graywolf336 7ad5fedfd1 Work on the tests and change up some performance issues.
1. In the player move event we looped through the jailed players more
than once which really is an issue when you have several hundred jailed
and since the move event is called several times a second, that was a
huge performance hit.
2. Don't save the prisoner data as soon as they are jailed, we take care
of that else where with the shutting down and counting down time.
2014-05-30 15:54:11 -05:00

1182 lines
47 KiB

package com.graywolf336.jail;
import java.sql.Blob;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.UUID;
import org.bukkit.Location;
import org.bukkit.configuration.file.FileConfiguration;
import org.bukkit.configuration.file.YamlConfiguration;
import com.graywolf336.jail.beans.Cell;
import com.graywolf336.jail.beans.Jail;
import com.graywolf336.jail.beans.Prisoner;
import com.graywolf336.jail.beans.SimpleLocation;
import com.graywolf336.jail.enums.LangString;
* Handles all the saving and loading of the plugin's data.
* @author graywolf336
* @since 2.x.x
* @version 3.0.0
public class JailIO {
private JailMain pl;
private FileConfiguration flat, lang, records;
private Connection con;
private int storage; //0 = flatfile, 1 = sqlite, 2 = mysql
private String prefix;
public JailIO(JailMain plugin) { = plugin;
String st = pl.getConfig().getString("storage.type", "flatfile");
if(st.equalsIgnoreCase("sqlite")) {
storage = 1;
prefix = pl.getConfig().getString("storage.mysql.prefix");
}else if(st.equalsIgnoreCase("mysql")) {
storage = 2;
prefix = pl.getConfig().getString("storage.mysql.prefix");
}else {
storage = 0;
pl.debug("The storage type " + st + " with the type being " + storage + ".");
if(!pl.inDebug()) pl.getLogger().info("Storage type selected: " + st);
/** Loads the language file from disk, if there is none then we save the default one. */
public void loadLanguage() {
String language = pl.getConfig().getString("system.language");
boolean save = false;
File langFile = new File(pl.getDataFolder(), language + ".yml");
//File or folder already exists, let's check
if(langFile.exists()) {
if(langFile.isFile()) {
lang = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(langFile);
pl.getLogger().info("Loaded the language: " + language);
}else {
pl.getLogger().severe("The language file can not be a folder.");
pl.getLogger().severe("As a result, we are reverting back to English as the language.");
lang = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(new InputStreamReader(pl.getResource("en.yml")));
save = true;
}else {
pl.getLogger().warning("Loading the default language of: en");
pl.getLogger().warning("If you wish to change this, please rename 'en.yml' to whatever you wish and set the config value to the name of the file.");
lang = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(new InputStreamReader(pl.getResource("en.yml")));
save = true;
//If we have flagged to save the language file, let's save it as en.yml as this flag usually means they didn't have it loaded.
if(save) {
try { File(pl.getDataFolder(), "en.yml"));
} catch (IOException e) {
pl.getLogger().severe("Unable to save the language file: " + e.getMessage());
/** Returns the message in the language, no variables are replaced.*/
public String getLanguageString(LangString langString) {
return getLanguageString(langString, new String[] {});
/** Returns the message in the language, no variables are replaced.*/
public String getLanguageString(LangString langString, LangString langString2) {
return getLanguageString(langString, getLanguageString(langString2, new String[] {}));
* Returns the message in the language, with the provided variables being replaced.
* @param langString Which {@link LangString} we should be getting to send.
* @param variables All the variables to replace, in order from 0 to however many.
* @return The message as a colorful message or an empty message if that isn't defined in the language file.
public String getLanguageString(LangString langString, String... variables) {
String message = lang.getString("language." + langString.getSection() + "." + langString.getName());
if(message == null) return "";
for (int i = 0; i < variables.length; i++) {
message = message.replaceAll("%" + i + "%", variables[i]);
return Util.getColorfulMessage(message);
/** Prepares the storage engine to be used, returns true if everything went good. */
public boolean prepareStorage(boolean doInitialCreations) {
switch(storage) {
case 1:
try {
pl.getLogger().info("Connecting to the sqlite database.");
Connection sqliteConnection = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:sqlite:" + new File(pl.getDataFolder().getPath(), "jail3.sqlite").getPath());
this.con = sqliteConnection;
pl.debug("Connection created for sqlite.");
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
pl.getLogger().severe("---------- Jail Error!!! ----------");
pl.getLogger().severe("Sqlite driver not found, disabling the plugin.");
return false;
} catch (SQLException e) {
pl.getLogger().severe("---------- Jail Error!!! ----------");
pl.getLogger().severe("Unable to connect to the sqlite database, please update your config accordingly.");
return false;
case 2:
try {
pl.getLogger().info("Connecting to the MySQL database.");
Connection mysqlConnection = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://" + pl.getConfig().getString("") + ":"
+ pl.getConfig().getString("storage.mysql.port") + "/"
+ pl.getConfig().getString("storage.mysql.database"), pl.getConfig().getString("storage.mysql.username"), pl.getConfig().getString("storage.mysql.password"));
this.con = mysqlConnection;
pl.debug("Connection created for MySQL.");
if(doInitialCreations) createTables();
} catch(ClassNotFoundException e) {
pl.getLogger().severe("---------- Jail Error!!! ----------");
pl.getLogger().severe("MySQL driver not found, disabling the plugin.");
return false;
} catch (SQLException e) {
pl.getLogger().severe("---------- Jail Error!!! ----------");
pl.getLogger().severe("Unable to connect to the MySQL database, please update your config accordingly.");
return false;
flat = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(new File(pl.getDataFolder(), "data.yml"));
records = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(new File(pl.getDataFolder(), "records.yml"));
return true;
* Gets the connection for the sqlite and mysql, null if flatfile.
