mirror of
synced 2025-03-30 16:26:24 +02:00
Adding back some missing colors
This commit is contained in:
@ -66,7 +66,6 @@ Ability.Generic.Template=[[DARK_AQUA]]{0}: [[GREEN]]{1}
Skills.Overhaul.Header=[[RED]][]=====[][[GREEN]] {0} [[RED]][]=====[]
# Effects.Child=[[DARK_AQUA]]Child Lv.[[YELLOW]] {0}[[DARK_AQUA]]: {1}
Effects.Child.Overhaul=[[DARK_AQUA]]Child Lv.[[YELLOW]] {0}[[DARK_AQUA]]: {1}
Effects.Level.Overhaul=[[GOLD]]LVL: [[YELLOW]]{0} [[DARK_AQUA]]XP[[YELLOW]]([[GOLD]]{1}[[YELLOW]]/[[GOLD]]{2}[[YELLOW]])
@ -78,6 +77,11 @@ MOTD.Version.Overhaul=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[DARK_AQUA]]Overhaul Era[[GOLD]] - [[DARK
Overhaul.mcMMO.Header=[[RED]][]=====[][[GREEN]] mcMMO - Overhaul Era [[RED]][]=====[]
# /mcMMO Command Style Stuff
Commands.mcc.Header=[[RED]]---[][[GREEN]]mcMMO Commands[[RED]][]---
Commands.Other=[[RED]]---[][[GREEN]]SPECIAL COMMANDS[[RED]][]---
# XP BAR Allows for the following variables -- {0} = Skill Level, {1} Current XP, {2} XP Needed for next level, {3} Power Level, {4} Percentage of Level
# Make sure you turn on Experience_Bars.ThisMayCauseLag.AlwaysUpdateTitlesWhenXPIsGained if you want the XP bar title to update every time a player gains XP!
XPBar.Acrobatics=Acrobatics Lv.[[GOLD]]{0}
@ -555,7 +559,6 @@ Commands.Healthbars.Invalid=Invalid healthbar type!
Commands.Inspect=<player> [[GREEN]]- View detailed player info
Commands.Invite.Success=[[GREEN]]Invite sent successfully.
Commands.Leaderboards=<skill> <page> [[GREEN]]- Leaderboards
Commands.mcc.Header=---[][[GREEN]]mcMMO Commands[[RED]][]---
Commands.mcgod=[[GREEN]]- Toggle GodMode
Commands.mchud.Invalid=That is not a valid HUD type.
Commands.mcpurge.Success=[[GREEN]]The database was successfully purged!
@ -586,9 +589,6 @@ Commands.Notifications.Off=Ability notifications toggled [[RED]]off
Commands.Notifications.On=Ability notifications toggled [[GREEN]]on
Commands.Offline=This command does not work for offline players.
Commands.NotLoaded=Player profile is not loaded yet.
Commands.Other=---[][[GREEN]]OTHER COMMANDS[[RED]][]---
Commands.Party.Status=[[DARK_GRAY]]NAME: [[WHITE]]{0} {1} [[DARK_GRAY]]LEVEL: [[DARK_AQUA]]{2}
Commands.Party.Status.Alliance=[[DARK_GRAY]]ALLY: [[WHITE]]{0}
Commands.Party.UnlockedFeatures=[[DARK_GRAY]]Unlocked Features: [[GRAY]][[ITALIC]]{0}
@ -601,8 +601,8 @@ Commands.Party.Accept=[[GREEN]]- Accept party invite
Commands.Party.Chat.Off=Party Chat only [[RED]]Off
Commands.Party.Chat.On=Party Chat only [[GREEN]]On
Commands.Party.Commands=---[][[GREEN]]PARTY COMMANDS[[RED]][]---
Commands.Party.Invite.0=ALERT: [[GREEN]]You have received a party invite for {0} from {1}
Commands.Party.Invite.1=Type [[GREEN]]/party accept[[YELLOW]] to accept the invite
Commands.Party.Invite.0=[[RED]]ALERT: [[GREEN]]You have received a party invite for {0} from {1}
Commands.Party.Invite.1=[[YELLOW]]Type [[GREEN]]/party accept[[YELLOW]] to accept the invite
Commands.Party.Invite=[[GREEN]]- Send party invite
Commands.Party.Invite.Accepted=[[GREEN]]Invite Accepted. You have joined party {0}
Commands.Party.Join=[[GRAY]]Joined Party: {0}
@ -614,10 +614,10 @@ Commands.Party.Rename=[[GRAY]]Party name changed to: [[WHITE]]{0}
Commands.Party.SetSharing=[[GRAY]]Party {0} sharing set to: [[DARK_AQUA]]{1}
Commands.Party.ToggleShareCategory=[[GRAY]]Party item sharing for [[GOLD]]{0} [[GRAY]]has been [[DARK_AQUA]]{1}
Commands.Party.AlreadyExists=[[DARK_RED]]Party {0} already exists!
