In this version death messages are working, and theres more of them too.

This commit is contained in:
nossr50 2010-12-04 00:27:51 -08:00
parent e9d3da07f0
commit aee77c068d
7 changed files with 2153 additions and 10 deletions

View File

@ -1,11 +1,47 @@
Fix existing bugs in /promote and /demote
Add toggles to all features
If doesn't exist make it be written and include default settings
Refine messages when admins use commands --Ready for testing
Change loading to happen when the plugin loads instead of having to wait for a player to speak
Change everything else in settings to be a string like rules instead of booleans
Vminecraft b8 Todo:
+ ^r for rainbow color code
+ Finish work on the flat file system
+ Antigriefs <Nos> Working on this, waiting for hMod to fix player health
+ Allow players to nickname themselves or others
+ vminecraft Help
* Specialized help message for vminecraft
? /vhelp?
+ Time manipulation <Cere> Working on this
* Have time changes not be instant but move the sky faster
to get to the time entered
* Loop through specific times of the day and then rewind
ex: Sunrise to sunset, mid-morning to noon
+ Aliasing Commands (Global Aliases and Personal Aliases) <Cere>
+ Recode Messaging
* Reply Feature
* Personal Muting
+ Different types of /slay
* /slay fire to burn them to death
* /slay drown to drown them
* /slay boil to burn them with lava
? Overload /modify
<Cere> We talked about potentially doing this and I think
I would like to now to add in further functionality and
further limit what features of /modify groups can access
<Nos> We should definitely add suffixes to /modify at least
Mass teleport command
A personal muting system for players
+ Fixed death messages and ezModo
+ Quick recode of /me to use the new getName function
+ /a to toggle admin chat
+ Code was organized
+ Aliasing was added
+ Playerlist is now colorful and awesome
+ Random death messages
+ Suicide command
+ Heal Command
+ Colored Prefixes
+ Color Codes only removed when actual colors are specified
* Allows use of ^ for emotes and whatever else they
might be needed for.
+ Multi Line color fix
* Now we can have color on multiple lines without
crashing the client
* Also does not cut words in half
Notes: Let's try to to finish as much of this list as possible tomorrow and push for a b8 release soon :P

34 Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
import java.util.logging.Logger;
//Class: vMinecraftPlugin
//Use: Starts the plugin
//Author: nossr50, TrapAlice, cerevisiae
public class vMinecraft extends Plugin {
static final vMinecraftListener listener = new vMinecraftListener();
protected static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger("Minecraft");
public void enable() {
public void disable() {
//And remove the commands here.
public void initialize() {
//Here we add the hook we're going to use. In this case it's the arm swing event.
etc.getLoader().addListener(PluginLoader.Hook.CHAT, listener, this, PluginListener.Priority.MEDIUM);
etc.getLoader().addListener(PluginLoader.Hook.LOGIN, listener, this, PluginListener.Priority.MEDIUM);
etc.getLoader().addListener(PluginLoader.Hook.COMMAND, listener, this, PluginListener.Priority.HIGH);
etc.getLoader().addListener(PluginLoader.Hook.IGNITE, listener, this, PluginListener.Priority.HIGH);
etc.getLoader().addListener(PluginLoader.Hook.DAMAGE, listener, this, PluginListener.Priority.MEDIUM);
etc.getLoader().addListener(PluginLoader.Hook.EXPLODE, listener, this, PluginListener.Priority.HIGH);
etc.getLoader().addListener(PluginLoader.Hook.HEALTH_CHANGE, listener, this, PluginListener.Priority.MEDIUM);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
//Class: vMinecraftAnnouncements
//Use: Encapsulates all announcements broadcast when commands are
// run
//Author: nossr50, TrapAlice, cerevisiae
public class vMinecraftAnnouncements {
//Function: onCommand
//Input: Player player: The player calling the command
// String[] split: The arguments
//Output: boolean: If the user has access to the command
// and it is enabled
//Use: Checks if /kick, /ban, /ipban, and /time are run and
// displays a global message
public boolean onCommand(Player player, String[] split) {
if(!player.canUseCommand(split[0])) {
return false;
//Only run if the global message feature is enabled
//Global messages that should only parse when a command can be successful
if(split[0].equalsIgnoreCase("/kick")) {
Player playerTarget = etc.getServer().matchPlayer(split[1]);
if (playerTarget != null && !playerTarget.hasControlOver(player)) {
vMinecraftChat.gmsg(player, player.getColor()+player.getName()+Colors.Blue+" has kicked "+Colors.Red+playerTarget.getColor()+playerTarget.getName());
if(split[0].equalsIgnoreCase("/ban")) {
Player playerTarget = etc.getServer().matchPlayer(split[1]);
if (playerTarget != null && !playerTarget.hasControlOver(player)) {
vMinecraftChat.gmsg(player, player.getColor()+player.getName()+Colors.Blue+" has banned "+Colors.Red+playerTarget.getColor()+playerTarget.getName());
if(split[0].equalsIgnoreCase("/ipban")) {
Player playerTarget = etc.getServer().matchPlayer(split[1]);
if (playerTarget != null && !playerTarget.hasControlOver(player)) {
vMinecraftChat.gmsg(player, player.getColor()+player.getName()+Colors.Blue+" has IP banned "+Colors.Red+playerTarget.getColor()+playerTarget.getName());
if(split[0].equalsIgnoreCase("/time")) {
if (split.length <= 2) {
vMinecraftChat.gmsg(player, Colors.Blue+"Time changes thanks to "+player.getColor()+player.getName());
return true;

545 Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,545 @@
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
//Class: vMinecraftChat
//Use: Encapsulates all chat commands added by this mod
//Author: nossr50, TrapAlice, cerevisiae
public class vMinecraftChat {
protected static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger("Minecraft");
//Function: gmsg
//Input: String msg: The message to be broadcast to all players
//Output: None
//Use: Outputs a message to everybody
public static void gmsg(Player sender, String msg){
for (Player receiver : etc.getServer().getPlayerList()) {
if (receiver != null) {
sendMessage(sender, receiver, msg);
//Function: sendMessage
//Input: String msg: The message to be broadcast to all players
//Output: None
//Use: Outputs a message to everybody
public static void sendMessage(Player sender, Player receiver, String msg){
String[] message = applyColors(wordWrap(msg));
for(String out : message)
receiver.sendMessage(out + " ");
//Function: wordWrap
//Input: String msg: The message to be wrapped
//Output: String[]: The array of substrings
//Use: Cuts the message apart into whole words short enough to fit
// on one line
public static String[] wordWrap(String msg){
//Split each word apart
ArrayList<String> split = new ArrayList<String>();
for(String in : msg.split(" "))
//Create an arraylist for the output
ArrayList<String> out = new ArrayList<String>();
//While i is less than the length of the array of words
int len = 0;
//Create an arraylist to hold individual words
ArrayList<String> words = new ArrayList<String>();
//Loop through the words finding their length and increasing
//j, the end point for the sub string
while(len <= 316 && !split.isEmpty())
int wordLength = msgLength(split.get(0)) + 4;
//If a word is too long for a line
if(wordLength > 316)
String[] tempArray = wordCut(len, split.remove(0));
//If the word is not too long to fit
len += wordLength;
if( len < 316)
//Merge them and add them to the output array.
