2012-04-25 16:14:44 -04:00
Acrobatics.Ability.Proc = [[GREEN]]**Atterrissage gracieux**
Acrobatics.Combat.Proc = [[GREEN]]**Esquiv\u00e9**
2013-09-17 14:03:00 -04:00
Acrobatics.DodgeChance = [[RED]]Probabilit\u00e9 d''esquive : [[YELLOW]]{0}
2012-04-25 16:14:44 -04:00
Acrobatics.Effect.0 = Roulade
Acrobatics.Effect.1 = R\u00e9duit ou annule les d\u00e9g\u00e2ts de chute
Acrobatics.Effect.2 = Roulade gracieuse
2013-09-17 14:03:00 -04:00
Acrobatics.Effect.3 = Deux fois plus efficace qu''une roulade classique
2012-04-25 16:14:44 -04:00
Acrobatics.Effect.4 = Esquive
Acrobatics.Effect.5 = R\u00e9duit de moiti\u00e9 les d\u00e9g\u00e2ts re\u00e7us
Acrobatics.Listener = Acrobatie :
2013-01-16 15:45:12 -05:00
Acrobatics.Roll.Chance = [[RED]]Probabilit\u00e9 de roulade : [[YELLOW]]{0}
Acrobatics.Roll.GraceChance = [[RED]]Probabilit\u00e9 de roulade gracieuse : [[YELLOW]]{0}
2012-04-25 16:14:44 -04:00
Acrobatics.Roll.Text = **ROULADE**
Acrobatics.SkillName = ACROBATIE
Acrobatics.Skillup = [[YELLOW]]Le talent Acrobatie augmente de {0}. Total ({1})
2013-01-16 15:45:12 -05:00
Archery.Combat.DazeChance = [[RED]]Probabilit\u00e9 de d\u00e9sorienter : [[YELLOW]]{0}
Archery.Combat.RetrieveChance = [[RED]]Probabilit\u00e9 de r\u00e9cup\u00e9rer des fl\u00e8ches : [[YELLOW]]{0}
2012-05-01 01:33:42 -04:00
Archery.Combat.SkillshotBonus = [[RED]]Tir pr\u00e9cis, bonus de d\u00e9g\u00e2ts : [[YELLOW]]{0}
2012-04-25 16:14:44 -04:00
Archery.Effect.0 = Tir pr\u00e9cis
Archery.Effect.1 = Augmente les d\u00e9g\u00e2ts inflig\u00e9s
2013-01-16 15:45:12 -05:00
Archery.Effect.2 = [[RED]]Chance de d\u00e9sorienter : [[YELLOW]]{0}%
2012-04-25 22:45:02 -04:00
Archery.Effect.4 = R\u00e9cup\u00e9ration de fl\u00e8che
Archery.Effect.5 = Probabilit\u00e9 de r\u00e9cup\u00e9rer des fl\u00e8ches sur les corps
2012-04-25 16:14:44 -04:00
Archery.Listener = Archerie :
Archery.SkillName = ARCHERIE
Archery.Skillup = [[YELLOW]]Le talent Archerie augmente de {0}. Total ({1})
Axes.Ability.Bonus.0 = Ma\u00eetrise des haches
Axes.Ability.Bonus.1 = {0} de d\u00e9g\u00e2ts en plus
Axes.Ability.Bonus.2 = Impact
2013-09-17 14:03:00 -04:00
Axes.Ability.Bonus.3 = Inflige {0} de d\u00e9g\u00e2ts \u00e0 l''armure
2012-04-25 16:14:44 -04:00
Axes.Ability.Bonus.4 = Impact puissant
Axes.Ability.Bonus.5 = Inflige {0} de d\u00e9g\u00e2ts en plus aux ennemis sans armure
Axes.Ability.Lower = [[GRAY]]**VOUS ABAISSEZ VOTRE HACHE**
Axes.Ability.Ready = [[GREEN]]**VOUS LEVEZ VOTRE HACHE**
Axes.Combat.CritStruck = [[DARK_RED]]Vous avez re\u00e7u un coup critique !
2013-09-17 14:03:00 -04:00
Axes.Combat.CritChance = [[RED]]Chance d''infliger un coup critique : [[YELLOW]]{0}%
2012-04-25 16:14:44 -04:00
Axes.Combat.CriticalHit = [[RED]]COUP CRITIQUE !
2013-09-17 14:03:00 -04:00
Axes.Combat.GI.Proc = [[GREEN]]**FRAPP\u00c9 D''UNE VIOLENTE INOU\u00cfE**
2012-04-25 16:14:44 -04:00
Axes.Combat.GI.Struck = [[RED]]**TOUCH\u00c9 PAR UN IMPACT PUISSANT**
Axes.Combat.SS.Length = [[RED]]Dur\u00e9e de Tranche-cr\u00e2ne : [[YELLOW]]{0}s
Axes.Effect.0 = Tranche-cr\u00e2ne (Comp\u00e9tence)
Axes.Effect.1 = Inflige des d\u00e9g\u00e2ts de zone
Axes.Effect.2 = Coup critique
Axes.Effect.3 = D\u00e9g\u00e2ts doubl\u00e9s
Axes.Effect.4 = Ma\u00eetrise des haches
Axes.Effect.5 = Ajoute des d\u00e9g\u00e2ts
Axes.Effect.6 = Impact
2013-09-17 14:03:00 -04:00
Axes.Effect.7 = Frappe avec suffisamment de force pour briser l''armure
2012-04-25 16:14:44 -04:00
Axes.Effect.8 = Impact puissant
Axes.Effect.9 = Inflige des d\u00e9g\u00e2ts bonus aux ennemis sans armure
Axes.Listener = Haches :
Axes.SkillName = HACHES
Axes.Skills.SS.Off = [[RED]]**Tranche-cr\u00e2ne est termin\u00e9**
Axes.Skills.SS.On = [[GREEN]]**TRANCHE-CR\u00c2NE ACTIV\u00c9**
Axes.Skills.SS.Refresh = [[GREEN]]Votre comp\u00e9tence [[YELLOW]]Tranche-cr\u00e2ne [[GREEN]]est pr\u00eate !
