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synced 2025-03-03 08:39:44 +01:00
Party changes
First player to join a party is the owner. /party lock (useable by party owner) /party unlock (useable by party owner) /party password <password> (useable by party owner, party must be locked) /party password "" (useable by party owner, party must be locked, disables password) /party kick <player> (useable by party owner, party must be locked, cannot kick a user with mcmmo.admin without having mcmmo.admin) /party owner <player> (useable by party owner, transfers ownership) /party <party> <password> (useable by any, to join a password protected and locked party) /party ? (extended help) /invite and /accept work with new system Parties delete themselves if no members (online and offline) are in the party. From old versions: Old parties will give owner to first person to use /party command in it. Users will be "added" into parties as they use /party Note, all new messages will need a locale/color treatment. I was not sure how to properly do this, so I instead marked all messages with a //TODO Also included, commented out in code, but can be uncommented to compile+use: /party dump (dumps everything from the hashtables to chat)
This commit is contained in:
@ -103,6 +103,8 @@ public class mcMMO extends JavaPlugin
new Party(this);
Users.getInstance().loadUsers(); //Load Users file
@ -1199,6 +1201,8 @@ public class mcMMO extends JavaPlugin
//Invite Command
else if(LoadProperties.inviteEnable && label.equalsIgnoreCase(LoadProperties.invite) && mcPermissions.getInstance().party(player)){
Party Pinstance = Party.getInstance();
@ -1211,27 +1215,34 @@ public class mcMMO extends JavaPlugin
if(PP.inParty() && split.length >= 2 && isPlayer(split[1]))
Player target = getPlayer(split[1]);
PlayerProfile PPt = Users.getProfile(target);
//target.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED+"ALERT: "+ChatColor.GREEN+"You have received a party invite for "+PPt.getInvite()+" from "+player.getName());
target.sendMessage(mcLocale.getString("mcPlayerListener.ReceivedInvite1", new Object[] {PPt.getInvite(), player.getName()}));
//target.sendMessage(ChatColor.YELLOW+"Type "+ChatColor.GREEN+LoadProperties.accept+ChatColor.YELLOW+" to accept the invite");
target.sendMessage(mcLocale.getString("mcPlayerListener.ReceivedInvite2", new Object[] {LoadProperties.accept}));
if(Pinstance.canInvite(player, PP)) {
Player target = getPlayer(split[1]);
PlayerProfile PPt = Users.getProfile(target);
//target.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED+"ALERT: "+ChatColor.GREEN+"You have received a party invite for "+PPt.getInvite()+" from "+player.getName());
target.sendMessage(mcLocale.getString("mcPlayerListener.ReceivedInvite1", new Object[] {PPt.getInvite(), player.getName()}));
//target.sendMessage(ChatColor.YELLOW+"Type "+ChatColor.GREEN+LoadProperties.accept+ChatColor.YELLOW+" to accept the invite");
target.sendMessage(mcLocale.getString("mcPlayerListener.ReceivedInvite2", new Object[] {LoadProperties.accept}));
} else {
//TODO: Needs more locale.
player.sendMessage("Party is locked, only party leader may invite.");
return true;
//Accept invite
else if(LoadProperties.acceptEnable && label.equalsIgnoreCase(LoadProperties.accept) && mcPermissions.getInstance().party(player)){
Party.getInstance().informPartyMembersQuit(player, getPlayersOnline());
Party Pinstance = Party.getInstance();
if(PP.inParty()) {
Pinstance.removeFromParty(player, PP);
Party.getInstance().informPartyMembers(player, getPlayersOnline());
player.sendMessage(mcLocale.getString("mcPlayerListener.InviteAccepted", new Object[]{PP.getParty()}));
Pinstance.addToParty(player, PP, PP.getParty(), true);
} else {
@ -1242,40 +1253,159 @@ public class mcMMO extends JavaPlugin
player.sendMessage(ChatColor.YELLOW+"[mcMMO]"+ChatColor.DARK_RED +mcLocale.getString("mcPlayerListener.NoPermission"));
return true;
if(split.length == 1 && !PP.inParty()){
player.sendMessage("Proper usage is "+LoadProperties.party+" <name> or 'q' to quit");
return true;
Party Pinstance = Party.getInstance();
if(PP.inParty() && (!Pinstance.isParty(PP.getParty()) || !Pinstance.isInParty(player, PP))) {
Pinstance.addToParty(player, PP, PP.getParty(), false);
if(split.length == 1 && PP.inParty()){
if(args.length == 0 && !PP.inParty()){
//TODO: Needs more locale.
