mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 08:39:44 +01:00
Wrapping up the localizations... though I'm sure there are probably
still some that got missed.
This commit is contained in:
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ import com.gmail.nossr50.util.Users;
public class InspectCommand implements CommandExecutor {
public boolean onCommand(CommandSender sender, Command command, String label, String[] args) {
String usage = "Proper usage is /inspect <player>"; //TODO: Needs more locale.
String usage = LocaleLoader.getString("Commands.Usage.1", new Object[] {"inspect", "<" + LocaleLoader.getString("Commands.Usage.Player") + ">"});
if (CommandHelper.noCommandPermissions(sender, "mcmmo.commands.inspect")) {
return true;
@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ public class XprateCommand implements CommandExecutor {
else {
sender.sendMessage("The XP RATE was modified to " + Config.getInstance().xpGainMultiplier); //TODO: Locale
sender.sendMessage(LocaleLoader.getString("Commands.xprate.modified", new Object[] {Config.getInstance().xpGainMultiplier}));
else {
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ public class McrefreshCommand implements CommandExecutor {
return true;
sender.sendMessage("You have refreshed " + playerName + "'s cooldowns!"); //TODO: Use locale
sender.sendMessage(LocaleLoader.getString("Commands.mcrefresh.Success", new Object[] {playerName}));
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ public class PtpCommand implements CommandExecutor {
Player target = plugin.getServer().getPlayer(args[0]);
if (player.equals(target)) {
player.sendMessage("You can't teleport to yourself!"); //TODO: Use locale
return true;
@ -248,16 +248,16 @@ public class PartyManager {
if (partyPassword != null) {
if (password == null) {
player.sendMessage("This party requires a password. Use /party <party> <password> to join it."); //TODO: Needs more locale.
return false;
else if (!password.equals(partyPassword)) {
player.sendMessage("Party password incorrect."); //TODO: Needs more locale.
return false;
else {
player.sendMessage("Party is locked."); //TODO: Needs more locale.
return false;
@ -323,13 +323,13 @@ public class PartyManager {
for (Player member : party.getOnlineMembers()) {
if (member.getName().equals(playerName)) {
member.sendMessage("You are now the party owner."); //TODO: Needs more locale.
else if (member.equals(leaderName)) {
member.sendMessage("You are no longer party owner."); //TODO: Needs more locale.
else {
member.sendMessage(playerName + " is the new party owner."); //TODO: Needs more Locale.
member.sendMessage(LocaleLoader.getString("Party.Owner.New", new Object[] {playerName}));
@ -275,7 +275,7 @@ public class SQLConversionTask implements Runnable {
System.out.println("[mcMMO] MySQL Updated from users file, " + theCount + " items added/updated to MySQL DB"); //TODO: Locale
System.out.println("[mcMMO] MySQL Updated from users file, " + theCount + " items added/updated to MySQL DB");
catch (Exception e) {
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ public class Herbalism {
boolean hasSeeds = inventory.contains(Material.SEEDS);
if (!hasSeeds) {
player.sendMessage("You need more seeds to spread Green Terra"); //TODO: Needs more locale.
else if (hasSeeds && !block.getType().equals(Material.WHEAT)) {
inventory.removeItem(new ItemStack(Material.SEEDS));
@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ public class SimpleRepairManager implements RepairManager {
// This should never happen, but if it does we need to complain loudly about it.
if (repairItemLocation == -1) {
player.sendMessage("mcMMO encountered an error attempting to repair this item!"); // TODO: Locale ?
@ -96,6 +96,7 @@ Fishing.Skillup=[[YELLOW]]Fishing skill increased by {0}. Total ({1})
Herbalism.Ability.DoubleDropChance=[[RED]]Double Drop Chance: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Herbalism.Ability.FD=[[RED]]Farmers Diet: [[YELLOW]]Rank {0}
Herbalism.Ability.GTe.Length=[[RED]]Green Terra Length: [[YELLOW]]{0}s
Herbalism.Ability.GTe.NeedMore=[[RED]]You need more seeds to spread Green Terra.
