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synced 2025-03-27 12:19:44 +01:00
Many Herbalism bug fixes
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,6 +1,17 @@
Version 2.1.95
Added missing Chorus_Fruit & Chorus_Plant entries to Herbalism's Bonus Drops in config.yml (See notes)
Added 'Carrots, Cocoa, Potatoes, Wheat, Beetroots, Nether_Wart' to Herbalism in experience.yml (See notes)
Fixed a bug preventing Wandering Traders from granting XP
Fixed a bug that prevented Chorus Tree's from giving full XP if you broke anything other than the bottom block
Fixed a bug which could cause Large Fern's to reward less XP
Fixed a bug where certain herbalism crops could have fewer than intended bonus drops
Added missing 'Chorus_Flower' entry to herbalism in experience.yml (update your config manually or delete the file to regenerate it)
Added some debug messages about XP gains if you are in debug mode
Added some debug messages for Acrobatics if you are in debug mode
Add 'Chorus_Fruit' and 'Chorus_Plant' under Bonus_Drops.Herbalism in config.yml or you will not be getting double drops for Chorus Fruit.
You shouldn't need to add "Carrots, Cocoa, Potatoes, Wheat, Beetroots, Nether_Wart" to your experience file, it seems that file updates automatically for missing entries.
Version 2.1.94
2 new devs have joined the mcMMO team (electronicboy, kashike), bringing the active dev team to 3 including myself! Strings relating to authors of mcMMO have been updated to reflect this
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
package com.gmail.nossr50.datatypes;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.block.Block;
* Contains a snapshot of a block at a specific moment in time
* Used to check before/after type stuff
public class BlockSnapshot {
private final Material oldType;
private Block blockRef;
public BlockSnapshot(Material oldType, Block blockRef) {
this.oldType = oldType;
this.blockRef = blockRef;
public Material getOldType() {
return oldType;
public Block getBlockRef() {
return blockRef;
public boolean hasChangedType() {
return oldType != blockRef.getState().getType();
@ -274,12 +274,23 @@ public class Roll extends AcrobaticsSubSkill {
return false;
McMMOPlayer mcMMOPlayer = UserManager.getPlayer(player);
if (player.getInventory().getItemInMainHand().getType() == Material.ENDER_PEARL || player.isInsideVehicle()) {
if(mcMMOPlayer.isDebugMode()) {
mcMMOPlayer.getPlayer().sendMessage("Acrobatics XP Prevented: Ender Pearl or Inside Vehicle");
return true;
if(mcMMOPlayer.isDebugMode()) {
mcMMOPlayer.getPlayer().sendMessage("Acrobatics XP Prevented: Fallen in location before");
return true;
return false; //NOT EXPLOITING
@ -343,7 +343,7 @@ public class BlockListener implements Listener {
* Instead, we check it inside the drops handler.
if (PrimarySkillType.HERBALISM.getPermissions(player)) {
@ -574,7 +574,7 @@ public class BlockListener implements Listener {
* We don't need to check permissions here because they've already been checked for the ability to even activate.
