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synced 2025-03-25 11:19:44 +01:00
Start documenting some of the bradle scripts.
Signed-off-by: Gabriel Harris-Rouquette <gabizou@me.com>
This commit is contained in:
@ -8,6 +8,22 @@ You can check it out here http://www.mcmmo.org
I plan to post links to our new wiki (its still under development), downloads, and dev blogs there.
### Contributing
As the plugin is being developed for multiple Minecraft versions, and multiple Minecraft platforms (read: [sponge](https://spongepowered.org/), [spigot](https://spigotmc.org/), bukkit, and [paper](https://papermc.io)), the
overall build process is handled by [Gradle](https://gradle.org/) with [Kotlin-dsl](https://github.com/gradle/kotlin-dsl) based scripts.
As such, an IDE is strongly recommended when attempting to contribute features, additions, changes, bug fixes, etc. to mcMMO as the scripts handle a
majority of our dependencies and rebuilding a production worthy jar.
To get started, a few things need to be installed:
- JDK 8 (not 9, 10, 11, or 7)
- git
- Your favorite IDE (can be [Eclipse](https://eclipse.org/), [IntelliJ](https://jetbrains.org/)
- BuildTools.jar from [Spigot](https://www.spigotmc.org/wiki/buildtools/)
##### Using BuildTools
BuildTools is used to generate the craftbukkit/spigot dependencies used for varoius versions of Minecraft.
The key with this tool is that it can build and deploy multiple vesions of Minecraft based on "reviewions".
### Builds
Currently, you can obtain our builds via the Spigot resource page: https://spigot.mcmmo.org
@ -1,24 +1,29 @@
import com.github.jengelman.gradle.plugins.shadow.tasks.ConfigureShadowRelocation
import com.github.jengelman.gradle.plugins.shadow.tasks.ShadowJar
buildscript {
repositories {
dependencies {
* Declares the version of the Gradle wrapper. We need 4.9 for now because
* ForgeGradle 3+ is a hard dependency for Gradle 4.9, 4.10 is not compatible
val wrapper by tasks.getting(Wrapper::class) {
gradleVersion = "4.9"
// Things used by other projects
* Sets up project references to be used in child scripts, like
* ":bukkit", ":core", ":sponge" where these projects need to be
* referred to for dependencies, paths, outputs etc.
* Projects is specifically an object stored in <root>/buildSrc/src/main/java/Config.kt
* It's a nullable variable, but we just store it here and use it elsewhere.
Projects.core = project("core")
Projects.bukkit = project("bukkit")
Projects.sponge = project("sponge")
Declares the various other projects and stores them to Gradle's `extra` properties.
These are potentially usable for other purposes, but for now, they're here only to
declare the values for this root project's dependency (for shadowjar)
var core: Project by extra { project("core") }
val bukkit by extra { project("bukkit") }
val bukkit_18 by extra { bukkit.project("1_8_8") }
@ -27,49 +32,58 @@ val bukkit_113 by extra { bukkit.project("1_13") }
val sponge by extra { project("sponge") }
val sponge_7 by extra { sponge.project("api7") }
val configurate by extra { ""}
group = properties["pluginGroup"]!!
version = properties["pluginVersion"]!!
Even though all projects declares some of these plugins, we want to declare them the traditional
way so that we can have IDE utiliziation and processing, it helps with writing these scripts.
plugins {
id("com.github.johnrengelman.shadow") version "4.0.4"
configurations {
val childJars: Configuration by configurations
// Set up defaults for all projects, maven repositories, java compatibility level and compiling encoding
Default management for ALL projects, not just root, or ":bukkit", but all projects and
their children projects.
allprojects {
We need the java library processing, and shadow allows us to run
shadowJar to relocate dependencies and bundle dependencies into a fat jar.
Defines all the repositories for all project dependency resolutions. Some of these
repositories are meant for specific dependencies, so the content filters will
prevent attempts at resolving those dependencies being requested at those repositories.