player.sendMessage("Proper usage is "+LoadProperties.party+" <name> or 'q' to quit");
player.sendMessage("To join a password protected party use "+LoadProperties.party+" <name> <password>");
player.sendMessage("Or "+LoadProperties.party+" ? for more information.");
return true;
} else if(args.length == 0 && PP.inParty()){
String tempList = "";
int x = 0;
for(Player p : this.getServer().getOnlinePlayers()){
if(p != null && x+1 >= Party.getInstance().partyCount(player, getPlayersOnline())){
if(p != null && x+1 >= Pinstance.partyCount(player, getPlayersOnline())){
tempList+= p.getName();
if(p != null && x < Party.getInstance().partyCount(player, getPlayersOnline())){
if(p != null && x < Pinstance.partyCount(player, getPlayersOnline())){
tempList+= p.getName() +", ";
player.sendMessage(mcLocale.getString("mcPlayerListener.YouAreInParty", new Object[] {PP.getParty()}));
player.sendMessage(mcLocale.getString("mcPlayerListener.PartyMembers")+" ("+ChatColor.WHITE+tempList+ChatColor.GREEN+")");
if(split.length > 1 && split[1].equals("q") && PP.inParty()){
Party.getInstance().informPartyMembersQuit(player, getPlayersOnline());
player.sendMessage(mcLocale.getString("mcPlayerListener.PartyMembers")+" ("+ChatColor.WHITE+tempList+ChatColor.GREEN+")");
return true;
if(split.length >= 2){
Party.getInstance().informPartyMembersQuit(player, getPlayersOnline());
player.sendMessage(mcLocale.getString("mcPlayerListener.JoinedParty", new Object[] {split[1]}));
Party.getInstance().informPartyMembers(player, getPlayersOnline());
} else if(args.length == 1){
if(args[0].equals("q") && PP.inParty()) {
Pinstance.removeFromParty(player, PP);
return true;
} else if (args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("?")) {
//TODO: Needs more locale.
player.sendMessage("Use "+LoadProperties.party+" <name> to join a party or 'q' to quit");
player.sendMessage("To join a password protected party use "+LoadProperties.party+" <name> <password>");
player.sendMessage("To lock your party use "+LoadProperties.party+" lock");
player.sendMessage("To unlock your party use "+LoadProperties.party+" unlock");
player.sendMessage("To password protect your party use "+LoadProperties.party+" password <password>");
player.sendMessage("To kick from your party use "+LoadProperties.party+" kick <player>");
player.sendMessage("To transfer ownership of your party use "+LoadProperties.party+" owner <player>");
} else if (args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("lock")) {
if(PP.inParty()) {
if(Pinstance.isPartyLeader(player, PP.getParty())) {
//TODO: Needs more locale.
player.sendMessage("Party locked.");
} else {
//TODO: Needs more locale.
player.sendMessage("You are not the party owner.");
} else {
//TODO: Needs more locale.
player.sendMessage("This is not a valid party name");
} else if (args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("unlock")) {
if(PP.inParty()) {
if(Pinstance.isPartyLeader(player, PP.getParty())) {
//TODO: Needs more locale.
player.sendMessage("Party unlocked");
} else {
//TODO: Needs more locale.
player.sendMessage("You are not the party owner.");
} else {
//TODO: Needs more locale.
player.sendMessage("This is not a valid party name");
//Party debugging command.