if (mcMMOPlayer.getAbilityMode(SuperAbilityType.GREEN_TERRA) && BlockUtils.canMakeMossy(blockState)) {
if (mcMMOPlayer.getHerbalismManager().processGreenTerra(blockState)) {
if (mcMMOPlayer.getHerbalismManager().processGreenTerraBlockConversion(blockState)) {
@ -75,6 +75,11 @@ public class SelfListener implements Listener {
McMMOPlayer mcMMOPlayer = UserManager.getPlayer(player);
PrimarySkillType primarySkillType = event.getSkill();
if(mcMMOPlayer.isDebugMode()) {
mcMMOPlayer.getPlayer().sendMessage(event.getSkill().toString() + " XP Gained");
mcMMOPlayer.getPlayer().sendMessage("Incoming Raw XP: "+event.getRawXpGained());
//WorldGuard XP Check
if(event.getXpGainReason() == XPGainReason.PVE ||
event.getXpGainReason() == XPGainReason.PVP ||
@ -87,6 +92,10 @@ public class SelfListener implements Listener {
if(mcMMOPlayer.isDebugMode()) {
mcMMOPlayer.getPlayer().sendMessage("No WG XP Flag - New Raw XP: "+event.getRawXpGained());
@ -112,6 +121,9 @@ public class SelfListener implements Listener {
int threshold = ExperienceConfig.getInstance().getDiminishedReturnsThreshold(primarySkillType);
if (threshold <= 0 || !ExperienceConfig.getInstance().getDiminishedReturnsEnabled()) {
if(mcMMOPlayer.isDebugMode()) {
mcMMOPlayer.getPlayer().sendMessage("Final Raw XP: "+event.getRawXpGained());
// Diminished returns is turned off
@ -156,6 +168,10 @@ public class SelfListener implements Listener {
if(mcMMOPlayer.isDebugMode()) {
mcMMOPlayer.getPlayer().sendMessage("Final Raw XP: "+event.getRawXpGained());
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
package com.gmail.nossr50.runnables.skills;
import com.gmail.nossr50.datatypes.BlockSnapshot;
import com.gmail.nossr50.datatypes.player.McMMOPlayer;
import org.bukkit.scheduler.BukkitRunnable;
import java.util.ArrayList;
public class DelayedHerbalismXPCheckTask extends BukkitRunnable {
private final McMMOPlayer mcMMOPlayer;
private final ArrayList<BlockSnapshot> chorusBlocks;
public DelayedHerbalismXPCheckTask(McMMOPlayer mcMMOPlayer, ArrayList<BlockSnapshot> chorusBlocks) {
this.mcMMOPlayer = mcMMOPlayer;
this.chorusBlocks = chorusBlocks;
public void run() {
@ -1,15 +1,10 @@
package com.gmail.nossr50.skills.herbalism;
import com.gmail.nossr50.mcMMO;
import com.gmail.nossr50.util.BlockUtils;
import com.gmail.nossr50.util.skills.SkillUtils;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.block.Block;
import org.bukkit.block.BlockFace;
import org.bukkit.block.BlockState;
import java.util.HashSet;
public class Herbalism {
@ -43,145 +38,6 @@ public class Herbalism {
private static int calculateChorusPlantDrops(Block target, boolean triple, HerbalismManager herbalismManager) {
return calculateChorusPlantDropsRecursive(target, new HashSet<>(), triple, herbalismManager);
private static int calculateChorusPlantDropsRecursive(Block target, HashSet<Block> traversed, boolean triple, HerbalismManager herbalismManager) {
if (target.getType() != Material.CHORUS_PLANT)
return 0;
// Prevent any infinite loops, who needs more than 64 chorus anyways
if (traversed.size() > 64)
return 0;
if (!traversed.add(target))
return 0;
int dropAmount = 0;
if (mcMMO.getPlaceStore().isTrue(target))
BlockUtils.markDropsAsBonus(target.getState(), triple);
for (BlockFace blockFace : new BlockFace[] { BlockFace.UP, BlockFace.NORTH, BlockFace.SOUTH, BlockFace.EAST ,BlockFace.WEST})
dropAmount += calculateChorusPlantDropsRecursive(target.getRelative(blockFace, 1), traversed, triple, herbalismManager);
return dropAmount;
* Calculate the drop amounts for multi block plants based on the blocks
* relative to them.
* @param blockState
* The {@link BlockState} of the bottom block of the plant
* @return the number of bonus drops to award from the blocks in this plant
protected static int countAndMarkDoubleDropsMultiBlockPlant(BlockState blockState, boolean triple, HerbalismManager herbalismManager) {
Block block = blockState.getBlock();
Material blockType = blockState.getType();
int dropAmount = 0;
int bonusDropAmount = 0;
int bonusAdd = triple ? 2 : 1;
if (blockType == Material.CHORUS_PLANT) {
dropAmount = 1;
if (block.getRelative(BlockFace.DOWN, 1).getType() == Material.END_STONE) {
dropAmount = calculateChorusPlantDrops(block, triple, herbalismManager);
} else {
//Check the block itself first
} else {
// Handle the two blocks above it - cacti & sugar cane can only grow 3 high naturally
for (int y = 1; y < 255; y++) {
Block relativeBlock = block.getRelative(BlockFace.UP, y);
if (relativeBlock.getType() != blockType) {
if (mcMMO.getPlaceStore().isTrue(relativeBlock)) {
} else {
//Mark the original block for bonus drops
BlockUtils.markDropsAsBonus(blockState, bonusDropAmount);
return dropAmount;
* Calculate the drop amounts for kelp plants based on the blocks
* relative to them.
