\n[[YELLOW]]relacionada a la habilidad de Excavaci\u00f3n. Triplica la\n[[YELLOW]]probabilidad de encontrar tesoros y activa destrucci\u00f3n\n[[YELLOW]]instant\u00e1nea de materiales de Excavaci\u00f3n.\n[[DARK_AQUA]]\u00bfC\u00f3mo funciona Cazados de Tesoros?\n[[YELLOW]]Cada posible tesoro de Excavaci\u00f3n tiene su propio nivel de\n[[YELLOW]]habilidad requerida para obtenerla, como resultado de esto\n[[YELLOW]]es dif\u00edcil decir cuanto te ayuda esto.\n[[YELLOW]]Solo recuerda que cuanto mayor nivel tengas, m\u00e1s tesoros\n[[YELLOW]]encontrar\u00e1s. Y tambi\u00e9n recuerda que cada tipo de material\n[[YELLOW]]de Excavaci\u00f3n tiene su propia lista de tesoros.\n[[YELLOW]]En otras palabras, encontrar\u00e1s diferentes tesoros en\n[[YELLOW]]Tierra que los que encontrar\u00edas en Grava.\n[[DARK_AQUA]]Notas sobre Excavaci\u00f3n:\n[[YELLOW]]Los drops son completamente personalizables, as\u00ed que\n[[YELLOW]]los resultados var\u00edan de un servidor a otro.
Guides.Fishing=Gu\u00eda pr\u00f3ximamente...
Guides.Header=[[GOLD]]-=[[GREEN]]{0} Guide[[GOLD]]=-
Guides.Herbalism=Gu\u00eda pr\u00f3ximamente...
Guides.Mining=[[DARK_AQUA]]Sobre Miner\u00eda:\n[[YELLOW]]La miner\u00eda consiste en minar piedra y minerales. Provee\n[[YELLOW]]bonificaciones de cantidad de materiales cuando se mina.\n[[DARK_AQUA]]GANANCIA DE XP:\n[[YELLOW]]Para ganar XP, debes minar con un pico en tu mano.\n[[YELLOW]]Solo ciertos bloques bonifican XP.\n[[DARK_AQUA]]Materiales Compatibles:\n[[YELLOW]]Piedra, Carb\u00f3n, Hierro, Oro, Diamante, Redstone,\n[[YELLOW]]LapisLazuli, Obsidiana, Piedra Mohosa, Piedra del Fin,\n[[YELLOW]]Piedra Luminosa, y Piedra del Infierno.\n[[DARK_AQUA]]Como usar Super Destructor:\n[[YELLOW]]Con un pico en la mano, click derecho para prepararla.\n[[YELLOW]]Una vez preparada, tienes cerca de 4 segundos para hacer\n[[YELLOW]]contacto con materiales compatibles, el cual activara Super\n[[YELLOW]]Destructor.\n[[DARK_AQUA]]\u00bfQu\u00e9 es Super Destructor?\n[[YELLOW]]Super Destructor es una habilidad con un tiempo de reutili-\n[[YELLOW]]zaci\u00f3n vinculada a la habilidad de miner\u00eda.\n[[YELLOW]]Triplica tus chances de dropeo de items extras y activa la\n[[YELLOW]]destrucci\u00f3n instant\u00e1nea de materiales de Miner\u00eda.\n[[DARK_AQUA]]Como usar Miner\u00eda Explosiva:\n[[YELLOW]]Con un detonador en la mano, que es un encendedor,\n[[YELLOW]]click derecho en una TNT a la distancia. Esto causar\u00e1 que\n[[YELLOW]]la TNT explote instantaneamente.\n[[DARK_AQUA]]\u00bfC\u00f3mo funciona Miner\u00eda Explosiva?\n[[YELLOW]]Miner\u00eda Explosiva es una habilidad con un tiempo de reutili-\n[[YELLOW]]zaci\u00f3n vinculada a la habilidad de miner\u00eda.\n[[YELLOW]]Te da bonificaciones cuando se mina con TNT y te permite \n[[YELLOW]]detonar TNT remotamente. Hay tres partes de la Miner\u00eda\n[[YELLOW]]Explosiva. La primera son Grandes Bombas, que incrementa\n[[YELLOW]]el radio de explosi\u00f3n. La segunda Experto en Demolici\u00f3n,\n[[YELLOW]]que disminuye el da\u00f1o recibido por la explosi\u00f3n. La tercera\n[[YELLOW]]incrementa la cantidad de minerales obtenidos por TNT y\n[[YELLOW]]disminuye los escombros generados.
Guides.Page.Invalid=Not a valid page number!
Guides.Page.OutOfRange=That page doesn\'t exist, there are only {0} total pages.
Guides.Repair=Gu\u00eda pr\u00f3ximamente...
Guides.Swords=Gu\u00eda pr\u00f3ximamente...
Guides.Taming=Gu\u00eda pr\u00f3ximamente...
Guides.Unarmed=Gu\u00eda pr\u00f3ximamente...
Guides.Usage=[[RED]] Usage is /{0} ? [page]
Guides.Woodcutting=Gu\u00eda pr\u00f3ximamente...
Inspect.Offline=[[RED]]\u00a1No tienen permiso para inspeccionar jugadores fuera de linea!
Inspect.OfflineStats=Estad\u00edsticas de mcMMO para el Jugador Desconectado [[YELLOW]]{0}
@ -471,3 +483,23 @@ Perks.cooldowns.desc=Cuts cooldown duration by {0}.
Perks.activationtime.desc=Increases ability activation time by {0} seconds.
Perks.activationtime.bonus=[[GOLD]] ({0}s with Endurance Perk)
Hardcore.Player.Loss=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[DARK_RED]]You\'ve lost [[BLUE]]{0}[[DARK_RED]] from death.
Vampirism.Killer.Failure=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[YELLOW]]{0}[[GRAY]] was too unskilled to grant you any knowledge.
Vampirism.Killer.Success=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[DARK_AQUA]]You\'ve stolen [[BLUE]]{0}[[DARK_AQUA]] levels from [[YELLOW]]{1}.
Vampirism.Victim.Failure=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[YELLOW]]{0}[[GRAY]] was unable to steal knowledge from you!
Vampirism.Victim.Success=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[YELLOW]]{0}[[DARK_RED]] has stolen [[BLUE]]{1}[[DARK_RED]] levels from you!
Spout.LevelUp.1=[[GREEN]Level Up!
Spout.LevelUp.2=[[YELLOW]]{0}[[DARK_AQUA]] ([[GREEN]]{1}[[DARK_AQUA]])
Spout.Menu.Exit=[[GRAY]]Press ESCAPE to exit!
Spout.Menu.HudButton.1=HUD Type: {0}
Spout.Menu.HudButton.2=Change your HUD style!
Spout.Menu.Title=[[GOLD]]~mcMMO Menu~
MOTD.Hardcore.VampireOff=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[DARK_RED]]Hardcore & Vampirism enabled.
MOTD.Hardcore.Stats=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[DARK_AQUA]]Skill Death Penalty: [[DARK_RED]]{0}%
MOTD.Hardcore.VampireOn=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[DARK_RED]]Hardcore enabled.
MOTD.PerksPrefix=[[RED]][mcMMO Perks]
MOTD.Vampire.Stats=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[DARK_AQUA]]Vampirism Stat Leech: [[DARK_RED]]{0}%
MOTD.Version=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] Running version [[DARK_AQUA]]{0}
MOTD.Website=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[GREEN]]{0}[[YELLOW]] - mcMMO Website
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ Acrobatics.Roll.Text=**Rolled**
Acrobatics.Skillup=[[YELLOW]]Akrobatian taito nousi {0} tasolla. Kokonaism\u00e4\u00e4r\u00e4 ({1})
Archery.Combat.DazeChance=[[RED]]Chance to Daze: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Archery.Combat.RetrieveChance=[[RED]]Mahdollisuus palauttaa nuolia: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Archery.Combat.RetrieveChance=[[RED]]Chance to Retrieve Arrows: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Archery.Combat.SkillshotBonus=[[RED]]Skill Shot Bonus Damage: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Archery.Effect.0=Skill Shot
Archery.Effect.1=Increases damage done with bows
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ Archery.SkillName=ARCHERY
Archery.Skillup=[[YELLOW]]Archery skill increased by {0}. Total ({1})
Axes.Ability.Bonus.0=Axe Mastery
Axes.Ability.Bonus.1=Bonus {0} damage
Axes.Ability.Bonus.2=Armor Impact
Axes.Ability.Bonus.3=Deal {0} Bonus DMG to armor
Axes.Ability.Bonus.4=Greater Impact
Axes.Ability.Bonus.5=Deal {0} Bonus DMG to unarmored foes
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ Axes.Effect.2=Critical Strikes
Axes.Effect.3=Double Damage
Axes.Effect.4=Axe Mastery
Axes.Effect.5=Adds bonus DMG
Axes.Effect.6=Armor Impact
Axes.Effect.7=Strike with enough force to shatter armor
Axes.Effect.8=Greater Impact
Axes.Effect.9=Deal bonus damage to unarmored foes
@ -159,6 +159,8 @@ Mining.Blast.Radius.Increase=[[RED]]Blast Radius Increase: [[YELLOW]]+{0}
Mining.Blast.Rank=[[RED]]Blast Mining: [[YELLOW]] Rank {0}/8 [[GRAY]]({1})
Mining.Blast.Other.On=[[GREEN]]{0}[[DARK_GREEN]] has used [[RED]]Blast Mining!
Mining.Blast.Refresh=[[GREEN]]Your [[YELLOW]]Blast Mining [[GREEN]]ability is refreshed!
Repair.AnvilPlaced.Spout1=[mcMMO] Anvil Placed
Repair.AnvilPlaced.Spout2=Right click to repair!
Repair.Effect.1=Repair Tools & Armor
Repair.Effect.10=Gold Repair ({0}+ SKILL)
@ -277,6 +279,8 @@ Unarmed.Ability.Bonus.0=Iron Arm Style
Unarmed.Ability.Bonus.1=+{0} DMG Upgrade
Unarmed.Ability.Chance.ArrowDeflect=[[RED]]Arrow Deflect Chance: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Unarmed.Ability.Chance.Disarm=[[RED]]Disarm Chance: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Unarmed.Ability.IronGrip.Attacker=[[RED]]Your opponent has an iron grip!
Unarmed.Ability.IronGrip.Defender=[[GREEN]]Your iron grip kept you from being disarmed!
Unarmed.Ability.Lower=[[GRAY]]**YOU LOWER YOUR FISTS**
Unarmed.Ability.Ready=[[GREEN]]**YOU READY YOUR FISTS**
Unarmed.Effect.0=Berserk (ABILITY)
@ -334,6 +338,7 @@ Commands.Ability.Off=Ability use toggled [[RED]]off
Commands.Ability.On=Ability use toggled [[GREEN]]on
Commands.AdminChat.Off=Admin Chat only [[RED]]Off
Commands.AdminChat.On=Admin Chat only [[GREEN]]On
Commands.AdminToggle=[[RED]]- Toggle admin chat
Commands.Disabled=[[RED]]This command is disabled.
Commands.DoesNotExist=[[RED]]Player does not exist in the database!
@ -345,6 +350,9 @@ Commands.Invite.Accepted=[[GREEN]]Invite Accepted. You have joined party {0}
Commands.Invite.Success=[[GREEN]]Invite sent successfully.
Commands.Leaderboards=<skill> <page> [[RED]]- Leaderboards
Commands.mcgod=[[RED]]- Toggle GodMode
Commands.mcrank.Skill=[[YELLOW]]{0}[[GREEN]] - [[GOLD]]Rank [[WHITE]]#[[GREEN]]{1}
Commands.mcrank.Overall=[[YELLOW]]Overall[[GREEN]] - [[GOLD]]Rank [[WHITE]]#[[GREEN]]{0}
Commands.mmoedit=[player] <skill> <newvalue> [[RED]] - Modify target
Commands.ModDescription=[[RED]]- Read brief mod description
Commands.NoConsole=This command does not support console usage.
@ -352,6 +360,7 @@ Commands.Other=[[GREEN]]--OTHER COMMANDS--
Commands.Party.Accept=[[RED]]- Accept party invite
Commands.Party.Chat.Off=Party Chat only [[RED]]Off
Commands.Party.Chat.On=Party Chat only [[GREEN]]On
Commands.Party.Commands=[[GREEN]]--PARTY COMMANDS--
Commands.Party.Invite.0=[[RED]]ALERT: [[GREEN]]You have received a party invite for {0} from {1}
Commands.Party.Invite.1=[[YELLOW]]Type [[GREEN]]/accept[[YELLOW]] to accept the invite
@ -377,11 +386,9 @@ Commands.SkillInfo=/<skill> [[RED]]- View detailed information about a skill
Commands.Stats.Self=YOUR STATS
Commands.Stats=[[RED]]- View your mcMMO stats
Commands.ToggleAbility=[[RED]]- Toggle ability activation with right click
mcMMO.MOTD=[[BLUE]]This server is running mcMMO {0}! \n Type [[YELLOW]]/mcmmo[[BLUE]] for help.
mcMMO.NoInvites=[[RED]]You have no invites at this time
mcMMO.NoPermission=[[DARK_RED]]Insufficient permissions.
mcMMO.NoSkillNote=[[DARK_GRAY]]If you don\'t have access to a skill it will not be shown here.
mcMMO.Website=[[GREEN]]http://forums.mcmmo.info[[BLUE]] - mcMMO Website
Commands.Party.InParty=[[GREEN]]Party: {0}
Party.Forbidden=[mcMMO] Parties not permitted on this world (See Permissions)
Party.Help.0=[[RED]]Proper usage is /party <party-name> to join or /party q to quit
@ -433,16 +440,21 @@ Effects.Effects=EFFECTS
Effects.Level=[[DARK_GRAY]]LVL: [[GREEN]]{0} [[DARK_AQUA]]XP[[YELLOW]]([[GOLD]]{1}[[YELLOW]]/[[GOLD]]{2}[[YELLOW]])
Effects.Template=[[DARK_AQUA]]{0}: [[GREEN]]{1}
Guides.Acrobatics=[[DARK_AQUA]]About Acrobatics:\n[[YELLOW]]Acrobatics is the art of moving gracefully in mcMMO.\n[[YELLOW]]It provides combat bonuses and environment damage bonuses.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]XP GAIN:\n[[YELLOW]]To gain XP in this skill you need to perform a dodge\n[[YELLOW]]in combat or survive falls from heights that damage you.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Rolling work?\n[[YELLOW]]You have a passive chance when you take fall damage\n[[YELLOW]]to negate the damage done. You can hold the sneak button to\n[[YELLOW]]double your chances during the fall.\n[[YELLOW]]This triggers a Graceful Roll instead of a standard one.\n[[YELLOW]]Graceful Rolls are like regular rolls but are twice as likely to\n[[YELLOW]]occur and provide more damage safety than regular rolls.\n[[YELLOW]]Rolling chance is tied to your skill level\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Dodge work?\n[[YELLOW]]Dodge is a passive chance when you are\n[[YELLOW]]injured in combat to halve the damage taken.\n[[YELLOW]]It is tied to your skill level.
Guides.Archery=[[DARK_AQUA]]About Archery:\n[[YELLOW]]Archery is about shooting with your bow and arrow.\n[[YELLOW]]It provides various combat bonuses, such as a damage boost\n[[YELLOW]]that scales with your level and the ability to daze your\n[[YELLOW]]opponents in PvP. In addition to this, you can retrieve\n[[YELLOW]]some of your spent arrows from the corpses of your foes.\n\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]XP GAIN:\n[[YELLOW]]To gain XP in this skill you need to shoot mobs or\n[[YELLOW]]other players.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Skill Shot work?\n[[YELLOW]]Skill Shot provides additional damage to your shots.\n[[YELLOW]]The bonus damage from Skill Shot increases as you\n[[YELLOW]]level in Archery.\n[[YELLOW]]With the default settings, your archery damage increase 10%\n[[YELLOW]]every 50 levels, to a maximum of 200% bonus damage.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Daze work?\n[[YELLOW]]You have a passive chance to daze other players when\n[[YELLOW]]you shoot them. When Daze triggers it forces your opponents\n[[YELLOW]]to look straight up for a short duration.\n[[YELLOW]]A Daze shot also deals an additional 4 damage (2 hearts).\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Arrow Retrieval work?\n[[YELLOW]]You have a passive chance to retrieve some of your arrows\n[[YELLOW]]when you kill a mob with your bow.\n[[YELLOW]]This chance increases as you level in Archery.\n[[YELLOW]]By default, this ability increases by 0.1% per level, up to 100%\n[[YELLOW]]at level 1000.
Guides.Axes=[[DARK_AQUA]]About Axes:\n[[YELLOW]]With the Axes skill you can use your axe for much more then\n[[YELLOW]]just deforesting! You can hack and chop away at mobs\n[[YELLOW]]and players to gain XP, hitting mobs with the effect of\n[[YELLOW]]knockback and inflicting DEADLY criticals on mobs and players.\n[[YELLOW]]Your axe also becomes a hand-held woodchipper,\n[[YELLOW]]breaking down the enemy's armor with ease as your level\n[[YELLOW]]increases.\n[[DARK_AQUA]]XP GAIN:\n[[YELLOW]]To gain XP in this skill you need hit other mobs or players\n[[YELLOW]]with an Axe.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Skull Splitter work?\n[[YELLOW]]This ability allows you to deal an AoE (Area of Effect) hit.\n[[YELLOW]]This AoE hit will deal half as much damage as you did to the\n[[YELLOW]]main target, so it's great for clearing out large piles of mobs.\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Critical Strikes work?\n[[YELLOW]]Critical Strikes is a passive ability which gives players a\n[[YELLOW]]chance to deal additional damage.\n[[YELLOW]]With the default settings, every 2 skill levels in Axes awards a\n[[YELLOW]]0.1% chance to deal a Critical Strike, causing 2.0 times damage\n[[YELLOW]]to mobs or 1.5 times damage against other players.\n\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Axe Mastery work?\n[[YELLOW]]Axe Mastery is a passive ability that will add additional damage\n[[YELLOW]]to your hits when using Axes.\n[[YELLOW]]By default, the bonus damage increases by 1 every 50 levels,\n[[YELLOW]]up to a cap of 4 extra damage at level 200.\n\n\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Armor Impact work?\n[[YELLOW]]Strike with enough force to shatter armor!\n[[YELLOW]]Armor Impact has a passive chance to damage your\n[[YELLOW]]opponent's armor. This damage increases as you level in Axes.\n\n\n\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Greater Impact work?\n[[YELLOW]]You have a passive chance to achieve a greater impact when\n[[YELLOW]]hitting mobs or players with your axe.\n[[YELLOW]]By default this chance is 25%. This passive ability has an\n[[YELLOW]]extreme knockback effect, similar to the Knockback II\n[[YELLOW]]enchantment. In addition, it deals bonus damage to the target.
Guides.Archery=Guide coming soon...
Guides.Axes=Guide coming soon...
Guides.Available=[[DARK_AQUA]]Guide for {0} available - type /{1} ? [page]
Guides.Excavation=[[DARK_AQUA]]About Excavation:\n[[YELLOW]]Excavation is the act of digging up dirt to find treasures.\n[[YELLOW]]By excavating the land you will find treasures.\n[[YELLOW]]The more you do this the more treasures you can find.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]XP GAIN:\n[[YELLOW]]To gain XP in this skill you must dig with a shovel in hand.\n[[YELLOW]]Only certain materials can be dug up for treasures and XP.\n[[DARK_AQUA]]Compatible Materials:\n[[YELLOW]]Grass, Dirt, Sand, Clay, Gravel, Mycelium, Soul Sand\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How to use Giga Drill Breaker:\n[[YELLOW]]With a shovel in hand right click to ready your tool.\n[[YELLOW]]Once in this state you have about 4 seconds to make\n[[YELLOW]]contact with Excavation compatible materials this will\n[[YELLOW]]activate Giga Drill Breaker.\n[[DARK_AQUA]]What is Giga Drill Breaker?\n[[YELLOW]]Giga Drill Breaker is an ability with a cooldown\n[[YELLOW]]tied to Excavation skill. It triples your chance\n[[YELLOW]]of finding treasures and enables instant break\n[[YELLOW]]on Excavation materials.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Treasure Hunter work?\n[[YELLOW]]Every possible treasure for Excavation has its own\n[[YELLOW]]skill level requirement for it to drop, as a result it\'s\n[[YELLOW]]difficult to say how much it is helping you.\n[[YELLOW]]Just keep in mind that the higher your Excavation skill\n[[YELLOW]]is, the more treasures that can be found.\n[[YELLOW]]And also keep in mind that each type of Excavation\n[[YELLOW]]compatible material has its own unique list of treasures.\n[[YELLOW]]In other words you will find different treasures in Dirt\n[[YELLOW]]than you would in Gravel.\n[[DARK_AQUA]]Notes about Excavation:\n[[YELLOW]]Excavation drops are completely customizeable\n[[YELLOW]]So results vary server to server.
Guides.Fishing=Guide coming soon...
Guides.Header=[[GOLD]]-=[[GREEN]]{0} Guide[[GOLD]]=-
Guides.Herbalism=Guide coming soon...
Guides.Mining=[[DARK_AQUA]]About Mining:\n[[YELLOW]]Mining consists of mining stone and ores. It provides bonuses\n[[YELLOW]]to the amount of materials dropped while mining.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]XP GAIN:\n[[YELLOW]]To gain XP in this skill, you must mine with a pickaxe in hand.\n[[YELLOW]]Only certain blocks award XP.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]Compatible Materials:\n[[YELLOW]]Stone, Coal Ore, Iron Ore, Gold Ore, Diamond Ore, Redstone Ore,\n[[YELLOW]]Lapis Ore, Obsidian, Mossy Cobblestone, Ender Stone,\n[[YELLOW]]Glowstone, and Netherrack.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How to use Super Breaker:\n[[YELLOW]]With a pickaxe in your hand, right click to ready your tool.\n[[YELLOW]]Once in this state, you have about 4 seconds to make contact\n[[YELLOW]]with Mining compatible materials, which will activate Super\n[[YELLOW]]Breaker.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]What is Super Breaker?\n[[YELLOW]]Super Breaker is an ability with a cooldown tied to the Mining\n[[YELLOW]]skill. It triples your chance of extra items dropping and\n[[YELLOW]]enables instant break on Mining materials.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How to use Blast Mining:\n[[YELLOW]]With a detonator in hand, which is a flint & steel by default,\n[[YELLOW]]right-click on TNT from a distance. This will cause the TNT\n[[YELLOW]]to instantly explode.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Blast Mining work?\n[[YELLOW]]Blast Mining is an ability with a cooldown tied to the Mining\n[[YELLOW]]skill. It gives bonuses when mining with TNT and allows you\n[[YELLOW]]to remote detonate TNT. There are three parts to Blast Mining.\n[[YELLOW]]The first part is Bigger Bombs, which increases blast radius.\n[[YELLOW]]The second is Demolitions Expert, which decreases damage\n[[YELLOW]]from TNT explosions. The third part simply increases the\n[[YELLOW]]amount of ores dropped from TNT and decreases the\n[[YELLOW]]debris dropped.
Guides.Page.Invalid=Not a valid page number!
Guides.Page.OutOfRange=That page doesn\'t exist, there are only {0} total pages.
Guides.Repair=Guide coming soon...
Guides.Swords=Guide coming soon...
Guides.Taming=Guide coming soon...
Guides.Unarmed=Guide coming soon...
Guides.Usage=[[RED]] Usage is /{0} ? [page]
Guides.Woodcutting=Guide coming soon...
Inspect.Offline=[[RED]]You do not have permission to inspect offline players!
Inspect.OfflineStats=mcMMO Stats for Offline Player [[YELLOW]]{0}
@ -453,7 +465,7 @@ Item.ChimaeraWing.Pass=**CHIMAERA WING**
Item.Injured.Wait=You were injured recently and must wait to use this. [[YELLOW]]({0}s)
Skills.Disarmed=[[DARK_RED]]You have been disarmed!
Skills.NeedMore=[[DARK_RED]]You need more
Skills.NeedMore=[[DARK_RED]]You need more [[GRAY]]{0}
Skills.Stats=[[YELLOW]]{0}[[GREEN]]{1}[[DARK_AQUA]] XP([[GRAY]]{2}[[DARK_AQUA]]/[[GRAY]]{3}[[DARK_AQUA]])
Skills.TooTired=[[RED]]You are too tired to use that ability again.
@ -471,3 +483,23 @@ Perks.cooldowns.desc=Cuts cooldown duration by {0}.
Perks.activationtime.desc=Increases ability activation time by {0} seconds.
Perks.activationtime.bonus=[[GOLD]] ({0}s with Endurance Perk)
Hardcore.Player.Loss=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[DARK_RED]]You\'ve lost [[BLUE]]{0}[[DARK_RED]] from death.
Vampirism.Killer.Failure=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[YELLOW]]{0}[[GRAY]] was too unskilled to grant you any knowledge.
Vampirism.Killer.Success=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[DARK_AQUA]]You\'ve stolen [[BLUE]]{0}[[DARK_AQUA]] levels from [[YELLOW]]{1}.
Vampirism.Victim.Failure=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[YELLOW]]{0}[[GRAY]] was unable to steal knowledge from you!
Vampirism.Victim.Success=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[YELLOW]]{0}[[DARK_RED]] has stolen [[BLUE]]{1}[[DARK_RED]] levels from you!
Spout.LevelUp.1=[[GREEN]Level Up!
Spout.LevelUp.2=[[YELLOW]]{0}[[DARK_AQUA]] ([[GREEN]]{1}[[DARK_AQUA]])
Spout.Menu.Exit=[[GRAY]]Press ESCAPE to exit!
Spout.Menu.HudButton.1=HUD Type: {0}
Spout.Menu.HudButton.2=Change your HUD style!
Spout.Menu.Title=[[GOLD]]~mcMMO Menu~
MOTD.Hardcore.VampireOff=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[DARK_RED]]Hardcore & Vampirism enabled.
MOTD.Hardcore.Stats=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[DARK_AQUA]]Skill Death Penalty: [[DARK_RED]]{0}%
MOTD.Hardcore.VampireOn=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[DARK_RED]]Hardcore enabled.
MOTD.PerksPrefix=[[RED]][mcMMO Perks]
MOTD.Vampire.Stats=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[DARK_AQUA]]Vampirism Stat Leech: [[DARK_RED]]{0}%
MOTD.Version=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] Running version [[DARK_AQUA]]{0}
MOTD.Website=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[GREEN]]{0}[[YELLOW]] - mcMMO Website
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
Acrobatics.Ability.Proc=[[GREEN]]**Atterrissage gracieux**
Acrobatics.DodgeChance=[[RED]]Chance d\'esquive : [[YELLOW]]{0}
Acrobatics.DodgeChance=[[RED]]Probabilit\u00e9 d\'esquive : [[YELLOW]]{0}
Acrobatics.Effect.1=R\u00e9duit ou annule les d\u00e9g\u00e2ts de chute
Acrobatics.Effect.2=Roulade gracieuse
@ -8,17 +8,17 @@ Acrobatics.Effect.3=Deux fois plus efficace qu\'une roulade classique
Acrobatics.Effect.5=R\u00e9duit de moiti\u00e9 les d\u00e9g\u00e2ts re\u00e7us
Acrobatics.Listener=Acrobatie :
Acrobatics.Roll.Chance=[[RED]]Chance de roulade : [[YELLOW]]{0}
Acrobatics.Roll.GraceChance=[[RED]]Chance de roulade gracieuse : [[YELLOW]]{0}
Acrobatics.Roll.Chance=[[RED]]Probabilit\u00e9 de roulade : [[YELLOW]]{0}
Acrobatics.Roll.GraceChance=[[RED]]Probabilit\u00e9 de roulade gracieuse : [[YELLOW]]{0}
Acrobatics.Skillup=[[YELLOW]]Le talent Acrobatie augmente de {0}. Total ({1})
Archery.Combat.DazeChance=[[RED]]Chance de d\u00e9sorienter : [[YELLOW]]{0}
Archery.Combat.RetrieveChance=[[RED]]Chance de r\u00e9cup\u00e9ration de fl\u00e8che : [[YELLOW]]{0}
Archery.Combat.DazeChance=[[RED]]Probabilit\u00e9 de d\u00e9sorienter : [[YELLOW]]{0}
Archery.Combat.RetrieveChance=[[RED]]Probabilit\u00e9 de r\u00e9cup\u00e9rer des fl\u00e8ches : [[YELLOW]]{0}
Archery.Combat.SkillshotBonus=[[RED]]Tir pr\u00e9cis, bonus de d\u00e9g\u00e2ts : [[YELLOW]]{0}
Archery.Effect.0=Tir pr\u00e9cis
Archery.Effect.1=Augmente les d\u00e9g\u00e2ts inflig\u00e9s
Archery.Effect.2=[[RED]]Chance de d\u00e9sorienter : [[YELLOW]]{0}
Archery.Effect.2=[[RED]]Chance de d\u00e9sorienter : [[YELLOW]]{0}%
Archery.Effect.3=D\u00e9soriente les ennemis et inflige 4 points de d\u00e9g\u00e2ts
Archery.Effect.4=R\u00e9cup\u00e9ration de fl\u00e8che
Archery.Effect.5=Probabilit\u00e9 de r\u00e9cup\u00e9rer des fl\u00e8ches sur les corps
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ Axes.Ability.Lower=[[GRAY]]**VOUS ABAISSEZ VOTRE HACHE**
Axes.Ability.Ready=[[GREEN]]**VOUS LEVEZ VOTRE HACHE**
Axes.Combat.Cleave.Proc=[[DARK_RED]]Frapp\u00e9 par Tranche-cr\u00e2ne !
Axes.Combat.CritStruck=[[DARK_RED]]Vous avez re\u00e7u un coup critique !
Axes.Combat.CritChance=[[RED]]Chance d\'infliger un coup critique : [[YELLOW]]{0}
Axes.Combat.CritChance=[[RED]]Chance d\'infliger un coup critique : [[YELLOW]]{0}%
Axes.Combat.CriticalHit=[[RED]]COUP CRITIQUE !
Axes.Combat.GI.Proc=[[GREEN]]**FRAPP\u00c9 D\'UNE VIOLENTE INOU\u00cfE**
Axes.Combat.GI.Struck=[[RED]]**TOUCH\u00c9 PAR UN IMPACT PUISSANT**
@ -93,10 +93,10 @@ Fishing.Listener=P\u00eache :
Fishing.MagicFound=[[GRAY]]Vous ressentez quelque chose de magique dans cette prise...
Fishing.Skillup=[[YELLOW]]Le talent p\u00eache augmente de {0}. Total ({1})
Herbalism.Ability.DoubleDropChance=[[RED]]Chance de double drop : [[YELLOW]]{0}
Herbalism.Ability.DoubleDropChance=[[RED]]Double Drop Chance: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Herbalism.Ability.FD=[[RED]]R\u00e9gime de fermier : [[YELLOW]]Rang {0}
Herbalism.Ability.GTe.Length=[[RED]]Dur\u00e9e de Main verte : [[YELLOW]]{0}s
Herbalism.Ability.GTh.Chance=[[RED]]Probabilit\u00e9 de Doigts verts : [[YELLOW]]{0}
Herbalism.Ability.GTh.Chance=[[RED]]Green Thumb Chance: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Herbalism.Ability.GTh.Fail=[[RED]]**DOIGTS VERTS \u00c9CHOU\u00c9**
Herbalism.Ability.GTh.Stage=[[RED]]Green Thumb Stage: [[YELLOW]] Crops grow in stage {0}
Herbalism.Ability.GTh=[[GREEN]]**DOIGTS VERTS**
@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ Mining.Effect.7=Augmente le rayon d\'explosion de la TNT
Mining.Effect.8=Expert en d\u00e9molition
Mining.Effect.9=R\u00e9duit les d\u00e9g\u00e2ts provenant de la TNT
Mining.Effect.Decrease=[[RED]]Demolitions Expert Damage Decrease: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Mining.Effect.DropChance=[[RED]]Chance de double drop : [[YELLOW]]{0}
Mining.Effect.DropChance=[[RED]]Double Drop Chance: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Mining.Listener=Minage :
Mining.Skills.SuperBreaker.Off=[[RED]]**Votre comp\u00e9tence Broyeur est termin\u00e9e**
@ -147,18 +147,20 @@ Mining.Skills.SuperBreaker.Other.On=[[GREEN]]{0}[[DARK_GREEN]] a utilis\u00e9 [[
Mining.Skills.SuperBreaker.Refresh=[[GREEN]]Votre comp\u00e9tence [[YELLOW]]Broyeur [[GREEN]]est pr\u00eate !
Mining.Skillup=[[YELLOW]]Le talent Minage augmente de {0}. Total ({1})
Mining.Blast.Effect.0=+35 de rendement
Mining.Blast.Effect.1=+40 de rendement
Mining.Blast.Effect.2=+45 de rendement, pas de d\u00e9bris
Mining.Blast.Effect.3=+50 de rendement, pas de d\u00e9bris
Mining.Blast.Effect.4=+55 de rendement, pas de d\u00e9bris, double drops
Mining.Blast.Effect.5=+60 de rendement, pas de d\u00e9bris, double drops
Mining.Blast.Effect.6=+65 de rendement, pas de d\u00e9bris, triple drops
Mining.Blast.Effect.7=+70 de rendement, pas de d\u00e9bris, triple drops
Mining.Blast.Effect.0=+35% de rendement
Mining.Blast.Effect.1=+40% de rendement
Mining.Blast.Effect.2=+45% de rendement, pas de d\u00e9bris
Mining.Blast.Effect.3=+50% de rendement, pas de d\u00e9bris
Mining.Blast.Effect.4=+55% de rendement, pas de d\u00e9bris, double drops
Mining.Blast.Effect.5=+60% de rendement, pas de d\u00e9bris, double drops
Mining.Blast.Effect.6=+65% de rendement, pas de d\u00e9bris, triple drops
Mining.Blast.Effect.7=+70% de rendement, pas de d\u00e9bris, triple drops
Mining.Blast.Radius.Increase=[[RED]]Rayon d\'explosion : [[YELLOW]]+{0}
Mining.Blast.Rank=[[RED]]Minage explosif : [[YELLOW]]Rang {0}/8 [[GRAY]]({1})
Mining.Blast.Other.On=[[GREEN]]{0}[[DARK_GREEN]] a utilis\u00e9 [[RED]]Minage explosif !
Mining.Blast.Refresh=[[GREEN]]Votre comp\u00e9tence [[YELLOW]]Minage Explosif[[GREEN]] est pr\u00eate !
Repair.AnvilPlaced.Spout1=[mcMMO] Anvil Placed
Repair.AnvilPlaced.Spout2=Right click to repair!
Repair.Effect.1=Repair Tools & Armor
Repair.Effect.10=Gold Repair ({0}+ SKILL)
@ -191,9 +193,9 @@ Repair.Skills.FeltEasy=[[GRAY]]Plut\u00f4t facile.
Repair.Skills.FullDurability=[[GRAY]]C\'est d\u00e9j\u00e0 r\u00e9par\u00e9.
Repair.Skills.SalvageSuccess=[[GRAY]]Item salvaged!
Repair.Skills.NotFullDurability=[[DARK_RED]]You can\'t salvage damaged items.
Repair.Skills.Mastery=[[RED]]Ma\u00eetrise du forgeage : [[YELLOW]]Durabilit\u00e9 restaur\u00e9e augment\u00e9e de {0}
Repair.Skills.Mastery=[[RED]]Repair Mastery: [[YELLOW]]Extra {0} durability restored
Repair.Skills.StackedItems=[[DARK_RED]]Vous ne pouvez pas r\u00e9parer les objets empil\u00e9s.
Repair.Skills.Super.Chance=[[RED]]Probabilit\u00e9 de superbe r\u00e9paration : [[YELLOW]]{0}
Repair.Skills.Super.Chance=[[RED]]Super Repair Chance: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Repair.Skillup=[[YELLOW]]Le talent R\u00e9paration augmente de {0}. Total ({1})
Repair.Arcane.Chance.Downgrade=[[GRAY]]Forge arcanique, chance de d\u00e9gradation : [[YELLOW]]{0}%
Repair.Arcane.Chance.Success=[[GRAY]]Forge arcanique, taux de succ\u00e8s : [[YELLOW]]{0}%
@ -210,14 +212,14 @@ Swords.Combat.Bleed.Note=[[GRAY]]NOTE : [[YELLOW]]1 tick toutes les 2 secondes
Swords.Combat.Bleeding.Started=[[DARK_RED]] You\'re bleeding!
Swords.Combat.Bleeding.Stopped=[[GRAY]]Le saignement s\'est [[GREEN]]arr\u00eat\u00e9[[GRAY]] !
Swords.Combat.Bleeding=[[GREEN]]**L\'ENNEMI SAIGNE**
Swords.Combat.Counter.Chance=[[RED]]Chance de contre-attaque : [[YELLOW]]{0}
Swords.Combat.Counter.Chance=[[RED]]Counter Attack Chance: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Swords.Combat.Counter.Hit=[[DARK_RED]]Touch\u00e9 par une contre-attaque !
Swords.Combat.SS.Struck=[[DARK_RED]]Frapp\u00e9 par ATTAQUE D\u00c9CHIRANTE !
Swords.Effect.1=Renvoie 50 des d\u00e9g\u00e2ts re\u00e7us
Swords.Effect.1=Renvoie 50% des d\u00e9g\u00e2ts re\u00e7us
Swords.Effect.2=Attaque d\u00e9chirante (Comp\u00e9tence)
Swords.Effect.3=25 de d\u00e9g\u00e2ts + saignement de zone
Swords.Effect.3=25% de d\u00e9g\u00e2ts + saignement de zone
Swords.Effect.4=Saignement d\'Attaque d\u00e9chirante
Swords.Effect.5=5 ticks
@ -246,7 +248,7 @@ Taming.Ability.Locked.1=LOCKED UNTIL {0}+ SKILL (THICK FUR)
Taming.Ability.Locked.2=LOCKED UNTIL {0}+ SKILL (SHOCK PROOF)
Taming.Combat.Chance.Gore=[[RED]]Chance de morsure : [[YELLOW]]{0}
Taming.Combat.Chance.Gore=[[RED]]Gore Chance: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Taming.Effect.0=Connaissances des b\u00eates
Taming.Effect.1=Bone-whacking inspects wolves & ocelots
Taming.Effect.10=R\u00e9sistance aux chocs
@ -275,12 +277,14 @@ Taming.Summon.Fail.Wolf=[[RED]]Il y a d\u00e9j\u00e0 trop de loups dans les envi
Unarmed.Ability.Berserk.Length=[[RED]]Dur\u00e9e de Berserk : [[YELLOW]]{0}s
Unarmed.Ability.Bonus.0=Poings de fer
Unarmed.Ability.Bonus.1=+{0} de d\u00e9g\u00e2ts
Unarmed.Ability.Chance.ArrowDeflect=[[RED]]Chance de d\u00e9viation de fl\u00e8che : [[YELLOW]]{0}
Unarmed.Ability.Chance.Disarm=[[RED]]Chance de d\u00e9sarmement : [[YELLOW]]{0}
Unarmed.Ability.Chance.ArrowDeflect=[[RED]]Arrow Deflect Chance: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Unarmed.Ability.Chance.Disarm=[[RED]]Disarm Chance: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Unarmed.Ability.IronGrip.Attacker=[[RED]]Your opponent has an iron grip!
Unarmed.Ability.IronGrip.Defender=[[GREEN]]Your iron grip kept you from being disarmed!
Unarmed.Ability.Lower=[[GRAY]]**VOUS ABAISSEZ VOS POINGS**
Unarmed.Ability.Ready=[[GREEN]]**VOUS LEVEZ VOS POINGS**
Unarmed.Effect.0=Berserk (Comp\u00e9tence)
Unarmed.Effect.1=+50 de d\u00e9g\u00e2ts, casse les mat\u00e9riaux souples
Unarmed.Effect.1=+50% de d\u00e9g\u00e2ts, casse les mat\u00e9riaux souples
Unarmed.Effect.2=D\u00e9sarmement (sur joueurs)
Unarmed.Effect.3=Fait tomber l\'arme des ennemis
Unarmed.Effect.4=Poings de fer
@ -297,7 +301,7 @@ Unarmed.Skills.Berserk.Refresh=[[GREEN]]Votre comp\u00e9tence [[YELLOW]]Berserk
Unarmed.Skillup=[[YELLOW]]Le talent Poings augmente de {0}. Total ({1})
Woodcutting.Ability.1=Cong\u00e9s de coup
Woodcutting.Ability.Chance.DDrop=[[RED]]Chance de double drop : [[YELLOW]]{0}
Woodcutting.Ability.Chance.DDrop=[[RED]]Double Drop Chance: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Woodcutting.Ability.Length=[[RED]]Dur\u00e9e d\'Abbateur : [[YELLOW]]{0}s
Woodcutting.Ability.Locked.0=LOCKED UNTIL {0}+ SKILL (LEAF BLOWER)
Woodcutting.Effect.0=Abatteur (Comp\u00e9tence)
@ -334,6 +338,7 @@ Commands.Ability.Off=Utilisation des comp\u00e9tences [[RED]]Off
Commands.Ability.On=Utilisation des comp\u00e9tences [[GREEN]]On
Commands.AdminChat.Off=Canal admin [[RED]]Off
Commands.AdminChat.On=Canal admin [[GREEN]]On
Commands.AdminToggle=[[RED]]- Active / d\u00e9sactive le canal admin
Commands.Disabled=[[RED]]Cette commande est d\u00e9sactiv\u00e9e.