Commands.Party.Kick=You were kicked from party {0}!
Commands.Party.Leave=You have left that party
Commands.Party.Kick=[[RED]]You were kicked from party [[GREEN]]{0}[[RED]]!
Commands.Party.Leave=[[YELLOW]]You have left that party
Commands.Party.None=You are not in a party.
Commands.Party.None=[[RED]]You are not in a party.
Commands.Party.Quit=[[GREEN]]- Leave your current party
Commands.Party.Teleport=[[GREEN]]- Teleport to party member
Commands.Party.Toggle=[[GREEN]]- Toggle Party Chat
@ -629,45 +629,45 @@ Commands.Party.Alliance.Members.Header=-----[][[GREEN]]ALLIANCE MEMBERS[[RED]][]
Commands.Party.Alliance.Invite.0=ALERT: [[GREEN]]You have received a party alliance invite for {0} from {1}
Commands.Party.Alliance.Invite.1=Type [[GREEN]]/party alliance accept[[YELLOW]] to accept the invite
Commands.Party.Alliance.Invite.Accepted=[[GREEN]]Alliance invite Accepted.
Commands.Party.Alliance.None=Your does not have an ally.
Commands.Party.Alliance.AlreadyAllies=Your party already has an ally. Disband with [[DARK_AQUA]]/party alliance disband
Commands.Party.Alliance.Help.0=This party hasn't formed an alliance. Invite a party leader
Commands.Party.Alliance.Help.1= to an alliance with [[DARK_AQUA]]/party alliance invite <player>[[RED]].
Commands.Party.Alliance.None=[[RED]]Your party does not have an ally.
Commands.Party.Alliance.AlreadyAllies=[[RED]]Your party already has an ally. Disband with [[DARK_AQUA]]/party alliance disband
Commands.Party.Alliance.Help.0=[[RED]]This party hasn't formed an alliance. Invite a party leader
Commands.Party.Alliance.Help.1=[[RED]] to an alliance with [[DARK_AQUA]]/party alliance invite <player>[[RED]].
Commands.ptp.Enabled=Party teleporting [[GREEN]]enabled
Commands.ptp.Disabled=Party teleporting [[RED]]disabled
Commands.ptp.NoRequests=You have no teleport requests at this time
Commands.ptp.NoWorldPermissions=[mcMMO] You do not have permission to teleport to the world {0}.
Commands.ptp.Request1={0} [[GREEN]]has requested to teleport to you.
Commands.ptp.NoRequests=[[RED]]You have no teleport requests at this time
Commands.ptp.NoWorldPermissions=[[RED]][mcMMO] You do not have permission to teleport to the world {0}.
Commands.ptp.Request1=[[YELLOW]]{0} [[GREEN]]has requested to teleport to you.
Commands.ptp.Request2=[[GREEN]]To teleport, type [[YELLOW]]/ptp accept[[GREEN]]. Request expires in [[RED]]{0} [[GREEN]]seconds.
Commands.ptp.AcceptAny.Enabled=Party teleport request confirmation [[GREEN]]enabled
Commands.ptp.AcceptAny.Disabled=Party teleport request confirmation [[RED]]disabled
Commands.ptp.RequestExpired=Party teleport request has expired!
Commands.PowerLevel.Leaderboard=--mcMMO[[BLUE]] Power Level [[YELLOW]]Leaderboard--
Commands.ptp.RequestExpired=[[RED]]Party teleport request has expired!
Commands.PowerLevel.Leaderboard=[[YELLOW]]--mcMMO[[BLUE]] Power Level [[YELLOW]]Leaderboard--
Commands.PowerLevel.Capped=[[DARK_RED]]POWER LEVEL: [[GREEN]]{0} [[DARK_RED]]MAX LEVEL: [[YELLOW]]{1}
Commands.PowerLevel=[[DARK_RED]]POWER LEVEL: [[GREEN]]{0}
Commands.Reset.All=[[GREEN]]All of your skill levels have been reset successfully.
