2 Config command
Kristian Knarvik edited this page 2021-11-10 16:55:08 +01:00

A small guide to the config command

  • /sg config displays information about all config options.
  • /sg config <configOption> displays information about a config option, including its current value
  • /sg config <configOption> <newValue> changes the value of the config option.

Options have tab completion to help with which values can be used. mainSignColor and highlightSignColor can use all chat colors defined in the API. The different economy costs should be a positive integer, but a negative integer can be used if players should be given money instead.

For languages, all available languages (de, en, es, fr, hu, it, nb-no, nl, nn-no, pt-br, ru), and any custom language files can be used.

The default network should be max 11 characters, and contain no special characters ('|',':','#').

The folders should be valid folders and are relative to the server folder. Using ../ or ..\ is not allowed unless you edit the config file directly.