Commands.DoesNotExist=[[RED]]Ce joueur est absent de la base de donn\u00e9es !
@ -345,6 +350,9 @@ Commands.Invite.Accepted=[[GREEN]]Invitation accept\u00e9e. Vous avez rejoint le
Commands.Invite.Success=[[GREEN]]Invitation envoy\u00e9e.
Commands.Leaderboards=<talent> <page> [[RED]]- Classement
Commands.mcgod=[[RED]]- Active / d\u00e9sactive le Godmode
Commands.mcrank.Skill=[[YELLOW]]{0}[[GREEN]] - [[GOLD]]Rank [[WHITE]]#[[GREEN]]{1}
Commands.mcrank.Overall=[[YELLOW]]Overall[[GREEN]] - [[GOLD]]Rank [[WHITE]]#[[GREEN]]{0}
Commands.mmoedit=[joueur] <talent> <valeur> [[RED]] - Modifie le niveau la cible
Commands.ModDescription=[[RED]]- Affiche une description du mod
Commands.NoConsole=Cette commande ne peut \u00eatre utilis\u00e9e via la console.
@ -352,6 +360,7 @@ Commands.Other=[[GREEN]]--AUTRES COMMANDES--
Commands.Party.Accept=[[RED]]- Accepte l\'invitation
Commands.Party.Chat.Off=Canal groupe [[RED]]Off
Commands.Party.Chat.On=Canal groupe [[GREEN]]On
Commands.Party.Commands=[[GREEN]]--COMMANDES DE GROUPE--
Commands.Party.Invite.0=[[RED]]ALERT: [[GREEN]]Vous avez re\u00e7u une invitation de {1} pour rejoindre le groupe {0}
Commands.Party.Invite.1=[[YELLOW]]Faites [[GREEN]]/accept[[YELLOW]] pour accepter l\'invitation
@ -377,11 +386,9 @@ Commands.SkillInfo=/<talent> [[RED]]- Affiche des informations d\u00e9taill\u00e
Commands.Stats.Self=VOS STATISTIQUES
Commands.Stats=[[RED]]- Affiche vos statistiques mcMMO
Commands.ToggleAbility=[[RED]]- Active / d\u00e9sactive l\'utilisation des comp\u00e9tences
mcMMO.MOTD=[[BLUE]]Ce serveur utilise mcMMO {0} !\nTapez [[YELLOW]]/mcmmo[[BLUE]] pour plus d\'info.
mcMMO.NoInvites=[[RED]]Vous n\'avez pas \u00e9t\u00e9 invit\u00e9
mcMMO.NoPermission=[[DARK_RED]]Vous n\'avez pas les droits.
mcMMO.NoSkillNote=[[DARK_GRAY]]Si vous n\'avez pas les droits pour un talent, il n\'appara\u00eetra pas ici.
mcMMO.Website=[[GREEN]]http://forums.mcmmo.info[[BLUE]] - mcMMO Website
Commands.Party.InParty=[[GREEN]]Joueurs dans le groupe : {0}
Party.Forbidden=[mcMMO] Les groupes ne sont pas permis dans ce monde (voir les permissions)
Party.Help.0=[[RED]]L\'usage correct est /party <nom> pour rejoindre, et /party q pour quitter
@ -433,16 +440,21 @@ Effects.Effects=EFFETS
Effects.Level=[[DARK_GRAY]]NIV : [[GREEN]]{0} [[DARK_AQUA]]XP[[YELLOW]]([[GOLD]]{1}[[YELLOW]]/[[GOLD]]{2}[[YELLOW]])
Effects.Template=[[DARK_AQUA]]{0} : [[GREEN]]{1}
Guides.Acrobatics=[[DARK_AQUA]]About Acrobatics:\n[[YELLOW]]Acrobatics is the art of moving gracefully in mcMMO.\n[[YELLOW]]It provides combat bonuses and environment damage bonuses.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]XP GAIN:\n[[YELLOW]]To gain XP in this skill you need to perform a dodge\n[[YELLOW]]in combat or survive falls from heights that damage you.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Rolling work?\n[[YELLOW]]You have a passive chance when you take fall damage\n[[YELLOW]]to negate the damage done. You can hold the sneak button to\n[[YELLOW]]double your chances during the fall.\n[[YELLOW]]This triggers a Graceful Roll instead of a standard one.\n[[YELLOW]]Graceful Rolls are like regular rolls but are twice as likely to\n[[YELLOW]]occur and provide more damage safety than regular rolls.\n[[YELLOW]]Rolling chance is tied to your skill level\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Dodge work?\n[[YELLOW]]Dodge is a passive chance when you are\n[[YELLOW]]injured in combat to halve the damage taken.\n[[YELLOW]]It is tied to your skill level.
Guides.Archery=[[DARK_AQUA]]About Archery:\n[[YELLOW]]Archery is about shooting with your bow and arrow.\n[[YELLOW]]It provides various combat bonuses, such as a damage boost\n[[YELLOW]]that scales with your level and the ability to daze your\n[[YELLOW]]opponents in PvP. In addition to this, you can retrieve\n[[YELLOW]]some of your spent arrows from the corpses of your foes.\n\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]XP GAIN:\n[[YELLOW]]To gain XP in this skill you need to shoot mobs or\n[[YELLOW]]other players.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Skill Shot work?\n[[YELLOW]]Skill Shot provides additional damage to your shots.\n[[YELLOW]]The bonus damage from Skill Shot increases as you\n[[YELLOW]]level in Archery.\n[[YELLOW]]With the default settings, your archery damage increase 10%\n[[YELLOW]]every 50 levels, to a maximum of 200% bonus damage.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Daze work?\n[[YELLOW]]You have a passive chance to daze other players when\n[[YELLOW]]you shoot them. When Daze triggers it forces your opponents\n[[YELLOW]]to look straight up for a short duration.\n[[YELLOW]]A Daze shot also deals an additional 4 damage (2 hearts).\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Arrow Retrieval work?\n[[YELLOW]]You have a passive chance to retrieve some of your arrows\n[[YELLOW]]when you kill a mob with your bow.\n[[YELLOW]]This chance increases as you level in Archery.\n[[YELLOW]]By default, this ability increases by 0.1% per level, up to 100%\n[[YELLOW]]at level 1000.
Guides.Axes=[[DARK_AQUA]]About Axes:\n[[YELLOW]]With the Axes skill you can use your axe for much more then\n[[YELLOW]]just deforesting! You can hack and chop away at mobs\n[[YELLOW]]and players to gain XP, hitting mobs with the effect of\n[[YELLOW]]knockback and inflicting DEADLY criticals on mobs and players.\n[[YELLOW]]Your axe also becomes a hand-held woodchipper,\n[[YELLOW]]breaking down the enemy's armor with ease as your level\n[[YELLOW]]increases.\n[[DARK_AQUA]]XP GAIN:\n[[YELLOW]]To gain XP in this skill you need hit other mobs or players\n[[YELLOW]]with an Axe.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Skull Splitter work?\n[[YELLOW]]This ability allows you to deal an AoE (Area of Effect) hit.\n[[YELLOW]]This AoE hit will deal half as much damage as you did to the\n[[YELLOW]]main target, so it's great for clearing out large piles of mobs.\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Critical Strikes work?\n[[YELLOW]]Critical Strikes is a passive ability which gives players a\n[[YELLOW]]chance to deal additional damage.\n[[YELLOW]]With the default settings, every 2 skill levels in Axes awards a\n[[YELLOW]]0.1% chance to deal a Critical Strike, causing 2.0 times damage\n[[YELLOW]]to mobs or 1.5 times damage against other players.\n\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Axe Mastery work?\n[[YELLOW]]Axe Mastery is a passive ability that will add additional damage\n[[YELLOW]]to your hits when using Axes.\n[[YELLOW]]By default, the bonus damage increases by 1 every 50 levels,\n[[YELLOW]]up to a cap of 4 extra damage at level 200.\n\n\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Armor Impact work?\n[[YELLOW]]Strike with enough force to shatter armor!\n[[YELLOW]]Armor Impact has a passive chance to damage your\n[[YELLOW]]opponent's armor. This damage increases as you level in Axes.\n\n\n\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Greater Impact work?\n[[YELLOW]]You have a passive chance to achieve a greater impact when\n[[YELLOW]]hitting mobs or players with your axe.\n[[YELLOW]]By default this chance is 25%. This passive ability has an\n[[YELLOW]]extreme knockback effect, similar to the Knockback II\n[[YELLOW]]enchantment. In addition, it deals bonus damage to the target.
Guides.Archery=Guide coming soon...
Guides.Axes=Guide coming soon...
Guides.Available=[[DARK_AQUA]]Guide for {0} available - type /{1} ? [page]
Guides.Excavation=[[DARK_AQUA]]About Excavation:\n[[YELLOW]]Excavation is the act of digging up dirt to find treasures.\n[[YELLOW]]By excavating the land you will find treasures.\n[[YELLOW]]The more you do this the more treasures you can find.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]XP GAIN:\n[[YELLOW]]To gain XP in this skill you must dig with a shovel in hand.\n[[YELLOW]]Only certain materials can be dug up for treasures and XP.\n[[DARK_AQUA]]Compatible Materials:\n[[YELLOW]]Grass, Dirt, Sand, Clay, Gravel, Mycelium, Soul Sand\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How to use Giga Drill Breaker:\n[[YELLOW]]With a shovel in hand right click to ready your tool.\n[[YELLOW]]Once in this state you have about 4 seconds to make\n[[YELLOW]]contact with Excavation compatible materials this will\n[[YELLOW]]activate Giga Drill Breaker.\n[[DARK_AQUA]]What is Giga Drill Breaker?\n[[YELLOW]]Giga Drill Breaker is an ability with a cooldown\n[[YELLOW]]tied to Excavation skill. It triples your chance\n[[YELLOW]]of finding treasures and enables instant break\n[[YELLOW]]on Excavation materials.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Treasure Hunter work?\n[[YELLOW]]Every possible treasure for Excavation has its own\n[[YELLOW]]skill level requirement for it to drop, as a result it\'s\n[[YELLOW]]difficult to say how much it is helping you.\n[[YELLOW]]Just keep in mind that the higher your Excavation skill\n[[YELLOW]]is, the more treasures that can be found.\n[[YELLOW]]And also keep in mind that each type of Excavation\n[[YELLOW]]compatible material has its own unique list of treasures.\n[[YELLOW]]In other words you will find different treasures in Dirt\n[[YELLOW]]than you would in Gravel.\n[[DARK_AQUA]]Notes about Excavation:\n[[YELLOW]]Excavation drops are completely customizeable\n[[YELLOW]]So results vary server to server.
Guides.Fishing=Guide coming soon...
Guides.Header=[[GOLD]]-=[[GREEN]]{0} Guide[[GOLD]]=-
Guides.Herbalism=Guide coming soon...
Guides.Mining=[[DARK_AQUA]]About Mining:\n[[YELLOW]]Mining consists of mining stone and ores. It provides bonuses\n[[YELLOW]]to the amount of materials dropped while mining.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]XP GAIN:\n[[YELLOW]]To gain XP in this skill, you must mine with a pickaxe in hand.\n[[YELLOW]]Only certain blocks award XP.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]Compatible Materials:\n[[YELLOW]]Stone, Coal Ore, Iron Ore, Gold Ore, Diamond Ore, Redstone Ore,\n[[YELLOW]]Lapis Ore, Obsidian, Mossy Cobblestone, Ender Stone,\n[[YELLOW]]Glowstone, and Netherrack.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How to use Super Breaker:\n[[YELLOW]]With a pickaxe in your hand, right click to ready your tool.\n[[YELLOW]]Once in this state, you have about 4 seconds to make contact\n[[YELLOW]]with Mining compatible materials, which will activate Super\n[[YELLOW]]Breaker.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]What is Super Breaker?\n[[YELLOW]]Super Breaker is an ability with a cooldown tied to the Mining\n[[YELLOW]]skill. It triples your chance of extra items dropping and\n[[YELLOW]]enables instant break on Mining materials.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How to use Blast Mining:\n[[YELLOW]]With a detonator in hand, which is a flint & steel by default,\n[[YELLOW]]right-click on TNT from a distance. This will cause the TNT\n[[YELLOW]]to instantly explode.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Blast Mining work?\n[[YELLOW]]Blast Mining is an ability with a cooldown tied to the Mining\n[[YELLOW]]skill. It gives bonuses when mining with TNT and allows you\n[[YELLOW]]to remote detonate TNT. There are three parts to Blast Mining.\n[[YELLOW]]The first part is Bigger Bombs, which increases blast radius.\n[[YELLOW]]The second is Demolitions Expert, which decreases damage\n[[YELLOW]]from TNT explosions. The third part simply increases the\n[[YELLOW]]amount of ores dropped from TNT and decreases the\n[[YELLOW]]debris dropped.
Guides.Page.Invalid=Not a valid page number!
Guides.Page.OutOfRange=That page doesn\'t exist, there are only {0} total pages.
Guides.Repair=Guide coming soon...
Guides.Swords=Guide coming soon...
Guides.Taming=Guide coming soon...
Guides.Unarmed=Guide coming soon...
Guides.Usage=[[RED]] Usage is /{0} ? [page]
Guides.Woodcutting=Guide coming soon...
Inspect.Offline=[[RED]]You do not have permission to inspect offline players!
Inspect.OfflineStats=mcMMO Stats for Offline Player [[YELLOW]]{0}
@ -471,3 +483,23 @@ Perks.cooldowns.desc=Cuts cooldown duration by {0}.
Perks.activationtime.desc=Increases ability activation time by {0} seconds.
Perks.activationtime.bonus=[[GOLD]] ({0}s with Endurance Perk)
Hardcore.Player.Loss=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[DARK_RED]]You\'ve lost [[BLUE]]{0}[[DARK_RED]] from death.
Vampirism.Killer.Failure=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[YELLOW]]{0}[[GRAY]] was too unskilled to grant you any knowledge.
Vampirism.Killer.Success=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[DARK_AQUA]]You\'ve stolen [[BLUE]]{0}[[DARK_AQUA]] levels from [[YELLOW]]{1}.
Vampirism.Victim.Failure=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[YELLOW]]{0}[[GRAY]] was unable to steal knowledge from you!
Vampirism.Victim.Success=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[YELLOW]]{0}[[DARK_RED]] has stolen [[BLUE]]{1}[[DARK_RED]] levels from you!
Spout.LevelUp.1=[[GREEN]Level Up!
Spout.LevelUp.2=[[YELLOW]]{0}[[DARK_AQUA]] ([[GREEN]]{1}[[DARK_AQUA]])
Spout.Menu.Exit=[[GRAY]]Press ESCAPE to exit!
Spout.Menu.HudButton.1=HUD Type: {0}
Spout.Menu.HudButton.2=Change your HUD style!
Spout.Menu.Title=[[GOLD]]~mcMMO Menu~
MOTD.Hardcore.VampireOff=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[DARK_RED]]Hardcore & Vampirism enabled.
MOTD.Hardcore.Stats=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[DARK_AQUA]]Skill Death Penalty: [[DARK_RED]]{0}%
MOTD.Hardcore.VampireOn=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[DARK_RED]]Hardcore enabled.
MOTD.PerksPrefix=[[RED]][mcMMO Perks]
MOTD.Vampire.Stats=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[DARK_AQUA]]Vampirism Stat Leech: [[DARK_RED]]{0}%
MOTD.Version=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] Running version [[DARK_AQUA]]{0}
MOTD.Website=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[GREEN]]{0}[[YELLOW]] - mcMMO Website
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
Acrobatics.Ability.Proc=[[GREEN]]**Atterraggio Aggraziato**
Acrobatics.DodgeChance=[[RED]]Probabilit\u00e0 di Schivata: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Acrobatics.DodgeChance=[[RED]]Possibilit\u00e0 di Schivata: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Acrobatics.Effect.1=Riduce o annulla il danno da caduta
Acrobatics.Effect.2=Capriola Aggraziata
@ -8,13 +8,13 @@ Acrobatics.Effect.3=Il doppio pi\u00f9 efficiente di una normale Capriola
Acrobatics.Effect.5=Riduce il danno degli attacchi della met\u00e0
Acrobatics.Roll.Chance=[[RED]]Probabilit\u00e0 di Capriola: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Acrobatics.Roll.GraceChance=[[RED]]Probabilit\u00e0 di Capriola Aggraziata: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Acrobatics.Roll.Chance=[[RED]]Possibilit\u00e0 di Capriola: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Acrobatics.Roll.GraceChance=[[RED]]Possibilit\u00e0 di Capriola Aggraziata: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Acrobatics.Roll.Text=**Capriola Eseguita**
Acrobatics.Skillup=[[YELLOW]]L\'abilit\u00e0 Acrobatica \u00e8 aumentata di {0}. Totale ({1})
Archery.Combat.DazeChance=[[RED]]Probabilit\u00e0 di Stordire: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Archery.Combat.RetrieveChance=[[RED]]Probabilit\u00e0 di Recuperare Frecce: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Archery.Combat.DazeChance=[[RED]]Possibilit\u00e0 di Stordire: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Archery.Combat.RetrieveChance=[[RED]]Possibilit\u00e0 di Recuperare Frecce: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Archery.Combat.SkillshotBonus=[[RED]]Bonus al Danno di Tiro da Maestro: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Archery.Effect.0=Tiro da Maestro
Archery.Effect.1=Aumenta il danno fatto con gli archi
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ Axes.Ability.Lower=[[GRAY]]**ABBASSI L\'ASCIA**
Axes.Ability.Ready=[[GREEN]]**PREPARI L\'ASCIA**
Axes.Combat.Cleave.Proc=[[DARK_RED]]Colpito da SFONDAMENTO!
Axes.Combat.CritStruck=[[DARK_RED]]Hai subito un colpo CRITICO!
Axes.Combat.CritChance=[[RED]]Probabilit\u00e0 di un colpo critico: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Axes.Combat.CritChance=[[RED]]Probabilit\u00e0 di un colpo critico: [[YELLOW]]{0}%
Axes.Combat.CriticalHit=[[RED]]COLPO CRITICO!
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ Excavation.Skillup=[[YELLOW]]L\'abilit\u00e0 Escavazione \u00e8 aumentata di {0}
Fishing.Ability.Info=[[RED]]Cacciatore di Magia: [[GRAY]] **Migliora insieme al Grado di Cacciatore di Tesori**
Fishing.Ability.Locked.0=BLOCCATO FINO AD ABILIT\u00c0 {0}+ (SCUOTERE)
Fishing.Ability.Rank=[[RED]]Grado di Cacciatore di Tesori: [[YELLOW]]{0}/5
Fishing.Ability.Shake=[[RED]]Probabilit\u00e0 di Scuotere: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Fishing.Ability.Shake=[[RED]]Probabilit\u00e0 di Scuotere: [[YELLOW]]{0}%
Fishing.Ability.FD=[[RED]]Dieta del Pescatore: [[YELLOW]]Grado {0}
Fishing.Effect.0=Cacciatore di Tesori (Passivo)
Fishing.Effect.1=Ripesca oggetti vari
@ -93,10 +93,10 @@ Fishing.Listener=Pesca:
Fishing.MagicFound=[[GRAY]]Senti un tocco di magia in questa cattura...
Fishing.Skillup=[[YELLOW]]L\'abilit\u00e0 Pesca \u00e8 aumentata di {0}. Totale ({1})
Herbalism.Ability.DoubleDropChance=[[RED]]Probabilit\u00e0 di Doppio Drop: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Herbalism.Ability.DoubleDropChance=[[RED]]Possibilit\u00e0 di Doppio Drop: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Herbalism.Ability.FD=[[RED]]Dieta del Contadino: [[YELLOW]]Grado {0}
Herbalism.Ability.GTe.Length=[[RED]]Durata di Terra Verde: [[YELLOW]]{0}s
Herbalism.Ability.GTh.Chance=[[RED]]Probabilit\u00e0 di Pollice Verde: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Herbalism.Ability.GTh.Chance=[[RED]]Possibilit\u00e0 di Pollice Verde: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Herbalism.Ability.GTh.Fail=[[RED]]**POLLICE VERDE FALLITO**
Herbalism.Ability.GTh.Stage=[[RED]]Stadio di Pollice Verde: [[YELLOW]] Il raccolto cresce allo stadio {0}
Herbalism.Ability.GTh=[[GREEN]]**POLLICE VERDE**
@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ Herbalism.Effect.6=Dieta del Contadino
Herbalism.Effect.7=Aumenta la fame recuperata tramite cibi coltivati
Herbalism.Effect.8=Doppi Drop (Ogni Pianta)
Herbalism.Effect.9=Raddoppia il normale drop
Herbalism.Skills.GTe.Off=[[RED]]**Terra Verde si \u00e8 esaurita**
Herbalism.Skills.GTe.On=[[GREEN]]**TERRA VERDE ATTIVATA**
@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ Mining.Effect.7=Incrementa il raggio di esplosione del TNT
Mining.Effect.8=Perizia nelle Demolizioni
Mining.Effect.9=Riduce il danno da esplosioni di TNT
Mining.Effect.Decrease=[[RED]]Riduzione del Danno da Esperto di Demolizioni: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Mining.Effect.DropChance=[[RED]]Probabilit\u00e0 di Doppio Drop: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Mining.Effect.DropChance=[[RED]]Possibilit\u00e0 di Doppio Drop: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Mining.Skills.SuperBreaker.Off=[[RED]]**Super Demolitore si \u00e8 esaurito**
@ -147,18 +147,20 @@ Mining.Skills.SuperBreaker.Other.On=[[GREEN]]{0}[[DARK_GREEN]] ha usato [[RED]]S
Mining.Skills.SuperBreaker.Refresh=[[GREEN]]La tua capacit\u00e0 [[YELLOW]]Super Demolitore [[GREEN]]si \u00e8 rigenerata!
Mining.Skillup=[[YELLOW]]L\'abilit\u00e0 Estrazione \u00e8 aumentata di {0}. Totale ({1})
Mining.Blast.Effect.0=+35 minerali estratti
Mining.Blast.Effect.1=+40 minerali estratti
Mining.Blast.Effect.2=+45 minerali estratti, niente macerie
Mining.Blast.Effect.3=+50 minerali estratti, niente macerie
Mining.Blast.Effect.4=+55 minerali estratti, niente macerie, doppi drop.
Mining.Blast.Effect.5=+60 minerali estratti, niente macerie, doppi drop.
Mining.Blast.Effect.6=+65 minerali estratti, niente macerie, tripli drop.
Mining.Blast.Effect.7=+70 minerali estratti, niente macerie, tripli drop.
Mining.Blast.Effect.0=+35% minerali estratti
Mining.Blast.Effect.1=+40% minerali estratti
Mining.Blast.Effect.2=+45% minerali estratti, niente macerie
Mining.Blast.Effect.3=+50% minerali estratti, niente macerie
Mining.Blast.Effect.4=+55% minerali estratti, niente macerie, doppi drop.
Mining.Blast.Effect.5=+60% minerali estratti, niente macerie, doppi drop.
Mining.Blast.Effect.6=+65% minerali estratti, niente macerie, tripli drop.
Mining.Blast.Effect.7=+70% minerali estratti, niente macerie, tripli drop.
Mining.Blast.Radius.Increase=[[RED]]Incremento del Raggio di Esplosione: [[YELLOW]]+{0}
Mining.Blast.Rank=[[RED]]Estrazione Esplosiva: [[YELLOW]] Grado {0}/8 [[GRAY]]({1})
Mining.Blast.Other.On=[[GREEN]]{0}[[DARK_GREEN]] ha usato [[RED]]Estrazione Esplosiva!
Mining.Blast.Refresh=[[GREEN]]La tua capacit\u00e0 [[YELLOW]]Estrazione Esplosiva [[GREEN]]si \u00e8 rigenerata!
Repair.AnvilPlaced.Spout1=[mcMMO] Anvil Placed
Repair.AnvilPlaced.Spout2=Right click to repair!
Repair.Effect.1=Ripara Attrezzi & Armature
Repair.Effect.10=Ripara l\'Oro (ABILIT\u00c0 {0}+)
@ -191,9 +193,9 @@ Repair.Skills.FeltEasy=[[GRAY]]Ti \u00e8 sembrato facile.
Repair.Skills.FullDurability=[[GRAY]]\u00c8 gi\u00e0 a piena durevolezza.
Repair.Skills.SalvageSuccess=[[GRAY]]Oggetto rottamato!
Repair.Skills.NotFullDurability=[[DARK_RED]]Non puoi rottamare oggetti danneggiati.
Repair.Skills.Mastery=[[RED]]Maestria nella Riparazione: [[YELLOW]]Recuperato il {0} di durevolezza aggiuntiva
Repair.Skills.Mastery=[[RED]]Maestria nella Riparazione: [[YELLOW]]{0} di durata supplementare ripristinata
Repair.Skills.StackedItems=[[DARK_RED]]Non puoi riparare oggetti ammucchiati.
Repair.Skills.Super.Chance=[[RED]]Probabilit\u00e0 di Super Riparazione: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Repair.Skills.Super.Chance=[[RED]]Possibilit\u00e0 Super Riparazione: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Repair.Skillup=[[YELLOW]]L\'abilit\u00e0 Riparazione \u00e8 aumentata di {0}. Totale ({1})
Repair.Arcane.Chance.Downgrade=[[GRAY]]Probabilit\u00e0 di Degradazione di FA: [[YELLOW]]{0}%
Repair.Arcane.Chance.Success=[[GRAY]]Tasso di Successo di FA: [[YELLOW]]{0}%
@ -204,20 +206,20 @@ Repair.Arcane.Perfect=[[GREEN]]Hai mantenuto le energie arcane in questo oggetto
Repair.Arcane.Rank=[[RED]]Forgiatura Arcana: [[YELLOW]]Grado {0}/4
Swords.Ability.Lower=[[GRAY]]**ABBASSI LA SPADA**
Swords.Ability.Ready=[[GREEN]]**PREPARI LA SPADA**
Swords.Combat.Bleed.Chance=[[RED]]Probabilit\u00e0 di Emorragia: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Swords.Combat.Bleed.Chance=[[RED]]Possibilit\u00e0 di Emorragia: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Swords.Combat.Bleed.Length=[[RED]]Durata di Emorragia: [[YELLOW]]{0} tick
Swords.Combat.Bleed.Note=[[GRAY]]Nota: [[YELLOW]]1 Tick si verifica ogni 2 secondi
Swords.Combat.Bleeding.Started=[[DARK_RED]] Hai un\'emorragia!
Swords.Combat.Bleeding.Stopped=[[GRAY]]L\'emorragia si \u00e8 [[GREEN]]fermata[[GRAY]]!
Swords.Combat.Bleeding=[[GREEN]]**IL NEMICO HA UN\'EMORRAGIA**
Swords.Combat.Counter.Chance=[[RED]]Probabilit\u00e0 di Contrattacco: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Swords.Combat.Counter.Chance=[[RED]]Possibilit\u00e0 di Contrattacco: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Swords.Combat.Counter.Hit=[[DARK_RED]]Colpisci on un contrattacco!
Swords.Combat.SS.Struck=[[DARK_RED]]Colpito da COLPI SEGHETTATI!
Swords.Effect.1=Riflette il 50 del danno subito
Swords.Effect.1=Riflette il 50% del danno subito
Swords.Effect.2=Colpi Seghettati (CAPACITA\')
Swords.Effect.3=+25 Danno ad Area, Emorragia+ ad Area
Swords.Effect.3=+25% Danno ad Area, Emorragia+ ad Area
Swords.Effect.4=Colpi Seghettati Emorragia+
Swords.Effect.5=Emorragia da 5 Tick
@ -240,13 +242,13 @@ Taming.Ability.Bonus.5=Gli esplosivi fanno 1/6 del normale danno
Taming.Ability.Bonus.6=Artigli Affilati
Taming.Ability.Bonus.7=+2 al Danno
Taming.Ability.Bonus.8=Servizio Fast Food
Taming.Ability.Bonus.9={0} Probabilit\u00e0 di guarire quando si attacca
Taming.Ability.Bonus.9={0}% Probabilit\u00e0 di guarire quando si attacca
Taming.Ability.Locked.1=BLOCCATO FINO AD ABILIT\u00c0 {0}+ (PELLICCIA FOLTA)
Taming.Ability.Locked.2=BLOCCATO FINO AD ABILIT\u00c0 {0}+ (A PROVA D\'URTO)
Taming.Ability.Locked.3=BLOCCATO FINO AD ABILIT\u00c0 {0}+ (ARTIGLI AFFILATI)
Taming.Ability.Locked.4=BLOCCATO FINO AD ABILIT\u00c0 {0}+ (SERVIZIO FAST FOOD)
Taming.Combat.Chance.Gore=[[RED]]Probabilit\u00e0 di Sbranare: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Taming.Combat.Chance.Gore=[[RED]]Possibilit\u00e0 di Sbranare: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Taming.Effect.0=Conoscenza delle Bestie
Taming.Effect.1=Esamina lupi e ocelot picchiandoli con un osso
Taming.Effect.10=A Prova d\'Urto
@ -275,12 +277,14 @@ Taming.Summon.Fail.Wolf=[[RED]]Hai troppi lupi vicino per poterne evocare degli
Unarmed.Ability.Berserk.Length=[[RED]]Durata di Furore: [[YELLOW]]{0} s
Unarmed.Ability.Bonus.0=Stile del Braccio di Ferro
Unarmed.Ability.Bonus.1=Potenziamento Danno +{0}
Unarmed.Ability.Chance.ArrowDeflect=[[RED]]Probabilit\u00e0 di Deviare Freccia: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Unarmed.Ability.Chance.Disarm=[[RED]]Probabilit\u00e0 di Disarmare: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Unarmed.Ability.Chance.ArrowDeflect=[[RED]]Possibilit\u00e0 di Deviare Freccia: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Unarmed.Ability.Chance.Disarm=[[RED]]Possibilit\u00e0 di Disarmare: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Unarmed.Ability.IronGrip.Attacker=[[RED]]Your opponent has an iron grip!
Unarmed.Ability.IronGrip.Defender=[[GREEN]]Your iron grip kept you from being disarmed!
Unarmed.Ability.Lower=[[GRAY]]**ABBASSI I PUGNI**
Unarmed.Ability.Ready=[[GREEN]]**PREPARI I PUGNI**
Unarmed.Effect.0=Furore (Capacit\u00e0)
Unarmed.Effect.1=+50 Danni, Rompe materiali fragili
Unarmed.Effect.1=+50% Danni, Rompe materiali fragili
Unarmed.Effect.2=Disarmare (Giocatore)
Unarmed.Effect.3=Fa cadere l\'oggetto tenuto in mano dal nemico
Unarmed.Effect.4=Stile del Braccio di Ferro
@ -297,7 +301,7 @@ Unarmed.Skills.Berserk.Refresh=[[GREEN]]La tua capacit\u00e0 [[YELLOW]]Furore [[
Unarmed.Skillup=[[YELLOW]]L\'abilit\u00e0 Lotta \u00e8 aumentata di {0}. Totale ({1})
Woodcutting.Ability.0=Soffia Foglie
Woodcutting.Ability.1=Soffia via le foglie
Woodcutting.Ability.Chance.DDrop=[[RED]]Probabilit\u00e0 di Doppio Drop: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Woodcutting.Ability.Chance.DDrop=[[RED]]Possibilit\u00e0 di Doppio Drop: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Woodcutting.Ability.Length=[[RED]]Durata di Abbatti Alberi: [[YELLOW]]{0} s
Woodcutting.Ability.Locked.0=BLOCCATO FINO AD ABILIT\u00c0 {0}+ (SOFFIA FOGLIE)
Woodcutting.Effect.0=Abbattitore d\'Alberi (CAPACITA\')
@ -334,6 +338,7 @@ Commands.Ability.Off=Uso delle capacit\u00e0 [[RED]]disattivato
Commands.Ability.On=Uso delle capacit\u00e0 [[GREEN]]attivato
Commands.AdminChat.Off=Chat solo Amministratori [[RED]]Inattiva
Commands.AdminChat.On=Chat solo Amministratori [[GREEN]]Attiva
Commands.AdminToggle=[[RED]]- Attiva o Disattiva la chat amministratori
Commands.Disabled=[[RED]]Questo comando \u00e8 disabilitato.
Commands.DoesNotExist=[[RED]]Il giocatore non esiste nel database!
@ -345,6 +350,9 @@ Commands.Invite.Accepted=[[GREEN]]Invito Accettato. Ti sei unito alla compagnia
Commands.Invite.Success=[[GREEN]]Invito inviato con successo.
Commands.Leaderboards=<abilit\u00e0> <pagina> [[RED]]- Classifiche
Commands.mcgod=[[RED]]- Attiva o Disattiva la Modalit\u00e0 Dio
Commands.mcrank.Skill=[[YELLOW]]{0}[[GREEN]] - [[GOLD]]Rank [[WHITE]]#[[GREEN]]{1}
Commands.mcrank.Overall=[[YELLOW]]Overall[[GREEN]] - [[GOLD]]Rank [[WHITE]]#[[GREEN]]{0}
Commands.mmoedit=[giocatore] <abilit\u00e0> <nuovovalore> [[RED]] - Modifica il bersaglio
Commands.ModDescription=[[RED]]- Leggi una breve descrizione della mod
Commands.NoConsole=Questo comando non supporta l\'uso da console.
@ -352,6 +360,7 @@ Commands.Other=[[GREEN]]--ALTRI COMANDI--
Commands.Party.Accept=[[RED]]- Accetta l\'invito a unirti alla compagnia
Commands.Party.Chat.Off=Chat di Compagnia [[GREEN]]Inattiva
Commands.Party.Chat.On=Chat di Compagnia [[GREEN]]Attiva
Commands.Party.Commands=[[GREEN]]--COMANDI DI COMPAGNIA--
Commands.Party.Invite.0=[[RED]]AVVISO: [[GREEN]]Hai ricevuto un invito ad unirti alla compagnia {0} da {1}
Commands.Party.Invite.1=[[YELLOW]]Digita [[GREEN]]/accept[[YELLOW]] per accettare l\'invito
@ -377,11 +386,9 @@ Commands.SkillInfo=/<abilit\u00e0> [[RED]]- Visualizza informazioni dettagliate
Commands.Stats.Self=LE TUE STATISTICHE
Commands.Stats=[[RED]]- Visualizza le tue statistiche mcMMO
Commands.ToggleAbility=[[RED]]- Attiva o Disattiva l\'attivazione delle capacit\u00e0 tramite un clic destro
mcMMO.MOTD=[[BLUE]]Questo server This server sta eseguendo mcMMO {0}! \nDigita [[YELLOW]]/mcmmo[[BLUE]] for avere aiuto.
mcMMO.NoInvites=[[RED]]Non hai inviti in questo momento
mcMMO.NoPermission=[[DARK_RED]]Permessi insufficienti.
mcMMO.NoSkillNote=[[DARK_GRAY]]Se non hai accesso a un\'abilit\u00e0 non sar\u00e0 mostrata qui.
mcMMO.Website=[[GREEN]]http://forums.mcmmo.info[[BLUE]] - Sito di mcMMO
Commands.Party.InParty=[[GREEN]]Compagnia: {0}
Party.Forbidden=[mcMMO] Le compagnie non sono permesse in questo mondo (vedi i Permessi)
Party.Help.0=[[RED]]L\'uso corretto \u00e8 /party <nome-compagnia> per unirti ad essa o /party q per lasciarla
@ -418,7 +425,7 @@ Commands.XPGain.Repair=Riparare
Commands.XPGain.Swords=Attaccare Mostri
Commands.XPGain.Taming=Addomesticare Animali, o combattere con i tuoi lupi
Commands.XPGain.Unarmed=Attaccare Mostri
Commands.XPGain.Woodcutting=Chopping down trees
Commands.XPGain.Woodcutting=Abbattere alberi
Commands.xplock.locked=[[GOLD]]La tua BARRA XP \u00e8 ora bloccata a {0}!
Commands.xplock.unlocked=[[GOLD]]La tua BARRA XP \u00e8 ora [[GREEN]]SBLOCCATA[[GOLD]]!
@ -433,16 +440,21 @@ Effects.Effects=EFFETTI
Effects.Level=[[DARK_GRAY]]LVL: [[GREEN]]{0} [[DARK_AQUA]]XP[[YELLOW]]([[GOLD]]{1}[[YELLOW]]/[[GOLD]]{2}[[YELLOW]])
Effects.Template=[[DARK_AQUA]]{0}: [[GREEN]]{1}
Guides.Acrobatics=[[DARK_AQUA]]Riguardo Acrobatica:\n[[YELLOW]]Acrobatica \u00e8 l\'arte di muoversi agilmente in mcMMO.\n[[YELLOW]]Fornisce bonus in combattimento e contro i danni ambientali.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]GUADAGNARE XP:\n[[YELLOW]]Per guadagnare XP in questa capacit\u00e0 devi eseguire una\n[[YELLOW]]schivata in combattimento o sopravvivere a una caduta da\n[[YELLOW]]altezze che ti farebbero danni.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]Come funziona Capriola?\n[[YELLOW]]Hai una possibilit\u00e0 passiva quando subisci danno da caduta\n[[YELLOW]]di annullare il danno fatto. Puoi tenere premuto il tasto furtivo\n[[YELLOW]]durante la caduta per raddoppiare le possibilit\u00e0.\n[[YELLOW]]Questo attiva una Capriola Aggraziata invece di una normale.\n[[YELLOW]]Le Capriole Aggraziate sono come le capriole normali ma hanno\n[[YELLOW]]il doppio di possibilit\u00e0 di avvenire e forniscono pi\u00f9 incolumit\u00e0 dai\n[[YELLOW]]danni rispetto alle capriole normali. Le possibilit\u00e0 di fare una\n[[YELLOW]]capriola sono legate al tuo livello di abilit\u00e0.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]Come funziona Schivata?\n[[YELLOW]]La Schivata \u00e8 una possibilit\u00e0 passiva di dimezzare il danno\n[[YELLOW]]quando vieni ferito in combattimento.\n[[YELLOW]]\u00c8 legata al tuo livello di abilit\u00e0.
Guides.Archery=[[DARK_AQUA]]About Archery:\n[[YELLOW]]Archery is about shooting with your bow and arrow.\n[[YELLOW]]It provides various combat bonuses, such as a damage boost\n[[YELLOW]]that scales with your level and the ability to daze your\n[[YELLOW]]opponents in PvP. In addition to this, you can retrieve\n[[YELLOW]]some of your spent arrows from the corpses of your foes.\n\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]XP GAIN:\n[[YELLOW]]To gain XP in this skill you need to shoot mobs or\n[[YELLOW]]other players.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Skill Shot work?\n[[YELLOW]]Skill Shot provides additional damage to your shots.\n[[YELLOW]]The bonus damage from Skill Shot increases as you\n[[YELLOW]]level in Archery.\n[[YELLOW]]With the default settings, your archery damage increase 10%\n[[YELLOW]]every 50 levels, to a maximum of 200% bonus damage.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Daze work?\n[[YELLOW]]You have a passive chance to daze other players when\n[[YELLOW]]you shoot them. When Daze triggers it forces your opponents\n[[YELLOW]]to look straight up for a short duration.\n[[YELLOW]]A Daze shot also deals an additional 4 damage (2 hearts).\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Arrow Retrieval work?\n[[YELLOW]]You have a passive chance to retrieve some of your arrows\n[[YELLOW]]when you kill a mob with your bow.\n[[YELLOW]]This chance increases as you level in Archery.\n[[YELLOW]]By default, this ability increases by 0.1% per level, up to 100%\n[[YELLOW]]at level 1000.
