mirror of
synced 2025-02-21 09:09:35 +01:00
More work on localization update
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
package com.gmail.nossr50.api;
import org.bukkit.ChatColor;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import com.gmail.nossr50.mcMMO;
import com.gmail.nossr50.events.chat.McMMOAdminChatEvent;
import com.gmail.nossr50.events.chat.McMMOPartyChatEvent;
import com.gmail.nossr50.locale.LocaleLoader;
import com.gmail.nossr50.util.Permissions;
import com.gmail.nossr50.util.Users;
@ -30,14 +30,12 @@ public final class ChatAPI {
String pPrefix = ChatColor.GREEN + "(" + ChatColor.WHITE + chatEvent.getSender() + ChatColor.GREEN + ") ";
mcMMO.p.getLogger().info("[P](" + chatEvent.getParty() + ")" + "<" + chatEvent.getSender() + "> " + chatEvent.getMessage());
for (Player player : mcMMO.p.getServer().getOnlinePlayers()) {
if (Users.getProfile(player).inParty()) {
if (Users.getProfile(player).getParty().getName().equalsIgnoreCase(chatEvent.getParty())) {
player.sendMessage(pPrefix + chatEvent.getMessage());
player.sendMessage(LocaleLoader.getString("Commands.Party.Chat.Prefix", new Object[] {chatEvent.getSender()} ) + chatEvent.getMessage());
@ -59,13 +57,11 @@ public final class ChatAPI {
String aPrefix = ChatColor.AQUA + "{" + ChatColor.WHITE + chatEvent.getSender() + ChatColor.AQUA + "} ";
mcMMO.p.getLogger().info("[A]<" + chatEvent.getSender() + "> " + chatEvent.getMessage());
for (Player player : mcMMO.p.getServer().getOnlinePlayers()) {
if (Permissions.adminChat(player) || player.isOp())
player.sendMessage(aPrefix + chatEvent.getMessage());
player.sendMessage(LocaleLoader.getString("Commands.AdminChat.Prefix", new Object[] {chatEvent.getSender()} ) + chatEvent.getMessage());
@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
package com.gmail.nossr50.datatypes.popups;
import org.bukkit.ChatColor;
import org.getspout.spoutapi.gui.GenericLabel;
import org.getspout.spoutapi.gui.GenericPopup;
import org.getspout.spoutapi.gui.InGameHUD;
@ -12,6 +11,7 @@ import com.gmail.nossr50.datatypes.PlayerProfile;
import com.gmail.nossr50.datatypes.SpoutHud;
import com.gmail.nossr50.datatypes.buttons.McmmoButton;
import com.gmail.nossr50.datatypes.buttons.McmmoButton.Slot;
import com.gmail.nossr50.locale.LocaleLoader;
public class Menu extends GenericPopup {
private McmmoButton hudButton;
@ -23,19 +23,19 @@ public class Menu extends GenericPopup {
public Menu(final SpoutPlayer spoutPlayer, final PlayerProfile playerProfile) {
//240, 427 are the bottom right
titleLabel.setText(ChatColor.GOLD + "~mcMMO Menu~"); //TODO: Needs more locale
titleLabel.setX(centerX - 35);
titleLabel.setY((centerY / 2) - 20);
escapeLabel.setText(ChatColor.GRAY + "Press ESCAPE to exit!"); //TODO: Needs more locale
escapeLabel.setX(titleLabel.getX() - 15);
escapeLabel.setY(titleLabel.getY() + 10);
hudButton = new McmmoButton("HUD Type: " + playerProfile.getHudType().toString(), "Change your HUD style!");
hudButton = new McmmoButton(LocaleLoader.getString("Spout.Menu.HudButton.1", new Object[] {playerProfile.getHudType().toString()}), LocaleLoader.getString("Spout.Menu.HudButton.2"));
hudButton.setX(centerX - (hudButton.getWidth() / 2));
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ public class Menu extends GenericPopup {
escapeButton = new McmmoButton("EXIT", null);
escapeButton = new McmmoButton(LocaleLoader.getString("Spout.Menu.ExitButton"), null);
escapeButton.setX(centerX - (escapeButton.getWidth() / 2));
@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
package com.gmail.nossr50.listeners;
import org.bukkit.ChatColor;
import org.bukkit.event.EventHandler;
import org.bukkit.event.Listener;
import org.getspout.spoutapi.event.input.KeyPressedEvent;
@ -17,6 +16,7 @@ import com.gmail.nossr50.datatypes.SpoutHud;
import com.gmail.nossr50.datatypes.PlayerProfile;
import com.gmail.nossr50.datatypes.buttons.McmmoButton;
import com.gmail.nossr50.datatypes.popups.Menu;
import com.gmail.nossr50.locale.LocaleLoader;
import com.gmail.nossr50.spout.SpoutStuff;
import com.gmail.nossr50.util.Users;
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ public class SpoutListener implements Listener {
//TODO: Add custom titles based on skills
if (SpoutConfig.getInstance().getShowPowerLevel()) {
spoutPlayer.setTitle(spoutPlayer.getName() + "\n" + ChatColor.YELLOW + "P" + ChatColor.GOLD + "lvl" + ChatColor.WHITE+"." + ChatColor.GREEN + String.valueOf(mcMMOPlayer.getPowerLevel()));
spoutPlayer.setTitle(LocaleLoader.getString("Spout.Title", new Object[] {spoutPlayer.getName(), mcMMOPlayer.getPowerLevel()}));
profile.setSpoutHud(new SpoutHud(mcMMOPlayer)); //Setup Party HUD stuff
@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.jar.JarEntry;
import java.util.jar.JarFile;
import org.bukkit.ChatColor;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.getspout.spoutapi.SpoutManager;
@ -25,6 +24,7 @@ import com.gmail.nossr50.config.SpoutConfig;
import com.gmail.nossr50.datatypes.PlayerProfile;
import com.gmail.nossr50.datatypes.SkillType;
import com.gmail.nossr50.listeners.SpoutListener;
import com.gmail.nossr50.locale.LocaleLoader;
import com.gmail.nossr50.util.Misc;
import com.gmail.nossr50.util.Users;
@ -548,8 +548,7 @@ public class SpoutStuff {
//TODO: Use Locale
spoutPlayer.sendNotification(ChatColor.GREEN + "Level Up!", ChatColor.YELLOW + Misc.getCapitalized(skillType.toString()) + ChatColor.DARK_AQUA + " (" + ChatColor.GREEN + profile.getSkillLevel(skillType) + ChatColor.DARK_AQUA + ")", mat);
spoutPlayer.sendNotification(LocaleLoader.getString("Spout.LevelUp.1"), LocaleLoader.getString("Spout.LevelUp.2", new Object[] {Misc.getCapitalized(LocaleLoader.getString(Misc.getCapitalized(skillType.toString()) + ".SkillName")), profile.getSkillLevel(skillType)} ), mat);
SpoutSounds.playLevelUpNoise(spoutPlayer, plugin);
@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ package com.gmail.nossr50.util;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import org.bukkit.ChatColor;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import com.gmail.nossr50.datatypes.SkillType;
@ -32,7 +31,7 @@ public class Page {
ArrayList<String> allStrings = new ArrayList<String>();
String split[] = LocaleLoader.getString(address).split("\n");
allStrings.add(ChatColor.GOLD+"-="+ChatColor.GREEN+header+ChatColor.GOLD+"=-"); //So stylish
allStrings.add(LocaleLoader.getString("Guides.Header", new Object[] {header} ));
//Add targeted strings
@ -56,47 +55,36 @@ public class Page {
public static void grabGuidePageForSkill(SkillType skilltype, Player player, String[] args)
public static void grabGuidePageForSkill(SkillType skilltype, Player player, String[] args) {
String skillName = skilltype.toString();
String capitalized = Misc.getCapitalized(skillName);
String localized = Misc.getCapitalized(LocaleLoader.getString(capitalized + ".SkillName"));
player.sendMessage(ChatColor.DARK_AQUA+"Guide for "+localized+" available type /"+skilltype.toString().toLowerCase()+" ? [Page#]"); //TODO: Needs more locale.