2013-09-17 14:03:00 -04:00
Axes.Skills.SS.Other.Off = [[RED]]Tranche-cr\u00e2ne[[GREEN]] s''est termin\u00e9 pour [[YELLOW]]{0}
2012-04-25 16:14:44 -04:00
Axes.Skills.SS.Other.On = [[GREEN]]{0}[[DARK_GREEN]] a utilis\u00e9 [[RED]]Tranche-cr\u00e2ne !
Axes.Skillup = [[YELLOW]]Le talent Haches augmente de {0}. Total ({1})
Excavation.Ability.Lower = [[GRAY]]**VOUS ABAISSEZ VOTRE PELLE**
Excavation.Ability.Ready = [[GREEN]]**VOUS LEVEZ VOTRE PELLE**
Excavation.Effect.0 = Foreur (Comp\u00e9tence)
Excavation.Effect.1 = Drops x3, XP x3, plus rapide
Excavation.Effect.2 = Chasseur de tr\u00e9sors
Excavation.Effect.3 = Capacit\u00e9 \u00e0 d\u00e9terrer des tr\u00e9sors
Excavation.Effect.Length = [[RED]]Dur\u00e9e de Foreur : [[YELLOW]]{0}s
Excavation.Listener = Excavation:
Excavation.SkillName = EXCAVATION
Excavation.Skills.GigaDrillBreaker.Off = [[RED]]**Votre comp\u00e9tence Foreur est termin\u00e9e**
Excavation.Skills.GigaDrillBreaker.On = [[GREEN]]**FOREUR ACTIV\u00c9**
Excavation.Skills.GigaDrillBreaker.Refresh = [[GREEN]]Votre comp\u00e9tence [[YELLOW]]Foreur [[GREEN]]est pr\u00eate !
Excavation.Skills.GigaDrillBreaker.Other.Off = [[RED]]Foreur[[GREEN]] est termin\u00e9 pour [[YELLOW]]{0}
Excavation.Skills.GigaDrillBreaker.Other.On = [[GREEN]]{0}[[DARK_GREEN]] a utilis\u00e9 [[RED]]Foreur !
Excavation.Skillup = [[YELLOW]]Le talent Excavation augmente de {0}. Total ({1})
2013-09-17 14:03:00 -04:00
Fishing.Ability.Info = [[RED]]P\u00eache magique : [[GRAY]] **S''am\u00e9liore via Chasseur de tr\u00e9sors**
2012-04-25 16:14:44 -04:00
Fishing.Ability.Rank = [[RED]]Chasseur de tr\u00e9sors : [[YELLOW]] Rang {0}/5
2012-04-25 22:45:02 -04:00
Fishing.Effect.0 = Chasseur de tr\u00e9sors
2012-04-25 16:14:44 -04:00
Fishing.Effect.1 = Remonte des objets inhabituels
Fishing.Effect.2 = P\u00eache magique
Fishing.Effect.3 = Remonte des objets magiques
Fishing.Effect.4 = Secousse (sur monstres)
Fishing.Effect.5 = Fait tomber des objets des monstres avec une canne \u00e0 p\u00eache
2013-01-22 13:15:38 -05:00
Fishing.Enchant.Chance = [[RED]]Chasse magique: [[YELLOW]]{0}
2012-05-01 01:33:42 -04:00
Fishing.ItemFound = [[GRAY]]Tr\u00e9sor d\u00e9couvert !
2012-04-25 16:14:44 -04:00
Fishing.Listener = P\u00eache :
2012-04-25 22:45:02 -04:00
Fishing.MagicFound = [[GRAY]]Vous ressentez quelque chose de magique dans cette prise...
2012-04-25 16:14:44 -04:00
Fishing.SkillName = P\u00caCHE
Fishing.Skillup = [[YELLOW]]Le talent p\u00eache augmente de {0}. Total ({1})
2013-01-22 13:15:38 -05:00
Herbalism.Ability.DoubleDropChance = [[RED]]Double Drop: [[YELLOW]]{0}
2012-04-25 22:45:02 -04:00
Herbalism.Ability.GTe.Length = [[RED]]Dur\u00e9e de Main verte : [[YELLOW]]{0}s
2012-04-25 16:14:44 -04:00
Herbalism.Ability.GTh.Fail = [[RED]]**DOIGTS VERTS \u00c9CHOU\u00c9**
Herbalism.Ability.GTh = [[GREEN]]**DOIGTS VERTS**
Herbalism.Ability.Lower = [[GRAY]]**VOUS ABAISSEZ VOTRE HOUE**
Herbalism.Ability.Ready = [[GREEN]]**VOUS LEVEZ VOTRE HOUE**
2012-04-25 22:45:02 -04:00
Herbalism.Effect.0 = Main verte (Comp\u00e9tence)
Herbalism.Effect.1 = Propage les plantes / triple drops
Herbalism.Effect.2 = Doigts verts (Wheat)
2013-09-17 14:03:00 -04:00
Herbalism.Effect.5 = Faire des briques avec mousse ou faire pousser l''herbe
2012-04-25 22:45:02 -04:00
Herbalism.Effect.6 = R\u00e9gime de fermier
Herbalism.Effect.7 = Am\u00e9liore la nutrition des produits de la ferme
Herbalism.Effect.8 = Double drops
Herbalism.Effect.9 = Double la quantit\u00e9 r\u00e9colt\u00e9e
2012-04-25 16:14:44 -04:00
Herbalism.Listener = Herboristerie :
Herbalism.SkillName = HERBORISTERIE
Herbalism.Skills.GTe.Off = [[RED]]**Votre comp\u00e9tence Main verte est termin\u00e9e**
Herbalism.Skills.GTe.On = [[GREEN]]**MAIN VERTE ACTIV\u00c9**
Herbalism.Skills.GTe.Refresh = [[GREEN]]Votre comp\u00e9tence [[YELLOW]]Main verte [[GREEN]]est pr\u00eate !