Constants are defined in <root>/buildSrc/src/main/java/Config.kt
repositories {
// World Edit
// bStats
// configurate
// spigot
maven(Repos.sk89q) // WorldEdit/WorldGuard
maven(Repos.bstats) // bstats
maven(Repos.sponge) // Sponge, Configurate, and some other things
maven(Repos.spigot) // Spigot and Bukkit
maven(Repos.sonatype) // General Maven
mavenLocal() // For nms packages
// Sets all projects compatibility level to Java 8
java {
sourceCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
targetCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
// Encoding for all packages is UTF-8
tasks.getting(JavaCompile::class) {
options.encoding = "UTF-8"
// Default shadow jar configuration. Sub projects will override and add on,
// but this sets up at the very least the jdbc connection dependencies to be relocated
val shadowJar by tasks.getting(ShadowJar::class) { // Configure basics of relocation
relocate(Shadow.Origin.juli, Shadow.Target.juli)
relocate(Shadow.Origin.tomcat, Shadow.Target.tomcat)
@ -79,7 +93,13 @@ allprojects {
// Sub projects don't need to shadow their dependencies. This eliminates common ones
All subprojects shadowjar tasks that will exclude various dependencies, while
the root project will include some of these dependencies (like jdbc, configurate)
so that the sub project jars are already somewhat minimized, in the event those
platform jars are to be deployed individually versus an overall "all platforms"
subprojects {
val shadowJar by tasks.getting(ShadowJar::class) {
dependencies {
@ -92,6 +112,9 @@ subprojects {
// Sets up this root project to depend on all the implementations supported.
// By default, they all already should have shadow relocations and packaging,
// and their dependencies should not be leaking into this project.
dependencies {
@ -100,6 +123,9 @@ dependencies {
// Configure shadow for the root project, we want to relocate bstats-bukkit
// and whatever else is configured in the allProjects configuration
val shadowJar by tasks.getting(ShadowJar::class) { // Root shadow relocation
relocate(Shadow.Origin.bstatsBukkit, Shadow.Target.bstatsBukkit)
@ -107,5 +133,7 @@ val shadowJar by tasks.getting(ShadowJar::class) { // Root shadow relocation
baseName = "mcMMO"
classifier = "bundle"
// Tell the build task to depend on shadowjar.
val build by tasks
@ -1,12 +1,27 @@
import Config.Libs.Bukkit.`1_12` as Bukkit
// Config is located in <root>/buildSrc/src/main/java/Config.kt
// It provides a bunch of constant values we use as dependency
// strings, so we don't have to duplicate a bunch of them in
// various scripts.
plugins {
java // This is already provided, but for static compilation,
// we declare it here so we can use the IDE static type references
Dependency inheritance is as follows
- ":core", which provides
configurate, tomcat jdbc/juli, and flowmath. It excludes sub
dependencies like guava and apache commons lang.
- ":bukkit", which provides nothing on it's own, except the
core bukkit classes that can be built on 1.13.2 API (which may change).
It also defines all subprojects to depend on ":core", and ":bukkit",
and bstats-bukkit.
dependencies {
compileOnly(Bukkit.api) // Bukkit API
compileOnly(Bukkit.wgLegacy) // WorldGuard
compileOnly(Bukkit.api) // Bukkit API for 1.12.2
compileOnly(Bukkit.nms) // CraftBukkit for 1.12.2
compileOnly(Bukkit.wgLegacy) // WorldGuard for 1.12.2 bukkit
@ -1,12 +1,27 @@
import Config.Libs.Bukkit.`1_13` as Bukkit
// Config is located in <root>/buildSrc/src/main/java/Config.kt
// It provides a bunch of constant values we use as dependency
// strings, so we don't have to duplicate a bunch of them in
// various scripts. The import allows us to "import as" for shorthand
plugins {
`java-library` // This is already provided, but for static compilation,
// we declare it here so we can use the IDE static type references
Dependency inheritance is as follows
- ":core", which provides
configurate, tomcat jdbc/juli, and flowmath. It excludes sub
dependencies like guava and apache commons lang.
