Huge changes

Refactoring of Game
Adds and improves all comments
Restructures files
Improves items
Makes project into a maven project
This commit is contained in:
Kristian Knarvik 2020-02-16 02:36:26 +01:00
parent 72fc38b309
commit c5c4420ac0
26 changed files with 2087 additions and 1664 deletions

.gitignore vendored
View File

@ -27,3 +27,7 @@ hs_err_pid*
# Script files
# IDE files

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@ -1,375 +0,0 @@
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.lang.NumberFormatException;
import java.text.NumberFormat;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.text.ParseException;
/** Simulates the game Pokémon. */
public class Game {
public static Scanner in = new Scanner(;
public static void main(String[] args) {
ArrayList<Pokemon> pokemon = readPokemon();
int initialPokemon = pokemon.size();
System.out.println("What is your name?");
String name = in.nextLine();
Trainer player = new Trainer(name, randomTeam(), createInventory());
boolean done = false;
Pokemon opponentPokemon = null;
Pokemon trainersPokemon = null;
Pokeball currentPokeball = null;
Potion currentPotion = null;
boolean fleeSuccess = false;
Pokemon pokemonToHeal = null;
opponentPokemon = randomPokemon(pokemon);
System.out.printf("A wild %s appeared.%n", opponentPokemon.getName());
while (!done) {
if (opponentPokemon == null) {
System.out.printf("You have brutally murdered %d pokemon.%n"
+ "The only ones left are the ones in your posession.%n"
+ "There really is nothing more to do here.%n", initialPokemon);
if (player.getConsciousPokemon().size() < 1) {
System.out.println("All your pokemon have fainted. Your journey ends here.");
while (trainersPokemon == null || !trainersPokemon.isConscious()) {
trainersPokemon = player.choosePokemon(true);
System.out.printf("Opponent: %s%nWhat will you do?%n", opponentPokemon);
System.out.printf("b: battle"
+ "%nh: heal or revive"
+ "%nt: throw pokeball"
+ "%nc: change pokemon"
+ "%nf: flee"
+ "%nv: view my pokemon"
+ "%ns: save"
+ "%nl: load"
+ "%nq: quit%n>");
char command =;
switch (command) {
case 'b':
if (opponentPokemon.isConscious() && trainersPokemon.isConscious()) {
if (opponentPokemon.isConscious()) {
if (!trainersPokemon.isConscious()) {
System.out.println("Your pokemon fainted.");
} else {
pokemonFainted(pokemon, opponentPokemon);
System.out.println("The opponent pokemon fainted.");
opponentPokemon = randomPokemon(pokemon);
case 'h':
if (player.getInventory().getPotions().size() > 0) {
currentPotion = player.getInventory().chosenPotion();
if (currentPotion == null) {
System.out.println("Invalid potion.");
} else {
if (currentPotion.needsAlive()) {
pokemonToHeal = player.choosePokemon(true);
} else {
pokemonToHeal = player.choosePokemon(false);
if (pokemonToHeal == null) {
System.out.println("That is not a valid pokemon");
} else {
if (currentPotion.use(pokemonToHeal)) {
} else {
System.out.println("You have used all your healing items.");
case 't':
if (player.getInventory().getPokeballs().size() > 0) {
currentPokeball = player.getInventory().chosenPokeball();
if (currentPokeball == null) {
System.out.println("Invalid pokeball.");
} else {
if (currentPokeball.getType() == Pokeball.Pokeballs.MASTERBALL) {
currentPokeball.use(opponentPokemon, pokemon, player);
opponentPokemon = randomPokemon(pokemon);
System.out.printf("A wild %s appeared.%n", opponentPokemon.getName());
} else {
boolean captured = currentPokeball.use(opponentPokemon, pokemon, player);
if (captured) {
opponentPokemon = randomPokemon(pokemon);
System.out.printf("A wild %s appeared.%n", opponentPokemon.getName());
} else {
} else {
System.out.println("You have used all your pokeballs.");
case 'c':
trainersPokemon = player.choosePokemon(true);
while (trainersPokemon == null) {
trainersPokemon = player.choosePokemon(true);
case 's':
savePokemon(pokemon, "");
savePokemon(player.getPokemon(), "");
saveInventory(player.getInventory(), "");
case 'l':
ArrayList<Pokemon> loadedPokemon = loadPokemon("");
ArrayList<Pokemon> loadedUsersPokemon = loadPokemon("");
Inventory loadedInventory = loadInventory("");
if (loadedPokemon == null || loadedUsersPokemon == null || loadedInventory == null) {
System.out.println("One or more savefiles seem corrupt or missing. Please delete, create or fix the affected file(s).");
} else {
pokemon = loadedPokemon;
if (pokemon.size() > 0 && player.getPokemon().size() > 0) {
do {
trainersPokemon = player.choosePokemon(true);
} while (trainersPokemon == null || !trainersPokemon.isConscious());
opponentPokemon = randomPokemon(pokemon);
case 'f':
fleeSuccess = trainersPokemon.flee(opponentPokemon);
if (fleeSuccess) {
System.out.println("You fled the battle.");
opponentPokemon = randomPokemon(pokemon);
System.out.printf("A wild %s appeared.%n", opponentPokemon.getName());
} else {
System.out.printf("Failed to flee from %s.%n", opponentPokemon.getName());
case 'v':
case 'q':
done = true;
System.out.println("[Invalid command]");
* Prevents wild fainted pokemon from ever being encountered again.
* @param pokemonList List of pokemon to search.
* @param target The pokemon to remove.
public static void pokemonFainted(ArrayList<Pokemon> pokemonList, Pokemon target) {
for (int i = 0; i < pokemonList.size(); i++) {
if (pokemonList.get(i).equals(target)) {
* Gives a trainer necessary starting items.
* @return A list of items.
public static Inventory createInventory() {
Inventory inventory = new Inventory();
inventory.addPokeball("Poke Ball", "A device for catching wild Pokémon. It's thrown like a ball at a Pokémon, comfortably encapsulating its target.", 15);
inventory.addPokeball("Great ball", "A good, high-performance Poké Ball that provides a higher Pokémon catch rate than a standard Poké Ball.", 10);
inventory.addPokeball("Ultra ball", "An ultra-high-performance Poké Ball that provides a higher success rate for catching Pokémon than a Great Ball.", 5);
inventory.addPokeball("Master ball", "The best Poké Ball with the ultimate level of performance. With it, you will catch any wild Pokémon without fail.", 1);
inventory.addPotion("Potion", "Heals a pokemon for 20 HP.", 20, true);
inventory.addPotion("Super Potion", "Heals a pokemon for 50 HP.", 10, true);
inventory.addPotion("Hyper Potion", "Heals a pokemon for 200 HP.", 5, true);
inventory.addPotion("Max Potion", "Fully heals a pokemon.", 1, true);
inventory.addPotion("Revive", "Revives a fainted pokemon.", 2, false);
return inventory;
* Chooses a random pokemon from a list.
* @param pokemon The list to choose from.
* @return A Pokemon object, or null if the list is empty.
public static Pokemon randomPokemon(ArrayList<Pokemon> pokemon) {
if (pokemon.size() > 0) {
return pokemon.get((int)(Math.random() * pokemon.size()));
} else {
return null;
* Reads pokemon from Pokemon.txt to an ArrayList.
* @return An ArrayList of pokemon objects.
public static ArrayList<Pokemon> readPokemon() {
ArrayList<Pokemon> pokemon = new ArrayList<Pokemon>();
try (Scanner file = new Scanner(new File("config/Pokemon.txt"))) {
while (file.hasNextLine()) {
pokemon.add(new Pokemon(file.nextLine()));
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
/** If the file is compiled as jar, this will prevent an empty list. */
try (Scanner file = new Scanner(Game.class.getResourceAsStream("/config/Pokemon.txt"))) {
while (file.hasNextLine()) {
pokemon.add(new Pokemon(file.nextLine()));
return pokemon;
* Picks a random pokemon from a list.
* @param pokemon A list of pokemon objects.
* @return A pokemon object.
public static Pokemon pick(ArrayList<Pokemon> pokemon) {
int index = (int)(Math.random() * (pokemon.size()));
Pokemon randomPokemon = pokemon.get(index);
return randomPokemon;
* Saves all pokemon in a list with stats to a text file.
* @param pokemonList List of Pokemon objects to save.
* @param savefile The file to write to.
public static void savePokemon(ArrayList<Pokemon> pokemonList, String savefile) {
try (PrintWriter file = new PrintWriter(savefile)) {
for (Pokemon pokemon : pokemonList) {
System.out.println("Successfully saved pokemon.");
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
System.out.println("The savefile could not be written.");
* Saves all items in a list to a text file.
* @param itemList List of Item objects to save.
* @param savefile The file to write to.
public static void saveInventory(Inventory inventory, String savefile) {
try (PrintWriter file = new PrintWriter(savefile)) {
for (Pokeball pokeball : inventory.getPokeballs()) {
for (Potion potion : inventory.getPotions()) {
System.out.println("Successfully saved inventory.");
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
System.out.println("The savefile could not be written.");
* Loads pokemon from a text file.
* @param savefile The file to write to.
* @return A list of pokemon or null on failiure.
public static ArrayList<Pokemon> loadPokemon(String savefile) {
ArrayList<Pokemon> pokemon = new ArrayList<Pokemon>();
try (Scanner file = new Scanner(new File(savefile))) {
NumberFormat format = NumberFormat.getInstance(Locale.ENGLISH);
while (file.hasNextLine()) {
String[] data = file.nextLine().split(";");
try {
pokemon.add(new Pokemon(data[0], Integer.parseInt(data[1]), Integer.parseInt(data[2]), Integer.parseInt(data[3]), format.parse(data[4]).doubleValue(), Integer.parseInt(data[5]), Integer.parseInt(data[6]), Integer.parseInt(data[7])));
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
System.out.println("Malformed number " + e);
} catch (ParseException e) {
System.out.println("Malformed number " + e);
} catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
System.out.println("Invalid savefile: " + savefile);
return null;
System.out.println("Successfully loaded pokemon.");
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
System.out.println("Missing savefile " + savefile);
return null;
return pokemon;
* Loads items from a text file.
* @param savefile The file to write to.
* @return A list of items or null on failiure.
public static Inventory loadInventory(String savefile) {
ArrayList<Pokeball> pokeballs = new ArrayList<Pokeball>();
ArrayList<Potion> potions = new ArrayList<Potion>();
try (Scanner file = new Scanner(new File(savefile))) {
String next = "";
while (file.hasNextLine() && !next.equals(":NEXTLIST:")) {
try {
next = file.nextLine();
if (!next.equals(":NEXTLIST:")) {
String[] data = next.split(";");
pokeballs.add(new Pokeball(data[0], data[1], Integer.parseInt(data[2]), Pokeball.Pokeballs.valueOf(data[0].toUpperCase().replace(" ", ""))));
} catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
System.out.println("Invalid savefile: " + savefile);
return null;
while (file.hasNextLine()) {
try {
String[] data = file.nextLine().split(";");
potions.add(new Potion(data[0], data[1], Integer.parseInt(data[2]), Potion.Potions.valueOf(data[0].toUpperCase().replace(" ", ""))));
} catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
System.out.println("Invalid savefile: " + savefile);
return null;
System.out.println("Successfully loaded items.");
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
System.out.println("Missing savefile " + savefile);
return null;
return new Inventory(pokeballs, potions);
public static ArrayList<Pokemon> randomTeam() {
ArrayList<Pokemon> temporary = readPokemon();
ArrayList<Pokemon> pokemon = new ArrayList<Pokemon>();
for (int i = 1; i <= 6; i++) {
return pokemon;