Commands.Reset.Single=[[GREEN]]Your {0} skill level has been reset successfully.
Commands.Reset=[[GREEN]]- Reset a skill's level to 0
Commands.Scoreboard.Clear=[[DARK_AQUA]]mcMMO scoreboard cleared.
Commands.Scoreboard.NoBoard=The mcMMO scoreboard is not active.
Commands.Scoreboard.NoBoard=[[RED]]The mcMMO scoreboard is not active.
Commands.Scoreboard.Keep=[[DARK_AQUA]]The mcMMO scoreboard will stay up until you use [[GREEN]]/mcscoreboard clear[[DARK_AQUA]].
Commands.Scoreboard.Timer=[[DARK_AQUA]]The mcMMO scoreboard will clear [[GOLD]]{0}[[DARK_AQUA]] seconds from now.
Commands.Scoreboard.Help.0=[[GOLD]] == [[GREEN]]Help for [[RED]]/mcscoreboard[[GOLD]] ==
Commands.Scoreboard.Help.1=[[DARK_AQUA]]/mcscoreboard[[AQUA]] clear [[WHITE]] - clear the McMMO scoreboard
Commands.Scoreboard.Help.2=[[DARK_AQUA]]/mcscoreboard[[AQUA]] keep [[WHITE]] - keep the mcMMO scoreboard up
Commands.Scoreboard.Help.3=[[DARK_AQUA]]/mcscoreboard[[AQUA]] time [n] [[WHITE]] - clear the McMMO scoreboard after [[LIGHT_PURPLE]]n[[WHITE]] seconds
Commands.Scoreboard.Tip.Keep=[[GRAY]](Tip) Use [[YELLOW]]/mcscoreboard keep[[GRAY]] while the scoreboard is shown to keep it from going away.
Commands.Scoreboard.Tip.Clear=[[GRAY]](Tip) Use [[YELLOW]]/mcscoreboard clear[[GRAY]] to get rid of the scoreboard.
Commands.Scoreboard.Tip.Keep=[[GOLD]]Tip: Use [[RED]]/mcscoreboard keep[[GOLD]] while the scoreboard is shown to keep it from going away.
Commands.Scoreboard.Tip.Clear=[[GOLD]]Tip: Use [[RED]]/mcscoreboard clear[[GOLD]] to get rid of the scoreboard.
Commands.Skill.Invalid=That is not a valid skillname!
Commands.Skill.ChildSkill=Child skills are not valid for this command!
Commands.Skill.Leaderboard=--mcMMO [[BLUE]]{0}[[YELLOW]] Leaderboard--
Commands.SkillInfo=[[GREEN]]- View detailed information about a skill
Commands.Stats=[[GREEN]]- View your mcMMO stats
Commands.ToggleAbility=[[GREEN]]- Toggle ability activation with right click
Commands.Usage.0=Proper usage is /{0}
Commands.Usage.1=Proper usage is /{0} {1}
Commands.Usage.2=Proper usage is /{0} {1} {2}
Commands.Usage.3=Proper usage is /{0} {1} {2} {3}
Commands.Usage.0=[[RED]]Proper usage is /{0}
Commands.Usage.1=[[RED]]Proper usage is /{0} {1}
Commands.Usage.2=[[RED]]Proper usage is /{0} {1} {2}
Commands.Usage.3=[[RED]]Proper usage is /{0} {1} {2} {3}
@ -688,60 +688,60 @@ Commands.MmoInfo.DetailsHeader=[[DARK_AQUA]]-=[]=====[][[GREEN]] Details [[DARK_
Commands.MmoInfo.OldSkill=[[GRAY]]mcMMO skills are being converted into an improved modular skill system, unfortunately this skill has not been converted yet and lacks detailed stats. The new system will allow for faster release times for new mcMMO skills and greater flexibility with existing skills.
Commands.MmoInfo.Mechanics=[[DARK_AQUA]]-=[]=====[][[GOLD]] Mechanics [[DARK_AQUA]][]=====[]=-
Commands.MmoInfo.Stats=STATS: {0}
mcMMO.NoInvites=You have no invites at this time
mcMMO.NoInvites=[[RED]]You have no invites at this time
mcMMO.NoPermission=[[DARK_RED]]Insufficient permissions.
mcMMO.NoSkillNote=[[DARK_GRAY]]If you don't have access to a skill it will not be shown here.