Herbalism.Skills.GTe.Other.Off = [[RED]]Main verte[[GREEN]] est termin\u00e9 pour [[YELLOW]]{0}
Herbalism.Skills.GTe.Other.On = [[GREEN]]{0}[[DARK_GREEN]] a utilis\u00e9 [[RED]]Main verte !
Herbalism.Skillup = [[YELLOW]]Le talent Herboristerie augmente de {0}. Total ({1})
2012-04-29 23:05:57 -04:00
Mining.Ability.Length = [[RED]]Dur\u00e9e de Broyeur : [[YELLOW]]{0}s
2012-04-25 16:14:44 -04:00
Mining.Ability.Lower = [[GRAY]]**VOUS ABAISSEZ VOTRE PIOCHE**
Mining.Ability.Ready = [[GREEN]]**VOUS LEVEZ VOTRE PIOCHE**
2012-04-25 22:45:02 -04:00
Mining.Effect.0 = Broyeur (Comp\u00e9tence)
Mining.Effect.1 = Plus rapide, chance de triple drops
Mining.Effect.2 = Double drops
Mining.Effect.3 = Double la quantit\u00e9 r\u00e9colt\u00e9e
Mining.Effect.4 = Minage explosif
2013-09-17 14:03:00 -04:00
Mining.Effect.5 = Bonus au minage \u00e0 l''explosif
2012-04-25 22:45:02 -04:00
Mining.Effect.6 = Grosses explosions
2013-09-17 14:03:00 -04:00
Mining.Effect.7 = Augmente le rayon d''explosion de la TNT
2012-04-25 22:45:02 -04:00
Mining.Effect.8 = Expert en d\u00e9molition
Mining.Effect.9 = R\u00e9duit les d\u00e9g\u00e2ts provenant de la TNT
2013-09-17 14:03:00 -04:00
Mining.Effect.Decrease = [[RED]]Baisse de l''expertise en d\u00e9molition: [[YELLOW]]{0}
2013-01-22 13:15:38 -05:00
Mining.Effect.DropChance = [[RED]]Double Drop: [[YELLOW]]{0}
2012-04-25 16:14:44 -04:00
Mining.Listener = Minage :
Mining.SkillName = MINAGE
Mining.Skills.SuperBreaker.Off = [[RED]]**Votre comp\u00e9tence Broyeur est termin\u00e9e**
Mining.Skills.SuperBreaker.On = [[GREEN]]**BROYEUR ACTIV\u00c9**
Mining.Skills.SuperBreaker.Other.Off = [[RED]]Broyeur[[GREEN]] est termin\u00e9 pour [[YELLOW]]{0}
Mining.Skills.SuperBreaker.Other.On = [[GREEN]]{0}[[DARK_GREEN]] a utilis\u00e9 [[RED]]Broyeur !
Mining.Skills.SuperBreaker.Refresh = [[GREEN]]Votre comp\u00e9tence [[YELLOW]]Broyeur [[GREEN]]est pr\u00eate !
Mining.Skillup = [[YELLOW]]Le talent Minage augmente de {0}. Total ({1})
Mining.Blast.Boom = [[GRAY]]**BOUM**
2013-09-17 14:03:00 -04:00
Mining.Blast.Radius.Increase = [[RED]]Rayon d''explosion : [[YELLOW]]+{0}
2012-04-25 22:45:02 -04:00
Mining.Blast.Rank = [[RED]]Minage explosif : [[YELLOW]]Rang {0}/8 [[GRAY]]({1})
2012-04-25 16:14:44 -04:00
Mining.Blast.Other.On = [[GREEN]]{0}[[DARK_GREEN]] a utilis\u00e9 [[RED]]Minage explosif !
Mining.Blast.Refresh = [[GREEN]]Votre comp\u00e9tence [[YELLOW]]Minage Explosif[[GREEN]] est pr\u00eate !
2012-04-26 03:55:08 +02:00
Repair.Effect.0 = R\u00e9paration
2013-01-22 13:15:38 -05:00
Repair.Effect.1 = R\u00e9parer Outils & Armures
2013-09-17 14:03:00 -04:00
Repair.Effect.10 = R\u00e9paration d''Or ({0}+ SKILL)
2013-01-22 13:15:38 -05:00
Repair.Effect.11 = R\u00e9parer Outils & Armures en Or
Repair.Effect.12 = R\u00e9paration en Fer ({0}+ SKILL)
Repair.Effect.13 = R\u00e9paration Outils & Armures en Fer
Repair.Effect.14 = R\u00e9paration en Pierre ({0}+ SKILL)
Repair.Effect.15 = R\u00e9parer Outils en Pierre
2012-04-26 03:55:08 +02:00
Repair.Effect.2 = Ma\u00eetrise du forgeage
Repair.Effect.3 = Am\u00e9liore la r\u00e9paration
Repair.Effect.4 = Superbe r\u00e9paration
2013-09-17 14:03:00 -04:00
Repair.Effect.5 = Double l''efficacit\u00e9
2012-04-26 03:55:08 +02:00
Repair.Effect.6 = R\u00e9paration du diamant (talent {0}+)
Repair.Effect.7 = R\u00e9pare les outils et armures en diamant
Repair.Effect.8 = Forge arcanique
Repair.Effect.9 = R\u00e9pare les objets magiques
2012-04-25 16:14:44 -04:00
Repair.Listener.Anvil = [[DARK_RED]]Vous venez de poser une enclume, elle peut \u00eatre utilis\u00e9e pour r\u00e9parer votre \u00e9quipement.
Repair.Listener = R\u00e9paration :
Repair.SkillName = R\u00c9PARATION
2013-09-17 14:03:00 -04:00
Repair.Skills.AdeptDiamond = [[DARK_RED]]Vous n''\u00eates pas suffisamment comp\u00e9tent pour r\u00e9parer le diamant.
Repair.Skills.AdeptGold = [[DARK_RED]]Vous n''\u00eates pas suffisamment comp\u00e9tent pour r\u00e9parer l''or.