if (args.length >= 1)
if (args[0].equals("?"))
player.sendMessage(LocaleLoader.getString("Guides.Available", new Object[] {localized, localized.toLowerCase()} ));
if (args.length >= 1) {
if (args[0].equals("?")) {
String address = "Guides."+capitalized;
if (args.length > 1 && Misc.isInt(args[1]) && Misc.getInt(args[1]) <= Page.getTotalPageNumber(address))
if (args.length > 1 && Misc.isInt(args[1]) && Misc.getInt(args[1]) <= Page.getTotalPageNumber(address)) {
for (String target : Page.grabPageContents(capitalized+" Guide", address, Misc.getInt(args[1])))
} else if (args.length == 1)
for (String target : Page.grabPageContents(capitalized+" Guide", address, 1))
for (String target : Page.grabPageContents(localized+" Guide", address, Misc.getInt(args[1]))) {
else if (args.length > 1 && Misc.getInt(args[1]) > Page.getTotalPageNumber(address))
player.sendMessage("That page doesn't exist, there are only "+Page.getTotalPageNumber(address)+" total pages"); //TODO: Needs more locale.
else if (args.length == 1) {
for (String target : Page.grabPageContents(localized+" Guide", address, 1)) {
else if (args.length > 1 && !Misc.isInt(args[1]))
player.sendMessage("Not a valid page number!"); //TODO: Needs more locale.
else if (args.length > 1 && Misc.getInt(args[1]) > Page.getTotalPageNumber(address)) {
player.sendMessage(LocaleLoader.getString("Guides.Page.OutOfRange", new Object[] {Page.getTotalPageNumber(address)} ));
else if (args.length > 1 && !Misc.isInt(args[1])) {
player.sendMessage(LocaleLoader.getString("Guides.Page.Invalid")); }
player.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "Usage is /"+skilltype.toString().toLowerCase()+" ? [page]"); //TODO: Needs more locale.
else {
player.sendMessage(LocaleLoader.getString("Guides.Usage", new Object[] {localized.toLowerCase()} ));
@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
package com.gmail.nossr50.util;
import org.bukkit.ChatColor;
import org.bukkit.block.Block;
import org.bukkit.enchantments.Enchantment;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
@ -224,7 +223,7 @@ public class Skills {
/* Update custom titles */
if (SpoutConfig.getInstance().getShowPowerLevel()) {
spoutPlayer.setTitle(spoutPlayer.getName()+ "\n" + ChatColor.YELLOW + "P" + ChatColor.GOLD + "lvl" + ChatColor.WHITE + "." + ChatColor.GREEN + String.valueOf(Users.getPlayer(player).getPowerLevel()));
spoutPlayer.setTitle(LocaleLoader.getString("Spout.Title", new Object[] {spoutPlayer.getName(), Users.getPlayer(player).getPowerLevel()} ));
else {
@ -338,6 +338,7 @@ Commands.Ability.Off=Ability use toggled [[RED]]off
Commands.Ability.On=Ability use toggled [[GREEN]]on
Commands.AdminChat.Off=Admin Sgwrs unig [[RED]] Oddi ar
Commands.AdminChat.On=Admin Chat only [[GREEN]]On
Commands.AdminToggle=[[RED]] - sgwrs gweinyddol Toggle
Commands.Disabled=[[RED]] Mae\'r gorchymyn yn anabl.
Commands.DoesNotExist=[[RED]] nid Chwaraewr yn bodoli yn y gronfa ddata!
@ -356,6 +357,7 @@ Commands.Other=[[GREEN]]--OTHER COMMANDS--
Commands.Party.Accept=[[RED]]- Accept party invite
Commands.Party.Chat.Off=Party Chat only [[RED]]Off
Commands.Party.Chat.On=Party Chat only [[GREEN]]On
Commands.Party.Commands=[[GREEN]]--PARTY COMMANDS--
Commands.Party.Invite.0=[[RED]] RHYBUDD: [[GREEN]] fod wedi derbyn gwahoddiad i barti {0} o {1}
Commands.Party.Invite.1=[[YELLOW]] Math [[GREEN]]/accept[[YELLOW]] i dderbyn y gwahoddiad
@ -436,14 +438,19 @@ Effects.Template=[[DARK_AQUA]]{0}: [[GREEN]]{1}
Guides.Acrobatics=[[DARK_AQUA]]About Acrobatics:\n[[YELLOW]]Acrobatics is the art of moving gracefully in mcMMO.\n[[YELLOW]]It provides combat bonuses and environment damage bonuses.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]XP GAIN:\n[[YELLOW]]To gain XP in this skill you need to perform a dodge\n[[YELLOW]]in combat or survive falls from heights that damage you.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Rolling work?\n[[YELLOW]]You have a passive chance when you take fall damage\n[[YELLOW]]to negate the damage done. You can hold the sneak button to\n[[YELLOW]]double your chances during the fall.\n[[YELLOW]]This triggers a Graceful Roll instead of a standard one.\n[[YELLOW]]Graceful Rolls are like regular rolls but are twice as likely to\n[[YELLOW]]occur and provide more damage safety than regular rolls.\n[[YELLOW]]Rolling chance is tied to your skill level\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Dodge work?\n[[YELLOW]]Dodge is a passive chance when you are\n[[YELLOW]]injured in combat to halve the damage taken.\n[[YELLOW]]It is tied to your skill level.
