mirror of
synced 2025-02-20 16:49:36 +01:00
Step 1 of rewriting Alchemy - Removing all the old code
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,102 +1,96 @@
package com.gmail.nossr50.commands.skills;
import com.gmail.nossr50.datatypes.skills.PrimarySkillType;
import com.gmail.nossr50.datatypes.skills.SubSkillType;
import com.gmail.nossr50.locale.LocaleLoader;
import com.gmail.nossr50.skills.alchemy.AlchemyManager;
import com.gmail.nossr50.util.Permissions;
import com.gmail.nossr50.util.TextComponentFactory;
import com.gmail.nossr50.util.player.UserManager;
import com.gmail.nossr50.util.skills.RankUtils;
import net.md_5.bungee.api.chat.TextComponent;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
public class AlchemyCommand extends SkillCommand {
private String brewSpeed;
private String brewSpeedLucky;
private int tier;
private int ingredientCount;
private String ingredientList;
private boolean canCatalysis;
private boolean canConcoctions;
public AlchemyCommand() {
protected String[] calculateAbilityDisplayValues(Player player) {
//TODO: Needed?
if (UserManager.getPlayer(player) == null) {
return new String[]{"DATA NOT LOADED", "DATA NOT LOADED"};
AlchemyManager alchemyManager = UserManager.getPlayer(player).getAlchemyManager();
String[] displayValues = new String[2];
boolean isLucky = Permissions.lucky(player, PrimarySkillType.ALCHEMY);
displayValues[0] = decimal.format(alchemyManager.calculateBrewSpeed(false)) + "x";
displayValues[1] = isLucky ? decimal.format(alchemyManager.calculateBrewSpeed(true)) + "x" : null;
return displayValues;
protected void dataCalculations(Player player, float skillValue) {
if (canCatalysis) {
String[] catalysisStrings = calculateAbilityDisplayValues(player);
brewSpeed = catalysisStrings[0];
brewSpeedLucky = catalysisStrings[1];
if (canConcoctions) {
AlchemyManager alchemyManager = UserManager.getPlayer(player).getAlchemyManager();
tier = alchemyManager.getTier();
ingredientCount = alchemyManager.getIngredients().size();
ingredientList = alchemyManager.getIngredientList();
protected void permissionsCheck(Player player) {
canCatalysis = canUseSubskill(player, SubSkillType.ALCHEMY_CATALYSIS);
canConcoctions = canUseSubskill(player, SubSkillType.ALCHEMY_CONCOCTIONS);
protected List<String> statsDisplay(Player player, float skillValue, boolean hasEndurance, boolean isLucky) {
List<String> messages = new ArrayList<>();
if (canCatalysis) {
messages.add(getStatMessage(SubSkillType.ALCHEMY_CATALYSIS, brewSpeed)
+ (isLucky ? LocaleLoader.getString("Perks.Lucky.Bonus", brewSpeedLucky) : ""));
if (canConcoctions) {
messages.add(getStatMessage(false, true, SubSkillType.ALCHEMY_CONCOCTIONS, String.valueOf(tier), String.valueOf(RankUtils.getHighestRank(SubSkillType.ALCHEMY_CONCOCTIONS))));
messages.add(getStatMessage(true, true, SubSkillType.ALCHEMY_CONCOCTIONS, String.valueOf(ingredientCount), ingredientList));
//messages.add(LocaleLoader.getString("Alchemy.Concoctions.Rank", tier, RankUtils.getHighestRank(SubSkillType.ALCHEMY_CONCOCTIONS)));
//messages.add(LocaleLoader.getString("Alchemy.Concoctions.Ingredients", ingredientCount, ingredientList));
return messages;
protected List<TextComponent> getTextComponents(Player player) {
List<TextComponent> textComponents = new ArrayList<>();
TextComponentFactory.getSubSkillTextComponents(player, textComponents, PrimarySkillType.ALCHEMY);
return textComponents;
//package com.gmail.nossr50.commands.skills;
//import com.gmail.nossr50.datatypes.skills.PrimarySkillType;
//import com.gmail.nossr50.util.TextComponentFactory;
//import net.md_5.bungee.api.chat.TextComponent;
//import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
//import java.util.ArrayList;
//import java.util.List;
//public class AlchemyCommand extends SkillCommand {
//// private String brewSpeed;
//// private String brewSpeedLucky;
//// private int tier;
//// private int ingredientCount;
//// private String ingredientList;
//// private boolean canCatalysis;
//// private boolean canConcoctions;
// public AlchemyCommand() {
// super(PrimarySkillType.ALCHEMY);
// }
//// protected String[] calculateAbilityDisplayValues(Player player) {
//// //TODO: Needed?