* @param blockState
* The {@link BlockState} of the bottom block of the plant
* @return the number of bonus drops to award from the blocks in this plant
protected static int countAndMarkDoubleDropsKelp(BlockState blockState, boolean triple, HerbalismManager herbalismManager) {
Block block = blockState.getBlock();
int kelpMaxHeight = 255;
int amount = 1;
// Handle the two blocks above it - cacti & sugar cane can only grow 3 high naturally
for (int y = 1; y < kelpMaxHeight; y++) {
Block relativeUpBlock = block.getRelative(BlockFace.UP, y);
amount += 1;
BlockUtils.markDropsAsBonus(relativeUpBlock.getState(), triple);
return amount;
private static int addKelpDrops(int dropAmount, Block relativeBlock) {
if (isKelp(relativeBlock) && !mcMMO.getPlaceStore().isTrue(relativeBlock)) {
} else {
return dropAmount;
private static boolean isKelp(Block relativeBlock) {
Material kelptype_1 = Material.KELP_PLANT;
Material kelptype_2 = Material.KELP;
return relativeBlock.getType() == kelptype_1 || relativeBlock.getType() == kelptype_2;
* Convert blocks affected by the Green Thumb & Green Terra abilities.
@ -3,9 +3,10 @@ package com.gmail.nossr50.skills.herbalism;
import com.gmail.nossr50.config.Config;
import com.gmail.nossr50.config.experience.ExperienceConfig;
import com.gmail.nossr50.config.treasure.TreasureConfig;
import com.gmail.nossr50.datatypes.BlockSnapshot;
import com.gmail.nossr50.datatypes.experience.XPGainReason;
import com.gmail.nossr50.datatypes.experience.XPGainSource;
import com.gmail.nossr50.datatypes.interactions.NotificationType;
import com.gmail.nossr50.datatypes.mods.CustomBlock;
import com.gmail.nossr50.datatypes.player.McMMOPlayer;
import com.gmail.nossr50.datatypes.skills.PrimarySkillType;
import com.gmail.nossr50.datatypes.skills.SubSkillType;
@ -13,6 +14,7 @@ import com.gmail.nossr50.datatypes.skills.SuperAbilityType;
import com.gmail.nossr50.datatypes.skills.ToolType;
import com.gmail.nossr50.datatypes.treasure.HylianTreasure;
import com.gmail.nossr50.mcMMO;
import com.gmail.nossr50.runnables.skills.DelayedHerbalismXPCheckTask;
import com.gmail.nossr50.runnables.skills.HerbalismBlockUpdaterTask;
import com.gmail.nossr50.skills.SkillManager;
import com.gmail.nossr50.util.*;
@ -24,13 +26,20 @@ import com.gmail.nossr50.util.skills.SkillActivationType;
import com.gmail.nossr50.util.skills.SkillUtils;
import org.bukkit.Location;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.block.Block;
import org.bukkit.block.BlockFace;
import org.bukkit.block.BlockState;
import org.bukkit.block.data.Ageable;
import org.bukkit.block.data.BlockData;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.event.block.BlockBreakEvent;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
import org.bukkit.inventory.PlayerInventory;
import org.bukkit.metadata.FixedMetadataValue;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
public class HerbalismManager extends SkillManager {
@ -38,10 +47,6 @@ public class HerbalismManager extends SkillManager {
super(mcMMOPlayer, PrimarySkillType.HERBALISM);
public boolean canBlockCheck() {
return !(Config.getInstance().getHerbalismPreventAFK() && getPlayer().isInsideVehicle());
public boolean canGreenThumbBlock(BlockState blockState) {
if(!RankUtils.hasUnlockedSubskill(getPlayer(), SubSkillType.HERBALISM_GREEN_THUMB))
return false;
@ -78,7 +83,7 @@ public class HerbalismManager extends SkillManager {
return mcMMOPlayer.getToolPreparationMode(ToolType.HOE) && Permissions.greenTerra(getPlayer());
public boolean canGreenTerraPlant() {
public boolean isGreenTerraActive() {
return mcMMOPlayer.getAbilityMode(SuperAbilityType.GREEN_TERRA);
@ -98,7 +103,7 @@ public class HerbalismManager extends SkillManager {
* @param blockState The {@link BlockState} to check ability activation for