* @return The connection for the sql database.
public Connection getConnection() {
switch(storage) {
case 1:
case 2:
if(con == null) this.prepareStorage(false);
try {
if(!con.isValid(10)) this.prepareStorage(false);
} catch (SQLException e) {
pl.getLogger().severe("---------- Jail Error!!! ----------");
pl.getLogger().severe("Unable to get a Sql connection, please see the error above and fix the problem.");
return null;
return con;
return null;
/** Closes the sql connection. */
public void closeConnection() {
switch(storage) {
case 1:
case 2:
try {
if(con != null) {
con = null;
pl.debug("Closed the SQL connection.");
} catch (SQLException e) {
pl.getLogger().severe("---------- Jail Error!!! ----------");
pl.getLogger().severe("Unable to close the SQL connection.");
private void createTables() {
if(con == null) {
pl.debug("The connection was null when we tried to create a table.");
try {
Statement st = con.createStatement();
case 1:
//TODO: yeah big time!
case 2:
String jailCreateCmd = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `" + prefix + "jails` ("
+ "`name` VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL,"
+ "`world` VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL COMMENT 'The world for the top, bottom, and teleport in.',"
+ "`top.x` INT NOT NULL COMMENT 'The top coordinate x.',"
+ "`top.y` INT NOT NULL COMMENT 'The top coordinate y.',"
+ "`top.z` INT NOT NULL COMMENT 'The top coordinate z.',"
+ "`bottom.x` INT NOT NULL COMMENT 'The bottom coordinate x.',"
+ "`bottom.y` INT NOT NULL COMMENT 'The bottom coordinate y.',"
+ "`bottom.z` INT NOT NULL COMMENT 'The bottom coordinate z.',"
+ "`` DOUBLE NOT NULL COMMENT 'The teleport in x coordinate.',"
+ "`` DOUBLE NOT NULL COMMENT 'The teleport in y coordinate.',"
+ "`` DOUBLE NOT NULL COMMENT 'The teleport in z coordinate.',"
+ "`` DOUBLE NOT NULL COMMENT 'The teleport in yaw.',"
+ "`` DOUBLE NOT NULL COMMENT 'The teleport in pitch.',"
+ "`` VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL COMMENT 'The teleport for being free world.',"
+ "`` DOUBLE NOT NULL COMMENT 'The teleport for being free x coordinate.',"
+ "`` DOUBLE NOT NULL COMMENT 'The teleport for being free y coordinate.',"
+ "`` DOUBLE NOT NULL COMMENT 'The teleport for being free z coordinate.',"
+ "`` DOUBLE NOT NULL COMMENT 'The teleport for being free yaw.',"
+ "`` DOUBLE NOT NULL COMMENT 'The teleport for being free pitch.',"
+ "PRIMARY KEY (`name`),"
+ "UNIQUE INDEX `name_UNIQUE` (`name` ASC))"
+ "COMMENT = 'Holds all the jails for the Bukkit Jail plugin.';";
String cellCreateCmd = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `" + prefix + "cells` ("
+ "`cellid` INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT 'The cellid for the database.',"
+ "`name` VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL COMMENT 'The name of the cell.',"
+ "`jail` VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL COMMENT 'The name of the jail the cell is in.',"
+ "`tp.x` DOUBLE NOT NULL COMMENT 'The teleport in x coordinate.',"
+ "`tp.y` DOUBLE NOT NULL COMMENT 'The teleport in y coordinate.',"
+ "`tp.z` DOUBLE NOT NULL COMMENT 'The teleport in z coordinate.',"
+ "`tp.yaw` DOUBLE NOT NULL COMMENT 'The teleport in yaw.',"
+ "`tp.pitch` DOUBLE NOT NULL COMMENT 'The teleport in pitch.',"
+ "`chest.x` INT NULL COMMENT 'The chest x coordinate.',"
+ "`chest.y` INT NULL COMMENT 'The chest y coordinate.',"
+ "`chest.z` INT NULL COMMENT 'The chest z coordinate.',"
+ "`signs` VARCHAR(250) NULL COMMENT 'A string containing the signs.',"
+ "PRIMARY KEY (`cellid`),"
+ "UNIQUE INDEX `cellid_UNIQUE` (`cellid` ASC))"
+ "COMMENT = 'Contains all the cells for the jails.';";
String prisCreateCmd = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `" + prefix + "prisoners` ("
+ "`uuid` VARCHAR(36) NOT NULL COMMENT 'The UUID of the prisoner.',"
+ "`name` VARCHAR(16) NOT NULL COMMENT 'The name of the prisoner.',"
+ "`jail` VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL COMMENT 'The jail the prisoner is in.',"
+ "`cell` VARCHAR(250) NULL COMMENT 'The cell the prisoner is in.',"
+ "`muted` TINYINT NOT NULL COMMENT 'Whether the player is muted or not.',"
+ "`time` INT NOT NULL COMMENT 'The remaining time the prisoner has.',"
+ "`offlinePending` TINYINT NOT NULL COMMENT 'Whether the prisoner has something happened to them while they were offline.',"
+ "`toBeTransferred` TINYINT NOT NULL COMMENT 'Whether the prisoner is to be transferred.',"
+ "`jailer` VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL COMMENT 'The name of the person who jailed them.',"
