Checks if the player is not holding a tool, as opposed to checking if
the player is holding air. This means that attacking with something such
as a dirt block would count as unarmed.
Previously, Flux Mining would get unlocked at a specified level with a
specified chance. Once unlocked, the player would have no control over
this ability and some players complained they would like to be able to
turn it on and off.
By adding a new furnace recipe, to craft a special pickaxe - a Flux
Pickaxe - this issue is solved. If a player doesn’t want to use Flux
Mining, they simply shouldn’t mine using a Flux Pickaxe.
Crafting a Flux Pickaxe is simple, just place one of the vanilla
pickaxes in a furnace and cook it up.
Every time the ability is successful, extra durability damage is dealt
to the tool. Just like with other abilities.
Adds #2320
This is intended for plugins that have foreknowledge of a logout
happening (e.g. a BungeeCord server hop about to happen), so that they
can tell mcMMO to save the data, and the new server will be able to pull
the profile correctly from the database.
This adds on top of the diminishing returns system a mechanic such that gains will expire the configured number of minutes after they occured, rather than all being reset at once.
This prevents someone from not getting diminishing returns on the xp gain they recieved just before the reset would have occured.
Obligatory explanatory graphs:
When a player reaches a certain (configurable) threshold value of total
XP earned in a specific skill, his earned XP in this skill will be
Depending on how far the player has exceeded the threshold value, his
XP will decrease more. After the (configurable) time interval of 10
minutes, the registered data will be cleared and the player can earn XP
as normal again.