Renames EconomyHandler to EconomyConfig and puts it in the new config package
Moves the LanguageLoader to the config package
Fixes the explanation of chargeFreeDestination in the README
PortalStructure now contains information about the gate's physical structure, such as the location of border blocks, the location of entrances, the gate type and the button location.
PortalActivator is responsible for activating/de-activating portals, destination toggling and getting information about available destinations.
PortalOpener is responsible for opening/closing a portal. It's also the place to go for checking if the portal is open for a given player.
Comments of the Portal class have been improved, but the comments of the three new classes need fixing.
Moves player-related teleportation code to PlayerTeleporter, moves vehicle-related teleportation code to VehicleTeleporter and makes them both extend the Teleporter which now contains all common teleportation code.
Adds "Invalid gate" to the last line of portals with an invalid or unloaded gate type
Re-draws all portals' signs on load in case some invalid portals becomes valid. This also updates any formatting
Changes some log messages into debug messages
Makes sure that all player passengers of a vehicle have their permissions verified and fee paid. This ensures passengers won't get a free ride, or be allowed to access restricted areas by playing stowaway.
Removes the enableBungee check in the BungeeCordListener as it should only be listening if the option is enabled anyway
Improves the checking for players teleporting from the end
Adds information about what events can be used for
Tries to clarify event comments where possible
Renames The StargatePortalEvent to StargatePlayerPortalEvent
Adds StargateEntityPortalEvent
Makes the StargateEntityPortalEvent trigger whenever a vehicle is teleported
Removes the unused event name for all events
Adds a proper permission check to make sure players are allowed to teleport through the artificial portal
Adds a teleportation back to the entrance as the teleportation event cannot be properly cancelled
Adds a proper class for storing info about the teleportation
Adds all chunk unloading to a queue
Adds a thread which unloads chunks
Updates chunk unload requests such that a chunk won't be unloaded twice,
and an old unloading request cannot unload a chunk too soon