Herbalism.Ability.GTh.Chance=[[RED]]Green Thumb Chance: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Herbalism.Ability.GTh.Fail=[[RED]]**GREEN THUMB FAIL**
Herbalism.Ability.GTh.Stage=[[RED]]Green Thumb Stage: [[YELLOW]] Crops grow in stage {0}
@ -179,6 +180,7 @@ Repair.Effect.8=Arcane Forging
Repair.Effect.9=Atgyweiriwch eitemau sydd hud
Repair.Effect.16=Salvage ({0}+ SKILL)
Repair.Effect.17=Salvage Tools & Armor
Repair.Error=[[DARK_RED]]mcMMO encountered an error attempting to repair this item!
Repair.Listener.Anvil=[[DARK_RED]]You have placed an anvil, anvils can repair tools and armor.
Repair.Listener.Anvil2=[[DARK_RED]]You have placed a Salvage anvil, use this to Salvage tools and armor.
@ -365,6 +367,7 @@ Commands.mcrank.Overall=[[YELLOW]]Overall[[GREEN]] - [[GOLD]]Rank [[WHITE]]#[[GR
Commands.mcrank.Player=[[RED]]TARGET: [[WHITE]]{0}
Commands.mcrank.Skill=[[YELLOW]]{0}[[GREEN]] - [[GOLD]]Rank [[WHITE]]#[[GREEN]]{1}
Commands.mcrefresh.Success=[[RED]]{0}'s cooldowns have been refreshed.
Commands.mcremove.Success=[[GREEN]]{0} was successfully removed from the database!
Commands.mctop.Tip=[[GOLD]]Tip: Use [[RED]]/mcrank[[GOLD]] to view all of your personal rankings!
Commands.mmoedit=[chwaraewr] <skill> <newvalue> [[RED]] - Targed addasu
@ -432,6 +435,10 @@ Party.IsntLocked=[[RED]]This party is not locked!
Party.Locked=[[RED]]Party is locked, only party leader may invite.
Party.NotInYourParty=[[DARK_RED]]{0} is not in your party
Party.NotOwner=[[DARK_RED]]You are not the party owner
Party.Owner.New=[[GREEN]]{0} is the new party leader.
Party.Owner.NotLeader=[[DARK_RED]]You are no longer the party leader.
Party.Owner.Player =[[GREEN]]You are now the party leader.
Party.Password.Incorrect=[[RED]]Party password is incorrect.
Party.PasswordSet=[[GREEN]] Blaid cyfrinair wedi ei osod i {0}
Party.Player.Invalid=[[RED]] Nid yw hynny\'n chwaraewr ddilys.
Party.Teleport.Dead=[[RED]] Ni allwch teleport y chwaraewr yn farw.
@ -455,6 +462,7 @@ Commands.XPGain.Woodcutting=Chopping down trees
Commands.XPGain=[[DARK_GRAY]] Cael Profiad: [[WHITE]] {0}
Commands.xplock.locked=[[GOLD]]Your XP BAR is now locked to {0}!
Commands.xplock.unlocked=[[GOLD]]Your XP BAR is now [[GREEN]]UNLOCKED[[GOLD]]!
Commands.xprate.modified=[[RED]]The XP RATE was modified to {0}
Commands.xprate.over=[[RED]]mcMMO XP Rate Event is OVER!!
Commands.xprate.proper.0=[[RED]]Proper usage to change the XP rate is /xprate <integer> <true/false>
Commands.xprate.proper.1=[[RED]]Proper usage to restore the XP rate to default is /xprate reset
@ -115,6 +115,7 @@ Fishing.Skillup=[[YELLOW]]Angel Skill um {0} gestiegen. Gesamt ({1})
Herbalism.Ability.DoubleDropChance=[[RED]]Chance auf Doppel-Drops: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Herbalism.Ability.FD=[[RED]]Bauernfr\u00FChst\u00FCck Rang:[[YELLOW]] {0}
Herbalism.Ability.GTe.Length=[[RED]]Gr\u00FCnes Land Dauer: [[YELLOW]]{0}s
Herbalism.Ability.GTe.NeedMore=[[RED]]You need more seeds to spread Green Terra.
