| /launchpad verticalVelocity | Decimal number / "null" | Sets the vertical velocity for the clicked launchpad. Use "null" to unset. |
| /launchpad horizontalVelocity | Decimal number / "null" | Sets the horizontal velocity for the clicked launchpad. Use "null" to unset. |
| /launchpad fixedDirection | NORTH / SOUTH / EAST / WEST / "null" | Sets a fixed direction the launchpad will launch every player. Use "null" to unset. |
| /launchpad:reload | | Reloads the configuration and launchpads from disk. |
| launchpad.materials | List | A list of materials, or material tags (+TAG_NAME), which are always treated as launchpads, without the need for manual registration. |
| launchpad.materialWhitelist | List | A list of materials, or material tags (+TAG_NAME), which can be manually turned into launchpads. Use this to prevent unwanted blocks from being turned into launchpads. |
| launchpad.verticalVelocity | Decimal number | The vertical (upwards) velocity applied to launchpads if not specified otherwise. |
| launchpad.horizontalVelocity | Decimal number | The horizontal (sideways) velocity applied to launchpads if not specified otherwise. |
| launchpad.materialVelocities.<MATERIAL>.horizontalVelocity | Decimal number | The horizontal (sideways) velocity applied to launchpads of type <MATERIAL> if not overridden for the block. |
| launchpad.materialVelocities.<MATERIAL>.verticalVelocity | Decimal number | The vertical (sideways) velocity applied to launchpads of type <MATERIAL> if not overridden for the block. |