* @return true if the ability was successful, false otherwise
public boolean processGreenTerra(BlockState blockState) {
public boolean processGreenTerraBlockConversion(BlockState blockState) {
Player player = getPlayer();
if (!Permissions.greenThumbBlock(player, blockState.getType())) {
@ -120,63 +125,398 @@ public class HerbalismManager extends SkillManager {
* @param blockState The {@link BlockState} to check ability activation for
* Handles herbalism abilities and XP rewards from a BlockBreakEvent
* @param blockBreakEvent The Block Break Event to process
public void herbalismBlockCheck(BlockState blockState) {
public void processHerbalismBlockBreakEvent(BlockBreakEvent blockBreakEvent) {
Player player = getPlayer();
Material material = blockState.getType();
boolean oneBlockPlant = isOneBlockPlant(material);
// Prevents placing and immediately breaking blocks for exp
if (oneBlockPlant && mcMMO.getPlaceStore().isTrue(blockState)) {
if (Config.getInstance().getHerbalismPreventAFK() && player.isInsideVehicle()) {
if (!canBlockCheck()) {
* There are single-block plants and multi-block plants in Minecraft
* In order to give out proper rewards, we need to collect all blocks that would be broken from this event
int amount;
int xp;
boolean greenTerra = mcMMOPlayer.getAbilityMode(skill.getAbility());
//Grab all broken blocks
HashSet<Block> brokenBlocks = getBrokenHerbalismBlocks(blockBreakEvent);
if (mcMMO.getModManager().isCustomHerbalismBlock(blockState)) {
CustomBlock customBlock = mcMMO.getModManager().getBlock(blockState);
xp = customBlock.getXpGain();
if (Permissions.isSubSkillEnabled(player, SubSkillType.HERBALISM_DOUBLE_DROPS) && customBlock.isDoubleDropEnabled()) {
BlockUtils.markDropsAsBonus(blockState, greenTerra);
else {
xp = ExperienceConfig.getInstance().getXp(skill, blockState.getBlockData());
if (!oneBlockPlant) {
//Kelp is actually two blocks mixed together
if(material == Material.KELP_PLANT || material == Material.KELP) {
amount = Herbalism.countAndMarkDoubleDropsKelp(blockState, greenTerra,this);
} else {
amount = Herbalism.countAndMarkDoubleDropsMultiBlockPlant(blockState, greenTerra, this);
xp *= amount;
} else {
BlockUtils.markDropsAsBonus(blockState, greenTerra);
if (Permissions.greenThumbPlant(player, material)) {
processGreenThumbPlants(blockState, greenTerra);
applyXpGain(xp, XPGainReason.PVE);
//Handle rewards, xp, ability interactions, etc
processHerbalismOnBlocksBroken(blockBreakEvent, brokenBlocks);
public boolean isOneBlockPlant(Material material) {
return !mcMMO.getMaterialMapStore().isMultiBlock(material);
* Process rewards for a set of plant blocks for Herbalism
* @param blockBreakEvent the block break event
* @param brokenPlants plant blocks to process
private void processHerbalismOnBlocksBroken(BlockBreakEvent blockBreakEvent, HashSet<Block> brokenPlants) {
BlockState originalBreak = blockBreakEvent.getBlock().getState();
//TODO: The design of Green Terra needs to change, this is a mess
if(Permissions.greenThumbPlant(getPlayer(), originalBreak.getType())) {
processGreenThumbPlants(originalBreak, isGreenTerraActive());
* Mark blocks for double drops
* Be aware of the hacky interactions we are doing with Chorus Plants
//It would take an expensive algorithm to predict which parts of a Chorus Tree will break as a result of root break
//So this hacky method is used instead
ArrayList<BlockSnapshot> delayedChorusBlocks = new ArrayList<>(); //Blocks that will be checked in future ticks
HashSet<Block> noDelayPlantBlocks = new HashSet<>(); //Blocks that will be checked immediately
for(Block brokenPlant : brokenPlants) {
* This check is to make XP bars appear to work properly with Chorus Trees by giving XP for the originalBreak immediately instead of later