out.add( etc.combineSplit(0,
words.toArray(new String[out.size()]), " ") );
//Convert to an array and return
return out.toArray(new String[out.size()]);
//Function: msgLength
//Input: String str: The string to find the length of
//Output: int: The length on the screen of a string
//Use: Finds the length on the screen of a string. Ignores colors.
private static int msgLength(String str){
int length = 0;
//Loop through all the characters, skipping any color characters
//and their following color codes
for(int x = 0; x<str.length(); x++)
int len = charLength(str.charAt(x));
if( len > 0)
length += len;
return length;
//Function: wordCut
//Input: String str: The string to find the length of
//Output: String[]: The cut up word
//Use: Cuts apart a word that is too long to fit on one line
private static String[] wordCut(int lengthBefore, String str){
int length = lengthBefore;
//Loop through all the characters, skipping any color characters
//and their following color codes
String[] output = new String[2];
int x = 0;
while(length < 316 && x < str.length())
int len = charLength(str.charAt(x));
if( len > 0)
length += len;
//Add the substring to the output after cutting it
output[0] = str.substring(0, x);
//Add the last of the string to the output.
output[1] = str.substring(x);
return output;
//Function: charLength
//Input: char x: The character to find the length of.
//Output: int: The length of the character
//Use: Finds the visual length of the character on the screen.
private static int charLength(char x)
if("i;,.:|!".indexOf(x) != -1)
return 2;
else if("l'".indexOf(x) != -1)
return 3;
else if("tI[]".indexOf(x) != -1)
return 4;
else if("kf{}<>\"*()".indexOf(x) != -1)
return 5;
else if("hequcbrownxjmpsvazydgTHEQUCKBROWNFXJMPSVLAZYDG1234567890#\\/?$%-=_+&".indexOf(x) != -1)
return 6;
else if("@~".indexOf(x) != -1)
return 7;
else if(x==' ')
return 4;
return -1;
//Function: rainbow
//Input: String msg: The string to colorify
//Output: String: The rainbowed result
//Use: Rainbowifies a string;
public static String rainbow(String msg){
String temp = "";
//The array of colors to use
String[] rainbow = new String[] {Colors.Red, Colors.Rose, Colors.Gold,
Colors.Yellow, Colors.LightGreen, Colors.Green, Colors.Blue,
Colors.Navy, Colors.DarkPurple, Colors.Purple, Colors.LightPurple};
int counter=0;
//Loop through the message applying the colors
for(int x=0; x<msg.length(); x++)
if(msg.charAt(x)!=' ') counter++;
if(counter==rainbow.length) counter = 0;
return temp;
//Function: getName
//Input: Player player: The player to get name as color
//Output: String: The name colored
//Use: Returns the colored name;
public static String getName(Player player){
//Get the prefix
String playerPrefix = player.getPrefix();
//Add the name
String output = player.getName();
//Add the color if there is one
if(player.getColor() != null && player.getColor() != "")
output = player.getColor().substring(0,2) + output;
//Add the prefix if there is one
if(playerPrefix != null && !playerPrefix.isEmpty())
output = applyColors(playerPrefix.substring(1)) + output;
//Return the name
return output;
//Function: colorChange
//Input: char colour: The color code to find the color for
//Output: String: The color that the code identified
//Use: Finds a color giving a color code
public static String colorChange(char colour)
String color = "";
case '0':
color = Colors.Black;
case '1':
color = Colors.Navy;
case '2':
color = Colors.Green;
case '3':
color = Colors.Blue;
case '4':
color = Colors.Red;
case '5':
color = Colors.Purple;
case '6':
color = Colors.Gold;
case '7':
color = Colors.LightGray;
case '8':
color = Colors.Gray;
case '9':
color = Colors.DarkPurple;
case 'a':
color = Colors.LightGreen;
case 'b':
color = Colors.LightBlue;
case 'c':
color = Colors.Rose;
case 'd':
color = Colors.LightPurple;
case 'e':
color = Colors.Yellow;
case 'f':
color = Colors.White;
case 'A':
color = Colors.LightGreen;
case 'B':
color = Colors.LightBlue;
case 'C':
color = Colors.Rose;
case 'D':
color = Colors.LightPurple;
case 'E':
color = Colors.Yellow;
case 'F':
color = Colors.White;
case 'R':
color = "~";
case 'r':
color = "~";
color = null;
return color;
//Function: adminChat
//Input: Player player: The player talking
// String message: The message to apply the effect to
//Output: boolean: If this feature is enabled
//Use: Sends messages only to admins
public static boolean adminChat(Player player, String message){
//Check if the player can use this feature
if(player.isAdmin() || player.canUseCommand("/adminchat"))
//Special formatting for adminchat {Username}
String adminchat = Colors.DarkPurple + "{" + getName(player)
+ Colors.DarkPurple +"}" + Colors.White + " ";
//Cut off the @ prefix
message = message.substring(1, message.length());
//Get the player from the playerlist to send the message to.