Party.Forbidden=[mcMMO] Parties not permitted on this world (See Permissions)
Party.Help.0=Proper usage is [[DARK_AQUA]]{0} <player> [password].
Party.Help.1=To create a party, use [[DARK_AQUA]]{0} <name> [password].
Party.Help.2=Consult [[DARK_AQUA]]{0} [[RED]]for more information
Party.Help.3=Use [[DARK_AQUA]]{0} <player> [password] [[RED]]to join or [[DARK_AQUA]]{1} [[RED]]to quit
Party.Help.4=To lock or unlock your party, use [[DARK_AQUA]]{0}
Party.Help.5=To password protect your party, use [[DARK_AQUA]]{0} <password>
Party.Help.6=To kick a player from your party, use [[DARK_AQUA]]{0} <player>
Party.Help.7=To transfer ownership of your party, use [[DARK_AQUA]]{0} <player>
Party.Help.8=To disband your party, use [[DARK_AQUA]]{0}
Party.Help.9=Use [[DARK_AQUA]]{0} [[RED]]to share items with party members
Party.Help.10=Use [[DARK_AQUA]]{0} [[RED]]to enable XP sharing with party members
Party.Help.0=[[RED]]Proper usage is [[DARK_AQUA]]{0} <player> [password].
Party.Help.1=[[RED]]To create a party, use [[DARK_AQUA]]{0} <name> [password].
Party.Help.2=[[RED]]Consult [[DARK_AQUA]]{0} [[RED]]for more information
Party.Help.3=[[RED]]Use [[DARK_AQUA]]{0} <player> [password] [[RED]]to join or [[DARK_AQUA]]{1} [[RED]]to quit
Party.Help.4=[[RED]]To lock or unlock your party, use [[DARK_AQUA]]{0}
Party.Help.5=[[RED]]To password protect your party, use [[DARK_AQUA]]{0} <password>
Party.Help.6=[[RED]]To kick a player from your party, use [[DARK_AQUA]]{0} <player>
Party.Help.7=[[RED]]To transfer ownership of your party, use [[DARK_AQUA]]{0} <player>
Party.Help.8=[[RED]]To disband your party, use [[DARK_AQUA]]{0}
Party.Help.9=[[RED]]Use [[DARK_AQUA]]{0} [[RED]]to share items with party members
Party.Help.10=[[RED]]Use [[DARK_AQUA]]{0} [[RED]]to enable XP sharing with party members
Party.InformedOnJoin={0} [[GREEN]]has joined your party
Party.InformedOnQuit={0} [[GREEN]]has left your party
Party.InformedOnNameChange=[[GOLD]]{0} [[GREEN]]has set the party name to [[WHITE]]{1}
Party.InvalidName=[[DARK_RED]]That is not a valid party name.
Party.Invite.Self=You can't invite yourself!
Party.IsLocked=This party is already locked!
Party.IsntLocked=This party is not locked!
Party.Locked=Party is locked, only party leader may invite.
Party.Invite.Self=[[RED]]You can't invite yourself!
Party.IsLocked=[[RED]]This party is already locked!
Party.IsntLocked=[[RED]]This party is not locked!
Party.Locked=[[RED]]Party is locked, only party leader may invite.
Party.NotInYourParty=[[DARK_RED]]{0} is not in your party
Party.NotOwner=[[DARK_RED]]You are not the party leader.
Party.Target.NotOwner=[[DARK_RED]]{0} is not the party leader.
Party.Owner.New=[[GREEN]]{0} is the new party leader.
Party.Owner.NotLeader=[[DARK_RED]]You are no longer the party leader.
Party.Owner.Player =[[GREEN]]You are now the party leader.
Party.Password.None=This party is password protected. Please provide a password to join.
Party.Password.Incorrect=Party password is incorrect.
Party.Password.None=[[RED]]This party is password protected. Please provide a password to join.
Party.Password.Incorrect=[[RED]]Party password is incorrect.
Party.Password.Set=[[GREEN]]Party password set to {0}
Party.Password.Removed=[[GREEN]]Party password has been cleared.
Party.Player.Invalid=That is not a valid player.
Party.Player.Invalid=[[RED]]That is not a valid player.
Party.NotOnline=[[DARK_RED]]{0} is not online!
Party.Player.InSameParty={0} already is in your party!
Party.Player.InSameParty=[[RED]]{0} already is in your party!
Party.PlayerNotInParty=[[DARK_RED]]{0} is not in a party
Party.Specify=You must specify a party.
Party.Teleport.Dead=You can't teleport to a dead player.