Guides.Archery=[[DARK_AQUA]]About Archery:\n[[YELLOW]]Archery is about shooting with your bow and arrow.\n[[YELLOW]]It provides various combat bonuses, such as a damage boost\n[[YELLOW]]that scales with your level and the ability to daze your\n[[YELLOW]]opponents in PvP. In addition to this, you can retrieve\n[[YELLOW]]some of your spent arrows from the corpses of your foes.\n\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]XP GAIN:\n[[YELLOW]]To gain XP in this skill you need to shoot mobs or\n[[YELLOW]]other players.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Skill Shot work?\n[[YELLOW]]Skill Shot provides additional damage to your shots.\n[[YELLOW]]The bonus damage from Skill Shot increases as you\n[[YELLOW]]level in Archery.\n[[YELLOW]]With the default settings, your archery damage increase 10%\n[[YELLOW]]every 50 levels, to a maximum of 200% bonus damage.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Daze work?\n[[YELLOW]]You have a passive chance to daze other players when\n[[YELLOW]]you shoot them. When Daze triggers it forces your opponents\n[[YELLOW]]to look straight up for a short duration.\n[[YELLOW]]A Daze shot also deals an additional 4 damage (2 hearts).\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Arrow Retrieval work?\n[[YELLOW]]You have a passive chance to retrieve some of your arrows\n[[YELLOW]]when you kill a mob with your bow.\n[[YELLOW]]This chance increases as you level in Archery.\n[[YELLOW]]By default, this ability increases by 0.1% per level, up to 100%\n[[YELLOW]]at level 1000.
Guides.Axes=[[DARK_AQUA]]About Axes:\n[[YELLOW]]With the Axes skill you can use your axe for much more then\n[[YELLOW]]just deforesting! You can hack and chop away at mobs\n[[YELLOW]]and players to gain XP, hitting mobs with the effect of\n[[YELLOW]]knockback and inflicting DEADLY criticals on mobs and players.\n[[YELLOW]]Your axe also becomes a hand-held woodchipper,\n[[YELLOW]]breaking down the enemy's armor with ease as your level\n[[YELLOW]]increases.\n[[DARK_AQUA]]XP GAIN:\n[[YELLOW]]To gain XP in this skill you need hit other mobs or players\n[[YELLOW]]with an Axe.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Skull Splitter work?\n[[YELLOW]]This ability allows you to deal an AoE (Area of Effect) hit.\n[[YELLOW]]This AoE hit will deal half as much damage as you did to the\n[[YELLOW]]main target, so it's great for clearing out large piles of mobs.\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Critical Strikes work?\n[[YELLOW]]Critical Strikes is a passive ability which gives players a\n[[YELLOW]]chance to deal additional damage.\n[[YELLOW]]With the default settings, every 2 skill levels in Axes awards a\n[[YELLOW]]0.1% chance to deal a Critical Strike, causing 2.0 times damage\n[[YELLOW]]to mobs or 1.5 times damage against other players.\n\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Axe Mastery work?\n[[YELLOW]]Axe Mastery is a passive ability that will add additional damage\n[[YELLOW]]to your hits when using Axes.\n[[YELLOW]]By default, the bonus damage increases by 1 every 50 levels,\n[[YELLOW]]up to a cap of 4 extra damage at level 200.\n\n\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Armor Impact work?\n[[YELLOW]]Strike with enough force to shatter armor!\n[[YELLOW]]Armor Impact has a passive chance to damage your\n[[YELLOW]]opponent's armor. This damage increases as you level in Axes.\n\n\n\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Greater Impact work?\n[[YELLOW]]You have a passive chance to achieve a greater impact when\n[[YELLOW]]hitting mobs or players with your axe.\n[[YELLOW]]By default this chance is 25%. This passive ability has an\n[[YELLOW]]extreme knockback effect, similar to the Knockback II\n[[YELLOW]]enchantment. In addition, it deals bonus damage to the target.
Guides.Available=[[DARK_AQUA]]Guide for {0} available - type /{1} ? [page]
Guides.Excavation=[[DARK_AQUA]] Amdanom Cloddio:\n[[YELLOW]] Cloddio yn y weithred o gloddio hyd faw i ddod o hyd drysorau.\n[[YELLOW]] Trwy gloddio y tir y byddwch yn dod o hyd i drysorau.\n[[YELLOW]] Po fwyaf y byddwch yn gwneud hyn y trysorau mwy gallwch ddod o hyd.\n[[DARK_AQUA]] Profiad Ennill:\n[[YELLOW]] I ennill XP yn y sgil mae\'n rhaid i chi gloddio \u00e2 rhaw mewn llaw.\n[[YELLOW]] Dim ond rhai deunyddiau yn cael ei godi am drysorau ac XP.\n[[DARK_AQUA]] Deunyddiau Cyt\u00fbn:\n[[YELLOW]] Tywod Soul Glaswellt, Baw, Tywod, Clay, Gravel, myseliwm,\n[[DARK_AQUA]] Sut i ddefnyddio Torri\'r Drill Giga:\n[[YELLOW]] Gyda rhaw yn llaw dde glicio i yn barod i\'ch offeryn.\n[[YELLOW]] Unwaith yn y cyflwr hwn sydd gennych am 4 eiliad i wneud\n[[YELLOW]] cysylltiad \u00e2 gwaith cloddio deunyddiau sy\'n gydnaws bydd hyn yn\n[[YELLOW]] Activate Torri\'r Drill Giga.\n[[DARK_AQUA]] Beth yw Torri\'r Drill Giga?\n[[YELLOW]] Drill Giga Torri\'r yn gallu gyda cooldown\n[[YELLOW]] ynghlwm wrth sgiliau Cloddio. Mae\'n deirgwaith eich cyfle\n[[YELLOW]] o ddod o hyd i drysorau ac yn galluogi toriad sydyn\n[[YELLOW]] ar ddeunyddiau Cloddio.\n[[DARK_AQUA]] Sut mae Drysor Hunter gweithio?\n[[YELLOW]] Bob trysor posibl ar gyfer cloddio wedi ei hun\n[[YELLOW]] sgiliau lefel ofynnol iddo ollwng, o ganlyniad, mae\'n\n[[YELLOW]] anodd dweud faint y mae\'n ei helpu chi.\n[[YELLOW]] Dim ond yn cadw mewn cof bod yr uwch eich sgiliau Cloddio\n[[YELLOW]] yw, y trysorau yn fwy y gellir ei weld.\n[[YELLOW]] A hefyd yn cadw mewn cof bod pob math o Cloddio\n[[YELLOW]] deunydd gydnaws ei restr unigryw ei hun o drysorau.\n[[YELLOW]] Mewn geiriau eraill y byddwch yn dod o hyd i drysorau gwahanol yn Baw\n[[YELLOW]] nag y byddech yn Gravel.\n[[DARK_AQUA]] Nodiadau am Cloddio:\n[[] YELLOW] diferion Cloddio yn hollol customizeable\n[[YELLOW]] Felly canlyniadau yn amrywio gweinydd \u00e2\'r gweinydd.