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@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Inventory {
public static Scanner in = new Scanner(;
private ArrayList<Pokeball> pokeballs;
private ArrayList<Potion> potions;
public Inventory() {
this.pokeballs = new ArrayList<Pokeball>();
this.potions = new ArrayList<Potion>();
public Inventory(ArrayList<Pokeball> pokeballs, ArrayList<Potion> potions) {
this.pokeballs = pokeballs;
this.potions = potions;
public void addPokeball(String name, String description, int amount) {
Pokeball pokeball = new Pokeball(name, description, amount, Pokeball.Pokeballs.valueOf(name.toUpperCase().replace(" ", "")));
if (pokeball != null) {
public void addPotion(String name, String description, int amount, boolean alive) {
Potion potion = new Potion(name, description, amount, Potion.Potions.valueOf(name.toUpperCase().replace(" ", "")), alive);
if (potion != null) {
public ArrayList<Pokeball> getPokeballs() {
ArrayList<Pokeball> pokeballs = new ArrayList<Pokeball>();
for (Pokeball pokeball : this.pokeballs) {
if (pokeball.getAmount() > 0) {
return pokeballs;
public ArrayList<Potion> getPotions() {
ArrayList<Potion> potions = new ArrayList<Potion>();
for (Potion potion : this.potions) {
if (potion.getAmount() > 0) {
return potions;
public void availablePokeballs() {
System.out.println("You may choose from these items:");
for (int i = 0; i < this.pokeballs.size(); i++) {
System.out.printf("%d: %s%n", i + 1, this.pokeballs.get(i));
public void availablePotions() {
System.out.println("You may choose from these items:");
ArrayList<Potion> potionList = this.getPotions();
for (int i = 0; i < potionList.size(); i++) {
System.out.printf("%d: %s%n", i + 1, potionList.get(i));
public Potion chosenPotion() {
ArrayList<Potion> potions = this.getPotions();
if (in.hasNextInt()) {
int choice = in.nextInt() - 1;
if (choice >= 0 && choice < potions.size()) {
return potions.get(choice);
} else {
return null;
public Pokeball chosenPokeball() {
ArrayList<Pokeball> pokeballs = this.getPokeballs();
if (in.hasNextInt()) {
int choice = in.nextInt() - 1;
if (choice >= 0 && choice < pokeballs.size()) {
return pokeballs.get(choice);
} else {
return null;

