A simple, but highly configurable launchpad Minecraft plugin
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Launchpad is a simple but configurable plugin able to make any placeable block into a launchpad which launches a player with the desired velocity in their current or in a fixed direction. While anything can be a launchpad, pressure plates have more accurate hit-detection as that's built into Minecraft.

Launchpads will prioritize values specifically set for that launchpad. If not set, they will look for material-specific values. If not set, they will look for the generic velocities in the config.

Known problems

Jumping on a pressure plate causes a Player moved too quickly message in the console, and the player is weirdly glitched for a moment

This happens because the server thinks the player moved faster than it should, and forcefully prevents the player from moving. Increasing moved-too-quickly-multiplier in spigot.yml may fix this issue.


Note that changing a property for a block which isn't currently a launchpad will turn the block into a launchpad. If you alter several launchpad values in succession, they'll all be applied to the next block you right-click.

Command Arguments Description
/launchpad add Makes the clicked block into a launchpad.
/launchpad remove Removes the clicked block as a launchpad.
/launchpad abort Clears any unprocessed launchpad modifications.
/launchpad verticalVelocity Decimal number / "null" Sets the vertical velocity for the clicked launchpad. Use "null" to unset.
/launchpad horizontalVelocity Decimal number / "null" Sets the horizontal velocity for the clicked launchpad. Use "null" to unset.
/launchpad velocities <Decimal Number / "null"> <Decimal Number / "null"> Sets the horizontal and vertical velocities at once. The first argument is for the horizontal velocity.
/launchpad fixedDirection NORTH / SOUTH / EAST / WEST / "null" Sets a fixed direction the launchpad will launch every player. Use "null" to unset.
/launchpad:reload Reloads the configuration and launchpads from disk.


Permission Description
launchpad.admin Gives all other permissions
launchpad.modify Allows modifying, adding and removing launchpads.
launchpad.reload Allows reloading the launchpad plugin.


Node Type Description
launchpad.materials List A list of materials, or material tags (+TAG_NAME), which are always treated as launchpads, without the need for manual registration.
launchpad.materialWhitelist List A list of materials, or material tags (+TAG_NAME), which can be manually turned into launchpads. Use this to prevent unwanted blocks from being turned into launchpads.
launchpad.verticalVelocity Decimal number The vertical (upwards) velocity applied to launchpads if not specified otherwise.
launchpad.horizontalVelocity Decimal number The horizontal (sideways) velocity applied to launchpads if not specified otherwise.
launchpad.materialVelocities.<MATERIAL>.horizontalVelocity Decimal number The horizontal (sideways) velocity applied to launchpads of type <MATERIAL> if not overridden for the block.
launchpad.materialVelocities.<MATERIAL>.verticalVelocity Decimal number The vertical (sideways) velocity applied to launchpads of type <MATERIAL> if not overridden for the block.
launchpad.particles.trailsEnabled True / False Whether to enable particle trails behind players
launchpad.particles.trailSpawnDelay Positive integer The amount of ticks (1 second = 20 ticks) between each time the particle(s) of a trail should be spawned.
launchpad.particles.trailType Particle The type of trail to spawn behind launched players.
launchpad.particles.randomTrailType True / False Whether to use a random value from randomTrailWhitelist as the trail on each launch.
launchpad.particles.randomTrailWhitelist List A list of all particles selectable for random trails.
launchpad.particles.enabled True / False Whether to display some kind of particle effect above manually added launchpads.
launchpad.particles.spawnDelay Positive integer The amount of ticks (1 second = 20 ticks) between each time the particle(s) should be spawned again. Depending on the particle, higher values will make the particle(s) completely disappear and reappear.
launchpad.particles.particle.mode SINGLE / SQUARE / PYRAMID / SPHERE / CIRCLE / CUBE The mode used for drawing particles. SINGLE directly spawns the particle(s) in one spot above the launchpad. The other ones spawn particles a bunch of times in a pattern.
launchpad.particles.particle.type Particle The type of particle to spawn above launchpads.
launchpad.particles.particle.amount Positive integer The amount of particles to spawn. Use 1 if mode is anything except SINGLE, unless you know what you are doing!
launchpad.particles.particle.offsetX Decimal number The offset, or spread of the particles in the X direction, relative to the launchpad
launchpad.particles.particle.offsetY Decimal number The offset, or spread of the particles in the Y direction, relative to the launchpad
launchpad.particles.particle.offsetZ Decimal number The offset, or spread of the particles in the Z direction, relative to the launchpad
launchpad.particles.particle.heightOffset Decimal number The amount of blocks above the launchpad the particle should spawn. 0.5 = half a block. 1 = one block.
launchpad.particles.particle.particleDensity Decimal number A definition for the number of particles used to draw shapes. The number of particles is basically distance / particleDensity, so lower numbers create a more dense shape.
launchpad.particles.particle.extra Decimal number Extra data for the specific particle. Check the Spigot documentation for details.
launchpad.particles.materialParticles Configuration section This section allows specifying different particle configurations for a material or a material tag. So you'd set materialParticles.LIGHT_WEIGHTED_PRESSURE_PLATE.type to set the particle type for LIGHT_WEIGHTED_PRESSURE_PLATE.

Language customization

Strings shown to users are customizable. If you place a strings.yml file in the plugin folder, it will take priority over built-in languages. If you want to change strings, look at Launchpad/src/main/resources/strings.yml for the proper keys. All strings have the format: ENUM: "Displayed string". The enum must be identical as it defines which string you have changed. All strings belonging to a language are beneath the language code and indented with two spaces.

The easiest way to add a new language is to copy an existing language and paste it into your custom strings.yml and change strings as necessary. If you don't include all strings, the remaining will use the built-in English translation. Remember to change the language code to whichever you use for your custom language.

The interval messages are unique in that if several values are separated by comma (option1,option2,option3), a random message will be chosen each time it's displayed.


Launchpad is licensed under the GNU Public License Version 3.0. This includes every source and resource file. See the HEADER file for a more detailed license description.