Guides.Axes=[[DARK_AQUA]]About Axes:\n[[YELLOW]]With the Axes skill you can use your axe for much more then\n[[YELLOW]]just deforesting! You can hack and chop away at mobs\n[[YELLOW]]and players to gain XP, hitting mobs with the effect of\n[[YELLOW]]knockback and inflicting DEADLY criticals on mobs and players.\n[[YELLOW]]Your axe also becomes a hand-held woodchipper,\n[[YELLOW]]breaking down the enemy's armor with ease as your level\n[[YELLOW]]increases.\n[[DARK_AQUA]]XP GAIN:\n[[YELLOW]]To gain XP in this skill you need hit other mobs or players\n[[YELLOW]]with an Axe.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Skull Splitter work?\n[[YELLOW]]This ability allows you to deal an AoE (Area of Effect) hit.\n[[YELLOW]]This AoE hit will deal half as much damage as you did to the\n[[YELLOW]]main target, so it's great for clearing out large piles of mobs.\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Critical Strikes work?\n[[YELLOW]]Critical Strikes is a passive ability which gives players a\n[[YELLOW]]chance to deal additional damage.\n[[YELLOW]]With the default settings, every 2 skill levels in Axes awards a\n[[YELLOW]]0.1% chance to deal a Critical Strike, causing 2.0 times damage\n[[YELLOW]]to mobs or 1.5 times damage against other players.\n\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Axe Mastery work?\n[[YELLOW]]Axe Mastery is a passive ability that will add additional damage\n[[YELLOW]]to your hits when using Axes.\n[[YELLOW]]By default, the bonus damage increases by 1 every 50 levels,\n[[YELLOW]]up to a cap of 4 extra damage at level 200.\n\n\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Armor Impact work?\n[[YELLOW]]Strike with enough force to shatter armor!\n[[YELLOW]]Armor Impact has a passive chance to damage your\n[[YELLOW]]opponent's armor. This damage increases as you level in Axes.\n\n\n\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Greater Impact work?\n[[YELLOW]]You have a passive chance to achieve a greater impact when\n[[YELLOW]]hitting mobs or players with your axe.\n[[YELLOW]]By default this chance is 25%. This passive ability has an\n[[YELLOW]]extreme knockback effect, similar to the Knockback II\n[[YELLOW]]enchantment. In addition, it deals bonus damage to the target.
Guides.Archery=La guida arrivera dopo.
Guides.Axes=La guida arrivera dopo.
Guides.Available=[[DARK_AQUA]]Guide for {0} available - type /{1} ? [page]
Guides.Excavation=[[DARK_AQUA]]Riguardo a Scavi:\n[[YELLOW]]Scavi e l?atto di smuover il terreno per trovare tesori.\n[[YELLOW]]Scavando per terra troverai alcuni tesori.\n[[YELLOW]]Piu la userai , piu tesori riusciari a trovare.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]GUADAGNARE ESPERIENZA:\n[[YELLOW]]Per guadagnare esperienza in questa abilita devi scavare tenendo in mano una pala.\n[[YELLOW]]Solo alcuni materiali possono essere scavati per ricavare tesori ed esperienza.\n[[DARK_AQUA]]Materiali Compatibili:\n[[YELLOW]]Erba, Terra, Sabbia, Argilla, Ghiaia, Micelio, Soul Sand\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]Come usare Giga Drill Breaker:\n[[YELLOW]]Impugnando una pala premi col tasto destro per preparare il tuo attrezzo.\n[[YELLOW]Una volta in questo stato hai circa 4 secondi per entrare in\n[[YELLOW]]contatto con materiali compatibili e questo\n[[YELLOW]]attivera Super Trapano Breaker.\n[[DARK_AQUA]Cos?e Super Trapano Breaker?\n[[YELLOW]]Super Trapano Breaker e un?abilita con un tempo di raffreddamento\n[[YELLOW]]legato all?abilita Scavi. Triplica le tue possibilita\n[[YELLOW]]di trovare tesori e permette di rompere all?istante\n[[YELLOW]] i materiali appositi.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]Come funziona CercaTesori?\n[[YELLOW]]Ogni possible tesoro di Scavi ha un proprio\n[[YELLOW]]livello di abilita necessario per essere emesso, e come risultato e \n[[YELLOW]]diffiicile dire quanto sia utile questa abilita.\n[[YELLOW]]Tieni solo conto che piu alto sara il tuo livello di Scavi\n[[YELLOW]], maggiore sara la varieta di tesori che potrai trovare.\n[[YELLOW]]E ricordati anche che usando Scavi\n[[YELLOW]]ogni materiale compatibile ha la propria unica lista di tesori.\n[[YELLOW]]In altre parole troverai tesori diversi nella terra\n[[YELLOW]]rispetto a quelli nella ghiaia.\n[[DARK_AQUA]]Note riguardo a Scavi:\n[[YELLOW]]I premi di Scavi sono completamente personabilizzabili\n[[YELLOW]]Perci\u00f2 variano da server a server.
Guides.Fishing=La guida arriver\u00e0 prossimamente...
Guides.Header=[[GOLD]]-=[[GREEN]]{0} Guide[[GOLD]]=-
Guides.Herbalism=La guida arriver\u00e0 prossimamente...
Guides.Mining=[[DARK_AQUA]]Riguardo Estrazione:\n[[YELLOW]]L\'Estrazione consiste nello scavare pietra e minerali grezzi.\n[[YELLOW]]Fornisce bonus alla quantit\u00e0 di materiali droppati scavando.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]GUADAGNARE XP:\n[[YELLOW]]Per ottenere XP in questa abilit\u00e0 dovete scavare con un piccone\n[[YELLOW]]in mano. Solo certi blocchi conferiscono XP.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]Materiali Compatibili:\n[[YELLOW]]Pietra, Carbone Grezzo, Ferro Grezzo, Oro Grezzo, Diamante Grezzo,\n[[YELLOW]]Pietrarossa Grezza, Lapislazzuli Grezzo, Ossidiana, Pietrisco\n[[YELLOW]]Muscoso, Pietra dell\'End, Pietraluce e Netherrack.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]Come usare Super Demolitore:\n[[YELLOW]]Cliccate col destro con un piccone in mano per preparare l\'attrezzo.\n[[YELLOW]]Una volta in questo stato avete circa 4 secondi per entrare in contatto\n[[YELLOW]]con materiali compatibili con Estrazione, il che attiver\u00e0\n[[YELLOW]]Super Demolitore.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]Cos\'\u00e8 Super Demolitore?\n[[YELLOW]]Super Demolitore \u00e8 una capacit\u00e0 con un tempo di\n[[YELLOW]]raffreddamento legata all\'abilit\u00e0 Estrazione. Triplica la\n[[YELLOW]]possibilit\u00e0 di droppare oggetti supplementari e permette di\n[[YELLOW]]rompere istantaneamente i materiali da Estrazione.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]Come usare Estrazione Esplosiva:\n[[YELLOW]]Con un detonatore in mano, che di base \u00e8 un acciarino,\n[[YELLOW]]cliccate col destro su del TNT a distanza. Questo far\u00e0\n[[YELLOW]]esplodere il TNT istantaneamente.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]Come funziona Estrazione Esplosiva?\n[[YELLOW]]Estrazione Esplosiva \u00e8 un\'abilit\u00e0 con un tempo di raffreddamento\n[[YELLOW]]legato all\'abilit\u00e0 Estrazione. D\u00e0 un bonus quando si scava col TNT\n[[YELLOW]]e permette di farlo detonare a distanza.\n[[YELLOW]]Estrazione Esplosiva \u00e8 divisa in tre parti.\n[[YELLOW]]La prima parte \u00e8 Bombe pi\u00f9 Grandi, che incrementa il raggio di esplosione.\n[[YELLOW]]La seconda \u00e8 Esperto di Demolizioni, che aumenta il danno da\nesplosione di TNT.\n[[YELLOW]]La terza parte aumenta semplicemente la quantit\u00e0 di minerale grezzo droppato tramite TNT e riduce le macerie droppate.
Guides.Mining=[[DARK_AQUA]]Informazioni sul minatore:\n[[YELLOW]]Il minatore consiste nell?estrarre rocce e minerali. Procura dei bonus\n[[YELLOW]]alla quantita di materiali rilasciati dagli scavi.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]GUADAGNARE ESPERIENZA:\n[[YELLOW]]Per guadagnare esperienza in questa abilita, devi scavare impugnando un piccone.\n[[YELLOW]]Solo alcuni blocchi rilasciano esperienza.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]Materiali compatibili:\n[[YELLOW]]Pietra, Minerale di carbone, Minerale di ferro, Minerale d?oro, Minerale di diamanti, Minerale di Redstone,\n[[YELLOW]] Minerale di lapis lazuli, Ossidiana, MossStone, Pietra dell?Ender,\n[[YELLOW]]Glowstone, e Netherrack.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]Come usare Super Sfondamento?:\n[[YELLOW]]Impugnando un piccone , premi il tasto destro per preparare il tuo strumento.\n[[YELLOW]]Durante questo stadio, hai circa 4 secondi per entrare in contatto \n[[YELLOW]]con un minerale adatto, e ci\u00f2 attivera Super\n[[YELLOW]]Sfondamento.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]Cos?e Super Sfondamento?\n[[YELLOW]Super sfondamento e un abilita con un tempo di raffreddamento legato all?abilita Scavo \n[[YELLOW]]. Triplica la possibilita che vengano rilasciati oggetti in piu e\n[[YELLOW]]e permette di rompere istatntaneamenti i minerali rocciosi.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]Come usare Scavi Esplosivi:\n[[YELLOW]]Con in mano un detonatore ,che e impostato con acciarino ,\n[[YELLOW]]clicca col tasto destro sulla TNT a distanza. Questo fara si che la TNT\n[[YELLOW]]esploda all?istante.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]Come funziona Scavi Esplosivi ?\n[[YELLOW]]Scavi Esplosivi e un abilita con una durata legato all?abilita di scavo\n[[YELLOW]]. Dona dei bounus quando sis cava con la TNT e permette a te \n[[YELLOW]]di fare esplodere la TNT a distanza.Ci sono 3 parti in Scavi Esplosivi.\n[[YELLOW]]La prima parte e Bombe Maggiori , che aumenta il raggio dell?esplosione.\n[[YELLOW]]La seconda e Esperto Demolitore, che diminuisce il danno\n[[YELLOW]]da TNT. La terza parte aumenta semplicemente the\n[[YELLOW]]la quantita di minerali rilasciati dalla TNT e diminuisce i\n[[YELLOW]]detriti rilasciati.
Guides.Page.Invalid=Not a valid page number!
Guides.Page.OutOfRange=That page doesn\'t exist, there are only {0} total pages.
Guides.Repair=La guida arriver\u00e0 prossimamente...
Guides.Swords=La guida arriver\u00e0 prossimamente...
Guides.Taming=La guida arriver\u00e0 prossimamente...
Guides.Unarmed=La guida arriver\u00e0 prossimamente...
Guides.Usage=[[RED]] Usage is /{0} ? [page]
Guides.Woodcutting=La guida arriver\u00e0 prossimamente...
Inspect.Offline=[[RED]]Non hai il permesso di esaminare giocatori disconnessi!
Inspect.OfflineStats=Statistiche mcMMO del Giocatore Disconnesso [[YELLOW]]{0}
@ -455,7 +467,7 @@ Skills.Disarmed=[[DARK_RED]]Sei stato disarmato!!
Skills.NeedMore=[[DARK_RED]]Hai bisogno di piu
Skills.Stats=[[YELLOW]]{0}[[GREEN]]{1}[[DARK_AQUA]] XP([[GRAY]]{2}[[DARK_AQUA]]/[[GRAY]]{3}[[DARK_AQUA]])
Skills.TooTired=[[RED]]Sei troppo stanco per usare ancora questa capacit\u00e0.
Skills.TooTired=[[RED]]Sei troppo stanco per poter riutilizzare questa abilita attendi.
Stats.Header.Combat=[[GOLD]]-=ABILITA\' DI COMBATTIMENTO=-
Stats.Header.Gathering=[[GOLD]]-=ABILITA\' DI RACCOLTA=-
Stats.Header.Misc=[[GOLD]]-=ABILITA\' VARIE=-
@ -463,11 +475,31 @@ Stats.Own.Stats=[[GREEN]]Statistiche [mcMMO]
Perks.xp.desc=Ricevi {0}x XP.
Perks.lucky.desc=Aumenta del 33 le probabilit\u00e0 di attivarsi delle abilit\u00e0 e capacit\u00e0 di {0}.
Perks.lucky.desc.login=Aumenta del 33 le probabilit\u00e0 di attivarsi di certe abilit\u00e0 e capacit\u00e0.
Perks.lucky.bonus=[[GOLD]] ({0} with Lucky Perk)
Perks.lucky.desc=Aumenta del 33% le probabilit\u00e0 di attivarsi delle abilit\u00e0 e capacit\u00e0 di {0}.
Perks.lucky.desc.login=Aumenta del 33% le probabilit\u00e0 di attivarsi di certe abilit\u00e0 e capacit\u00e0.
Perks.lucky.bonus=[[GOLD]] ({0}% con il Vantaggio Fortuna)
Perks.cooldowns.name=Recupero Rapido
Perks.cooldowns.desc=Riduce la durata del raffreddamento di {0}.
Perks.activationtime.desc=Incrementa il tempo di attivazione dell\'abilit\u00e0 di {0} secondi.
Perks.activationtime.bonus=[[GOLD]] ({0}s with Endurance Perk)
Perks.activationtime.bonus=[[GOLD]] ({0}% con il Vantaggio Fortuna)
Hardcore.Player.Loss=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[DARK_RED]]You\'ve lost [[BLUE]]{0}[[DARK_RED]] from death.
Vampirism.Killer.Failure=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[YELLOW]]{0}[[GRAY]] was too unskilled to grant you any knowledge.
Vampirism.Killer.Success=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[DARK_AQUA]]You\'ve stolen [[BLUE]]{0}[[DARK_AQUA]] levels from [[YELLOW]]{1}.
Vampirism.Victim.Failure=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[YELLOW]]{0}[[GRAY]] was unable to steal knowledge from you!
Vampirism.Victim.Success=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[YELLOW]]{0}[[DARK_RED]] has stolen [[BLUE]]{1}[[DARK_RED]] levels from you!
Spout.LevelUp.1=[[GREEN]Level Up!
Spout.LevelUp.2=[[YELLOW]]{0}[[DARK_AQUA]] ([[GREEN]]{1}[[DARK_AQUA]])
Spout.Menu.Exit=[[GRAY]]Press ESCAPE to exit!
Spout.Menu.HudButton.1=HUD Type: {0}
Spout.Menu.HudButton.2=Change your HUD style!
Spout.Menu.Title=[[GOLD]]~mcMMO Menu~
MOTD.Hardcore.VampireOff=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[DARK_RED]]Hardcore & Vampirism enabled.
MOTD.Hardcore.Stats=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[DARK_AQUA]]Skill Death Penalty: [[DARK_RED]]{0}%
MOTD.Hardcore.VampireOn=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[DARK_RED]]Hardcore enabled.
MOTD.PerksPrefix=[[RED]][mcMMO Perks]
MOTD.Vampire.Stats=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[DARK_AQUA]]Vampirism Stat Leech: [[DARK_RED]]{0}%
MOTD.Version=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] Running version [[DARK_AQUA]]{0}
MOTD.Website=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[GREEN]]{0}[[YELLOW]] - mcMMO Website
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ Archery.SkillName=ARCHERY
Archery.Skillup=[[YELLOW]]Archery skill increased by {0}. Total ({1})
Axes.Ability.Bonus.0=Axe Mastery
Axes.Ability.Bonus.1=Bonus {0} damage
Axes.Ability.Bonus.2=Armor Impact
Axes.Ability.Bonus.3=Deal {0} Bonus DMG to armor
Axes.Ability.Bonus.4=Greater Impact
Axes.Ability.Bonus.5=Deal {0} Bonus DMG to unarmored foes
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ Axes.Effect.2=Critical Strikes
Axes.Effect.3=Double Damage
Axes.Effect.4=Axe Mastery
Axes.Effect.5=Adds bonus DMG
Axes.Effect.6=Armor Impact
Axes.Effect.7=Strike with enough force to shatter armor
Axes.Effect.8=Greater Impact
Axes.Effect.9=Deal bonus damage to unarmored foes
@ -159,6 +159,8 @@ Mining.Blast.Radius.Increase=[[RED]]Blast Radius Increase: [[YELLOW]]+{0}
Mining.Blast.Rank=[[RED]]Blast Mining: [[YELLOW]] Rank {0}/8 [[GRAY]]({1})
Mining.Blast.Other.On=[[GREEN]]{0}[[DARK_GREEN]] has used [[RED]]Blast Mining!
Mining.Blast.Refresh=[[GREEN]]Your [[YELLOW]]Blast Mining [[GREEN]]ability is refreshed!
Repair.AnvilPlaced.Spout1=[mcMMO] Anvil Placed
Repair.AnvilPlaced.Spout2=Right click to repair!
Repair.Effect.1=Repair Tools & Armor
Repair.Effect.10=Gold Repair ({0}+ SKILL)
@ -277,6 +279,8 @@ Unarmed.Ability.Bonus.0=Iron Arm Style
Unarmed.Ability.Bonus.1=+{0} DMG Upgrade
Unarmed.Ability.Chance.ArrowDeflect=[[RED]]Arrow Deflect Chance: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Unarmed.Ability.Chance.Disarm=[[RED]]Disarm Chance: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Unarmed.Ability.IronGrip.Attacker=[[RED]]Your opponent has an iron grip!
Unarmed.Ability.IronGrip.Defender=[[GREEN]]Your iron grip kept you from being disarmed!
Unarmed.Ability.Lower=[[GRAY]]**YOU LOWER YOUR FISTS**
Unarmed.Ability.Ready=[[GREEN]]**YOU READY YOUR FISTS**
Unarmed.Effect.0=Berserk (ABILITY)
@ -334,6 +338,7 @@ Commands.Ability.Off=Ability use toggled [[RED]]off
Commands.Ability.On=Ability use toggled [[GREEN]]on
Commands.AdminChat.Off=Admin Chat only [[RED]]Off
Commands.AdminChat.On=Admin Chat only [[GREEN]]On
Commands.AdminToggle=[[RED]]- Toggle admin chat
Commands.Disabled=[[RED]]This command is disabled.
Commands.DoesNotExist=[[RED]]Player does not exist in the database!
@ -345,6 +350,9 @@ Commands.Invite.Accepted=[[GREEN]]Invite Accepted. You have joined party {0}
Commands.Invite.Success=[[GREEN]]Invite sent successfully.
Commands.Leaderboards=<skill> <page> [[RED]]- Leaderboards
Commands.mcgod=[[RED]]- Toggle GodMode
Commands.mcrank.Skill=[[YELLOW]]{0}[[GREEN]] - [[GOLD]]Rank [[WHITE]]#[[GREEN]]{1}
Commands.mcrank.Overall=[[YELLOW]]Overall[[GREEN]] - [[GOLD]]Rank [[WHITE]]#[[GREEN]]{0}
Commands.mmoedit=[player] <skill> <newvalue> [[RED]] - Modify target
Commands.ModDescription=[[RED]]- Read brief mod description
Commands.NoConsole=This command does not support console usage.
@ -352,6 +360,7 @@ Commands.Other=[[GREEN]]--OTHER COMMANDS--
Commands.Party.Accept=[[RED]]- Accept party invite
Commands.Party.Chat.Off=Party Chat only [[RED]]Off
Commands.Party.Chat.On=Party Chat only [[GREEN]]On
Commands.Party.Commands=[[GREEN]]--PARTY COMMANDS--
Commands.Party.Invite.0=[[RED]]ALERT: [[GREEN]]You have received a party invite for {0} from {1}
Commands.Party.Invite.1=[[YELLOW]]Type [[GREEN]]/accept[[YELLOW]] to accept the invite
@ -377,11 +386,9 @@ Commands.SkillInfo=/<skill> [[RED]]- View detailed information about a skill
Commands.Stats.Self=YOUR STATS
Commands.Stats=[[RED]]- View your mcMMO stats
Commands.ToggleAbility=[[RED]]- Toggle ability activation with right click
mcMMO.MOTD=[[BLUE]]This server is running mcMMO {0}! \n Type [[YELLOW]]/mcmmo[[BLUE]] for help.
mcMMO.NoInvites=[[RED]]You have no invites at this time
mcMMO.NoPermission=[[DARK_RED]]Insufficient permissions.
mcMMO.NoSkillNote=[[DARK_GRAY]]If you don\'t have access to a skill it will not be shown here.
mcMMO.Website=[[GREEN]]http://forums.mcmmo.info[[BLUE]] - mcMMO Website
Commands.Party.InParty=[[GREEN]]Party: {0}
Party.Forbidden=[mcMMO] Parties not permitted on this world (See Permissions)
Party.Help.0=[[RED]]Proper usage is /party <party-name> to join or /party q to quit
@ -434,15 +441,20 @@ Effects.Level=[[DARK_GRAY]]LVL: [[GREEN]]{0} [[DARK_AQUA]]XP[[YELLOW]]([[GOLD]]{
Effects.Template=[[DARK_AQUA]]{0}: [[GREEN]]{1}
Guides.Acrobatics=[[DARK_AQUA]]About Acrobatics:\n[[YELLOW]]Acrobatics is the art of moving gracefully in mcMMO.\n[[YELLOW]]It provides combat bonuses and environment damage bonuses.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]XP GAIN:\n[[YELLOW]]To gain XP in this skill you need to perform a dodge\n[[YELLOW]]in combat or survive falls from heights that damage you.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Rolling work?\n[[YELLOW]]You have a passive chance when you take fall damage\n[[YELLOW]]to negate the damage done. You can hold the sneak button to\n[[YELLOW]]double your chances during the fall.\n[[YELLOW]]This triggers a Graceful Roll instead of a standard one.\n[[YELLOW]]Graceful Rolls are like regular rolls but are twice as likely to\n[[YELLOW]]occur and provide more damage safety than regular rolls.\n[[YELLOW]]Rolling chance is tied to your skill level\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Dodge work?\n[[YELLOW]]Dodge is a passive chance when you are\n[[YELLOW]]injured in combat to halve the damage taken.\n[[YELLOW]]It is tied to your skill level.
Guides.Archery=[[DARK_AQUA]]About Archery:\n[[YELLOW]]Archery is about shooting with your bow and arrow.\n[[YELLOW]]It provides various combat bonuses, such as a damage boost\n[[YELLOW]]that scales with your level and the ability to daze your\n[[YELLOW]]opponents in PvP. In addition to this, you can retrieve\n[[YELLOW]]some of your spent arrows from the corpses of your foes.\n\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]XP GAIN:\n[[YELLOW]]To gain XP in this skill you need to shoot mobs or\n[[YELLOW]]other players.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Skill Shot work?\n[[YELLOW]]Skill Shot provides additional damage to your shots.\n[[YELLOW]]The bonus damage from Skill Shot increases as you\n[[YELLOW]]level in Archery.\n[[YELLOW]]With the default settings, your archery damage increase 10%\n[[YELLOW]]every 50 levels, to a maximum of 200% bonus damage.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Daze work?\n[[YELLOW]]You have a passive chance to daze other players when\n[[YELLOW]]you shoot them. When Daze triggers it forces your opponents\n[[YELLOW]]to look straight up for a short duration.\n[[YELLOW]]A Daze shot also deals an additional 4 damage (2 hearts).\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Arrow Retrieval work?\n[[YELLOW]]You have a passive chance to retrieve some of your arrows\n[[YELLOW]]when you kill a mob with your bow.\n[[YELLOW]]This chance increases as you level in Archery.\n[[YELLOW]]By default, this ability increases by 0.1% per level, up to 100%\n[[YELLOW]]at level 1000.
Guides.Axes=[[DARK_AQUA]]About Axes:\n[[YELLOW]]With the Axes skill you can use your axe for much more then\n[[YELLOW]]just deforesting! You can hack and chop away at mobs\n[[YELLOW]]and players to gain XP, hitting mobs with the effect of\n[[YELLOW]]knockback and inflicting DEADLY criticals on mobs and players.\n[[YELLOW]]Your axe also becomes a hand-held woodchipper,\n[[YELLOW]]breaking down the enemy's armor with ease as your level\n[[YELLOW]]increases.\n[[DARK_AQUA]]XP GAIN:\n[[YELLOW]]To gain XP in this skill you need hit other mobs or players\n[[YELLOW]]with an Axe.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Skull Splitter work?\n[[YELLOW]]This ability allows you to deal an AoE (Area of Effect) hit.\n[[YELLOW]]This AoE hit will deal half as much damage as you did to the\n[[YELLOW]]main target, so it's great for clearing out large piles of mobs.\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Critical Strikes work?\n[[YELLOW]]Critical Strikes is a passive ability which gives players a\n[[YELLOW]]chance to deal additional damage.\n[[YELLOW]]With the default settings, every 2 skill levels in Axes awards a\n[[YELLOW]]0.1% chance to deal a Critical Strike, causing 2.0 times damage\n[[YELLOW]]to mobs or 1.5 times damage against other players.\n\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Axe Mastery work?\n[[YELLOW]]Axe Mastery is a passive ability that will add additional damage\n[[YELLOW]]to your hits when using Axes.\n[[YELLOW]]By default, the bonus damage increases by 1 every 50 levels,\n[[YELLOW]]up to a cap of 4 extra damage at level 200.\n\n\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Armor Impact work?\n[[YELLOW]]Strike with enough force to shatter armor!\n[[YELLOW]]Armor Impact has a passive chance to damage your\n[[YELLOW]]opponent's armor. This damage increases as you level in Axes.\n\n\n\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Greater Impact work?\n[[YELLOW]]You have a passive chance to achieve a greater impact when\n[[YELLOW]]hitting mobs or players with your axe.\n[[YELLOW]]By default this chance is 25%. This passive ability has an\n[[YELLOW]]extreme knockback effect, similar to the Knockback II\n[[YELLOW]]enchantment. In addition, it deals bonus damage to the target.
Guides.Axes=[[DARK_AQUA]]About Axes:\n[[YELLOW]]With the Axes skill you can use your axe for much more then\n[[YELLOW]]just deforesting! You can hack and chop away at mobs\n[[YELLOW]]and players to gain XP, hitting mobs with the effect of\n[[YELLOW]]knockback and inflicting DEADLY criticals on mobs and players.\n[[YELLOW]]Your axe also becomes a hand-held woodchipper,\n[[YELLOW]]breaking down the enemy\'s armor with ease as your level\n[[YELLOW]]increases.\n[[DARK_AQUA]]XP GAIN:\n[[YELLOW]]To gain XP in this skill you need hit other mobs or players\n[[YELLOW]]with an Axe.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Skull Splitter work?\n[[YELLOW]]This ability allows you to deal an AoE (Area of Effect) hit.\n[[YELLOW]]This AoE hit will deal half as much damage as you did to the\n[[YELLOW]]main target, so it\'s great for clearing out large piles of mobs.\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Critical Strikes work?\n[[YELLOW]]Critical Strikes is a passive ability which gives players a\n[[YELLOW]]chance to deal additional damage.\n[[YELLOW]]With the default settings, every 2 skill levels in Axes awards a\n[[YELLOW]]0.1% chance to deal a Critical Strike, causing 2.0 times damage\n[[YELLOW]]to mobs or 1.5 times damage against other players.\n\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Axe Mastery work?\n[[YELLOW]]Axe Mastery is a passive ability that will add additional damage\n[[YELLOW]]to your hits when using Axes.\n[[YELLOW]]By default, the bonus damage increases by 1 every 50 levels,\n[[YELLOW]]up to a cap of 4 extra damage at level 200.\n\n\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Armor Impact work?\n[[YELLOW]]Strike with enough force to shatter armor!\n[[YELLOW]]Armor Impact has a passive chance to damage your\n[[YELLOW]]opponent\'s armor. This damage increases as you level in Axes.\n\n\n\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Greater Impact work?\n[[YELLOW]]You have a passive chance to achieve a greater impact when\n[[YELLOW]]hitting mobs or players with your axe.\n[[YELLOW]]By default this chance is 25%. This passive ability has an\n[[YELLOW]]extreme knockback effect, similar to the Knockback II\n[[YELLOW]]enchantment. In addition, it deals bonus damage to the target.
Guides.Available=[[DARK_AQUA]]Guide for {0} available - type /{1} ? [page]
Guides.Excavation=[[DARK_AQUA]]About Excavation:\n[[YELLOW]]Excavation is the act of digging up dirt to find treasures.\n[[YELLOW]]By excavating the land you will find treasures.\n[[YELLOW]]The more you do this the more treasures you can find.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]XP GAIN:\n[[YELLOW]]To gain XP in this skill you must dig with a shovel in hand.\n[[YELLOW]]Only certain materials can be dug up for treasures and XP.\n[[DARK_AQUA]]Compatible Materials:\n[[YELLOW]]Grass, Dirt, Sand, Clay, Gravel, Mycelium, Soul Sand\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How to use Giga Drill Breaker:\n[[YELLOW]]With a shovel in hand right click to ready your tool.\n[[YELLOW]]Once in this state you have about 4 seconds to make\n[[YELLOW]]contact with Excavation compatible materials this will\n[[YELLOW]]activate Giga Drill Breaker.\n[[DARK_AQUA]]What is Giga Drill Breaker?\n[[YELLOW]]Giga Drill Breaker is an ability with a cooldown\n[[YELLOW]]tied to Excavation skill. It triples your chance\n[[YELLOW]]of finding treasures and enables instant break\n[[YELLOW]]on Excavation materials.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Treasure Hunter work?\n[[YELLOW]]Every possible treasure for Excavation has its own\n[[YELLOW]]skill level requirement for it to drop, as a result it\'s\n[[YELLOW]]difficult to say how much it is helping you.\n[[YELLOW]]Just keep in mind that the higher your Excavation skill\n[[YELLOW]]is, the more treasures that can be found.\n[[YELLOW]]And also keep in mind that each type of Excavation\n[[YELLOW]]compatible material has its own unique list of treasures.\n[[YELLOW]]In other words you will find different treasures in Dirt\n[[YELLOW]]than you would in Gravel.\n[[DARK_AQUA]]Notes about Excavation:\n[[YELLOW]]Excavation drops are completely customizeable\n[[YELLOW]]So results vary server to server.
Guides.Fishing=Guide coming soon...
Guides.Header=[[GOLD]]-=[[GREEN]]{0} Guide[[GOLD]]=-
Guides.Herbalism=Guide coming soon...
Guides.Mining=[[DARK_AQUA]]About Mining:\n[[YELLOW]]Mining consists of mining stone and ores. It provides bonuses\n[[YELLOW]]to the amount of materials dropped while mining.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]XP GAIN:\n[[YELLOW]]To gain XP in this skill, you must mine with a pickaxe in hand.\n[[YELLOW]]Only certain blocks award XP.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]Compatible Materials:\n[[YELLOW]]Stone, Coal Ore, Iron Ore, Gold Ore, Diamond Ore, Redstone Ore,\n[[YELLOW]]Lapis Ore, Obsidian, Mossy Cobblestone, Ender Stone,\n[[YELLOW]]Glowstone, and Netherrack.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How to use Super Breaker:\n[[YELLOW]]With a pickaxe in your hand, right click to ready your tool.\n[[YELLOW]]Once in this state, you have about 4 seconds to make contact\n[[YELLOW]]with Mining compatible materials, which will activate Super\n[[YELLOW]]Breaker.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]What is Super Breaker?\n[[YELLOW]]Super Breaker is an ability with a cooldown tied to the Mining\n[[YELLOW]]skill. It triples your chance of extra items dropping and\n[[YELLOW]]enables instant break on Mining materials.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How to use Blast Mining:\n[[YELLOW]]With a detonator in hand, which is a flint & steel by default,\n[[YELLOW]]right-click on TNT from a distance. This will cause the TNT\n[[YELLOW]]to instantly explode.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Blast Mining work?\n[[YELLOW]]Blast Mining is an ability with a cooldown tied to the Mining\n[[YELLOW]]skill. It gives bonuses when mining with TNT and allows you\n[[YELLOW]]to remote detonate TNT. There are three parts to Blast Mining.\n[[YELLOW]]The first part is Bigger Bombs, which increases blast radius.\n[[YELLOW]]The second is Demolitions Expert, which decreases damage\n[[YELLOW]]from TNT explosions. The third part simply increases the\n[[YELLOW]]amount of ores dropped from TNT and decreases the\n[[YELLOW]]debris dropped.
Guides.Mining=[[DARK_AQUA]]About Mining:\n[[YELLOW]]Mining consists of mining stone and ores. It provides bonuses\n[[YELLOW]]to the amount of materials dropped while mining.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]XP GAIN:\n[[YELLOW]]To gain XP in this skill, you must mine with a pickaxe in hand.\n[[YELLOW]]Only certain blocks award XP.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]Compatible Materials:\n[[YELLOW]]Stone, Coal Ore, Iron Ore, Gold Ore, Diamond Ore, Redstone Ore,\n[[YELLOW]]Lapis Ore, Obsidian, Mossy Cobblestone, Ender Stone,\n[[YELLOW]]Glowstone, and Netherrack.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How to use Super Breaker:\n[[YELLOW]]With a pickaxe in your hand, right click to ready your tool.\n[[YELLOW]]Once in this state, you have about 4 seconds to make contact\n[[YELLOW]]with Mining compatible materials, which will activate Super\n[[YELLOW]]Breaker.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]What is Super Breaker?\n[[YELLOW]]Super Breaker is an ability with a cooldown tied to the Mining\n[[YELLOW]]skill. It triples your chance of extra items dropping and\n[[YELLOW]]enables instant break on Mining materials.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How to use Blast Mining:\n[[YELLOW]]With a detonator in hand, which is a flint & steel by default,\n[[YELLOW]]crouch and right-click on TNT from a distance. This will cause the TNT\n[[YELLOW]]to instantly explode.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Blast Mining work?\n[[YELLOW]]Blast Mining is an ability with a cooldown tied to the Mining\n[[YELLOW]]skill. It gives bonuses when mining with TNT and allows you\n[[YELLOW]]to remote detonate TNT. There are three parts to Blast Mining.\n[[YELLOW]]The first part is Bigger Bombs, which increases blast radius.\n[[YELLOW]]The second is Demolitions Expert, which decreases damage\n[[YELLOW]]from TNT explosions. The third part simply increases the\n[[YELLOW]]amount of ores dropped from TNT and decreases the\n[[YELLOW]]debris dropped.
Guides.Page.Invalid=Not a valid page number!
Guides.Page.OutOfRange=That page doesn\'t exist, there are only {0} total pages.
Guides.Repair=Guide coming soon...
Guides.Swords=Guide coming soon...
Guides.Taming=Guide coming soon...
Guides.Unarmed=Guide coming soon...
Guides.Usage=[[RED]] Usage is /{0} ? [page]
Guides.Woodcutting=Guide coming soon...
Inspect.Offline=[[RED]]You do not have permission to inspect offline players!
Inspect.OfflineStats=mcMMO Stats for Offline Player [[YELLOW]]{0}
@ -453,9 +465,9 @@ Item.ChimaeraWing.Pass=**CHIMAERA WING**
Item.Injured.Wait=You were injured recently and must wait to use this. [[YELLOW]]({0}s)
Skills.Disarmed=[[DARK_RED]]\ud604\uc7ac \ubb34\uc7a5\ud574\uc81c \ub410\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4!
Skills.NeedMore=[[DARK_RED]]You need more
Skills.NeedMore=[[DARK_RED]]You need more [[GRAY]]{0}
Skills.Stats=[[YELLOW]]{0}[[GREEN]]{1}[[DARK_AQUA]] XP([[GRAY]]{2}[[DARK_AQUA]]/[[GRAY]]{3}[[DARK_AQUA]])
Skills.TooTired=[[RED]]You are too tired to use that ability again.
Skills.TooTired=[[RED]]You are too tired to use that ability again. [[YELLOW]]({0}s)
Stats.Header.Combat=[[GOLD]]-=COMBAT SKILLS=-
Stats.Header.Gathering=[[GOLD]]-=GATHERING SKILLS=-
Stats.Header.Misc=[[GOLD]]-=MISC SKILLS=-
@ -471,3 +483,23 @@ Perks.cooldowns.desc=Cuts cooldown duration by {0}.
Perks.activationtime.desc=Increases ability activation time by {0} seconds.
Perks.activationtime.bonus=[[GOLD]] ({0}s with Endurance Perk)
Hardcore.Player.Loss=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[DARK_RED]]You\'ve lost [[BLUE]]{0}[[DARK_RED]] from death.
Vampirism.Killer.Failure=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[YELLOW]]{0}[[GRAY]] was too unskilled to grant you any knowledge.
Vampirism.Killer.Success=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[DARK_AQUA]]You\'ve stolen [[BLUE]]{0}[[DARK_AQUA]] levels from [[YELLOW]]{1}.
Vampirism.Victim.Failure=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[YELLOW]]{0}[[GRAY]] was unable to steal knowledge from you!
Vampirism.Victim.Success=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[YELLOW]]{0}[[DARK_RED]] has stolen [[BLUE]]{1}[[DARK_RED]] levels from you!
Spout.LevelUp.1=[[GREEN]Level Up!
Spout.LevelUp.2=[[YELLOW]]{0}[[DARK_AQUA]] ([[GREEN]]{1}[[DARK_AQUA]])
Spout.Menu.Exit=[[GRAY]]Press ESCAPE to exit!
Spout.Menu.HudButton.1=HUD Type: {0}
Spout.Menu.HudButton.2=Change your HUD style!
Spout.Menu.Title=[[GOLD]]~mcMMO Menu~
MOTD.Hardcore.VampireOff=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[DARK_RED]]Hardcore & Vampirism enabled.
MOTD.Hardcore.Stats=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[DARK_AQUA]]Skill Death Penalty: [[DARK_RED]]{0}%
MOTD.Hardcore.VampireOn=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[DARK_RED]]Hardcore enabled.
MOTD.PerksPrefix=[[RED]][mcMMO Perks]
MOTD.Vampire.Stats=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[DARK_AQUA]]Vampirism Stat Leech: [[DARK_RED]]{0}%
MOTD.Version=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] Running version [[DARK_AQUA]]{0}
MOTD.Website=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[GREEN]]{0}[[YELLOW]] - mcMMO Website
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ Acrobatics.Roll.Text=**Rolled**
Acrobatics.Skillup=[[YELLOW]]Acrobatics skill increased by {0}. Total ({1})
Archery.Combat.DazeChance=[[RED]]Chance to Daze: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Archery.Combat.RetrieveChance=[[RED]]Iesp\u0113ja atg\u016bt bultas: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Archery.Combat.RetrieveChance=[[RED]]Chance to Retrieve Arrows: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Archery.Combat.SkillshotBonus=[[RED]]Skill Shot Bonus Damage: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Archery.Effect.0=Skill Shot
Archery.Effect.1=Increases damage done with bows
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ Archery.SkillName=ARCHERY
Archery.Skillup=[[YELLOW]]Archery skill increased by {0}. Total ({1})
Axes.Ability.Bonus.0=Axe Mastery
Axes.Ability.Bonus.1=Bonus {0} boj\u0101jumi
Axes.Ability.Bonus.2=Armor Impact
Axes.Ability.Bonus.3=Deal {0} Bonus DMG to armor
Axes.Ability.Bonus.4=Greater Impact
Axes.Ability.Bonus.5=Deal {0} Bonus DMG to unarmored foes
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ Axes.Ability.Lower=[[GRAY]]**YOU LOWER YOUR AXE**
Axes.Ability.Ready=[[GREEN]]**YOU READY YOUR AXE**
Axes.Combat.Cleave.Proc=[[DARK_RED]]Struck by CLEAVE!
Axes.Combat.CritStruck=[[DARK_RED]]You were CRITICALLY hit!
Axes.Combat.CritChance=[[RED]]Iesp\u0113ja kritiskajam uzbrukumam: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Axes.Combat.CritChance=[[RED]]Iesp\u0113ja kritiskajam uzbrukumam: [[YELLOW]]{0}%
Axes.Combat.CriticalHit=[[RED]]CRITICAL HIT!
Axes.Combat.GI.Struck=[[RED]]**HIT BY GREATER IMPACT**
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ Axes.Effect.2=Critical Strikes
Axes.Effect.3=Double Damage
Axes.Effect.4=Axe Mastery
Axes.Effect.5=Adds bonus DMG
Axes.Effect.6=Armor Impact
Axes.Effect.7=Strike with enough force to shatter armor
Axes.Effect.8=Greater Impact
Axes.Effect.9=Deal bonus damage to unarmored foes
@ -159,6 +159,8 @@ Mining.Blast.Radius.Increase=[[RED]]Blast Radius Increase: [[YELLOW]]+{0}
Mining.Blast.Rank=[[RED]]Blast Mining: [[YELLOW]] Rank {0}/8 [[GRAY]]({1})
Mining.Blast.Other.On=[[GREEN]]{0}[[DARK_GREEN]] has used [[RED]]Blast Mining!
