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synced 2025-03-31 08:46:26 +02:00
Release of mcMMO 1.1.14
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
#Versions without changelogs probably had very small misc fixes, like tweaks to the source code
Version 1.1.14
[1.8] Removed the Archery fire rate limiter as its no longer necesarry due to changes in game mechanics
[1.8] Removed the bonus damage from Archery (I'll rework this skill soon)
[1.8] Removed the food bonuses to healing Herbalism provided due to the change of eating in game mechanics
[1.8] Swords no longer parry, no need to compete with in game mechanics
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ public class LoadProperties
public static Boolean showDisplayName, showFaces, watch, xplockEnable, xpbar, xpicon, partybar, string, bucket, web, xprateEnable, slimeballs, spoutEnabled,
donateMessage, chimaeraWingEnable, xpGainsMobSpawners, myspawnEnable, mccEnable, mcmmoEnable, partyEnable, inviteEnable, acceptEnable,
whoisEnable, statsEnable, addxpEnable, ptpEnable, mmoeditEnable, clearmyspawnEnable, mcgodEnable, mcabilityEnable, mctopEnable,
mcrefreshEnable, enableMotd, enableMySpawn, enableRegen, enableCobbleToMossy, useMySQL, cocoabeans, archeryFireRateLimit, mushrooms,
mcrefreshEnable, enableMotd, enableMySpawn, enableRegen, enableCobbleToMossy, useMySQL, cocoabeans, mushrooms,
toolsLoseDurabilityFromAbilities, pvpxp, miningrequirespickaxe, excavationRequiresShovel, woodcuttingrequiresaxe, eggs, apples, cake, music, diamond, glowstone,
slowsand, sulphur, netherrack, bones, coal, clay, anvilmessages;
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ public class LoadProperties
nStone, nIron, nGold, nDiamond, locale;
public static int mwatch, xpbar_x, xpbar_y, xpicon_x, xpicon_y, mstring, mbucket, mweb,
archeryLimit, chimaeraId, msandstone, mcocoa, water_thunder, cure_self, cure_other, mslimeballs, mbones, msulphur, mslowsand,
chimaeraId, msandstone, mcocoa, water_thunder, cure_self, cure_other, mslimeballs, mbones, msulphur, mslowsand,
mmushroom2, mglowstone2, mmusic, mdiamond2, mbase, mapple, meggs, mcake, mpine, mbirch, mspruce, mcactus, mmushroom, mflower,
msugar, mpumpkin, mwheat, mgold, mdiamond, miron, mredstone, mlapis, mobsidian, mnetherrack, mglowstone, mcoal, mstone, MySQLport,
xpGainMultiplier, superBreakerCooldown, greenTerraCooldown, gigaDrillBreakerCooldown, treeFellerCooldown,
@ -335,8 +335,6 @@ public class LoadProperties
write("Skills.Repair.Iron.ID", 265);
write("Skills.Repair.Iron.Name", "Iron Bars");
write("Skills.Herbalism.Green_Thumb.Cobble_To_Mossy", true);
write("Skills.Archery.Fire_Rate_Limiter.Enabled", true);
write("Skills.Archery.Fire_Rate_Limiter.Interval", 1000);
write("Skills.Excavation.Requires_Shovel", true);
write("Skills.Mining.Requires_Pickaxe", true);
write("Skills.Woodcutting.Requires_Axe", true);
@ -480,8 +478,6 @@ public class LoadProperties
enableRegen = readBoolean("General.HP_Regeneration.Enabled", true);
enableCobbleToMossy = readBoolean("Skills.Herbalism.Green_Thumb.Cobble_To_Mossy", true);
archeryFireRateLimit = readBoolean("Skills.Archery.Fire_Rate_Limiter.Enabled", true);
archeryLimit = readInteger("Skills.Archery.Fire_Rate_Limiter.Interval", 1000);
xpGainMultiplier = readInteger("Experience.Gains.Multiplier.Global", 1);
toolsLoseDurabilityFromAbilities = readBoolean("Abilities.Tools.Durability_Loss_Enabled", true);
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ public class PlayerProfile
//ATS = (Time of) Activation Time Stamp
//DATS = (Time of) Deactivation Time Stamp
