
65 lines
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# Player Payouts
This Spigot plugin gives players customizable payouts based on their played in-game time. A unique feature of this
plugin is a configurable bonus once players reach a specified total play-time on the server. The plugin is highly
configurable. You can alter the base payout per-group or per-player, you can adjust how often players are paid, how big
a percentage is paid to AFK players and whether players are alerted upon receiving a payout.
The logic for which payout is used is as follows:
- If a payout is set for a player, that payout will be used.
- If a payout is set for one or more of a player's group, the highest value will be used.
- If none of the above apply, the base pay is used.
## Dependencies
### Required
- Vault (A vault-compatible economy plugin is required. A vault-compatible permission is necessary for per-group
### Optional
- EssentialsX (Necessary for checking if a player is AFK)
## Commands
| Command | Arguments | Description |
| /timeismoney:reload | | Reloads the configuration file from disk |
| [/setgrouppayout](#setgrouppayout) | <group> <payout> | Sets the payout for a specific group |
| [/setplayerpayout](#setplayerpayout) | <player> <payout> | Sets the payout for a specific player |
Note that for the set payout commands, you can use "null", "clear" or "none" to remove a payout you previously set.
### /setgrouppayout
This command is used to override the payout for a specific group.
`/setgrouppayout <group> <payout>`
| Argument | Usage |
| group | The name of the group to specify the payout for |
| payout | The decimal number denoting how much of the currency players in the group should be paid, or "clear" to unset a previous value. |
### /setplayerpayout
`/setplayerpayout <player> <payout>`
| Argument | Usage |
| player | The name or UUID of the player to specify the payout for |
| payout | The decimal number denoting how much of the currency the player should be paid, or "clear" to unset a previous value. |
## Configuration options
| Option | Type | Description |
| defaultPayout | decimal number | The amount of currency to pay by default |
| paymentDelay | number | The amount of minutes to wait between each payout |
| displayPaymentMessage | true / false | Whether to display a message to the player each time a player receives a payout |
| hoursUntilBonus | number / -1 | The amount of hours a player must play until they start receiving a payout bonus, or -1 to disable the feature |
| bonusMultiplier | decimal number | A multiplier used to increase or decrease the time bonus ((hours played / hours until bonus) * bonusMultiplier) + payout |
| afkPercentage | percentage (0-100) | The percentage of their normal payout to pay AFK players |