+ "`reason` VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL COMMENT 'The reason they are jailed.',"
+ "`inventory` BLOB NULL COMMENT 'Their inventory in base64.',"
+ "`armor` BLOB NULL COMMENT 'The armor in base64.',"
+ "`previousLocation` VARCHAR(250) NULL COMMENT 'A string of their previous location.',"
+ "`previousGameMode` VARCHAR(16) NULL COMMENT 'Their previous gamemode before they were jailed.',"
+ "PRIMARY KEY (`uuid`),"
+ "UNIQUE INDEX `uuid_UNIQUE` (`uuid` ASC))"
+ "COMMENT = 'Contains all the prisoners, in cells and jails.';";
String proCreateCmd = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `" + prefix + "records` ("
+ "`recordid` INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT 'Auto generated number for the records database.',"
+ "`uuid` VARCHAR(36) NOT NULL COMMENT 'The UUID of the prisoner.',"
+ "`username` VARCHAR(16) NOT NULL COMMENT 'The username of the prisoner.',"
+ "`jailer` VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL COMMENT 'The name of the person who jailed the prisoner.',"
+ "`date` VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL COMMENT 'A string of the date.',"
+ "`time` INT NOT NULL COMMENT 'The milliseconds they were jailed for.',"
+ "`reason` VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL COMMENT 'The reason they were jailed for.',"
+ "PRIMARY KEY (`recordid`),"
+ "UNIQUE INDEX `recordid_UNIQUE` (`recordid` ASC))"
+ "COMMENT = 'Holds a history of all the times prisoners have been jailed.'";
} catch (SQLException e) {
pl.getLogger().severe("---------- Jail Error!!! ----------");
pl.getLogger().severe("Error while creating the tables, please check the error and fix what is wrong.");
* Loads the jails, this should <strong>only</strong> be called after {@link #prepareStorage(boolean)}.
public void loadJails() {
switch(storage) {
case 1:
case 2:
//load the jails from mysql and sqlite
long st = System.currentTimeMillis();
try {
if(con == null) this.prepareStorage(false);
PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM " + prefix + "jails");
ResultSet set = ps.executeQuery();
while( {
Jail j = new Jail(pl, set.getString("name"));
j.setMaxPoint(new int[] { set.getInt("top.x"), set.getInt("top.y"), set.getInt("top.z") });
j.setMinPoint(new int[] { set.getInt("bottom.x"), set.getInt("bottom.y"), set.getInt("bottom.z") });
j.setTeleportIn(new Location(pl.getServer().getWorld(j.getWorldName()), set.getDouble(""),
set.getDouble(""), set.getDouble(""),
set.getFloat(""), set.getFloat("")));
j.setTeleportFree(new Location(pl.getServer().getWorld(j.getWorldName()), set.getDouble(""),
set.getDouble(""), set.getDouble(""),
set.getFloat(""), set.getFloat("")));
pl.getJailManager().addJail(j, false);
} catch (SQLException e) {
pl.getLogger().severe("---------- Jail Error!!! ----------");
pl.getLogger().severe("Error while loading the jails, please check the error and fix what is wrong.");
//This list contains an integer which refers to the cellid column in sql
//this list only gets populated if there are cells which reference a jail
//that doesn't exist anymore
List<Integer> cellsToRemove = new LinkedList<Integer>();
try {
if(con == null) this.prepareStorage(false);
PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM " + prefix + "cells");
ResultSet set = ps.executeQuery();
while( {
Jail j = pl.getJailManager().getJail(set.getString("jail"));
if(j != null) {
Cell c = new Cell(set.getString("name"));
c.setTeleport(new SimpleLocation(j.getWorldName(), set.getDouble("tp.x"), set.getDouble("tp.y"), set.getDouble("tp.z"),
set.getFloat("tp.yaw"), set.getFloat("tp.pitch")));
c.setChestLocation(new Location(j.getWorld(), set.getInt("chest.x"), set.getInt("chest.y"), set.getInt("chest.z")));
String cSigns = set.getString("signs");
if(!cSigns.isEmpty()) {
String[] signs = cSigns.split(";");
for(String s : signs) {
String[] co = s.split(",");
c.addSign(new SimpleLocation(co[0], co[1], co[2], co[3]));
j.addCell(c, false);
}else {
pl.debug("There are " + cellsToRemove.size() + " cells we need to remove due to being invalid.");
} catch (SQLException e) {
pl.getLogger().severe("---------- Jail Error!!! ----------");
pl.getLogger().severe("Error while loading all of the cells, please check the error and fix what is wrong.");
//Remove the invalid prisoners
if(cellsToRemove.size() != 0) {
String names = "";
for(int c : cellsToRemove) {
if(names.isEmpty()) names = "'" + c + "'";
else names += "," + "'" + c + "'";
try {