private int recentlyHurt = 0, archeryShotATS = 0, berserkATS = 0, berserkDATS = 0, gigaDrillBreakerATS = 0, gigaDrillBreakerDATS = 0,
private int recentlyHurt = 0, berserkATS = 0, berserkDATS = 0, gigaDrillBreakerATS = 0, gigaDrillBreakerDATS = 0,
respawnATS = 0, mySpawnATS = 0, greenTerraATS = 0, greenTerraDATS = 0, superBreakerATS = 0, superBreakerDATS = 0, serratedStrikesATS = 0, serratedStrikesDATS = 0, treeFellerATS = 0, treeFellerDATS = 0,
skullSplitterATS = 0, skullSplitterDATS = 0, hoePreparationATS = 0, axePreparationATS = 0, pickaxePreparationATS = 0, fistsPreparationATS = 0, shovelPreparationATS = 0, swordsPreparationATS = 0;
@ -651,12 +651,6 @@ public class PlayerProfile
public long getRespawnATS() {return respawnATS;}
public void setRespawnATS(long newvalue) {respawnATS = (int) (newvalue/1000);}
public long getArcheryShotATS() {return archeryShotATS;}
public void setArcheryShotATS(long newvalue) {archeryShotATS = (int) (newvalue/1000);}
@ -135,29 +135,12 @@ public class mcPlayerListener extends PlayerListener
player.sendMessage(ChatColor.GOLD+"mcMMO is currently in an XP rate event! XP rate is "+LoadProperties.xpGainMultiplier+"x!");
public void onPlayerInteract(PlayerInteractEvent event)
Player player = event.getPlayer();
PlayerProfile PP = Users.getProfile(player);
Action action = event.getAction();
Block block = event.getClickedBlock();
//Archery Nerf
if(player.getItemInHand().getTypeId() == 261 && LoadProperties.archeryFireRateLimit)
if(System.currentTimeMillis() < (PP.getArcheryShotATS()*1000) + LoadProperties.archeryLimit)
} else {
* Ability checks
@ -270,14 +270,14 @@ public class SpoutStuff
SoundManager SM = SpoutManager.getSoundManager();
SpoutPlayer sPlayer = SpoutManager.getPlayer(player);
SM.playCustomSoundEffect(Bukkit.getServer().getPluginManager().getPlugin("mcMMO"), sPlayer, "repair.wav", false);
SM.playCustomSoundEffect(Bukkit.getServer().getPluginManager().getPlugin("mcMMO"), sPlayer, "http://mcmmo.rycochet.net/mcmmo/Sound/repair.wav", false);
public static void playLevelUpNoise(Player player)
SoundManager SM = SpoutManager.getSoundManager();
SpoutPlayer sPlayer = SpoutManager.getPlayer(player);
SM.playCustomSoundEffect(Bukkit.getServer().getPluginManager().getPlugin("mcMMO"), sPlayer, "level.wav", false);
SM.playCustomSoundEffect(Bukkit.getServer().getPluginManager().getPlugin("mcMMO"), sPlayer, "http://mcmmo.rycochet.net/mcmmo/Sound/level.wav", false);
public static void levelUpNotification(SkillType skillType, SpoutPlayer sPlayer)
@ -47,13 +47,13 @@ public class CallHome{
if(!verifyConfig()) return;
if(cfg.getBoolean("opt-out",false)) return;
plugin.getServer().getScheduler().scheduleAsyncRepeatingTask(plugin,new CallTask(plugin,cfg.getBoolean("list-server",true)),0L,20L*60L*10);
plugin.getServer().getScheduler().scheduleAsyncRepeatingTask(plugin,new CallTask(plugin,cfg.getBoolean("list-server",true)),0L,20L*60L*60);
System.out.println(plugin.getDescription().getName() + " is keeping usage stats an. To opt-out for whatever bizarre reason, check plugins/stats.");
private static Boolean verifyConfig() {
Boolean ret = true;
Boolean ret = true;
File config = new File("plugins/stats/config.yml");
if(!config.getParentFile().exists()) config.getParentFile().mkdir();
if(!config.exists()) try {
@ -106,8 +106,9 @@ class CallTask implements Runnable {
new InputStreamReader(
String inputLine;
String result = "";
while ((inputLine = in.readLine()) != null)
inputLine += "";
return inputLine;
result += inputLine;
return result;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user