Repair.Skills.AdeptIron = [[DARK_RED]]Vous n''\u00eates pas suffisamment comp\u00e9tent pour r\u00e9parer le fer.
Repair.Skills.AdeptStone = [[DARK_RED]]Vous n''\u00eates pas suffisamment comp\u00e9tent pour r\u00e9parer la pierre.
2012-04-25 16:14:44 -04:00
Repair.Skills.FeltEasy = [[GRAY]]Plut\u00f4t facile.
2013-09-17 14:03:00 -04:00
Repair.Skills.FullDurability = [[GRAY]]C''est d\u00e9j\u00e0 r\u00e9par\u00e9.
2013-01-22 13:15:38 -05:00
Repair.Skills.Mastery = [[RED]]Maitrise en r\u00e9paration: [[YELLOW]]Extra {0} durabilit\u00e9 en place
2012-04-25 16:14:44 -04:00
Repair.Skills.StackedItems = [[DARK_RED]]Vous ne pouvez pas r\u00e9parer les objets empil\u00e9s.
2012-05-04 20:15:22 +02:00
Repair.Skillup = [[YELLOW]]Le talent R\u00e9paration augmente de {0}. Total ({1})
2013-01-13 01:46:34 +01:00
Repair.Arcane.Chance.Downgrade = [[GRAY]]Forge arcanique, chance de d\u00e9gradation : [[YELLOW]]{0}%
Repair.Arcane.Chance.Success = [[GRAY]]Forge arcanique, taux de succ\u00e8s : [[YELLOW]]{0}%
2012-04-25 16:14:44 -04:00
Repair.Arcane.Downgrade = [[RED]]Les \u00e9nergies arcaniques ont \u00e9t\u00e9 affaiblies sur cet objet.
Repair.Arcane.Fail = [[RED]]Les \u00e9nergies arcaniques ont quitt\u00e9 cet objet.
2013-09-17 14:03:00 -04:00
Repair.Arcane.Lost = [[RED]]Vous n''\u00e9tiez pas suffisamment comp\u00e9tent pour pr\u00e9server les enchantements.
2012-04-25 16:14:44 -04:00
Repair.Arcane.Perfect = [[GREEN]]Vous avez pr\u00e9serv\u00e9 les \u00e9nergies arcaniques de cet objet.
Repair.Arcane.Rank = [[RED]]Forge arcanique : [[YELLOW]]Rang {0}/4
Swords.Ability.Lower = [[GRAY]]**VOUS ABAISSEZ VOTRE \u00c9P\u00c9E**
Swords.Ability.Ready = [[GREEN]]**VOUS LEVEZ VOTRE \u00c9P\u00c9E**
2013-01-22 13:15:38 -05:00
Swords.Combat.Bleed.Chance = [[RED]]Saignement: [[YELLOW]]{0}
2012-04-25 16:14:44 -04:00
Swords.Combat.Bleed.Length = [[RED]]Dur\u00e9e de saignement : [[YELLOW]]{0} ticks
2012-04-25 22:45:02 -04:00
Swords.Combat.Bleed.Note = [[GRAY]]NOTE : [[YELLOW]]1 tick toutes les 2 secondes
2013-09-17 14:03:00 -04:00
Swords.Combat.Bleeding.Stopped = [[GRAY]]Le saignement s''est [[GREEN]]arr\u00eat\u00e9[[GRAY]] !
Swords.Combat.Bleeding = [[GREEN]]**L''ENNEMI SAIGNE**
2012-04-25 16:14:44 -04:00
Swords.Combat.Counter.Hit = [[DARK_RED]]Touch\u00e9 par une contre-attaque !
Swords.Combat.Countered = [[GREEN]]**CONTRE-ATTAQUE**
Swords.Combat.SS.Struck = [[DARK_RED]]Frapp\u00e9 par ATTAQUE D\u00c9CHIRANTE !
Swords.Effect.0 = Contre-attaque
Swords.Effect.2 = Attaque d\u00e9chirante (Comp\u00e9tence)
2013-09-17 14:03:00 -04:00
Swords.Effect.4 = Saignement d''Attaque d\u00e9chirante
2012-04-25 22:45:02 -04:00
Swords.Effect.6 = Saignement
Swords.Effect.7 = Applique un saignement
2012-04-25 16:14:44 -04:00
Swords.Listener = \u00c9p\u00e9es :
Swords.SkillName = \u00c9P\u00c9ES
Swords.Skills.SS.Off = [[RED]]**Votre comp\u00e9tence Attaque d\u00e9chirante est termin\u00e9e**
Swords.Skills.SS.On = [[GREEN]]**ATTAQUE D\u00c9CHIRANTE ACTIV\u00c9E**
Swords.Skills.SS.Refresh = [[GREEN]]Votre comp\u00e9tence [[YELLOW]]Attaque d\u00e9chirante [[GREEN]]est pr\u00eate !
2013-09-17 14:03:00 -04:00
Swords.Skills.SS.Other.Off = [[RED]]Attaque d\u00e9chirante[[GREEN]] s''est termin\u00e9 pour [[YELLOW]]{0}
2012-04-25 16:14:44 -04:00
Swords.Skills.SS.Other.On = [[GREEN]]{0}[[DARK_GREEN]] a utilis\u00e9 [[RED]]Attaque d\u00e9chirante !
