| [/dropperEdit](#dropperedit) | /dedit | \<arena> \<option> \[value] | Gets or sets a dropper arena option. |
| [/dropperGroupSet](#droppergroupset) | /dgset | \<arena> \<group> | Puts the given arena in the given group. Use "none" to remove an existing group. |
| /dropperGroupList | /dglist | \[group] | Lists groups, or the stages of a group if a group is specified. |
| [/dropperGroupSwap](#droppergroupswap) | /dgswap | \<arena1> \<arena2> | Swaps the two arenas in the group's ordered list. |
| name | The name of the arena. Used mainly to select the arena in commands. |
| spawnLocation | The spawn location of any player joining the arena. Use `56.546,64.0,44.45` to specify coordinates, or `here`, `this` or any other string to select your current location. |
| exitLocation | The location players will be sent to when exiting the arena. If not set, the player will be sent to where they joined from. Valid values are the same as for spawnLocation. |
| verticalVelocity | The vertical velocity set for players in the arena (basically their falling speed). It must be greater than 0, but max 75. `12.565` and other decimals are allowed. |
| horizontalVelocity | The horizontal velocity (technically fly speed) set for players in the arena. It must be between 0 and 1, and cannot be 0. Decimals are allowed. |
| winBlockType | The type of block players must hit to win the arena. It can be any material as long as it's a block, and not a type of air. |
| allowedDamageCauses | A list of damage causes that can affect players in the arena. The damage is simulated, rather than real damage. Reaching 0 health triggers a loss. Note: Fall damage cannot be allowed. |
| lossTriggerDamageCauses | A list of damage causes that will trigger a loss for the arena. Useful for arenas where players need to dodge arrows or similar. Note: Fall damage already causes a loss. |
| name | The name of the arena. Used mainly to select the arena in commands. Note that underscore (_) cannot be used if you want to utilize placeholders, as it's used to split placeholder arguments. |
| spawnLocation | The spawn location of any player joining the arena. Use `56.546,64.0,44.45` to specify coordinates, or `here`, `this` or any other string to select your current location. |
| exitLocation | The location players will be sent to when exiting the arena. If not set, the player will be sent to where they joined from. Valid values are the same as for spawnLocation. |
| winBlockType | The type of block players must hit to win the arena. It can be any material as long as it's a block, and not a type of air. |
| winLocation | The location players must reach to win the arena (see spawnLocation for valid values). If set, this overrides, and is used instead of, the win block type. |
| checkpointAdd | Adds a new checkpoint to the arena's checkpoints (see spawnLocation for valid values). |
| checkpointClear | Clears all current checkpoints. Give any value to execute. If not given a value, current checkpoints are shown. |
| killPlaneBlocks | A comma-separated list of materials which will force a loss when stepped on. +WOOL and other [material tags](#notes-about-material-tags) are supported as well. |
| obstacleBlocks | A comma-separated list of materials which will force a loss when touched from any direction. +WOOL and other [material tags](#notes-about-material-tags) are supported as well. |
| allowedDamageCauses | A list of damage causes that can affect players in the arena. The damage is simulated, rather than real damage. Reaching 0 health triggers a loss. |
| lossTriggerDamageCauses | A list of damage causes that will trigger a loss for the arena. Useful for arenas where players need to dodge arrows or similar. |
| mustDoGroupedInSequence | true/false | true | Whether grouped dropper arenas must be played in the correct sequence |
| ignoreRecordsUntilGroupBeatenOnce | true/false | false | Whether records won't be registered unless the player has already beaten all arenas in a group. That means players are required to do a second play-through to register a record for a grouped arena. |
| mustDoNormalModeFirst | true/false | true | Whether a player must do the normal/default game-mode before playing any other game-modes |
| blockWhitelist | list | [see this](#blockwhitelist-default) | A whitelist for which blocks won't trigger a loss when hit/passed through. The win block check happens before the loss check, so even blocks on the whitelist can be used as the win-block. "+" denotes a [material tag](#notes-about-material-tags). |
| enforceCheckpointOrder | true/false | false | Whether to enforce the order in which a player must reach checkpoints. Enabling this ensures that a player cannot trigger a previous checkpoint by accident. It also ensures players cannot skip a checkpoint, even if the arena layout makes it possible. |
| mustDoGroupedInSequence | true/false | true | Whether grouped dropper arenas must be played in the correct sequence |
| ignoreRecordsUntilGroupBeatenOnce | true/false | false | Whether records won't be registered unless the player has already beaten all arenas in a group. That means players are required to do a second play-through to register a record for a grouped arena. |
| killPlaneBlocks | list | [see this](#killplaneblocks-default) | The types of blocks compromising parkour arenas' kill planes. Add any materials you want to use for the "bottom" of your parkour arenas. +WOOL and other [material tags](#notes-about-material-tags) are supported. |
| obstacleBlocks | list | [see this](#obstacleblocks-default) | The types of blocks treated as obstacles in every direction. +WOOL and other [material tags](#notes-about-material-tags) are supported. |
| gameMode | dropper / parkour | A selection of which game-mode you are getting a record for |
| record | | This must be as-is. It's a selector for the type of placeholder to get. |
| recordType | deaths / time | Selects the type of record to get (deaths or time). |
| gameModeType | default / inverted / random / hardcore | Selects the game-mode to get the record for. |
| identifierType | arena / group | The type of thing the following identifier points to (an arena or an arena group). |
| identifier | ? | An identifier (the name or UUID) for an arena or a group (whichever was chosen as identifierType). |
| recordPosition | 1 / 2 / 3 / ... | The position of the record to get (1 = first place, 2 = second place, etc.). |
| infoType | player / value / combined | The type of info to get. Player gets the player name, Value gets the value of the achieved record. Combined gets "Player: Record". |
### Player Placeholders
The number of currently playing players can be displayed using PlaceholderAPI. If you want to display a sign-based
leaderboard, you can use the [Placeholder Signs](https://git.knarcraft.net/EpicKnarvik97/PlaceholderSigns) plugin. The
format for the built-in placeholders is as follows:
| gameModeType | default / inverted / random / hardcore / all | Selects the game-mode to get the players for. Note that "all" combines players for all game-modes. |
| identifierType | arena / group | The type of thing the following identifier points to (an arena or an arena group). |
| identifier | ? | An identifier (the name or UUID) for an arena or a group (whichever was chosen as identifierType). |
| playerInfoType | player / count | The type of info to get. Player gets the player name, and count gets the total number of players. |
| playerNumber | 1 / 2 / 3 / ... | The player number to get the name of. Players are numbered after their sorted names. This argument is not used when getting the player count. |