for (Player p: etc.getServer().getPlayerList()) {
//If p is not null
if (p != null) {
//And if p is an admin or has access to adminchat send message
if (p.isAdmin() || (p.canUseCommand("/adminchat"))) {
sendMessage(player, p, adminchat + message);
//So you can read adminchat from the server console
log.log(Level.INFO, "@" + "<" + getName(player)
+ Colors.White +"> " + message);
return true;
return false;
//Function: quote
//Input: Player player: The player talking
// String message: The message to apply the effect to
//Output: boolean: If this feature is enabled
//Use: Displays a message as a quote
public static boolean quote(Player player, String message)
//Format the name
String playerName = Colors.White + "<" + getName(player)
+ Colors.White + "> ";
if(vMinecraftSettings.getInstance().greentext()) {
//Log the chat
log.log(Level.INFO, "<"+player.getName()+"> " +message);
//Output the message
gmsg(player, playerName + Colors.LightGreen + message);
return true;
return false;
//Function: rage
//Input: Player player: The player talking
// String message: The message to apply the effect to
//Output: boolean: If this feature is enabled
//Use: Displays a message in red
public static boolean rage(Player player, String message)
//Format the name
String playerName = Colors.White + "<"
+ getName(player) + Colors.White +"> ";
if (vMinecraftSettings.getInstance().FFF()) {
log.log(Level.INFO, "<"+player.getName()+"> "+message);
//Output the message
gmsg(player, playerName + Colors.Red + message);
return true;
return false;
//Function: quakeColors
//Input: Player player: The player talking
// String message: The message to apply the effect to
//Output: boolean: If this feature is enabled
//Use: Displays a message in red
public static boolean quakeColors(Player player, String message)
//Format the name
String playerName = Colors.White + "<"
+ getName(player) + Colors.White +"> ";
if(vMinecraftSettings.getInstance().quakeColors()) {
//Log the chat
log.log(Level.INFO, "<"+player.getName()+"> "+message);
//Output the message
gmsg(player, playerName + message);
//Loop through the string finding the color codes and inserting them
return true;
return false;
//Function: emote
//Input: Player player: The player talking
// String message: The message to apply the effect to
//Output: boolean: If this feature is enabled
//Use: /me but with our custom colors applied
public static boolean emote(Player player, String message)
gmsg(player, "* " + getName(player) + " " + Colors.White + message);
return true;
//Function: applyColors
//Input: String[] message: The lines to be colored
//Output: String[]: The lines, but colorful
//Use: Colors each line
public static String[] applyColors(String[] message)
if(message != null && message[0] != null && !message[0].isEmpty()){
//The color to start the line with
String recentColor = Colors.White;
//Go through each line
int counter = 0;
for(String msg: message)
//Start the line with the most recent color
String temp = recentColor;
//Loop through looking for a color code
for(int x = 0; x< msg.length(); x++)
//If the char is a ^ or <EFBFBD>
if(msg.charAt(x) == '^' || msg.charAt(x) == Colors.White.charAt(0))
if(x != msg.length() - 1)
//If the following character is a color code
if(vMinecraftChat.colorChange(msg.charAt(x+1)) != null)
//Set the most recent color to the new color
recentColor = vMinecraftChat.colorChange(msg.charAt(x+1));
//Add the color
temp += recentColor;
//Skip these chars
//Otherwise ignore it.
} else {
temp += msg.charAt(x);
//Insert the character
} else {
temp += msg.charAt(x);
} else {
temp += msg.charAt(x);
//Replace the message with the colorful message
message[counter] = temp;
return message;
//Function: applyColors
//Input: String message: The line to be colored
//Output: String: The line, but colorful
//Use: Colors a line
public static String applyColors(String message)
return applyColors(message, Colors.White);
//Function: applyColors
//Input: String message: The line to be colored
// String color: The color to start the line with
//Output: String: The line, but colorful
//Use: Colors a line
public static String applyColors(String message, String color)
if(message != null && !message.isEmpty())
//The color to start the line with
if(color == null)
color = Colors.White;
//Start the line with the most recent color
String temp = color;
//Loop through looking for a color code
for(int x = 0; x< message.length(); x++)
//If the char is a ^ or '<27>'
if(message.charAt(x) == '^' || message.charAt(x) == Colors.White.charAt(0))
if(x != message.length() - 1)
//If the following character is a color code
if(vMinecraftChat.colorChange(message.charAt(x+1)) != null)
//Set the most recent color to the new color
color = vMinecraftChat.colorChange(message.charAt(x+1));
//Add the color
temp += color;
//Skip these chars
//Otherwise ignore it.
} else {
temp += message.charAt(x);
//Insert the character
} else {
temp += message.charAt(x);
//Insert the character
} else {
temp += message.charAt(x);
message = temp;
return message;

873 Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,873 @@
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
//Class: vMinecraftCommands
//Use: Encapsulates all commands added by this mod
//Author: nos, trapalice, cerevisiae
public class vMinecraftCommands{
//Log output
protected static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger("Minecraft");
static final int EXIT_FAIL = 0,
//The list of commands for vMinecraft
public static commandList cl = new commandList();
//Function: loadCommands
//Input: None
//Output: None
//Use: Imports all the commands into the command list
public static void loadCommands(){
//If we had commands we would add them here.
cl.register("/tp", "teleport");
cl.register("/masstp", "masstp", "Teleports those with lower permissions to you");
cl.register("/reload", "reload");
cl.register("/rules", "rules", "Displays the rules");
cl.register("/fabulous", "fabulous", "makes text SUUUPER");
cl.register("/whois", "whois", "/whois [user]");
cl.register("/who", "who");
cl.register("/say", "say");
cl.register("/slay", "slay", "Kill target player");
cl.register("/ezmodo", "invuln", "Toggle invulnerability");
cl.register("/ezlist", "ezlist", "List invulnerable players");
cl.register("/heal", "heal", "heal yourself or other players");
cl.register("/suicide", "suicide", "kill yourself... you loser");
cl.register("/a", "adminChatToggle", "toggle admin chat for every message");
cl.register("/modify", "modifySplit");
cl.register("/me", "me");
cl.registerAlias("/playerlist", "/who");
cl.registerAlias("/wrists", "/suicide");
cl.registerAlias("/ci", "/clearinventory");
//Function: me (/me)
//Input: Player player: The player using the command
//Output: int: Exit Code
//Use: The player uses this to emote, but now its colorful.
public static int me(Player player, String[] args)
String str = etc.combineSplit(0, args, " ");
if (args.length < 1) {return EXIT_FAIL;}
vMinecraftChat.emote(player, str);
//Function: adminChatToggle (/a)
//Input: Player player: The player using the command
//Output: int: Exit Code
//Use: Toggles the player into admin chat. Every message they
// send will be piped to admin chat.