2013-09-17 14:03:00 -04:00
Swords.SS.Length = [[RED]]Dur\u00e9e d''Attaque d\u00e9chirante : [[YELLOW]]{0}s
Taming.Ability.Bonus.0 = Attentif \u00e0 l''environnement
2012-04-25 16:14:44 -04:00
Taming.Ability.Bonus.1 = Les loups \u00e9vitent les dangers
Taming.Ability.Bonus.2 = Fourrure \u00e9paisse
Taming.Ability.Bonus.4 = R\u00e9sistance aux chocs
Taming.Ability.Bonus.6 = Griffes ac\u00e9r\u00e9es
Taming.Ability.Bonus.8 = Fast food
Taming.Effect.0 = Connaissances des b\u00eates
Taming.Effect.10 = R\u00e9sistance aux chocs
Taming.Effect.11 = R\u00e9duction des d\u00e9g\u00e2ts explosifs
Taming.Effect.12 = Appel de la nature
Taming.Effect.13 = Appelle un animal \u00e0 vos c\u00f4t\u00e9s
2012-04-25 22:45:02 -04:00
Taming.Effect.14 = [[GRAY]]Appel (Ocelot) : Clic gauche accroupi avec {0} Fish en main
Taming.Effect.15 = [[GRAY]]Appel (Loup) : Clic gauche accroupi avec {0} Bones en main
Taming.Effect.16 = Fast food
Taming.Effect.17 = Probabilit\u00e9 de voler la vie en attaquant
2012-04-25 16:14:44 -04:00
Taming.Effect.2 = Morsure
Taming.Effect.3 = Coup critique faisant saigner
Taming.Effect.4 = Griffes ac\u00e9r\u00e9es
Taming.Effect.5 = Bonus aux d\u00e9g\u00e2ts
2013-09-17 14:03:00 -04:00
Taming.Effect.6 = Attentif \u00e0 l''environnement
2012-04-25 16:14:44 -04:00
Taming.Effect.7 = Phobie des cactus et de la lave, immunis\u00e9 aux chutes
Taming.Effect.8 = Fourrure \u00e9paisse
Taming.Effect.9 = R\u00e9duction de d\u00e9g\u00e2t, r\u00e9sistance au feu
Taming.Listener.Wolf = [[DARK_GRAY]]Votre loup se pr\u00e9cipite \u00e0 vos c\u00f4t\u00e9s...
Taming.Listener = Apprivoisement :
Taming.Skillup = [[YELLOW]]Le talent Apprivoisement augmente de {0}. Total ({1})
Taming.Summon.Complete = [[GREEN]]Appel r\u00e9ussi
2013-09-17 14:03:00 -04:00
Taming.Summon.Fail.Ocelot = [[RED]]Il y a d\u00e9j\u00e0 trop d''ocelots dans les environs.
2012-04-25 16:14:44 -04:00
Taming.Summon.Fail.Wolf = [[RED]]Il y a d\u00e9j\u00e0 trop de loups dans les environs.
2012-04-25 22:45:02 -04:00
Unarmed.Ability.Berserk.Length = [[RED]]Dur\u00e9e de Berserk : [[YELLOW]]{0}s
2012-04-25 16:14:44 -04:00
Unarmed.Ability.Bonus.0 = Poings de fer
Unarmed.Ability.Bonus.1 = +{0} de d\u00e9g\u00e2ts
2013-01-22 13:15:38 -05:00
Unarmed.Ability.Chance.ArrowDeflect = [[RED]]Rejet de fl\u00e8che: [[YELLOW]]{0}
2012-04-25 16:14:44 -04:00
Unarmed.Ability.Lower = [[GRAY]]**VOUS ABAISSEZ VOS POINGS**
Unarmed.Ability.Ready = [[GREEN]]**VOUS LEVEZ VOS POINGS**
Unarmed.Effect.0 = Berserk (Comp\u00e9tence)
2013-01-16 15:45:12 -05:00
Unarmed.Effect.1 = +50% de d\u00e9g\u00e2ts, casse les mat\u00e9riaux souples
2012-04-25 16:14:44 -04:00
Unarmed.Effect.2 = D\u00e9sarmement (sur joueurs)
2013-09-17 14:03:00 -04:00
Unarmed.Effect.3 = Fait tomber l''arme des ennemis
2012-04-25 16:14:44 -04:00
Unarmed.Effect.4 = Poings de fer
Unarmed.Effect.5 = Durcit vos poings au fil du temps
Unarmed.Effect.6 = D\u00e9viation de fl\u00e8che
Unarmed.Effect.7 = D\u00e9vie les fl\u00e8ches
Unarmed.Listener = Poings :
Unarmed.SkillName = POINGS
Unarmed.Skills.Berserk.Off = [[RED]]**Votre comp\u00e9tence Berserk est termin\u00e9e**
Unarmed.Skills.Berserk.On = [[GREEN]]**BERSERK ACTIV\u0081\u00c9**
2013-09-17 14:03:00 -04:00
Unarmed.Skills.Berserk.Other.Off = [[RED]]Berserk[[GREEN]] s''est termin\u00e9 pour [[YELLOW]]{0}
2012-04-25 16:14:44 -04:00
Unarmed.Skills.Berserk.Other.On = [[GREEN]]{0}[[DARK_GREEN]] a utilis\u00e9 [[RED]]Berserk !
Unarmed.Skills.Berserk.Refresh = [[GREEN]]Votre comp\u00e9tence [[YELLOW]]Berserk [[GREEN]]est pr\u00eate !
Unarmed.Skillup = [[YELLOW]]Le talent Poings augmente de {0}. Total ({1})
Woodcutting.Ability.0 = Soufflage
2012-05-17 22:11:16 -04:00
Woodcutting.Ability.1 = Cong\u00e9s de coup
2013-01-22 13:15:38 -05:00
Woodcutting.Ability.Chance.DDrop = [[RED]]Double Drop: [[YELLOW]]{0}
2013-09-17 14:03:00 -04:00
Woodcutting.Ability.Length = [[RED]]Dur\u00e9e d''Abbateur : [[YELLOW]]{0}s
2012-04-25 16:14:44 -04:00
Woodcutting.Effect.0 = Abatteur (Comp\u00e9tence)
Woodcutting.Effect.1 = Fait exploser les arbres
Woodcutting.Effect.2 = Soufflage
Woodcutting.Effect.3 = Souffle les feuilles
Woodcutting.Effect.4 = Double drops
Woodcutting.Effect.5 = Double la quantit\u00e9 r\u00e9colt\u00e9e
Woodcutting.Listener = B\u00fbcheronnage :
2012-05-17 22:11:16 -04:00
Woodcutting.SkillName = COUPURE DE BOIS
2012-04-25 16:14:44 -04:00
Woodcutting.Skills.TreeFeller.Off = [[RED]]**Votre comp\u00e9tence Abatteur est termin\u00e9e**
Woodcutting.Skills.TreeFeller.On = [[GREEN]]**ABATTEUR ACTIV\u00c9**
Woodcutting.Skills.TreeFeller.Refresh = [[GREEN]]Votre comp\u00e9tence [[YELLOW]]Abatteur [[GREEN]]est pr\u00eate !