Herbalism.Ability.GTh.Chance=[[RED]]Gr\u00FCner Daumen Chance: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Herbalism.Ability.GTh.Fail=[[RED]]**Gr\u00FCner Daumen GESCHEITERT**
Herbalism.Ability.GTh.Stage=[[RED]]Gr\u00FCner Daumen Stufe: [[YELLOW]] Weizen w\u00E4chst auf Stufe {0}
@ -204,6 +205,7 @@ Repair.Effect.8=Arkanes Schmieden
Repair.Effect.9=Repariere magische Gegenst\u00E4nde
Repair.Effect.16=Verwertung ({0}+ SKILL)
Repair.Effect.17=Verwerte Werkzeuge & R\u00FCstung
Repair.Error=[[DARK_RED]]mcMMO encountered an error attempting to repair this item!
Repair.Listener.Anvil=[[DARK_RED]]Du hast einen Amboss gebaut, hiermit kannst du R\u00FCstung und Werkzeug reparieren.
Repair.Listener.Anvil2=[[DARK_RED]]Du hast einen Verwertungs-Amboss gebaut, hiermit kannst du R\u00FCstung und Werkzeug verwerten.
@ -408,6 +410,7 @@ Commands.mcrank.Overall=[[YELLOW]]Overall[[GREEN]] - [[GOLD]]Rank [[WHITE]]#[[GR
Commands.mcrank.Player=[[RED]]TARGET: [[WHITE]]{0}
Commands.mcrank.Skill=[[YELLOW]]{0}[[GREEN]] - [[GOLD]]Rank [[WHITE]]#[[GREEN]]{1}
Commands.mcrefresh.Success=[[RED]]{0}'s cooldowns have been refreshed.
Commands.mcremove.Success=[[GREEN]]{0} was successfully removed from the database!
Commands.mctop.Tip=[[GOLD]]Tip: Use [[RED]]/mcrank[[GOLD]] to view all of your personal rankings!
Commands.mmoedit=[Spieler] <skill> <newvalue> [[RED]] - Ziel modifizieren
@ -480,6 +483,10 @@ Party.IsntLocked=[[RED]]Diese Gruppe ist NICHT gesperrt!
Party.Locked=[[RED]]Gruppe gesperrt, nur der Gruppenleiter kann Einladungen versenden.
Party.NotInYourParty=[[DARK_RED]]{0} ist nicht in deiner Gruppe
Party.NotOwner=[[DARK_RED]]Du bist nicht der Gruppenleiter
Party.Owner.New=[[GREEN]]{0} is the new party leader.
Party.Owner.NotLeader=[[DARK_RED]]You are no longer the party leader.
Party.Owner.Player =[[GREEN]]You are now the party leader.
Party.Password.Incorrect=[[RED]]Party password is incorrect.
Party.PasswordSet=[[GREEN]]Gruppen-Password ge\u00E4ndert zu: {0}
Party.Player.Invalid=[[RED]]Dies ist kein g\u00FCltiger Spieler.
Party.Teleport.Dead=[[RED]]Du kannst dich nicht zu toten Spielern teleportieren
@ -505,6 +512,7 @@ Commands.XPGain.Woodcutting=B\u00E4ume f\u00E4llen
Commands.XPGain=[[DARK_GRAY]]XP ZUWACHS: [[WHITE]]{0}
Commands.xplock.locked=[[GOLD]]Deine XP Anzeige ist nun auf {0} festgesetzt!
Commands.xplock.unlocked=[[GOLD]]Deine XP Anzeige ist nun wieder [[GREEN]]FREIGEGEBEN[[GOLD]]!
Commands.xprate.modified=[[RED]]The XP RATE was modified to {0}
Commands.xprate.over=[[RED]]Das mcMMO XP Rate Event ist vor\u00FCber!!