PreparedStatement cds = con.prepareStatement("delete from " + prefix + "cells where cellid in (" + names + ");");
pl.debug("Deleting old cells: 'delete from " + prefix + "cells where cellid in (" + names + ");'");
int count = cds.executeUpdate();
pl.getLogger().info("Deleted " + count + " old cells which referenced a jail no longer valid: " + names);
} catch (SQLException e) {
pl.getLogger().severe("---------- Jail Error!!! ----------");
pl.getLogger().severe("Error while deleting the old cells which don't have a valid jail, please check the error and fix what is wrong.");
//This list contains a string which refers to the name of the prisoner in sql
//this list only gets populated if there are prisoners which reference a jail
//that doesn't exist anymore
List<String> prisonersToRemove = new LinkedList<String>();
try {
if(con == null) this.prepareStorage(false);
PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM " + prefix + "prisoners");
ResultSet set = ps.executeQuery();
while( {
Jail j = pl.getJailManager().getJail(set.getString("jail"));
if(j != null) {
String cellname = set.getString("cell");
Cell c = j.getCell(cellname);
Prisoner p = new Prisoner(set.getString("uuid"), set.getString("name"), set.getBoolean("muted"), set.getLong("time"), set.getString("jailer"), set.getString("reason"));
Blob inv = set.getBlob("inventory");
p.setInventory(new String(inv.getBytes(1, (int) inv.length())));
Blob ar = set.getBlob("armor");
p.setArmor(new String(ar.getBytes(1, (int)ar.length())));
if(cellname == null || cellname.isEmpty()) {
}else if(c != null) {
}else {
//the prisoner is assigned to a cell which doesn't exist, so just put them into the jail
} else {
//if the jail doesn't exist, do the same as the cells
pl.debug("There are " + prisonersToRemove.size() + " prisoners we need to remove due to being invalid.");
} catch (SQLException e) {
pl.getLogger().severe("---------- Jail Error!!! ----------");
pl.getLogger().severe("Error while loading all of the prisoners, please check the error and fix what is wrong.");
//Remove the invalid prisoners
if(prisonersToRemove.size() != 0) {
String names = "";
for(String s : prisonersToRemove) {
if(names.isEmpty()) names = "'" + s + "'";
else names += "," + "'" + s + "'";
try {
PreparedStatement pds = con.prepareStatement("delete from " + prefix + "prisoners where name in (" + names + ");");
pl.debug("Deleting old prisoners: 'delete from " + prefix + "prisoners where name in (" + names + ");'");
int count = pds.executeUpdate();
pl.getLogger().info("Deleted " + count + " old prisoners which referenced a jail no longer valid: " + names);
} catch (SQLException e) {
pl.getLogger().severe("---------- Jail Error!!! ----------");
pl.getLogger().severe("Error while deleting the old prisoners which don't have a valid jail, please check the error and fix what is wrong.");
pl.debug("Took " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - st) + " millis.");
//load the jails from flatfile
if(flat.isConfigurationSection("jails")) {
Set<String> jails = flat.getConfigurationSection("jails").getKeys(false);
if(!jails.isEmpty()) {
for(String name : jails) {
int js = pl.getJailManager().getJails().size();
pl.getLogger().info("Loaded " + js + (js == 1 ? " jail." : " jails."));
int cs = pl.getJailManager().getAllCells().size();
pl.getLogger().info("Loaded " + cs + (cs == 1 ? " cell." : " cells."));
int ps = pl.getJailManager().getAllPrisoners().size();
pl.getLogger().info("Loaded " + ps + (ps == 1 ? " prisoner." : " prisoners."));
private void loadJailFromFlatFile(String name) {
String node = "jails." + name + ".";
String cNode = node + "cells.";
Jail j = new Jail(pl, name);
j.setWorld(flat.getString(node + "world"));
j.setMaxPoint(new int[] {flat.getInt(node + "top.x"), flat.getInt(node + "top.y"), flat.getInt(node + "top.z")});
j.setMinPoint(new int[] {flat.getInt(node + "bottom.x"), flat.getInt(node + "bottom.y"), flat.getInt(node + "bottom.z")});
j.setTeleportIn(new Location(
pl.getServer().getWorld(flat.getString(node + "world")),
flat.getDouble(node + ""),
flat.getDouble(node + ""),
flat.getDouble(node + ""),
(float) flat.getDouble(node + ""),
(float) flat.getDouble(node + "")));
j.setTeleportFree(new Location(
pl.getServer().getWorld(flat.getString(node + "world")),
flat.getDouble(node + ""),
flat.getDouble(node + ""),
flat.getDouble(node + ""),
(float) flat.getDouble(node + ""),
(float) flat.getDouble(node + "")));
if(flat.isConfigurationSection(node + "cells")) {
Set<String> cells = flat.getConfigurationSection(node + "cells").getKeys(false);
