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This plugin adds several mini-games.

To create a dropper arena, simply use /droppercreate <name>, where <name> is simply the name used to differentiate and recognize the arena. Your location will be used as the spawn location for anyone joining the dropper arena. To start playing, simply use /dropperjoin <name>, where <name> is the same as you specified upon creation. To modify the arena, use /dropperedit <name> <property> <value>.

To create a parkour arena, simply use /parkourcreate <name>, where <name> is simply the name used to differentiate and recognize the arena. Your location will be used as the spawn location for anyone joining the dropper arena. To start playing, simply use /parkourjoin <name>, where <name> is the same as you specified upon creation. To modify the arena, use /parkouredit <name> <property> <value>. Use /parkouredit checkpointAdd here to add a checkpoint at your current location.


The only permission normal players will need is minigames.join which is set to true by default.

Node Description
minigames.admin Gives all permissions.
minigames.dropper Gives all dropper-related permissions.
minigames.parkour Gives all parkour-related permissions.
minigames.join Allows a player to participate in mini-game arenas.
minigames.join.dropper Allows a player to participate in dropper arenas.
minigames.join.parkour Allows a player to participate in parkour arenas.
minigames.create Allows a player to create a new mini-game arena.
minigames.create.dropper Allows a player to create a new dropper arena.
minigames.create.parkour Allows a player to create a new parkour arena.
minigames.edit Allows a player to edit an existing mini-game arena.
minigames.edit.dropper Allows a player to edit an existing dropper arena.
minigames.edit.parkour Allows a player to edit an existing parkour arena.
minigames.remove Allows a player to remove a mini-game arena.
minigames.remove.dropper Allows a player to remove a dropper arena.
minigames.remove.parkour Allows a player to remove a parkour arena.


Command Alias Arguments Description
/miniGamesReload /mreload Reloads all data from disk.
/miniGamesLeave /mleave Leaves the current mini-game.
/miniGamesMenu /mmenu Shows a menu of actions if used while in an arena
/miniGamesReward /mreward See this Adds or removes rewards for an arena
/dropperList /dlist Lists available dropper arenas.
/dropperJoin /djoin <arena> [mode] Joins the selected arena.
/dropperCreate /dcreate <name> Creates a new dropper arena with the given name. The spawn is set to your location.
/dropperRemove /dremove <arena> Removes the specified dropper arena.
/dropperEdit /dedit <arena> <option> [value] Gets or sets a dropper arena option.
/dropperGroupSet /dgset <arena> <group> Puts the given arena in the given group. Use "none" to remove an existing group.
/dropperGroupList /dglist [group] Lists groups, or the stages of a group if a group is specified.
/dropperGroupSwap /dgswap <arena1> <arena2> Swaps the two arenas in the group's ordered list.
/parkourList /plist Lists available parkour arenas.
/parkourJoin /pjoin <arena> [mode] Joins the selected arena.
/parkourCreate /pcreate <name> Creates a new parkour arena with the given name. The spawn is set to your location.
/parkourRemove /premove <arena> Removes the specified parkour arena.
/parkourEdit /pedit <arena> <option> [value] Gets or sets a parkour arena option.
/parkourGroupSet /pgset <arena> <group> Puts the given arena in the given group. Use "none" to remove an existing group.
/parkourGroupList /pglist [group] Lists groups, or the stages of a group if a group is specified.
/parkourGroupSwap /pgswap <arena1> <arena2> Swaps the two arenas in the group's ordered list.

Command explanation mini-games


This command is used to set the rewards for an arena. Rewards can be set for six conditions; a reward for each time the arena is cleared, a reward for the first time the arena is cleared, a reward for beating your own least deaths record, a reward for beating your own least time record, a record for beating the global least deaths record and a record for beating the global least time record. You can give an item, give money, give a permission or execute a console command with the winning player as an argument.

Note, you can add as many rewards as you want for each reward condition, so you can add a permission and an amount of currency on the player's first win for example.

/mreward add dropper|parkour <name> <condition> <type> [value] [value] ...

/mreward clear dropper|parkour <name> <condition>

Argument Type Usage
action add / clear Whether you are adding a reward or clearing rewards.
type dropper / parkour The type of arena to change rewards for
name Arena name The name of the arena to change rewards for
type COMMAND / ECONOMY / ITEM / PERMISSION The type of reward to add
value See reward types Input for the reward type. Valid values depend on the type.
Reward types

This reward requires an argument which is a number above zero, which is the amount of currency granted to players.


This reward requires an argument which is the permission string you want to grant the player.