Woodcutting.Skills.TreeFeller.Other.Off = [[RED]]Abatteur[[GREEN]] est termin\u00e9 pour [[YELLOW]]{0}
Woodcutting.Skills.TreeFeller.Other.On = [[GREEN]]{0}[[DARK_GREEN]] a utilis\u00e9 [[RED]]Abatteur !
Woodcutting.Skills.TreeFeller.Splinter = [[RED]]VOTRE HACHE SE BRISE EN MILLE MORCEAUX !
Woodcutting.Skills.TreeFellerThreshold = [[RED]]Cet arbre est trop grand !
Woodcutting.Skillup = [[YELLOW]]Le talent B\u00fbcheronnage augmente de {0}. Total ({1})
Ability.Generic.Refresh = [[GREEN]]**COMP\u00c9TENCES RAFRA\u00ceCHIES !**
Ability.Generic.Template.Lock = [[GRAY]]{0}
Ability.Generic.Template = [[RED]]{0} : [[YELLOW]]{1}
Combat.ArrowDeflect = [[WHITE]]**FL\u00c8CHE DEVI\u00c9E**
Combat.BeastLore = [[GREEN]]**CONNAISSANCE DES B\u00caTES**
Combat.BeastLoreHealth = [[DARK_AQUA]]Vie ([[GREEN]]{0}[[DARK_AQUA]]/{1})
Combat.BeastLoreOwner = [[DARK_AQUA]]Propri\u00e9taire ([[RED]]{0}[[DARK_AQUA]])
Combat.Gore = [[GREEN]]**SANG**
2013-09-17 14:03:00 -04:00
Combat.StruckByGore = [[RED]]**FRAPP\u00c9 JUSQU''AU SANG**
2012-04-25 22:45:02 -04:00
Combat.TargetDazed = La cible a \u00e9t\u00e9 [[DARK_RED]]\u00c9tourdi
Combat.TouchedFuzzy = [[DARK_RED]]Vous \u00eates \u00e9tourdi.
2012-04-25 16:14:44 -04:00
Commands.Ability.Off = Utilisation des comp\u00e9tences [[RED]]Off
Commands.Ability.On = Utilisation des comp\u00e9tences [[GREEN]]On
Commands.AdminChat.Off = Canal admin [[RED]]Off
Commands.AdminChat.On = Canal admin [[GREEN]]On
Commands.AdminToggle = [[RED]]- Active / d\u00e9sactive le canal admin
Commands.Disabled = [[RED]]Cette commande est d\u00e9sactiv\u00e9e.
Commands.DoesNotExist = [[RED]]Ce joueur est absent de la base de donn\u00e9es !
Commands.GodMode.Disabled = [[YELLOW]]mcMMO Godmode d\u00e9sactiv\u00e9
Commands.GodMode.Enabled = [[YELLOW]]mcMMO Godmode activ\u00e9
2013-09-17 14:03:00 -04:00
Commands.GodMode.Forbidden = [mcMMO] Le Godmode n''est pas permis sur ce monde (voir les permissions)
2012-04-25 16:14:44 -04:00
Commands.Inspect = <joueur> [[RED]]- Affiche les informations du joueur
Commands.Invite.Accepted = [[GREEN]]Invitation accept\u00e9e. Vous avez rejoint le groupe {0}
Commands.Invite.Success = [[GREEN]]Invitation envoy\u00e9e.
2012-04-25 22:45:02 -04:00
Commands.Leaderboards = <talent> <page> [[RED]]- Classement
2012-04-25 16:14:44 -04:00
Commands.mcgod = [[RED]]- Active / d\u00e9sactive le Godmode
2012-04-25 22:45:02 -04:00
Commands.mmoedit = [joueur] <talent> <valeur> [[RED]] - Modifie le niveau la cible
2012-04-25 16:14:44 -04:00
Commands.ModDescription = [[RED]]- Affiche une description du mod
2012-04-25 22:45:02 -04:00
Commands.NoConsole = Cette commande ne peut \u00eatre utilis\u00e9e via la console.
2012-04-25 16:14:44 -04:00
Commands.Other = [[GREEN]]--AUTRES COMMANDES--
2013-09-17 14:03:00 -04:00
Commands.Party.Accept = [[RED]]- Accepte l''invitation
2012-04-25 16:14:44 -04:00
Commands.Party.Chat.Off = Canal groupe [[RED]]Off
Commands.Party.Chat.On = Canal groupe [[GREEN]]On
Commands.Party.Commands = [[GREEN]]--COMMANDES DE GROUPE--
Commands.Party.Invite.0 = [[RED]]ALERT: [[GREEN]]Vous avez re\u00e7u une invitation de {1} pour rejoindre le groupe {0}
Commands.Party.Kick = [[RED]]Vous avez \u00e9t\u00e9 \u00e9ject\u00e9 du groupe {0} !
Commands.Party.Leave = [[RED]]Vous avez quitt\u00e9 le groupe
2013-09-17 14:03:00 -04:00
Commands.Party.None = [[RED]]Vous n''\u00eates pas dans un groupe.
2012-04-25 16:14:44 -04:00
Commands.Party.Quit = [[RED]]- Quitte votre groupe actuel
2012-04-25 22:45:02 -04:00
Commands.Party.Teleport = <nom> [[RED]]- T\u00e9l\u00e9porte sur un membre du groupe
2012-04-25 16:14:44 -04:00
Commands.Party.Toggle = [[RED]]- Active / d\u00e9sactive le canal groupe
Commands.PowerLevel.Leaderboard = [[YELLOW]]--Classement mcMMO ([[BLUE]]Niveau Global[[YELLOW]])--
Commands.PowerLevel = [[DARK_RED]]NIVEAU GLOBAL : [[GREEN]]{0}
2013-09-17 14:03:00 -04:00
Commands.Skill.Invalid = [[RED]]Ce talent n''existe pas !