Mining.Blast.Refresh=[[GREEN]]Your [[YELLOW]]Blast Mining [[GREEN]]ability is refreshed!
Repair.AnvilPlaced.Spout1=[mcMMO] Anvil Placed
Repair.AnvilPlaced.Spout2=Right click to repair!
Repair.Effect.1=Repair Tools & Armor
Repair.Effect.10=Gold Repair ({0}+ SKILL)
@ -277,6 +279,8 @@ Unarmed.Ability.Bonus.0=Iron Arm Style
Unarmed.Ability.Bonus.1=+{0} DMG Upgrade
Unarmed.Ability.Chance.ArrowDeflect=[[RED]]Arrow Deflect Chance: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Unarmed.Ability.Chance.Disarm=[[RED]]Disarm Chance: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Unarmed.Ability.IronGrip.Attacker=[[RED]]Your opponent has an iron grip!
Unarmed.Ability.IronGrip.Defender=[[GREEN]]Your iron grip kept you from being disarmed!
Unarmed.Ability.Lower=[[GRAY]]**YOU LOWER YOUR FISTS**
Unarmed.Ability.Ready=[[GREEN]]**YOU READY YOUR FISTS**
Unarmed.Effect.0=Berserk (ABILITY)
@ -334,6 +338,7 @@ Commands.Ability.Off=Ability use toggled [[RED]]off
Commands.Ability.On=Ability use toggled [[GREEN]]on
Commands.AdminChat.Off=Tikai Adminu \u010dats [[RED]]Izsl\u0113gt
Commands.AdminChat.On=Admin Chat only [[GREEN]]On
Commands.AdminToggle=[[RED]]- Toggle admin chat
Commands.Disabled=[[RED]]This command is disabled.
Commands.DoesNotExist=[[RED]]Player does not exist in the database!
@ -345,6 +350,9 @@ Commands.Invite.Accepted=[[GREEN]]Invite Accepted. You have joined party {0}
Commands.Invite.Success=[[GREEN]]Invite sent successfully.
Commands.Leaderboards=<skill> <page> [[RED]]- Leaderboards
Commands.mcgod=[[RED]]- Toggle GodMode
Commands.mcrank.Skill=[[YELLOW]]{0}[[GREEN]] - [[GOLD]]Rank [[WHITE]]#[[GREEN]]{1}
Commands.mcrank.Overall=[[YELLOW]]Overall[[GREEN]] - [[GOLD]]Rank [[WHITE]]#[[GREEN]]{0}
Commands.mmoedit=[player] <skill> <newvalue> [[RED]] - Modify target
Commands.ModDescription=[[RED]]- Read brief mod description
Commands.NoConsole=\u0160\u012b komanda neatbalsta konsules izmanto\u0161anu.
@ -352,6 +360,7 @@ Commands.Other=[[GREEN]]--OTHER COMMANDS--
Commands.Party.Accept=[[RED]]- Accept party invite
Commands.Party.Chat.Off=Party Chat only [[RED]]Off
Commands.Party.Chat.On=Party Chat only [[GREEN]]On
Commands.Party.Commands=[[GREEN]]--PARTY COMMANDS--
Commands.Party.Invite.0=[[RED]]ALERT: [[GREEN]]You have received a party invite for {0} from {1}
Commands.Party.Invite.1=[[YELLOW]]Type [[GREEN]]/accept[[YELLOW]] to accept the invite
@ -377,11 +386,9 @@ Commands.SkillInfo=/<skill> [[RED]]- View detailed information about a skill
Commands.Stats.Self=TAVI STATI
Commands.Stats=[[RED]]- View your mcMMO stats
Commands.ToggleAbility=[[RED]]- Toggle ability activation with right click
mcMMO.MOTD=[[BLUE]]This server is running mcMMO {0}! \n Type [[YELLOW]]/mcmmo[[BLUE]] for help.
mcMMO.NoInvites=[[RED]]You have no invites at this time
mcMMO.NoPermission=[[DARK_RED]]Nepietiekama at\u013cauja.
mcMMO.NoSkillNote=[[DARK_GRAY]]If you don\'t have access to a skill it will not be shown here.
mcMMO.Website=[[GREEN]]http://forums.mcmmo.info[[BLUE]] - mcMMO Website
Commands.Party.InParty=[[GREEN]]Party: {0}
Party.Forbidden=[mcMMO] Parties not permitted on this world (See Permissions)
Party.Help.0=[[RED]]Proper usage is /party <party-name> to join or /party q to quit
@ -434,15 +441,20 @@ Effects.Level=[[DARK_GRAY]]LVL: [[GREEN]]{0} [[DARK_AQUA]]XP[[YELLOW]]([[GOLD]]{
Effects.Template=[[DARK_AQUA]]{0}: [[GREEN]]{1}
Guides.Acrobatics=[[DARK_AQUA]]About Acrobatics:\n[[YELLOW]]Acrobatics is the art of moving gracefully in mcMMO.\n[[YELLOW]]It provides combat bonuses and environment damage bonuses.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]XP GAIN:\n[[YELLOW]]To gain XP in this skill you need to perform a dodge\n[[YELLOW]]in combat or survive falls from heights that damage you.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Rolling work?\n[[YELLOW]]You have a passive chance when you take fall damage\n[[YELLOW]]to negate the damage done. You can hold the sneak button to\n[[YELLOW]]double your chances during the fall.\n[[YELLOW]]This triggers a Graceful Roll instead of a standard one.\n[[YELLOW]]Graceful Rolls are like regular rolls but are twice as likely to\n[[YELLOW]]occur and provide more damage safety than regular rolls.\n[[YELLOW]]Rolling chance is tied to your skill level\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Dodge work?\n[[YELLOW]]Dodge is a passive chance when you are\n[[YELLOW]]injured in combat to halve the damage taken.\n[[YELLOW]]It is tied to your skill level.
Guides.Archery=[[DARK_AQUA]]About Archery:\n[[YELLOW]]Archery is about shooting with your bow and arrow.\n[[YELLOW]]It provides various combat bonuses, such as a damage boost\n[[YELLOW]]that scales with your level and the ability to daze your\n[[YELLOW]]opponents in PvP. In addition to this, you can retrieve\n[[YELLOW]]some of your spent arrows from the corpses of your foes.\n\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]XP GAIN:\n[[YELLOW]]To gain XP in this skill you need to shoot mobs or\n[[YELLOW]]other players.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Skill Shot work?\n[[YELLOW]]Skill Shot provides additional damage to your shots.\n[[YELLOW]]The bonus damage from Skill Shot increases as you\n[[YELLOW]]level in Archery.\n[[YELLOW]]With the default settings, your archery damage increase 10%\n[[YELLOW]]every 50 levels, to a maximum of 200% bonus damage.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Daze work?\n[[YELLOW]]You have a passive chance to daze other players when\n[[YELLOW]]you shoot them. When Daze triggers it forces your opponents\n[[YELLOW]]to look straight up for a short duration.\n[[YELLOW]]A Daze shot also deals an additional 4 damage (2 hearts).\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Arrow Retrieval work?\n[[YELLOW]]You have a passive chance to retrieve some of your arrows\n[[YELLOW]]when you kill a mob with your bow.\n[[YELLOW]]This chance increases as you level in Archery.\n[[YELLOW]]By default, this ability increases by 0.1% per level, up to 100%\n[[YELLOW]]at level 1000.
Guides.Axes=[[DARK_AQUA]]About Axes:\n[[YELLOW]]With the Axes skill you can use your axe for much more then\n[[YELLOW]]just deforesting! You can hack and chop away at mobs\n[[YELLOW]]and players to gain XP, hitting mobs with the effect of\n[[YELLOW]]knockback and inflicting DEADLY criticals on mobs and players.\n[[YELLOW]]Your axe also becomes a hand-held woodchipper,\n[[YELLOW]]breaking down the enemy's armor with ease as your level\n[[YELLOW]]increases.\n[[DARK_AQUA]]XP GAIN:\n[[YELLOW]]To gain XP in this skill you need hit other mobs or players\n[[YELLOW]]with an Axe.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Skull Splitter work?\n[[YELLOW]]This ability allows you to deal an AoE (Area of Effect) hit.\n[[YELLOW]]This AoE hit will deal half as much damage as you did to the\n[[YELLOW]]main target, so it's great for clearing out large piles of mobs.\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Critical Strikes work?\n[[YELLOW]]Critical Strikes is a passive ability which gives players a\n[[YELLOW]]chance to deal additional damage.\n[[YELLOW]]With the default settings, every 2 skill levels in Axes awards a\n[[YELLOW]]0.1% chance to deal a Critical Strike, causing 2.0 times damage\n[[YELLOW]]to mobs or 1.5 times damage against other players.\n\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Axe Mastery work?\n[[YELLOW]]Axe Mastery is a passive ability that will add additional damage\n[[YELLOW]]to your hits when using Axes.\n[[YELLOW]]By default, the bonus damage increases by 1 every 50 levels,\n[[YELLOW]]up to a cap of 4 extra damage at level 200.\n\n\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Armor Impact work?\n[[YELLOW]]Strike with enough force to shatter armor!\n[[YELLOW]]Armor Impact has a passive chance to damage your\n[[YELLOW]]opponent's armor. This damage increases as you level in Axes.\n\n\n\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Greater Impact work?\n[[YELLOW]]You have a passive chance to achieve a greater impact when\n[[YELLOW]]hitting mobs or players with your axe.\n[[YELLOW]]By default this chance is 25%. This passive ability has an\n[[YELLOW]]extreme knockback effect, similar to the Knockback II\n[[YELLOW]]enchantment. In addition, it deals bonus damage to the target.
Guides.Axes=[[DARK_AQUA]]About Axes:\n[[YELLOW]]With the Axes skill you can use your axe for much more then\n[[YELLOW]]just deforesting! You can hack and chop away at mobs\n[[YELLOW]]and players to gain XP, hitting mobs with the effect of\n[[YELLOW]]knockback and inflicting DEADLY criticals on mobs and players.\n[[YELLOW]]Your axe also becomes a hand-held woodchipper,\n[[YELLOW]]breaking down the enemy\'s armor with ease as your level\n[[YELLOW]]increases.\n[[DARK_AQUA]]XP GAIN:\n[[YELLOW]]To gain XP in this skill you need hit other mobs or players\n[[YELLOW]]with an Axe.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Skull Splitter work?\n[[YELLOW]]This ability allows you to deal an AoE (Area of Effect) hit.\n[[YELLOW]]This AoE hit will deal half as much damage as you did to the\n[[YELLOW]]main target, so it\'s great for clearing out large piles of mobs.\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Critical Strikes work?\n[[YELLOW]]Critical Strikes is a passive ability which gives players a\n[[YELLOW]]chance to deal additional damage.\n[[YELLOW]]With the default settings, every 2 skill levels in Axes awards a\n[[YELLOW]]0.1% chance to deal a Critical Strike, causing 2.0 times damage\n[[YELLOW]]to mobs or 1.5 times damage against other players.\n\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Axe Mastery work?\n[[YELLOW]]Axe Mastery is a passive ability that will add additional damage\n[[YELLOW]]to your hits when using Axes.\n[[YELLOW]]By default, the bonus damage increases by 1 every 50 levels,\n[[YELLOW]]up to a cap of 4 extra damage at level 200.\n\n\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Armor Impact work?\n[[YELLOW]]Strike with enough force to shatter armor!\n[[YELLOW]]Armor Impact has a passive chance to damage your\n[[YELLOW]]opponent\'s armor. This damage increases as you level in Axes.\n\n\n\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Greater Impact work?\n[[YELLOW]]You have a passive chance to achieve a greater impact when\n[[YELLOW]]hitting mobs or players with your axe.\n[[YELLOW]]By default this chance is 25%. This passive ability has an\n[[YELLOW]]extreme knockback effect, similar to the Knockback II\n[[YELLOW]]enchantment. In addition, it deals bonus damage to the target.
Guides.Available=[[DARK_AQUA]]Guide for {0} available - type /{1} ? [page]
Guides.Excavation=[[DARK_AQUA]]About Excavation:\n[[YELLOW]]Excavation is the act of digging up dirt to find treasures.\n[[YELLOW]]By excavating the land you will find treasures.\n[[YELLOW]]The more you do this the more treasures you can find.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]XP GAIN:\n[[YELLOW]]To gain XP in this skill you must dig with a shovel in hand.\n[[YELLOW]]Only certain materials can be dug up for treasures and XP.\n[[DARK_AQUA]]Compatible Materials:\n[[YELLOW]]Grass, Dirt, Sand, Clay, Gravel, Mycelium, Soul Sand\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How to use Giga Drill Breaker:\n[[YELLOW]]With a shovel in hand right click to ready your tool.\n[[YELLOW]]Once in this state you have about 4 seconds to make\n[[YELLOW]]contact with Excavation compatible materials this will\n[[YELLOW]]activate Giga Drill Breaker.\n[[DARK_AQUA]]What is Giga Drill Breaker?\n[[YELLOW]]Giga Drill Breaker is an ability with a cooldown\n[[YELLOW]]tied to Excavation skill. It triples your chance\n[[YELLOW]]of finding treasures and enables instant break\n[[YELLOW]]on Excavation materials.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Treasure Hunter work?\n[[YELLOW]]Every possible treasure for Excavation has its own\n[[YELLOW]]skill level requirement for it to drop, as a result it\'s\n[[YELLOW]]difficult to say how much it is helping you.\n[[YELLOW]]Just keep in mind that the higher your Excavation skill\n[[YELLOW]]is, the more treasures that can be found.\n[[YELLOW]]And also keep in mind that each type of Excavation\n[[YELLOW]]compatible material has its own unique list of treasures.\n[[YELLOW]]In other words you will find different treasures in Dirt\n[[YELLOW]]than you would in Gravel.\n[[DARK_AQUA]]Notes about Excavation:\n[[YELLOW]]Excavation drops are completely customizeable\n[[YELLOW]]So results vary server to server.
Guides.Fishing=Guide coming soon...
Guides.Header=[[GOLD]]-=[[GREEN]]{0} Guide[[GOLD]]=-
Guides.Herbalism=Guide coming soon...
Guides.Mining=[[DARK_AQUA]]About Mining:\n[[YELLOW]]Mining consists of mining stone and ores. It provides bonuses\n[[YELLOW]]to the amount of materials dropped while mining.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]XP GAIN:\n[[YELLOW]]To gain XP in this skill, you must mine with a pickaxe in hand.\n[[YELLOW]]Only certain blocks award XP.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]Compatible Materials:\n[[YELLOW]]Stone, Coal Ore, Iron Ore, Gold Ore, Diamond Ore, Redstone Ore,\n[[YELLOW]]Lapis Ore, Obsidian, Mossy Cobblestone, Ender Stone,\n[[YELLOW]]Glowstone, and Netherrack.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How to use Super Breaker:\n[[YELLOW]]With a pickaxe in your hand, right click to ready your tool.\n[[YELLOW]]Once in this state, you have about 4 seconds to make contact\n[[YELLOW]]with Mining compatible materials, which will activate Super\n[[YELLOW]]Breaker.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]What is Super Breaker?\n[[YELLOW]]Super Breaker is an ability with a cooldown tied to the Mining\n[[YELLOW]]skill. It triples your chance of extra items dropping and\n[[YELLOW]]enables instant break on Mining materials.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How to use Blast Mining:\n[[YELLOW]]With a detonator in hand, which is a flint & steel by default,\n[[YELLOW]]right-click on TNT from a distance. This will cause the TNT\n[[YELLOW]]to instantly explode.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Blast Mining work?\n[[YELLOW]]Blast Mining is an ability with a cooldown tied to the Mining\n[[YELLOW]]skill. It gives bonuses when mining with TNT and allows you\n[[YELLOW]]to remote detonate TNT. There are three parts to Blast Mining.\n[[YELLOW]]The first part is Bigger Bombs, which increases blast radius.\n[[YELLOW]]The second is Demolitions Expert, which decreases damage\n[[YELLOW]]from TNT explosions. The third part simply increases the\n[[YELLOW]]amount of ores dropped from TNT and decreases the\n[[YELLOW]]debris dropped.
Guides.Mining=[[DARK_AQUA]]About Mining:\n[[YELLOW]]Mining consists of mining stone and ores. It provides bonuses\n[[YELLOW]]to the amount of materials dropped while mining.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]XP GAIN:\n[[YELLOW]]To gain XP in this skill, you must mine with a pickaxe in hand.\n[[YELLOW]]Only certain blocks award XP.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]Compatible Materials:\n[[YELLOW]]Stone, Coal Ore, Iron Ore, Gold Ore, Diamond Ore, Redstone Ore,\n[[YELLOW]]Lapis Ore, Obsidian, Mossy Cobblestone, Ender Stone,\n[[YELLOW]]Glowstone, and Netherrack.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How to use Super Breaker:\n[[YELLOW]]With a pickaxe in your hand, right click to ready your tool.\n[[YELLOW]]Once in this state, you have about 4 seconds to make contact\n[[YELLOW]]with Mining compatible materials, which will activate Super\n[[YELLOW]]Breaker.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]What is Super Breaker?\n[[YELLOW]]Super Breaker is an ability with a cooldown tied to the Mining\n[[YELLOW]]skill. It triples your chance of extra items dropping and\n[[YELLOW]]enables instant break on Mining materials.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How to use Blast Mining:\n[[YELLOW]]With a detonator in hand, which is a flint & steel by default,\n[[YELLOW]]crouch and right-click on TNT from a distance. This will cause the TNT\n[[YELLOW]]to instantly explode.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Blast Mining work?\n[[YELLOW]]Blast Mining is an ability with a cooldown tied to the Mining\n[[YELLOW]]skill. It gives bonuses when mining with TNT and allows you\n[[YELLOW]]to remote detonate TNT. There are three parts to Blast Mining.\n[[YELLOW]]The first part is Bigger Bombs, which increases blast radius.\n[[YELLOW]]The second is Demolitions Expert, which decreases damage\n[[YELLOW]]from TNT explosions. The third part simply increases the\n[[YELLOW]]amount of ores dropped from TNT and decreases the\n[[YELLOW]]debris dropped.
Guides.Page.Invalid=Not a valid page number!
Guides.Page.OutOfRange=That page doesn\'t exist, there are only {0} total pages.
Guides.Repair=Guide coming soon...
Guides.Swords=Guide coming soon...
Guides.Taming=Guide coming soon...
Guides.Unarmed=Guide coming soon...
Guides.Usage=[[RED]] Usage is /{0} ? [page]
Guides.Woodcutting=Guide coming soon...
Inspect.Offline=[[RED]]You do not have permission to inspect offline players!
Inspect.OfflineStats=mcMMO Stats for Offline Player [[YELLOW]]{0}
@ -453,9 +465,9 @@ Item.ChimaeraWing.Pass=**CHIMAERA WING**
Item.Injured.Wait=You were injured recently and must wait to use this. [[YELLOW]]({0}s)
Skills.Disarmed=[[DARK_RED]]Tevi ir atbru\u0146oju\u0161i!
Skills.NeedMore=[[DARK_RED]]You need more
Skills.NeedMore=[[DARK_RED]]You need more [[GRAY]]{0}
Skills.Stats=[[YELLOW]]{0}[[GREEN]]{1}[[DARK_AQUA]] XP([[GRAY]]{2}[[DARK_AQUA]]/[[GRAY]]{3}[[DARK_AQUA]])
Skills.TooTired=[[RED]]You are too tired to use that ability again.
Skills.TooTired=[[RED]]You are too tired to use that ability again. [[YELLOW]]({0}s)
Stats.Header.Combat=[[GOLD]]-=COMBAT SKILLS=-
Stats.Header.Gathering=[[GOLD]]-=GATHERING SKILLS=-
Stats.Header.Misc=[[GOLD]]-=MISC SKILLS=-
@ -471,3 +483,23 @@ Perks.cooldowns.desc=Cuts cooldown duration by {0}.
Perks.activationtime.desc=Increases ability activation time by {0} seconds.
Perks.activationtime.bonus=[[GOLD]] ({0}s with Endurance Perk)
Hardcore.Player.Loss=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[DARK_RED]]You\'ve lost [[BLUE]]{0}[[DARK_RED]] from death.
Vampirism.Killer.Failure=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[YELLOW]]{0}[[GRAY]] was too unskilled to grant you any knowledge.
Vampirism.Killer.Success=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[DARK_AQUA]]You\'ve stolen [[BLUE]]{0}[[DARK_AQUA]] levels from [[YELLOW]]{1}.
Vampirism.Victim.Failure=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[YELLOW]]{0}[[GRAY]] was unable to steal knowledge from you!
Vampirism.Victim.Success=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[YELLOW]]{0}[[DARK_RED]] has stolen [[BLUE]]{1}[[DARK_RED]] levels from you!
Spout.LevelUp.1=[[GREEN]Level Up!
Spout.LevelUp.2=[[YELLOW]]{0}[[DARK_AQUA]] ([[GREEN]]{1}[[DARK_AQUA]])
Spout.Menu.Exit=[[GRAY]]Press ESCAPE to exit!
Spout.Menu.HudButton.1=HUD Type: {0}
Spout.Menu.HudButton.2=Change your HUD style!
Spout.Menu.Title=[[GOLD]]~mcMMO Menu~
MOTD.Hardcore.VampireOff=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[DARK_RED]]Hardcore & Vampirism enabled.
MOTD.Hardcore.Stats=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[DARK_AQUA]]Skill Death Penalty: [[DARK_RED]]{0}%
MOTD.Hardcore.VampireOn=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[DARK_RED]]Hardcore enabled.
MOTD.PerksPrefix=[[RED]][mcMMO Perks]
MOTD.Vampire.Stats=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[DARK_AQUA]]Vampirism Stat Leech: [[DARK_RED]]{0}%
MOTD.Version=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] Running version [[DARK_AQUA]]{0}
MOTD.Website=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[GREEN]]{0}[[YELLOW]] - mcMMO Website
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ Acrobatics.Roll.Text=**Rolled**
Acrobatics.Skillup=[[YELLOW]]Acrobatiek toegenomen met {0}. Totaal ({1})
Archery.Combat.DazeChance=[[RED]]Chance to Daze: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Archery.Combat.RetrieveChance=[[RED]]De kans om je pijlen terug te krijgen:[[YELLOW]]{0}
Archery.Combat.RetrieveChance=[[RED]]Chance to Retrieve Arrows: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Archery.Combat.SkillshotBonus=[[RED]]Skill Shot Bonus Damage: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Archery.Effect.0=Skill Shot
Archery.Effect.1=Increases damage done with bows
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ Archery.SkillName=ARCHERY
Archery.Skillup=[[YELLOW]]Boogschieten toegenomen met {0}. Totaal ({1})
Axes.Ability.Bonus.0=Axe Mastery
Axes.Ability.Bonus.1=Bonus {0} damage
Axes.Ability.Bonus.2=Armor Impact
Axes.Ability.Bonus.3=Deal {0} Bonus DMG to armor
Axes.Ability.Bonus.4=Greater Impact
Axes.Ability.Bonus.5=Deal {0} Bonus DMG to unarmored foes
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ Axes.Effect.2=Critical Strikes
Axes.Effect.3=Double Damage
Axes.Effect.4=Axe Mastery
Axes.Effect.5=Adds bonus DMG
Axes.Effect.6=Armor Impact
Axes.Effect.7=Strike with enough force to shatter armor
Axes.Effect.8=Greater Impact
Axes.Effect.9=Deal bonus damage to unarmored foes
@ -158,7 +158,9 @@ Mining.Blast.Effect.7=+70 ore yield, no debris, triple drops
Mining.Blast.Radius.Increase=[[RED]]Blast Radius Increase: [[YELLOW]]+{0}
Mining.Blast.Rank=[[RED]]Blast Mining: [[YELLOW]] Rank {0}/8 [[GRAY]]({1})
Mining.Blast.Other.On=[[GREEN]]{0}[[DARK_GREEN]] has used [[RED]]Blast Mining!
Mining.Blast.Refresh=[[GREEN]]Your [[YELLOW]]Blast Mining [[GREEN]]ability is refreshed!
Mining.Blast.Refresh=[[GREEN]]Jou[[YELLOW]]explosie mijnen [[GREEN]]bekwaamheid is hersteld!
Repair.AnvilPlaced.Spout1=[mcMMO] Anvil Placed
Repair.AnvilPlaced.Spout2=Right click to repair!
Repair.Effect.1=Repair Tools & Armor
Repair.Effect.10=Gold Repair ({0}+ SKILL)
@ -275,8 +277,10 @@ Taming.Summon.Fail.Wolf=[[RED]]You have too many wolves nearby to summon any mor
Unarmed.Ability.Berserk.Length=[[RED]]Berserk Length: [[YELLOW]]{0}s
Unarmed.Ability.Bonus.0=Iron Arm Style
Unarmed.Ability.Bonus.1=+{0} DMG Upgrade
Unarmed.Ability.Chance.ArrowDeflect=[[RED]]Pijl afwijking kans: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Unarmed.Ability.Chance.ArrowDeflect=[[RED]]Arrow Deflect Chance: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Unarmed.Ability.Chance.Disarm=[[RED]]Disarm Chance: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Unarmed.Ability.IronGrip.Attacker=[[RED]]Your opponent has an iron grip!
Unarmed.Ability.IronGrip.Defender=[[GREEN]]Your iron grip kept you from being disarmed!
Unarmed.Ability.Lower=[[GRAY]]**YOU LOWER YOUR FISTS**
Unarmed.Ability.Ready=[[GREEN]]**YOU READY YOUR FISTS**
Unarmed.Effect.0=Berserk (ABILITY)
@ -292,7 +296,7 @@ Unarmed.SkillName=UNARMED
Unarmed.Skills.Berserk.Off=[[RED]]**Razernij is uitgewerkt**
Unarmed.Skills.Berserk.On=[[GREEN]]**BERSERK ACTIVATED**
Unarmed.Skills.Berserk.Other.Off=[[RED]]Berserk[[GREEN]] has worn off for [[YELLOW]]{0}
Unarmed.Skills.Berserk.Other.On=[[GREEN]]{0}[[DARK_GREEN]] has used [[RED]]Berserk!
Unarmed.Skills.Berserk.Other.On=[[GREEN]]{0}[[DARK_GREEN]] heeft [[RED]]berserker [[DARK_GREEN]]gebruikt!
Unarmed.Skills.Berserk.Refresh=[[GREEN]]Your [[YELLOW]]Berserk [[GREEN]]ability is refreshed!
Unarmed.Skillup=[[YELLOW]]Unarmed skill increased by {0}. Total ({1})
@ -334,6 +338,7 @@ Commands.Ability.Off=Ability use toggled [[RED]]off
Commands.Ability.On=Ability use toggled [[GREEN]]on
Commands.AdminChat.Off=Alleen Admin tekst [[RED]]Uit
Commands.AdminChat.On=Admin Chat only [[GREEN]]On
Commands.AdminToggle=[[RED]]- Toggle admin chat
Commands.Disabled=[[RED]]This command is disabled.
Commands.DoesNotExist=[[RED]]Player does not exist in the database!
@ -345,6 +350,9 @@ Commands.Invite.Accepted=[[GREEN]]Invite Accepted. You have joined party {0}
Commands.Invite.Success=[[GREEN]]Invite sent successfully.
Commands.Leaderboards=<skill> <page> [[RED]]- Leaderboards
Commands.mcgod=[[RED]]- Toggle GodMode
Commands.mcrank.Skill=[[YELLOW]]{0}[[GREEN]] - [[GOLD]]Rank [[WHITE]]#[[GREEN]]{1}
Commands.mcrank.Overall=[[YELLOW]]Overall[[GREEN]] - [[GOLD]]Rank [[WHITE]]#[[GREEN]]{0}
Commands.mmoedit=[player] <skill> <newvalue> [[RED]] - Modify target
Commands.ModDescription=[[RED]]- Read brief mod description
Commands.NoConsole=This command does not support console usage.
@ -352,6 +360,7 @@ Commands.Other=[[GREEN]]--OTHER COMMANDS--
Commands.Party.Accept=[[RED]]- Accept party invite
Commands.Party.Chat.Off=Party Chat only [[RED]]Off
Commands.Party.Chat.On=Party Chat only [[GREEN]]On
Commands.Party.Commands=[[GREEN]]--PARTY COMMANDS--
Commands.Party.Invite.0=[[RED]]ALERT: [[GREEN]]You have received a party invite for {0} from {1}
Commands.Party.Invite.1=[[YELLOW]]Type [[GREEN]]/accept[[YELLOW]] to accept the invite
@ -377,11 +386,9 @@ Commands.SkillInfo=/<skill> [[RED]]- View detailed information about a skill
Commands.Stats.Self=YOUR STATS
Commands.Stats=[[RED]]- View your mcMMO stats
Commands.ToggleAbility=[[RED]]- Toggle ability activation with right click
mcMMO.MOTD=[[BLUE]]This server is running mcMMO {0}! \n Type [[YELLOW]]/mcmmo[[BLUE]] for help.
mcMMO.NoInvites=[[RED]]You have no invites at this time
mcMMO.NoPermission=[[DARK_RED]]Insufficient permissions.
mcMMO.NoSkillNote=[[DARK_GRAY]]If you don\'t have access to a skill it will not be shown here.
mcMMO.Website=[[GREEN]]http://forums.mcmmo.info[[BLUE]] - mcMMO Website
Commands.Party.InParty=[[GREEN]]Groep: {0}
Party.Forbidden=[mcMMO] Parties not permitted on this world (See Permissions)
Party.Help.0=[[RED]]Proper usage is /party <party-name> to join or /party q to quit
@ -433,16 +440,21 @@ Effects.Effects=EFFECTEN
Effects.Level=[[DARK_GRAY]]LVL: [[GREEN]]{0} [[DARK_AQUA]]XP[[YELLOW]]([[GOLD]]{1}[[YELLOW]]/[[GOLD]]{2}[[YELLOW]])
Effects.Template=[[DARK_AQUA]]{0}: [[GREEN]]{1}
Guides.Acrobatics=[[DARK_AQUA]]About Acrobatics:\n[[YELLOW]]Acrobatics is the art of moving gracefully in mcMMO.\n[[YELLOW]]It provides combat bonuses and environment damage bonuses.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]XP GAIN:\n[[YELLOW]]To gain XP in this skill you need to perform a dodge\n[[YELLOW]]in combat or survive falls from heights that damage you.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Rolling work?\n[[YELLOW]]You have a passive chance when you take fall damage\n[[YELLOW]]to negate the damage done. You can hold the sneak button to\n[[YELLOW]]double your chances during the fall.\n[[YELLOW]]This triggers a Graceful Roll instead of a standard one.\n[[YELLOW]]Graceful Rolls are like regular rolls but are twice as likely to\n[[YELLOW]]occur and provide more damage safety than regular rolls.\n[[YELLOW]]Rolling chance is tied to your skill level\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Dodge work?\n[[YELLOW]]Dodge is a passive chance when you are\n[[YELLOW]]injured in combat to halve the damage taken.\n[[YELLOW]]It is tied to your skill level.
Guides.Archery=[[DARK_AQUA]]About Archery:\n[[YELLOW]]Archery is about shooting with your bow and arrow.\n[[YELLOW]]It provides various combat bonuses, such as a damage boost\n[[YELLOW]]that scales with your level and the ability to daze your\n[[YELLOW]]opponents in PvP. In addition to this, you can retrieve\n[[YELLOW]]some of your spent arrows from the corpses of your foes.\n\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]XP GAIN:\n[[YELLOW]]To gain XP in this skill you need to shoot mobs or\n[[YELLOW]]other players.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Skill Shot work?\n[[YELLOW]]Skill Shot provides additional damage to your shots.\n[[YELLOW]]The bonus damage from Skill Shot increases as you\n[[YELLOW]]level in Archery.\n[[YELLOW]]With the default settings, your archery damage increase 10%\n[[YELLOW]]every 50 levels, to a maximum of 200% bonus damage.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Daze work?\n[[YELLOW]]You have a passive chance to daze other players when\n[[YELLOW]]you shoot them. When Daze triggers it forces your opponents\n[[YELLOW]]to look straight up for a short duration.\n[[YELLOW]]A Daze shot also deals an additional 4 damage (2 hearts).\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Arrow Retrieval work?\n[[YELLOW]]You have a passive chance to retrieve some of your arrows\n[[YELLOW]]when you kill a mob with your bow.\n[[YELLOW]]This chance increases as you level in Archery.\n[[YELLOW]]By default, this ability increases by 0.1% per level, up to 100%\n[[YELLOW]]at level 1000.
Guides.Axes=[[DARK_AQUA]]About Axes:\n[[YELLOW]]With the Axes skill you can use your axe for much more then\n[[YELLOW]]just deforesting! You can hack and chop away at mobs\n[[YELLOW]]and players to gain XP, hitting mobs with the effect of\n[[YELLOW]]knockback and inflicting DEADLY criticals on mobs and players.\n[[YELLOW]]Your axe also becomes a hand-held woodchipper,\n[[YELLOW]]breaking down the enemy's armor with ease as your level\n[[YELLOW]]increases.\n[[DARK_AQUA]]XP GAIN:\n[[YELLOW]]To gain XP in this skill you need hit other mobs or players\n[[YELLOW]]with an Axe.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Skull Splitter work?\n[[YELLOW]]This ability allows you to deal an AoE (Area of Effect) hit.\n[[YELLOW]]This AoE hit will deal half as much damage as you did to the\n[[YELLOW]]main target, so it's great for clearing out large piles of mobs.\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Critical Strikes work?\n[[YELLOW]]Critical Strikes is a passive ability which gives players a\n[[YELLOW]]chance to deal additional damage.\n[[YELLOW]]With the default settings, every 2 skill levels in Axes awards a\n[[YELLOW]]0.1% chance to deal a Critical Strike, causing 2.0 times damage\n[[YELLOW]]to mobs or 1.5 times damage against other players.\n\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Axe Mastery work?\n[[YELLOW]]Axe Mastery is a passive ability that will add additional damage\n[[YELLOW]]to your hits when using Axes.\n[[YELLOW]]By default, the bonus damage increases by 1 every 50 levels,\n[[YELLOW]]up to a cap of 4 extra damage at level 200.\n\n\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Armor Impact work?\n[[YELLOW]]Strike with enough force to shatter armor!\n[[YELLOW]]Armor Impact has a passive chance to damage your\n[[YELLOW]]opponent's armor. This damage increases as you level in Axes.\n\n\n\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Greater Impact work?\n[[YELLOW]]You have a passive chance to achieve a greater impact when\n[[YELLOW]]hitting mobs or players with your axe.\n[[YELLOW]]By default this chance is 25%. This passive ability has an\n[[YELLOW]]extreme knockback effect, similar to the Knockback II\n[[YELLOW]]enchantment. In addition, it deals bonus damage to the target.
Guides.Archery=Guide coming soon...
Guides.Axes=Guide coming soon...
Guides.Available=[[DARK_AQUA]]Guide for {0} available - type /{1} ? [page]
Guides.Excavation=[[DARK_AQUA]]About Excavation:\n[[YELLOW]]Excavation is the act of digging up dirt to find treasures.\n[[YELLOW]]By excavating the land you will find treasures.\n[[YELLOW]]The more you do this the more treasures you can find.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]XP GAIN:\n[[YELLOW]]To gain XP in this skill you must dig with a shovel in hand.\n[[YELLOW]]Only certain materials can be dug up for treasures and XP.\n[[DARK_AQUA]]Compatible Materials:\n[[YELLOW]]Grass, Dirt, Sand, Clay, Gravel, Mycelium, Soul Sand\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How to use Giga Drill Breaker:\n[[YELLOW]]With a shovel in hand right click to ready your tool.\n[[YELLOW]]Once in this state you have about 4 seconds to make\n[[YELLOW]]contact with Excavation compatible materials this will\n[[YELLOW]]activate Giga Drill Breaker.\n[[DARK_AQUA]]What is Giga Drill Breaker?\n[[YELLOW]]Giga Drill Breaker is an ability with a cooldown\n[[YELLOW]]tied to Excavation skill. It triples your chance\n[[YELLOW]]of finding treasures and enables instant break\n[[YELLOW]]on Excavation materials.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Treasure Hunter work?\n[[YELLOW]]Every possible treasure for Excavation has its own\n[[YELLOW]]skill level requirement for it to drop, as a result it\'s\n[[YELLOW]]difficult to say how much it is helping you.\n[[YELLOW]]Just keep in mind that the higher your Excavation skill\n[[YELLOW]]is, the more treasures that can be found.\n[[YELLOW]]And also keep in mind that each type of Excavation\n[[YELLOW]]compatible material has its own unique list of treasures.\n[[YELLOW]]In other words you will find different treasures in Dirt\n[[YELLOW]]than you would in Gravel.\n[[DARK_AQUA]]Notes about Excavation:\n[[YELLOW]]Excavation drops are completely customizeable\n[[YELLOW]]So results vary server to server.
Guides.Fishing=Guide coming soon...
Guides.Header=[[GOLD]]-=[[GREEN]]{0} Guide[[GOLD]]=-
Guides.Herbalism=Guide coming soon...
Guides.Mining=[[DARK_AQUA]]About Mining:\n[[YELLOW]]Mining consists of mining stone and ores. It provides bonuses\n[[YELLOW]]to the amount of materials dropped while mining.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]XP GAIN:\n[[YELLOW]]To gain XP in this skill, you must mine with a pickaxe in hand.\n[[YELLOW]]Only certain blocks award XP.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]Compatible Materials:\n[[YELLOW]]Stone, Coal Ore, Iron Ore, Gold Ore, Diamond Ore, Redstone Ore,\n[[YELLOW]]Lapis Ore, Obsidian, Mossy Cobblestone, Ender Stone,\n[[YELLOW]]Glowstone, and Netherrack.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How to use Super Breaker:\n[[YELLOW]]With a pickaxe in your hand, right click to ready your tool.\n[[YELLOW]]Once in this state, you have about 4 seconds to make contact\n[[YELLOW]]with Mining compatible materials, which will activate Super\n[[YELLOW]]Breaker.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]What is Super Breaker?\n[[YELLOW]]Super Breaker is an ability with a cooldown tied to the Mining\n[[YELLOW]]skill. It triples your chance of extra items dropping and\n[[YELLOW]]enables instant break on Mining materials.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How to use Blast Mining:\n[[YELLOW]]With a detonator in hand, which is a flint & steel by default,\n[[YELLOW]]right-click on TNT from a distance. This will cause the TNT\n[[YELLOW]]to instantly explode.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Blast Mining work?\n[[YELLOW]]Blast Mining is an ability with a cooldown tied to the Mining\n[[YELLOW]]skill. It gives bonuses when mining with TNT and allows you\n[[YELLOW]]to remote detonate TNT. There are three parts to Blast Mining.\n[[YELLOW]]The first part is Bigger Bombs, which increases blast radius.\n[[YELLOW]]The second is Demolitions Expert, which decreases damage\n[[YELLOW]]from TNT explosions. The third part simply increases the\n[[YELLOW]]amount of ores dropped from TNT and decreases the\n[[YELLOW]]debris dropped.
Guides.Page.Invalid=Not a valid page number!
Guides.Page.OutOfRange=That page doesn\'t exist, there are only {0} total pages.
Guides.Repair=Guide coming soon...
Guides.Swords=Guide coming soon...
Guides.Taming=Guide coming soon...
Guides.Unarmed=Guide coming soon...
Guides.Usage=[[RED]] Usage is /{0} ? [page]
Guides.Woodcutting=Guide coming soon...
Inspect.Offline=[[RED]]You do not have permission to inspect offline players!
Inspect.OfflineStats=mcMMO Stats for Offline Player [[YELLOW]]{0}
@ -457,7 +469,7 @@ Skills.NeedMore=[[DARK_RED]]Je hebt te weinig
Skills.Stats=[[YELLOW]]{0}[[GREEN]]{1}[[DARK_AQUA]] XP([[GRAY]]{2}[[DARK_AQUA]]/[[GRAY]]{3}[[DARK_AQUA]])
Skills.TooTired=[[RED]]Je bent te moe om die ability te gebruiken.
Stats.Header.Combat=[[GOLD]]-=Strijd Ervaring=-
Stats.Header.Gathering=[[GOLD]]-=GATHERING SKILLS=-
Stats.Header.Misc=[[GOLD]]-=MISC SKILLS=-
Stats.Own.Stats=[[GREEN]][mcMMO] Stats
@ -471,3 +483,23 @@ Perks.cooldowns.desc=Cuts cooldown duration by {0}.
Perks.activationtime.desc=Increases ability activation time by {0} seconds.