public static int adminChatToggle(Player player, String[] args)
//If the player is already toggled for admin chat, remove them
if (vMinecraftSettings.getInstance().isAdminToggled(player.getName())) {
player.sendMessage(Colors.Red + "Admin Chat Toggle = off");
//Otherwise include them
} else {
player.sendMessage(Colors.Blue + "Admin Chat Toggled on");
return EXIT_FAIL;
//Function: heal (/heal)
//Input: Player player: The player using the command
// String[] args: The arguments for the command. Should be a
// player name or blank
//Output: int: Exit Code
//Use: Heals yourself or a specified player.
public static int heal(Player player, String[] args)
//If a target wasn't specified, heal the user.
if (args.length < 1){
player.sendMessage("Your health is restored");
//If a target was specified, try to find them and then heal them
//Otherwise report the error
} else if (args.length > 0){
Player playerTarget = etc.getServer().matchPlayer(args[0]);
if (playerTarget != null){
player.sendMessage(Colors.Blue + "You have healed " + vMinecraftChat.getName(playerTarget));
playerTarget.sendMessage(Colors.Blue + "You have been healed by " + vMinecraftChat.getName(player));
else if (playerTarget == null){
player.sendMessage(Colors.Rose + "Couldn't find that player");
return EXIT_FAIL;
//Function: suicide (/suicide, /wrists)
//Input: Player player: The player using the command
// String[] args: Ignored
//Output: int: Exit Code
//Use: Kills yourself
public static int suicide(Player player, String[] args)
//Set your health to 0. Not much to it.
return EXIT_FAIL;
//Function: teleport (/tp)
//Input: Player player: The player using the command
// String[] args: The arguments for the command. Should be a
// player name
//Output: int: Exit Code
//Use: Teleports the user to another player
public static int teleport(Player player, String[] args)
//Get if the command is enabled
//Make sure a player has been specified and return an error if not
if (args.length < 1) {
player.sendMessage(Colors.Rose + "Correct usage is: /tp [player]");
} else {
//Find the player by name
Player playerTarget = etc.getServer().matchPlayer(args[0]);
//Target player isn't found
if(playerTarget == null)
player.sendMessage(Colors.Rose + "Can't find user "
+ args[0] + ".");
//If it's you, return witty message
else if (player.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(args[0]))
player.sendMessage(Colors.Rose + "You're already here!");
//If the player is higher rank than you, inform the user
else if (!player.hasControlOver(playerTarget))
player.sendMessage(Colors.Red +
"That player has higher permissions than you.");
//If the player exists transport the user to the player
else {
log.log(Level.INFO, player.getName() + " teleported to " +
//Otherwise inform the user that the player doesn't exist
return EXIT_FAIL;
//Function: masstp (/masstp)
//Input: Player player: The player using the command
// String[] args: Should be empty or is ignored
//Output: int: Exit Code
//Use: Teleports all players to the user
public static int masstp(Player player, String[] args)
//If the command is enabled
if(vMinecraftSettings.getInstance().cmdMasstp()) {
//Go through all players and move them to the user
for (Player p : etc.getServer().getPlayerList()) {
if (!p.hasControlOver(player)) {
//Inform the user that the command has executed successfully
player.sendMessage(Colors.Blue+"Summoning successful.");
return EXIT_FAIL;
//Function: tphere (/tphere)
//Input: Player player: The player using the command
// String[] args: The arguments for the command. Should be a
// player name
//Output: int: Exit Code
//Use: Teleports the user to another player
public static int tphere(Player player, String[] args)
//Check if the command is enabled.
if (vMinecraftSettings.getInstance().cmdTphere()) {
//Make sure a player is specified
if (args.length < 1) {
player.sendMessage(Colors.Rose + "Correct usage is: /tphere [player]");
} else {
//Get the player by name
Player playerTarget = etc.getServer().matchPlayer(args[0]);
//If the target doesn't exist
if(playerTarget == null)
player.sendMessage(Colors.Rose + "Can't find user " + args[0] + ".");
//If the player has a higher rank than the user, return error
else if (!player.hasControlOver(playerTarget))
player.sendMessage(Colors.Red + "That player has higher permissions than you.");
//If the user teleports themselves, mock them
else if (player.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(args[0]))
player.sendMessage(Colors.Rose + "Wow look at that! You teleported yourself to yourself!");
//If the target exists, teleport them to the user
else {
log.log(Level.INFO, player.getName() + " teleported " + player.getName() + " to their self.");
return EXIT_FAIL;
//Function: reload (/reload)
//Input: Player player: The player using the command
// String[] args: Ignored
//Output: int: Exit Code
//Use: Reloads the settings for vMinecraft
public static int reload(Player player, String[] args)
return EXIT_FAIL;
//Function: rules (/rules)
//Input: Player player: The player using the command
// String[] args: Ignored
//Output: int: Exit Code
//Use: Lists the rules
public static int rules(Player player, String[] args)
//If the rules exist
&& vMinecraftSettings.getInstance().getRules().length > 0) {
//Apply QuakeCode Colors to the rules
String[] rules = vMinecraftChat.applyColors(
//Display them
for (String str : rules ) {
player.sendMessage(Colors.Blue + str);
player.sendMessage(Colors.Blue + "!!!The Rules Have Not Been Set!!!");
return EXIT_FAIL;
//Function: fabulous (/fabulous)
//Input: Player player: The player using the command
// String[] args: The message to apply the effect to
//Output: int: Exit Code
//Use: Makes the text rainbow colored
public static int fabulous(Player player, String[] args)
//If the command is enabled
if(vMinecraftSettings.getInstance().cmdFabulous()) {
//Format the name
String playerName = Colors.White + "<"
+ vMinecraftChat.getName(player) + Colors.White +"> ";
//Make sure a message has been specified
if (args.length < 1) {return EXIT_FAIL;}
String str = " ";
//Merge the message again
str = etc.combineSplit(0, args, " ");
//Output for server
log.log(Level.INFO, player.getName()+" fabulously said \""+ str+"\"");
//Prepend the player name and cut into lines.