The reward requires the command as an argument. Type the full command with spaces and everything, but omit the / at the beginning of the command. Use %player_name% or anything that matches the RegEx [<%(\\[{]player[_\\-]?(name)?[>%)\\]}] (<player>. <player-name>, %player_name%, {player}, etc.) as the placeholder for the rewarded player's name.


If used with no arguments, the item in your main hand is used. You can specify a material in the first argument to give one item of the specified type. You can specify a positive whole number as the second argument to specify the amount of items to give.

Command explanation dropper


This command is used for joining a dropper arena.

/dropperjoin <arena> [mode]

Argument Usage
arena The name of the arena to join.
mode Additional challenge modes can be played after an arena has been cleared once. Available modes: inverted and random.


This command allows editing the specified property for the specified dropper arena.

/dropperedit <arena> <option> [value]

Argument Usage
arena The name of the arena to edit.
option The option to display or change.
value The new value of the selected option.

These are all the options that can be changed for an arena.

Option Details
name The name of the arena. Used mainly to select the arena in commands.
spawnLocation The spawn location of any player joining the arena. Use 56.546,64.0,44.45 to specify coordinates, or here, this or any other string to select your current location.
exitLocation The location players will be sent to when exiting the arena. If not set, the player will be sent to where they joined from. Valid values are the same as for spawnLocation.
verticalVelocity The vertical velocity set for players in the arena (basically their falling speed). It must be greater than 0, but max 75. 12.565 and other decimals are allowed.
horizontalVelocity The horizontal velocity (technically fly speed) set for players in the arena. It must be between 0 and 1, and cannot be 0. Decimals are allowed.
winBlockType The type of block players must hit to win the arena. It can be any material as long as it's a block, and not a type of air.


This command is used to set the group of an arena

/droppergroupset <arena> <group>

Dropper groups are created and removed as necessary. If you specify a group named "potato", that group is created, and will be used again if you specify the "potato" group for another arena. You use "none" or "null" to remove an arena from its group. If the group has no arenas, it will be automatically removed. If the arena already is in a group, it will be moved to the new group.


This command is used for changing the order of arenas within a group.

/droppergroupswap <arena1> <arena2>

Groups define an order the arenas within that group has to be completed in. Use /droppergrouplist group to see the actual order of the group. So, assuming your arenas in the group looked something like:

  1. Forest
  2. Sea
  3. Nether
  4. Savanna

You could use /droppergroupswap Sea Savanna to change the order to:

  1. Forest
  2. Savanna
  3. Nether
  4. Sea

Command explanation parkour


This command is used for joining a dropper arena.

/parkourjoin <arena> [mode]

Argument Usage
arena The name of the arena to join.
mode Additional challenge modes can be played after an arena has been cleared once. Available modes: hardcore.


This command allows editing the specified property for the specified parkour arena.

/parkouredit <arena> <option> [value]

Argument Usage
arena The name of the arena to edit.
option The option to display or change.
value The new value of the selected option.

These are all the options that can be changed for an arena.

Option Details
name The name of the arena. Used mainly to select the arena in commands. Note that underscore (_) cannot be used if you want to utilize placeholders, as it's used to split placeholder arguments.
spawnLocation The spawn location of any player joining the arena. Use 56.546,64.0,44.45 to specify coordinates, or here, this or any other string to select your current location.
exitLocation The location players will be sent to when exiting the arena. If not set, the player will be sent to where they joined from. Valid values are the same as for spawnLocation.
winBlockType The type of block players must hit to win the arena. It can be any material as long as it's a block, and not a type of air.
winLocation The location players must reach to win the arena (see spawnLocation for valid values). If set, this overrides, and is used instead of, the win block type.
checkpointAdd Adds a new checkpoint to the arena's checkpoints (see spawnLocation for valid values).
checkpointClear Clears all current checkpoints. Give any value to execute. If not given a value, current checkpoints are shown.
killPlaneBlocks A comma-separated list of materials which will force a loss when stepped on. +WOOL and other material tags are supported as well.
obstacleBlocks A comma-separated list of materials which will force a loss when touched from any direction. +WOOL and other material tags are supported as well.

Configuration options


Name Type Default Description
liquidHitBoxDepth -1 < decimal < 0 -0.8 This decides how far inside a non-solid block the player must go before detection triggers (-1, 0). The closer to -1 it is, the more accurate it will seem to the player, but the likelihood of not detecting the hit increases.
solidHitBoxDistance 0 < decimal < 1 0.2 This decides the distance the player must be from a block below them before a hit triggers (0, 1). If too low, the likelihood of detecting the hit decreases, but it won't look like the player hit the block without being near.