//} else if (args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("dump")) {
// Pinstance.dump(player);
} else {
if(PP.inParty()) {
Pinstance.removeFromParty(player, PP);
Pinstance.addToParty(player, PP, args[0], false);
return true;
} else if(args.length == 2 && PP.inParty()) {
if(args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("password")) {
if(Pinstance.isPartyLeader(player, PP.getParty())) {
if(Pinstance.isPartyLocked(PP.getParty())) {
Pinstance.setPartyPassword(PP.getParty(), args[1]);
//TODO: Needs more locale.
player.sendMessage("Party password set to "+args[1]);
} else {
//TODO: Needs more locale.
player.sendMessage("Party not locked.");
} else {
//TODO: Needs more locale.
player.sendMessage("You are not the party owner.");
} else if(args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("kick")) {
if(Pinstance.isPartyLeader(player, PP.getParty())) {
if(Pinstance.isPartyLocked(PP.getParty())) {
Player tPlayer = null;
if(this.getServer().getPlayer(args[1]) != null) tPlayer = this.getServer().getPlayer(args[1]);
if(tPlayer == null) {
//TODO: Needs more locale.
player.sendMessage("Could not kick player "+args[1]);
if(!Pinstance.inSameParty(player, tPlayer)) {
player.sendMessage(tPlayer.getName()+" not in your party.");
} else {
//Not an admin
if(!mcPermissions.getInstance().admin(player)) {
//Can't kick an admin
if(mcPermissions.getInstance().admin(tPlayer)) {
//TODO: Needs more locale.
player.sendMessage("Could not kick player "+tPlayer.getName());
PlayerProfile tPP = Users.getProfile(tPlayer);
Pinstance.removeFromParty(tPlayer, tPP);
} else {
//TODO: Needs more locale.
player.sendMessage("Party not locked.");
} else {
//TODO: Needs more locale.
player.sendMessage("You are not the party owner.");
} else if(args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("owner")) {
if(Pinstance.isPartyLeader(player, PP.getParty())) {
Player tPlayer = null;
if(this.getServer().getPlayer(args[1]) != null) tPlayer = this.getServer().getPlayer(args[1]);
if(tPlayer == null) {
//TODO: Needs more locale.
player.sendMessage("Could not set owner to "+args[1]);
if(!Pinstance.inSameParty(player, tPlayer)) {
player.sendMessage("Could not set owner to "+tPlayer.getName());
} else {
Pinstance.setPartyLeader(PP.getParty(), tPlayer.getName());
} else {
//TODO: Needs more locale.
player.sendMessage("You are not the party owner.");
} else {
Pinstance.removeFromParty(player, PP);
Pinstance.addToParty(player, PP, args[0], false, args[1]);
} else if(args.length == 2 && !PP.inParty()) {
Pinstance.addToParty(player, PP, args[0], false, args[1]);
else if(LoadProperties.partyEnable && label.equalsIgnoreCase("p")){
@ -194,6 +194,13 @@ public class mcPermissions
return true;
public boolean partyLock(Player player) {
if (permissionsEnabled) {
return permission(player, "mcmmo.chat.partylock");
} else {
return true;
public boolean partyTeleport(Player player) {
if (permissionsEnabled) {
return permission(player, "mcmmo.commands.ptp");
@ -1,28 +1,47 @@
package com.gmail.nossr50.party;
import java.io.EOFException;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.ObjectInputStream;
import java.io.ObjectOutputStream;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import com.gmail.nossr50.Users;
import com.gmail.nossr50.mcMMO;
import com.gmail.nossr50.config.LoadProperties;
import com.gmail.nossr50.datatypes.PlayerProfile;
import com.gmail.nossr50.locale.mcLocale;
public class Party
public static String partyPlayersFile = mcMMO.maindirectory + File.separator + "FlatFileStuff" + File.separator + "partyPlayers";
public static String partyLocksFile = mcMMO.maindirectory + File.separator + "FlatFileStuff" + File.separator + "partyLocks";
public static String partyPasswordsFile = mcMMO.maindirectory + File.separator + "FlatFileStuff" + File.separator + "partyPasswords";
HashMap<String, HashMap<String, Boolean>> partyPlayers = new HashMap<String, HashMap<String, Boolean>>();
HashMap<String, Boolean> partyLocks = new HashMap<String, Boolean>();
HashMap<String, String> partyPasswords = new HashMap<String, String>();
private static mcMMO plugin;
public Party(mcMMO instance)
public Party(mcMMO instance) {
plugin = instance;
private static volatile Party instance;