Perks.activationtime.bonus=[[GOLD]] ({0}s with Endurance Perk)
Hardcore.Player.Loss=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[DARK_RED]]You\'ve lost [[BLUE]]{0}[[DARK_RED]] from death.
Vampirism.Killer.Failure=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[YELLOW]]{0}[[GRAY]] was too unskilled to grant you any knowledge.
Vampirism.Killer.Success=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[DARK_AQUA]]You\'ve stolen [[BLUE]]{0}[[DARK_AQUA]] levels from [[YELLOW]]{1}.
Vampirism.Victim.Failure=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[YELLOW]]{0}[[GRAY]] was unable to steal knowledge from you!
Vampirism.Victim.Success=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[YELLOW]]{0}[[DARK_RED]] has stolen [[BLUE]]{1}[[DARK_RED]] levels from you!
Spout.LevelUp.1=[[GREEN]Level Up!
Spout.LevelUp.2=[[YELLOW]]{0}[[DARK_AQUA]] ([[GREEN]]{1}[[DARK_AQUA]])
Spout.Menu.Exit=[[GRAY]]Press ESCAPE to exit!
Spout.Menu.HudButton.1=HUD Type: {0}
Spout.Menu.HudButton.2=Change your HUD style!
Spout.Menu.Title=[[GOLD]]~mcMMO Menu~
MOTD.Hardcore.VampireOff=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[DARK_RED]]Hardcore & Vampirism enabled.
MOTD.Hardcore.Stats=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[DARK_AQUA]]Skill Death Penalty: [[DARK_RED]]{0}%
MOTD.Hardcore.VampireOn=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[DARK_RED]]Hardcore enabled.
MOTD.PerksPrefix=[[RED]][mcMMO Perks]
MOTD.Vampire.Stats=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[DARK_AQUA]]Vampirism Stat Leech: [[DARK_RED]]{0}%
MOTD.Version=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] Running version [[DARK_AQUA]]{0}
MOTD.Website=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[GREEN]]{0}[[YELLOW]] - mcMMO Website
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ Acrobatics.Roll.Text=**Rolled**
Acrobatics.Skillup=[[YELLOW]]Akrobatiske ferdigheter har blitt h\u00f8ynet med {0}. Total ({1})
Archery.Combat.DazeChance=[[RED]]Chance to Daze: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Archery.Combat.RetrieveChance=[[RED]]Sjanse til \u00e5 hente Arrows: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Archery.Combat.RetrieveChance=[[RED]]Chance to Retrieve Arrows: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Archery.Combat.SkillshotBonus=[[RED]]Skill Shot Bonus Damage: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Archery.Effect.0=Skill Shot
Archery.Effect.1=Increases damage done with bows
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ Archery.SkillName=ARCHERY
Archery.Skillup=[[YELLOW]]Bueskyting dyktighet \u00f8kt med {0}. Totalt ({1})
Axes.Ability.Bonus.0=Axe Mastery
Axes.Ability.Bonus.1=Bonus {0} damage
Axes.Ability.Bonus.2=Armor Impact
Axes.Ability.Bonus.3=Deal {0} Bonus DMG to armor
Axes.Ability.Bonus.4=Greater Impact
Axes.Ability.Bonus.5=Deal {0} Bonus DMG to unarmored foes
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ Axes.Effect.2=Critical Strikes
Axes.Effect.3=Double Damage
Axes.Effect.4=Axe Mastery
Axes.Effect.5=Adds bonus DMG
Axes.Effect.6=Armor Impact
Axes.Effect.7=Strike with enough force to shatter armor
Axes.Effect.8=Greater Impact
Axes.Effect.9=Deal bonus damage to unarmored foes
@ -159,6 +159,8 @@ Mining.Blast.Radius.Increase=[[RED]]Blast Radius Increase: [[YELLOW]]+{0}
Mining.Blast.Rank=[[RED]]Blast Mining: [[YELLOW]] Rank {0}/8 [[GRAY]]({1})
Mining.Blast.Other.On=[[GREEN]]{0}[[DARK_GREEN]] has used [[RED]]Blast Mining!
Mining.Blast.Refresh=[[GREEN]]Din [[YELLOW]]Blast Mining [[GREEN]]evne er oppdatert!
Repair.AnvilPlaced.Spout1=[mcMMO] Anvil Placed
Repair.AnvilPlaced.Spout2=Right click to repair!
Repair.Effect.1=Repair Tools & Armor
Repair.Effect.10=Gold Repair ({0}+ SKILL)
@ -275,8 +277,10 @@ Taming.Summon.Fail.Wolf=[[RED]]You have too many wolves nearby to summon any mor
Unarmed.Ability.Berserk.Length=[[RED]]Berserk Length: [[YELLOW]]{0}s
Unarmed.Ability.Bonus.0=Iron Arm Style
Unarmed.Ability.Bonus.1=+{0} DMG Upgrade
Unarmed.Ability.Chance.ArrowDeflect=[[RED]]Pil Avlednings Sjanse: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Unarmed.Ability.Chance.ArrowDeflect=[[RED]]Arrow Deflect Chance: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Unarmed.Ability.Chance.Disarm=[[RED]]Disarm Chance: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Unarmed.Ability.IronGrip.Attacker=[[RED]]Your opponent has an iron grip!
Unarmed.Ability.IronGrip.Defender=[[GREEN]]Your iron grip kept you from being disarmed!
Unarmed.Ability.Lower=[[GRAY]]**YOU LOWER YOUR FISTS**
Unarmed.Ability.Ready=[[GREEN]]**YOU READY YOUR FISTS**
Unarmed.Effect.0=Berserk (ABILITY)
@ -334,6 +338,7 @@ Commands.Ability.Off=Ability use toggled [[RED]]off
Commands.Ability.On=Ability use toggled [[GREEN]]on
Commands.AdminChat.Off=Bare Admin Chat [[RED]]Av
Commands.AdminChat.On=Admin Chat only [[GREEN]]On
Commands.AdminToggle=[[RED]]- Toggle admin chat
Commands.Disabled=[[RED]]This command is disabled.
Commands.DoesNotExist=[[RED]]Player does not exist in the database!
@ -345,6 +350,9 @@ Commands.Invite.Accepted=[[GREEN]]Invite Accepted. You have joined party {0}
Commands.Invite.Success=[[GREEN]]Invite sent successfully.
Commands.Leaderboards=<skill> <page> [[RED]]- Leaderboards
Commands.mcgod=[[RED]]- Toggle GodMode
Commands.mcrank.Skill=[[YELLOW]]{0}[[GREEN]] - [[GOLD]]Rank [[WHITE]]#[[GREEN]]{1}
Commands.mcrank.Overall=[[YELLOW]]Overall[[GREEN]] - [[GOLD]]Rank [[WHITE]]#[[GREEN]]{0}
Commands.mmoedit=[player] <skill> <newvalue> [[RED]] - endre m\u00e5l
Commands.ModDescription=[[RED]]- Read brief mod description
Commands.NoConsole=This command does not support console usage.
@ -352,6 +360,7 @@ Commands.Other=[[GREEN]]--OTHER COMMANDS--
Commands.Party.Accept=[[RED]]- Aksepter party invitasjon
Commands.Party.Chat.Off=Party Chat only [[RED]]Off
Commands.Party.Chat.On=Party Chat only [[GREEN]]On
Commands.Party.Commands=[[GREEN]]--PARTY COMMANDS--
Commands.Party.Invite.0=[[RED]]ALARM: [[GREEN]]Du har mottatt en party invitasjon til {0} fra {1}
Commands.Party.Invite.1=[[YELLOW]]Type [[GREEN]]/accept[[YELLOW]] to accept the invite
@ -377,11 +386,9 @@ Commands.SkillInfo=/<skill> [[RED]]- View detailed information about a skill
Commands.Stats.Self=YOUR STATS
Commands.Stats=[[RED]]- View your mcMMO stats
Commands.ToggleAbility=[[RED]]- Toggle ability activation with right click
mcMMO.MOTD=[[BLUE]]This server is running mcMMO {0}! \n Type [[YELLOW]]/mcmmo[[BLUE]] for help.
mcMMO.NoInvites=[[RED]]You have no invites at this time
mcMMO.NoPermission=[[DARK_RED]]Insufficient permissions.
mcMMO.NoSkillNote=[[DARK_GRAY]]If you don\'t have access to a skill it will not be shown here.
mcMMO.Website=[[GREEN]]http://forums.mcmmo.info[[BLUE]] - mcMMO Website
Commands.Party.InParty=[[GREEN]]Party: {0}
Party.Forbidden=[mcMMO] Parties not permitted on this world (See Permissions)
Party.Help.0=[[RED]]Proper usage is /party <party-name> to join or /party q to quit
@ -433,16 +440,21 @@ Effects.Effects=EFFEKTER
Effects.Level=[[DARK_GRAY]]LVL: [[GREEN]]{0} [[DARK_AQUA]]XP[[YELLOW]]([[GOLD]]{1}[[YELLOW]]/[[GOLD]]{2}[[YELLOW]])
Effects.Template=[[DARK_AQUA]]{0}: [[GREEN]]{1}
Guides.Acrobatics=[[DARK_AQUA]]About Acrobatics:\n[[YELLOW]]Acrobatics is the art of moving gracefully in mcMMO.\n[[YELLOW]]It provides combat bonuses and environment damage bonuses.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]XP GAIN:\n[[YELLOW]]To gain XP in this skill you need to perform a dodge\n[[YELLOW]]in combat or survive falls from heights that damage you.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Rolling work?\n[[YELLOW]]You have a passive chance when you take fall damage\n[[YELLOW]]to negate the damage done. You can hold the sneak button to\n[[YELLOW]]double your chances during the fall.\n[[YELLOW]]This triggers a Graceful Roll instead of a standard one.\n[[YELLOW]]Graceful Rolls are like regular rolls but are twice as likely to\n[[YELLOW]]occur and provide more damage safety than regular rolls.\n[[YELLOW]]Rolling chance is tied to your skill level\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Dodge work?\n[[YELLOW]]Dodge is a passive chance when you are\n[[YELLOW]]injured in combat to halve the damage taken.\n[[YELLOW]]It is tied to your skill level.
Guides.Archery=[[DARK_AQUA]]About Archery:\n[[YELLOW]]Archery is about shooting with your bow and arrow.\n[[YELLOW]]It provides various combat bonuses, such as a damage boost\n[[YELLOW]]that scales with your level and the ability to daze your\n[[YELLOW]]opponents in PvP. In addition to this, you can retrieve\n[[YELLOW]]some of your spent arrows from the corpses of your foes.\n\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]XP GAIN:\n[[YELLOW]]To gain XP in this skill you need to shoot mobs or\n[[YELLOW]]other players.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Skill Shot work?\n[[YELLOW]]Skill Shot provides additional damage to your shots.\n[[YELLOW]]The bonus damage from Skill Shot increases as you\n[[YELLOW]]level in Archery.\n[[YELLOW]]With the default settings, your archery damage increase 10%\n[[YELLOW]]every 50 levels, to a maximum of 200% bonus damage.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Daze work?\n[[YELLOW]]You have a passive chance to daze other players when\n[[YELLOW]]you shoot them. When Daze triggers it forces your opponents\n[[YELLOW]]to look straight up for a short duration.\n[[YELLOW]]A Daze shot also deals an additional 4 damage (2 hearts).\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Arrow Retrieval work?\n[[YELLOW]]You have a passive chance to retrieve some of your arrows\n[[YELLOW]]when you kill a mob with your bow.\n[[YELLOW]]This chance increases as you level in Archery.\n[[YELLOW]]By default, this ability increases by 0.1% per level, up to 100%\n[[YELLOW]]at level 1000.
Guides.Axes=[[DARK_AQUA]]About Axes:\n[[YELLOW]]With the Axes skill you can use your axe for much more then\n[[YELLOW]]just deforesting! You can hack and chop away at mobs\n[[YELLOW]]and players to gain XP, hitting mobs with the effect of\n[[YELLOW]]knockback and inflicting DEADLY criticals on mobs and players.\n[[YELLOW]]Your axe also becomes a hand-held woodchipper,\n[[YELLOW]]breaking down the enemy's armor with ease as your level\n[[YELLOW]]increases.\n[[DARK_AQUA]]XP GAIN:\n[[YELLOW]]To gain XP in this skill you need hit other mobs or players\n[[YELLOW]]with an Axe.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Skull Splitter work?\n[[YELLOW]]This ability allows you to deal an AoE (Area of Effect) hit.\n[[YELLOW]]This AoE hit will deal half as much damage as you did to the\n[[YELLOW]]main target, so it's great for clearing out large piles of mobs.\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Critical Strikes work?\n[[YELLOW]]Critical Strikes is a passive ability which gives players a\n[[YELLOW]]chance to deal additional damage.\n[[YELLOW]]With the default settings, every 2 skill levels in Axes awards a\n[[YELLOW]]0.1% chance to deal a Critical Strike, causing 2.0 times damage\n[[YELLOW]]to mobs or 1.5 times damage against other players.\n\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Axe Mastery work?\n[[YELLOW]]Axe Mastery is a passive ability that will add additional damage\n[[YELLOW]]to your hits when using Axes.\n[[YELLOW]]By default, the bonus damage increases by 1 every 50 levels,\n[[YELLOW]]up to a cap of 4 extra damage at level 200.\n\n\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Armor Impact work?\n[[YELLOW]]Strike with enough force to shatter armor!\n[[YELLOW]]Armor Impact has a passive chance to damage your\n[[YELLOW]]opponent's armor. This damage increases as you level in Axes.\n\n\n\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Greater Impact work?\n[[YELLOW]]You have a passive chance to achieve a greater impact when\n[[YELLOW]]hitting mobs or players with your axe.\n[[YELLOW]]By default this chance is 25%. This passive ability has an\n[[YELLOW]]extreme knockback effect, similar to the Knockback II\n[[YELLOW]]enchantment. In addition, it deals bonus damage to the target.
Guides.Archery=Bruksanvisning kommer snart...
Guides.Axes=Bruksanvisning kommer snart...
Guides.Available=[[DARK_AQUA]]Guide for {0} available - type /{1} ? [page]
Guides.Excavation=[[DARK_AQUA]]Om graving:\n[[YELLOW]]Utgraving har muligheten til \u00e5 grave i jord for \u00e5 finne skatter.\n[[YELLOW]]Med \u00e5 grave i landet gir deg mulighet til \u00e5 skaffe skatter.\n[[YELLOW]]Jo mer du gj\u00f8r det jo mer skatter finner du.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]FERDIGHET SKAFFET:\n[[YELLOW]]For \u00e5 skaffe mer ferdigheter i dette m\u00e5 du grave med en spade i h\u00e5nda.\n[[YELLOW]]Bare noen materialer kan bli gravd opp for skatter og ferdigheter.\n[[DARK_AQUA]]Kompitable Materialer:\n[[YELLOW]]Gress, Jord, Sand, Clay, Grus, Mycelium, Sjel sand
Guides.Fishing=Bruksanvisning kommer snart...
Guides.Header=[[GOLD]]-=[[GREEN]]{0} Guide[[GOLD]]=-
Guides.Herbalism=Bruksanvisning kommer snart...
Guides.Mining=[[DARK_AQUA]]About Mining:\n[[YELLOW]]Mining consists of mining stone and ores. It provides bonuses\n[[YELLOW]]to the amount of materials dropped while mining.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]XP GAIN:\n[[YELLOW]]To gain XP in this skill, you must mine with a pickaxe in hand.\n[[YELLOW]]Only certain blocks award XP.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]Compatible Materials:\n[[YELLOW]]Stone, Coal Ore, Iron Ore, Gold Ore, Diamond Ore, Redstone Ore,\n[[YELLOW]]Lapis Ore, Obsidian, Mossy Cobblestone, Ender Stone,\n[[YELLOW]]Glowstone, and Netherrack.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How to use Super Breaker:\n[[YELLOW]]With a pickaxe in your hand, right click to ready your tool.\n[[YELLOW]]Once in this state, you have about 4 seconds to make contact\n[[YELLOW]]with Mining compatible materials, which will activate Super\n[[YELLOW]]Breaker.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]What is Super Breaker?\n[[YELLOW]]Super Breaker is an ability with a cooldown tied to the Mining\n[[YELLOW]]skill. It triples your chance of extra items dropping and\n[[YELLOW]]enables instant break on Mining materials.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How to use Blast Mining:\n[[YELLOW]]With a detonator in hand, which is a flint & steel by default,\n[[YELLOW]]right-click on TNT from a distance. This will cause the TNT\n[[YELLOW]]to instantly explode.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Blast Mining work?\n[[YELLOW]]Blast Mining is an ability with a cooldown tied to the Mining\n[[YELLOW]]skill. It gives bonuses when mining with TNT and allows you\n[[YELLOW]]to remote detonate TNT. There are three parts to Blast Mining.\n[[YELLOW]]The first part is Bigger Bombs, which increases blast radius.\n[[YELLOW]]The second is Demolitions Expert, which decreases damage\n[[YELLOW]]from TNT explosions. The third part simply increases the\n[[YELLOW]]amount of ores dropped from TNT and decreases the\n[[YELLOW]]debris dropped.
Guides.Mining=[[DARK_AQUA]]About Mining:\n[[YELLOW]]Mining consists of mining stone and ores. It provides bonuses\n[[YELLOW]]to the amount of materials dropped while mining.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]XP GAIN:\n[[YELLOW]]To gain XP in this skill, you must mine with a pickaxe in hand.\n[[YELLOW]]Only certain blocks award XP.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]Compatible Materials:\n[[YELLOW]]Stone, Coal Ore, Iron Ore, Gold Ore, Diamond Ore, Redstone Ore,\n[[YELLOW]]Lapis Ore, Obsidian, Mossy Cobblestone, Ender Stone,\n[[YELLOW]]Glowstone, and Netherrack.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How to use Super Breaker:\n[[YELLOW]]With a pickaxe in your hand, right click to ready your tool.\n[[YELLOW]]Once in this state, you have about 4 seconds to make contact\n[[YELLOW]]with Mining compatible materials, which will activate Super\n[[YELLOW]]Breaker.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]What is Super Breaker?\n[[YELLOW]]Super Breaker is an ability with a cooldown tied to the Mining\n[[YELLOW]]skill. It triples your chance of extra items dropping and\n[[YELLOW]]enables instant break on Mining materials.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How to use Blast Mining:\n[[YELLOW]]With a detonator in hand, which is a flint & steel by default,\n[[YELLOW]]crouch and right-click on TNT from a distance. This will cause the TNT\n[[YELLOW]]to instantly explode.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Blast Mining work?\n[[YELLOW]]Blast Mining is an ability with a cooldown tied to the Mining\n[[YELLOW]]skill. It gives bonuses when mining with TNT and allows you\n[[YELLOW]]to remote detonate TNT. There are three parts to Blast Mining.\n[[YELLOW]]The first part is Bigger Bombs, which increases blast radius.\n[[YELLOW]]The second is Demolitions Expert, which decreases damage\n[[YELLOW]]from TNT explosions. The third part simply increases the\n[[YELLOW]]amount of ores dropped from TNT and decreases the\n[[YELLOW]]debris dropped.
Guides.Page.Invalid=Not a valid page number!
Guides.Page.OutOfRange=That page doesn\'t exist, there are only {0} total pages.
Guides.Repair=Bruksanvisning kommer snart...
Guides.Swords=Bruksanvisning kommer snart...
Guides.Taming=Bruksanvisning kommer snart...
Guides.Unarmed=Bruksanvisning kommer snart...
Guides.Usage=[[RED]] Usage is /{0} ? [page]
Guides.Woodcutting=Bruksanvisning kommer snart...
Inspect.Offline=[[RED]]You do not have permission to inspect offline players!
Inspect.OfflineStats=mcMMO Stats for Offline Player [[YELLOW]]{0}
@ -471,3 +483,23 @@ Perks.cooldowns.desc=Cuts cooldown duration by {0}.
Perks.activationtime.desc=Increases ability activation time by {0} seconds.
Perks.activationtime.bonus=[[GOLD]] ({0}s with Endurance Perk)
Hardcore.Player.Loss=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[DARK_RED]]You\'ve lost [[BLUE]]{0}[[DARK_RED]] from death.
Vampirism.Killer.Failure=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[YELLOW]]{0}[[GRAY]] was too unskilled to grant you any knowledge.
Vampirism.Killer.Success=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[DARK_AQUA]]You\'ve stolen [[BLUE]]{0}[[DARK_AQUA]] levels from [[YELLOW]]{1}.
Vampirism.Victim.Failure=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[YELLOW]]{0}[[GRAY]] was unable to steal knowledge from you!
Vampirism.Victim.Success=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[YELLOW]]{0}[[DARK_RED]] has stolen [[BLUE]]{1}[[DARK_RED]] levels from you!
Spout.LevelUp.1=[[GREEN]Level Up!
Spout.LevelUp.2=[[YELLOW]]{0}[[DARK_AQUA]] ([[GREEN]]{1}[[DARK_AQUA]])
Spout.Menu.Exit=[[GRAY]]Press ESCAPE to exit!
Spout.Menu.HudButton.1=HUD Type: {0}
Spout.Menu.HudButton.2=Change your HUD style!
Spout.Menu.Title=[[GOLD]]~mcMMO Menu~
MOTD.Hardcore.VampireOff=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[DARK_RED]]Hardcore & Vampirism enabled.
MOTD.Hardcore.Stats=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[DARK_AQUA]]Skill Death Penalty: [[DARK_RED]]{0}%
MOTD.Hardcore.VampireOn=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[DARK_RED]]Hardcore enabled.
MOTD.PerksPrefix=[[RED]][mcMMO Perks]
MOTD.Vampire.Stats=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[DARK_AQUA]]Vampirism Stat Leech: [[DARK_RED]]{0}%
MOTD.Version=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] Running version [[DARK_AQUA]]{0}
MOTD.Website=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[GREEN]]{0}[[YELLOW]] - mcMMO Website
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
Acrobatics.Ability.Proc=[[GREEN]]**Graceful Landing**
Acrobatics.DodgeChance=[[RED]]Dodge Chance: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Acrobatics.DodgeChance=[[RED]]Szansa na Unik: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Acrobatics.Effect.1=Reduces or Negates fall damage
Acrobatics.Effect.2=Graceful Roll
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ Acrobatics.Roll.GraceChance=[[RED]]Graceful Roll Chance: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Acrobatics.Skillup=[[YELLOW]]Acrobatics skill increased by {0}. Total ({1})
Archery.Combat.DazeChance=[[RED]]Chance to Daze: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Archery.Combat.DazeChance=[[RED]]Szansa na Oszolomienie: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Archery.Combat.RetrieveChance=[[RED]]Chance to Retrieve Arrows: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Archery.Combat.SkillshotBonus=[[RED]]Skill Shot Bonus Damage: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Archery.Effect.0=Skill Shot
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ Archery.SkillName=LUCZNICTWO
Archery.Skillup=[[YELLOW]]Archery skill increased by {0}. Total ({1})
Axes.Ability.Bonus.0=Axe Mastery
Axes.Ability.Bonus.1=Bonus {0} damage
Axes.Ability.Bonus.2=Armor Impact
Axes.Ability.Bonus.3=Deal {0} Bonus DMG to armor
Axes.Ability.Bonus.4=Greater Impact
Axes.Ability.Bonus.5=Deal {0} Bonus DMG to unarmored foes
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ Axes.Effect.2=Critical Strikes
Axes.Effect.3=Double Damage
Axes.Effect.4=Axe Mastery
Axes.Effect.5=Adds bonus DMG
Axes.Effect.6=Armor Impact
Axes.Effect.7=Strike with enough force to shatter armor
Axes.Effect.8=Greater Impact
Axes.Effect.9=Deal bonus damage to unarmored foes
@ -159,6 +159,8 @@ Mining.Blast.Radius.Increase=[[RED]]Blast Radius Increase: [[YELLOW]]+{0}
Mining.Blast.Rank=[[RED]]Blast Mining: [[YELLOW]] Rank {0}/8 [[GRAY]]({1})
Mining.Blast.Other.On=[[GREEN]]{0}[[DARK_GREEN]] has used [[RED]]Blast Mining!
Mining.Blast.Refresh=[[GREEN]]Your [[YELLOW]]Blast Mining [[GREEN]]ability is refreshed!
Repair.AnvilPlaced.Spout1=[mcMMO] Anvil Placed
Repair.AnvilPlaced.Spout2=Right click to repair!
Repair.Effect.1=Repair Tools & Armor
Repair.Effect.10=Gold Repair ({0}+ SKILL)
@ -193,7 +195,7 @@ Repair.Skills.SalvageSuccess=[[GRAY]]Item salvaged!
Repair.Skills.NotFullDurability=[[DARK_RED]]You can\'t salvage damaged items.
Repair.Skills.Mastery=[[RED]]Repair Mastery: [[YELLOW]]Extra {0} durability restored
Repair.Skills.StackedItems=[[DARK_RED]]You can\'t repair stacked items.
Repair.Skills.Super.Chance=[[RED]]Super Repair Chance: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Repair.Skills.Super.Chance=[[RED]]Szansa na Super Naprawe: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Repair.Skillup=[[YELLOW]]Repair skill increased by {0}. Total ({1})
Repair.Arcane.Chance.Downgrade=[[GRAY]]AF Downgrade Chance: [[YELLOW]]{0}%
Repair.Arcane.Chance.Success=[[GRAY]]AF Success Rate: [[YELLOW]]{0}%
@ -277,10 +279,12 @@ Unarmed.Ability.Bonus.0=Iron Arm Style
Unarmed.Ability.Bonus.1=+{0} DMG Upgrade
Unarmed.Ability.Chance.ArrowDeflect=[[RED]]Arrow Deflect Chance: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Unarmed.Ability.Chance.Disarm=[[RED]]Disarm Chance: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Unarmed.Ability.IronGrip.Attacker=[[RED]]Your opponent has an iron grip!
Unarmed.Ability.IronGrip.Defender=[[GREEN]]Your iron grip kept you from being disarmed!
Unarmed.Ability.Lower=[[GRAY]]**YOU LOWER YOUR FISTS**
Unarmed.Effect.0=Berserk (Zdolnosc)
Unarmed.Effect.1=+50 DMG, Niszczy slabe materialy
Unarmed.Effect.1=+50% DMG, Niszczy slabe materialy
Unarmed.Effect.3=Drops the foes item held in hand
Unarmed.Effect.4=Styl zelaznego ramienia
@ -334,6 +338,7 @@ Commands.Ability.Off=Ability use toggled [[RED]]off
Commands.Ability.On=Ability use toggled [[GREEN]]on
Commands.AdminChat.Off=Admin Chat only [[RED]]Off
Commands.AdminChat.On=Admin Chat only [[GREEN]]On
Commands.AdminToggle=[[RED]]- Toggle admin chat
Commands.Disabled=[[RED]]This command is disabled.
Commands.DoesNotExist=[[RED]]Player does not exist in the database!
@ -345,6 +350,9 @@ Commands.Invite.Accepted=[[GREEN]]Invite Accepted. You have joined party {0}
Commands.Invite.Success=[[GREEN]]Pomyslnie wyslano zaproszenie
Commands.Leaderboards=<skill> <page> [[RED]]- Rankingi
Commands.mcgod=[[RED]]- Toggle GodMode
Commands.mcrank.Skill=[[YELLOW]]{0}[[GREEN]] - [[GOLD]]Rank [[WHITE]]#[[GREEN]]{1}
Commands.mcrank.Overall=[[YELLOW]]Overall[[GREEN]] - [[GOLD]]Rank [[WHITE]]#[[GREEN]]{0}
Commands.mmoedit=[player] <skill> <newvalue> [[RED]] - Modify target
Commands.ModDescription=[[RED]]- Read brief mod description
Commands.NoConsole=This command does not support console usage.
@ -352,6 +360,7 @@ Commands.Other=[[GREEN]]--OTHER COMMANDS--
Commands.Party.Accept=[[RED]]- Accept party invite
Commands.Party.Chat.Off=Party Chat only [[RED]]Off
Commands.Party.Chat.On=Party Chat only [[GREEN]]On
Commands.Party.Commands=[[GREEN]]--PARTY COMMANDS--
Commands.Party.Invite.0=[[RED]]ALERT: [[GREEN]]You have received a party invite for {0} from {1}
Commands.Party.Invite.1=[[YELLOW]]Type [[GREEN]]/accept[[YELLOW]] to accept the invite
@ -377,11 +386,9 @@ Commands.SkillInfo=/<skill> [[RED]]- Pokazuje szczegolowe informacje na temat um
Commands.Stats.Self=YOUR STATS
Commands.Stats=[[RED]]- View your mcMMO stats
Commands.ToggleAbility=[[RED]]- Toggle ability activation with right click
mcMMO.MOTD=[[BLUE]]This server is running mcMMO {0}! \n Type [[YELLOW]]/mcmmo[[BLUE]] for help.
mcMMO.NoInvites=[[RED]]Nie masz zadnych zaproszen
mcMMO.NoPermission=[[DARK_RED]]Insufficient permissions.
mcMMO.NoSkillNote=[[DARK_GRAY]]If you don\'t have access to a skill it will not be shown here.
mcMMO.Website=[[GREEN]]http://forums.mcmmo.info[[BLUE]] - mcMMO Website
Commands.Party.InParty=[[GREEN]]Party: {0}
Party.Forbidden=[mcMMO] Parties not permitted on this world (See Permissions)
Party.Help.0=[[RED]]Proper usage is /party <party-name> to join or /party q to quit
@ -433,16 +440,21 @@ Effects.Effects=EFEKTY
Effects.Level=[[DARK_GRAY]]Poziom: [[GREEN]]{0} [[DARK_AQUA]]Doswiadczenie[[YELLOW]]([[GOLD]]{1}[[YELLOW]]/[[GOLD]]{2}[[YELLOW]])
Effects.Template=[[DARK_AQUA]]{0}: [[GREEN]]{1}
Guides.Acrobatics=[[DARK_AQUA]]About Acrobatics:\n[[YELLOW]]Acrobatics is the art of moving gracefully in mcMMO.\n[[YELLOW]]It provides combat bonuses and environment damage bonuses.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]XP GAIN:\n[[YELLOW]]To gain XP in this skill you need to perform a dodge\n[[YELLOW]]in combat or survive falls from heights that damage you.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Rolling work?\n[[YELLOW]]You have a passive chance when you take fall damage\n[[YELLOW]]to negate the damage done. You can hold the sneak button to\n[[YELLOW]]double your chances during the fall.\n[[YELLOW]]This triggers a Graceful Roll instead of a standard one.\n[[YELLOW]]Graceful Rolls are like regular rolls but are twice as likely to\n[[YELLOW]]occur and provide more damage safety than regular rolls.\n[[YELLOW]]Rolling chance is tied to your skill level\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Dodge work?\n[[YELLOW]]Dodge is a passive chance when you are\n[[YELLOW]]injured in combat to halve the damage taken.\n[[YELLOW]]It is tied to your skill level.
Guides.Archery=[[DARK_AQUA]]About Archery:\n[[YELLOW]]Archery is about shooting with your bow and arrow.\n[[YELLOW]]It provides various combat bonuses, such as a damage boost\n[[YELLOW]]that scales with your level and the ability to daze your\n[[YELLOW]]opponents in PvP. In addition to this, you can retrieve\n[[YELLOW]]some of your spent arrows from the corpses of your foes.\n\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]XP GAIN:\n[[YELLOW]]To gain XP in this skill you need to shoot mobs or\n[[YELLOW]]other players.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Skill Shot work?\n[[YELLOW]]Skill Shot provides additional damage to your shots.\n[[YELLOW]]The bonus damage from Skill Shot increases as you\n[[YELLOW]]level in Archery.\n[[YELLOW]]With the default settings, your archery damage increase 10%\n[[YELLOW]]every 50 levels, to a maximum of 200% bonus damage.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Daze work?\n[[YELLOW]]You have a passive chance to daze other players when\n[[YELLOW]]you shoot them. When Daze triggers it forces your opponents\n[[YELLOW]]to look straight up for a short duration.\n[[YELLOW]]A Daze shot also deals an additional 4 damage (2 hearts).\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Arrow Retrieval work?\n[[YELLOW]]You have a passive chance to retrieve some of your arrows\n[[YELLOW]]when you kill a mob with your bow.\n[[YELLOW]]This chance increases as you level in Archery.\n[[YELLOW]]By default, this ability increases by 0.1% per level, up to 100%\n[[YELLOW]]at level 1000.
Guides.Axes=[[DARK_AQUA]]About Axes:\n[[YELLOW]]With the Axes skill you can use your axe for much more then\n[[YELLOW]]just deforesting! You can hack and chop away at mobs\n[[YELLOW]]and players to gain XP, hitting mobs with the effect of\n[[YELLOW]]knockback and inflicting DEADLY criticals on mobs and players.\n[[YELLOW]]Your axe also becomes a hand-held woodchipper,\n[[YELLOW]]breaking down the enemy's armor with ease as your level\n[[YELLOW]]increases.\n[[DARK_AQUA]]XP GAIN:\n[[YELLOW]]To gain XP in this skill you need hit other mobs or players\n[[YELLOW]]with an Axe.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Skull Splitter work?\n[[YELLOW]]This ability allows you to deal an AoE (Area of Effect) hit.\n[[YELLOW]]This AoE hit will deal half as much damage as you did to the\n[[YELLOW]]main target, so it's great for clearing out large piles of mobs.\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Critical Strikes work?\n[[YELLOW]]Critical Strikes is a passive ability which gives players a\n[[YELLOW]]chance to deal additional damage.\n[[YELLOW]]With the default settings, every 2 skill levels in Axes awards a\n[[YELLOW]]0.1% chance to deal a Critical Strike, causing 2.0 times damage\n[[YELLOW]]to mobs or 1.5 times damage against other players.\n\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Axe Mastery work?\n[[YELLOW]]Axe Mastery is a passive ability that will add additional damage\n[[YELLOW]]to your hits when using Axes.\n[[YELLOW]]By default, the bonus damage increases by 1 every 50 levels,\n[[YELLOW]]up to a cap of 4 extra damage at level 200.\n\n\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Armor Impact work?\n[[YELLOW]]Strike with enough force to shatter armor!\n[[YELLOW]]Armor Impact has a passive chance to damage your\n[[YELLOW]]opponent's armor. This damage increases as you level in Axes.\n\n\n\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Greater Impact work?\n[[YELLOW]]You have a passive chance to achieve a greater impact when\n[[YELLOW]]hitting mobs or players with your axe.\n[[YELLOW]]By default this chance is 25%. This passive ability has an\n[[YELLOW]]extreme knockback effect, similar to the Knockback II\n[[YELLOW]]enchantment. In addition, it deals bonus damage to the target.
Guides.Archery=Guide coming soon...
Guides.Axes=Guide coming soon...
Guides.Available=[[DARK_AQUA]]Guide for {0} available - type /{1} ? [page]
Guides.Excavation=[[DARK_AQUA]]About Excavation:\n[[YELLOW]]Excavation is the act of digging up dirt to find treasures.\n[[YELLOW]]By excavating the land you will find treasures.\n[[YELLOW]]The more you do this the more treasures you can find.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]XP GAIN:\n[[YELLOW]]To gain XP in this skill you must dig with a shovel in hand.\n[[YELLOW]]Only certain materials can be dug up for treasures and XP.\n[[DARK_AQUA]]Compatible Materials:\n[[YELLOW]]Grass, Dirt, Sand, Clay, Gravel, Mycelium, Soul Sand\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How to use Giga Drill Breaker:\n[[YELLOW]]With a shovel in hand right click to ready your tool.\n[[YELLOW]]Once in this state you have about 4 seconds to make\n[[YELLOW]]contact with Excavation compatible materials this will\n[[YELLOW]]activate Giga Drill Breaker.\n[[DARK_AQUA]]What is Giga Drill Breaker?\n[[YELLOW]]Giga Drill Breaker is an ability with a cooldown\n[[YELLOW]]tied to Excavation skill. It triples your chance\n[[YELLOW]]of finding treasures and enables instant break\n[[YELLOW]]on Excavation materials.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Treasure Hunter work?\n[[YELLOW]]Every possible treasure for Excavation has its own\n[[YELLOW]]skill level requirement for it to drop, as a result it\'s\n[[YELLOW]]difficult to say how much it is helping you.\n[[YELLOW]]Just keep in mind that the higher your Excavation skill\n[[YELLOW]]is, the more treasures that can be found.\n[[YELLOW]]And also keep in mind that each type of Excavation\n[[YELLOW]]compatible material has its own unique list of treasures.\n[[YELLOW]]In other words you will find different treasures in Dirt\n[[YELLOW]]than you would in Gravel.\n[[DARK_AQUA]]Notes about Excavation:\n[[YELLOW]]Excavation drops are completely customizeable\n[[YELLOW]]So results vary server to server.
Guides.Fishing=Guide coming soon...
Guides.Header=[[GOLD]]-=[[GREEN]]{0} Guide[[GOLD]]=-
Guides.Herbalism=Guide coming soon...
Guides.Mining=[[DARK_AQUA]]About Mining:\n[[YELLOW]]Mining consists of mining stone and ores. It provides bonuses\n[[YELLOW]]to the amount of materials dropped while mining.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]XP GAIN:\n[[YELLOW]]To gain XP in this skill, you must mine with a pickaxe in hand.\n[[YELLOW]]Only certain blocks award XP.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]Compatible Materials:\n[[YELLOW]]Stone, Coal Ore, Iron Ore, Gold Ore, Diamond Ore, Redstone Ore,\n[[YELLOW]]Lapis Ore, Obsidian, Mossy Cobblestone, Ender Stone,\n[[YELLOW]]Glowstone, and Netherrack.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How to use Super Breaker:\n[[YELLOW]]With a pickaxe in your hand, right click to ready your tool.\n[[YELLOW]]Once in this state, you have about 4 seconds to make contact\n[[YELLOW]]with Mining compatible materials, which will activate Super\n[[YELLOW]]Breaker.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]What is Super Breaker?\n[[YELLOW]]Super Breaker is an ability with a cooldown tied to the Mining\n[[YELLOW]]skill. It triples your chance of extra items dropping and\n[[YELLOW]]enables instant break on Mining materials.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How to use Blast Mining:\n[[YELLOW]]With a detonator in hand, which is a flint & steel by default,\n[[YELLOW]]right-click on TNT from a distance. This will cause the TNT\n[[YELLOW]]to instantly explode.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Blast Mining work?\n[[YELLOW]]Blast Mining is an ability with a cooldown tied to the Mining\n[[YELLOW]]skill. It gives bonuses when mining with TNT and allows you\n[[YELLOW]]to remote detonate TNT. There are three parts to Blast Mining.\n[[YELLOW]]The first part is Bigger Bombs, which increases blast radius.\n[[YELLOW]]The second is Demolitions Expert, which decreases damage\n[[YELLOW]]from TNT explosions. The third part simply increases the\n[[YELLOW]]amount of ores dropped from TNT and decreases the\n[[YELLOW]]debris dropped.
Guides.Page.Invalid=Not a valid page number!
Guides.Page.OutOfRange=That page doesn\'t exist, there are only {0} total pages.
Guides.Repair=Guide coming soon...
Guides.Swords=Guide coming soon...
Guides.Taming=Guide coming soon...
Guides.Unarmed=Guide coming soon...
Guides.Usage=[[RED]] Usage is /{0} ? [page]
Guides.Woodcutting=Guide coming soon...
Inspect.Offline=[[RED]]You do not have permission to inspect offline players!
Inspect.OfflineStats=mcMMO Stats for Offline Player [[YELLOW]]{0}
@ -471,3 +483,23 @@ Perks.cooldowns.desc=Cuts cooldown duration by {0}.
Perks.activationtime.desc=Increases ability activation time by {0} seconds.
Perks.activationtime.bonus=[[GOLD]] ({0}s with Endurance Perk)
Hardcore.Player.Loss=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[DARK_RED]]You\'ve lost [[BLUE]]{0}[[DARK_RED]] from death.
Vampirism.Killer.Failure=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[YELLOW]]{0}[[GRAY]] was too unskilled to grant you any knowledge.
Vampirism.Killer.Success=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[DARK_AQUA]]You\'ve stolen [[BLUE]]{0}[[DARK_AQUA]] levels from [[YELLOW]]{1}.
Vampirism.Victim.Failure=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[YELLOW]]{0}[[GRAY]] was unable to steal knowledge from you!
Vampirism.Victim.Success=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[YELLOW]]{0}[[DARK_RED]] has stolen [[BLUE]]{1}[[DARK_RED]] levels from you!
Spout.LevelUp.1=[[GREEN]Level Up!
Spout.LevelUp.2=[[YELLOW]]{0}[[DARK_AQUA]] ([[GREEN]]{1}[[DARK_AQUA]])
Spout.Menu.Exit=[[GRAY]]Press ESCAPE to exit!