Commands.xprate.proper.0=[[RED]]Korrekte Eingabe f\u00FCr XP Rate Wechsel: /xprate <integer> <true/false>
Commands.xprate.proper.1=[[RED]]Korrekte Eingabe f\u00FCr R\u00FCcksetzung auf Standard XP Rate: /xprate reset
@ -124,6 +124,7 @@ Fishing.Skillup=[[YELLOW]]Fishing skill increased by {0}. Total ({1})
Herbalism.Ability.DoubleDropChance=[[RED]]Double Drop Chance: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Herbalism.Ability.FD=[[RED]]Farmers Diet: [[YELLOW]]Rank {0}
Herbalism.Ability.GTe.Length=[[RED]]Green Terra Length: [[YELLOW]]{0}s
Herbalism.Ability.GTe.NeedMore=[[RED]]You need more seeds to spread Green Terra.
Herbalism.Ability.GTh.Chance=[[RED]]Green Thumb Chance: [[YELLOW]]{0}
Herbalism.Ability.GTh.Fail=[[RED]]**GREEN THUMB FAIL**
Herbalism.Ability.GTh.Stage=[[RED]]Green Thumb Stage: [[YELLOW]] Crops grow in stage {0}
@ -213,6 +214,7 @@ Repair.Effect.8=Arcane Forging
Repair.Effect.9=Repair magic items
Repair.Effect.16=Salvage ({0}+ SKILL)
Repair.Effect.17=Salvage Tools & Armor
Repair.Error=[[DARK_RED]]mcMMO encountered an error attempting to repair this item!
Repair.Listener.Anvil=[[DARK_RED]]You have placed an anvil, anvils can repair tools and armor.
Repair.Listener.Anvil2=[[DARK_RED]]You have placed a Salvage anvil, use this to Salvage tools and armor.
@ -417,6 +419,7 @@ Commands.mcrank.Overall=[[YELLOW]]Overall[[GREEN]] - [[GOLD]]Rank [[WHITE]]#[[GR
Commands.mcrank.Player=[[RED]]TARGET: [[WHITE]]{0}
Commands.mcrank.Skill=[[YELLOW]]{0}[[GREEN]] - [[GOLD]]Rank [[WHITE]]#[[GREEN]]{1}
Commands.mcrefresh.Success=[[RED]]{0}'s cooldowns have been refreshed.
Commands.mcremove.Success=[[GREEN]]{0} was successfully removed from the database!
Commands.mctop.Tip=[[GOLD]]Tip: Use [[RED]]/mcrank[[GOLD]] to view all of your personal rankings!
Commands.mmoedit=[player] <skill> <newvalue> [[RED]] - Modify target
@ -488,7 +491,11 @@ Party.IsLocked=[[RED]]This party is already locked!
Party.IsntLocked=[[RED]]This party is not locked!
Party.Locked=[[RED]]Party is locked, only party leader may invite.
Party.NotInYourParty=[[DARK_RED]]{0} is not in your party
Party.NotOwner=[[DARK_RED]]You are not the party owner
Party.NotOwner=[[DARK_RED]]You are not the party leader.
Party.Owner.New=[[GREEN]]{0} is the new party leader.
Party.Owner.NotLeader=[[DARK_RED]]You are no longer the party leader.
Party.Owner.Player =[[GREEN]]You are now the party leader.
Party.Password.Incorrect=[[RED]]Party password is incorrect.
Party.PasswordSet=[[GREEN]]Party password set to {0}
Party.Player.Invalid=[[RED]]That is not a valid player.
Party.Teleport.Dead=[[RED]]You can't teleport to a dead player.
@ -514,6 +521,7 @@ Commands.XPGain.Woodcutting=Chopping down trees
Commands.XPGain=[[DARK_GRAY]]XP GAIN: [[WHITE]]{0}
Commands.xplock.locked=[[GOLD]]Your XP BAR is now locked to {0}!
Commands.xplock.unlocked=[[GOLD]]Your XP BAR is now [[GREEN]]UNLOCKED[[GOLD]]!
Commands.xprate.modified=[[RED]]The XP RATE was modified to {0}
Commands.xprate.over=[[RED]]mcMMO XP Rate Event is OVER!!
Commands.xprate.proper.0=[[RED]]Proper usage to change the XP rate is /xprate <integer> <true/false>
Commands.xprate.proper.1=[[RED]]Proper usage to restore the XP rate to default is /xprate reset
Reference in New Issue
Block a user