vMinecraftChat.gmsg(player, playerName + vMinecraftChat.rainbow(str));
return EXIT_FAIL;
//Function: whois (/whois)
//Input: Player player: The player using the command
// String[] args: The player to find info on
//Output: int: Exit Code
//Use: Displays information about the player specified
public static int whois(Player player, String[] args)
//If the command is enabled
if (vMinecraftSettings.getInstance().cmdWhoIs()) {
//If a player is specified
if (args.length < 1)
player.sendMessage(Colors.Rose + "Usage is /whois [player]");
else {
//Get the player by name
Player playerTarget = etc.getServer().matchPlayer(args[0]);
//If the player exists
if (playerTarget != null){
//Displaying the information
player.sendMessage(Colors.Blue + "Whois results for " +
for(String group: playerTarget.getGroups())
player.sendMessage(Colors.Blue + "Groups: " + group);
player.sendMessage(Colors.Blue+"Admin: " +
player.sendMessage(Colors.Blue+"IP: " + playerTarget.getIP());
player.sendMessage(Colors.Blue+"Can ignore restrictions: " +
//Give the user an error if the player doesn't exist
} else {
player.sendMessage(Colors.Rose+"Player not found.");
//Function: who (/who)
//Input: Player player: The player using the command
// String[] args: Ignored
//Output: int: Exit Code
//Use: Displays the connected players
public static int who(Player player, String[] args)
//If the command is enabled
if (vMinecraftSettings.getInstance().cmdWho()) {
//Loop through all players counting them and adding to the list
int count=0;
String tempList = "";
for( Player p : etc.getServer().getPlayerList())
if(p != null){
if(count == 0)
tempList += vMinecraftChat.getName(p);
tempList += Colors.White + ", " + vMinecraftChat.getName(p);
//Get the max players from the config
PropertiesFile server = new PropertiesFile("");
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
int maxPlayers = server.getInt("max-players");
//Output the player list
vMinecraftChat.sendMessage(player, player, Colors.Rose + "Player List ("
+ count + "/" + maxPlayers +"): " + tempList);
return EXIT_FAIL;
//Function: say (/say)
//Input: Player player: The player using the command
// String[] args: The message to apply the effect to
//Output: int: Exit Code
//Use: Announces the message to all players
public static int say(Player player, String[] args)
//If the command is enabled
if (vMinecraftSettings.getInstance().cmdSay()) {
//Make sure a message is supplied or output an error
if (args.length < 1) {
player.sendMessage(Colors.Rose + "Usage is /say [message]");
//Display the message globally
vMinecraftChat.gmsg(player, Colors.Yellow + etc.combineSplit(0, args, " "));
return EXIT_FAIL;
//Function: slay (/slay)
//Input: Player player: The player using the command
// String[] args: The target for the command
//Output: int: Exit Code
//Use: Kill the target player
public static int slay(Player player, String[] args)
//Check if the command is enabled
if(vMinecraftSettings.getInstance().cmdEzModo()) {
//Get the player by name
Player playerTarget = etc.getServer().matchPlayer(args[0]);
//If the player doesn't exist don't run
if(playerTarget == null)
return EXIT_FAIL;
//If the player isn't invulnerable kill them
if (!vMinecraftSettings.getInstance().isEzModo(playerTarget.getName())) {
vMinecraftChat.gmsg(player, vMinecraftChat.getName(player)
+ Colors.LightBlue + " has slain "
+ vMinecraftChat.getName(playerTarget));
//Otherwise output error to the user
} else {
player.sendMessage(Colors.Rose + "That player is currently in ezmodo! Hahahaha");
return EXIT_FAIL;
//Function: invuln (/ezmodo)
//Input: Player player: The player using the command
// String[] args: The target for the command
//Output: int: Exit Code
//Use: Kill the target player
public static int invuln(Player player, String[] args)
//If the command is enabled
if (vMinecraftSettings.getInstance().cmdEzModo()) {
//If the player is already invulnerable, turn ezmodo off.
if (vMinecraftSettings.getInstance().isEzModo(player.getName())) {
player.sendMessage(Colors.Red + "ezmodo = off");
//Otherwise make them invulnerable
} else {
player.sendMessage(Colors.LightBlue + "eh- maji? ezmodo!?");
player.sendMessage(Colors.Rose + "kimo-i");
player.sendMessage(Colors.LightBlue + "Easy Mode ga yurusareru no wa shougakusei made dayo ne");
player.sendMessage(Colors.Red + "**Laughter**");
return EXIT_FAIL;
//Function: ezlist (/ezlist)
//Input: Player player: The player using the command
// String[] args: Ignored
//Output: int: Exit Code
//Use: List all invulnerable players
public static int ezlist(Player player, String[] args)
//If the feature is enabled list the players
if(vMinecraftSettings.getInstance().cmdEzModo()) {
player.sendMessage("Ezmodo: " + vMinecraftSettings.getInstance().ezModoList());
return EXIT_FAIL;
//Function: modifySplit (/modify)
//Input: Player player: The player using the command
// String[] args: Player, Command, Arguments
//Output: int: Exit Code
//Use: List all invulnerable players
public static int modifySplit(Player player, String[] args)
//Exploit fix for people giving themselves commands
return EXIT_FAIL;
//Function: Time Reverse
//Input: long time: The time to reverse to.
//Output: int: Exit Code
//Use: List all invulnerable players
public static int timeReverse(long tarTime)
long curTime = etc.getServer().getRelativeTime();
//Function: privateMessage(/msg)
//Input: long time: The time to reverse to.