Spout.Menu.HudButton.1=HUD Type: {0}
Spout.Menu.HudButton.2=Change your HUD style!
Spout.Menu.Title=[[GOLD]]~mcMMO Menu~
MOTD.Hardcore.VampireOff=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[DARK_RED]]Hardcore & Vampirism enabled.
MOTD.Hardcore.Stats=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[DARK_AQUA]]Skill Death Penalty: [[DARK_RED]]{0}%
MOTD.Hardcore.VampireOn=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[DARK_RED]]Hardcore enabled.
MOTD.PerksPrefix=[[RED]][mcMMO Perks]
MOTD.Vampire.Stats=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[DARK_AQUA]]Vampirism Stat Leech: [[DARK_RED]]{0}%
MOTD.Version=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] Running version [[DARK_AQUA]]{0}
MOTD.Website=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[GREEN]]{0}[[YELLOW]] - mcMMO Website
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ Archery.SkillName=ARCHERY
Archery.Skillup=[[YELLOW]]Archery skill increased by {0}. Total ({1})
Axes.Ability.Bonus.0=Axe Mastery
Axes.Ability.Bonus.1=Bonus {0} damage
Axes.Ability.Bonus.2=Armor Impact
Axes.Ability.Bonus.3=Deal {0} Bonus DMG to armor
Axes.Ability.Bonus.4=Greater Impact
Axes.Ability.Bonus.5=Deal {0} Bonus DMG to unarmored foes
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ Axes.Effect.2=Critical Strikes
Axes.Effect.3=Double Damage
Axes.Effect.4=Axe Mastery
Axes.Effect.5=Adds bonus DMG
Axes.Effect.6=Armor Impact
Axes.Effect.7=Strike with enough force to shatter armor
Axes.Effect.8=Greater Impact
Axes.Effect.9=Deal bonus damage to unarmored foes
@ -159,6 +159,8 @@ Mining.Blast.Radius.Increase=[[RED]]Blast Radius Increase: [[YELLOW]]+{0}
Mining.Blast.Rank=[[RED]]Blast Mining: [[YELLOW]] Rank {0}/8 [[GRAY]]({1})
Mining.Blast.Other.On=[[GREEN]]{0}[[DARK_GREEN]] has used [[RED]]Blast Mining!
Mining.Blast.Refresh=[[GREEN]]Your [[YELLOW]]Blast Mining [[GREEN]]ability is refreshed!
Repair.AnvilPlaced.Spout1=[mcMMO] Anvil Placed
Repair.AnvilPlaced.Spout2=Right click to repair!
Repair.Effect.1=Repair Tools & Armor
Repair.Effect.10=Gold Repair ({0}+ SKILL)
@ -277,6 +279,8 @@ Unarmed.Ability.Bonus.0=Iron Arm Style
Unarmed.Ability.Bonus.1=+{0} DMG Upgrade
Unarmed.Ability.Chance.ArrowDeflect=[[RED]]Arrow Deflect Chance: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Unarmed.Ability.Chance.Disarm=[[RED]]Disarm Chance: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Unarmed.Ability.IronGrip.Attacker=[[RED]]Your opponent has an iron grip!
Unarmed.Ability.IronGrip.Defender=[[GREEN]]Your iron grip kept you from being disarmed!
Unarmed.Ability.Lower=[[GRAY]]**YOU LOWER YOUR FISTS**
Unarmed.Ability.Ready=[[GREEN]]**YOU READY YOUR FISTS**
Unarmed.Effect.0=Berserk (ABILITY)
@ -334,6 +338,7 @@ Commands.Ability.Off=Ability use toggled [[RED]]off
Commands.Ability.On=Ability use toggled [[GREEN]]on
Commands.AdminChat.Off=Admin Chat only [[RED]]Off
Commands.AdminChat.On=Admin Chat only [[GREEN]]On
Commands.AdminToggle=[[RED]]- Toggle admin chat
Commands.Disabled=[[RED]]This command is disabled.
Commands.DoesNotExist=[[RED]]Player does not exist in the database!
@ -345,6 +350,9 @@ Commands.Invite.Accepted=[[GREEN]]Invite Accepted. You have joined party {0}
Commands.Invite.Success=[[GREEN]]Invite sent successfully.
Commands.Leaderboards=<skill> <page> [[RED]]- Leaderboards
Commands.mcgod=[[RED]]- Toggle GodMode
Commands.mcrank.Skill=[[YELLOW]]{0}[[GREEN]] - [[GOLD]]Rank [[WHITE]]#[[GREEN]]{1}
Commands.mcrank.Overall=[[YELLOW]]Overall[[GREEN]] - [[GOLD]]Rank [[WHITE]]#[[GREEN]]{0}
Commands.mmoedit=[player] <skill> <newvalue> [[RED]] - Modify target
Commands.ModDescription=[[RED]]- Read brief mod description
Commands.NoConsole=This command does not support console usage.
@ -352,6 +360,7 @@ Commands.Other=[[GREEN]]--OTHER COMMANDS--
Commands.Party.Accept=[[RED]]- Accept party invite
Commands.Party.Chat.Off=Party Chat only [[RED]]Off
Commands.Party.Chat.On=Party Chat only [[GREEN]]On
Commands.Party.Commands=[[GREEN]]--PARTY COMMANDS--
Commands.Party.Invite.0=[[RED]]ALERT: [[GREEN]]You have received a party invite for {0} from {1}
Commands.Party.Invite.1=[[YELLOW]]Type [[GREEN]]/accept[[YELLOW]] to accept the invite
@ -377,11 +386,9 @@ Commands.SkillInfo=/<skill> [[RED]]- View detailed information about a skill
Commands.Stats.Self=YOUR STATS
Commands.Stats=[[RED]]- View your mcMMO stats
Commands.ToggleAbility=[[RED]]- Toggle ability activation with right click
mcMMO.MOTD=[[BLUE]]This server is running mcMMO {0}! \n Type [[YELLOW]]/mcmmo[[BLUE]] for help.
mcMMO.NoInvites=[[RED]]You have no invites at this time
mcMMO.NoPermission=[[DARK_RED]]Insufficient permissions.
mcMMO.NoSkillNote=[[DARK_GRAY]]If you don\'t have access to a skill it will not be shown here.
mcMMO.Website=[[GREEN]]http://forums.mcmmo.info[[BLUE]] - mcMMO Website
Commands.Party.InParty=[[GREEN]]Party: {0}
Party.Forbidden=[mcMMO] Parties not permitted on this world (See Permissions)
Party.Help.0=[[RED]]Proper usage is /party <party-name> to join or /party q to quit
@ -434,15 +441,20 @@ Effects.Level=[[DARK_GRAY]]LVL: [[GREEN]]{0} [[DARK_AQUA]]XP[[YELLOW]]([[GOLD]]{
Effects.Template=[[DARK_AQUA]]{0}: [[GREEN]]{1}
Guides.Acrobatics=[[DARK_AQUA]]About Acrobatics:\n[[YELLOW]]Acrobatics is the art of moving gracefully in mcMMO.\n[[YELLOW]]It provides combat bonuses and environment damage bonuses.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]XP GAIN:\n[[YELLOW]]To gain XP in this skill you need to perform a dodge\n[[YELLOW]]in combat or survive falls from heights that damage you.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Rolling work?\n[[YELLOW]]You have a passive chance when you take fall damage\n[[YELLOW]]to negate the damage done. You can hold the sneak button to\n[[YELLOW]]double your chances during the fall.\n[[YELLOW]]This triggers a Graceful Roll instead of a standard one.\n[[YELLOW]]Graceful Rolls are like regular rolls but are twice as likely to\n[[YELLOW]]occur and provide more damage safety than regular rolls.\n[[YELLOW]]Rolling chance is tied to your skill level\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Dodge work?\n[[YELLOW]]Dodge is a passive chance when you are\n[[YELLOW]]injured in combat to halve the damage taken.\n[[YELLOW]]It is tied to your skill level.
Guides.Archery=[[DARK_AQUA]]About Archery:\n[[YELLOW]]Archery is about shooting with your bow and arrow.\n[[YELLOW]]It provides various combat bonuses, such as a damage boost\n[[YELLOW]]that scales with your level and the ability to daze your\n[[YELLOW]]opponents in PvP. In addition to this, you can retrieve\n[[YELLOW]]some of your spent arrows from the corpses of your foes.\n\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]XP GAIN:\n[[YELLOW]]To gain XP in this skill you need to shoot mobs or\n[[YELLOW]]other players.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Skill Shot work?\n[[YELLOW]]Skill Shot provides additional damage to your shots.\n[[YELLOW]]The bonus damage from Skill Shot increases as you\n[[YELLOW]]level in Archery.\n[[YELLOW]]With the default settings, your archery damage increase 10%\n[[YELLOW]]every 50 levels, to a maximum of 200% bonus damage.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Daze work?\n[[YELLOW]]You have a passive chance to daze other players when\n[[YELLOW]]you shoot them. When Daze triggers it forces your opponents\n[[YELLOW]]to look straight up for a short duration.\n[[YELLOW]]A Daze shot also deals an additional 4 damage (2 hearts).\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Arrow Retrieval work?\n[[YELLOW]]You have a passive chance to retrieve some of your arrows\n[[YELLOW]]when you kill a mob with your bow.\n[[YELLOW]]This chance increases as you level in Archery.\n[[YELLOW]]By default, this ability increases by 0.1% per level, up to 100%\n[[YELLOW]]at level 1000.
Guides.Axes=[[DARK_AQUA]]About Axes:\n[[YELLOW]]With the Axes skill you can use your axe for much more then\n[[YELLOW]]just deforesting! You can hack and chop away at mobs\n[[YELLOW]]and players to gain XP, hitting mobs with the effect of\n[[YELLOW]]knockback and inflicting DEADLY criticals on mobs and players.\n[[YELLOW]]Your axe also becomes a hand-held woodchipper,\n[[YELLOW]]breaking down the enemy's armor with ease as your level\n[[YELLOW]]increases.\n[[DARK_AQUA]]XP GAIN:\n[[YELLOW]]To gain XP in this skill you need hit other mobs or players\n[[YELLOW]]with an Axe.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Skull Splitter work?\n[[YELLOW]]This ability allows you to deal an AoE (Area of Effect) hit.\n[[YELLOW]]This AoE hit will deal half as much damage as you did to the\n[[YELLOW]]main target, so it's great for clearing out large piles of mobs.\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Critical Strikes work?\n[[YELLOW]]Critical Strikes is a passive ability which gives players a\n[[YELLOW]]chance to deal additional damage.\n[[YELLOW]]With the default settings, every 2 skill levels in Axes awards a\n[[YELLOW]]0.1% chance to deal a Critical Strike, causing 2.0 times damage\n[[YELLOW]]to mobs or 1.5 times damage against other players.\n\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Axe Mastery work?\n[[YELLOW]]Axe Mastery is a passive ability that will add additional damage\n[[YELLOW]]to your hits when using Axes.\n[[YELLOW]]By default, the bonus damage increases by 1 every 50 levels,\n[[YELLOW]]up to a cap of 4 extra damage at level 200.\n\n\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Armor Impact work?\n[[YELLOW]]Strike with enough force to shatter armor!\n[[YELLOW]]Armor Impact has a passive chance to damage your\n[[YELLOW]]opponent's armor. This damage increases as you level in Axes.\n\n\n\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Greater Impact work?\n[[YELLOW]]You have a passive chance to achieve a greater impact when\n[[YELLOW]]hitting mobs or players with your axe.\n[[YELLOW]]By default this chance is 25%. This passive ability has an\n[[YELLOW]]extreme knockback effect, similar to the Knockback II\n[[YELLOW]]enchantment. In addition, it deals bonus damage to the target.
Guides.Axes=[[DARK_AQUA]]About Axes:\n[[YELLOW]]With the Axes skill you can use your axe for much more then\n[[YELLOW]]just deforesting! You can hack and chop away at mobs\n[[YELLOW]]and players to gain XP, hitting mobs with the effect of\n[[YELLOW]]knockback and inflicting DEADLY criticals on mobs and players.\n[[YELLOW]]Your axe also becomes a hand-held woodchipper,\n[[YELLOW]]breaking down the enemy\'s armor with ease as your level\n[[YELLOW]]increases.\n[[DARK_AQUA]]XP GAIN:\n[[YELLOW]]To gain XP in this skill you need hit other mobs or players\n[[YELLOW]]with an Axe.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Skull Splitter work?\n[[YELLOW]]This ability allows you to deal an AoE (Area of Effect) hit.\n[[YELLOW]]This AoE hit will deal half as much damage as you did to the\n[[YELLOW]]main target, so it\'s great for clearing out large piles of mobs.\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Critical Strikes work?\n[[YELLOW]]Critical Strikes is a passive ability which gives players a\n[[YELLOW]]chance to deal additional damage.\n[[YELLOW]]With the default settings, every 2 skill levels in Axes awards a\n[[YELLOW]]0.1% chance to deal a Critical Strike, causing 2.0 times damage\n[[YELLOW]]to mobs or 1.5 times damage against other players.\n\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Axe Mastery work?\n[[YELLOW]]Axe Mastery is a passive ability that will add additional damage\n[[YELLOW]]to your hits when using Axes.\n[[YELLOW]]By default, the bonus damage increases by 1 every 50 levels,\n[[YELLOW]]up to a cap of 4 extra damage at level 200.\n\n\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Armor Impact work?\n[[YELLOW]]Strike with enough force to shatter armor!\n[[YELLOW]]Armor Impact has a passive chance to damage your\n[[YELLOW]]opponent\'s armor. This damage increases as you level in Axes.\n\n\n\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Greater Impact work?\n[[YELLOW]]You have a passive chance to achieve a greater impact when\n[[YELLOW]]hitting mobs or players with your axe.\n[[YELLOW]]By default this chance is 25%. This passive ability has an\n[[YELLOW]]extreme knockback effect, similar to the Knockback II\n[[YELLOW]]enchantment. In addition, it deals bonus damage to the target.
Guides.Available=[[DARK_AQUA]]Guide for {0} available - type /{1} ? [page]
Guides.Excavation=[[DARK_AQUA]]About Excavation:\n[[YELLOW]]Excavation is the act of digging up dirt to find treasures.\n[[YELLOW]]By excavating the land you will find treasures.\n[[YELLOW]]The more you do this the more treasures you can find.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]XP GAIN:\n[[YELLOW]]To gain XP in this skill you must dig with a shovel in hand.\n[[YELLOW]]Only certain materials can be dug up for treasures and XP.\n[[DARK_AQUA]]Compatible Materials:\n[[YELLOW]]Grass, Dirt, Sand, Clay, Gravel, Mycelium, Soul Sand\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How to use Giga Drill Breaker:\n[[YELLOW]]With a shovel in hand right click to ready your tool.\n[[YELLOW]]Once in this state you have about 4 seconds to make\n[[YELLOW]]contact with Excavation compatible materials this will\n[[YELLOW]]activate Giga Drill Breaker.\n[[DARK_AQUA]]What is Giga Drill Breaker?\n[[YELLOW]]Giga Drill Breaker is an ability with a cooldown\n[[YELLOW]]tied to Excavation skill. It triples your chance\n[[YELLOW]]of finding treasures and enables instant break\n[[YELLOW]]on Excavation materials.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Treasure Hunter work?\n[[YELLOW]]Every possible treasure for Excavation has its own\n[[YELLOW]]skill level requirement for it to drop, as a result it\'s\n[[YELLOW]]difficult to say how much it is helping you.\n[[YELLOW]]Just keep in mind that the higher your Excavation skill\n[[YELLOW]]is, the more treasures that can be found.\n[[YELLOW]]And also keep in mind that each type of Excavation\n[[YELLOW]]compatible material has its own unique list of treasures.\n[[YELLOW]]In other words you will find different treasures in Dirt\n[[YELLOW]]than you would in Gravel.\n[[DARK_AQUA]]Notes about Excavation:\n[[YELLOW]]Excavation drops are completely customizeable\n[[YELLOW]]So results vary server to server.
Guides.Fishing=Guide coming soon...
Guides.Header=[[GOLD]]-=[[GREEN]]{0} Guide[[GOLD]]=-
Guides.Herbalism=Guide coming soon...
Guides.Mining=[[DARK_AQUA]]About Mining:\n[[YELLOW]]Mining consists of mining stone and ores. It provides bonuses\n[[YELLOW]]to the amount of materials dropped while mining.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]XP GAIN:\n[[YELLOW]]To gain XP in this skill, you must mine with a pickaxe in hand.\n[[YELLOW]]Only certain blocks award XP.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]Compatible Materials:\n[[YELLOW]]Stone, Coal Ore, Iron Ore, Gold Ore, Diamond Ore, Redstone Ore,\n[[YELLOW]]Lapis Ore, Obsidian, Mossy Cobblestone, Ender Stone,\n[[YELLOW]]Glowstone, and Netherrack.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How to use Super Breaker:\n[[YELLOW]]With a pickaxe in your hand, right click to ready your tool.\n[[YELLOW]]Once in this state, you have about 4 seconds to make contact\n[[YELLOW]]with Mining compatible materials, which will activate Super\n[[YELLOW]]Breaker.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]What is Super Breaker?\n[[YELLOW]]Super Breaker is an ability with a cooldown tied to the Mining\n[[YELLOW]]skill. It triples your chance of extra items dropping and\n[[YELLOW]]enables instant break on Mining materials.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How to use Blast Mining:\n[[YELLOW]]With a detonator in hand, which is a flint & steel by default,\n[[YELLOW]]right-click on TNT from a distance. This will cause the TNT\n[[YELLOW]]to instantly explode.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Blast Mining work?\n[[YELLOW]]Blast Mining is an ability with a cooldown tied to the Mining\n[[YELLOW]]skill. It gives bonuses when mining with TNT and allows you\n[[YELLOW]]to remote detonate TNT. There are three parts to Blast Mining.\n[[YELLOW]]The first part is Bigger Bombs, which increases blast radius.\n[[YELLOW]]The second is Demolitions Expert, which decreases damage\n[[YELLOW]]from TNT explosions. The third part simply increases the\n[[YELLOW]]amount of ores dropped from TNT and decreases the\n[[YELLOW]]debris dropped.
Guides.Mining=[[DARK_AQUA]]About Mining:\n[[YELLOW]]Mining consists of mining stone and ores. It provides bonuses\n[[YELLOW]]to the amount of materials dropped while mining.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]XP GAIN:\n[[YELLOW]]To gain XP in this skill, you must mine with a pickaxe in hand.\n[[YELLOW]]Only certain blocks award XP.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]Compatible Materials:\n[[YELLOW]]Stone, Coal Ore, Iron Ore, Gold Ore, Diamond Ore, Redstone Ore,\n[[YELLOW]]Lapis Ore, Obsidian, Mossy Cobblestone, Ender Stone,\n[[YELLOW]]Glowstone, and Netherrack.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How to use Super Breaker:\n[[YELLOW]]With a pickaxe in your hand, right click to ready your tool.\n[[YELLOW]]Once in this state, you have about 4 seconds to make contact\n[[YELLOW]]with Mining compatible materials, which will activate Super\n[[YELLOW]]Breaker.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]What is Super Breaker?\n[[YELLOW]]Super Breaker is an ability with a cooldown tied to the Mining\n[[YELLOW]]skill. It triples your chance of extra items dropping and\n[[YELLOW]]enables instant break on Mining materials.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How to use Blast Mining:\n[[YELLOW]]With a detonator in hand, which is a flint & steel by default,\n[[YELLOW]]crouch and right-click on TNT from a distance. This will cause the TNT\n[[YELLOW]]to instantly explode.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Blast Mining work?\n[[YELLOW]]Blast Mining is an ability with a cooldown tied to the Mining\n[[YELLOW]]skill. It gives bonuses when mining with TNT and allows you\n[[YELLOW]]to remote detonate TNT. There are three parts to Blast Mining.\n[[YELLOW]]The first part is Bigger Bombs, which increases blast radius.\n[[YELLOW]]The second is Demolitions Expert, which decreases damage\n[[YELLOW]]from TNT explosions. The third part simply increases the\n[[YELLOW]]amount of ores dropped from TNT and decreases the\n[[YELLOW]]debris dropped.
Guides.Page.Invalid=Not a valid page number!
Guides.Page.OutOfRange=That page doesn\'t exist, there are only {0} total pages.
Guides.Repair=Guide coming soon...
Guides.Swords=Guide coming soon...
Guides.Taming=Guide coming soon...
Guides.Unarmed=Guide coming soon...
Guides.Usage=[[RED]] Usage is /{0} ? [page]
Guides.Woodcutting=Guide coming soon...
Inspect.Offline=[[RED]]You do not have permission to inspect offline players!
Inspect.OfflineStats=mcMMO Stats for Offline Player [[YELLOW]]{0}
@ -453,9 +465,9 @@ Item.ChimaeraWing.Pass=**CHIMAERA WING**
Item.Injured.Wait=You were injured recently and must wait to use this. [[YELLOW]]({0}s)
Skills.Disarmed=[[DARK_RED]]You have been disarmed!
Skills.NeedMore=[[DARK_RED]]You need more
Skills.NeedMore=[[DARK_RED]]You need more [[GRAY]]{0}
Skills.Stats=[[YELLOW]]{0}[[GREEN]]{1}[[DARK_AQUA]] XP([[GRAY]]{2}[[DARK_AQUA]]/[[GRAY]]{3}[[DARK_AQUA]])
Skills.TooTired=[[RED]]You are too tired to use that ability again.
Skills.TooTired=[[RED]]You are too tired to use that ability again. [[YELLOW]]({0}s)
Stats.Header.Combat=[[GOLD]]-=COMBAT SKILLS=-
Stats.Header.Gathering=[[GOLD]]-=GATHERING SKILLS=-
Stats.Header.Misc=[[GOLD]]-=MISC SKILLS=-
@ -471,3 +483,23 @@ Perks.cooldowns.desc=Cuts cooldown duration by {0}.
Perks.activationtime.desc=Increases ability activation time by {0} seconds.
Perks.activationtime.bonus=[[GOLD]] ({0}s with Endurance Perk)
Hardcore.Player.Loss=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[DARK_RED]]You\'ve lost [[BLUE]]{0}[[DARK_RED]] from death.
Vampirism.Killer.Failure=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[YELLOW]]{0}[[GRAY]] was too unskilled to grant you any knowledge.
Vampirism.Killer.Success=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[DARK_AQUA]]You\'ve stolen [[BLUE]]{0}[[DARK_AQUA]] levels from [[YELLOW]]{1}.
Vampirism.Victim.Failure=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[YELLOW]]{0}[[GRAY]] was unable to steal knowledge from you!
Vampirism.Victim.Success=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[YELLOW]]{0}[[DARK_RED]] has stolen [[BLUE]]{1}[[DARK_RED]] levels from you!
Spout.LevelUp.1=[[GREEN]Level Up!
Spout.LevelUp.2=[[YELLOW]]{0}[[DARK_AQUA]] ([[GREEN]]{1}[[DARK_AQUA]])
Spout.Menu.Exit=[[GRAY]]Press ESCAPE to exit!
Spout.Menu.HudButton.1=HUD Type: {0}
Spout.Menu.HudButton.2=Change your HUD style!
Spout.Menu.Title=[[GOLD]]~mcMMO Menu~
MOTD.Hardcore.VampireOff=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[DARK_RED]]Hardcore & Vampirism enabled.
MOTD.Hardcore.Stats=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[DARK_AQUA]]Skill Death Penalty: [[DARK_RED]]{0}%
MOTD.Hardcore.VampireOn=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[DARK_RED]]Hardcore enabled.
MOTD.PerksPrefix=[[RED]][mcMMO Perks]
MOTD.Vampire.Stats=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[DARK_AQUA]]Vampirism Stat Leech: [[DARK_RED]]{0}%
MOTD.Version=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] Running version [[DARK_AQUA]]{0}
MOTD.Website=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[GREEN]]{0}[[YELLOW]] - mcMMO Website
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ Archery.SkillName=ARCHERY
Archery.Skillup=[[YELLOW]]Archery skill increased by {0}. Total ({1})
Axes.Ability.Bonus.0=Axe Mastery
Axes.Ability.Bonus.1=Bonus {0} damage
Axes.Ability.Bonus.2=Armor Impact
Axes.Ability.Bonus.3=Deal {0} Bonus DMG to armor
Axes.Ability.Bonus.4=Greater Impact
Axes.Ability.Bonus.5=Deal {0} Bonus DMG to unarmored foes
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ Axes.Effect.2=Critical Strikes
Axes.Effect.3=Double Damage
Axes.Effect.4=Axe Mastery
Axes.Effect.5=Adds bonus DMG
Axes.Effect.6=Armor Impact
Axes.Effect.7=Strike with enough force to shatter armor
Axes.Effect.8=Greater Impact
Axes.Effect.9=Deal bonus damage to unarmored foes
@ -159,6 +159,8 @@ Mining.Blast.Radius.Increase=[[RED]]Blast Radius Increase: [[YELLOW]]+{0}
Mining.Blast.Rank=[[RED]]Blast Mining: [[YELLOW]] Rank {0}/8 [[GRAY]]({1})
Mining.Blast.Other.On=[[GREEN]]{0}[[DARK_GREEN]] has used [[RED]]Blast Mining!
Mining.Blast.Refresh=[[GREEN]]Your [[YELLOW]]Blast Mining [[GREEN]]ability is refreshed!
Repair.AnvilPlaced.Spout1=[mcMMO] Anvil Placed
Repair.AnvilPlaced.Spout2=Right click to repair!
Repair.Effect.1=Repair Tools & Armor
Repair.Effect.10=Gold Repair ({0}+ SKILL)
@ -277,6 +279,8 @@ Unarmed.Ability.Bonus.0=Iron Arm Style
Unarmed.Ability.Bonus.1=+{0} DMG Upgrade
Unarmed.Ability.Chance.ArrowDeflect=[[RED]]Arrow Deflect Chance: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Unarmed.Ability.Chance.Disarm=[[RED]]Disarm Chance: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Unarmed.Ability.IronGrip.Attacker=[[RED]]Your opponent has an iron grip!
Unarmed.Ability.IronGrip.Defender=[[GREEN]]Your iron grip kept you from being disarmed!
Unarmed.Ability.Lower=[[GRAY]]**YOU LOWER YOUR FISTS**
Unarmed.Ability.Ready=[[GREEN]]**YOU READY YOUR FISTS**
Unarmed.Effect.0=Berserk (ABILITY)
@ -334,6 +338,7 @@ Commands.Ability.Off=Ability use toggled [[RED]]off
Commands.Ability.On=Ability use toggled [[GREEN]]on
Commands.AdminChat.Off=Admin Chat only [[RED]]Off
Commands.AdminChat.On=Admin Chat only [[GREEN]]On
Commands.AdminToggle=[[RED]]- Toggle admin chat
Commands.Disabled=[[RED]]This command is disabled.
Commands.DoesNotExist=[[RED]]Player does not exist in the database!
@ -345,6 +350,9 @@ Commands.Invite.Accepted=[[GREEN]]Invite Accepted. You have joined party {0}
Commands.Invite.Success=[[GREEN]]Invite sent successfully.
Commands.Leaderboards=<skill> <page> [[RED]]- Leaderboards
Commands.mcgod=[[RED]]- Toggle GodMode
Commands.mcrank.Skill=[[YELLOW]]{0}[[GREEN]] - [[GOLD]]Rank [[WHITE]]#[[GREEN]]{1}
Commands.mcrank.Overall=[[YELLOW]]Overall[[GREEN]] - [[GOLD]]Rank [[WHITE]]#[[GREEN]]{0}
Commands.mmoedit=[player] <skill> <newvalue> [[RED]] - Modify target
Commands.ModDescription=[[RED]]- Read brief mod description
Commands.NoConsole=This command does not support console usage.
@ -352,6 +360,7 @@ Commands.Other=[[GREEN]]--OTHER COMMANDS--
Commands.Party.Accept=[[RED]]- Accept party invite
Commands.Party.Chat.Off=Party Chat only [[RED]]Off
Commands.Party.Chat.On=Party Chat only [[GREEN]]On
Commands.Party.Commands=[[GREEN]]--PARTY COMMANDS--
Commands.Party.Invite.0=[[RED]]ALERT: [[GREEN]]You have received a party invite for {0} from {1}
Commands.Party.Invite.1=[[YELLOW]]Type [[GREEN]]/accept[[YELLOW]] to accept the invite
@ -377,11 +386,9 @@ Commands.SkillInfo=/<skill> [[RED]]- View detailed information about a skill
Commands.Stats.Self=YOUR STATS
Commands.Stats=[[RED]]- View your mcMMO stats
Commands.ToggleAbility=[[RED]]- Toggle ability activation with right click
mcMMO.MOTD=[[BLUE]]This server is running mcMMO {0}! \n Type [[YELLOW]]/mcmmo[[BLUE]] for help.
mcMMO.NoInvites=[[RED]]You have no invites at this time
mcMMO.NoPermission=[[DARK_RED]]Insufficient permissions.
mcMMO.NoSkillNote=[[DARK_GRAY]]If you don\'t have access to a skill it will not be shown here.
mcMMO.Website=[[GREEN]]http://forums.mcmmo.info[[BLUE]] - mcMMO Website
Commands.Party.InParty=[[GREEN]]Party: {0}
Party.Forbidden=[mcMMO] Parties not permitted on this world (See Permissions)
Party.Help.0=[[RED]]Proper usage is /party <party-name> to join or /party q to quit
@ -433,16 +440,21 @@ Effects.Effects=EFFECTS
Effects.Level=[[DARK_GRAY]]LVL: [[GREEN]]{0} [[DARK_AQUA]]XP[[YELLOW]]([[GOLD]]{1}[[YELLOW]]/[[GOLD]]{2}[[YELLOW]])
Effects.Template=[[DARK_AQUA]]{0}: [[GREEN]]{1}
Guides.Acrobatics=[[DARK_AQUA]]About Acrobatics:\n[[YELLOW]]Acrobatics is the art of moving gracefully in mcMMO.\n[[YELLOW]]It provides combat bonuses and environment damage bonuses.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]XP GAIN:\n[[YELLOW]]To gain XP in this skill you need to perform a dodge\n[[YELLOW]]in combat or survive falls from heights that damage you.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Rolling work?\n[[YELLOW]]You have a passive chance when you take fall damage\n[[YELLOW]]to negate the damage done. You can hold the sneak button to\n[[YELLOW]]double your chances during the fall.\n[[YELLOW]]This triggers a Graceful Roll instead of a standard one.\n[[YELLOW]]Graceful Rolls are like regular rolls but are twice as likely to\n[[YELLOW]]occur and provide more damage safety than regular rolls.\n[[YELLOW]]Rolling chance is tied to your skill level\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Dodge work?\n[[YELLOW]]Dodge is a passive chance when you are\n[[YELLOW]]injured in combat to halve the damage taken.\n[[YELLOW]]It is tied to your skill level.
Guides.Archery=[[DARK_AQUA]]About Archery:\n[[YELLOW]]Archery is about shooting with your bow and arrow.\n[[YELLOW]]It provides various combat bonuses, such as a damage boost\n[[YELLOW]]that scales with your level and the ability to daze your\n[[YELLOW]]opponents in PvP. In addition to this, you can retrieve\n[[YELLOW]]some of your spent arrows from the corpses of your foes.\n\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]XP GAIN:\n[[YELLOW]]To gain XP in this skill you need to shoot mobs or\n[[YELLOW]]other players.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Skill Shot work?\n[[YELLOW]]Skill Shot provides additional damage to your shots.\n[[YELLOW]]The bonus damage from Skill Shot increases as you\n[[YELLOW]]level in Archery.\n[[YELLOW]]With the default settings, your archery damage increase 10%\n[[YELLOW]]every 50 levels, to a maximum of 200% bonus damage.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Daze work?\n[[YELLOW]]You have a passive chance to daze other players when\n[[YELLOW]]you shoot them. When Daze triggers it forces your opponents\n[[YELLOW]]to look straight up for a short duration.\n[[YELLOW]]A Daze shot also deals an additional 4 damage (2 hearts).\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Arrow Retrieval work?\n[[YELLOW]]You have a passive chance to retrieve some of your arrows\n[[YELLOW]]when you kill a mob with your bow.\n[[YELLOW]]This chance increases as you level in Archery.\n[[YELLOW]]By default, this ability increases by 0.1% per level, up to 100%\n[[YELLOW]]at level 1000.
Guides.Axes=[[DARK_AQUA]]About Axes:\n[[YELLOW]]With the Axes skill you can use your axe for much more then\n[[YELLOW]]just deforesting! You can hack and chop away at mobs\n[[YELLOW]]and players to gain XP, hitting mobs with the effect of\n[[YELLOW]]knockback and inflicting DEADLY criticals on mobs and players.\n[[YELLOW]]Your axe also becomes a hand-held woodchipper,\n[[YELLOW]]breaking down the enemy's armor with ease as your level\n[[YELLOW]]increases.\n[[DARK_AQUA]]XP GAIN:\n[[YELLOW]]To gain XP in this skill you need hit other mobs or players\n[[YELLOW]]with an Axe.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Skull Splitter work?\n[[YELLOW]]This ability allows you to deal an AoE (Area of Effect) hit.\n[[YELLOW]]This AoE hit will deal half as much damage as you did to the\n[[YELLOW]]main target, so it's great for clearing out large piles of mobs.\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Critical Strikes work?\n[[YELLOW]]Critical Strikes is a passive ability which gives players a\n[[YELLOW]]chance to deal additional damage.\n[[YELLOW]]With the default settings, every 2 skill levels in Axes awards a\n[[YELLOW]]0.1% chance to deal a Critical Strike, causing 2.0 times damage\n[[YELLOW]]to mobs or 1.5 times damage against other players.\n\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Axe Mastery work?\n[[YELLOW]]Axe Mastery is a passive ability that will add additional damage\n[[YELLOW]]to your hits when using Axes.\n[[YELLOW]]By default, the bonus damage increases by 1 every 50 levels,\n[[YELLOW]]up to a cap of 4 extra damage at level 200.\n\n\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Armor Impact work?\n[[YELLOW]]Strike with enough force to shatter armor!\n[[YELLOW]]Armor Impact has a passive chance to damage your\n[[YELLOW]]opponent's armor. This damage increases as you level in Axes.\n\n\n\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Greater Impact work?\n[[YELLOW]]You have a passive chance to achieve a greater impact when\n[[YELLOW]]hitting mobs or players with your axe.\n[[YELLOW]]By default this chance is 25%. This passive ability has an\n[[YELLOW]]extreme knockback effect, similar to the Knockback II\n[[YELLOW]]enchantment. In addition, it deals bonus damage to the target.
Guides.Archery=Guide coming soon...
Guides.Axes=Guide coming soon...
Guides.Available=[[DARK_AQUA]]Guide for {0} available - type /{1} ? [page]
Guides.Excavation=[[DARK_AQUA]]About Excavation:\n[[YELLOW]]Excavation is the act of digging up dirt to find treasures.\n[[YELLOW]]By excavating the land you will find treasures.\n[[YELLOW]]The more you do this the more treasures you can find.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]XP GAIN:\n[[YELLOW]]To gain XP in this skill you must dig with a shovel in hand.\n[[YELLOW]]Only certain materials can be dug up for treasures and XP.\n[[DARK_AQUA]]Compatible Materials:\n[[YELLOW]]Grass, Dirt, Sand, Clay, Gravel, Mycelium, Soul Sand\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How to use Giga Drill Breaker:\n[[YELLOW]]With a shovel in hand right click to ready your tool.\n[[YELLOW]]Once in this state you have about 4 seconds to make\n[[YELLOW]]contact with Excavation compatible materials this will\n[[YELLOW]]activate Giga Drill Breaker.\n[[DARK_AQUA]]What is Giga Drill Breaker?\n[[YELLOW]]Giga Drill Breaker is an ability with a cooldown\n[[YELLOW]]tied to Excavation skill. It triples your chance\n[[YELLOW]]of finding treasures and enables instant break\n[[YELLOW]]on Excavation materials.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Treasure Hunter work?\n[[YELLOW]]Every possible treasure for Excavation has its own\n[[YELLOW]]skill level requirement for it to drop, as a result it\'s\n[[YELLOW]]difficult to say how much it is helping you.\n[[YELLOW]]Just keep in mind that the higher your Excavation skill\n[[YELLOW]]is, the more treasures that can be found.\n[[YELLOW]]And also keep in mind that each type of Excavation\n[[YELLOW]]compatible material has its own unique list of treasures.\n[[YELLOW]]In other words you will find different treasures in Dirt\n[[YELLOW]]than you would in Gravel.\n[[DARK_AQUA]]Notes about Excavation:\n[[YELLOW]]Excavation drops are completely customizeable\n[[YELLOW]]So results vary server to server.
Guides.Fishing=Guide coming soon...
Guides.Header=[[GOLD]]-=[[GREEN]]{0} Guide[[GOLD]]=-
Guides.Herbalism=Guide coming soon...
Guides.Mining=[[DARK_AQUA]]About Mining:\n[[YELLOW]]Mining consists of mining stone and ores. It provides bonuses\n[[YELLOW]]to the amount of materials dropped while mining.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]XP GAIN:\n[[YELLOW]]To gain XP in this skill, you must mine with a pickaxe in hand.\n[[YELLOW]]Only certain blocks award XP.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]Compatible Materials:\n[[YELLOW]]Stone, Coal Ore, Iron Ore, Gold Ore, Diamond Ore, Redstone Ore,\n[[YELLOW]]Lapis Ore, Obsidian, Mossy Cobblestone, Ender Stone,\n[[YELLOW]]Glowstone, and Netherrack.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How to use Super Breaker:\n[[YELLOW]]With a pickaxe in your hand, right click to ready your tool.\n[[YELLOW]]Once in this state, you have about 4 seconds to make contact\n[[YELLOW]]with Mining compatible materials, which will activate Super\n[[YELLOW]]Breaker.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]What is Super Breaker?\n[[YELLOW]]Super Breaker is an ability with a cooldown tied to the Mining\n[[YELLOW]]skill. It triples your chance of extra items dropping and\n[[YELLOW]]enables instant break on Mining materials.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How to use Blast Mining:\n[[YELLOW]]With a detonator in hand, which is a flint & steel by default,\n[[YELLOW]]right-click on TNT from a distance. This will cause the TNT\n[[YELLOW]]to instantly explode.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Blast Mining work?\n[[YELLOW]]Blast Mining is an ability with a cooldown tied to the Mining\n[[YELLOW]]skill. It gives bonuses when mining with TNT and allows you\n[[YELLOW]]to remote detonate TNT. There are three parts to Blast Mining.\n[[YELLOW]]The first part is Bigger Bombs, which increases blast radius.\n[[YELLOW]]The second is Demolitions Expert, which decreases damage\n[[YELLOW]]from TNT explosions. The third part simply increases the\n[[YELLOW]]amount of ores dropped from TNT and decreases the\n[[YELLOW]]debris dropped.
Guides.Page.Invalid=Not a valid page number!
Guides.Page.OutOfRange=That page doesn\'t exist, there are only {0} total pages.
Guides.Repair=Guide coming soon...
Guides.Swords=Guide coming soon...
Guides.Taming=Guide coming soon...
Guides.Unarmed=Guide coming soon...
Guides.Usage=[[RED]] Usage is /{0} ? [page]
Guides.Woodcutting=Guide coming soon...
Inspect.Offline=[[RED]]You do not have permission to inspect offline players!
Inspect.OfflineStats=mcMMO Stats for Offline Player [[YELLOW]]{0}
@ -471,3 +483,23 @@ Perks.cooldowns.desc=Cuts cooldown duration by {0}.
Perks.activationtime.desc=Increases ability activation time by {0} seconds.
Perks.activationtime.bonus=[[GOLD]] ({0}s with Endurance Perk)
Hardcore.Player.Loss=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[DARK_RED]]You\'ve lost [[BLUE]]{0}[[DARK_RED]] from death.
Vampirism.Killer.Failure=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[YELLOW]]{0}[[GRAY]] was too unskilled to grant you any knowledge.
Vampirism.Killer.Success=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[DARK_AQUA]]You\'ve stolen [[BLUE]]{0}[[DARK_AQUA]] levels from [[YELLOW]]{1}.
Vampirism.Victim.Failure=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[YELLOW]]{0}[[GRAY]] was unable to steal knowledge from you!
Vampirism.Victim.Success=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[YELLOW]]{0}[[DARK_RED]] has stolen [[BLUE]]{1}[[DARK_RED]] levels from you!
Spout.LevelUp.1=[[GREEN]Level Up!