Guides.Fishing=Guide coming soon...
Guides.Header=[[GOLD]]-=[[GREEN]]{0} Guide[[GOLD]]=-
Guides.Herbalism=Guide coming soon...
Guides.Mining=[[DARK_AQUA]] Amdanom Mwyngloddio\n[[YELLOW]] Mwyngloddio yn cynnwys cerrig a mwyngloddio mwynau.\u00a0Mae\'n darparu taliadau bonws\n[[YELLOW]] i faint o ddeunyddiau gollwng wrth gloddio.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]] profiad a gafwyd\n[[YELLOW]] I ennill XP yn y sgil, rhaid i chi gloddio gyda pickaxe mewn llaw.\n[[YELLOW]] Dim ond rhai blociau wobr XP.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]] Deunyddiau Cyd-fynd\n[[YELLOW]] Cerrig, Mwyn Glo, Haearn Mwyn, Mwyn Aur, Diemwnt Mwyn, Redstone Mwyn,\n[[YELLOW]] Lapis Mwyn, Obsidian, Mossy cobl Cerrig, Ender Cerrig,\n[[YELLOW]], carreg Glow ac Uffern Cerrig.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]] Sut i ddefnyddio Torri\'r Super\n[[YELLOW]] Gyda pickaxe yn eich llaw, dde chlecia at barod eich offeryn.\n[[YELLOW]] Unwaith yn y cyflwr hwn, mae gennych tua 4 eiliad i gysylltu\n[[YELLOW]] gyda deunyddiau Mwyngloddio cydnaws, a fydd yn activate Super\n[[YELLOW]] Torri\'r.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]] Beth yw Super Torri\'r?\n[[YELLOW]] Super Torri\'r yn gallu gyda cooldown ynghlwm wrth y Mwyngloddio\n[[YELLOW]] sgiliau.\u00a0Mae\'n treblu\'r eich cyfle o eitemau ychwanegol ollwng a\n[[YELLOW]] yn galluogi egwyl yn syth ar ddeunyddiau Mwyngloddio.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]] Sut i ddefnyddio Mwyngloddio Blast\n[[YELLOW]] Gyda ffrwydrwr mewn llaw, sy\'n dur fflint at ball,\n[[YELLOW]] de-gliciwch ar TNT o bellter.\u00a0Bydd hyn yn achosi i\'r TNT\n[[YELLOW]] i ffrwydro ar unwaith.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]] Sut mae Mwyngloddio Chwyth?\n[[YELLOW]] Mwyngloddio Blast yn gallu gyda cooldown ynghlwm wrth y Mwyngloddio\n[[YELLOW]] sgiliau.\u00a0Mae\'n rhoi taliadau bonws wrth cloddio \u00e2 TNT ac yn caniat\u00e1u i chi\n[[YELLOW]] i anghysbell ffrwydro TNT.\u00a0Mae tair rhan i Blast Mwyngloddio.\n[[YELLOW]] Mae\'r rhan gyntaf yn Bomiau Bigger, sy\'n cynyddu\'r radiws chwyth.\n[[YELLOW]] Yr ail yw Dymchweliadau Arbenigol, sy\'n lleihau difrod\n[[YELLOW]] o ffrwydradau TNT.\u00a0Mae\'r drydedd ran yn syml yn cynyddu\'r\n[[YELLOW]] swm y mwynau gostwng o TNT a lleihau\'r\n[[YELLOW]] malurion gollwng.
Guides.Page.Invalid=Not a valid page number!
Guides.Page.OutOfRange=That page doesn't exist, there are only {0} total pages.
Guides.Repair=Guide coming soon...
Guides.Swords=Canllaw yn dod yn fuan ...
Guides.Taming=Canllaw yn dod yn fuan ...
Guides.Unarmed=Guide coming soon...
Guides.Usage=[[RED]] Usage is /{0} ? [page]
Guides.Woodcutting=Guide coming soon...
Inspect.Offline=[[RED]]You do not have permission to inspect offline players!
Inspect.OfflineStats=mcMMO Stats for Offline Player [[YELLOW]]{0}
@ -477,3 +484,11 @@ Vampirism.Killer.Failure=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[YELLOW]]{0}[[GRAY]] was too unskilled
Vampirism.Killer.Success=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[DARK_AQUA]]You've stolen [[BLUE]]{0}[[DARK_AQUA]] levels from [[YELLOW]]{1}.
Vampirism.Victim.Failure=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[YELLOW]]{0}[[GRAY]] was unable to steal knowledge from you!
Vampirism.Victim.Success=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[YELLOW]]{0}[[DARK_RED]] has stolen [[BLUE]]{1}[[DARK_RED]] levels from you!
Spout.LevelUp.1=[[GREEN]Level Up!
Spout.LevelUp.2=[[YELLOW]]{0}[[DARK_AQUA]] ([[GREEN]]{1}[[DARK_AQUA]])
Spout.Menu.Exit=[[GRAY]]Press ESCAPE to exit!
Spout.Menu.HudButton.1=HUD Type: {0}
Spout.Menu.HudButton.2=Change your HUD style!
Spout.Menu.Title=[[GOLD]]~mcMMO Menu~
@ -381,6 +381,7 @@ Commands.Ability.Off=F\u00E4higkeiten [[RED]]deaktiviert
Commands.Ability.On=F\u00E4higkeiten [[GREEN]]aktivivert
Commands.AdminChat.Off=Admin Chat only [[RED]]deaktiviert
Commands.AdminChat.On=Admin Chat only [[GREEN]]aktiviert
Commands.AdminToggle=[[RED]]- Admin Chat umschalten
Commands.Disabled=[[RED]]Dieser Command ist deaktiviert.