public static Party getInstance()
if (instance == null)
instance = new Party(plugin);
if (instance == null) {
instance = new Party(plugin);
return instance;
public boolean inSameParty(Player playera, Player playerb){
if(Users.getProfile(playera) == null || Users.getProfile(playerb) == null)
@ -57,6 +76,13 @@ public class Party
return x;
public void informPartyMembers(Player player) {
Player[] players = plugin.getPlayersOnline();
informPartyMembers(player, players);
public void informPartyMembers(Player player, Player[] players)
int x = 0;
@ -72,6 +98,32 @@ public class Party
public void informPartyMembersOwnerChange(String newOwner) {
Player newOwnerPlayer = plugin.getServer().getPlayer(newOwner);
Player[] players = plugin.getPlayersOnline();
informPartyMembersOwnerChange(newOwnerPlayer, players);
public void informPartyMembersOwnerChange(Player newOwner, Player[] players) {
int x = 0;
for(Player p : players){
if(newOwner != null && p != null){
if(inSameParty(newOwner, p) && !p.getName().equals(newOwner.getName()))
//TODO: Needs more locale.
p.sendMessage(newOwner.getName()+" is the new party owner.");
public void informPartyMembersQuit(Player player) {
Player[] players = plugin.getPlayersOnline();
informPartyMembersQuit(player, players);
public void informPartyMembersQuit(Player player, Player[] players)
int x = 0;
@ -85,5 +137,252 @@ public class Party
public void removeFromParty(Player player, PlayerProfile PP) {
String party = PP.getParty();
if(isPartyLeader(player, party)) {
if(isPartyLocked(party)) {
if(isPartyEmpty(party)) deleteParty(party);
public void addToParty(Player player, PlayerProfile PP, String newParty, Boolean invite) {
addToParty(player, PP, newParty, invite, null);
public void addToParty(Player player, PlayerProfile PP, String newParty, Boolean invite, String password) {
//Don't care about passwords on invites
if(!invite) {
//Don't care about passwords if it isn't locked
if(isPartyLocked(newParty)) {
if(isPartyPasswordProtected(newParty)) {
if(password == null) {
//TODO: Needs more locale.
player.sendMessage("This party requires a password. Use "+LoadProperties.party+" <party> <password> to join it.");
} else if(!password.equalsIgnoreCase(getPartyPassword(newParty))) {
//TODO: Needs more locale.
player.sendMessage("Party password incorrect.");
} else {
//TODO: Needs more locale.
player.sendMessage("Party is locked.");
} else {
//New party?
if(!isParty(newParty)) {
putNestedEntry(this.partyPlayers, newParty, player.getName(), true);
//Get default locking behavior from config?
this.partyLocks.put(newParty, false);
this.partyPasswords.put(newParty, null);
} else {
putNestedEntry(this.partyPlayers, newParty, player.getName(), false);
if(!invite) {
player.sendMessage(mcLocale.getString("mcPlayerListener.JoinedParty", new Object[] { newParty }));
} else {
player.sendMessage(mcLocale.getString("mcPlayerListener.InviteAccepted", new Object[]{ PP.getParty() }));
private static <U,V,W> W putNestedEntry(
HashMap<U,HashMap<V,W>> nest,
U nestKey,
V nestedKey,
W nestedValue)
HashMap<V,W> nested = nest.get(nestKey);
if (nested == null) {
nested = new HashMap<V,W>();
nest.put(nestKey, nested);
return nested.put(nestedKey, nestedValue);
public void dump(Player player) {
Iterator<String> i = partyPlayers.keySet().iterator();
while(i.hasNext()) {
String nestkey = i.next();
Iterator<String> j = partyPlayers.get(nestkey).keySet().iterator();
while(j.hasNext()) {
String nestedkey = j.next();
if(partyPlayers.get(nestkey).get(nestedkey)) {
} else {
public void lockParty(String partyName) {
this.partyLocks.put(partyName, true);
public void unlockParty(String partyName) {
this.partyLocks.put(partyName, false);
public void deleteParty(String partyName) {
public void setPartyPassword(String partyName, String password) {
if(password.equalsIgnoreCase("\"\"")) password = null;
this.partyPasswords.put(partyName, password);
public void setPartyLeader(String partyName, String playerName) {
Iterator<String> i = partyPlayers.get(partyName).keySet().iterator();
while(i.hasNext()) {
String playerKey = i.next();
if(playerKey.equalsIgnoreCase(playerName)) {
partyPlayers.get(partyName).put(playerName, true);
//TODO: Needs more locale.