//Output: int: Exit Code
//Use: List all invulnerable players
public static int privateMessage(Player player, String[] message)
long curTime = etc.getServer().getRelativeTime();
//Class: commandList
//Use: The list of commands that will be checked for
//Author: cerevisiae
class commandList {
command[] commands;
protected static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger("Minecraft");
static final int EXIT_FAIL = 0,
//Function: commandList
//Input: None
//Output: None
//Use: Initialize the array of commands
public commandList(){
commands = new command[0];
//Function: register
//Input: String name: The name of the command
// String func: The function to be called
//Output: boolean: Whether the command was input successfully or not
//Use: Registers a command to the command list for checking later
public boolean register(String name, String func){
//If the command list isn't empty
if(commands.length > 0)
//Check to make sure the command doesn't already exist
for(int i = 0; i < commands.length; i++)
return false;
//Create a new temp array
command[] temp = new command[commands.length + 1];
//Copy the old command list over
System.arraycopy(commands, 0, temp, 0, commands.length);
//Set commands to equal the new array
commands = temp;
} else {
commands = new command[1];
//Add the new function to the list
commands[commands.length - 1] = new command(name, func);
//exit successfully
return true;
//Function: register
//Input: String name: The name of the command
// String func: The function to be called
// String info: The information for the command to put in help
//Output: boolean: Whether the command was input successfully or not
//Use: Registers a command to the command list for checking later
public boolean register(String name, String func, String info){
//Add to the /help list
etc.getInstance().addCommand(name, info);
//Finish registering
return register(name, func);
//Function: register
//Input: String name: The name of the command
// String func: The function to be called
//Output: boolean: Whether the command was input successfully or not
//Use: Registers a command to the command list for checking later
public boolean registerAlias(String name, String com, String[] args){
//If the command list isn't empty
if(commands.length > 0)
//Check to make sure the command doesn't already exist
for(int i = 0; i < commands.length; i++)
return false;
//Create a new temp array
command[] temp = new command[commands.length + 1];
//Copy the old command list over
System.arraycopy(commands, 0, temp, 0, commands.length);
//Set commands to equal the new array
commands = temp;
} else {
commands = new command[1];
//Add the new function to the list
commands[commands.length - 1] = new commandRef(name, com, args);
//exit successfully
return true;
//Function: register
//Input: String name: The name of the command
// String func: The function to be called
//Output: boolean: Whether the command was input successfully or not
//Use: Registers a command to the command list for checking later
public boolean registerAlias(String name, String com){
//If the command list isn't empty
if(commands.length > 0)
//Check to make sure the command doesn't already exist
for(int i = 0; i < commands.length; i++)
return false;
//Create a new temp array
command[] temp = new command[commands.length + 1];
//Copy the old command list over
System.arraycopy(commands, 0, temp, 0, commands.length);
//Set commands to equal the new array
commands = temp;
} else {
commands = new command[1];
//Add the new function to the list
commands[commands.length - 1] = new commandRef(name, com);
//exit successfully
return true;
//Function: call
//Input: String name: The name of the command to be run
//Output: boolean: If the command was called successfully
//Use: Attempts to call a command
public int call(String name, Player player, String[] arg){
//Make sure the user has access to the command
if(!player.canUseCommand(name)) {
return EXIT_FAIL;
//Search for the command
for(command cmd : commands)
//When found
try {
//Call the command and return results
return, arg);
} catch (SecurityException e) {
log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Exception while running command", e);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
log.log(Level.SEVERE, "The Command Entered Doesn't Exist", e);
return EXIT_FAIL;
//Something went wrong
return EXIT_FAIL;
//Class: command
//Use: The specific command
//Author: cerevisiae
private class command
private String commandName;
private String function;
//Function: command
//Input: None
//Output: None
//Use: Initialize the command
public command(String name, String func){
commandName = name;
function = func;
//Function: getName
//Input: None
//Output: String: The command name
//Use: Returns the command name
public String getName(){return commandName;}
//Function: call
//Input: String[] arg: The arguments for the command
//Output: boolean: If the command was called successfully
//Use: Attempts to call the command
int call(Player player, String[] arg)
Method m;
try {
m = vMinecraftCommands.class.getMethod(function, Player.class, String[].class);
return (Integer) m.invoke(null, player, arg);
} catch (SecurityException e) {
} catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
} catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
return 1;
//Class: commandRef
//Use: A command referencing another command
//Author: cerevisiae
private class commandRef extends command
private String reference;
private String[] args;
//Function: command
//Input: String name: The command name
// String com: The command to run
// String[] arg: the arguments to apply
//Output: None
//Use: Initialize the command
public commandRef(String name, String com, String[] arg){
super(name, "");
reference = com;
args = arg;
//Function: command
//Input: String name: The command name
// String com: The command to run
//Output: None
//Use: Initialize the command
public commandRef(String name, String com){
super(name, "");
reference = com;
args = null;
//Function: call
//Input: String[] arg: The arguments for the command
//Output: boolean: If the command was called successfully
//Use: Attempts to call the command
int call(Player player, String[] arg)
if(args != null) {
String[] temp = new String[args.length];
System.arraycopy(args, 0, temp, 0, args.length);
//Insert the arguments into the pre-set arguments
int lastSet = 0,
argCount = 0;
for(String argument : temp)
int argNum = Integer.parseInt(argument.substring(1));
if( argNum < arg.length )
temp[lastSet] = arg[argNum];
//Append the rest of the arguments to the argument array
if(lastSet < temp.length + arg.length - argCount)
String[] temp2 = new String[temp.length + arg.length - argCount];
System.arraycopy(temp, 0, temp2, 0, temp.length);
System.arraycopy(arg, argCount, temp2,
temp.length, arg.length - argCount);
temp = temp2;
//Call the referenced command
player.command(reference + " " + etc.combineSplit(0, temp, " "));
} else

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@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
//Class: vminecraftSettings
//Use: Controls the settings for vminecraft
//Author: nossr50, TrapAlice, cerevisiae
public class vMinecraftSettings {
//private final static Object syncLock = new Object();