Commands.DoesNotExist= [[RED]]Spieler in Datenbank nicht gefunden!
@ -399,6 +400,7 @@ Commands.Other=[[GREEN]]--ANDERE COMMANDS--
Commands.Party.Accept=[[RED]]- Gruppen-Einladung akzeptieren
Commands.Party.Chat.Off=Gruppen-Chat only [[RED]]deaktiviert
Commands.Party.Chat.On=Gruppen-Chat only [[GREEN]]aktiviert
Commands.Party.Commands=[[GREEN]]--GRUPPEN COMMANDS--
Commands.Party.Invite.0=[[RED]]INFO: [[GREEN]]Du hast eine Gruppen-Einladung f\u00FCr {0} von {1} bekommen
Commands.Party.Invite.1=[[YELLOW]]Schreibe [[GREEN]]/accept[[YELLOW]] um die Einladung zu genehmingen
@ -491,14 +493,19 @@ Effects.Template=[[DARK_AQUA]]{0}: [[GREEN]]{1}
Guides.Acrobatics=[[DARK_AQUA]]\u00DCber Akrobatik:\n[[YELLOW]]Akrobatik ist die Kunst, sich in mcMMO anmutig zu bewegen.\n[[YELLOW]]Es bietet Kampf- und Umgebungsschaden-Boni.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]XP GAIN:\n[[YELLOW]]Um XP in diesem Skill zu bekommen, musst du im Kapf Ausweichen\n[[YELLOW]]oder St\u00FCrze aus grosser H\u00F6he \u00FCberlebe.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]Wie funktioniert Abrollen?\n[[YELLOW]]Du hast eine passive Chance Fallschaden zu negieren.\n[[YELLOW]]W\u00E4hrend du f\u00E4llst, kannst du dich b\u00FCcken um\n[[YELLOW]]um die Chancen zu verdoppeln!\n[[YELLOW]]Dies l\u00F6st eine grazi\u00F6se Rolle aus anstatt einer Normalen.\n[[YELLOW]]Grazi\u00F6se Rollen sind wie Normale, haben aber die doppelte Chance\n[[YELLOW]]ausgel\u00F6st zu werden und bieten mehr Sicherheit gegen Schaden.\n[[YELLOW]]Die Chance auf Abrollen ist an dein Skill-Level gebunden.\n[[DARK_AQUA]]Wie funktionier Ausweichen?\n[[YELLOW]]Ausweichen bietet eine passive Chance auf halben Schaden\n[[YELLOW]]falls du im Kampf verletzt wirst.\n[[YELLOW]]Ausweichen ist an dein Skill-Level gebunden.
Guides.Archery=[[DARK_AQUA]]About Archery:\n[[YELLOW]]Archery is about shooting with your bow and arrow.\n[[YELLOW]]It provides various combat bonuses, such as a damage boost\n[[YELLOW]]that scales with your level and the ability to daze your\n[[YELLOW]]opponents in PvP. In addition to this, you can retrieve\n[[YELLOW]]some of your spent arrows from the corpses of your foes.\n\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]XP GAIN:\n[[YELLOW]]To gain XP in this skill you need to shoot mobs or\n[[YELLOW]]other players.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Skill Shot work?\n[[YELLOW]]Skill Shot provides additional damage to your shots.\n[[YELLOW]]The bonus damage from Skill Shot increases as you\n[[YELLOW]]level in Archery.\n[[YELLOW]]With the default settings, your archery damage increase 10%\n[[YELLOW]]every 50 levels, to a maximum of 200% bonus damage.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Daze work?\n[[YELLOW]]You have a passive chance to daze other players when\n[[YELLOW]]you shoot them. When Daze triggers it forces your opponents\n[[YELLOW]]to look straight up for a short duration.\n[[YELLOW]]A Daze shot also deals an additional 4 damage (2 hearts).\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Arrow Retrieval work?\n[[YELLOW]]You have a passive chance to retrieve some of your arrows\n[[YELLOW]]when you kill a mob with your bow.\n[[YELLOW]]This chance increases as you level in Archery.\n[[YELLOW]]By default, this ability increases by 0.1% per level, up to 100%\n[[YELLOW]]at level 1000.
Guides.Axes=[[DARK_AQUA]]About Axes:\n[[YELLOW]]With the Axes skill you can use your axe for much more then\n[[YELLOW]]just deforesting! You can hack and chop away at mobs\n[[YELLOW]]and players to gain XP, hitting mobs with the effect of\n[[YELLOW]]knockback and inflicting DEADLY criticals on mobs and players.\n[[YELLOW]]Your axe also becomes a hand-held woodchipper,\n[[YELLOW]]breaking down the enemy's armor with ease as your level\n[[YELLOW]]increases.\n[[DARK_AQUA]]XP GAIN:\n[[YELLOW]]To gain XP in this skill you need hit other mobs or players\n[[YELLOW]]with an Axe.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Skull Splitter work?\n[[YELLOW]]This ability allows you to deal an AoE (Area of Effect) hit.\n[[YELLOW]]This AoE hit will deal half as much damage as you did to the\n[[YELLOW]]main target, so it's great for clearing out large piles of mobs.\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Critical Strikes work?\n[[YELLOW]]Critical Strikes is a passive ability which gives players a\n[[YELLOW]]chance to deal additional damage.\n[[YELLOW]]With the default settings, every 2 skill levels in Axes awards a\n[[YELLOW]]0.1% chance to deal a Critical Strike, causing 2.0 times damage\n[[YELLOW]]to mobs or 1.5 times damage against other players.\n\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Axe Mastery work?\n[[YELLOW]]Axe Mastery is a passive ability that will add additional damage\n[[YELLOW]]to your hits when using Axes.\n[[YELLOW]]By default, the bonus damage increases by 1 every 50 levels,\n[[YELLOW]]up to a cap of 4 extra damage at level 200.\n\n\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Armor Impact work?\n[[YELLOW]]Strike with enough force to shatter armor!\n[[YELLOW]]Armor Impact has a passive chance to damage your\n[[YELLOW]]opponent's armor. This damage increases as you level in Axes.\n\n\n\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Greater Impact work?\n[[YELLOW]]You have a passive chance to achieve a greater impact when\n[[YELLOW]]hitting mobs or players with your axe.\n[[YELLOW]]By default this chance is 25%. This passive ability has an\n[[YELLOW]]extreme knockback effect, similar to the Knockback II\n[[YELLOW]]enchantment. In addition, it deals bonus damage to the target.
