Kristian Knarvik edited this page 2022-01-27 00:21:24 +01:00
Table of Contents
All permission nodes
Here's a list of all available permissions with usage information:
stargate.use -- Allow use of all Stargates linking to any world in any network (Override ALL network/world permissions. Set to false to use network/world specific permissions)
stargate.world -- Allow use of Stargates linking to any world
stargate.world.{world} -- Allow use of Stargates with a destination in {world}. Set to false to disallow use.
stargate.network -- Allow use of Stargates on all networks
stargate.network.{network} -- Allow use of all Stargates in {network}. Set to false to disallow use.
stargate.server -- Allow use of Stargates going to all servers
stargate.server.{server} -- Allow usee of all Stargates going to {server}. Set to false to disallow use.
stargate.option -- Allow use of all options
stargate.option.hidden -- Allow use of 'H'idden
stargate.option.alwayson -- Allow use of 'A'lways-On
stargate.option.private -- Allow use of 'P'rivate
stargate.option.free -- Allow use of 'F'ree
stargate.option.backwards -- Allow use of 'B'ackwards
stargate.option.show -- Allow use of 'S'how
stargate.option.nonetwork -- Allow use of 'N'oNetwork
stargate.option.random -- Allow use of 'Random' stargates
stargate.option.silent -- Allow use of S'i'lent stargates
stargate.option.nosign -- Allow use of 'E' (No sign)
stargate.create -- Allow creating Stargates on any network (Override all create permissions)
stargate.create.personal -- Allow creating Stargates on network {playername}
stargate.create.network -- Allow creating Stargates on any network
stargate.create.network.{networkname} -- Allow creating Stargates on network {networkname}. Set to false to disallow creation on {networkname}
stargate.create.gate -- Allow creation using any gate layout
stargate.create.gate.{gatefile} -- Allow creation using only {gatefile} gates
stargate.destroy -- Allow destruction of Stargates on any network (Orderride all destroy permissions)
stargate.destroy.personal -- Allow destruction of Stargates owned by the player only
stargate.destroy.network -- Allow destruction of Stargates on any network
stargate.destroy.network.{networkname} -- Allow destruction of Stargates on network {networkname}. Set to false to disallow destruction of {networkname}
stargate.free -- Allow free use/creation/destruction of Stargates
stargate.free.use -- Allow free use of Stargates
stargate.free.create -- Allow free creation of Stargates
stargate.free.destroy -- Allow free destruction of Stargates
stargate.admin -- Allow all admin features (Hidden/Private bypass, BungeeCord, Reload, Config)
stargate.admin.private -- Allow use of Private gates not owned by user
stargate.admin.hidden -- Allow access to Hidden gates not ownerd by user
stargate.admin.bungee -- Allow the creation of BungeeCord stargates (U option)
stargate.admin.reload -- Allow use of the reload command
stargate.admin.config -- Allows the player to change config values from the chat
stargate.admin.dye -- Allows this player to change the dye of any stargate's sign
Default permissions
The default permissions are as follows:
stargate.use -- Everyone
stargate.create -- Op
stargate.destroy -- Op
stargate.option -- Op
stargate.free -- Op
stargate.admin -- Op