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synced 2025-02-21 17:19:35 +01:00
Fixes for Treasures config & Chimera Wing.
This commit is contained in:
@ -33,9 +33,7 @@ public class Item {
ItemStack inhand = player.getItemInHand();
if(LoadProperties.chimaeraWingEnable && inhand.getTypeId() == LoadProperties.chimaeraId)
chimaerawing(player, plugin);
public static void chimaerawing(Player player, Plugin plugin)
@ -67,7 +65,7 @@ public class Item {
if(player.getBedSpawnLocation() != null)
if(player.getBedSpawnLocation() != null && player.getBedSpawnLocation().getBlock().getType().equals(Material.BED_BLOCK))
@ -77,19 +77,6 @@ public class LoadProperties {
axesxpmodifier, acrobaticsxpmodifier, animalXP, creeperXP, skeletonXP, spiderXP, ghastXP, slimeXP,
zombieXP, pigzombieXP, endermanXP, cavespiderXP, silverfishXP, blazeXP, magmacubeXP, enderdragonXP;
// public static List<ExcavationTreasure> excavationFromDirt = new ArrayList<ExcavationTreasure>();
// public static List<ExcavationTreasure> excavationFromGrass = new ArrayList<ExcavationTreasure>();
// public static List<ExcavationTreasure> excavationFromSand = new ArrayList<ExcavationTreasure>();
// public static List<ExcavationTreasure> excavationFromGravel = new ArrayList<ExcavationTreasure>();
// public static List<ExcavationTreasure> excavationFromClay = new ArrayList<ExcavationTreasure>();
// public static List<ExcavationTreasure> excavationFromMycel = new ArrayList<ExcavationTreasure>();
// public static List<ExcavationTreasure> excavationFromSoulSand = new ArrayList<ExcavationTreasure>();
// public static List<FishingTreasure> fishingRewardsTier1 = new ArrayList<FishingTreasure>();
// public static List<FishingTreasure> fishingRewardsTier2 = new ArrayList<FishingTreasure>();
// public static List<FishingTreasure> fishingRewardsTier3 = new ArrayList<FishingTreasure>();
// public static List<FishingTreasure> fishingRewardsTier4 = new ArrayList<FishingTreasure>();
// public static List<FishingTreasure> fishingRewardsTier5 = new ArrayList<FishingTreasure>();
public static HUDType defaulthud;
protected static File configFile;
protected static File dataFolder;
@ -153,9 +140,8 @@ public class LoadProperties {
// Setup default HUD
String temp = readString("Spout.HUD.Default", "STANDARD");
for (HUDType x : HUDType.values()) {
if (x.toString().equalsIgnoreCase(temp)) {
if (x.toString().equalsIgnoreCase(temp))
defaulthud = x;
enableAbilityMessages = readBoolean("Abilities.Messages", true);
@ -418,141 +404,5 @@ public class LoadProperties {
blazeXP = readDouble("Experience.Combat.Multiplier.Blaze", 3.0);
magmacubeXP = readDouble("Experience.Combat.Multiplier.Magma_Cube", 2.0);
enderdragonXP = readDouble("Experience.Combat.Multiplier.Ender_Dragon", 8.0);
// // Load treasures
// Map<String, Treasure> treasures = new HashMap<String, Treasure>();
// ConfigurationSection treasureSection = config.getConfigurationSection("Treasures");
// Set<String> treasureConfigSet = treasureSection.getKeys(false);
// Iterator<String> iterator = treasureConfigSet.iterator();
// while(iterator.hasNext())
// {
// String treasureName = iterator.next();
// // Validate all the things!
// List<String> reason = new ArrayList<String>();
// if(!config.contains("Treasures." + treasureName + ".ID")) reason.add("Missing ID");
// if(!config.contains("Treasures." + treasureName + ".Amount")) reason.add("Missing Amount");
// if(!config.contains("Treasures." + treasureName + ".Data")) reason.add("Missing Data");
// int id = config.getInt("Treasures." + treasureName + ".ID");
// int amount = config.getInt("Treasures." + treasureName + ".Amount");
// int data = config.getInt("Treasures." + treasureName + ".Data");
// if(Material.getMaterial(id) == null) reason.add("Invlid id: " + id);
// if(amount < 1) reason.add("Invalid amount: " + amount);
// if(data > 127 || data < -128) reason.add("Invalid data: " + data);
// if(!config.contains("Treasures." + treasureName + ".XP")) reason.add("Missing XP");
// if(!config.contains("Treasures." + treasureName + ".Drop_Chance")) reason.add("Missing Drop_Chance");
// if(!config.contains("Treasures." + treasureName + ".Drop_Level")) reason.add("Missing Drop_Level");
// int xp = config.getInt("Treasures." + treasureName + ".XP");
// Double dropChance = config.getDouble("Treasures." + treasureName + ".Drop_Chance");
// int dropLevel = config.getInt("Treasures." + treasureName + ".Drop_Level");