Guides.Available=[[DARK_AQUA]]Guide for {0} available - type /{1} ? [page]
Guides.Excavation=[[DARK_AQUA]]\u00DCber Graben:\n[[YELLOW]]Graben ist die Kunst, beim Graben im Dreck Sch\u00E4tze zu finden.\n[[YELLOW]]Beim Ausgraben kannst du Sch\u00E4tze finden.\n[[YELLOW]]Um so mehr du gr\u00E4bst, um so mehr Sch\u00E4tze findest du.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]XP Zuwachs:\n[[YELLOW]]Um XP in diesem Skill zu bekommen, musst du mit einer Schaufel in der Hand buddeln.\n[[YELLOW]]Nur das Ausgraben von bestimmten Materialen bietet Sch\u00E4tze und XP.\n[[DARK_AQUA]]Materialien:\n[[YELLOW]]Grass, Dreck, Sand, Lehm, Kies, Myzel & Seelensand\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]Nutzung des Giga-Bohrer:\n[[YELLOW]]Rechtsklicke mit einer Schaufel in deiner Hand um dich zu vorzubereiten.\n[[YELLOW]]Bist zu vorbereitet, hast du 4 Sekunden um\n[[YELLOW]]um im geeigneten Material mit dem Graben zu beginnen, dies\n[[YELLOW]]aktiviert den Gigabohrer.\n[[DARK_AQUA]]Was macht der Giga-Bohrer?\n[[YELLOW]]Der Giga-Bohrer ist eine F\u00E4higkeit mit Abklingzeit,\n[[YELLOW]]welche an den Graben Skill gebunden ist. Sie verdreifacht die Chance\n[[YELLOW]]Sch\u00E4tze zu finden und aktiviert Instant-Abbau\n[[YELLOW]]von ausgrabbaren Materialien.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]Wie funktioniert Schatz-J\u00E4ger?\n[[YELLOW]]Jeder verf\u00FCgbare Schatz beim Graben hat seine eigene\n[[YELLOW]]Skill Level Anferderungen um zu droppen, wo diese jeweils liegen\n[[YELLOW]]w\u00E4re zu schwierig um sie hier zu nennen.\n[[YELLOW]]Behalte dir einfach, dass je h\u00F6her dein Skill im Graben,\n[[YELLOW]]desto mehr Sch\u00E4tze kannst du finden.\n[[YELLOW]]Zudem hat jedes Material seine eigene, einzigartige \n[[YELLOW]]Liste an findbaren Sch\u00E4tzen.\n[[YELLOW]]In anderen Worten, du wirst in Erde andere Sch\u00E4tze als in Kies finden.\n[[DARK_AQUA]]Infos \u00FCber Graben:\n[[YELLOW]]Graben ist komplett anpassbar, somit sind die Sch\u00E4tze\n[[YELLOW]]und XP von Server zu Server unterschiedlich!
Guides.Fishing=Hilfe in Arbeit...
Guides.Header=[[GOLD]]-=[[GREEN]]{0} Guide[[GOLD]]=-
Guides.Herbalism=Hilfe in Arbeit...
Guides.Mining=[[DARK_AQUA]]\u00DCber Bergbau:\n[[YELLOW]]Bergbau beinhaltet das Abbauen von Steinen und Erzen. Es bietet Boni\n[[YELLOW]]auf die Anzahl der Drops beim Abbau.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]XP Zuwachs:\n[[YELLOW]]Um XP in diesem Skill zu bekommen XP, musst du mit einer Spitzhacke in der Hand abbauen.\n[[YELLOW]]Nur bestimmte Materialien gew\u00E4hren XP.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]Kompatible Materialien:\n[[YELLOW]]Stein, Kogleerz, Eisenerz, Gilderz, Diemanterz, Redstoneerz,\n[[YELLOW]]Lapiserz, Obsidian, Moosiger Pflasterstein, Endstein,\n[[YELLOW]]Glowstone und Netherstein.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]Super-Brecher benutzen:\n[[YELLOW]]Rechtsklicke mit einer Spitzhacke in deiner Hand um dich zu vorzubereiten.\n[[YELLOW]]Bist zu vorbereitet, hast du 4 Sekunden um\n[[YELLOW]]um im geeigneten Material mit dem Abbau zu beginnen, dies\n[[YELLOW]]aktiviert den Super-Brecher.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]Was ist der Super-Brecher?\n[[YELLOW]]Der Super-Brecher ist eine F\u00E4higkeit mit Abklingzeit, welche an\n[[YELLOW]]den Bergbau Skill gebunden ist. Sie bitet die Chance\n[[YELLOW]]auf dreifach Drops und aktiviert Instant-Abbau von abbaubaren Materialien.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How to use Blast Mining:\n[[YELLOW]]With a detonator in hand, which is a flint & steel by default,\n[[YELLOW]]right-click on TNT from a distance. This will cause the TNT\n[[YELLOW]]to instantly explode.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]Funktion von Z\u00FCndstoff?\n[[YELLOW]]Z\u00FCndstoff ist eine F\u00E4higkeit mit Abklingzeit, welche an den Bergbauskill gebunden ist.\n[[YELLOW]]Sie vergibt Boni, falls mit TNT Abgebaut wird und erlaubt\n[[YELLOW]]TNT aus Entfernung zu z\u00FCnden. Z\u00FCndstoff besteht aus 3 Teilen.\n[[YELLOW]]Teil 1 ist Sprengmeister, welcher den Sprengradius erh\u00F6ht.\n[[YELLOW]]Teil 2 ist Explosions-Experte, welcher den Schaden von\n[[YELLOW]]TNT Explosionen minimiert. Teil 3 erh\u00F6ht einfach\n[[YELLOW]]die Anzahl von gefundenen Erzen und minimiert dabei den Schutt.
Guides.Page.Invalid=Not a valid page number!
Guides.Page.OutOfRange=That page doesn't exist, there are only {0} total pages.
Guides.Repair=Hilfe in Arbeit...
Guides.Swords=Hilfe in Arbeit...
Guides.Taming=Hilfe in Arbeit...
Guides.Unarmed=Hilfe in Arbeit...
Guides.Usage=[[RED]] Usage is /{0} ? [page]
Guides.Woodcutting=Hilfe in Arbeit...