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@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
import java.util.ArrayList;
public class Pokeball {
public static enum Pokeballs { POKEBALL, GREATBALL, ULTRABALL, MASTERBALL }
private String name;
private String description;
private Pokeballs type;
private int amount;
public Pokeball(String name, String description, int amount, Pokeballs type) {
this.type = type; = name;
this.description = description;
this.amount = amount;
public String toString() {
return String.format("(%d) %s: %s", this.amount,, this.description);
public String saveString() {
return String.format("%s;%s;%d",, this.description, this.amount);
public int getAmount() {
return this.amount;
public String getName() {
public Pokeballs getType() {
return this.type;
* Uses a pokeball on an opponent.
* @param target Which pokemon to target.
* @param current Current list the pokemon belongs to.
* @param catcher Where we send the pokemon on a successfull capture.
* @return True if nothing went wrong. False otherwise.
public boolean use(Pokemon target, ArrayList<Pokemon> current, Trainer catcher) {
if (this.amount > 0) {
switch (this.type) {
return target.tryCapture(current, catcher, 255);
return target.tryCapture(current, catcher, 200);
return target.tryCapture(current, catcher, 150);
return target.tryCapture(current, catcher, 0);
} else {
System.out.println("No cheating!");
return false;

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@ -1,203 +0,0 @@
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.ArrayList;
public class Pokemon {
private String name;
private int healthPoints;
private int maxHealthPoints;
private int strength;
private double criticalChance;
private Random random;
private int catchRate;
private int exp;
private int level;
private int fleeCount;
public Pokemon(String name) {
this.random = new Random(); = name;
this.healthPoints = 30 + random.nextInt(70);
this.maxHealthPoints = this.healthPoints;
this.criticalChance = Math.abs(0.1 * random.nextGaussian());
this.catchRate = (int)(Math.random() * 256);
this.exp = 0;
this.level = (int)(Math.abs(2 * random.nextGaussian()) + 1);
this.strength = random.nextInt(7) + this.level;
this.fleeCount = 0;
public Pokemon(String name, int healthPoints, int maxHealthPoints, int strength, double criticalChance, int catchRate, int exp, int level) {
this.random = new Random(); = name;
this.healthPoints = healthPoints;
this.maxHealthPoints = maxHealthPoints;
this.criticalChance = criticalChance;
this.catchRate = catchRate;
this.exp = exp;
this.level = level;
this.strength = strength;
this.fleeCount = 0;
public String toString() {
return String.format("Level %d %s HP: (%d/%d) STR: %d CHC: %.0f%%", this.level,, this.healthPoints, this.maxHealthPoints, this.strength, (this.criticalChance*100));
* Returns a string containing all the pokemon's data.
public String saveString() {
return String.format("%s;%d;%d;%d;%f;%d;%d;%d",, this.healthPoints, this.maxHealthPoints, this.strength, this.criticalChance, this.catchRate, this.exp, this.level);
public String getName() {
public int getHP() {
return this.healthPoints;
public boolean equals(Pokemon target) {
return target == this;
* Heals a pokemon.
* @param amount How many hitpoints to heal.
* @return The exact amount of hitpoints healed.
public int heal(int amount) {
if (amount < 0) {
amount = this.maxHealthPoints - this.healthPoints;
} else {
amount = Math.min(this.maxHealthPoints - this.healthPoints, amount);
this.healthPoints += amount;
return amount;
* Checks if a pokemon has not taken any damage or is fully healed.
* @param return True if health is full. False otherwise.
public boolean isDamaged() {
return this.healthPoints < this.maxHealthPoints;
* Tries to catch a pokemon.
* @param current The list where the pokemon currently belongs.
* @param catcher The list to send the pokemon on successfull capture.
* @return True on successfull capture. False otherwise.
public boolean tryCapture(ArrayList<Pokemon> current, Trainer catcher, int range) {
if (range == 0) {
this.capture(current, catcher);
System.out.printf("%s was caught.%n",;
return true;
if ((int)(Math.random() * (range + 1)) < Math.max((3 * this.maxHealthPoints - 2 * this.healthPoints) * this.catchRate / (3 * this.maxHealthPoints), 1)) {
this.capture(current, catcher);
System.out.printf("%s was caught.%n",;
return true;
} else {
System.out.printf("%s escaped from the pokeball.%n",;
return false;
* Captures a wild pokemon.
* @param current The pokemon list the pokemon belongs to.
* @param catcher The pokemon list of the trainer.
private void capture(ArrayList<Pokemon> current, Trainer trainer) {
for (int i = 0; i < current.size(); i++) {
if (current.get(i) == this) {
/** Restores the health of a fainted pokemon. */
public void revive() {
this.healthPoints = this.maxHealthPoints;
* Checks if the pokemon has any HP left.
* @return True if any HP is left. False otherwise.
public boolean isConscious() {
return this.healthPoints > 0;
* Damages a pokemon.
* @param How many hitpoints are to be deducted.
public void damage(int damageTaken) {
this.healthPoints = Math.max(this.healthPoints -= damageTaken, 0);
System.out.printf("%s takes %d damage and is left with %d/%d HP%n",, damageTaken, this.healthPoints, this.maxHealthPoints);
* Gives a pokemon exp after each successfull battle. Also handles leveling up.
* @target Which pokemon did we beat.
private void giveEXP(Pokemon target) {
int exp = (100 * target.level)/7;
this.exp += exp;
System.out.printf("%s gained %d exp.%n",, exp);
if (this.exp > (4 * Math.pow(this.level, 3)) / 5) {
this.maxHealthPoints += 5;
this.healthPoints = maxHealthPoints;
this.strength += 1;
System.out.printf("%s is now level %d. Health has been increased and restored. Strength has been increased.%n",, this.level);
* Makes a pokemon attack another pokemon.
* @param target The pokemon to take damage.
public void attack(Pokemon target) {
if (this.healthPoints > 0) {
System.out.printf("%s attacks %s.%n", this.getName(), target.getName());
double critical = 1;
if (Math.random() < this.criticalChance) {
System.out.println("Critical hit!");
critical = (2 * this.level +5) / (this.level + 5);
double randomDouble = 0.85 + (1.0 - 0.85) * random.nextDouble();
int moveDamage = (int)(Math.random() * 60 + 40);
int damageInflicted = this.level + (int)((((((2 * this.strength) / 5) + 2) * moveDamage * 1.75) / 50 + 2) * critical * randomDouble);
if (!target.isConscious()) {
System.out.printf("%s is defeated by %s.%n", target.getName(), this.getName());
this.fleeCount = 0;
} else {
System.out.println("No cheating!");
* The trainer may flee if the battle is too hard.
* @param target Who are we trying to flee from
* @return True on successfull escape. False otherwise.
public boolean flee(Pokemon target) {
if (random.nextInt(256) < (this.level * 128 / target.level) + (30 * this.fleeCount % 256)) {
this.fleeCount = 0;
return true;
} else {
return false;