if(brokenPlant.getLocation().equals(originalBreak.getBlock().getLocation())) {
//If its the same block as the original, we are going to directly check it for being a valid XP gain and add it to the nonChorusBlocks list even if its a chorus block
//This stops a delay from happening when bringing up the XP bar for chorus trees
if(!mcMMO.getPlaceStore().isTrue(originalBreak)) {
//Even if its a chorus block, the original break will be moved to nonChorusBlocks for immediate XP rewards
} else {
if(isChorusTree(brokenPlant.getType())) {
//If its a chorus tree AND it was marked as true in the placestore then we add this block to the list of chorus blocks
delayedChorusBlocks.add(new BlockSnapshot(brokenPlant.getType(), brokenPlant));
} else {
noDelayPlantBlocks.add(brokenPlant); //If its not a chorus plant that was marked as unnatural but it was marked unnatural, put it in the nodelay list to be handled
} else if(isChorusTree(brokenPlant.getType())) {
//Chorus Blocks get checked for XP several ticks later to avoid expensive calculations
delayedChorusBlocks.add(new BlockSnapshot(brokenPlant.getType(), brokenPlant));
} else {
//Give out XP to the non-chorus blocks
if(noDelayPlantBlocks.size() > 0) {
//Note: Will contain 1 chorus block if the original block was a chorus block, this is to prevent delays for the XP bar
if(delayedChorusBlocks.size() > 0) {
//Check XP for chorus blocks
DelayedHerbalismXPCheckTask delayedHerbalismXPCheckTask = new DelayedHerbalismXPCheckTask(mcMMOPlayer, delayedChorusBlocks);
//Large delay because the tree takes a while to break
delayedHerbalismXPCheckTask.runTaskLater(mcMMO.p, 20); //Calculate Chorus XP + Bonus Drops 1 tick later
public void checkDoubleDropsOnBrokenPlants(Collection<Block> brokenPlants) {
for(Block brokenPlant : brokenPlants) {
BlockState brokenPlantState = brokenPlant.getState();
BlockData plantData = brokenPlantState.getBlockData();
//Check for double drops
if(!mcMMO.getPlaceStore().isTrue(brokenPlant)) {
* Natural Blocks
//Not all things that are natural should give double drops, make sure its fully mature as well
if(plantData instanceof Ageable) {
Ageable ageable = (Ageable) plantData;
if(isAgeableMature(ageable) || isBizarreAgeable(plantData)) {
} else if(checkDoubleDrop(brokenPlantState)) {
//Add metadata to mark this block for double or triple drops
} else {
* Unnatural Blocks
//If its a Crop we need to reward XP when its fully grown
if(isAgeableAndFullyMature(plantData) && !isBizarreAgeable(plantData)) {
//Add metadata to mark this block for double or triple drops
* Checks if BlockData is ageable and we can trust that age for Herbalism rewards/XP reasons
* @param blockData target BlockData
* @return returns true if the ageable is trustworthy for Herbalism XP / Rewards
public boolean isBizarreAgeable(BlockData blockData) {
if(blockData instanceof Ageable) {
//Catcus and Sugar Canes cannot be trusted
switch(blockData.getMaterial()) {
case CACTUS:
return true;
return false;
return false;
public void markForBonusDrops(BlockState brokenPlantState) {
//Add metadata to mark this block for double or triple drops
boolean awardTriple = mcMMOPlayer.getAbilityMode(SuperAbilityType.GREEN_TERRA);
BlockUtils.markDropsAsBonus(brokenPlantState, awardTriple);
* Checks if a block is an ageable and if that ageable is fully mature
* @param plantData target plant
* @return returns true if the block is both an ageable and fully mature
public boolean isAgeableAndFullyMature(BlockData plantData) {
return plantData instanceof Ageable && isAgeableMature((Ageable) plantData);
public void awardXPForPlantBlocks(HashSet<Block> brokenPlants) {
int xpToReward = 0;
for(Block brokenPlantBlock : brokenPlants) {
BlockState brokenBlockNewState = brokenPlantBlock.getState();