@ -544,3 +551,13 @@ Vampirism.Killer.Failure=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[YELLOW]]{0}[[GRAY]] was too unskilled
Vampirism.Killer.Success=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[DARK_AQUA]]You've stolen [[BLUE]]{0}[[DARK_AQUA]] levels from [[YELLOW]]{1}.
Vampirism.Victim.Failure=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[YELLOW]]{0}[[GRAY]] was unable to steal knowledge from you!
Vampirism.Victim.Success=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[YELLOW]]{0}[[DARK_RED]] has stolen [[BLUE]]{1}[[DARK_RED]] levels from you!
Spout.LevelUp.1=[[GREEN]Level Up!
Spout.LevelUp.2=[[YELLOW]]{0}[[DARK_AQUA]] ([[GREEN]]{1}[[DARK_AQUA]])
Spout.Menu.Exit=[[GRAY]]Press ESCAPE to exit!
Spout.Menu.HudButton.1=HUD Type: {0}
Spout.Menu.HudButton.2=Change your HUD style!
Spout.Menu.Title=[[GOLD]]~mcMMO Menu~
@ -390,6 +390,7 @@ Commands.Ability.Off=Ability use toggled [[RED]]off
Commands.Ability.On=Ability use toggled [[GREEN]]on
Commands.AdminChat.Off=Admin Chat only [[RED]]Off
Commands.AdminChat.On=Admin Chat only [[GREEN]]On
Commands.AdminToggle=[[RED]]- Toggle admin chat
Commands.Disabled=[[RED]]This command is disabled.
Commands.DoesNotExist= [[RED]]Player does not exist in the database!
@ -408,6 +409,7 @@ Commands.Other=[[GREEN]]--OTHER COMMANDS--
Commands.Party.Accept=[[RED]]- Accept party invite
Commands.Party.Chat.Off=Party Chat only [[RED]]Off
Commands.Party.Chat.On=Party Chat only [[GREEN]]On
Commands.Party.Commands=[[GREEN]]--PARTY COMMANDS--
Commands.Party.Invite.0=[[RED]]ALERT: [[GREEN]]You have received a party invite for {0} from {1}
Commands.Party.Invite.1=[[YELLOW]]Type [[GREEN]]/accept[[YELLOW]] to accept the invite
@ -500,15 +502,19 @@ Effects.Template=[[DARK_AQUA]]{0}: [[GREEN]]{1}
Guides.Acrobatics=[[DARK_AQUA]]About Acrobatics:\n[[YELLOW]]Acrobatics is the art of moving gracefully in mcMMO.\n[[YELLOW]]It provides combat bonuses and environment damage bonuses.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]XP GAIN:\n[[YELLOW]]To gain XP in this skill you need to perform a dodge\n[[YELLOW]]in combat or survive falls from heights that damage you.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Rolling work?\n[[YELLOW]]You have a passive chance when you take fall damage\n[[YELLOW]]to negate the damage done. You can hold the sneak button to\n[[YELLOW]]double your chances during the fall.\n[[YELLOW]]This triggers a Graceful Roll instead of a standard one.\n[[YELLOW]]Graceful Rolls are like regular rolls but are twice as likely to\n[[YELLOW]]occur and provide more damage safety than regular rolls.\n[[YELLOW]]Rolling chance is tied to your skill level\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Dodge work?\n[[YELLOW]]Dodge is a passive chance when you are\n[[YELLOW]]injured in combat to halve the damage taken.\n[[YELLOW]]It is tied to your skill level.
Guides.Archery=[[DARK_AQUA]]About Archery:\n[[YELLOW]]Archery is about shooting with your bow and arrow.\n[[YELLOW]]It provides various combat bonuses, such as a damage boost\n[[YELLOW]]that scales with your level and the ability to daze your\n[[YELLOW]]opponents in PvP. In addition to this, you can retrieve\n[[YELLOW]]some of your spent arrows from the corpses of your foes.\n\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]XP GAIN:\n[[YELLOW]]To gain XP in this skill you need to shoot mobs or\n[[YELLOW]]other players.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Skill Shot work?\n[[YELLOW]]Skill Shot provides additional damage to your shots.\n[[YELLOW]]The bonus damage from Skill Shot increases as you\n[[YELLOW]]level in Archery.\n[[YELLOW]]With the default settings, your archery damage increase 10%\n[[YELLOW]]every 50 levels, to a maximum of 200% bonus damage.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Daze work?\n[[YELLOW]]You have a passive chance to daze other players when\n[[YELLOW]]you shoot them. When Daze triggers it forces your opponents\n[[YELLOW]]to look straight up for a short duration.\n[[YELLOW]]A Daze shot also deals an additional 4 damage (2 hearts).\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Arrow Retrieval work?\n[[YELLOW]]You have a passive chance to retrieve some of your arrows\n[[YELLOW]]when you kill a mob with your bow.\n[[YELLOW]]This chance increases as you level in Archery.\n[[YELLOW]]By default, this ability increases by 0.1% per level, up to 100%\n[[YELLOW]]at level 1000.
Guides.Axes=[[DARK_AQUA]]About Axes:\n[[YELLOW]]With the Axes skill you can use your axe for much more then\n[[YELLOW]]just deforesting! You can hack and chop away at mobs\n[[YELLOW]]and players to gain XP, hitting mobs with the effect of\n[[YELLOW]]knockback and inflicting DEADLY criticals on mobs and players.\n[[YELLOW]]Your axe also becomes a hand-held woodchipper,\n[[YELLOW]]breaking down the enemy's armor with ease as your level\n[[YELLOW]]increases.\n[[DARK_AQUA]]XP GAIN:\n[[YELLOW]]To gain XP in this skill you need hit other mobs or players\n[[YELLOW]]with an Axe.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Skull Splitter work?\n[[YELLOW]]This ability allows you to deal an AoE (Area of Effect) hit.\n[[YELLOW]]This AoE hit will deal half as much damage as you did to the\n[[YELLOW]]main target, so it's great for clearing out large piles of mobs.\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Critical Strikes work?\n[[YELLOW]]Critical Strikes is a passive ability which gives players a\n[[YELLOW]]chance to deal additional damage.\n[[YELLOW]]With the default settings, every 2 skill levels in Axes awards a\n[[YELLOW]]0.1% chance to deal a Critical Strike, causing 2.0 times damage\n[[YELLOW]]to mobs or 1.5 times damage against other players.\n\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Axe Mastery work?\n[[YELLOW]]Axe Mastery is a passive ability that will add additional damage\n[[YELLOW]]to your hits when using Axes.\n[[YELLOW]]By default, the bonus damage increases by 1 every 50 levels,\n[[YELLOW]]up to a cap of 4 extra damage at level 200.\n\n\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Armor Impact work?\n[[YELLOW]]Strike with enough force to shatter armor!\n[[YELLOW]]Armor Impact has a passive chance to damage your\n[[YELLOW]]opponent's armor. This damage increases as you level in Axes.\n\n\n\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Greater Impact work?\n[[YELLOW]]You have a passive chance to achieve a greater impact when\n[[YELLOW]]hitting mobs or players with your axe.\n[[YELLOW]]By default this chance is 25%. This passive ability has an\n[[YELLOW]]extreme knockback effect, similar to the Knockback II\n[[YELLOW]]enchantment. In addition, it deals bonus damage to the target.
