Whenever a player joins, their names will be checked against a map containing all names which need to be migrated to UUID. All portals the player has created which still use the player name will be updated.
Makes all characters used for highlighting/marking use the highlighting color
Adds a new config option for highlighting color
Renames signColor to mainSignColor and adds the change to the config-migrations.txt file
Replaces the mystery code in sendMessage with translateAlternateColorCodes and removes the TODO
Removes the TODO in deactivate() as it is actually necessary because fixed portals are always active
Moves conflictsWithExistingGate to PortalCreator and removes the TODO for now
Removes the extra spaces in >Random<
Adjusts some comments
Adds missing information about Economy and the requirement of UUIDs
Makes the active portals queue and open portals queue and languageLoader fields private
Cleans the StargateThread a bit
Renames activatedTime to triggeredTime as the dual use (open and activate) made the name confusing
Makes the Disconnected message red
Makes the highlighting characters (><) white when cycling stargate destinations
Moves markPortalWithInvalidGate to PortalSignDrawer
Adds missing translation strings for reloaded and signInvalidGate to the readme
Moves some extra spacing around the >< characters
Adds stargate.server and stargate.admin.bungee permissions to the readme
Renames stargate.reload to stargate.admin.reload for better consistency
Makes the stargate.admin permission only give the reload, hidden, private and bungee permissions while the wildcard permission gives all permissions
Removes the checking of both parent and child by adding the child permissions to plugin.yml
Cleans comments in the PermissionHelper class
Renames hasPermDeep to hasPermissionImplicit as I finally understand how it's supposed to work
Adds missing unmock() to prevent test errors
Adds a ton of permissions which were mentioned in the code, but did not exist in the plugin.yml
Fixes a typo in nn-no
Fixes a bug causing always-on portals not to be closed properly
Fixes a possible NullPointerException in onEntityPortalEnter
Waits for block change request on reload which makes it possible to change the open-material with just a reload
Adds methods to Stargate for easier logging and less redundancy
Loads the language loader in two parts to make it available while loading
Adds a translated string to the reload-message
Uses String.format to make long messages more readable
Makes it possible to get strings directly from the backup language to make debugging easier
Renames EconomyHandler to EconomyConfig and puts it in the new config package
Moves the LanguageLoader to the config package
Fixes the explanation of chargeFreeDestination in the README
PortalStructure now contains information about the gate's physical structure, such as the location of border blocks, the location of entrances, the gate type and the button location.
PortalActivator is responsible for activating/de-activating portals, destination toggling and getting information about available destinations.
PortalOpener is responsible for opening/closing a portal. It's also the place to go for checking if the portal is open for a given player.
Comments of the Portal class have been improved, but the comments of the three new classes need fixing.
Moves player-related teleportation code to PlayerTeleporter, moves vehicle-related teleportation code to VehicleTeleporter and makes them both extend the Teleporter which now contains all common teleportation code.
Adds "Invalid gate" to the last line of portals with an invalid or unloaded gate type
Re-draws all portals' signs on load in case some invalid portals becomes valid. This also updates any formatting