BlockData plantData = brokenBlockNewState.getBlockData();
if(mcMMO.getPlaceStore().isTrue(brokenBlockNewState)) {
* Unnatural Blocks
//If its a Crop we need to reward XP when its fully grown
if(isAgeableAndFullyMature(plantData) && !isBizarreAgeable(plantData)) {
xpToReward += ExperienceConfig.getInstance().getXp(PrimarySkillType.HERBALISM, brokenBlockNewState.getType());
//Mark it as natural again as it is being broken
} else {
* Natural Blocks
//Calculate XP
if(plantData instanceof Ageable) {
Ageable plantAgeable = (Ageable) plantData;
if(isAgeableMature(plantAgeable) || isBizarreAgeable(plantData)) {
xpToReward += ExperienceConfig.getInstance().getXp(PrimarySkillType.HERBALISM, brokenBlockNewState.getType());
} else {
xpToReward += ExperienceConfig.getInstance().getXp(PrimarySkillType.HERBALISM, brokenPlantBlock.getType());
if(mcMMOPlayer.isDebugMode()) {
mcMMOPlayer.getPlayer().sendMessage("Plants processed: "+brokenPlants.size());
//Reward XP
if(xpToReward > 0) {
applyXpGain(xpToReward, XPGainReason.PVE, XPGainSource.SELF);
public boolean isAgeableMature(Ageable ageable) {
return ageable.getAge() == ageable.getMaximumAge()
&& ageable.getAge() != 0;
* Award XP for any blocks that used to be something else but are now AIR
* @param brokenPlants snapshot of broken blocks
public void awardXPForBlockSnapshots(ArrayList<BlockSnapshot> brokenPlants) {
* This handles XP for blocks that we need to check are broken after the fact
* This only applies to chorus trees right now
int xpToReward = 0;
int blocksGivingXP = 0;
for(BlockSnapshot blockSnapshot : brokenPlants) {
BlockState brokenBlockNewState = blockSnapshot.getBlockRef().getState();
//Remove metadata from the snapshot of blocks
if(brokenBlockNewState.hasMetadata(mcMMO.BONUS_DROPS_METAKEY)) {
brokenBlockNewState.removeMetadata(mcMMO.BONUS_DROPS_METAKEY, mcMMO.p);
//If the block is not AIR that means it wasn't broken
if(brokenBlockNewState.getType() != Material.AIR) {
if(mcMMO.getPlaceStore().isTrue(brokenBlockNewState)) {
//Mark it as natural again as it is being broken
} else {
//TODO: Do we care about chorus flower age?
//Calculate XP for the old type
xpToReward += ExperienceConfig.getInstance().getXp(PrimarySkillType.HERBALISM, blockSnapshot.getOldType());
if(mcMMOPlayer.isDebugMode()) {
mcMMOPlayer.getPlayer().sendMessage("Chorus Plants checked for XP: "+brokenPlants.size());
mcMMOPlayer.getPlayer().sendMessage("Valid Chorus Plant XP Gains: "+blocksGivingXP);
//Reward XP
if(xpToReward > 0) {
applyXpGain(xpToReward, XPGainReason.PVE, XPGainSource.SELF);
* Process and return plant blocks from a BlockBreakEvent
* @param blockBreakEvent target event
* @return a set of plant-blocks that were broken as a result of this event
private HashSet<Block> getBrokenHerbalismBlocks(BlockBreakEvent blockBreakEvent) {
//Get an updated capture of this block
BlockState originalBlockBlockState = blockBreakEvent.getBlock().getState();
Material originalBlockMaterial = originalBlockBlockState.getType();
HashSet<Block> blocksBroken = new HashSet<>(); //Blocks broken
//Check if this block is a one block plant or not
boolean oneBlockPlant = isOneBlockPlant(originalBlockMaterial);
if(oneBlockPlant) {
//If the block is a one-block plant return only that
} else {
//If the block is a multi-block structure, capture a set of all blocks broken and return that
blocksBroken = getBrokenBlocksMultiBlockPlants(originalBlockBlockState, blockBreakEvent);
//Return all broken plant-blocks
return blocksBroken;
private HashSet<Block> getBrokenChorusBlocks(BlockState originalBreak) {
HashSet<Block> traversedBlocks = grabChorusTreeBrokenBlocksRecursive(originalBreak.getBlock(), new HashSet<>());
return traversedBlocks;
private HashSet<Block> grabChorusTreeBrokenBlocksRecursive(Block currentBlock, HashSet<Block> traversed) {