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@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
import java.util.ArrayList;
public class Potion {
private String name;
private String description;
private Potions type;
private boolean alive;
private int amount;
public Potion(String name, String description, int amount, Potions type) {
this.type = type; = name;
this.description = description;
this.alive = true;
this.amount = amount;
public Potion(String name, String description, int amount, Potions type, boolean alive) {
this.type = Potions.valueOf(name.toUpperCase().replace(" ", "")); = name;
this.description = description;
this.alive = alive;
this.amount = amount;
public String toString() {
return String.format("(%d) %s: %s", this.amount,, this.description);
public String saveString() {
return String.format("%s;%s;%d;%b",, this.description, this.amount, this.alive);
public int getAmount() {
return this.amount;
public String getName() {
/** Checks if an item should be used on alive or fainted pokemon. */
public boolean needsAlive() {
return alive;
* Spends an item and does something based on the type of item.
* @param target Which pokemon should the item be used on.
* @return True if nothing went wrong. False otherwise.
public boolean use(Pokemon target) {
if (this.amount > 0) {
switch (this.type) {
case POTION:
return potion(target, 20);
return potion(target, 50);
return potion(target, 200);
return potion(target, -1);
case REVIVE:
if (!target.isConscious()) {
System.out.printf("%s was revived.%n", target.getName());
return true;
} else {
System.out.println("You can't revive a conscious pokemon.");
return false;
System.out.printf("Invalid item %s%n", name);
return false;
} else {
System.out.println("No cheating!");
return false;
* Checks if a pokemon is able to, and in need of a potion. If it is, heal it.
* @param target The pokemon to heal.
* @param amount The amount to heal the pokemon.
* @return True if nothing went wrong. False otherwise.
private boolean potion(Pokemon target, int amount) {
if (target.isConscious()) {
if (target.isDamaged()) {
int healed = target.heal(amount);
System.out.printf("%s was healed for %d HP and now has %d HP.%n", target.getName(), healed, target.getHP());
return true;
} else {
System.out.printf("%s has not taken damage, and does not require a potion.%n", target.getName());
return false;
} else {
System.out.println("You can't heal a fainted pokemon.");
return false;

View File

@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Trainer {
public static Scanner in = new Scanner(;
String name;
private ArrayList<Pokemon> pokemon;
private Inventory inventory;
public Trainer(String name, ArrayList<Pokemon> pokemon, Inventory inventory) { = name;
this.pokemon = pokemon;
this.inventory = inventory;
public void setPokemon(ArrayList<Pokemon> pokemon) {
this.pokemon = pokemon;
public void setInventory(Inventory inventory) {
this.inventory = inventory;
public ArrayList<Pokemon> getPokemon() {
return this.pokemon;
public void addPokemon(Pokemon pokemon) {
public ArrayList<Pokemon> getConsciousPokemon() {
ArrayList<Pokemon> pokemon = new ArrayList<Pokemon>();
for (Pokemon singlePokemon : this.pokemon) {
if (singlePokemon.isConscious()) {
return pokemon;
public ArrayList<Pokemon> getFaintedPokemon() {
ArrayList<Pokemon> pokemon = new ArrayList<Pokemon>();
for (Pokemon singlePokemon : this.pokemon) {
if (!singlePokemon.isConscious()) {
return pokemon;
public Inventory getInventory() {
return this.inventory;
/** Lists all currently available pokemon for the trainer.*/
public void availablePokemon(boolean alive) {
ArrayList<Pokemon> pokemonList = null;
if (alive) {
pokemonList = this.getConsciousPokemon();
} else {
pokemonList = this.getFaintedPokemon();
System.out.println("You may choose from these pokemon:");
for (int i = 0; i < pokemonList.size(); i++) {
System.out.printf("%d: %s%n", i + 1, pokemonList.get(i));
public void printPokemon() {
for (Pokemon pokemon : this.pokemon) {
* Asks the user for the name of a pokemon and returns it.
* @param pokemonList A list of available pokemon
* @return A pokemon object or null.
public Pokemon choosePokemon(boolean alive) {
ArrayList<Pokemon> pokemonList = null;
if (alive) {
pokemonList = this.getConsciousPokemon();
} else {
pokemonList = this.getFaintedPokemon();
if (in.hasNextInt()) {
int choice = in.nextInt() - 1;
if (choice >= 0 && choice < pokemonList.size()) {
return pokemonList.get(choice);
return null;

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@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
Main-Class: Game
Name: pokemon-cmd/package/
Sealed: true

pom.xml Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<name>Pokemon CMD</name>
<name>Kristian Knarvik</name>
<!-- Build an executable JAR -->