2012-04-25 16:14:44 -04:00
Commands.Skill.Leaderboard = [[YELLOW]]--Classement mcMMO ([[BLUE]]{0}[[YELLOW]])--
Commands.Stats.Self = VOS STATISTIQUES
Commands.Stats = [[RED]]- Affiche vos statistiques mcMMO
2013-09-17 14:03:00 -04:00
Commands.ToggleAbility = [[RED]]- Active / d\u00e9sactive l''utilisation des comp\u00e9tences
mcMMO.NoInvites = [[RED]]Vous n''avez pas \u00e9t\u00e9 invit\u00e9
mcMMO.NoPermission = [[DARK_RED]]Vous n''avez pas les droits.
mcMMO.NoSkillNote = [[DARK_GRAY]]Si vous n''avez pas les droits pour un talent, il n''appara\u00eetra pas ici.
2012-04-25 22:45:02 -04:00
Party.Forbidden = [mcMMO] Les groupes ne sont pas permis dans ce monde (voir les permissions)
2013-09-17 14:03:00 -04:00
Party.InvalidName = [[DARK_RED]]Ce groupe n''existe pas.
2012-04-25 16:14:44 -04:00
Party.IsLocked = [[RED]]Ce groupe est d\u00e9j\u00e0 verrouill\u00e9 !
2013-09-17 14:03:00 -04:00
Party.IsntLocked = [[RED]]Ce groupe n''est pas verrouill\u00e9 !
2012-04-25 22:45:02 -04:00
Party.Locked = [[RED]]Le groupe est verrouill\u00e9, seul le chef de groupe peut inviter.
2012-04-25 16:14:44 -04:00
Party.NotInYourParty = [[DARK_RED]]{0} is not in your party
2013-01-30 11:20:09 -05:00
Party.Password.Set = [[GREEN]]Mot de passe d\u00e9fini : {0}
2013-09-17 14:03:00 -04:00
Party.Player.Invalid = [[RED]]Ce joueur n''existe pas.
2012-04-25 16:14:44 -04:00
Party.Teleport.Dead = [[RED]]Vous ne pouvez pas vous t\u00e9l\u00e9porter sur un joueur mort.
Party.Teleport.Player = [[GREEN]]Vous vous \u00eates t\u00e9l\u00e9port\u00e9 sur {0}.
2013-09-17 14:03:00 -04:00
Party.Teleport.Target = [[GREEN]]{0} s''est t\u00e9l\u00e9port\u00e9 sur vous.
2012-04-25 22:45:02 -04:00
Party.Unlocked = [[GRAY]]Le groupe est d\u00e9verrouill\u00e9.
2012-04-25 16:14:44 -04:00
Commands.XPGain.Acrobatics = Chuter
Commands.XPGain.Archery = Attaquer des monstres
Commands.XPGain.Axes = Attaquer des monstres
Commands.XPGain.Excavation = Creuser et d\u00e9couvrir des tr\u00e9sors
Commands.XPGain.Fishing = P\u00eacher
Commands.XPGain.Herbalism = Cueillette de v\u00e9g\u00e9taux
Commands.XPGain.Mining = Miner et d\u00e9couvrir du minerai
Commands.XPGain.Repair = R\u00e9paration
Commands.XPGain.Swords = Attaquer des monstres
Commands.XPGain.Taming = Apprivoiser et combattre
Commands.XPGain.Unarmed = Attaquer des monstres
2013-09-17 14:03:00 -04:00
Commands.XPGain = [[DARK_GRAY]]GAIN D''XP : [[WHITE]]{0}
Commands.xplock.locked = [[GOLD]]Votre barre d''XP est maintenant verrouill\u00e9e sur {0} !
Commands.xplock.unlocked = [[GOLD]]Votre barre d''XP est maintenant [[GREEN]]D\u00c9VERROUILL\u00c9E[[GOLD]] !!
Commands.xprate.over = [[RED]]L\u2019\u00e9v\u00e9nement de bonus d''XP mcMMO est TERMIN\u00c9 !!
Commands.xprate.proper.0 = [[RED]]L''usage correct pour changer le taux d''XP est /xprate <valeur> <true/false>
Commands.xprate.proper.1 = [[RED]]L''usage correct pour restaurer le taux d''XP est /xprate reset
Commands.xprate.proper.2 = [[RED]]Veuillez sp\u00e9cifier true ou false pour indiquer si il s''agit ou pas d''un \u00e9v\u00e9nement temporaire
Commands.xprate.started.0 = [[GOLD]]L\u2019\u00c9V\u00c9NEMENT BONUS D''XP mcMMO VIENT DE COMMENCER !
Commands.xprate.started.1 = [[GOLD]]Le bonus d''XP mcMMO est maintenant de {0}x !
XPRate.Event = [[GOLD]]Un \u00e9v\u00e9nement bonus d''XP mcMMO est actuellement lanc\u00e9 ! Le bonus est de {0}x !
2012-04-25 16:14:44 -04:00
Effects.Effects = EFFETS
Effects.Level = [[DARK_GRAY]]NIV : [[GREEN]]{0} [[DARK_AQUA]]XP[[YELLOW]]([[GOLD]]{1}[[YELLOW]]/[[GOLD]]{2}[[YELLOW]])
Effects.Template = [[DARK_AQUA]]{0} : [[GREEN]]{1}
2013-01-16 15:45:12 -05:00
Guides.Axes = Guide coming soon...