Spout.LevelUp.2=[[YELLOW]]{0}[[DARK_AQUA]] ([[GREEN]]{1}[[DARK_AQUA]])
Spout.Menu.Exit=[[GRAY]]Press ESCAPE to exit!
Spout.Menu.HudButton.1=HUD Type: {0}
Spout.Menu.HudButton.2=Change your HUD style!
Spout.Menu.Title=[[GOLD]]~mcMMO Menu~
MOTD.Hardcore.VampireOff=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[DARK_RED]]Hardcore & Vampirism enabled.
MOTD.Hardcore.Stats=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[DARK_AQUA]]Skill Death Penalty: [[DARK_RED]]{0}%
MOTD.Hardcore.VampireOn=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[DARK_RED]]Hardcore enabled.
MOTD.PerksPrefix=[[RED]][mcMMO Perks]
MOTD.Vampire.Stats=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[DARK_AQUA]]Vampirism Stat Leech: [[DARK_RED]]{0}%
MOTD.Version=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] Running version [[DARK_AQUA]]{0}
MOTD.Website=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[GREEN]]{0}[[YELLOW]] - mcMMO Website
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ Acrobatics.Roll.Text=**Rolled**
Acrobatics.Skillup=[[YELLOW]]Akrobatikf\u00e4rdigheten \u00f6kade med {0}. Totalt ({1})
Archery.Combat.DazeChance=[[RED]]Chance to Daze: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Archery.Combat.RetrieveChance=[[RED]]Chans att F\u00e5 Pilar: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Archery.Combat.RetrieveChance=[[RED]]Chance to Retrieve Arrows: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Archery.Combat.SkillshotBonus=[[RED]]Skill Shot Bonus Damage: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Archery.Effect.0=Skill Shot
Archery.Effect.1=Increases damage done with bows
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ Archery.SkillName=ARCHERY
Archery.Skillup=[[YELLOW]]Archery skill increased by {0}. Total ({1})
Axes.Ability.Bonus.0=Axe Mastery
Axes.Ability.Bonus.1=Bonus {0} damage
Axes.Ability.Bonus.2=Armor Impact
Axes.Ability.Bonus.3=Deal {0} Bonus DMG to armor
Axes.Ability.Bonus.4=Greater Impact
Axes.Ability.Bonus.5=Deal {0} Bonus DMG to unarmored foes
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ Axes.Effect.2=Critical Strikes
Axes.Effect.3=Double Damage
Axes.Effect.4=Axe Mastery
Axes.Effect.5=Adds bonus DMG
Axes.Effect.6=Armor Impact
Axes.Effect.7=Strike with enough force to shatter armor
Axes.Effect.8=Greater Impact
Axes.Effect.9=Deal bonus damage to unarmored foes
@ -159,6 +159,8 @@ Mining.Blast.Radius.Increase=[[RED]]Blast Radius Increase: [[YELLOW]]+{0}
Mining.Blast.Rank=[[RED]]Blast Mining: [[YELLOW]] Rank {0}/8 [[GRAY]]({1})
Mining.Blast.Other.On=[[GREEN]]{0}[[DARK_GREEN]] has used [[RED]]Blast Mining!
Mining.Blast.Refresh=[[GREEN]]Din [[YELLOW]]Explosionshacknings [[GREEN]]f\u00f6rm\u00e5ga \u00e4r fulladdad!
Repair.AnvilPlaced.Spout1=[mcMMO] Anvil Placed
Repair.AnvilPlaced.Spout2=Right click to repair!
Repair.Effect.1=Repair Tools & Armor
Repair.Effect.10=Gold Repair ({0}+ SKILL)
@ -277,6 +279,8 @@ Unarmed.Ability.Bonus.0=Iron Arm Style
Unarmed.Ability.Bonus.1=+{0} DMG Upgrade
Unarmed.Ability.Chance.ArrowDeflect=[[RED]]Arrow Deflect Chance: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Unarmed.Ability.Chance.Disarm=[[RED]]Disarm Chance: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Unarmed.Ability.IronGrip.Attacker=[[RED]]Your opponent has an iron grip!
Unarmed.Ability.IronGrip.Defender=[[GREEN]]Your iron grip kept you from being disarmed!
Unarmed.Ability.Lower=[[GRAY]]**YOU LOWER YOUR FISTS**
Unarmed.Ability.Ready=[[GREEN]]**YOU READY YOUR FISTS**
Unarmed.Effect.0=Berserk (ABILITY)
@ -334,6 +338,7 @@ Commands.Ability.Off=Ability use toggled [[RED]]off
Commands.Ability.On=Ability use toggled [[GREEN]]on
Commands.AdminChat.Off=Admin chatt endast [[RED]]Av
Commands.AdminChat.On=Admin Chat only [[GREEN]]On
Commands.AdminToggle=[[RED]]- Toggle admin chat
Commands.Disabled=[[RED]]This command is disabled.
Commands.DoesNotExist=[[RED]]Player does not exist in the database!
@ -345,6 +350,9 @@ Commands.Invite.Accepted=[[GREEN]]Invite Accepted. You have joined party {0}
Commands.Invite.Success=[[GREEN]]Invite sent successfully.
Commands.Leaderboards=<skill> <page> [[RED]]- Leaderboards
Commands.mcgod=[[RED]]- Toggle GodMode
Commands.mcrank.Skill=[[YELLOW]]{0}[[GREEN]] - [[GOLD]]Rank [[WHITE]]#[[GREEN]]{1}
Commands.mcrank.Overall=[[YELLOW]]Overall[[GREEN]] - [[GOLD]]Rank [[WHITE]]#[[GREEN]]{0}
Commands.mmoedit=[player] <skill> <newvalue> [[RED]] - Modify target
Commands.ModDescription=[[RED]]- Read brief mod description
Commands.NoConsole=This command does not support console usage.
@ -352,6 +360,7 @@ Commands.Other=[[GREEN]]--OTHER COMMANDS--
Commands.Party.Accept=[[RED]]- Accept party invite
Commands.Party.Chat.Off=Party Chat only [[RED]]Off
Commands.Party.Chat.On=Party Chat only [[GREEN]]On
Commands.Party.Commands=[[GREEN]]--PARTY COMMANDS--
Commands.Party.Invite.0=[[RED]]ALERT: [[GREEN]]You have received a party invite for {0} from {1}
Commands.Party.Invite.1=[[YELLOW]]Type [[GREEN]]/accept[[YELLOW]] to accept the invite
@ -377,11 +386,9 @@ Commands.SkillInfo=/<skill> [[RED]]- View detailed information about a skill
Commands.Stats.Self=YOUR STATS
Commands.Stats=[[RED]]- View your mcMMO stats
Commands.ToggleAbility=[[RED]]- Toggle ability activation with right click
mcMMO.MOTD=[[BLUE]]This server is running mcMMO {0}! \n Type [[YELLOW]]/mcmmo[[BLUE]] for help.
mcMMO.NoInvites=[[RED]]You have no invites at this time
mcMMO.NoPermission=[[DARK_RED]]Insufficient permissions.
mcMMO.NoSkillNote=[[DARK_GRAY]]If you don\'t have access to a skill it will not be shown here.
mcMMO.Website=[[GREEN]]http://forums.mcmmo.info[[BLUE]] - mcMMO Website
Commands.Party.InParty=[[GREEN]]Party: {0}
Party.Forbidden=[mcMMO] Parties not permitted on this world (See Permissions)
Party.Help.0=[[RED]]Proper usage is /party <party-name> to join or /party q to quit
@ -434,15 +441,20 @@ Effects.Level=[[DARK_GRAY]]LVL: [[GREEN]]{0} [[DARK_AQUA]]XP[[YELLOW]]([[GOLD]]{
Effects.Template=[[DARK_AQUA]]{0}: [[GREEN]]{1}
Guides.Acrobatics=[[DARK_AQUA]]About Acrobatics:\n[[YELLOW]]Acrobatics is the art of moving gracefully in mcMMO.\n[[YELLOW]]It provides combat bonuses and environment damage bonuses.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]XP GAIN:\n[[YELLOW]]To gain XP in this skill you need to perform a dodge\n[[YELLOW]]in combat or survive falls from heights that damage you.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Rolling work?\n[[YELLOW]]You have a passive chance when you take fall damage\n[[YELLOW]]to negate the damage done. You can hold the sneak button to\n[[YELLOW]]double your chances during the fall.\n[[YELLOW]]This triggers a Graceful Roll instead of a standard one.\n[[YELLOW]]Graceful Rolls are like regular rolls but are twice as likely to\n[[YELLOW]]occur and provide more damage safety than regular rolls.\n[[YELLOW]]Rolling chance is tied to your skill level\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Dodge work?\n[[YELLOW]]Dodge is a passive chance when you are\n[[YELLOW]]injured in combat to halve the damage taken.\n[[YELLOW]]It is tied to your skill level.
Guides.Archery=[[DARK_AQUA]]About Archery:\n[[YELLOW]]Archery is about shooting with your bow and arrow.\n[[YELLOW]]It provides various combat bonuses, such as a damage boost\n[[YELLOW]]that scales with your level and the ability to daze your\n[[YELLOW]]opponents in PvP. In addition to this, you can retrieve\n[[YELLOW]]some of your spent arrows from the corpses of your foes.\n\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]XP GAIN:\n[[YELLOW]]To gain XP in this skill you need to shoot mobs or\n[[YELLOW]]other players.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Skill Shot work?\n[[YELLOW]]Skill Shot provides additional damage to your shots.\n[[YELLOW]]The bonus damage from Skill Shot increases as you\n[[YELLOW]]level in Archery.\n[[YELLOW]]With the default settings, your archery damage increase 10%\n[[YELLOW]]every 50 levels, to a maximum of 200% bonus damage.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Daze work?\n[[YELLOW]]You have a passive chance to daze other players when\n[[YELLOW]]you shoot them. When Daze triggers it forces your opponents\n[[YELLOW]]to look straight up for a short duration.\n[[YELLOW]]A Daze shot also deals an additional 4 damage (2 hearts).\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Arrow Retrieval work?\n[[YELLOW]]You have a passive chance to retrieve some of your arrows\n[[YELLOW]]when you kill a mob with your bow.\n[[YELLOW]]This chance increases as you level in Archery.\n[[YELLOW]]By default, this ability increases by 0.1% per level, up to 100%\n[[YELLOW]]at level 1000.
Guides.Axes=[[DARK_AQUA]]About Axes:\n[[YELLOW]]With the Axes skill you can use your axe for much more then\n[[YELLOW]]just deforesting! You can hack and chop away at mobs\n[[YELLOW]]and players to gain XP, hitting mobs with the effect of\n[[YELLOW]]knockback and inflicting DEADLY criticals on mobs and players.\n[[YELLOW]]Your axe also becomes a hand-held woodchipper,\n[[YELLOW]]breaking down the enemy's armor with ease as your level\n[[YELLOW]]increases.\n[[DARK_AQUA]]XP GAIN:\n[[YELLOW]]To gain XP in this skill you need hit other mobs or players\n[[YELLOW]]with an Axe.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Skull Splitter work?\n[[YELLOW]]This ability allows you to deal an AoE (Area of Effect) hit.\n[[YELLOW]]This AoE hit will deal half as much damage as you did to the\n[[YELLOW]]main target, so it's great for clearing out large piles of mobs.\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Critical Strikes work?\n[[YELLOW]]Critical Strikes is a passive ability which gives players a\n[[YELLOW]]chance to deal additional damage.\n[[YELLOW]]With the default settings, every 2 skill levels in Axes awards a\n[[YELLOW]]0.1% chance to deal a Critical Strike, causing 2.0 times damage\n[[YELLOW]]to mobs or 1.5 times damage against other players.\n\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Axe Mastery work?\n[[YELLOW]]Axe Mastery is a passive ability that will add additional damage\n[[YELLOW]]to your hits when using Axes.\n[[YELLOW]]By default, the bonus damage increases by 1 every 50 levels,\n[[YELLOW]]up to a cap of 4 extra damage at level 200.\n\n\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Armor Impact work?\n[[YELLOW]]Strike with enough force to shatter armor!\n[[YELLOW]]Armor Impact has a passive chance to damage your\n[[YELLOW]]opponent's armor. This damage increases as you level in Axes.\n\n\n\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Greater Impact work?\n[[YELLOW]]You have a passive chance to achieve a greater impact when\n[[YELLOW]]hitting mobs or players with your axe.\n[[YELLOW]]By default this chance is 25%. This passive ability has an\n[[YELLOW]]extreme knockback effect, similar to the Knockback II\n[[YELLOW]]enchantment. In addition, it deals bonus damage to the target.
Guides.Axes=[[DARK_AQUA]]About Axes:\n[[YELLOW]]With the Axes skill you can use your axe for much more then\n[[YELLOW]]just deforesting! You can hack and chop away at mobs\n[[YELLOW]]and players to gain XP, hitting mobs with the effect of\n[[YELLOW]]knockback and inflicting DEADLY criticals on mobs and players.\n[[YELLOW]]Your axe also becomes a hand-held woodchipper,\n[[YELLOW]]breaking down the enemy\'s armor with ease as your level\n[[YELLOW]]increases.\n[[DARK_AQUA]]XP GAIN:\n[[YELLOW]]To gain XP in this skill you need hit other mobs or players\n[[YELLOW]]with an Axe.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Skull Splitter work?\n[[YELLOW]]This ability allows you to deal an AoE (Area of Effect) hit.\n[[YELLOW]]This AoE hit will deal half as much damage as you did to the\n[[YELLOW]]main target, so it\'s great for clearing out large piles of mobs.\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Critical Strikes work?\n[[YELLOW]]Critical Strikes is a passive ability which gives players a\n[[YELLOW]]chance to deal additional damage.\n[[YELLOW]]With the default settings, every 2 skill levels in Axes awards a\n[[YELLOW]]0.1% chance to deal a Critical Strike, causing 2.0 times damage\n[[YELLOW]]to mobs or 1.5 times damage against other players.\n\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Axe Mastery work?\n[[YELLOW]]Axe Mastery is a passive ability that will add additional damage\n[[YELLOW]]to your hits when using Axes.\n[[YELLOW]]By default, the bonus damage increases by 1 every 50 levels,\n[[YELLOW]]up to a cap of 4 extra damage at level 200.\n\n\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Armor Impact work?\n[[YELLOW]]Strike with enough force to shatter armor!\n[[YELLOW]]Armor Impact has a passive chance to damage your\n[[YELLOW]]opponent\'s armor. This damage increases as you level in Axes.\n\n\n\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Greater Impact work?\n[[YELLOW]]You have a passive chance to achieve a greater impact when\n[[YELLOW]]hitting mobs or players with your axe.\n[[YELLOW]]By default this chance is 25%. This passive ability has an\n[[YELLOW]]extreme knockback effect, similar to the Knockback II\n[[YELLOW]]enchantment. In addition, it deals bonus damage to the target.
Guides.Available=[[DARK_AQUA]]Guide for {0} available - type /{1} ? [page]
Guides.Excavation=[DARK_AQUA]]Om Gr\u00e4vning:\n[[YELLOW]]Gr\u00e4vning \u00e4r n\u00e4r man gr\u00e4ver f\u00f6r att leta efter skatter.\n[[YELLOW]]Du hittar skatter genom att gr\u00e4va i marken.\n[[YELLOW]]Ju mer du g\u00f6r detta, desto fler skatter kommer du hitta.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]:XP \u00d6KNING\n[[YELLOW]]F\u00f6r att f\u00e5 XP m\u00e5ste du gr\u00e4va med en spade i din hand.\n[[YELLOW]]Man f\u00e5r bara XP av vissa material.\n[[DARK_AQUA]]Kompatibla Material:\n[[YELLOW]]Gr\u00e4s, Jord, Sand, Lera, Grus, Mycelium, Sj\u00e4lssand\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]Hur du anv\u00e4nder Mega Gr\u00e4varen:\n[[YELLOW]]H\u00f6gerklicka med en spade i din hand.\n[[YELLOW]]N\u00e4r du har gjort det har du 4 sekunder p\u00e5 dig att\n[[YELLOW]]b\u00f6rja gr\u00e4va snabbt och aktivera\n[[YELLOW]] Mega Gr\u00e4varen.\n[[DARK_AQUA]]Vad \u00e4r Mega Gr\u00e4varen?\n[[YELLOW]]Mega Gr\u00e4varen \u00e4r en f\u00f6rm\u00e5ga med pauser\n[[YELLOW]]som \u00e4r till f\u00f6r Gr\u00e4vningsf\u00e4rdigheten\n[[YELLOW]]att hitta skatter och f\u00f6r att gr\u00e4va snabbare\n[[YELLOW]]p\u00e5 Gr\u00e4vningsmaterial\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]Hur funkar Skatt Letare?\n[[YELLOW]]Varenda m\u00f6jliga skatt f\u00f6r Gr\u00e4vning kr\u00e4ver en viss\n[[YELLOW]]f\u00f6rm\u00e5gelevel f\u00f6r att droppas, och som ett resultat \u00e4r det\n[[YELLOW]]sv\u00e5rt att s\u00e4ga hur mycket det hj\u00e4lper dig.\n[[YELLOW]]T\u00e4nk bara p\u00e5 att ju h\u00f6gre din Gr\u00e4vningsf\u00f6rm\u00e5ga\n[[YELLOW]]\u00e4r, desto fler skatter kan du hitta.\n[[YELLOW]]Kom ocks\u00e5 ih\u00e5g att varje gr\u00e4vnings-\n[[YELLOW]]kompatibelt material har en unik lista med olika skatter.\n[[YELLOW]]Det betyder att du kommer hitta andra saker i jord\n[[YELLOW]]\u00e4n vad du hittar i grus.\n[[DARK_AQUA]]Noteringar om Gr\u00e4vning:\n[[YELLOW]]Gr\u00e4vnings droppar \u00e4r helt anpassningsbara\n[[YELLOW]]S\u00e5 resultatet varierar fr\u00e5n server till server.
Guides.Fishing=Guide coming soon...
Guides.Header=[[GOLD]]-=[[GREEN]]{0} Guide[[GOLD]]=-
Guides.Herbalism=Guide coming soon...
Guides.Mining=[[DARK_AQUA]]About Mining:\n[[YELLOW]]Mining consists of mining stone and ores. It provides bonuses\n[[YELLOW]]to the amount of materials dropped while mining.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]XP GAIN:\n[[YELLOW]]To gain XP in this skill, you must mine with a pickaxe in hand.\n[[YELLOW]]Only certain blocks award XP.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]Compatible Materials:\n[[YELLOW]]Stone, Coal Ore, Iron Ore, Gold Ore, Diamond Ore, Redstone Ore,\n[[YELLOW]]Lapis Ore, Obsidian, Mossy Cobblestone, Ender Stone,\n[[YELLOW]]Glowstone, and Netherrack.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How to use Super Breaker:\n[[YELLOW]]With a pickaxe in your hand, right click to ready your tool.\n[[YELLOW]]Once in this state, you have about 4 seconds to make contact\n[[YELLOW]]with Mining compatible materials, which will activate Super\n[[YELLOW]]Breaker.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]What is Super Breaker?\n[[YELLOW]]Super Breaker is an ability with a cooldown tied to the Mining\n[[YELLOW]]skill. It triples your chance of extra items dropping and\n[[YELLOW]]enables instant break on Mining materials.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How to use Blast Mining:\n[[YELLOW]]With a detonator in hand, which is a flint & steel by default,\n[[YELLOW]]right-click on TNT from a distance. This will cause the TNT\n[[YELLOW]]to instantly explode.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Blast Mining work?\n[[YELLOW]]Blast Mining is an ability with a cooldown tied to the Mining\n[[YELLOW]]skill. It gives bonuses when mining with TNT and allows you\n[[YELLOW]]to remote detonate TNT. There are three parts to Blast Mining.\n[[YELLOW]]The first part is Bigger Bombs, which increases blast radius.\n[[YELLOW]]The second is Demolitions Expert, which decreases damage\n[[YELLOW]]from TNT explosions. The third part simply increases the\n[[YELLOW]]amount of ores dropped from TNT and decreases the\n[[YELLOW]]debris dropped.
Guides.Mining=[[DARK_AQUA]]About Mining:\n[[YELLOW]]Mining consists of mining stone and ores. It provides bonuses\n[[YELLOW]]to the amount of materials dropped while mining.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]XP GAIN:\n[[YELLOW]]To gain XP in this skill, you must mine with a pickaxe in hand.\n[[YELLOW]]Only certain blocks award XP.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]Compatible Materials:\n[[YELLOW]]Stone, Coal Ore, Iron Ore, Gold Ore, Diamond Ore, Redstone Ore,\n[[YELLOW]]Lapis Ore, Obsidian, Mossy Cobblestone, Ender Stone,\n[[YELLOW]]Glowstone, and Netherrack.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How to use Super Breaker:\n[[YELLOW]]With a pickaxe in your hand, right click to ready your tool.\n[[YELLOW]]Once in this state, you have about 4 seconds to make contact\n[[YELLOW]]with Mining compatible materials, which will activate Super\n[[YELLOW]]Breaker.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]What is Super Breaker?\n[[YELLOW]]Super Breaker is an ability with a cooldown tied to the Mining\n[[YELLOW]]skill. It triples your chance of extra items dropping and\n[[YELLOW]]enables instant break on Mining materials.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How to use Blast Mining:\n[[YELLOW]]With a detonator in hand, which is a flint & steel by default,\n[[YELLOW]]crouch and right-click on TNT from a distance. This will cause the TNT\n[[YELLOW]]to instantly explode.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Blast Mining work?\n[[YELLOW]]Blast Mining is an ability with a cooldown tied to the Mining\n[[YELLOW]]skill. It gives bonuses when mining with TNT and allows you\n[[YELLOW]]to remote detonate TNT. There are three parts to Blast Mining.\n[[YELLOW]]The first part is Bigger Bombs, which increases blast radius.\n[[YELLOW]]The second is Demolitions Expert, which decreases damage\n[[YELLOW]]from TNT explosions. The third part simply increases the\n[[YELLOW]]amount of ores dropped from TNT and decreases the\n[[YELLOW]]debris dropped.
Guides.Page.Invalid=Not a valid page number!
Guides.Page.OutOfRange=That page doesn\'t exist, there are only {0} total pages.
Guides.Repair=Guide coming soon...
Guides.Swords=Guide coming soon...
Guides.Taming=Guide coming soon...
Guides.Unarmed=Guide coming soon...
Guides.Usage=[[RED]] Usage is /{0} ? [page]
Guides.Woodcutting=Guide coming soon...
Inspect.Offline=[[RED]]You do not have permission to inspect offline players!
Inspect.OfflineStats=mcMMO Stats for Offline Player [[YELLOW]]{0}
@ -453,9 +465,9 @@ Item.ChimaeraWing.Pass=**CHIMAERA WING**
Item.Injured.Wait=You were injured recently and must wait to use this. [[YELLOW]]({0}s)
Skills.Disarmed=[[DARK_RED]]You have been disarmed!
Skills.NeedMore=[[DARK_RED]]You need more
Skills.NeedMore=[[DARK_RED]]You need more [[GRAY]]{0}
Skills.Stats=[[YELLOW]]{0}[[GREEN]]{1}[[DARK_AQUA]] XP([[GRAY]]{2}[[DARK_AQUA]]/[[GRAY]]{3}[[DARK_AQUA]])
Skills.TooTired=[[RED]]You are too tired to use that ability again.
Skills.TooTired=[[RED]]You are too tired to use that ability again. [[YELLOW]]({0}s)
Stats.Header.Gathering=[[GOLD]]-=GATHERING SKILLS=-
Stats.Header.Misc=[[GOLD]]-=MISC SKILLS=-
@ -471,3 +483,23 @@ Perks.cooldowns.desc=Cuts cooldown duration by {0}.
Perks.activationtime.desc=Increases ability activation time by {0} seconds.
Perks.activationtime.bonus=[[GOLD]] ({0}s with Endurance Perk)
Hardcore.Player.Loss=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[DARK_RED]]You\'ve lost [[BLUE]]{0}[[DARK_RED]] from death.
Vampirism.Killer.Failure=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[YELLOW]]{0}[[GRAY]] was too unskilled to grant you any knowledge.
Vampirism.Killer.Success=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[DARK_AQUA]]You\'ve stolen [[BLUE]]{0}[[DARK_AQUA]] levels from [[YELLOW]]{1}.
Vampirism.Victim.Failure=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[YELLOW]]{0}[[GRAY]] was unable to steal knowledge from you!
Vampirism.Victim.Success=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[YELLOW]]{0}[[DARK_RED]] has stolen [[BLUE]]{1}[[DARK_RED]] levels from you!
Spout.LevelUp.1=[[GREEN]Level Up!
Spout.LevelUp.2=[[YELLOW]]{0}[[DARK_AQUA]] ([[GREEN]]{1}[[DARK_AQUA]])
Spout.Menu.Exit=[[GRAY]]Press ESCAPE to exit!
Spout.Menu.HudButton.1=HUD Type: {0}
Spout.Menu.HudButton.2=Change your HUD style!
Spout.Menu.Title=[[GOLD]]~mcMMO Menu~
MOTD.Hardcore.VampireOff=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[DARK_RED]]Hardcore & Vampirism enabled.
MOTD.Hardcore.Stats=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[DARK_AQUA]]Skill Death Penalty: [[DARK_RED]]{0}%
MOTD.Hardcore.VampireOn=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[DARK_RED]]Hardcore enabled.
MOTD.PerksPrefix=[[RED]][mcMMO Perks]
MOTD.Vampire.Stats=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[DARK_AQUA]]Vampirism Stat Leech: [[DARK_RED]]{0}%
MOTD.Version=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] Running version [[DARK_AQUA]]{0}
MOTD.Website=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[GREEN]]{0}[[YELLOW]] - mcMMO Website
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ Archery.SkillName=ARCHERY
Archery.Skillup=[[YELLOW]]Archery skill increased by {0}. Total ({1})
Axes.Ability.Bonus.0=Axe Mastery
Axes.Ability.Bonus.1=Bonus {0} damage
Axes.Ability.Bonus.2=Armor Impact
Axes.Ability.Bonus.3=Deal {0} Bonus DMG to armor
Axes.Ability.Bonus.4=Greater Impact
Axes.Ability.Bonus.5=Deal {0} Bonus DMG to unarmored foes
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ Axes.Effect.2=Critical Strikes
Axes.Effect.3=Double Damage
Axes.Effect.4=Axe Mastery
Axes.Effect.5=Adds bonus DMG
Axes.Effect.6=Armor Impact
Axes.Effect.7=Strike with enough force to shatter armor
Axes.Effect.8=Greater Impact
Axes.Effect.9=Deal bonus damage to unarmored foes
@ -159,6 +159,8 @@ Mining.Blast.Radius.Increase=[[RED]]Blast Radius Increase: [[YELLOW]]+{0}
Mining.Blast.Rank=[[RED]]Blast Mining: [[YELLOW]] Rank {0}/8 [[GRAY]]({1})
Mining.Blast.Other.On=[[GREEN]]{0}[[DARK_GREEN]] has used [[RED]]Blast Mining!
Mining.Blast.Refresh=[[GREEN]]Your [[YELLOW]]Blast Mining [[GREEN]]ability is refreshed!
Repair.AnvilPlaced.Spout1=[mcMMO] Anvil Placed
Repair.AnvilPlaced.Spout2=Right click to repair!
Repair.Effect.1=Repair Tools & Armor
Repair.Effect.10=Gold Repair ({0}+ SKILL)
@ -277,6 +279,8 @@ Unarmed.Ability.Bonus.0=Iron Arm Style
Unarmed.Ability.Bonus.1=+{0} DMG Upgrade
Unarmed.Ability.Chance.ArrowDeflect=[[RED]]Arrow Deflect Chance: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Unarmed.Ability.Chance.Disarm=[[RED]]Disarm Chance: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Unarmed.Ability.IronGrip.Attacker=[[RED]]Your opponent has an iron grip!
Unarmed.Ability.IronGrip.Defender=[[GREEN]]Your iron grip kept you from being disarmed!
Unarmed.Ability.Lower=[[GRAY]]**YOU LOWER YOUR FISTS**
Unarmed.Ability.Ready=[[GREEN]]**YOU READY YOUR FISTS**
Unarmed.Effect.0=Berserk (ABILITY)
@ -334,6 +338,7 @@ Commands.Ability.Off=Ability use toggled [[RED]]off
Commands.Ability.On=Ability use toggled [[GREEN]]on
Commands.AdminChat.Off=Admin Chat only [[RED]]Off
Commands.AdminChat.On=Admin Chat only [[GREEN]]On
Commands.AdminToggle=[[RED]]- Toggle admin chat
Commands.Disabled=[[RED]]This command is disabled.
Commands.DoesNotExist=[[RED]]Player does not exist in the database!
@ -345,6 +350,9 @@ Commands.Invite.Accepted=[[GREEN]]Invite Accepted. You have joined party {0}
Commands.Invite.Success=[[GREEN]]Invite sent successfully.
Commands.Leaderboards=<skill> <page> [[RED]]- Leaderboards
Commands.mcgod=[[RED]]- Toggle GodMode
Commands.mcrank.Skill=[[YELLOW]]{0}[[GREEN]] - [[GOLD]]Rank [[WHITE]]#[[GREEN]]{1}
Commands.mcrank.Overall=[[YELLOW]]Overall[[GREEN]] - [[GOLD]]Rank [[WHITE]]#[[GREEN]]{0}
Commands.mmoedit=[player] <skill> <newvalue> [[RED]] - Modify target
Commands.ModDescription=[[RED]]- Read brief mod description
Commands.NoConsole=This command does not support console usage.
@ -352,6 +360,7 @@ Commands.Other=[[GREEN]]--OTHER COMMANDS--
Commands.Party.Accept=[[RED]]- Accept party invite
Commands.Party.Chat.Off=Party Chat only [[RED]]Off
Commands.Party.Chat.On=Party Chat only [[GREEN]]On
Commands.Party.Commands=[[GREEN]]--PARTY COMMANDS--
Commands.Party.Invite.0=[[RED]]ALERT: [[GREEN]]You have received a party invite for {0} from {1}
Commands.Party.Invite.1=[[YELLOW]]Type [[GREEN]]/accept[[YELLOW]] to accept the invite
@ -377,11 +386,9 @@ Commands.SkillInfo=/<skill> [[RED]]- View detailed information about a skill
Commands.Stats.Self=YOUR STATS
Commands.Stats=[[RED]]- View your mcMMO stats
Commands.ToggleAbility=[[RED]]- Toggle ability activation with right click
mcMMO.MOTD=[[BLUE]]This server is running mcMMO {0}! \n Type [[YELLOW]]/mcmmo[[BLUE]] for help.
mcMMO.NoInvites=[[RED]]You have no invites at this time
mcMMO.NoPermission=[[DARK_RED]]Insufficient permissions.
mcMMO.NoSkillNote=[[DARK_GRAY]]If you don\'t have access to a skill it will not be shown here.
mcMMO.Website=[[GREEN]]http://forums.mcmmo.info[[BLUE]] - mcMMO Website
Commands.Party.InParty=[[GREEN]]Party: {0}
Party.Forbidden=[mcMMO] Parties not permitted on this world (See Permissions)
Party.Help.0=[[RED]]Proper usage is /party <party-name> to join or /party q to quit
@ -434,15 +441,20 @@ Effects.Level=[[DARK_GRAY]]LVL: [[GREEN]]{0} [[DARK_AQUA]]XP[[YELLOW]]([[GOLD]]{
Effects.Template=[[DARK_AQUA]]{0}: [[GREEN]]{1}
Guides.Acrobatics=[[DARK_AQUA]]About Acrobatics:\n[[YELLOW]]Acrobatics is the art of moving gracefully in mcMMO.\n[[YELLOW]]It provides combat bonuses and environment damage bonuses.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]XP GAIN:\n[[YELLOW]]To gain XP in this skill you need to perform a dodge\n[[YELLOW]]in combat or survive falls from heights that damage you.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Rolling work?\n[[YELLOW]]You have a passive chance when you take fall damage\n[[YELLOW]]to negate the damage done. You can hold the sneak button to\n[[YELLOW]]double your chances during the fall.\n[[YELLOW]]This triggers a Graceful Roll instead of a standard one.\n[[YELLOW]]Graceful Rolls are like regular rolls but are twice as likely to\n[[YELLOW]]occur and provide more damage safety than regular rolls.\n[[YELLOW]]Rolling chance is tied to your skill level\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Dodge work?\n[[YELLOW]]Dodge is a passive chance when you are\n[[YELLOW]]injured in combat to halve the damage taken.\n[[YELLOW]]It is tied to your skill level.
Guides.Archery=[[DARK_AQUA]]About Archery:\n[[YELLOW]]Archery is about shooting with your bow and arrow.\n[[YELLOW]]It provides various combat bonuses, such as a damage boost\n[[YELLOW]]that scales with your level and the ability to daze your\n[[YELLOW]]opponents in PvP. In addition to this, you can retrieve\n[[YELLOW]]some of your spent arrows from the corpses of your foes.\n\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]XP GAIN:\n[[YELLOW]]To gain XP in this skill you need to shoot mobs or\n[[YELLOW]]other players.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Skill Shot work?\n[[YELLOW]]Skill Shot provides additional damage to your shots.\n[[YELLOW]]The bonus damage from Skill Shot increases as you\n[[YELLOW]]level in Archery.\n[[YELLOW]]With the default settings, your archery damage increase 10%\n[[YELLOW]]every 50 levels, to a maximum of 200% bonus damage.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Daze work?\n[[YELLOW]]You have a passive chance to daze other players when\n[[YELLOW]]you shoot them. When Daze triggers it forces your opponents\n[[YELLOW]]to look straight up for a short duration.\n[[YELLOW]]A Daze shot also deals an additional 4 damage (2 hearts).\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Arrow Retrieval work?\n[[YELLOW]]You have a passive chance to retrieve some of your arrows\n[[YELLOW]]when you kill a mob with your bow.\n[[YELLOW]]This chance increases as you level in Archery.\n[[YELLOW]]By default, this ability increases by 0.1% per level, up to 100%\n[[YELLOW]]at level 1000.
Guides.Axes=[[DARK_AQUA]]About Axes:\n[[YELLOW]]With the Axes skill you can use your axe for much more then\n[[YELLOW]]just deforesting! You can hack and chop away at mobs\n[[YELLOW]]and players to gain XP, hitting mobs with the effect of\n[[YELLOW]]knockback and inflicting DEADLY criticals on mobs and players.\n[[YELLOW]]Your axe also becomes a hand-held woodchipper,\n[[YELLOW]]breaking down the enemy's armor with ease as your level\n[[YELLOW]]increases.\n[[DARK_AQUA]]XP GAIN:\n[[YELLOW]]To gain XP in this skill you need hit other mobs or players\n[[YELLOW]]with an Axe.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Skull Splitter work?\n[[YELLOW]]This ability allows you to deal an AoE (Area of Effect) hit.\n[[YELLOW]]This AoE hit will deal half as much damage as you did to the\n[[YELLOW]]main target, so it's great for clearing out large piles of mobs.\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Critical Strikes work?\n[[YELLOW]]Critical Strikes is a passive ability which gives players a\n[[YELLOW]]chance to deal additional damage.\n[[YELLOW]]With the default settings, every 2 skill levels in Axes awards a\n[[YELLOW]]0.1% chance to deal a Critical Strike, causing 2.0 times damage\n[[YELLOW]]to mobs or 1.5 times damage against other players.\n\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Axe Mastery work?\n[[YELLOW]]Axe Mastery is a passive ability that will add additional damage\n[[YELLOW]]to your hits when using Axes.\n[[YELLOW]]By default, the bonus damage increases by 1 every 50 levels,\n[[YELLOW]]up to a cap of 4 extra damage at level 200.\n\n\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Armor Impact work?\n[[YELLOW]]Strike with enough force to shatter armor!\n[[YELLOW]]Armor Impact has a passive chance to damage your\n[[YELLOW]]opponent's armor. This damage increases as you level in Axes.\n\n\n\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Greater Impact work?\n[[YELLOW]]You have a passive chance to achieve a greater impact when\n[[YELLOW]]hitting mobs or players with your axe.\n[[YELLOW]]By default this chance is 25%. This passive ability has an\n[[YELLOW]]extreme knockback effect, similar to the Knockback II\n[[YELLOW]]enchantment. In addition, it deals bonus damage to the target.
Guides.Axes=[[DARK_AQUA]]About Axes:\n[[YELLOW]]With the Axes skill you can use your axe for much more then\n[[YELLOW]]just deforesting! You can hack and chop away at mobs\n[[YELLOW]]and players to gain XP, hitting mobs with the effect of\n[[YELLOW]]knockback and inflicting DEADLY criticals on mobs and players.\n[[YELLOW]]Your axe also becomes a hand-held woodchipper,\n[[YELLOW]]breaking down the enemy\'s armor with ease as your level\n[[YELLOW]]increases.\n[[DARK_AQUA]]XP GAIN:\n[[YELLOW]]To gain XP in this skill you need hit other mobs or players\n[[YELLOW]]with an Axe.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Skull Splitter work?\n[[YELLOW]]This ability allows you to deal an AoE (Area of Effect) hit.\n[[YELLOW]]This AoE hit will deal half as much damage as you did to the\n[[YELLOW]]main target, so it\'s great for clearing out large piles of mobs.\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Critical Strikes work?\n[[YELLOW]]Critical Strikes is a passive ability which gives players a\n[[YELLOW]]chance to deal additional damage.\n[[YELLOW]]With the default settings, every 2 skill levels in Axes awards a\n[[YELLOW]]0.1% chance to deal a Critical Strike, causing 2.0 times damage\n[[YELLOW]]to mobs or 1.5 times damage against other players.\n\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Axe Mastery work?\n[[YELLOW]]Axe Mastery is a passive ability that will add additional damage\n[[YELLOW]]to your hits when using Axes.\n[[YELLOW]]By default, the bonus damage increases by 1 every 50 levels,\n[[YELLOW]]up to a cap of 4 extra damage at level 200.\n\n\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Armor Impact work?\n[[YELLOW]]Strike with enough force to shatter armor!\n[[YELLOW]]Armor Impact has a passive chance to damage your\n[[YELLOW]]opponent\'s armor. This damage increases as you level in Axes.\n\n\n\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Greater Impact work?\n[[YELLOW]]You have a passive chance to achieve a greater impact when\n[[YELLOW]]hitting mobs or players with your axe.\n[[YELLOW]]By default this chance is 25%. This passive ability has an\n[[YELLOW]]extreme knockback effect, similar to the Knockback II\n[[YELLOW]]enchantment. In addition, it deals bonus damage to the target.
Guides.Available=[[DARK_AQUA]]Guide for {0} available - type /{1} ? [page]
Guides.Excavation=[[DARK_AQUA]]About Excavation:\n[[YELLOW]]Excavation is the act of digging up dirt to find treasures.\n[[YELLOW]]By excavating the land you will find treasures.\n[[YELLOW]]The more you do this the more treasures you can find.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]XP GAIN:\n[[YELLOW]]To gain XP in this skill you must dig with a shovel in hand.\n[[YELLOW]]Only certain materials can be dug up for treasures and XP.\n[[DARK_AQUA]]Compatible Materials:\n[[YELLOW]]Grass, Dirt, Sand, Clay, Gravel, Mycelium, Soul Sand\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How to use Giga Drill Breaker:\n[[YELLOW]]With a shovel in hand right click to ready your tool.\n[[YELLOW]]Once in this state you have about 4 seconds to make\n[[YELLOW]]contact with Excavation compatible materials this will\n[[YELLOW]]activate Giga Drill Breaker.\n[[DARK_AQUA]]What is Giga Drill Breaker?\n[[YELLOW]]Giga Drill Breaker is an ability with a cooldown\n[[YELLOW]]tied to Excavation skill. It triples your chance\n[[YELLOW]]of finding treasures and enables instant break\n[[YELLOW]]on Excavation materials.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Treasure Hunter work?\n[[YELLOW]]Every possible treasure for Excavation has its own\n[[YELLOW]]skill level requirement for it to drop, as a result it\'s\n[[YELLOW]]difficult to say how much it is helping you.\n[[YELLOW]]Just keep in mind that the higher your Excavation skill\n[[YELLOW]]is, the more treasures that can be found.\n[[YELLOW]]And also keep in mind that each type of Excavation\n[[YELLOW]]compatible material has its own unique list of treasures.\n[[YELLOW]]In other words you will find different treasures in Dirt\n[[YELLOW]]than you would in Gravel.\n[[DARK_AQUA]]Notes about Excavation:\n[[YELLOW]]Excavation drops are completely customizeable\n[[YELLOW]]So results vary server to server.
Guides.Fishing=Guide coming soon...