if(!cells.isEmpty()) {
for(String cell : cells) {
Cell c = new Cell(cell);
String cellNode = cNode + cell + ".";
c.setTeleport(new SimpleLocation(j.getTeleportIn().getWorld().getName(),
flat.getDouble(cellNode + "tp.x"),
flat.getDouble(cellNode + "tp.y"),
flat.getDouble(cellNode + "tp.z"),
(float) flat.getDouble(cellNode + "tp.yaw"),
(float) flat.getDouble(cellNode + "tp.pitch")));
c.setChestLocation(new Location(j.getTeleportIn().getWorld(),
flat.getInt(cellNode + "chest.x"),
flat.getInt(cellNode + "chest.y"),
flat.getInt(cellNode + "chest.z")));
for(String sign : flat.getStringList(cellNode + "signs")) {
String[] arr = sign.split(",");
c.addSign(new SimpleLocation(arr[0],
if(flat.contains(cellNode + "prisoner")) {
Prisoner p = new Prisoner(flat.getString(cellNode + "prisoner.uuid"),
flat.getString(cellNode + ""),
flat.getBoolean(cellNode + "prisoner.muted"),
flat.getLong(cellNode + "prisoner.time"),
flat.getString(cellNode + "prisoner.jailer"),
flat.getString(cellNode + "prisoner.reason"));
p.setOfflinePending(flat.getBoolean(cellNode + "prisoner.offlinePending"));
p.setToBeTransferred(flat.getBoolean(cellNode + "prisoner.toBeTransferred"));
p.setPreviousPosition(flat.getString(cellNode + "prisoner.previousLocation"));
p.setPreviousGameMode(flat.getString(cellNode + "prisoner.previousGameMode"));
p.setInventory(flat.getString(cellNode + "prisoner.inventory", ""));
p.setArmor(flat.getString(cellNode + "prisoner.armor", ""));
j.addCell(c, false);
if(flat.isConfigurationSection(node + "prisoners")) {
Set<String> prisoners = flat.getConfigurationSection(node + "prisoners").getKeys(false);
if(!prisoners.isEmpty()) {
for(String uuid : prisoners) {
String pNode = node + "prisoners." + uuid + ".";
Prisoner pris = new Prisoner(uuid,
flat.getString(pNode + "name"),
flat.getBoolean(pNode + "muted"),
flat.getLong(pNode + "time"),
flat.getString(pNode + "jailer"),
flat.getString(pNode + "reason"));
pris.setOfflinePending(flat.getBoolean(pNode + "offlinePending"));
pris.setToBeTransferred(flat.getBoolean(pNode + "toBeTransferred"));
pris.setPreviousPosition(flat.getString(pNode + "previousLocation"));
pris.setPreviousGameMode(flat.getString(pNode + "previousGameMode"));
pris.setInventory(flat.getString(pNode + "inventory", ""));
pris.setArmor(flat.getString(pNode + "armor", ""));
if(pl.getServer().getWorld(j.getWorldName()) != null) {
pl.getJailManager().addJail(j, false);
pl.getLogger().info("Loaded jail " + j.getName() + " with " + j.getAllPrisoners().size() + " prisoners and " + j.getCellCount() + " cells.");
} else
pl.getLogger().severe("Failed to load the jail " + j.getName() + " as the world '" + j.getWorldName() + "' does not exist (is null). Did you remove this world?");
/** Saves everything about a jail, don't usually call this. */
public void saveEverything() {
long st = System.currentTimeMillis();
for(Jail j : pl.getJailManager().getJails()) {
for(Cell c : j.getCells()) {
saveCell(j, c);
pl.debug("Saving everything took " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - st) + " millis.");
* Saves the provided {@link Jail jail} to the storage system we are using.
* @param j The jail to save.
public void saveJail(Jail j) {
switch(storage) {
case 1:
case 2:
long st = System.currentTimeMillis();
try {
if(con == null) this.prepareStorage(false);
PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement("REPLACE INTO "
+ prefix + "jails (`name`, `world`, `top.x`, `top.y`, `top.z`, `bottom.x`, `bottom.y`,"
+ "`bottom.z`, ``, ``, ``, ``, ``,"
+ "``, ``, ``, ``, ``, ``)"
+ "VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)");
ps.setString(1, j.getName());
ps.setString(2, j.getWorldName());
ps.setInt(3, j.getMaxPoint().getBlockX());
ps.setInt(4, j.getMaxPoint().getBlockY());
ps.setInt(5, j.getMaxPoint().getBlockZ());
ps.setInt(6, j.getMinPoint().getBlockX());
ps.setInt(7, j.getMinPoint().getBlockY());
ps.setInt(8, j.getMinPoint().getBlockZ());
ps.setDouble(9, j.getTeleportIn().getX());
ps.setDouble(10, j.getTeleportIn().getY());
ps.setDouble(11, j.getTeleportIn().getZ());
ps.setDouble(12, j.getTeleportIn().getYaw());
ps.setDouble(13, j.getTeleportIn().getPitch());
ps.setString(14, j.getTeleportFree().getWorld().getName());
ps.setDouble(15, j.getTeleportFree().getX());
ps.setDouble(16, j.getTeleportFree().getY());
ps.setDouble(17, j.getTeleportFree().getZ());
ps.setDouble(18, j.getTeleportFree().getYaw());
ps.setDouble(19, j.getTeleportFree().getPitch());
} catch (SQLException e) {
pl.getLogger().severe("---------- Jail Error!!! ----------");