Name Type Default Description
blockSneaking true/false true Whether to block using the shift key to drop faster than the intended drop speed
blockSprinting true/false true Whether to block using the sprint key for slightly improved air speed
verticalVelocity 0 < decimal <= 75 1.0 The vertical velocity used as default for all arenas. Must be greater than 0. 3.92 is the max speed of a falling player.
horizontalVelocity 0 < decimal <= 1 1.0 The horizontal velocity used as default for all arenas (technically fly-speed). Must be between 0 (exclusive) and 1 (inclusive).
randomlyInvertedTimer 0 < integer <= 3600 7 The number of seconds before the randomly inverted game-mode switches between normal and inverted movement (0, 3600]
mustDoGroupedInSequence true/false true Whether grouped dropper arenas must be played in the correct sequence
ignoreRecordsUntilGroupBeatenOnce true/false false Whether records won't be registered unless the player has already beaten all arenas in a group. That means players are required to do a second play-through to register a record for a grouped arena.
mustDoNormalModeFirst true/false true Whether a player must do the normal/default game-mode before playing any other game-modes
liquidHitBoxDepth -1 < decimal < 0 -0.8 This decides how far inside a non-solid block the player must go before detection triggers (-1, 0). The closer to -1 it is, the more accurate it will seem to the player, but the likelihood of not detecting the hit increases.
solidHitBoxDistance 0 < decimal < 1 0.2 This decides the distance the player must be from a block below them before a hit triggers (0, 1). If too low, the likelihood of detecting the hit decreases, but it won't look like the player hit the block without being near.
blockWhitelist list see this A whitelist for which blocks won't trigger a loss when hit/passed through. The win block check happens before the loss check, so even blocks on the whitelist can be used as the win-block. "+" denotes a material tag.


Name Type Default Description
enforceCheckpointOrder true/false false Whether to enforce the order in which a player must reach checkpoints. Enabling this ensures that a player cannot trigger a previous checkpoint by accident. It also ensures players cannot skip a checkpoint, even if the arena layout makes it possible.
mustDoGroupedInSequence true/false true Whether grouped dropper arenas must be played in the correct sequence
ignoreRecordsUntilGroupBeatenOnce true/false false Whether records won't be registered unless the player has already beaten all arenas in a group. That means players are required to do a second play-through to register a record for a grouped arena.
killPlaneBlocks list see this The types of blocks compromising parkour arenas' kill planes. Add any materials you want to use for the "bottom" of your parkour arenas. +WOOL and other material tags are supported.
obstacleBlocks list see this The types of blocks treated as obstacles in every direction. +WOOL and other material tags are supported.

blockWhitelist default:

  • LAVA

killPlaneBlocks default:

  • LAVA

obstacleBlocks default:


Record placeholders

Player records can be displayed on a leaderboard by using PlaceholderAPI. If you want to display a sign-based leaderboard, you can use the Placeholder Signs plugin. The format for the built-in placeholders is as follows:


Variable Values Description
gameMode dropper / parkour A selection of which game-mode you are getting a record for
record This must be as-is. It's a selector in case placeholders are added for more than records.
recordType deaths / time Selects the type of record to get (deaths or time).
gameModeType default / inverted / random Selects the game-mode to get the record for.
identifierType arena / group The type of thing the following identifier points to (an arena or an arena group).
identifier ? An identifier (the name or UUID) for an arena or a group (whichever was chosen as identifierType).
recordPosition 1 / 2 / 3 / ... The position of the record to get (1 = first place, 2 = second place, etc.).
infoType player / value / combined The type of info to get. Player gets the player name, Value gets the value of the achieved record. Combined gets "Player: Record".

Notes about material tags

Where a list of material is allowed, this plugin supports using material tags that specify a set of blocks. This makes it much easier to add a lot of blocks without ending up with hundreds of individual materials. To specify such a tag, use a + character, and then the tag name. See the documentation for a complete overview of all tags. Only those with type Tag<Material> can be used.

Example tags:

  • +WOOL
  • +DIRT
  • +DOORS

Language customization

Most or all strings are customizable. If you place a strings.yml file in the plugin folder, it will take priority over built-in languages. If you want to change strings, look at MiniGames/src/main/resources/strings.yml for the proper keys. All strings have the format: ENUM: "Displayed string". The enum must be identical as it defines which string you have changed. All strings belonging to a language are beneath the language code and indented with two spaces.

The easiest way to add a new language is to copy an existing language and paste it into your custom strings.yml and change strings as necessary. If you don't include all strings, the remaining will use the built-in English translation. Remember to change the language code to whichever you use for your custom language.

The interval messages are unique in that if several values are separated by comma (option1,option2,option3), a random message will be chosen each time it's displayed.


MiniGames is licensed under the GNU Public License Version 3.0. This includes every source and resource file. See the HEADER file for a more detailed license description.

A plugin for dropper mini-games
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