// if(xp < 0) reason.add("Invalid xp: " + xp);
// if(dropChance < 0) reason.add("Invalid Drop_Chance: " + dropChance);
// if(dropLevel < 0) reason.add("Invalid Drop_Level: " + dropLevel);
// ItemStack item = new ItemStack(id, amount, (byte) 0, (byte) data);
// if(readBoolean("Treasures." + treasureName + ".Drops_From.Fishing", false)) {
// if(config.getConfigurationSection("Treasures." + treasureName + ".Drops_From").getKeys(false).size() != 1)
// reason.add("Fishing drops cannot also be excavation drops");
// if(!config.contains("Treasures." + treasureName + ".Max_Level")) reason.add("Missing Max_Level");
// int maxLevel = config.getInt("Treasures." + treasureName + ".Max_Level");
// if(maxLevel < 0) reason.add("Invalid Max_Level: " + maxLevel);
// if(noErrorsInTreasure(reason)) {
// FishingTreasure fTreasure = new FishingTreasure(item, xp, dropChance, dropLevel, maxLevel);
// treasures.put(treasureName, fTreasure);
// }
// } else {
// ExcavationTreasure eTreasure = new ExcavationTreasure(item, xp, dropChance, dropLevel);
// if(readBoolean("Treasures." + treasureName + ".Drops_From.Dirt", false))
// eTreasure.setDropsFromDirt();
// if(readBoolean("Treasures." + treasureName + ".Drops_From.Grass", false))
// eTreasure.setDropsFromGrass();
// if(readBoolean("Treasures." + treasureName + ".Drops_From.Sand", false))
// eTreasure.setDropsFromSand();
// if(readBoolean("Treasures." + treasureName + ".Drops_From.Gravel", false))
// eTreasure.setDropsFromGravel();
// if(readBoolean("Treasures." + treasureName + ".Drops_From.Clay", false))
// eTreasure.setDropsFromClay();
// if(readBoolean("Treasures." + treasureName + ".Drops_From.Mycelium", false))
// eTreasure.setDropsFromMycel();
// if(readBoolean("Treasures." + treasureName + ".Drops_From.Soul_Sand", false))
// eTreasure.setDropsFromSoulSand();
// if(readBoolean("Treasures." + treasureName + ".Drops_From.Fishing", false)) {
// reason.add("Excavation drops cannot also be fishing drops");
// }
// if(noErrorsInTreasure(reason)) {
// treasures.put(treasureName, eTreasure);
// }
// }
// List<String> excavationTreasures = config.getStringList("Excavation.Treasure");
// List<String> fishingTreasures = config.getStringList("Fishing.Treasure");
// Iterator<String> treasureIterator = treasures.keySet().iterator();
// while(treasureIterator.hasNext()) {
// String treasureKey = treasureIterator.next();
// Treasure treasure = treasures.get(treasureKey);
// if(treasure instanceof FishingTreasure) {
// if(!fishingTreasures.contains(treasureKey)) continue;
// FishingTreasure fTreasure = (FishingTreasure) treasure;
// int dropLevel = fTreasure.getDropLevel();
// int maxLevel = fTreasure.getMaxLevel();
// if(dropLevel <= fishingTier1 && maxLevel >= fishingTier1)
// fishingRewardsTier1.add(fTreasure);
// if(dropLevel <= fishingTier2 && maxLevel >= fishingTier2)
// fishingRewardsTier2.add(fTreasure);
// if(dropLevel <= fishingTier3 && maxLevel >= fishingTier3)
// fishingRewardsTier3.add(fTreasure);
// if(dropLevel <= fishingTier4 && maxLevel >= fishingTier4)
// fishingRewardsTier4.add(fTreasure);
// if(dropLevel <= fishingTier5 && maxLevel >= fishingTier5)
// fishingRewardsTier5.add(fTreasure);
// } else if(treasure instanceof ExcavationTreasure) {
// if(!excavationTreasures.contains(treasureKey)) continue;
// ExcavationTreasure eTreasure = (ExcavationTreasure) treasure;
// if(eTreasure.getDropsFromDirt())
// excavationFromDirt.add(eTreasure);
// if(eTreasure.getDropsFromGrass())
// excavationFromGrass.add(eTreasure);
// if(eTreasure.getDropsFromSand())
// excavationFromSand.add(eTreasure);
// if(eTreasure.getDropsFromGravel())
// excavationFromGravel.add(eTreasure);
// if(eTreasure.getDropsFromClay())
// excavationFromClay.add(eTreasure);
// if(eTreasure.getDropsFromMycel())
// excavationFromMycel.add(eTreasure);
// if(eTreasure.getDropsFromSoulSand())
// excavationFromSoulSand.add(eTreasure);
// }
// }
// }
// private boolean noErrorsInTreasure(List<String> issues) {
// if(issues.isEmpty()) return true;
// for(String issue : issues) {
// plugin.getLogger().warning(issue);
// }
// return false;
// }
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ public class LoadTreasures {
// If not exist, copy from the jar
if (!configFile.exists()) {
@ -2,13 +2,6 @@
# Settings for Fishing
Drops_Enabled: true
Tier1: 0
Tier2: 200
Tier3: 400
Tier4: 600
Tier5: 800
- Leather_Boots
- Leather_Helmet
Reference in New Issue
Block a user