pl.getLogger().severe("Error while saving the Jail '" + j.getName() + "' (not updating the prisoners), please check the error and fix what is wrong.");
try {
if(con == null) this.prepareStorage(false);
for(Cell c : j.getCells()) {
if(c.hasPrisoner()) {
Prisoner p = c.getPrisoner();
PreparedStatement pPS = con.prepareStatement("REPLACE INTO `" + prefix + "prisoners` (`uuid`, `name`, `jail`, `cell`, `muted`, `time`,"
+ "`offlinePending`, `toBeTransferred`, `jailer`, `reason`, `inventory`, `armor`, `previousLocation`, `previousGameMode`)"
+ "VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)");
pPS.setString(1, p.getUUID().toString());
pPS.setString(2, p.getLastKnownName());
pPS.setString(3, j.getName());
pPS.setString(4, c.getName());
pPS.setBoolean(5, p.isMuted());
pPS.setFloat(6, p.getRemainingTime());
pPS.setBoolean(7, p.isOfflinePending());
pPS.setBoolean(8, p.isToBeTransferred());
pPS.setString(9, p.getJailer());
pPS.setString(10, p.getReason());
pPS.setBytes(11, p.getInventory().getBytes());
pPS.setBytes(12, p.getArmor().getBytes());
pPS.setString(13, p.getPreviousLocationString());
pPS.setString(14, p.getPreviousGameMode().toString());
} catch (SQLException e) {
pl.getLogger().severe("---------- Jail Error!!! ----------");
pl.getLogger().severe("Error while saving the cells of the Jail '" + j.getName() + "', please check the error and fix what is wrong.");
try {
if(con == null) this.prepareStorage(false);
for(Prisoner p : j.getPrisonersNotInCells().values()) {
PreparedStatement pPS = con.prepareStatement("REPLACE INTO `" + prefix + "prisoners` (`uuid`, `name`, `jail`, `cell`, `muted`, `time`,"
+ "`offlinePending`, `toBeTransferred`, `jailer`, `reason`, `inventory`, `armor`, `previousLocation`, `previousGameMode`) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)");
pPS.setString(1, p.getUUID().toString());
pPS.setString(2, p.getLastKnownName());
pPS.setString(3, j.getName());
pPS.setString(4, "");
pPS.setBoolean(5, p.isMuted());
pPS.setFloat(6, p.getRemainingTime());
pPS.setBoolean(7, p.isOfflinePending());
pPS.setBoolean(8, p.isToBeTransferred());
pPS.setString(9, p.getJailer());
pPS.setString(10, p.getReason());
pPS.setBytes(11, p.getInventory().getBytes());
pPS.setBytes(12, p.getArmor().getBytes());
pPS.setString(13, p.getPreviousLocationString());
pPS.setString(14, p.getPreviousGameMode().toString());
} catch (SQLException e) {
pl.getLogger().severe("---------- Jail Error!!! ----------");
pl.getLogger().severe("Error while saving the prisoners of the Jail '" + j.getName() + "', please check the error and fix what is wrong.");
pl.debug("Took " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - st) + " millis.");
if(flat != null) {
String node = "jails." + j.getName() + ".";
flat.set(node + "world", j.getWorldName());
flat.set(node + "top.x", j.getMaxPoint().getBlockX());
flat.set(node + "top.y", j.getMaxPoint().getBlockY());
flat.set(node + "top.z", j.getMaxPoint().getBlockZ());
flat.set(node + "bottom.x", j.getMinPoint().getBlockX());
flat.set(node + "bottom.y", j.getMinPoint().getBlockY());
flat.set(node + "bottom.z", j.getMinPoint().getBlockZ());
//Tele in
flat.set(node + "", j.getTeleportIn().getX());
flat.set(node + "", j.getTeleportIn().getY());
flat.set(node + "", j.getTeleportIn().getZ());
flat.set(node + "", j.getTeleportIn().getYaw());
flat.set(node + "", j.getTeleportIn().getPitch());
//Tele out
flat.set(node + "", j.getTeleportFree().getWorld().getName());
flat.set(node + "", j.getTeleportFree().getX());
flat.set(node + "", j.getTeleportFree().getY());
flat.set(node + "", j.getTeleportFree().getZ());
flat.set(node + "", j.getTeleportFree().getYaw());
flat.set(node + "", j.getTeleportFree().getPitch());
//Set all the cells to nothing, then we save each of them so no cells are left behind
flat.set(node + "cells", null);
for(Cell c : j.getCells()) {
String cNode = node + "cells." + c.getName() + ".";
if(c.getTeleport() != null) {
flat.set(cNode + "tp.x", c.getTeleport().getX());
flat.set(cNode + "tp.y", c.getTeleport().getY());
flat.set(cNode + "tp.z", c.getTeleport().getZ());
flat.set(cNode + "tp.yaw", c.getTeleport().getYaw());
flat.set(cNode + "tp.pitch", c.getTeleport().getPitch());
if(c.getChestLocation() != null) {
flat.set(cNode + "chest.x", c.getChestLocation().getBlockX());
flat.set(cNode + "chest.y", c.getChestLocation().getBlockY());
flat.set(cNode + "chest.z", c.getChestLocation().getBlockZ());
String[] signs = new String[c.getSigns().size()];
int count = 0;
for(SimpleLocation loc : c.getSigns()) {