src/main/java/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,419 @@
import items.*;
import pokemon.Pokemon;
import storage.Inventory;
import storage.Trainer;
import java.util.*;
import java.lang.NumberFormatException;
import java.text.NumberFormat;
import java.text.ParseException;
/** Simulates the game Pokémon */
public class Game {
public static final Scanner in = new Scanner(;
private static Pokemon opponentPokemon;
private static List<Pokemon> availableOpponentPokemon;
private static Pokemon playersCurrentPokemon;
private static Trainer player;
public static void main(String[] args) {
availableOpponentPokemon = readPokemon();
int initialPokemon = availableOpponentPokemon.size();
System.out.println("What is your name?");
String name = in.nextLine();
player = new Trainer(name, randomTeam(), createInventory());
boolean done = false;
while (!done) {
if (opponentPokemon == null) {
System.out.printf("You have brutally murdered %d pokemon.%n"
+ "The only ones left are the ones in your possession.%n"
+ "There really is nothing more for you to do here.%n", initialPokemon);
if (player.getConsciousPokemon().size() < 1) {
System.out.println("All your pokemon have fainted. Your journey ends here.");
while (playersCurrentPokemon == null || !playersCurrentPokemon.isConscious()) {
playersCurrentPokemon = player.choosePokemon(true);
System.out.printf("Opponent: %s%nWhat will you do?%n", opponentPokemon);
System.out.printf("b: battle"
+ "%nh: heal or revive"
+ "%nt: throw pokeball"
+ "%nc: change pokemon"
+ "%nf: flee"
+ "%nv: view my pokemon"
+ "%ns: save"
+ "%nl: load"
+ "%nq: quit%n>");
char command =;
switch (command) {
case 'b':
case 'h':
case 't':
case 'c':
case 's':
case 'l':
case 'f':
case 'v':
case 'q':
done = true;
System.out.println("[Invalid command]");
* Lists all of the player's pokemon
private static void showPokemon() {
* Tries to flee from the current opponent
private static void flee() {
boolean fleeSuccessful = playersCurrentPokemon.flee(opponentPokemon);
if (fleeSuccessful) {
System.out.println("You fled the battle.");
} else {
System.out.printf("Failed to flee from %s.%n", opponentPokemon.getName());
* Loads game information from a save
private static void load() {
List<Pokemon> loadedPokemon = loadPokemon("");
List<Pokemon> loadedUsersPokemon = loadPokemon("");
Inventory loadedInventory = loadInventory("");
if (loadedPokemon == null || loadedUsersPokemon == null || loadedInventory == null) {
System.out.println("One or more savefiles seem corrupt or missing. Please delete, create or fix the affected file(s).");
} else {
availableOpponentPokemon = loadedPokemon;
if (availableOpponentPokemon.size() > 0 && player.getPokemon().size() > 0) {
do {
playersCurrentPokemon = player.choosePokemon(true);
} while (playersCurrentPokemon == null || !playersCurrentPokemon.isConscious());
opponentPokemon = randomPokemon(availableOpponentPokemon);
* Saves all stats about the game
private static void save() {
savePokemon(availableOpponentPokemon, "");
savePokemon(player.getPokemon(), "");
saveInventory(player.getInventory(), "");
* Chooses a new pokemon from the player's available pokemon
private static void choosePokemon() {
playersCurrentPokemon = player.choosePokemon(true);
while (playersCurrentPokemon == null) {
playersCurrentPokemon = player.choosePokemon(true);
* Makes the player's pokemon attack the enemy pokemon
private static void battle() {
if (opponentPokemon.isConscious() && playersCurrentPokemon.isConscious()) {
if (opponentPokemon.isConscious()) {
if (!playersCurrentPokemon.isConscious()) {
System.out.println("Your pokemon fainted.");
} else {
pokemonFainted(availableOpponentPokemon, opponentPokemon);
System.out.println("The opponent pokemon fainted.");
* Heals a pokemon if possible
private static void healPokemon() {
if (player.getInventory().getPotions().size() > 0) {
AbstractPotion currentPotion = player.getInventory().getChosenPotion();
if (currentPotion == null) {
System.out.println("Invalid potion.");
} else {
Pokemon pokemonToHeal;
if (currentPotion.needsAlive()) {
pokemonToHeal = player.choosePokemon(true);
} else {
pokemonToHeal = player.choosePokemon(false);
if (pokemonToHeal == null) {
System.out.println("That is not a valid pokemon");
} else {
if (currentPotion.use(pokemonToHeal)) {
player.getInventory().addItem(currentPotion, -1);
} else {
System.out.println("You have used all your healing items.");
* Tries throwing a poke ball at the enemy pokemon
private static void throwPokeBall() {
if (player.getInventory().getPokeBalls().size() > 0) {
AbstractPokeBall currentPokeBall = player.getInventory().getChosenPokeBall();
if (currentPokeBall == null) {
System.out.println("Invalid pokeball.");
} else {
boolean captured = currentPokeBall.use(opponentPokemon, availableOpponentPokemon, player);
player.getInventory().addItem(currentPokeBall, -1);
if (captured) {
} else {
} else {
System.out.println("You have used all your pokeballs.");
* Triggers an encounter with a new wild pokemon
private static void triggerNewEncounter() {
opponentPokemon = randomPokemon(availableOpponentPokemon);
System.out.printf("A wild %s appeared.%n", opponentPokemon.getName());
* Removes a fainted pokemon from encounter-able pokemon
* @param pokemonList <p>List of pokemon to search</p>
* @param target <p>The pokemon to remove</p>
public static void pokemonFainted(List<Pokemon> pokemonList, Pokemon target) {
pokemonList.removeIf(pokemon -> pokemon.equals(target));
* Gives a trainer necessary starting items
* @return <p>A list of items</p>
public static Inventory createInventory() {
Inventory inventory = new Inventory();
inventory.addItem(new PokeBall(), 15);
inventory.addItem(new GreatBall(), 10);
inventory.addItem(new UltraBall(), 5);
inventory.addItem(new MasterBall(), 1);
inventory.addItem(new Potion(), 20);
inventory.addItem(new SuperPotion(), 10);
inventory.addItem(new HyperPotion(), 5);
inventory.addItem(new MaxPotion(), 1);
inventory.addItem(new Revive(), 2);
return inventory;
* Chooses a random pokemon from a list
* @param pokemon <p>The list to choose from</p>
* @return <p>A pokemon.Pokemon object, or null if the list is empty</p>
public static Pokemon randomPokemon(List<Pokemon> pokemon) {
if (pokemon.size() > 0) {
return pokemon.get((int)(Math.random() * pokemon.size()));
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't get random pokemon from empty list");
* Reads pokemon from pokemon.Pokemon.txt to an ArrayList.
* @return <p>An ArrayList of pokemon objects</p>
public static ArrayList<Pokemon> readPokemon() {
ArrayList<Pokemon> pokemon = new ArrayList<>();
try (Scanner file = new Scanner(new File("config/Pokemon.txt"))) {
while (file.hasNextLine()) {
pokemon.add(new Pokemon(file.nextLine()));
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
/* If the file is compiled as jar, this will prevent an empty list. */
try (Scanner file = new Scanner(Game.class.getResourceAsStream("config/Pokemon.txt"))) {
while (file.hasNextLine()) {
pokemon.add(new Pokemon(file.nextLine()));
return pokemon;
* Picks a random pokemon from a list
* @param pokemon <p>A list of pokemon objects</p>
* @return <p>A pokemon object which exists in the input list</p>
public static Pokemon pickRandomPokemon(ArrayList<Pokemon> pokemon) {
int index = (int)(Math.random() * (pokemon.size()));
Pokemon randomPokemon = pokemon.get(index);
return randomPokemon;
* Saves all pokemon in a list to a text file
* @param pokemonList <p>List of pokemon.Pokemon objects to save</p>
* @param saveFile <p>The file to write to</p>
public static void savePokemon(List<Pokemon> pokemonList, String saveFile) {
try (PrintWriter file = new PrintWriter(saveFile)) {
for (Pokemon pokemon : pokemonList) {
System.out.println("Successfully saved pokemon.");
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
System.out.println("The saveFile could not be written.");
* Saves the inventory to a text file
* @param inventory <p>The inventory to save</p>
* @param saveFile <p>The file to write to</p>
public static void saveInventory(Inventory inventory, String saveFile) {
try (PrintWriter file = new PrintWriter(saveFile)) {
System.out.println("Successfully saved inventory.");
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
System.out.println("The saveFile could not be written.");
* Loads pokemon from a text file
* @param saveFile <p>The file to read</p>
* @return <p>A list of pokemon or null on failure</p>
public static ArrayList<Pokemon> loadPokemon(String saveFile) {
ArrayList<Pokemon> pokemon = new ArrayList<>();
try (Scanner file = new Scanner(new File(saveFile))) {
NumberFormat format = NumberFormat.getInstance(Locale.ENGLISH);
while (file.hasNextLine()) {
String[] data = file.nextLine().split(";");
try {
pokemon.add(new Pokemon(data[0], Integer.parseInt(data[1]), Integer.parseInt(data[2]),
Integer.parseInt(data[3]), format.parse(data[4]).doubleValue(),
Integer.parseInt(data[5]), Integer.parseInt(data[6]), Integer.parseInt(data[7])));
} catch (NumberFormatException | ParseException e) {
System.out.println("Malformed number " + e.getMessage());
} catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
System.out.println("Invalid saveFile: " + saveFile);
return null;
System.out.println("Successfully loaded pokemon.");
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
System.out.println("Missing saveFile " + saveFile);
return null;
return pokemon;
* Loads inventory from a text file
* @param saveFile <p>The file to write to</p>
* @return <p>A list of items or null on failure</p>
public static Inventory loadInventory(String saveFile) {
Inventory inventory = new Inventory();
try (Scanner file = new Scanner(new File(saveFile))) {
while (file.hasNextLine()) {
try {
String line = file.nextLine();
if (line.isEmpty()) {
String[] data = line.split(";");
inventory.addItem(Item.getItemByName(data[0]), Integer.parseInt(data[1]));
} catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
System.out.println("Invalid saveFile: " + saveFile);
return null;
System.out.println("Successfully loaded items.");
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
System.out.println("Missing saveFile " + saveFile);
return null;
return inventory;
* Returns a random list of 6 pokemon
* @return <p>A list of pokemon.Pokemon</p>
public static ArrayList<Pokemon> randomTeam() {
ArrayList<Pokemon> temporary = readPokemon();
ArrayList<Pokemon> pokemon = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 1; i <= 6; i++) {
return pokemon;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
package items;
import pokemon.Pokemon;
import storage.Trainer;
import java.util.List;
* An abstract class representing a poke ball
public abstract class AbstractPokeBall extends Item {
* Instantiates a new poke ball
* @param name <p>The name of the poke ball</p>
* @param description <p>The description of the poke ball</p>
public AbstractPokeBall(String name, String description) {
super(name, description);
* Uses a poke ball on an opponent
* @param target <p>Which pokemon to target</p>
* @param current <p>Current list the pokemon belongs to</p>
* @param catcher <p>Where we send the pokemon on a successful capture</p>
* @return <p>True if nothing went wrong. False otherwise</p>
public boolean use(Pokemon target, List<Pokemon> current, Trainer catcher) {
return false;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
package items;
import pokemon.Pokemon;
* An abstract class representing a potion
public abstract class AbstractPotion extends Item {
final boolean alive;
* Instantiates a new potion
* @param name <p>The name of the potion</p>
* @param description <p>The description of the potion</p>
public AbstractPotion(String name, String description) {
super(name, description);
this.alive = true;
* Instantiates a new potion
* @param name <p>The name of the potion</p>
* @param description <p>The description of the potion</p>
* @param alive <p>Whether the pokemon needs to be alive to use the potion</p>
public AbstractPotion(String name, String description, boolean alive) {
super(name, description);
this.alive = alive;
/** Checks if an item should be used on alive or fainted pokemon. */
public boolean needsAlive() {
return alive;
* Uses an item and does something based on the type of item
* @param target <p>Which pokemon should the item be used on</p>
* @return <p>True if nothing went wrong. False otherwise</p>
public boolean use(Pokemon target) {
return false;
* Checks if a pokemon is able to, and in need of a potion. If it is, heal it
* @param target <p>The pokemon to heal</p>
* @param amount <p>The amount to heal the pokemon</p>
* @return <p>True if nothing went wrong. False otherwise</p>
boolean potion(Pokemon target, int amount) {