- ":bukkit", which provides nothing on it's own, except the
core bukkit classes that can be built on 1.13.2 API (which may change).
It also defines all subprojects to depend on ":core", and ":bukkit",
and bstats-bukkit.
dependencies {
compileOnly(Bukkit.api) // Bukkit API
compileOnly(Bukkit.wgCore) // WorldGuard
compileOnly(Bukkit.wgLegacy) // WG for Bukkit
compileOnly(Bukkit.api) // Bukkit API for 1.13.2 - Defined in <root>/buildSrc/src/main/java/Config.kt
compileOnly(Bukkit.nms) // CraftBukkit-1.13.2-R0.1-SNAPSHOT - Defined in <root>/buildSrc/src/main/java/Config.kt
compileOnly(Bukkit.wgCore) // WorldGuard-core - Defined in <root>/buildSrc/src/main/java/Config.kt
compileOnly(Bukkit.wgLegacy) // WorldGuard-legacy - Defined in <root>/buildSrc/src/main/java/Config.kt
@ -4,9 +4,20 @@ plugins {
Dependency inheritance is as follows
- ":core", which provides
configurate, tomcat jdbc/juli, and flowmath. It excludes sub
dependencies like guava and apache commons lang.
- ":bukkit", which provides nothing on it's own, except the
core bukkit classes that can be built on 1.13.2 API (which may change).
It also defines all subprojects to depend on ":core", and ":bukkit",
and bstats-bukkit.
dependencies {
compileOnly(Bukkit.api) // Spigot API
compileOnly(Bukkit.wgLegacy) // Old worldguard
compileOnly(Bukkit.api) // Bukkit API for 1.8.8 - Defined in <root>/buildSrc/src/main/java/Config.kt
compileOnly(Bukkit.nms) // CraftBukkit-1.8.8-R0.3-SNAPSHOT - Defined in <root>/buildSrc/src/main/java/Config.kt
compileOnly(Bukkit.wgLegacy) // Old worldguard - Defined in <root>/buildSrc/src/main/java/Config.kt
@ -1,9 +1,21 @@
import com.github.jengelman.gradle.plugins.shadow.tasks.ShadowJar
import Config.Libs.Bukkit as Bukkit
// Config is located in <root>/buildSrc/src/main/java/Config.kt
// It provides a bunch of constant values we use as dependency
// strings, so we don't have to duplicate a bunch of them in
// various scripts. The import as allows for shorthand.
val bukkit: Project = Projects.bukkit!!
val core: Project = Projects.core!!
val bukkit: Project = Projects.bukkit!! // Static project references
val core: Project = Projects.core!! // Stored by Config.kt and created in <root>/build.gradle.kts
/* This configures ":bukkit" and it's dependent projects:
- ":bukkit:1_8_8"
- ":bukkit:1_12"
- ":bukkit:1_13"
Basically sets up all projects to depend on ":core" and
bstats-bukkit. Also sets up shadow to relocate bukkit related
packages to limit platform interference
allprojects {
dependencies {
@ -13,13 +25,20 @@ allprojects {
// TODO dunno if this works yet... project needs to compile.
val shadowJar by tasks.getting(ShadowJar::class) {
// Relocate bstats for bukkit, as per requirement for bstats
relocate(Shadow.Origin.bstatsBukkit, Shadow.Target.bstatsBukkit)
// Relocate the bukkit platform classes of mcmmo so we don't
// interfere with other platform classes (or core)
relocate(Deps.Groups.nossr, "${Deps.Groups.nossr}.bukkit") {
// Tells all subprojects of ":bukkit" (":bukkit:1_8_8", ":bukkit:1_12",etc.)