2013-09-17 14:03:00 -04:00
Guides.Excavation = [[DARK_AQUA]]About Excavation:\n[[YELLOW]]Excavation is the act of digging up dirt to find treasures.\n[[YELLOW]]By excavating the land you will find treasures.\n[[YELLOW]]The more you do this the more treasures you can find.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]XP GAIN:\n[[YELLOW]]To gain XP in this skill you must dig with a shovel in hand.\n[[YELLOW]]Only certain materials can be dug up for treasures and XP.\n[[DARK_AQUA]]Compatible Materials:\n[[YELLOW]]Grass, Dirt, Sand, Clay, Gravel, Mycelium, Soul Sand\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How to use Giga Drill Breaker:\n[[YELLOW]]With a shovel in hand right click to ready your tool.\n[[YELLOW]]Once in this state you have about 4 seconds to make\n[[YELLOW]]contact with Excavation compatible materials this will\n[[YELLOW]]activate Giga Drill Breaker.\n[[DARK_AQUA]]What is Giga Drill Breaker?\n[[YELLOW]]Giga Drill Breaker is an ability with a cooldown\n[[YELLOW]]tied to Excavation skill. It triples your chance\n[[YELLOW]]of finding treasures and enables instant break\n[[YELLOW]]on Excavation materials.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Treasure Hunter work?\n[[YELLOW]]Every possible treasure for Excavation has its own\n[[YELLOW]]skill level requirement for it to drop, as a result it''s\n[[YELLOW]]difficult to say how much it is helping you.\n[[YELLOW]]Just keep in mind that the higher your Excavation skill\n[[YELLOW]]is, the more treasures that can be found.\n[[YELLOW]]And also keep in mind that each type of Excavation\n[[YELLOW]]compatible material has its own unique list of treasures.\n[[YELLOW]]In other words you will find different treasures in Dirt\n[[YELLOW]]than you would in Gravel.\n[[DARK_AQUA]]Notes about Excavation:\n[[YELLOW]]Excavation drops are completely customizeable\n[[YELLOW]]So results vary server to server.
2012-04-25 16:14:44 -04:00
Guides.Mining = [[DARK_AQUA]]About Mining:\n[[YELLOW]]Mining consists of mining stone and ores. It provides bonuses\n[[YELLOW]]to the amount of materials dropped while mining.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]XP GAIN:\n[[YELLOW]]To gain XP in this skill, you must mine with a pickaxe in hand.\n[[YELLOW]]Only certain blocks award XP.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]Compatible Materials:\n[[YELLOW]]Stone, Coal Ore, Iron Ore, Gold Ore, Diamond Ore, Redstone Ore,\n[[YELLOW]]Lapis Ore, Obsidian, Mossy Cobblestone, Ender Stone,\n[[YELLOW]]Glowstone, and Netherrack.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How to use Super Breaker:\n[[YELLOW]]With a pickaxe in your hand, right click to ready your tool.\n[[YELLOW]]Once in this state, you have about 4 seconds to make contact\n[[YELLOW]]with Mining compatible materials, which will activate Super\n[[YELLOW]]Breaker.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]What is Super Breaker?\n[[YELLOW]]Super Breaker is an ability with a cooldown tied to the Mining\n[[YELLOW]]skill. It triples your chance of extra items dropping and\n[[YELLOW]]enables instant break on Mining materials.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How to use Blast Mining:\n[[YELLOW]]With a detonator in hand, which is a flint & steel by default,\n[[YELLOW]]right-click on TNT from a distance. This will cause the TNT\n[[YELLOW]]to instantly explode.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Blast Mining work?\n[[YELLOW]]Blast Mining is an ability with a cooldown tied to the Mining\n[[YELLOW]]skill. It gives bonuses when mining with TNT and allows you\n[[YELLOW]]to remote detonate TNT. There are three parts to Blast Mining.\n[[YELLOW]]The first part is Bigger Bombs, which increases blast radius.\n[[YELLOW]]The second is Demolitions Expert, which decreases damage\n[[YELLOW]]from TNT explosions. The third part simply increases the\n[[YELLOW]]amount of ores dropped from TNT and decreases the\n[[YELLOW]]debris dropped.
2013-09-17 14:03:00 -04:00
Inspect.Offline = [[RED]]Tu n''as pas la permission d''inspecter un joueur hors ligne!
2012-04-25 16:14:44 -04:00
Inspect.OfflineStats = mcMMO Stats for Offline Player [[YELLOW]]{0}
Inspect.Stats = [[GREEN]]mcMMO Stats for [[YELLOW]]{0}
2013-09-17 14:03:00 -04:00
Inspect.TooFar = [[RED]]Vous \u00eates trop \u00e9loign\u00e9 de ce joueur pour l''inspecter !
Item.ChimaeraWing.Fail = **\u00c9CHEC D''AILE DE CHIM\u00c8RE !**
2013-02-15 16:36:14 +01:00
Item.ChimaeraWing.Pass = **AILE DE CHIM\u00c8RE**
2012-04-25 16:14:44 -04:00
Item.Injured.Wait = Vous avez \u00e9t\u00e9 bless\u00e9 r\u00e9cemment et devez attendre pour utiliser cela. [[YELLOW]]({0}s)
Skills.Disarmed = [[DARK_RED]]Vous avez \u00e9t\u00e9 d\u00e9sarm\u00e9 !
Skills.Header = [[RED]]-----[][[GREEN]]{0}[[RED]][]-----
Skills.NeedMore = [[DARK_RED]]Vous devez en avoir plus
2012-04-29 23:05:57 -04:00
Skills.Stats = [[YELLOW]]{0}[[GREEN]]{1}[[DARK_AQUA]] XP ([[GRAY]]{2}[[DARK_AQUA]]/[[GRAY]]{3}[[DARK_AQUA]])
2012-04-25 16:14:44 -04:00
Skills.TooTired = [[RED]]Vous \u00eates trop fatigu\u00e9 pour r\u00e9utiliser cette comp\u00e9tence maintenant.
Stats.Header.Combat = [[GOLD]]-=TALENTS DE COMBAT=-
Stats.Header.Gathering = [[GOLD]]-=COMP\u00c9TENCES DE R\u00c9COLTE=-
Stats.Header.Misc = [[GOLD]]-=AUTRES TALENTS=-
Stats.Own.Stats = [[GREEN]][mcMMO] Statistiques