if (target.isConscious()) {
if (target.isDamaged()) {
int healed = target.heal(amount);
System.out.printf("%s was healed for %d HP and now has %d HP.%n", target.getName(), healed, target.getHP());
return true;
} else {
System.out.printf("%s has not taken damage, and does not require a potion.%n", target.getName());
return false;
} else {
System.out.println("You can't heal a fainted pokemon.");
return false;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
package items;
import pokemon.Pokemon;
import storage.Trainer;
import java.util.List;
* This class represents a great ball item
public class GreatBall extends AbstractPokeBall {
public GreatBall() {
super("Great ball",
"A good, high-performance Poké Ball that provides a higher Pokémon catch rate than a " +
"standard Poké Ball.");
public boolean use(Pokemon target, List<Pokemon> current, Trainer catcher) {
return target.tryCapture(current, catcher, 200);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
package items;
import pokemon.Pokemon;
* This class represents a hyper potion item
public class HyperPotion extends AbstractPotion {
public HyperPotion() {
super("Hyper Potion", "Heals a pokemon for 200 HP.");
public boolean use(Pokemon target) {
return potion(target, 200);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
package items;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
* This class represents a general item which can be stored in an inventory
public abstract class Item {
final String name;
final String description;
static List<Item> availableItems = new ArrayList<>();
* Instantiates a new item
* @param name <p>The name of the item</p>
* @param description <p>The description of the item</p>
public Item(String name, String description) { = name;
this.description = description;
* Returns an item by the given name
* @param name <p>The name of the item to get</p>
* @return <p>An item with the name, or null if no such item exists</p>
public static Item getItemByName(String name) {
if (availableItems.isEmpty()) {
for (Item item : availableItems) {
if ( {
return item;
return null;
* Initializes all known items so that they are usable
private static void initializeItems() {
availableItems.add(new PokeBall());
availableItems.add(new GreatBall());
availableItems.add(new HyperPotion());
availableItems.add(new MasterBall());
availableItems.add(new MaxPotion());
availableItems.add(new Potion());
availableItems.add(new Revive());
availableItems.add(new SuperPotion());
availableItems.add(new UltraBall());
* Makes a nice string describing the item
* @return <p>Name: Description</p>
public String toString() {
return String.format("%s: %s",, this.description);
* Returns a string used for saving the item
* @return <p>Name;Description</p>
public String saveString() {
return String.format("%s",;
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (obj == null) {
return false;
if (!Item.class.isAssignableFrom(obj.getClass())) {
return false;
return obj).name);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
package items;
import pokemon.Pokemon;
import storage.Trainer;
import java.util.List;
* This class represents a master ball item
public class MasterBall extends AbstractPokeBall {
public MasterBall() {
super("Master ball", "The best Poké Ball with the ultimate level of performance. With it, " +
"you will catch any wild Pokémon without fail.");
public boolean use(Pokemon target, List<Pokemon> current, Trainer catcher) {
return target.tryCapture(current, catcher, 0);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
package items;
import pokemon.Pokemon;
* This class represents a max potion item
public class MaxPotion extends AbstractPotion {
public MaxPotion() {
super("Max Potion", "Fully heals a pokemon.");
public boolean use(Pokemon target) {
return potion(target, -1);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
package items;
import pokemon.Pokemon;
import storage.Trainer;
import java.util.List;
* This class represents a poke ball item
public class PokeBall extends AbstractPokeBall {
public PokeBall() {
super("Poke Ball", "A device for catching wild Pokémon. It's thrown like a ball at a " +
"Pokémon, comfortably encapsulating its target.");
public boolean use(Pokemon target, List<Pokemon> current, Trainer catcher) {
return target.tryCapture(current, catcher, 255);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
package items;
import pokemon.Pokemon;
* This class represents potion item
public class Potion extends AbstractPotion {
* Instantiates a potion
public Potion() {
super("Potion", "Heals a pokemon for 20 HP.");
public boolean use(Pokemon target) {
return potion(target, 20);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
package items;
import pokemon.Pokemon;
* This class represents a revive item
public class Revive extends AbstractPotion {
public Revive() {
super("Revive", "Revives a fainted pokemon.", true);
public boolean use(Pokemon target) {
if (!target.isConscious()) {
System.out.printf("%s was revived.%n", target.getName());
return true;
} else {
System.out.println("You can't revive a conscious pokemon.");
return false;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
package items;
import pokemon.Pokemon;
* This class represents a super potion item
public class SuperPotion extends AbstractPotion {
public SuperPotion() {
super("Super Potion", "Heals a pokemon for 50 HP.");
public boolean use(Pokemon target) {
return potion(target, 50);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
package items;
import pokemon.Pokemon;
import storage.Trainer;
import java.util.List;
* This class represents an ultra ball item
public class UltraBall extends AbstractPokeBall {
public UltraBall() {
super("Ultra ball", "An ultra-high-performance Poké Ball that provides a higher success rate " +
"for catching Pokémon than a Great Ball.");
public boolean use(Pokemon target, List<Pokemon> current, Trainer catcher) {
return target.tryCapture(current, catcher, 150);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
package pokemon;
import storage.Trainer;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Random;
* This class represents a pokemon
public class Pokemon {
private final String name;
private int healthPoints;
private int maxHealthPoints;
private int strength;
private final double criticalChance;
private final Random random;
private final int catchRate;
private int exp;
private int level;
private int fleeCount;
* Instantiates a new pokemon with random stats
* @param name <p>The name of the pokemon</p>
public Pokemon(String name) {
this.random = new Random(); = name;
this.healthPoints = 30 + random.nextInt(70);
this.maxHealthPoints = this.healthPoints;
this.criticalChance = Math.abs(0.1 * random.nextGaussian());
this.catchRate = (int)(Math.random() * 256);
this.exp = 0;
this.level = (int)(Math.abs(2 * random.nextGaussian()) + 1);
this.strength = random.nextInt(7) + this.level;
this.fleeCount = 0;
* Instantiates a pokemon with set stats
* @param name <p>The name of the pokemon</p>
* @param healthPoints <p>The current HP of the pokemon</p>
* @param maxHealthPoints <p>The max HP of the pokemon</p>
* @param strength <p>The strength of the pokemon</p>
* @param criticalChance <p>The critical hit chance of the pokemon</p>
* @param catchRate <p>The catch rate of the pokemon. A higher rate makes it easier to catch</p>
* @param exp <p>The current xp of the pokemon</p>
* @param level <p>The current level of the pokemon</p>
public Pokemon(String name, int healthPoints, int maxHealthPoints, int strength, double criticalChance, int catchRate, int exp, int level) {
this.random = new Random(); = name;
this.healthPoints = healthPoints;
this.maxHealthPoints = maxHealthPoints;
this.criticalChance = criticalChance;
this.catchRate = catchRate;
this.exp = exp;
this.level = level;
this.strength = strength;
this.fleeCount = 0;
* Makes a string containing all information about the pokemon
* @return <p>A descriptive string</p>
public String toString() {
return String.format("Level %d %s HP: (%d/%d) STR: %d CHC: %.0f%%", this.level,, this.healthPoints,
this.maxHealthPoints, this.strength, (this.criticalChance*100));
* Returns a string containing all the pokemon's data in a save-able format
public String saveString() {
return String.format("%s;%d;%d;%d;%f;%d;%d;%d",, this.healthPoints, this.maxHealthPoints,
this.strength, this.criticalChance, this.catchRate, this.exp, this.level);
* Gets the name of the pokemon
* @return <p>The name of the pokemon</p>
public String getName() {
* Gets the current hit points of the pokemon
* @return <p>The current HP of the pokemon</p>
public int getHP() {
return this.healthPoints;
* Checks whether two pokemon are equal
* @param target <p>The pokemon to check against</p>
* @return <p>True if they are equal. False otherwise</p>
public boolean equals(Pokemon target) {
return target == this;
* Heals a pokemon
* @param amount <p>How many hit points to heal</p>
* @return <p>The exact amount of hit points healed</p>
public int heal(int amount) {
if (amount < 0) {
amount = this.maxHealthPoints - this.healthPoints;
} else {
amount = Math.min(this.maxHealthPoints - this.healthPoints, amount);
this.healthPoints += amount;
return amount;
* Checks if a pokemon has not taken any damage or is fully healed
* @return <p>True if health is full. False otherwise</p>
public boolean isDamaged() {
return this.healthPoints < this.maxHealthPoints;
* Tries to catch a pokemon
* @param current <p>The list where the pokemon currently belongs</p>
* @param catcher <p>The list to send the pokemon on successful capture</p>
* @return <p>True on successful capture. False otherwise</p>
public boolean tryCapture(List<Pokemon> current, Trainer catcher, int range) {
if (range == 0) {
this.capture(current, catcher);
System.out.printf("%s was caught.%n",;
return true;
if ((int)(Math.random() * (range + 1)) < Math.max((3 * this.maxHealthPoints - 2 * this.healthPoints) *
this.catchRate / (3 * this.maxHealthPoints), 1)) {
this.capture(current, catcher);
System.out.printf("%s was caught.%n",;
return true;
} else {
System.out.printf("%s escaped from the pokeball.%n",;
return false;
* Captures a wild pokemon
* @param current <p>The pokemon list the pokemon belongs to</p>
* @param trainer <p>The trainer capturing the pokemon</p>
private void capture(List<Pokemon> current, Trainer trainer) {
current.removeIf(pokemon -> pokemon == this);
* Restores the health of a fainted pokemon
public void revive() {
this.healthPoints = this.maxHealthPoints;
* Checks if the pokemon has any HP left
* @return <p>True if any HP is left. False otherwise</p>
public boolean isConscious() {
return this.healthPoints > 0;
* Damages a pokemon
* @param damageTaken <p>How many hit points are to be deducted</p>
public void damage(int damageTaken) {
this.healthPoints = Math.max(this.healthPoints -= damageTaken, 0);
System.out.printf("%s takes %d damage and is left with %d/%d HP%n",, damageTaken, this.healthPoints, this.maxHealthPoints);
* Gives a pokemon exp after each successful battle. Also handles leveling up
* @param target <p>Which pokemon did we beat</p>
private void giveEXP(Pokemon target) {
int exp = (100 * target.level)/7;
this.exp += exp;
System.out.printf("%s gained %d exp.%n",, exp);
if (this.exp > (4 * Math.pow(this.level, 3)) / 5) {
this.maxHealthPoints += 5;
this.healthPoints = maxHealthPoints;
this.strength += 1;
System.out.printf("%s is now level %d. Health has been increased and restored. Strength has been increased.%n",, this.level);
* Makes a pokemon attack another pokemon
* @param target <p>The pokemon to take damage</p>
public void attack(Pokemon target) {
if (this.healthPoints > 0) {
System.out.printf("%s attacks %s.%n", this.getName(), target.getName());
double critical = 1;
if (Math.random() < this.criticalChance) {
System.out.println("Critical hit!");
critical = (2.0 * this.level +5) / (this.level + 5);
double randomDouble = 0.85 + (1.0 - 0.85) * random.nextDouble();
int moveDamage = (int)(Math.random() * 60 + 40);
int damageInflicted = this.level + (int)((((((2 * this.strength) / 5) + 2) * moveDamage * 1.75) / 50 + 2) * critical * randomDouble);
if (!target.isConscious()) {
System.out.printf("%s is defeated by %s.%n", target.getName(), this.getName());
this.fleeCount = 0;
} else {
System.out.println("No cheating!");
* The trainer may flee if the battle is too hard
* @param target <p>Who are we trying to flee from</p>
* @return <p>True on successful escape. False otherwise</p>
public boolean flee(Pokemon target) {
if (random.nextInt(256) < (this.level * 128 / target.level) + (30 * this.fleeCount % 256)) {
this.fleeCount = 0;
return true;
} else {
return false;

