/** Sends the Jail Creation message for starting out. */
player.sendMessage(ChatColor.AQUA+"----------Jail Zone Creation----------");
player.sendMessage(ChatColor.GREEN+"First, you must select jail cuboid. Select the first point of the cuboid by right clicking on the block with your wooden sword. DO NOT FORGET TO MARK THE FLOOR AND CEILING TOO!");
p.sendMessage(ChatColor.AQUA+"---------- Jail Zone Creation ----------");
p.sendMessage(ChatColor.GREEN+"Second point selected. Now go inside the jail and right click anywhere to select your current position as the teleport location for the jail.");
/** Applies the third step, which is setting the teleport in location. */
p.sendMessage(ChatColor.AQUA+"---------- Jail Zone Creation ----------");
p.sendMessage(ChatColor.GREEN+"Teleport point selected. Now go outside of the jail and right click anywhere to select your current position as the location where people will be teleported after they are released from this jail.");
p.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED+"---------- Jail Zone Creation ----------");
p.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED+"Teleport point NOT selected. Now go inside the jail and right click anywhere to select your current position as the teleport location for the jail. Point must be INSIDE the points selected for the Jail.");
p.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED+"---------- Jail Zone Creation ----------");
p.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED+"Teleport out point NOT selected. Go outside of the jail and right click anywhere to select your current position as the location where people will be teleported after they are released from this jail.");