plugin.getServer().getPlayer(playerName).sendMessage("You are now the party owner.");
if(partyPlayers.get(partyName).get(playerKey)) {
//TODO: Needs more locale.
plugin.getServer().getPlayer(playerKey).sendMessage("You are no longer party owner.");
partyPlayers.get(partyName).put(playerKey, false);
public String getPartyPassword(String partyName) {
return this.partyPasswords.get(partyName);
public boolean canInvite(Player player, PlayerProfile PP) {
return (isPartyLocked(PP.getParty()) && !isPartyLeader(player, PP.getParty())) ? false : true;
public boolean isParty(String partyName) {
return this.partyPlayers.containsKey(partyName);
public boolean isPartyEmpty(String partyName) {
return this.partyPlayers.get(partyName).isEmpty();
public boolean isPartyLeader(Player player, String partyName) {
if(this.partyPlayers.get(partyName).get(player.getName()) == null) return false;
return this.partyPlayers.get(partyName).get(player.getName());
public boolean isPartyLocked(String partyName) {
if(this.partyLocks.get(partyName) == null) return false;
return this.partyLocks.get(partyName);
public boolean isPartyPasswordProtected(String partyName) {
return !(this.partyPasswords.get(partyName) == null);
public boolean isInParty(Player player, PlayerProfile PP) {
return partyPlayers.get(PP.getParty()).containsKey(player.getName());
public void loadParties() {
if(new File(partyPlayersFile).exists()) {
try {
ObjectInputStream obj = new ObjectInputStream(new FileInputStream(partyPlayersFile));
this.partyPlayers = (HashMap<String, HashMap<String, Boolean>>)obj.readObject();
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace();
} catch (EOFException e) { mcMMO.log.info("partyPlayersFile empty.");
} catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace();
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }
if(new File(partyLocksFile).exists()) {
try {
ObjectInputStream obj = new ObjectInputStream(new FileInputStream(partyLocksFile));
this.partyLocks = (HashMap<String, Boolean>)obj.readObject();
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace();
} catch (EOFException e) { mcMMO.log.info("partyLocksFile empty.");
} catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace();
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }
if(new File(partyPasswordsFile).exists()) {
try {
ObjectInputStream obj = new ObjectInputStream(new FileInputStream(partyPasswordsFile));
this.partyPasswords = (HashMap<String, String>)obj.readObject();
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace();
} catch (EOFException e) { mcMMO.log.info("partyPasswordsFile empty.");
} catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace();
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }
public void saveParties() {
public void savePartyPlayers() {
try {
new File(partyPlayersFile).createNewFile();
ObjectOutputStream obj = new ObjectOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(partyPlayersFile));
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace();
} catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }
public void savePartyLocks() {
try {
new File(partyLocksFile).createNewFile();
ObjectOutputStream obj = new ObjectOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(partyLocksFile));
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace();
} catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }
public void savePartyPasswords() {
try {
new File(partyPasswordsFile).createNewFile();
ObjectOutputStream obj = new ObjectOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(partyPasswordsFile));
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace();
} catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }
Reference in New Issue
Block a user