signs[count] = loc.toString();
flat.set(cNode + "signs", signs);
if(c.getPrisoner() != null) {
Prisoner p = c.getPrisoner();
flat.set(cNode + "prisoner.uuid", p.getUUID().toString());
flat.set(cNode + "", p.getLastKnownName());
flat.set(cNode + "prisoner.muted", p.isMuted());
flat.set(cNode + "prisoner.time", p.getRemainingTime());
flat.set(cNode + "prisoner.offlinePending", p.isOfflinePending());
flat.set(cNode + "prisoner.toBeTransferred", p.isToBeTransferred());
flat.set(cNode + "prisoner.jailer", p.getJailer());
flat.set(cNode + "prisoner.reason", p.getReason());
flat.set(cNode + "prisoner.inventory", p.getInventory());
flat.set(cNode + "prisoner.armor", p.getArmor());
if(p.getPreviousLocationString() != null)
flat.set(cNode + "prisoner.previousLocation", p.getPreviousLocationString());
if(p.getPreviousGameMode() != null)
flat.set(cNode + "prisoner.previousGameMode", p.getPreviousGameMode().toString());
//Null all the prisoners out before we save them again, this way no prisoners are left behind
flat.set(node + "prisoners", null);
for(Prisoner p : j.getPrisonersNotInCells().values()) {
String pNode = node + "prisoners." + p.getUUID().toString() + ".";
flat.set(pNode + "name", p.getLastKnownName());
flat.set(pNode + "muted", p.isMuted());
flat.set(pNode + "time", p.getRemainingTime());
flat.set(pNode + "offlinePending", p.isOfflinePending());
flat.set(pNode + "toBeTransferred", p.isToBeTransferred());
flat.set(pNode + "jailer", p.getJailer());
flat.set(pNode + "reason", p.getReason());
flat.set(pNode + "inventory", p.getInventory());
flat.set(pNode + "armor", p.getArmor());
if(p.getPreviousLocationString() != null)
flat.set(pNode + "previousLocation", p.getPreviousLocationString());
if(p.getPreviousGameMode() != null)
flat.set(pNode + "previousGameMode", p.getPreviousGameMode().toString());
try { File(pl.getDataFolder(), "data.yml"));
} catch (IOException e) {
pl.getLogger().severe("Unable to save the Jail data: " + e.getMessage());
}else {
pl.getLogger().severe("Storage not enabled, could not save the jail " + j.getName());
public void saveCell(Jail j, Cell c) {
switch(storage) {
case 1:
case 2:
try {
if(con == null) this.prepareStorage(false);
PreparedStatement cPS = con.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO `" + prefix + "cells` (`name`, `jail`, `tp.x`, `tp.y`, `tp.z`, `tp.yaw`,"
+ "`tp.pitch`, `chest.x`, `chest.y`, `chest.z`, `signs`) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)");
cPS.setString(1, c.getName());
cPS.setString(2, j.getName());
cPS.setDouble(3, c.getTeleport().getX());
cPS.setDouble(4, c.getTeleport().getY());
cPS.setDouble(5, c.getTeleport().getZ());
cPS.setDouble(6, c.getTeleport().getYaw());
cPS.setDouble(7, c.getTeleport().getPitch());
if(c.hasChest()) {
cPS.setInt(8, c.getChestLocation().getBlockX());
cPS.setInt(9, c.getChestLocation().getBlockY());
cPS.setInt(10, c.getChestLocation().getBlockZ());
}else {
cPS.setNull(8, java.sql.Types.INTEGER);
cPS.setNull(9, java.sql.Types.INTEGER);
cPS.setNull(10, java.sql.Types.INTEGER);
cPS.setString(11, c.getSignString());
if(c.hasPrisoner()) {
Prisoner p = c.getPrisoner();
PreparedStatement pPS = con.prepareStatement("REPLACE INTO `" + prefix + "prisoners` (`uuid`, `name`, `jail`, `cell`, `muted`, `time`,"
+ "`offlinePending`, `toBeTransferred`, `jailer`, `reason`, `inventory`, `armor`, `previousLocation`, `previousGameMode`) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)");
pPS.setString(1, p.getUUID().toString());
pPS.setString(2, p.getLastKnownName());
pPS.setString(3, j.getName());
pPS.setString(4, c.getName());
pPS.setBoolean(5, p.isMuted());
pPS.setFloat(6, p.getRemainingTime());
pPS.setBoolean(7, p.isOfflinePending());
pPS.setBoolean(8, p.isToBeTransferred());
pPS.setString(9, p.getJailer());
pPS.setString(10, p.getReason());
pPS.setBytes(11, p.getInventory().getBytes());
pPS.setBytes(12, p.getArmor().getBytes());
pPS.setString(13, p.getPreviousLocationString());
pPS.setString(14, p.getPreviousGameMode().toString());
} catch (SQLException e) {
pl.getLogger().severe("---------- Jail Error!!! ----------");
pl.getLogger().severe("Error while saving the cell '" + c.getName() + "' of the Jail '" + j.getName() + "', please check the error and fix what is wrong.");
* Removes the prisoner from the storage system.
* @param j the jail which the prisoner is in.
* @param p the prisoner data
public void removePrisoner(Jail j, Prisoner p) {
this.removePrisoner(j, null, p);
* Removes the prisoner from the storage system.
* @param j the jail which the prisoner is in.