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@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
package storage;
import items.*;
import java.util.*;
* This class represents a pokemon trainer's inventory
public class Inventory {
public static final Scanner in = new Scanner(;
private final Map<Item, Integer> items;
* Initializes a new empty inventory
public Inventory() {
this.items = new HashMap<>();
* Adds a new item to the inventory
* <p>If the inventory already contains the item, the amount will be added to the existing amount.</p>
* @param item <p>The item to be added to the inventory</p>
* @param amount <p>The amount of the item to add</p>
public void addItem(Item item, Integer amount) {
if (items.get(item) != null) {
amount += items.get(item);
items.put(item, amount);
* Gets all available poke balls from the inventory
* @return <p>A list of poke balls</p>
public List<AbstractPokeBall> getPokeBalls() {
List<AbstractPokeBall> pokeBalls = new ArrayList<>();
for (Item item : items.keySet()) {
if (AbstractPokeBall.class.isAssignableFrom(item.getClass()) && items.get(item) > 0) {
pokeBalls.add((AbstractPokeBall) item);
return pokeBalls;
* Gets all available potions from the inventory
* @return <p>A list of potions</p>
public List<AbstractPotion> getPotions() {
List<AbstractPotion> potions = new ArrayList<>();
for (Item item : items.keySet()) {
if (AbstractPotion.class.isAssignableFrom(item.getClass()) && items.get(item) > 0) {
potions.add((AbstractPotion) item);
return potions;
* Prints out information about available poke balls
public void availablePokeBalls() {
System.out.println("You may choose from these items:");
List<AbstractPokeBall> pokeBalls = getPokeBalls();
for (int i = 0; i < pokeBalls.size(); i++) {
System.out.printf("%d: (%d) %s%n", i + 1, items.get(pokeBalls.get(i)), pokeBalls.get(i));
* Prints out information about available potions
public void availablePotions() {
System.out.println("You may choose from these items:");
List<AbstractPotion> potionList = getPotions();
for (int i = 0; i < potionList.size(); i++) {
System.out.printf("%d: (%d) %s%n", i + 1, items.get(potionList.get(i)), potionList.get(i));
* Gets a potion according to the user's input
* @return <p>The potion the user chose, or null on invalid choice</p>
public AbstractPotion getChosenPotion() {
List<AbstractPotion> potions = getPotions();
if (in.hasNextInt()) {
int choice = in.nextInt() - 1;
if (choice >= 0 && choice < potions.size()) {
return potions.get(choice);
} else {
return null;
* Gets a poke ball according to the user's input
* @return <p>The poke ball the user chose, or null on invalid choice</p>
public AbstractPokeBall getChosenPokeBall() {
List<AbstractPokeBall> pokeBalls = getPokeBalls();
if (in.hasNextInt()) {
int choice = in.nextInt() - 1;
if (choice >= 0 && choice < pokeBalls.size()) {
return pokeBalls.get(choice);
} else {
return null;
* Gets a save-able string containing all non-empty items in the inventory
* @return <p>A save string Name;Amount</p>
public String getSaveString() {
StringBuilder saveString = new StringBuilder();
for (Item item : items.keySet()) {
return saveString.toString();