Guides.Header=[[GOLD]]-=[[GREEN]]{0} Guide[[GOLD]]=-
Guides.Herbalism=Guide coming soon...
Guides.Mining=[[DARK_AQUA]]About Mining:\n[[YELLOW]]Mining consists of mining stone and ores. It provides bonuses\n[[YELLOW]]to the amount of materials dropped while mining.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]XP GAIN:\n[[YELLOW]]To gain XP in this skill, you must mine with a pickaxe in hand.\n[[YELLOW]]Only certain blocks award XP.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]Compatible Materials:\n[[YELLOW]]Stone, Coal Ore, Iron Ore, Gold Ore, Diamond Ore, Redstone Ore,\n[[YELLOW]]Lapis Ore, Obsidian, Mossy Cobblestone, Ender Stone,\n[[YELLOW]]Glowstone, and Netherrack.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How to use Super Breaker:\n[[YELLOW]]With a pickaxe in your hand, right click to ready your tool.\n[[YELLOW]]Once in this state, you have about 4 seconds to make contact\n[[YELLOW]]with Mining compatible materials, which will activate Super\n[[YELLOW]]Breaker.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]What is Super Breaker?\n[[YELLOW]]Super Breaker is an ability with a cooldown tied to the Mining\n[[YELLOW]]skill. It triples your chance of extra items dropping and\n[[YELLOW]]enables instant break on Mining materials.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How to use Blast Mining:\n[[YELLOW]]With a detonator in hand, which is a flint & steel by default,\n[[YELLOW]]right-click on TNT from a distance. This will cause the TNT\n[[YELLOW]]to instantly explode.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Blast Mining work?\n[[YELLOW]]Blast Mining is an ability with a cooldown tied to the Mining\n[[YELLOW]]skill. It gives bonuses when mining with TNT and allows you\n[[YELLOW]]to remote detonate TNT. There are three parts to Blast Mining.\n[[YELLOW]]The first part is Bigger Bombs, which increases blast radius.\n[[YELLOW]]The second is Demolitions Expert, which decreases damage\n[[YELLOW]]from TNT explosions. The third part simply increases the\n[[YELLOW]]amount of ores dropped from TNT and decreases the\n[[YELLOW]]debris dropped.
Guides.Mining=[[DARK_AQUA]]About Mining:\n[[YELLOW]]Mining consists of mining stone and ores. It provides bonuses\n[[YELLOW]]to the amount of materials dropped while mining.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]XP GAIN:\n[[YELLOW]]To gain XP in this skill, you must mine with a pickaxe in hand.\n[[YELLOW]]Only certain blocks award XP.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]Compatible Materials:\n[[YELLOW]]Stone, Coal Ore, Iron Ore, Gold Ore, Diamond Ore, Redstone Ore,\n[[YELLOW]]Lapis Ore, Obsidian, Mossy Cobblestone, Ender Stone,\n[[YELLOW]]Glowstone, and Netherrack.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How to use Super Breaker:\n[[YELLOW]]With a pickaxe in your hand, right click to ready your tool.\n[[YELLOW]]Once in this state, you have about 4 seconds to make contact\n[[YELLOW]]with Mining compatible materials, which will activate Super\n[[YELLOW]]Breaker.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]What is Super Breaker?\n[[YELLOW]]Super Breaker is an ability with a cooldown tied to the Mining\n[[YELLOW]]skill. It triples your chance of extra items dropping and\n[[YELLOW]]enables instant break on Mining materials.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How to use Blast Mining:\n[[YELLOW]]With a detonator in hand, which is a flint & steel by default,\n[[YELLOW]]crouch and right-click on TNT from a distance. This will cause the TNT\n[[YELLOW]]to instantly explode.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Blast Mining work?\n[[YELLOW]]Blast Mining is an ability with a cooldown tied to the Mining\n[[YELLOW]]skill. It gives bonuses when mining with TNT and allows you\n[[YELLOW]]to remote detonate TNT. There are three parts to Blast Mining.\n[[YELLOW]]The first part is Bigger Bombs, which increases blast radius.\n[[YELLOW]]The second is Demolitions Expert, which decreases damage\n[[YELLOW]]from TNT explosions. The third part simply increases the\n[[YELLOW]]amount of ores dropped from TNT and decreases the\n[[YELLOW]]debris dropped.
Guides.Page.Invalid=Not a valid page number!
Guides.Page.OutOfRange=That page doesn\'t exist, there are only {0} total pages.
Guides.Repair=Guide coming soon...
Guides.Swords=Guide coming soon...
Guides.Taming=Guide coming soon...
Guides.Unarmed=Guide coming soon...
Guides.Usage=[[RED]] Usage is /{0} ? [page]
Guides.Woodcutting=Guide coming soon...
Inspect.Offline=[[RED]]You do not have permission to inspect offline players!
Inspect.OfflineStats=mcMMO Stats for Offline Player [[YELLOW]]{0}
@ -453,9 +465,9 @@ Item.ChimaeraWing.Pass=**CHIMAERA WING**
Item.Injured.Wait=You were injured recently and must wait to use this. [[YELLOW]]({0}s)
Skills.Disarmed=[[DARK_RED]]You have been disarmed!
Skills.NeedMore=[[DARK_RED]]You need more
Skills.NeedMore=[[DARK_RED]]You need more [[GRAY]]{0}
Skills.Stats=[[YELLOW]]{0}[[GREEN]]{1}[[DARK_AQUA]] XP([[GRAY]]{2}[[DARK_AQUA]]/[[GRAY]]{3}[[DARK_AQUA]])
Skills.TooTired=[[RED]]You are too tired to use that ability again.
Skills.TooTired=[[RED]]You are too tired to use that ability again. [[YELLOW]]({0}s)
Stats.Header.Combat=[[GOLD]]-=COMBAT SKILLS=-
Stats.Header.Gathering=[[GOLD]]-=GATHERING SKILLS=-
Stats.Header.Misc=[[GOLD]]-=MISC SKILLS=-
@ -471,3 +483,23 @@ Perks.cooldowns.desc=Cuts cooldown duration by {0}.
Perks.activationtime.desc=Increases ability activation time by {0} seconds.
Perks.activationtime.bonus=[[GOLD]] ({0}s with Endurance Perk)
Hardcore.Player.Loss=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[DARK_RED]]You\'ve lost [[BLUE]]{0}[[DARK_RED]] from death.
Vampirism.Killer.Failure=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[YELLOW]]{0}[[GRAY]] was too unskilled to grant you any knowledge.
Vampirism.Killer.Success=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[DARK_AQUA]]You\'ve stolen [[BLUE]]{0}[[DARK_AQUA]] levels from [[YELLOW]]{1}.
Vampirism.Victim.Failure=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[YELLOW]]{0}[[GRAY]] was unable to steal knowledge from you!
Vampirism.Victim.Success=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[YELLOW]]{0}[[DARK_RED]] has stolen [[BLUE]]{1}[[DARK_RED]] levels from you!
Spout.LevelUp.1=[[GREEN]Level Up!
Spout.LevelUp.2=[[YELLOW]]{0}[[DARK_AQUA]] ([[GREEN]]{1}[[DARK_AQUA]])
Spout.Menu.Exit=[[GRAY]]Press ESCAPE to exit!
Spout.Menu.HudButton.1=HUD Type: {0}
Spout.Menu.HudButton.2=Change your HUD style!
Spout.Menu.Title=[[GOLD]]~mcMMO Menu~
MOTD.Hardcore.VampireOff=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[DARK_RED]]Hardcore & Vampirism enabled.
MOTD.Hardcore.Stats=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[DARK_AQUA]]Skill Death Penalty: [[DARK_RED]]{0}%
MOTD.Hardcore.VampireOn=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[DARK_RED]]Hardcore enabled.
MOTD.PerksPrefix=[[RED]][mcMMO Perks]
MOTD.Vampire.Stats=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[DARK_AQUA]]Vampirism Stat Leech: [[DARK_RED]]{0}%
MOTD.Version=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] Running version [[DARK_AQUA]]{0}
MOTD.Website=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[GREEN]]{0}[[YELLOW]] - mcMMO Website
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
Acrobatics.DodgeChance=[[RED]]Dodge Chance: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Acrobatics.DodgeChance=[[RED]]\u95ea\u907f\u51e0\u7387: [[YELLOW]]{0}
@ -8,13 +8,13 @@ Acrobatics.Effect.3=\u4e24\u500d\u7684\u7ffb\u6eda\u6548\u679c
Acrobatics.Roll.Chance=[[RED]]Roll Chance: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Acrobatics.Roll.GraceChance=[[RED]]Graceful Roll Chance: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Acrobatics.Roll.Chance=[[RED]]\u7ffb\u6eda\u51e0\u7387: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Acrobatics.Roll.GraceChance=[[RED]]\u4f18\u96c5\u7684\u7ffb\u6eda\u51e0\u7387: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Acrobatics.Skillup=[[YELLOW]]\u6742\u6280\u6280\u80fd\u4e0a\u5347\u4e86 {0}. \u603b\u7b49\u7ea7 ({1})
Archery.Combat.DazeChance=[[RED]]Chance to Daze: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Archery.Combat.RetrieveChance=[[RED]]Chance to Retrieve Arrows: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Archery.Combat.DazeChance=[[RED]]\u51fb\u6655\u51e0\u7387: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Archery.Combat.RetrieveChance=[[RED]]\u56de\u6536\u7bad\u77e2\u7684\u51e0\u7387: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Archery.Combat.SkillshotBonus=[[RED]]\u6280\u5de7\u5c04\u51fb\u5956\u52b1\u4f24\u5bb3: [[YELLOW]]{0}
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ Axes.Ability.Lower=[[GRAY]]**\u4f60\u6536\u8d77\u4e86\u4f60\u7684\u65a7\u5934**
Axes.Combat.CritChance=[[RED]]\u66b4\u51fb\u51e0\u7387: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Axes.Combat.CritChance=[[RED]]\u66b4\u51fb\u51e0\u7387: [[YELLOW]]{0}%
@ -93,10 +93,10 @@ Fishing.Listener=\u9493\u9c7c:
Fishing.Skillup=[[YELLOW]]\u9493\u9c7c\u6280\u80fd\u63d0\u5347\u4e86 {0}. \u603b\u5171 ({1})
Herbalism.Ability.DoubleDropChance=[[RED]]Double Drop Chance: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Herbalism.Ability.DoubleDropChance=[[RED]]\u53cc\u500d\u6389\u843d\u51e0\u7387: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Herbalism.Ability.FD=[[RED]]\u519c\u592b\u98df\u8c31: [[YELLOW]]\u7b49\u7ea7 {0}
Herbalism.Ability.GTe.Length=[[RED]]\u571f\u795e\u5e87\u4f51\u6301\u7eed\u65f6\u95f4: [[YELLOW]]{0}s
Herbalism.Ability.GTh.Chance=[[RED]]Green Thumb Chance: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Herbalism.Ability.GTh.Chance=[[RED]]\u7eff\u5316\u51e0\u7387: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Herbalism.Ability.GTh.Stage=[[RED]]Green Thumb Stage: [[YELLOW]] Crops grow in stage {0}
@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ Mining.Effect.7=\u589e\u52a0TNT\u7206\u70b8\u8303\u56f4
Mining.Effect.Decrease=[[RED]]\u7206\u7834\u4e13\u5bb6\u4f24\u5bb3\u51cf\u5c11: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Mining.Effect.DropChance=[[RED]]Double Drop Chance: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Mining.Effect.DropChance=[[RED]]\u53cc\u500d\u6389\u843d\u51e0\u7387: [[YELLOW]]{0}
@ -147,18 +147,20 @@ Mining.Skills.SuperBreaker.Other.On=[[GREEN]]{0}[[DARK_GREEN]] \u4f7f\u7528\u4e8
Mining.Skills.SuperBreaker.Refresh=[[GREEN]]\u4f60\u7684 [[YELLOW]]\u8d85\u7ea7\u77ff\u5de5 [[GREEN]]\u6280\u80fd\u5df2\u7ecf\u53ef\u4ee5\u518d\u6b21\u4f7f\u7528\u4e86\uff01
Mining.Skillup=[[YELLOW]]\u6316\u77ff\u6280\u80fd\u4e0a\u5347\u4e86 {0}. \u603b\u7b49\u7ea7 ({1})
Mining.Blast.Effect.0=+35 \u77ff\u77f3\u4ea7\u91cf
Mining.Blast.Effect.1=+40 \u77ff\u77f3\u4ea7\u91cf
Mining.Blast.Effect.2=+45 \u77ff\u77f3\u4ea7\u91cf, \u65e0\u788e\u7247
Mining.Blast.Effect.3= +50 \u77ff\u7269\u4ea7\u7387, \u65e0\u788e\u7247
Mining.Blast.Effect.4=+55 \u77ff\u7269\u4ea7\u7387, \u65e0\u788e\u7247, \u4e09\u500d\u6389\u843d
Mining.Blast.Effect.5=+60 \u77ff\u7269\u4ea7\u7387, \u65e0\u788e\u7247, \u4e09\u500d\u6389\u843d
Mining.Blast.Effect.6=+65 \u77ff\u7269\u4ea7\u7387, \u65e0\u788e\u7247, \u4e09\u500d\u6389\u843d
Mining.Blast.Effect.7=+70 \u77ff\u77f3\u4ea7\u91cf,\u65e0\u788e\u7247,3\u500d\u6389\u843d
Mining.Blast.Effect.0=+35% \u77ff\u77f3\u4ea7\u91cf
Mining.Blast.Effect.1=+40% \u77ff\u77f3\u4ea7\u91cf
Mining.Blast.Effect.2=+45% \u77ff\u77f3\u4ea7\u91cf, \u65e0\u788e\u7247
Mining.Blast.Effect.3= +50% \u77ff\u7269\u4ea7\u7387, \u65e0\u788e\u7247
Mining.Blast.Effect.4=+55% \u77ff\u7269\u4ea7\u7387, \u65e0\u788e\u7247, \u4e09\u500d\u6389\u843d
Mining.Blast.Effect.5=+60% \u77ff\u7269\u4ea7\u7387, \u65e0\u788e\u7247, \u4e09\u500d\u6389\u843d
Mining.Blast.Effect.6=+65% \u77ff\u7269\u4ea7\u7387, \u65e0\u788e\u7247, \u4e09\u500d\u6389\u843d
Mining.Blast.Effect.7=+70% \u77ff\u77f3\u4ea7\u91cf,\u65e0\u788e\u7247,3\u500d\u6389\u843d
Mining.Blast.Radius.Increase=[[RED]]\u7206\u70b8\u534a\u5f84\u63d0\u5347: [[YELLOW]]+{0}
Mining.Blast.Rank=[[RED]]\u7206\u7834\u5f00\u91c7: [[YELLOW]] \u6392\u540d {0}/8 [[GRAY]]({1})
Mining.Blast.Other.On=Mining.Blast.Other.On=[[GREEN]]{0}[[DARK_GREEN]] \u4f7f\u7528\u4e86 [[RED]]\u7206\u7834\u5f00\u91c7!
Mining.Blast.Refresh=[[GREEN]]\u4f60\u7684 [[YELLOW]]\u7206\u7834\u5f00\u91c7 [[GREEN]]\u6280\u80fd\u51b7\u5374\u5b8c\u6bd5!
Repair.AnvilPlaced.Spout1=[mcMMO] Anvil Placed
Repair.AnvilPlaced.Spout2=Right click to repair!
Repair.Effect.10=\u4fee\u7406\u9ec4\u91d1 ({0}+ SKILL)
@ -191,9 +193,9 @@ Repair.Skills.FeltEasy=[[GRAY]]\u90a3\u770b\u8d77\u6765\u5f88\u7b80\u5355.
Repair.Skills.SalvageSuccess=[[GRAY]]Item salvaged!
Repair.Skills.NotFullDurability=[[DARK_RED]]You can\'t salvage damaged items.
Repair.Skills.Mastery=[[RED]]Repair Mastery: [[YELLOW]]Extra {0} durability restored
Repair.Skills.Mastery=[[RED]]\u4fee\u7406\u7cbe\u901a: [[YELLOW]]\u989d\u5916\u56de\u590d {0}% \u8010\u4e45\u5ea6
Repair.Skills.Super.Chance=[[RED]]Super Repair Chance: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Repair.Skills.Super.Chance=[[RED]]\u8d85\u7ea7\u4fee\u7406\u51e0\u7387: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Repair.Skillup=[[YELLOW]]\u4fee\u7406\u6280\u80fd\u4e0a\u5347\u4e86 {0}. \u603b\u5171 ({1})
Repair.Arcane.Chance.Downgrade=[[GRAY]]AF Downgrade Chance: [[YELLOW]]{0}%
Repair.Arcane.Chance.Success=[[GRAY]]AF Success Rate: [[YELLOW]]{0}%
@ -204,20 +206,20 @@ Repair.Arcane.Perfect=[[GREEN]]\u4f60\u6210\u529f\u5730\u4fdd\u7559\u4e86\u8fd9\
Repair.Arcane.Rank=[[RED]]\u79d8\u6cd5\u953b\u9020: [[YELLOW]]\u7b49\u7ea7 {0}/4
Swords.Combat.Bleed.Chance=[[RED]]Bleed Chance: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Swords.Combat.Bleed.Chance=[[RED]]\u6d41\u8840\u51e0\u7387: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Swords.Combat.Bleed.Length=[[RED]]\u6d41\u8840\u6301\u7eed\u65f6\u95f4: [[YELLOW]]{0} ticks
Swords.Combat.Bleed.Note=[[GRAY]]\u6ce8\u610f: [[YELLOW]]\u6bcf\u4e24\u79d2\u51cf\u4e00\u6ef4\u8840
Swords.Combat.Bleeding.Started=[[DARK_RED]] \u4f60\u6b63\u5728\u6d41\u8840!
Swords.Combat.Bleeding.Stopped=[[GRAY]]\u6d41\u8840 [[GREEN]]\u5df2\u505c\u6b62[[GRAY]]!
Swords.Combat.Counter.Chance=[[RED]]Counter Attack Chance: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Swords.Combat.Counter.Chance=[[RED]]\u53cd\u51fb\u51e0\u7387: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Swords.Effect.2=\u952f\u9f7f\u653b\u51fb (\u4e3b\u52a8\u6280\u80fd)
Swords.Effect.3=25 \u8303\u56f4\u4f24\u5bb3, \u8303\u56f4\u6d41\u8840\u4f24\u5bb3
Swords.Effect.3=25% \u8303\u56f4\u4f24\u5bb3, \u8303\u56f4\u6d41\u8840\u4f24\u5bb3
@ -234,7 +236,7 @@ Swords.SS.Length=[[RED]]\u952f\u9f7f\u5229\u5203\u6301\u7eed\u65f6\u95f4: [[YELL
@ -246,7 +248,7 @@ Taming.Ability.Locked.1=LOCKED UNTIL {0}+ SKILL (THICK FUR)
Taming.Ability.Locked.2=LOCKED UNTIL {0}+ SKILL (SHOCK PROOF)
Taming.Combat.Chance.Gore=[[RED]]Gore Chance: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Taming.Combat.Chance.Gore=[[RED]]\u6d41\u8840\u51e0\u7387: [[YELLOW]]{0}
@ -275,12 +277,14 @@ Taming.Summon.Fail.Wolf=[[RED]]\u4f60\u8eab\u8fb9\u5df2\u7ecf\u62e5\u6709\u8db3\
Unarmed.Ability.Berserk.Length=[[RED]]\u72c2\u66b4\u6301\u7eed\u65f6\u95f4: [[YELLOW]]{0}s
Unarmed.Ability.Chance.ArrowDeflect=[[RED]]Arrow Deflect Chance: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Unarmed.Ability.Chance.Disarm=[[RED]]Disarm Chance: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Unarmed.Ability.Chance.ArrowDeflect=[[RED]]\u7bad\u77e2\u504f\u5411\u51e0\u7387: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Unarmed.Ability.Chance.Disarm=[[RED]]\u7f34\u68b0\u51e0\u7387: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Unarmed.Ability.IronGrip.Attacker=[[RED]]Your opponent has an iron grip!
Unarmed.Ability.IronGrip.Defender=[[GREEN]]Your iron grip kept you from being disarmed!
Unarmed.Effect.0=\u72c2\u66b4 (\u4e3b\u52a8\u6280\u80fd)
Unarmed.Effect.1=+50 \u4f24\u5bb3, \u80fd\u7834\u574f\u786c\u5ea6\u4f4e\u7684\u65b9\u5757
Unarmed.Effect.1=+50% \u4f24\u5bb3, \u80fd\u7834\u574f\u786c\u5ea6\u4f4e\u7684\u65b9\u5757
Unarmed.Effect.2=\u7f34\u68b0 (\u4ec5\u9650\u73a9\u5bb6)
@ -297,7 +301,7 @@ Unarmed.Skills.Berserk.Refresh=[[GREEN]]\u4f60\u7684 [[YELLOW]]\u72c2\u66b4 [[GR
Unarmed.Skillup=[[YELLOW]]\u5f92\u624b\u6280\u80fd\u4e0a\u5347\u4e86 {0}. \u603b\u7b49\u7ea7 ({1})
Woodcutting.Ability.Chance.DDrop=[[RED]]Double Drop Chance: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Woodcutting.Ability.Chance.DDrop=[[RED]]\u53cc\u500d\u6389\u843d\u51e0\u7387: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Woodcutting.Ability.Length=[[RED]]\u6811\u6728\u780d\u4f10\u8005\u6301\u7eed\u65f6\u95f4: [[YELLOW]]{0}\u79d2
Woodcutting.Ability.Locked.0=LOCKED UNTIL {0}+ SKILL (LEAF BLOWER)
@ -334,6 +338,7 @@ Commands.Ability.Off=\u6280\u80fd\u4f7f\u7528 [[GREEN]]\u5173\u95ed
Commands.Ability.On=\u6280\u80fd\u4f7f\u7528 [[GREEN]]\u5f00\u542f
Commands.AdminChat.Off=\u4ec5\u7ba1\u7406\u804a\u5929\u6a21\u5f0f [[RED]]\u5173\u95ed
Commands.AdminChat.On=\u4ec5\u7ba1\u7406\u804a\u5929\u6a21\u5f0f [[GREEN]]\u5f00\u542f
Commands.AdminToggle=[[RED]]- \u5207\u6362\u7ba1\u7406\u5458\u804a\u5929
@ -345,6 +350,9 @@ Commands.Invite.Accepted=[[GREEN]]\u63a5\u53d7\u9080\u8bf7\uff0c\u4f60\u6210\u4e
Commands.Leaderboards=<skill> <page> [[RED]]- \u6392\u884c\u699c
Commands.mcgod=[[RED]]- \u5207\u6362\u4e0a\u5e1d\u6a21\u5f0f
Commands.mcrank.Skill=[[YELLOW]]{0}[[GREEN]] - [[GOLD]]Rank [[WHITE]]#[[GREEN]]{1}
Commands.mcrank.Overall=[[YELLOW]]Overall[[GREEN]] - [[GOLD]]Rank [[WHITE]]#[[GREEN]]{0}
Commands.mmoedit=[player] <skill> <newvalue> [[RED]] - \u7f16\u8f91\u76ee\u6807
Commands.ModDescription=[[RED]]- \u8bf7\u9605\u8bfb\u7b80\u8981\u63d2\u4ef6\u63cf\u8ff0
@ -352,6 +360,7 @@ Commands.Other=[[GREEN]]--\u5176\u4ed6\u547d\u4ee4--
Commands.Party.Accept=[[RED]]- \u63a5\u53d7\u961f\u4f0d\u9080\u8bf7
Commands.Party.Chat.Off=\u53ea\u5141\u8bb8\u961f\u4f0d\u804a\u5929 [[RED]]\u5173\u95ed
Commands.Party.Chat.On=\u56e2\u961f\u804a\u5929 [[GREEN]]\u5f00\u542f
Commands.Party.Invite.0=[[RED]]\u6ce8\u610f: [[GREEN]]\u4f60\u6536\u5230\u4e86\u4e00\u4e2a\u7ec4\u961f\u9080\u8bf7 {0} \u6765\u81ea {1}
Commands.Party.Invite.1=[[YELLOW]]\u8f93\u5165 [[GREEN]]/accept[[YELLOW]] \u6765\u63a5\u53d7\u9080\u8bf7
@ -377,11 +386,9 @@ Commands.SkillInfo=/<skill> [[RED]]- \u67e5\u770b\u6280\u80fd\u7684\u8be6\u7ec6\
Commands.Stats=[[RED]]- \u67e5\u770b\u4f60\u7684mcMMO\u7edf\u8ba1\u4fe1\u606f
Commands.ToggleAbility=[[RED]]- \u7528\u9f20\u6807\u53f3\u952e\u5207\u6362\u6280\u80fd\u6fc0\u6d3b\u6a21\u5f0f
mcMMO.MOTD=[[BLUE]]\u670d\u52a1\u5668\u6b63\u5728\u8fd0\u884c mcMMO {0}! \n\u8f93\u5165 [[YELLOW]]/mcmmo[[BLUE]] \u83b7\u53d6\u5e2e\u52a9.
mcMMO.Website=[[GREEN]]http://forums.mcmmo.info[[BLUE]] - mcMMO \u5b98\u65b9\u7f51\u7ad9
Commands.Party.InParty=[[GREEN]]\u961f\u4f0d: {0}
Party.Forbidden=[mcMMO] \u961f\u4f0d\u529f\u80fd\u4e0d\u5141\u8bb8\u5728\u8fd9\u4e2a\u4e16\u754c\u5f00\u542f (\u8be6\u60c5\u8bf7\u770b\u6743\u9650\u914d\u7f6e)
Party.Help.0=[[RED]]\u4f7f\u7528 /party <party-name> \u6765\u52a0\u5165\u6216 /party q \u6765\u9000\u51fa
@ -433,16 +440,21 @@ Effects.Effects=\u6548\u679c
Effects.Level=[[DARK_GRAY]]\u7b49\u7ea7: [[GREEN]]{0} [[DARK_AQUA]]XP[[YELLOW]]([[GOLD]]{1}[[YELLOW]]/[[GOLD]]{2}[[YELLOW]])
Effects.Template=[[DARK_AQUA]]{0}: [[GREEN]]{1}
Guides.Acrobatics=[[DARK_AQUA]]\u5173\u4e8e\u6742\u6280:\n[[YELLOW]]\u6742\u6280\u662f\u4e00\u95e8\u4f18\u96c5\u7684\u79fb\u52a8\u827a\u672f.\n[[YELLOW]]\u4ed6\u53ef\u4ee5\u63d0\u4f9b\u6218\u6597\u65f6\u7684\u989d\u5916\u5c5e\u6027\u5956\u52b1\u5e76\u4e14\u662f\u4f60\u7684\u79fb\u52a8\u66f4\u52a0\u65b9\u4fbf.\n[[DARK_AQUA]]\u63d0\u5347\u7ecf\u9a8c:\n[[YELLOW]]\u901a\u8fc7\u5728\u6218\u6597\u4e2d\u95ea\u907f\u5bf9\u624b\u6216\u8005\u4ece\u9ad8\u5904\u8dcc\u843d\u4e0d\u6b7b\u6765\u63d0\u5347\u8be5\u6280\u80fd\u7684\u7ecf\u9a8c.\n[[DARK_AQUA]]\u7ffb\u6eda\u662f\u5982\u4f55\u5de5\u4f5c\u7684?\n[[YELLOW]]\u7ffb\u6eda\u65f6\u4e00\u4e2a\u88ab\u52a8\u6280\u80fd,\u5728\u4f60\u4ece\u9ad8\u7a7a\u6389\u843d\u65f6\uff0c\u4ed6\u6709\u4e00\u5b9a\u51e0\u7387\u51cf\u5c11\u6216\u8005\u5b8c\u5168\u6d88\u9664\u4f60\u6240\u53d7\u5230\u7684\u4f24\u5bb3\n[[YELLOW]]This triggers a Graceful Roll instead of a standard one.\n[[YELLOW]]Graceful Rolls are like regular rolls but are twice as likely to\n[[YELLOW]]occur and provide more damage safety than regular rolls.\n[[YELLOW]]\u7ffb\u6eda\u7684\u51e0\u7387\u548c\u4f60\u7684\u6280\u80fd\u7b49\u7ea7\u6709\u5173\n[[DARK_AQUA]]\u95ea\u907f\u662f\u5982\u4f55\u5de5\u4f5c\u7684?\n[[YELLOW]]\u95ea\u907f\u662f\u4e00\u4e2a\u88ab\u52a8\u6280\u80fd\uff0c\u4ed6\u5728\u4f60\u88ab\u653b\u51fb\u65f6\u6709\u4e00\u5b9a\u51e0\u7387\u88ab\u6fc0\u53d1.\n[[YELLOW]]\u8fd9\u4e2a\u51e0\u7387\u548c\u4f60\u7684\u6280\u80fd\u7b49\u7ea7\u6709\u5173.
Guides.Archery=[[DARK_AQUA]]About Archery:\n[[YELLOW]]Archery is about shooting with your bow and arrow.\n[[YELLOW]]It provides various combat bonuses, such as a damage boost\n[[YELLOW]]that scales with your level and the ability to daze your\n[[YELLOW]]opponents in PvP. In addition to this, you can retrieve\n[[YELLOW]]some of your spent arrows from the corpses of your foes.\n\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]XP GAIN:\n[[YELLOW]]To gain XP in this skill you need to shoot mobs or\n[[YELLOW]]other players.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Skill Shot work?\n[[YELLOW]]Skill Shot provides additional damage to your shots.\n[[YELLOW]]The bonus damage from Skill Shot increases as you\n[[YELLOW]]level in Archery.\n[[YELLOW]]With the default settings, your archery damage increase 10%\n[[YELLOW]]every 50 levels, to a maximum of 200% bonus damage.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Daze work?\n[[YELLOW]]You have a passive chance to daze other players when\n[[YELLOW]]you shoot them. When Daze triggers it forces your opponents\n[[YELLOW]]to look straight up for a short duration.\n[[YELLOW]]A Daze shot also deals an additional 4 damage (2 hearts).\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Arrow Retrieval work?\n[[YELLOW]]You have a passive chance to retrieve some of your arrows\n[[YELLOW]]when you kill a mob with your bow.\n[[YELLOW]]This chance increases as you level in Archery.\n[[YELLOW]]By default, this ability increases by 0.1% per level, up to 100%\n[[YELLOW]]at level 1000.
Guides.Axes=[[DARK_AQUA]]About Axes:\n[[YELLOW]]With the Axes skill you can use your axe for much more then\n[[YELLOW]]just deforesting! You can hack and chop away at mobs\n[[YELLOW]]and players to gain XP, hitting mobs with the effect of\n[[YELLOW]]knockback and inflicting DEADLY criticals on mobs and players.\n[[YELLOW]]Your axe also becomes a hand-held woodchipper,\n[[YELLOW]]breaking down the enemy's armor with ease as your level\n[[YELLOW]]increases.\n[[DARK_AQUA]]XP GAIN:\n[[YELLOW]]To gain XP in this skill you need hit other mobs or players\n[[YELLOW]]with an Axe.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Skull Splitter work?\n[[YELLOW]]This ability allows you to deal an AoE (Area of Effect) hit.\n[[YELLOW]]This AoE hit will deal half as much damage as you did to the\n[[YELLOW]]main target, so it's great for clearing out large piles of mobs.\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Critical Strikes work?\n[[YELLOW]]Critical Strikes is a passive ability which gives players a\n[[YELLOW]]chance to deal additional damage.\n[[YELLOW]]With the default settings, every 2 skill levels in Axes awards a\n[[YELLOW]]0.1% chance to deal a Critical Strike, causing 2.0 times damage\n[[YELLOW]]to mobs or 1.5 times damage against other players.\n\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Axe Mastery work?\n[[YELLOW]]Axe Mastery is a passive ability that will add additional damage\n[[YELLOW]]to your hits when using Axes.\n[[YELLOW]]By default, the bonus damage increases by 1 every 50 levels,\n[[YELLOW]]up to a cap of 4 extra damage at level 200.\n\n\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Armor Impact work?\n[[YELLOW]]Strike with enough force to shatter armor!\n[[YELLOW]]Armor Impact has a passive chance to damage your\n[[YELLOW]]opponent's armor. This damage increases as you level in Axes.\n\n\n\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Greater Impact work?\n[[YELLOW]]You have a passive chance to achieve a greater impact when\n[[YELLOW]]hitting mobs or players with your axe.\n[[YELLOW]]By default this chance is 25%. This passive ability has an\n[[YELLOW]]extreme knockback effect, similar to the Knockback II\n[[YELLOW]]enchantment. In addition, it deals bonus damage to the target.
Guides.Available=[[DARK_AQUA]]Guide for {0} available - type /{1} ? [page]
Guides.Excavation=[[DARK_AQUA]]\u5173\u4e8e\u6316\u6398:\n[[YELLOW]]\u6316\u6398\u662f\u4ece\u4e0d\u8d77\u773c\u7684\u4e1c\u897f\u4e2d\u627e\u51fa\u5b9d\u85cf\u7684\u827a\u672f.\n[[YELLOW]]\u901a\u8fc7\u6316\u6398\u4f60\u5c06\u627e\u5230\u5b9d\u85cf.\n[[YELLOW]]\u6316\u5f97\u8d8a\u591a\uff0c\u56de\u62a5\u8d8a\u591a.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]\u7ecf\u9a8c\u503c\u589e\u957f:\n[[YELLOW]]\u4e3a\u4e86\u589e\u957f\u8fd9\u4e2a\u6280\u80fd\u7684\u7ecf\u9a8c\uff0c\u4f60\u5fc5\u987b\u7528\u94f2\u5b50\u6765\u6316\u6398.\n[[YELLOW]]\u53ea\u6709\u6316\u6398\u6b63\u786e\u7684\u7269\u4f53\u624d\u80fd\u83b7\u5f97\u8d22\u5b9d\u548c\u7ecf\u9a8c\u503c.\n[[DARK_AQUA]]\u517c\u5bb9\u7684\u7269\u4f53:\n[[YELLOW]]\u8349\u65b9\u5757, \u6ce5\u571f, \u6c99\u5b50, \u7c98\u571f, \u7802\u783e, \u83cc\u4e1d\u4f53, \u7075\u9b42\u6c99\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]\u5982\u4f55\u4f7f\u7528\u66b4\u8d70\u94bb\u5934:\n[[YELLOW]]\u624b\u91cc\u62ff\u7740\u94f2\u5b50\u5e76\u70b9\u51fb\u9f20\u6807\u53f3\u952e.\n[[YELLOW]]\u7136\u540e\u4f60\u67094\u79d2\u7684\u65f6\u95f4\u6765\u6fc0\u53d1\u8fd9\u4e2a\u6280\u80fd\n[[YELLOW]]\u6316\u90a3\u4e9b\u517c\u5bb9\u7684\u65b9\u5757\n[[YELLOW]]\u542f\u52a8\u66b4\u8d70\u94bb\u5934.\n[[DARK_AQUA]]\u4ec0\u4e48\u662f\u66b4\u8d70\u94bb\u5934?\n[[YELLOW]]\u66b4\u8d70\u94bb\u5934\u662f\u4e00\u4e2a\u9700\u8981\u51b7\u5374\u65f6\u95f4\u7684\u6280\u80fd\n[[YELLOW]\u4ed6\u548c\u6316\u6398\u6280\u80fd\u6709\u76f8\u540c\u6548\u679c\uff0c\u4e0d\u8fc7\u5b83\u80fd\u63d0\u9ad8\u4f603\u500d\u7684\u51e0\u7387\n[[YELLOW]]\u6765\u6316\u6398\u5b9d\u85cf\u548c\u77ac\u95f4\u6316\u6398\n[[YELLOW]]\u5bf9\u4e8e\u90a3\u4e9b\u517c\u5bb9\u7684\u7269\u54c1.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]\u5b9d\u85cf\u730e\u624b\u662f\u5982\u4f55\u5de5\u4f5c\u7684?\n[[YELLOW]]\u6bcf\u4e00\u79cd\u53ef\u80fd\u7684\u8d22\u5b9d\u90fd\u9700\u8981\u8fbe\u5230\u4e00\u5b9a\u7684\n[[YELLOW]]\u6280\u80fd\u7b49\u7ea7\u6765\u4f7f\u5176\u6389\u51fa\uff0c\u6240\u4ee5\u4f60\u80fd\u77e5\u9053\n[[YELLOW]]\u8fd9\u4e2a\u6280\u80fd\u80fd\u5e2e\u52a9\u4f60\u89e3\u51b3\u5f88\u591a\u7684\u56f0\u96be\n[[YELLOW]]\u4f60\u53ea\u9700\u8981\u77e5\u9053\u8d8a\u9ad8\u7684\u6316\u6398\u6280\u80fd\u7b49\u7ea7\n[[YELLOW]]\u4f60\u5c31\u80fd\u627e\u5230\u8d8a\u591a\u7684\u5b9d\u85cf\n[[YELLOW]]\u540c\u65f6\uff0c\u4f60\u4e5f\u8981\u4e86\u89e3\u6bcf\u4e00\u79cd\u517c\u5bb9\u7684\u6316\u6398\u6750\u6599\u4f1a\u6389\u843d\u51fa\u5bf9\u5e94\u7684\u5b9d\u85cf\n[[YELLOW]]\u8fd9\u5c31\u610f\u5473\u7740\u76f8\u5bf9\u4e8e\u6c99\u783e\uff0c\u4f60\u53ef\u80fd\u4f1a\u5728\u6ce5\u571f\u4e2d\u627e\u51fa\u66f4\u591a\u7684\u4e1c\u897f\n[[DARK_AQUA]]\u6316\u6398\u6280\u80fd\u5c0f\u63d0\u793a:\n[[YELLOW]]\u6316\u6398\u65f6\u6389\u843d\u7684\u4e1c\u897f\u53ef\u4ee5\u81ea\u884c\u7f16\u8f91\n[[YELLOW]]\u6240\u4ee5\u670d\u52a1\u5668\u4e4b\u95f4\u53ef\u80fd\u4f1a\u5b8c\u5168\u4e0d\u540c
Guides.Header=[[GOLD]]-=[[GREEN]]{0} Guide[[GOLD]]=-
Guides.Page.Invalid=Not a valid page number!
Guides.Page.OutOfRange=That page doesn\'t exist, there are only {0} total pages.
Guides.Usage=[[RED]] Usage is /{0} ? [page]
Inspect.OfflineStats=\u4e0d\u5728\u7ebf\u73a9\u5bb6\u7684mcmmo\u7edf\u8ba1\u4fe1\u606f [[YELLOW]]{0}
@ -471,3 +483,23 @@ Perks.cooldowns.desc=Cuts cooldown duration by {0}.
Perks.activationtime.desc=Increases ability activation time by {0} seconds.
Perks.activationtime.bonus=[[GOLD]] ({0}s with Endurance Perk)
Hardcore.Player.Loss=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[DARK_RED]]You\'ve lost [[BLUE]]{0}[[DARK_RED]] from death.
Vampirism.Killer.Failure=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[YELLOW]]{0}[[GRAY]] was too unskilled to grant you any knowledge.
Vampirism.Killer.Success=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[DARK_AQUA]]You\'ve stolen [[BLUE]]{0}[[DARK_AQUA]] levels from [[YELLOW]]{1}.
Vampirism.Victim.Failure=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[YELLOW]]{0}[[GRAY]] was unable to steal knowledge from you!
Vampirism.Victim.Success=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[YELLOW]]{0}[[DARK_RED]] has stolen [[BLUE]]{1}[[DARK_RED]] levels from you!
Spout.LevelUp.1=[[GREEN]Level Up!
Spout.LevelUp.2=[[YELLOW]]{0}[[DARK_AQUA]] ([[GREEN]]{1}[[DARK_AQUA]])
Spout.Menu.Exit=[[GRAY]]Press ESCAPE to exit!
Spout.Menu.HudButton.1=HUD Type: {0}
Spout.Menu.HudButton.2=Change your HUD style!
Spout.Menu.Title=[[GOLD]]~mcMMO Menu~
MOTD.Hardcore.VampireOff=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[DARK_RED]]Hardcore & Vampirism enabled.
MOTD.Hardcore.Stats=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[DARK_AQUA]]Skill Death Penalty: [[DARK_RED]]{0}%
MOTD.Hardcore.VampireOn=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[DARK_RED]]Hardcore enabled.
MOTD.PerksPrefix=[[RED]][mcMMO Perks]
MOTD.Vampire.Stats=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[DARK_AQUA]]Vampirism Stat Leech: [[DARK_RED]]{0}%
MOTD.Version=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] Running version [[DARK_AQUA]]{0}
MOTD.Website=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[GREEN]]{0}[[YELLOW]] - mcMMO Website
Reference in New Issue
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