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synced 2025-03-03 08:39:44 +01:00
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@ -16,88 +16,116 @@ Skills:
# This setting will determine when the length of every ability gets longer with 1 second
Ability_IncreaseLevel: 50
# Settings for Acrobatics
# Maximum chance of dodging when on Dodge_MaxBonusLevel or higher
# Dodge_ChanceMax: Maximum chance of dodging when on Dodge_MaxBonusLevel or higher
# Dodge_MaxBonusLevel: On this level or higher, the dodge chance will not go higher than Dodge_ChanceMax
Dodge_ChanceMax: 20
# On this level or higher, the dodge chance will not go higher than Dodge_ChanceMax
Dodge_MaxBonusLevel: 800
# Maximum chance of rolling when on Roll_MaxBonusLevel or higher
# Roll_ChanceMax: Maximum chance of rolling when on Roll_MaxBonusLevel or higher
# Roll_MaxBonusLevel: On this level or higher, the roll chance will not go higher than Roll_ChanceMax
Roll_ChanceMax: 100
# On this level or higher, the roll chance will not go higher than Roll_ChanceMax
Roll_MaxBonusLevel: 1000
# Maximum chance of graceful rolling when on GracefulRoll_MaxBonusLevel or higher
# GracefulRoll_ChanceMax: Maximum chance of graceful rolling when on GracefulRoll_MaxBonusLevel or higher
# GracefulRoll_MaxBonusLevel: On this level or higher, the graceful roll chance will not go higher than GracefulRoll_ChanceMax
GracefulRoll_ChanceMax: 100
# On this level or higher, the graceful roll chance will not go higher than GracefulRoll_ChanceMax
GracefulRoll_MaxBonusLevel: 500
# Amount of experience for performing a dodge
# Amount of experience for performing a dodge, roll or fall
Dodge_XP_Modifier: 120
# Amount of experience for performing a roll
Roll_XP_Modifier: 80
# Amount of experience for performing a fall
Fall_XP_Modifier: 120
# Settings for Archery
# Every "SkillShot_IncreaseLevel" the skillshot bonus will go up by "SkillShot_IncreasePercentage"
# SkillShot_IncreaseLevel: Every "SkillShot_IncreaseLevel" the skillshot bonus will go up by "SkillShot_IncreasePercentage"
# SkillShot_IncreasePercentage: This is a percentage value, 0.1 = 10%
# SkillShot_MaxBonus: When the SkillShot_MaxBonus has been reached, the bonus percentage will not go up anymore. 2.0 = 200%
SkillShot_IncreaseLevel: 50
# This is a percentage value, 0.1 = 10%
SkillShot_IncreasePercentage: 0.1D
# When the SkillShot_MaxBonus has been reached, the bonus percentage will not go up anymore. 2.0 = 200%
SkillShot_MaxBonus: 2.0D
# Maximum chance of causing daze to opponents
# Daze_MaxChance: Maximum chance of causing daze to opponents
# Daze_MaxBonusLevel: Maximum bonus level of Daze, when a player reaches this level his chance of causing a daze will be "Daze_MaxChance"
# Daze_Modifier: Extra damage for arrows that cause a daze (2 damage = 1 heart)
Daze_MaxChance: 50
# Maximum bonus level of Daze, when a player reaches this level his chance of causing a daze will be "Daze_MaxChance"
Daze_MaxBonusLevel: 1000
# Extra damage for arrows that cause a daze (2 damage = 1 heart)
Daze_Modifier: 4
# Maximum chance or retrieving arrows
# Retrieve_MaxBonus: Maximum chance or retrieving arrows
# Retrieve_MaxBonusLevel: Maximum bonus level for Arrow retrieval, at this level the chance of retrieving arrows from mobs is Retrieve_MaxBonus
Retrieve_MaxBonus: 100
# Maximum bonus level for Arrow retrieval, at this level the chance of retrieving arrows from mobs is Retrieve_MaxBonus
Retrieve_MaxBonusLevel: 1000
# Settings for Axes
# Maximum bonus damage
# DamageIncrease_MaxBonus: Maximum bonus damage
# DamageIncrease_MaxBonusLevel: Level where the maximum bonus is reached
DamageIncrease_MaxBonus: 4