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@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
package storage;
import pokemon.Pokemon;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Scanner;
* This class represents a pokemon trainer
public class Trainer {
public static final Scanner in = new Scanner(;
final String name;
private List<Pokemon> pokemon;
private Inventory inventory;
* Instantiates a new trainer
* @param name <p>The name of the trainer</p>
* @param pokemon <p>The pokemon belonging to the trainer</p>
* @param inventory <p>The inventory belonging to the trainer</p>
public Trainer(String name, ArrayList<Pokemon> pokemon, Inventory inventory) { = name;
this.pokemon = pokemon;
this.inventory = inventory;
* Sets the list of pokemon belonging to the trainer
* @param pokemon <p>A list of pokemon</p>
public void setPokemon(List<Pokemon> pokemon) {
this.pokemon = pokemon;
* Sets the inventory belonging to the trainer
* @param inventory <p>An inventory</p>
public void setInventory(Inventory inventory) {
this.inventory = inventory;
* Gets the list of pokemon belonging to the trainer
* @return <p>A list of pokemon</p>
public List<Pokemon> getPokemon() {
return this.pokemon;
* Adds a pokemon to the trainer's list of pokemon
* @param pokemon <p>A pokemon</p>
public void addPokemon(Pokemon pokemon) {
* Gets all conscious pokemon belonging to the trainer
* @return <p>A list of pokemon</p>
public ArrayList<Pokemon> getConsciousPokemon() {
ArrayList<Pokemon> pokemon = new ArrayList<>();
for (Pokemon singlePokemon : this.pokemon) {
if (singlePokemon.isConscious()) {
return pokemon;
* Gets all fainted pokemon belonging to the trainer
* @return <p>A list of pokemon</p>
public ArrayList<Pokemon> getFaintedPokemon() {
ArrayList<Pokemon> pokemon = new ArrayList<>();
for (Pokemon singlePokemon : this.pokemon) {
if (!singlePokemon.isConscious()) {
return pokemon;
* Gets the inventory of the user
* @return <p>An inventory</p>
public Inventory getInventory() {
return this.inventory;
* Lists all currently available pokemon for the trainer
* @param alive <p>Whether to list alive pokemon or dead</p>
public void listAvailablePokemon(boolean alive) {
ArrayList<Pokemon> pokemonList;
if (alive) {
pokemonList = this.getConsciousPokemon();
} else {
pokemonList = this.getFaintedPokemon();
System.out.println("You may choose from these pokemon:");
for (int i = 0; i < pokemonList.size(); i++) {
System.out.printf("%d: %s%n", i + 1, pokemonList.get(i));
* Prints all pokemon belonging to the trainer
public void printPokemon() {
for (Pokemon pokemon : this.pokemon) {
* Asks the user for the name of a pokemon and returns it
* @param alive <p>Whether the chosen pokemon has to be alive</p>
* @return <p>A pokemon object or null</p>
public Pokemon choosePokemon(boolean alive) {
ArrayList<Pokemon> pokemonList;
if (alive) {
pokemonList = this.getConsciousPokemon();
} else {
pokemonList = this.getFaintedPokemon();
if (in.hasNextInt()) {
int choice = in.nextInt() - 1;
if (choice >= 0 && choice < pokemonList.size()) {
return pokemonList.get(choice);
return null;