protected static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger("Minecraft");
private static volatile vMinecraftSettings instance;
//The feature settings
static boolean toggle = true,
adminChat = false,
greentext = false,
FFF = false,
quakeColors = false,
cmdFabulous = false,
cmdPromote = false,
cmdDemote = false,
cmdWhoIs = false,
cmdRules = false,
cmdMasstp = false,
cmdTp = false,
cmdTphere = false,
globalmessages = false,
cmdSay = false,
cmdWho = false,
stopFire = false,
stopTnt = false,
cmdHeal = false,
cmdSuicide = false,
cmdAdminToggle = false,
cmdEzModo = false;
//An array of players currently in ezmodo
static ArrayList<String> ezModo = new ArrayList<String>();
//An array of players currently toggled for admin chat
static ArrayList<String> adminChatList = new ArrayList<String>();
private PropertiesFile properties;
String file = "";
public String rules[] = new String[0];
public static String deathMessages[] = new String[0];
//Function: loadSettings
//Input: None
//Output: None
//Use: Loads the settings from the properties
public void loadSettings()
File theDir = new File("");
String location = "";
properties = new PropertiesFile("");
FileWriter writer = null;
try {
writer = new FileWriter(location);
writer.write("#This plugin is modular\r\n");
writer.write("#Turn any features you don't want to false and they won't be running\r\n");
writer.write("#If you edit this file and save it, then use /reload it will reload the settings\r\n");
writer.write("#Adding player names to this list will have them start off in ezmodo\r\n");
writer.write("#The health ezmodo people will have while in ezmodo. Don't set to 0\r\n");
writer.write("rules=Rules@#1: No griefing@#2: No griefing\r\n");
writer.write("#Death messages, seperate them by comma. All death messages start with the player name and a space.\r\n");
writer.write("deathMessages=is no more,died horribly,went peacefully\r\n");
} catch (Exception e) {
log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Exception while creating " + location, e);
} finally {
try {
if (writer != null) {
} catch (IOException e) {
log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Exception while closing writer for " + location, e);
} else {
properties = new PropertiesFile("");
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Exception while loading", e);
try {
adminChat = properties.getBoolean("adminchat",true);
greentext = properties.getBoolean("greentext",true);
FFF = properties.getBoolean("FFF",true);
quakeColors = properties.getBoolean("quakeColors",true);
cmdFabulous = properties.getBoolean("cmdFabulous",true);
cmdPromote = properties.getBoolean("cmdPromote",true);
cmdDemote = properties.getBoolean("cmdDemote",true);
cmdWhoIs = properties.getBoolean("cmdWhoIs",true);
cmdWho = properties.getBoolean("cmdWho",true);
cmdRules = properties.getBoolean("cmdRules",true);
cmdTp = properties.getBoolean("cmdTp",true);
cmdMasstp = properties.getBoolean("cmdMasstp",true);
cmdTphere = properties.getBoolean("cmdTphere",true);
cmdSuicide = properties.getBoolean("cmdSuicide", true);
cmdHeal = properties.getBoolean("cmdHeal",true);
cmdAdminToggle = properties.getBoolean("cmdAdminToggle", true);
globalmessages = properties.getBoolean("globalmessages",true);
cmdSay = properties.getBoolean("cmdSay",true);
cmdEzModo = properties.getBoolean("cmdEzModo",true);
stopFire = properties.getBoolean("stopFire",true);
stopTnt = properties.getBoolean("stopTNT",true);
rules = properties.getString("rules", "").split("@");
deathMessages = properties.getString("deathmessages", "").split(",");
String[] tempEz = properties.getString("ezModo").split(",");
ezModo = new ArrayList<String>();
for(String ezName : tempEz)
log.log(Level.INFO, "vminecraft plugin successfully loaded");
catch (Exception e)
log.log(Level.SEVERE, "vminecraft Error: ERROR LOADING PROPERTIES FILE");
//Function: adminchat, greentext, FFF, quakeColors, cmdFabulous,
// cmdPromote, cmdDemote, cmdWhoIs, cmdTp, cmdTphere, cmdSay
// cmdRules, globalmessages, cmdMasstp, cmdEzModo
//Input: None
//Output: Boolan: If the feature is enabled
//Use: Returns if the feature is enabled
public boolean adminchat() {return adminChat;}
public boolean adminChatToggle() {return cmdAdminToggle;}
public boolean greentext() {return greentext;}
public boolean FFF() {return FFF;}
public boolean quakeColors() {return quakeColors;}
public boolean cmdFabulous() {return cmdFabulous;}
public boolean cmdPromote() {return cmdPromote;}
public boolean cmdDemote() {return cmdDemote;}
public boolean cmdWhoIs() {return cmdWhoIs;}
public boolean cmdTp() {return cmdTp;}
public boolean cmdTphere() {return cmdTphere;}
public boolean cmdSay() {return cmdSay;}
public boolean cmdRules() {return cmdRules;}
public boolean globalmessages() {return globalmessages;}
public boolean cmdMasstp() {return cmdMasstp;}
public boolean cmdWho() {return cmdWho;}
public boolean stopFire() {return stopFire;}
public boolean stopTnt() {return stopTnt;}
public boolean cmdSuicide() {return cmdSuicide;}
public boolean cmdHeal() {return cmdHeal;}
//EzModo methods
public boolean cmdEzModo() {return cmdEzModo;}
public boolean isEzModo(String playerName) {return ezModo.contains(playerName);}
public boolean isAdminToggled(String playerName) {return adminChatList.contains(playerName);}
public void removeEzModo(String playerName) {ezModo.remove(ezModo.indexOf(playerName));}
public void removeAdminToggled(String playerName) {adminChatList.remove(adminChatList.indexOf(playerName));}
public void addEzModo(String playerName) {ezModo.add(playerName);}
public void addAdminToggled(String playerName) {adminChatList.add(playerName);}
public String ezModoList() {return ezModo.toString();}
//Random death message method
public static String randomDeathMsg() {
if (deathMessages == null) {
return "died";
return deathMessages[ (int) (Math.random() * deathMessages.length)];
//Function: getInstance
//Input: None
//Output: vminecraftSettings: The instance of the settings
//Use: Returns the instance of the settings
public static vMinecraftSettings getInstance() {
if (instance == null) {
instance = new vMinecraftSettings();
return instance;
//Function: getRules
//Input: None
//Output: String[]: The list of rules
//Use: Gets the array containing the rules
public String[] getRules() {
return rules;

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@ -0,0 +1,375 @@
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class vMinecraftUsers {
private static volatile vMinecraftUsers instance;
protected static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger("Minecraft");
String file = "vminecraftusers.txt";
private PropertiesFile properties;
String location = "vminecraftusers.txt";
ArrayList<PlayerList> players = new ArrayList<PlayerList>();
public void loadUsers(){
File theDir = new File("vminecraftusers.txt");
properties = new PropertiesFile("vminecraftusers.txt");
FileWriter writer = null;
try {
writer = new FileWriter(location);
writer.write("#Storage place for user information\r\n");
} catch (Exception e) {
log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Exception while creating " + location, e);
} finally {
try {
if (writer != null) {
} catch (IOException e) {
log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Exception while closing writer for " + location, e);
} else {