* @param c the cell which the prisoner is in, null if none
* @param p the prisoner data
public void removePrisoner(Jail j, Cell c, Prisoner p) {
switch(storage) {
case 1:
case 2:
try {
PreparedStatement pp = con.prepareStatement("delete from `" + prefix + "prisoners` where uuid = ? limit 1;");
pp.setString(1, p.getUUID().toString());
pl.debug("Removing " + p.getLastKnownName() + " (" + p.getUUID().toString() + ") from MySQL database.");
} catch (SQLException e) {
pl.getLogger().severe("---------- Jail Error!!! ----------");
pl.getLogger().severe("Error while removing the prisoner '" + p.getLastKnownName() + "' from the database, please check the error and fix what is wrong.");
if(c == null)
flat.set("jails." + j.getName() + ".prisoners." + p.getUUID().toString(), null);
flat.set("jails." + j.getName() + "." + c.getName() + ".prisoner", null);
try { File(pl.getDataFolder(), "data.yml"));
} catch (IOException e) {
pl.getLogger().severe("Unable to save the Jail data: " + e.getMessage());
* Removes the provided cell from the jail.
* @param j instance of the jail the cell is in
* @param c instance of the cell we are removing
public void removeCell(Jail j, Cell c) {
//Clear the inventory before we delete it
if(c.hasChest()) c.getChest().getInventory().clear();
//transfer the prisoner if it has one
if(c.hasPrisoner()) {
pl.getLogger().warning("Removing of cell '" + c.getName() + "' from the jail '" + j.getName() + "' failed as it has a prisoner.");
switch(storage) {
case 1:
case 2:
try {
PreparedStatement p = con.prepareStatement("delete from `" + prefix + "cells` where name = ? and jail = ? limit 1;");
p.setString(1, c.getName());
p.setString(2, j.getName());
} catch (SQLException e) {
pl.getLogger().severe("---------- Jail Error!!! ----------");
pl.getLogger().severe("Error while removing the cell '" + c.getName() + "' from the Jail '" + j.getName() + "', please check the error and fix what is wrong.");
if(flat != null) {
flat.set("jails." + j.getName() + "cells." + c.getName(), null);
try { File(pl.getDataFolder(), "data.yml"));
} catch (IOException e) {
pl.getLogger().severe("---------- Jail Error!!! ----------");
pl.getLogger().severe("Removing of the cell '" + c.getName() + "' from the jail '" + j.getName() + "' errored out while on saving.");
* Removes a jail from the storage system.
* @param j the jail instance to remove.
public void removeJail(Jail j) {
String name = j.getName();
switch(storage) {
case 1:
case 2:
for(Cell c : j.getCells()) {
removeCell(j, c);
try {
PreparedStatement p = con.prepareStatement("delete from `" + prefix + "jails` where name = ?");
p.setString(1, name);
} catch (SQLException e) {
pl.getLogger().severe("---------- Jail Error!!! ----------");
pl.getLogger().severe("Error while removing the Jail '" + j.getName() + "', please check the error and fix what is wrong.");
flat.set("jails." + name, null);
try { File(pl.getDataFolder(), "data.yml"));
} catch (IOException e) {
pl.getLogger().severe("---------- Jail Error!!! ----------");
pl.getLogger().severe("Removing of the jail '" + j.getName() + "' errored out while on saving.");
* Adds an entry to the database/file for the user, logging when they was jailed.
* @param uuid of the player
* @param username of the player
* @param jailer who jailed them
* @param date string of when they are jailed
* @param time of the player's sentence
* @param reason the player is jailed
public void addRecordEntry(String uuid, String username, String jailer, String date, long time, String reason) {
switch(storage) {
case 1:
case 2:
try {
PreparedStatement p = con.prepareStatement("insert into `" + prefix + "records` (`uuid`, `username`, `jailer`, `date`, `time`, `reason`) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?);");
p.setString(1, uuid);
p.setString(2, username);
p.setString(3, jailer);
p.setString(4, date);
p.setLong(5, time);
p.setString(6, reason);
} catch (SQLException e) {
pl.getLogger().severe("---------- Jail Error!!! ----------");
pl.getLogger().severe("Error while adding a record entry for '" + username + "', please check the error and fix what is wrong.");
if(records == null) records = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(new File(pl.getDataFolder(), "records.yml"));
List<String> previous = records.getStringList(uuid);
previous.add(this.getLanguageString(LangString.RECORDENTRY, new String[] { date, username, jailer, String.valueOf(time), reason, uuid }));
records.set(username, previous);
try { File(pl.getDataFolder(), "records.yml"));
} catch (IOException e) {
pl.getLogger().severe("---------- Jail Error!!! ----------");
pl.getLogger().severe("Saving the records.yml file failed while putting an entry in for '" + username + "'.");
* Gets all the record entries for the given player.
* @param username the of the prisoner's records to get.
* @return A List of strings containing the record entries.
* @deprecated This calls getOfflinePlayer which is a blocking call from Bukkit
public List<String> getRecordEntries(String username) {
UUID uuid = pl.getServer().getOfflinePlayer(username).getUniqueId();
List<String> entries = new ArrayList<String>();
switch(storage) {
case 1:
case 2:
try {
PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM " + prefix + "records where uuid = ?");
ps.setString(1, uuid.toString());
ResultSet set = ps.executeQuery();
while( {
new String[] { set.getString("date"), set.getString("username"), set.getString("jailer"), String.valueOf(set.getLong("time")), set.getString("reason") }));
} catch (SQLException e) {
pl.getLogger().severe("---------- Jail Error!!! ----------");
pl.getLogger().severe("Error while getting all the record entries for '" + uuid + "', please check the error and fix what is wrong.");
if(records == null) records = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(new File(pl.getDataFolder(), "records.yml"));
entries = records.getStringList(uuid.toString());
return entries;