Party.Teleport.Hurt=You have been hurt in the last {0} seconds and cannot teleport.
Party.Specify=[[RED]]You must specify a party.
Party.Teleport.Dead=[[RED]]You can't teleport to a dead player.
Party.Teleport.Hurt=[[RED]]You have been hurt in the last {0} seconds and cannot teleport.
Party.Teleport.Player=[[GREEN]]You have teleported to {0}.
Party.Teleport.Self=You can't teleport to yourself!
Party.Teleport.Self=[[RED]]You can't teleport to yourself!
Party.Teleport.Target=[[GREEN]]{0} has teleported to you.
Party.Teleport.Disabled={0} doesn't allow party teleportation.
Party.Rename.Same=That is already the name of your party!
Party.Join.Self=You can't join yourself!
Party.Teleport.Disabled=[[RED]]{0} doesn't allow party teleportation.
Party.Rename.Same=[[RED]]That is already the name of your party!
Party.Join.Self=[[RED]]You can't join yourself!
Party.Unlocked=[[GRAY]]Party is unlocked
Party.Disband=[[GRAY]]The party has been disbanded
Party.Alliance.Formed=[[GRAY]]Your party is now allies with [[GREEN]]{0}
Party.Alliance.Disband=[[GRAY]]Your party is no longer allies with [[RED]]{0}
Party.LevelUp=Party level increased by {0}. Total ({1})
Party.LevelUp=[[YELLOW]]Party level increased by {0}. Total ({1})
Party.Feature.Chat=Party Chat
Party.Feature.Teleport=Party Teleport
@ -752,11 +752,11 @@ Party.Feature.Locked.Teleport=LOCKED UNTIL {0}+ (PARTY TELEPORT)
Party.Feature.Locked.Alliance=LOCKED UNTIL {0}+ (ALLIANCES)
Party.Feature.Locked.ItemShare=LOCKED UNTIL {0}+ (ITEM SHARING)
Party.Feature.Locked.XpShare=LOCKED UNTIL {0}+ (XP SHARING)
Party.Feature.Disabled.1=Party chat is not unlocked yet.
Party.Feature.Disabled.2=Party teleport is not unlocked yet.
Party.Feature.Disabled.3=Party alliances are not unlocked yet.
Party.Feature.Disabled.4=Party item sharing is not unlocked yet.
Party.Feature.Disabled.5=Party XP sharing is not unlocked yet.
Party.Feature.Disabled.1=[[RED]]Party chat is not unlocked yet.
Party.Feature.Disabled.2=[[RED]]Party teleport is not unlocked yet.
Party.Feature.Disabled.3=[[RED]]Party alliances are not unlocked yet.
Party.Feature.Disabled.4=[[RED]]Party item sharing is not unlocked yet.
Party.Feature.Disabled.5=[[RED]]Party XP sharing is not unlocked yet.
@ -785,16 +785,11 @@ Commands.XPGain.Woodcutting=Chopping down trees
Commands.XPGain=[[DARK_GRAY]]XP GAIN: [[WHITE]]{0}
Commands.xplock.locked=[[GOLD]]Your XP BAR is now locked to {0}!
Commands.xplock.unlocked=[[GOLD]]Your XP BAR is now [[GREEN]]UNLOCKED[[GOLD]]!
Commands.xprate.modified=The XP RATE was modified to {0}
Commands.xprate.over=mcMMO XP Rate Event is OVER!!
Commands.xprate.proper.0=Proper usage to change the XP rate is /xprate <integer> <true/false>
Commands.xprate.proper.1=Proper usage to restore the XP rate to default is /xprate reset
Commands.xprate.proper.2=Please specify true or false to indicate if this is an xp event or not
Commands.NegativeNumberWarn=Don't use negative numbers!
Commands.Event.Start=[[GREEN]]mcMMO[[GOLD]] Event!
Commands.Event.Stop=[[GREEN]]mcMMO[[DARK_AQUA]] Event Over!
Commands.Event.Stop.Subtitle=[[GREEN]]I hope you had fun!
Commands.Event.XP=[[DARK_AQUA]]XP Rate is now [[GOLD]]{0}[[DARK_AQUA]]x!
Commands.xprate.modified=[[RED]]The XP RATE was modified to {0}
Commands.xprate.over=[[RED]]mcMMO XP Rate Event is OVER!!