// to depend on this project (":bukkit") to inherit the dependencies, and
// does NOT inherit the same configurations (anything configured outside
// here does not persist to child projects).
subprojects {
dependencies {
// Provide the base bukkit plugin dependency for plugin classloading.
@ -28,19 +47,20 @@ subprojects {
plugins {
`java-library` // This is already provided, but for static compilation,
// we declare it here so we can use the IDE static type references
dependencies {
// Temporary dependencies while things are being moved.
compileOnly(Bukkit.`1_13`.spigotApi) { // Spigot API
isTransitive = true
compileOnly(Bukkit.`1_13`.spigotApi) { // Spigot API for generic usage. Based on 1.13.2
isTransitive = true // We don't want the dependencies
compileOnly(Bukkit.`1_13`.api) { // Spigot API
isTransitive = true
compileOnly(Bukkit.`1_13`.api) { // Bukkit API for generic usage. Based on 1.13.2
isTransitive = true // We don't want the dependencies
compileOnly(Bukkit.`1_13`.wgCore) {
isTransitive = true
compileOnly(Bukkit.`1_13`.wgCore) { // WorldGuard dependency, again, for 1.13.2
isTransitive = true // We don't want the dependencies
exclude(group = Shadow.Exclude.sk89q)
exclude(group = Shadow.Exclude.intake, module = "intake")
exclude(group = Shadow.Exclude.sk89q, module = "squirrelid")
@ -49,7 +69,7 @@ dependencies {
exclude(group = Shadow.Exclude.findbugs)
compileOnly(Bukkit.`1_13`.wgLegacy) {
isTransitive = true
isTransitive = true // We don't want the dependencies
exclude(group = Shadow.Exclude.bukkit)
exclude(group = Shadow.Exclude.sk89q, module = "commandbook")
exclude(group = Shadow.Exclude.bstats)
@ -1,23 +1,27 @@
import Config.Libs as Libs
// Config is located in <root>/buildSrc/src/main/java/Config.kt
// It provides a bunch of constant values we use as dependency
// strings, so we don't have to duplicate a bunch of them in
// various scripts. The import as allows for shorthand.
plugins {
`java-library` // This is already provided, but for static compilation,
// we declare it here so we can use the IDE static type references
dependencies {
compile(Libs.configurate) {
exclude(Deps.Groups.guava, Deps.Modules.guava)
exclude(Deps.Groups.checker, Deps.Modules.checker)
compile(Libs.configurate) { // Configurate-Yaml dependency, inherits Configurate-core
exclude(Deps.Groups.guava, Deps.Modules.guava) // Exclude guava
exclude(Deps.Groups.checker, Deps.Modules.checker) // Exclude checkerframework
compile(Libs.flowmath) // flowpowered math, for more maths.
compile(Libs.jdbc) // Database connectors
compile(Libs.juli) // Database connectors
testCompile(Libs.junitDep) // junit for testing
// Spigot for in-dev dependency
compileOnly(Libs.Bukkit.`1_13`.spigotApi) {
isTransitive = false
compileOnly(Libs.Bukkit.`1_13`.spigotApi) { // Spigot only for temporary usage in core
isTransitive = false // Don't include spigot api's dependencies
@ -1,6 +1,15 @@
import net.minecraftforge.gradle.user.UserBaseExtension
import Config.Libs.Sponge.API7 as API7
// Config is located in <root>/buildSrc/src/main/java/Config.kt
// It provides a bunch of constant values we use as dependency
// strings, so we don't have to duplicate a bunch of them in
// various scripts. The import as allows for shorthand.
Special dependency for the buildscript to be able to use ForgeGradle 2.3-SNAPSHOT.
Needs to define the repository where FG exists, and then adds the classpath of the
plugin jar for the buildscript. It's what allows us to import UserBaseExtension
buildscript {
repositories {
@ -10,27 +19,43 @@ buildscript {
// Extension created to set up the minecraft block for ForgeGradle. This should change in FG3.