Guides.Available=[[DARK_AQUA]]Guide for {0} available - type /{1} ? [page]
Guides.Excavation=[[DARK_AQUA]]About Excavation:\n[[YELLOW]]Excavation is the act of digging up dirt to find treasures.\n[[YELLOW]]By excavating the land you will find treasures.\n[[YELLOW]]The more you do this the more treasures you can find.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]XP GAIN:\n[[YELLOW]]To gain XP in this skill you must dig with a shovel in hand.\n[[YELLOW]]Only certain materials can be dug up for treasures and XP.\n[[DARK_AQUA]]Compatible Materials:\n[[YELLOW]]Grass, Dirt, Sand, Clay, Gravel, Mycelium, Soul Sand\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How to use Giga Drill Breaker:\n[[YELLOW]]With a shovel in hand right click to ready your tool.\n[[YELLOW]]Once in this state you have about 4 seconds to make\n[[YELLOW]]contact with Excavation compatible materials this will\n[[YELLOW]]activate Giga Drill Breaker.\n[[DARK_AQUA]]What is Giga Drill Breaker?\n[[YELLOW]]Giga Drill Breaker is an ability with a cooldown\n[[YELLOW]]tied to Excavation skill. It triples your chance\n[[YELLOW]]of finding treasures and enables instant break\n[[YELLOW]]on Excavation materials.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Treasure Hunter work?\n[[YELLOW]]Every possible treasure for Excavation has its own\n[[YELLOW]]skill level requirement for it to drop, as a result it's\n[[YELLOW]]difficult to say how much it is helping you.\n[[YELLOW]]Just keep in mind that the higher your Excavation skill\n[[YELLOW]]is, the more treasures that can be found.\n[[YELLOW]]And also keep in mind that each type of Excavation\n[[YELLOW]]compatible material has its own unique list of treasures.\n[[YELLOW]]In other words you will find different treasures in Dirt\n[[YELLOW]]than you would in Gravel.\n[[DARK_AQUA]]Notes about Excavation:\n[[YELLOW]]Excavation drops are completely customizeable\n[[YELLOW]]So results vary server to server.
Guides.Fishing=Guide coming soon...
Guides.Header=[[GOLD]]-=[[GREEN]]{0} Guide[[GOLD]]=-
Guides.Herbalism=Guide coming soon...
Guides.Mining=[[DARK_AQUA]]About Mining:\n[[YELLOW]]Mining consists of mining stone and ores. It provides bonuses\n[[YELLOW]]to the amount of materials dropped while mining.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]XP GAIN:\n[[YELLOW]]To gain XP in this skill, you must mine with a pickaxe in hand.\n[[YELLOW]]Only certain blocks award XP.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]Compatible Materials:\n[[YELLOW]]Stone, Coal Ore, Iron Ore, Gold Ore, Diamond Ore, Redstone Ore,\n[[YELLOW]]Lapis Ore, Obsidian, Mossy Cobblestone, Ender Stone,\n[[YELLOW]]Glowstone, and Netherrack.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How to use Super Breaker:\n[[YELLOW]]With a pickaxe in your hand, right click to ready your tool.\n[[YELLOW]]Once in this state, you have about 4 seconds to make contact\n[[YELLOW]]with Mining compatible materials, which will activate Super\n[[YELLOW]]Breaker.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]What is Super Breaker?\n[[YELLOW]]Super Breaker is an ability with a cooldown tied to the Mining\n[[YELLOW]]skill. It triples your chance of extra items dropping and\n[[YELLOW]]enables instant break on Mining materials.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How to use Blast Mining:\n[[YELLOW]]With a detonator in hand, which is a flint & steel by default,\n[[YELLOW]]crouch and right-click on TNT from a distance. This will cause the TNT\n[[YELLOW]]to instantly explode.\n\n[[DARK_AQUA]]How does Blast Mining work?\n[[YELLOW]]Blast Mining is an ability with a cooldown tied to the Mining\n[[YELLOW]]skill. It gives bonuses when mining with TNT and allows you\n[[YELLOW]]to remote detonate TNT. There are three parts to Blast Mining.\n[[YELLOW]]The first part is Bigger Bombs, which increases blast radius.\n[[YELLOW]]The second is Demolitions Expert, which decreases damage\n[[YELLOW]]from TNT explosions. The third part simply increases the\n[[YELLOW]]amount of ores dropped from TNT and decreases the\n[[YELLOW]]debris dropped.
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Guides.Taming=Guide coming soon...
Guides.Unarmed=Guide coming soon...
Guides.Usage=[[RED]] Usage is /{0} ? [page]
Guides.Woodcutting=Guide coming soon...
@ -554,3 +560,13 @@ Vampirism.Killer.Failure=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[YELLOW]]{0}[[GRAY]] was too unskilled
Vampirism.Killer.Success=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[DARK_AQUA]]You've stolen [[BLUE]]{0}[[DARK_AQUA]] levels from [[YELLOW]]{1}.
Vampirism.Victim.Failure=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[YELLOW]]{0}[[GRAY]] was unable to steal knowledge from you!
Vampirism.Victim.Success=[[GOLD]][mcMMO] [[YELLOW]]{0}[[DARK_RED]] has stolen [[BLUE]]{1}[[DARK_RED]] levels from you!
Spout.LevelUp.1=[[GREEN]Level Up!
Spout.LevelUp.2=[[YELLOW]]{0}[[DARK_AQUA]] ([[GREEN]]{1}[[DARK_AQUA]])
Spout.Menu.Exit=[[GRAY]]Press ESCAPE to exit!
Spout.Menu.HudButton.1=HUD Type: {0}
Spout.Menu.HudButton.2=Change your HUD style!
Spout.Menu.Title=[[GOLD]]~mcMMO Menu~
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