if (!isChorusTree(currentBlock.getType()))
return traversed;
// Prevent any infinite loops, who needs more than 256 chorus anyways
if (traversed.size() > 256)
return traversed;
if (!traversed.add(currentBlock))
return traversed;
//Grab all Blocks in the Tree
for (BlockFace blockFace : new BlockFace[] { BlockFace.UP, BlockFace.NORTH, BlockFace.SOUTH, BlockFace.EAST ,BlockFace.WEST})
grabChorusTreeBrokenBlocksRecursive(currentBlock.getRelative(blockFace, 1), traversed);
return traversed;
* Grab a set of all plant blocks that are broken as a result of this event
* The method to grab these blocks is a bit hacky and does not hook into the API
* Basically we expect the blocks to be broken if this event is not cancelled and we determine which block are broken on our end rather than any event state captures
* @param blockBreakEvent target event
* @return a set of plant-blocks broken from this event
protected HashSet<Block> getBrokenBlocksMultiBlockPlants(BlockState originalBlockBroken, BlockBreakEvent blockBreakEvent) {
//Track the broken blocks
HashSet<Block> brokenBlocks;
if (isChorusBranch(originalBlockBroken.getType())) {
brokenBlocks = getBrokenChorusBlocks(originalBlockBroken);
} else {
brokenBlocks = getBlocksBrokenAbove(originalBlockBroken);
return brokenBlocks;
private boolean isChorusBranch(Material blockType) {
return blockType == Material.CHORUS_PLANT;
private boolean isChorusTree(Material blockType) {
return blockType == Material.CHORUS_PLANT || blockType == Material.CHORUS_FLOWER;
* Grabs blocks upwards from a target block
* A lot of Plants/Crops in Herbalism only break vertically from a broken block
* The vertical search returns early if it runs into anything that is not a multi-block plant
* Multi-block plants are hard-coded and kept in {@link MaterialMapStore}
* @param breakPointBlockState The point of the "break"
* @return A set of blocks above the target block which can be assumed to be broken
private HashSet<Block> getBlocksBrokenAbove(BlockState breakPointBlockState) {
HashSet<Block> brokenBlocks = new HashSet<>();
Block block = breakPointBlockState.getBlock();
//Add the initial block to the set
//Limit our search
int maxHeight = 255;
// Search vertically for multi-block plants, exit early if any non-multi block plants
for (int y = 1; y < maxHeight; y++) {
//TODO: Should this grab state? It would be more expensive..
Block relativeUpBlock = block.getRelative(BlockFace.UP, y);
//Abandon our search if the block isn't multi
return brokenBlocks;
* If the plant is considered a one block plant
* This is determined by seeing if it exists in a hard-coded collection of Multi-Block plants
* @param material target plant material
* @return true if the block is not contained in the collection of multi-block plants
private boolean isOneBlockPlant(Material material) {
return !mcMMO.getMaterialMapStore().isMultiBlockPlant(material);
@ -184,7 +524,7 @@ public class HerbalismManager extends SkillManager {
* @param blockState target block state
* @return true if double drop succeeds
public boolean checkDoubleDrop(BlockState blockState)
private boolean checkDoubleDrop(BlockState blockState)
return BlockUtils.checkDoubleDrops(getPlayer(), blockState, skill, SubSkillType.HERBALISM_DOUBLE_DROPS);
@ -324,7 +664,7 @@ public class HerbalismManager extends SkillManager {
if (!handleBlockState(blockState, greenTerra)) {
if (!processGrowingPlants(blockState, greenTerra)) {
@ -341,7 +681,7 @@ public class HerbalismManager extends SkillManager {
new HerbalismBlockUpdaterTask(blockState).runTaskLater(mcMMO.p, 0);
private boolean handleBlockState(BlockState blockState, boolean greenTerra) {
private boolean processGrowingPlants(BlockState blockState, boolean greenTerra) {