Commands.xprate.proper.0=[[RED]]Proper usage to change the XP rate is /xprate <integer> <true/false>
Commands.xprate.proper.1=[[RED]]Proper usage to restore the XP rate to default is /xprate reset
Commands.xprate.proper.2=[[RED]]Please specify true or false to indicate if this is an xp event or not
Commands.xprate.started.0=[[GOLD]]XP EVENT FOR mcMMO HAS STARTED!
Commands.xprate.started.1=[[GOLD]]mcMMO XP RATE IS NOW {0}x!
XPRate.Event= [[GOLD]]mcMMO is currently in an XP rate event! XP rate is {0}x!
@ -927,11 +922,11 @@ Skills.Disarmed=[[DARK_RED]]You have been disarmed!
Skills.Header=-----[] [[GREEN]]{0}[[RED]] []-----
Skills.NeedMore=[[DARK_RED]]You need more [[GRAY]]{0}
Skills.NeedMore.Extra=[[DARK_RED]]You need more [[GRAY]]{0}{1}
Skills.Parents = PARENTS
Skills.Parents= PARENTS
Skills.Stats={0}[[GREEN]]{1}[[DARK_AQUA]] XP([[GRAY]]{2}[[DARK_AQUA]]/[[GRAY]]{3}[[DARK_AQUA]])
Skills.TooTired=You are too tired to use that ability again. [[YELLOW]]({0}s)
Skills.Cancelled={0} cancelled!
Skills.Cancelled=[[GOLD]]{0} [[RED]]cancelled!
Skills.ConfirmOrCancel=[[GREEN]]Right-click again to confirm [[GOLD]]{0}[[GREEN]]. Left-click to cancel.
Skills.AbilityGateRequirementFail=[[GRAY]]You require [[YELLOW]]{0}[[GRAY]] more levels of [[DARK_AQUA]]{1}[[GRAY]] to use this super ability.
@ -1024,23 +1019,23 @@ Commands.Description.xplock=Lock your mcMMO XP bar to a specific mcMMO skill
Commands.Description.xprate=Modify the mcMMO XP rate or start an mcMMO XP event
UpdateChecker.Outdated=You are using an outdated version of mcMMO!
UpdateChecker.NewAvailable=There is a new version available on BukkitDev.
UpdateChecker.NewAvailable=There is a new version available on Spigot.
Scoreboard.Header.PlayerStats=mcMMO Stats
Scoreboard.Header.PlayerCooldowns=mcMMO Cooldowns
Scoreboard.Header.PlayerRank=mcMMO Rankings
Scoreboard.Header.PlayerInspect=mcMMO Stats: {0}
Scoreboard.Header.PowerLevel=Power Level
Scoreboard.Header.PlayerStats=[[YELLOW]]mcMMO Stats
Scoreboard.Header.PlayerCooldowns=[[YELLOW]]mcMMO Cooldowns
Scoreboard.Header.PlayerRank=[[YELLOW]]mcMMO Rankings
Scoreboard.Header.PlayerInspect=[[YELLOW]]mcMMO Stats: {0}
Scoreboard.Header.PowerLevel=[[RED]]Power Level
Scoreboard.Misc.PowerLevel=[[GOLD]]Power Level
Scoreboard.Misc.CurrentXP=[[GREEN]]Current XP
Scoreboard.Misc.RemainingXP=Remaining XP
Scoreboard.Misc.RemainingXP=[[YELLOW]]Remaining XP
Profile.Loading.Success=[[GREEN]]Your mcMMO profile has been loaded.
Profile.Loading.Failure=mcMMO still cannot load your data. You may want to [[AQUA]]contact the server owner.\n[[YELLOW]]You can still play on the server, but you will have [[BOLD]]no mcMMO levels[[YELLOW]] and any XP you get [[BOLD]]will not be saved[[YELLOW]].
Profile.Loading.Failure=[[RED]]mcMMO still cannot load your data. You may want to [[AQUA]]contact the server owner.\n[[YELLOW]]You can still play on the server, but you will have [[BOLD]]no mcMMO levels[[YELLOW]] and any XP you get [[BOLD]]will not be saved[[YELLOW]].
Profile.Loading.AdminFailureNotice=[[DARK_RED]][A][[RED]] mcMMO was unable to load the player data for [[YELLOW]]{0}[[RED]]. [[LIGHT_PURPLE]]Please inspect your database setup.
Holiday.AprilFools.Levelup=[[GOLD]]{0} is now level [[GREEN]]{1}[[GOLD]]!
Reference in New Issue
Block a user