# Level where the maximum bonus is reached
DamageIncrease_MaxBonusLevel: 200
# Maximum chance of causing a critical hit
# AxesCritical_MaxChance: Maximum chance of causing a critical hit
# AxesCritical_MaxBonusLevel: Level where the maximum chance of causing critical hits is reached
AxesCritical_MaxChance: 37.50
# Level where the maximum chance of causing critical hits is reached
AxesCritical_MaxBonusLevel: 750
# Damage modifier of critical hits for PVP, when causing a critical hit the damage gets multiplied by the modifier
# Damage modifier of critical hits for PVP / PVE, when causing a critical hit the damage gets multiplied by the modifier
AxesCritical_PVP_Modifier: 1.5
# Damage modifier of critical hits for PVE, when causing a critical hit the damage gets multiplied by the modifier
AxesCritical_PVE_Modifier: 2
# Chance of hitting with GreaterImpact, knocksbacks mobs
# GreaterImpact_Chance: Chance of hitting with GreaterImpact, knocksbacks mobs
# GreaterImpact_KnockbackModifier: Velocity modifier of GreaterImpact hits, this determines how great the knockback is
# GreaterImpact_BonusDamage: Extra damage for GreaterImpact hits
GreaterImpact_Chance: 25
# Velocity modifier of GreaterImpact hits, this determines how great the knockback is
GreaterImpact_KnockbackModifier: 1.5
# Extra damage for GreaterImpact hits
GreaterImpact_BonusDamage: 2
# Every "IncreaseLevel" the durability damage goes up with 1
# ArmorImpact_IncreaseLevel: Every "IncreaseLevel" the durability damage goes up with 1
# ArmorImpact_MaxPercentageDurabilityDamage: Durability damage cap for ArmorImpact, 20% means that you can never destroy a piece of armor in less than 5 hits
ArmorImpact_IncreaseLevel: 50
# Durability damage cap for ArmorImpact, 20% means that you can never destroy a piece of armor in less than 5 hits
ArmorImpact_MaxPercentageDurabilityDamage: 20
# Settings for Fishing
# Fishing level when the Shake ability unlocks
# Shake_UnlockLevel: Fishing level when the Shake ability unlocks
Shake_UnlockLevel: 150
# Chance of getting fishing treasure with enchantments
# Enchantment_Chance: Chance of getting fishing treasure with enchantments
Enchantment_Chance: 10
# Settings for Herbalism
# This determines when Farmersdiet and Fishermans diet add extra hunger recovery to food
Food_RankChange: 200
# Level value when the GreenThumb stage level goes up
# GreenThumb_StageChange: Level value when the GreenThumb stage level goes up
# GreenThumb_ChanceMax: Maximum chance of GreenThumb
# GreenThumb_MaxBonusLevel: On this level, greenthumb chance will be GreenThumb_ChanceMax
GreenThumb_StageChange: 200
# Maximum chance of converting cobblestone to mossystone
GreenThumb_ChanceMax: 100
# Maximum level when chance = chancemax
GreenThumb_MaxBonusLevel: 1500
# Maximum chance of receiving double drops
# DoubleDrops_ChanceMax: Maximum chance of receiving double drops
# DoubleDrops_MaxBonusLevel: Level when the maximum chance of receiving double drops is reached
DoubleDrops_ChanceMax: 100
# Level when the maximum chance of receiving double drops is reached
DoubleDrops_MaxBonusLevel: 1000
# Settings for Mining
# Maximum chance of receiving double drops
# DoubleDrops_ChanceMax: Maximum chance of receiving double drops
# DoubleDrops_MaxBonusLevel: Level when the maximum chance of receiving double drops is reached
DoubleDrops_ChanceMax: 100
# Level when the maximum chance of receiving double drops is reached
DoubleDrops_MaxBonusLevel: 1000
# BlastMining rank unlocks
BlastMining_Rank1: 125
BlastMining_Rank2: 250
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