int greenThumbStage = getGreenThumbStage();
blockState.setMetadata(mcMMO.greenThumbDataKey, new FixedMetadataValue(mcMMO.p, (int) (System.currentTimeMillis() / Misc.TIME_CONVERSION_FACTOR)));
@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ import com.gmail.nossr50.skills.salvage.Salvage;
import com.gmail.nossr50.util.random.RandomChanceSkill;
import com.gmail.nossr50.util.random.RandomChanceUtil;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.block.BlockFace;
import org.bukkit.block.BlockState;
import org.bukkit.block.data.Ageable;
import org.bukkit.block.data.BlockData;
@ -261,8 +262,9 @@ public final class BlockUtils {
public static boolean isFullyGrown(BlockState blockState) {
BlockData data = blockState.getBlockData();
if (data.getMaterial() == Material.CACTUS || data.getMaterial() == Material.SUGAR_CANE)
if (data.getMaterial() == Material.CACTUS || data.getMaterial() == Material.SUGAR_CANE) {
return true;
if (data instanceof Ageable) {
Ageable ageable = (Ageable) data;
return ageable.getAge() == ageable.getMaximumAge();
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ public class MaterialMapStore {
private HashSet<String> herbalismAbilityBlackList;
private HashSet<String> blockCrackerWhiteList;
private HashSet<String> canMakeShroomyWhiteList;
private HashSet<String> multiBlockEntities;
private HashSet<String> multiBlockPlant;
private HashSet<String> foodItemWhiteList;
public MaterialMapStore()
@ -32,15 +32,15 @@ public class MaterialMapStore {
herbalismAbilityBlackList = new HashSet<>();
blockCrackerWhiteList = new HashSet<>();
canMakeShroomyWhiteList = new HashSet<>();
multiBlockEntities = new HashSet<>();
multiBlockPlant = new HashSet<>();
foodItemWhiteList = new HashSet<>();
public boolean isMultiBlock(Material material)
public boolean isMultiBlockPlant(Material material)
return multiBlockEntities.contains(material.getKey().getKey());
return multiBlockPlant.contains(material.getKey().getKey());
public boolean isAbilityActivationBlackListed(Material material)
@ -81,13 +81,13 @@ public class MaterialMapStore {
private void fillHardcodedHashSets()
@ -134,16 +134,30 @@ public class MaterialMapStore {
return foodItemWhiteList.contains(material.getKey().getKey());
private void fillMultiBlockEntitiesList()
private void fillMultiBlockPlantSet()
//Single Block Plants
// plantBlockSet.add("melon");
// plantBlockSet.add("pumpkin");
// plantBlockSet.add("potatoes");
// plantBlockSet.add("carrots");
// plantBlockSet.add("beetroots");
// plantBlockSet.add("nether_wart");
// plantBlockSet.add("grass");
// plantBlockSet.add("fern");
// plantBlockSet.add("large_fern");
//Multi-Block Plants
private void fillShroomyWhiteList()
@ -287,7 +301,7 @@ public class MaterialMapStore {
abilityBlackList.add("sign"); //1.13 and lower?
private void filltoolBlackList()
private void fillToolBlackList()
//TODO: Add anvils / missing logs
@ -426,6 +426,8 @@ Skills:
Chorus_Fruit: true
Chorus_Plant: true
Beetroots: true
Beetroot: true
Brown_Mushroom: true
@ -311,26 +311,25 @@ Experience_Values:
Dead_Horn_Coral_Wall_Fan: 10
Allium: 300
Azure_Bluet: 150
Beetroots_Ripe: 50
Blue_Orchid: 150
Brown_Mushroom: 150
Cactus: 30
Carrots_Ripe: 50
Chorus_Flower_Ripe: 25
Chorus_Flower: 25
Chorus_Plant: 1
Cocoa_Ripe: 30
Wheat_Ripe: 50
Carrots: 50
Cocoa: 30
Potatoes: 50
Wheat: 50
Beetroots: 50
Nether_Wart: 50
Dead_Bush: 30
Lilac: 50
Melon: 20
Nether_Wart_Ripe: 50
Orange_Tulip: 150
Oxeye_Daisy: 150
Peony: 50
Pink_Tulip: 150
Poppy: 100
Potatoes_Ripe: 50
Pumpkin: 20
Red_Mushroom: 150
Red_Tulip: 150
@ -347,8 +346,8 @@ Experience_Values:
Dandelion: 100
Bamboo: 10
Cornflower: 150
Lily_of_the_valley: 150
Wither_rose: 500
Lily_Of_The_Valley: 150
Wither_Rose: 500
Magma_Block: 30
Tube_Coral_Block: 75
Reference in New Issue
Block a user