properties = new PropertiesFile("vminecraftusers.txt");
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Exception while loading vminecraftusers.txt", e);
public boolean doesPlayerExist(String player) {
try {
Scanner scanner = new Scanner(new File(location));
while (scanner.hasNextLine()) {
String line = scanner.nextLine();
if (line.startsWith("#") || line.equals("") || line.startsWith("")) {
String[] split = line.split(":");
if (!split[0].equalsIgnoreCase(player)) {
return true;
} catch (Exception e) {
log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Exception while reading " + location + " (Are you sure you formatted it correctly?)", e);
return false;
public static void addUser(Player player){
FileWriter writer = null;
String location = "vminecraftusers.txt";
String playerName = player.getName();
if (!vMinecraftUsers.getInstance().doesPlayerExist(playerName)){ //Check to see if the player exists before writing
try {
BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(location, true));
} catch (Exception e) {
log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Exception while trying to add user with BufferedWriter to " + location, e);
} finally {
try {
if (writer != null) {
} catch (IOException e) {
log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Exception while closing BufferedWriter to " + location, e);
public static vMinecraftUsers getInstance() {
if (instance == null) {
instance = new vMinecraftUsers();
return instance;
public static void getRow(){
//Class: PlayerList
//Use: Encapsulates the player list
//Author: cerevisiae
class PlayerList
ArrayList<PlayerProfile> players;
//Function: PlayerList
//Input: Player player: The player to create a profile object for
//Output: none
//Use: Initializes the ArrayList
public PlayerList() { players = new ArrayList<PlayerProfile>(); }
//Function: addPlayer
//Input: Player player: The player to add
//Output: None
//Use: Add a profile of the specified player
public void addPlayer(Player player)
players.add(new PlayerProfile(player));
//Function: removePlayer
//Input: Player player: The player to remove
//Output: None
//Use: Remove the profile of the specified player
public void removePlayer(Player player)
//Function: findProfile
//Input: Player player: The player to find's profile
//Output: PlayerProfile: The profile of the specified player
//Use: Get the profile for the specified player
private PlayerProfile findProfile(Player player)
for(PlayerProfile ply : players)
return ply;
return null;
//Class: PlayerProfile
//Use: Encapsulates all commands for player options
//Author: cerevisiae
class PlayerProfile
protected final Logger log = Logger.getLogger("Minecraft");
private Player playerName;
private String nickName;
private String tag;
private String suffix;
private ArrayList<Player> ignoreList;
private commandList aliasList;
static final int EXIT_FAIL = 0,
//Function: PlayerProfile
//Input: Player player: The player to create a profile object for
//Output: none
//Use: Loads settings for the player or creates them if they don't
// exist.
public PlayerProfile(Player player)
//Declare things
ignoreList = new ArrayList<Player>();
aliasList = new commandList();
nickName = new String();
tag = new String();
suffix = new String();
String location = "vminecraftusers.txt";
//Try to apply what we can
try {
Scanner scanner = new Scanner(new File(location));
while (scanner.hasNextLine()) {
String line = scanner.nextLine();
if (line.startsWith("#") || line.equals("") || line.startsWith("")) {
String[] split = line.split(":");
if (!split[0].equalsIgnoreCase(player.getName())) {
nickName = (split[1].split(",").toString());
if (split.length >= 4) {
tag = (split[3]);
//Add all the ignored people to the player's ignore list
if (split.length >= 5) {
for(String name : split[4].split(","))
if (split.length >= 6) {
//Loop through all the aliases
for(String alias : split[5].split(","))
//Break apart the two parts of the alias
String[] parts = alias.split("@");
if(parts.length > 1)
//Get the arguments for the alias if there are any
String[] command = parts[1].split(" ");
String[] args = null;
if(command.length > 1)
System.arraycopy(command, 1, args, 0, command.length - 2);
//Register the alias to the player's aliasList
aliasList.registerAlias(parts[0], command[0], args);
} catch (Exception e) {
log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Exception while reading " + location + " (Are you sure you formatted it correctly?)", e);
// Function: save
// Input: none
// Output: None
// Use: Writes current values of PlayerProfile to disk
// Call this function to save current values
public void save(){
try {
String location = "vminecraftusers.txt";
BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(location, true));
Scanner scanner = new Scanner(new File(location));
while (scanner.hasNextLine()) {
String line = scanner.nextLine();
if (line.startsWith("#") || line.equals("") || line.startsWith("")) {
String[] split = line.split(":");
if (!split[0].equalsIgnoreCase(playerName.toString())) {
bw.write(playerName + ":" + nickName + ":" + suffix + ":" + tag + ":" + ignoreList + ":" + aliasList);
} catch (Exception e) {
String location = "vminecraftusers.txt";
log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Exception while writing to " + location + " (Are you sure you formatted it correctly?)", e);
//Function: getPlayer
//Input: None
//Output: Player: The player this profile belongs to
//Use: Finds if the specified player is in the ignore list
public Player getPlayer(){return playerName;}
//Function: isIgnored
//Input: Player player: Checks if a player is ignored
//Output: boolean: If they're ignored
//Use: Finds if the specified player is in the ignore list
public boolean isIgnored(Player player){return ignoreList.contains(player);}
//Function: addIgnore
//Input: Player name: The player to ignore
//Output: None
//Use: Ignores a player.
public void addIgnore(Player name)
//Function: removeIgnore
//Input: Player name: The player to ignore
//Output: None
//Use: Ignores a player.
public void removeIgnore(Player name)
//Function: addAlias
//Input: String command: The command to try to call
// String[] args: The arguments for the command
//Output: None
//Use: Adds a command
public void addAlias(String name, String callCommand)
aliasList.registerAlias(name, callCommand);
//Function: addAlias
//Input: String command: The command to try to call
// String[] args: The arguments for the command
//Output: None
//Use: Adds a command
public void addAlias(String name, String callCommand, String[] args)
aliasList.registerAlias(name, callCommand, args);
//Function: callAlias
//Input: String command: The command to try to call
// Player player: Checks if a player is ignored
// String[] args: The arguments for the command
//Output: int: Exit code
//Use: Attempts to call a command
public int callAlias(String command, Player player, String[] args)
//Attemt to call the function
return, player, args);
catch (Throwable e)
//The function wasn't found, returns fail
return EXIT_FAIL;
//Function: setTag
//Input: String newTag: The tag to set for the player
//Output: None
//Use: Sets a player tag
public void setTag(String newTag){ tag = newTag; }
//Function: getTag
//Input: None
//Output: String: The player tag
//Use: Gets a player tag
public String getTag() { return tag; }