// Extension created to set up the minecraft block for ForgeGradle. This will be different for ForgeGradle 3>, but we don't
// use that newer version for 1.12, that will be used for 1.13+
val Project.minecraft: UserBaseExtension
get() = extensions.getByName<UserBaseExtension>(Plugins.FG2_3.extensionName)
plugins {
// Apply the spongegradle plugin to generate the metadata file
// Apply the spongegradle plugin to generate the metadata file, these cannot be import shorthanded because
// they need to be resolved at script compilation time to apply the plugin
id(Config.Libs.Sponge.API7.spongeGradleId) version Config.Libs.Sponge.API7.spongeGradleVersion // supplies sponge repo and plugin metadata creation tasks
// Apply the FG2.3 plguin the old way, because there's no valid way to do it the new plugins way.
apply(plugin = API7.forgeGradleId)
dependencies {
// Only SpongeAPI needed for the base plugin class, a majority will be api version dependent.
compileOnly(API7.api) // SpongeAPI
Now this configures ForgeGradle to set up the Minecraft (NMS) dependency. To use it, one needs to run
`gradlew sDecW` either from root or `gradlew :sponge:api7:sDecW`. The process generates a Minecraft
dependency with forge sources so one can read MCP remapped code. The dependency is not included in
configure<UserBaseExtension> {
version = API7.minecraftVersion
runDir = "run"
mappings = API7.mappings
version = API7.minecraftVersion // The minecraft (forge) version
runDir = "run" // Where the run directory will be placed
mappings = API7.mappings // The MCP mappings version
* Some extra information that needs to be included for plugin/mod generation that will be
* parsed by Sponge or Forge (when SpongeForge is involved, Forge loads the plugins for SpongeForge)
tasks.withType<Jar> {
inputs.properties += "version" to project.version
inputs.properties += "mcversion" to project.minecraft.version
@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
mod_name = "mcmmo"
mod_version = "2.2-SNAPSHOT"
mc_version = "1.12.2"
@ -1,8 +1,13 @@
import com.github.jengelman.gradle.plugins.shadow.tasks.ShadowJar
import Config.Libs.Sponge as Sponge
// Config is located in <root>/buildSrc/src/main/java/Config.kt
// It provides a bunch of constant values we use as dependency
// strings, so we don't have to duplicate a bunch of them in
// various scripts. The import as allows for shorthand.
plugins {
`java-library` // This is already provided, but for static compilation,
// we declare it here so we can use the IDE static type references
val core = Projects.core!! // because it's a var and potentially null by declaration
@ -10,23 +15,36 @@ val sponge = Projects.sponge!! // because it's a var and potentially null by dec
description = "mcMMO for Sponge"
These dependencies are minimalized. SpongeAPI is not inherited by subprojects.
Bstats-sponge is api version agnostic for the moment.
dependencies {
compile(Sponge.bstats) // Bstats is used for all sponge versions
compileOnly(Sponge.API7.api) // Base version
compileOnly(Sponge.API7.api) // Base version for common plugin class
/* This configures ":sponge" and it's dependent projects:
- ":sponge:api7"
Basically sets up all projects to depend on ":core" and
bstats-sponge. Bstatss-sponge should not be relocated
allprojects {
dependencies {
// TODO dunno if this works yet... project needs to compile.
val shadowJar by tasks.getting(ShadowJar::class) {
val shadowJar by tasks.getting(ShadowJar::class) { // We set this up so we relocate all sponge projects, not just ":sponge"
relocate(Deps.Groups.nossr, "${Deps.Groups.nossr}.sponge") {
// Tells all subprojects of ":sponge" (":sponge:api7")
// to depend on this project (":sponge") to inherit the dependencies, and
// does NOT inherit the same configurations (anything configured outside
// here does not persist to child projects).
subprojects {
dependencies {
(compileOnly(sponge) as ModuleDependency).apply {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user