//// if (UserManager.getPlayer(player) == null) {
//// player.sendMessage(LocaleLoader.getString("Profile.PendingLoad"));
//// return new String[]{"DATA NOT LOADED", "DATA NOT LOADED"};
//// }
//// AlchemyManager alchemyManager = UserManager.getPlayer(player).getAlchemyManager();
//// String[] displayValues = new String[2];
//// boolean isLucky = Permissions.lucky(player, PrimarySkillType.ALCHEMY);
//// displayValues[0] = decimal.format(alchemyManager.calculateBrewSpeed(false)) + "x";
//// displayValues[1] = isLucky ? decimal.format(alchemyManager.calculateBrewSpeed(true)) + "x" : null;
//// return displayValues;
//// }
// @Override
// protected void dataCalculations(Player player, float skillValue) {
//// if (canCatalysis) {
//// String[] catalysisStrings = calculateAbilityDisplayValues(player);
//// brewSpeed = catalysisStrings[0];
//// brewSpeedLucky = catalysisStrings[1];
//// }
//// if (canConcoctions) {
//// AlchemyManager alchemyManager = UserManager.getPlayer(player).getAlchemyManager();
//// tier = alchemyManager.getTier();
//// ingredientCount = alchemyManager.getIngredients().size();
//// ingredientList = alchemyManager.getIngredientList();
//// }
// }
// @Override
// protected void permissionsCheck(Player player) {
//// canCatalysis = canUseSubskill(player, SubSkillType.ALCHEMY_CATALYSIS);
//// canConcoctions = canUseSubskill(player, SubSkillType.ALCHEMY_CONCOCTIONS);
// }
// @Override
// protected List<String> statsDisplay(Player player, float skillValue, boolean hasEndurance, boolean isLucky) {
// List<String> messages = new ArrayList<>();
//// if (canCatalysis) {
//// messages.add(getStatMessage(SubSkillType.ALCHEMY_CATALYSIS, brewSpeed)
//// + (isLucky ? LocaleLoader.getString("Perks.Lucky.Bonus", brewSpeedLucky) : ""));
//// }
//// if (canConcoctions) {
//// messages.add(getStatMessage(false, true, SubSkillType.ALCHEMY_CONCOCTIONS, String.valueOf(tier), String.valueOf(RankUtils.getHighestRank(SubSkillType.ALCHEMY_CONCOCTIONS))));
//// messages.add(getStatMessage(true, true, SubSkillType.ALCHEMY_CONCOCTIONS, String.valueOf(ingredientCount), ingredientList));
//// //messages.add(LocaleLoader.getString("Alchemy.Concoctions.Rank", tier, RankUtils.getHighestRank(SubSkillType.ALCHEMY_CONCOCTIONS)));
//// //messages.add(LocaleLoader.getString("Alchemy.Concoctions.Ingredients", ingredientCount, ingredientList));
//// }
// return messages;
// }
// @Override
// protected List<TextComponent> getTextComponents(Player player) {
// List<TextComponent> textComponents = new ArrayList<>();
// TextComponentFactory.getSubSkillTextComponents(player, textComponents, PrimarySkillType.ALCHEMY);
// return textComponents;
// }
@ -40,7 +40,6 @@ import com.gmail.nossr50.config.hocon.skills.unarmed.ConfigUnarmed;
import com.gmail.nossr50.config.hocon.skills.woodcutting.ConfigWoodcutting;
import com.gmail.nossr50.config.hocon.superabilities.ConfigSuperAbilities;
import com.gmail.nossr50.config.hocon.worldblacklist.ConfigWorldBlacklist;
import com.gmail.nossr50.config.skills.alchemy.PotionManager;
import com.gmail.nossr50.config.treasure.ExcavationTreasureConfig;
import com.gmail.nossr50.config.treasure.FishingTreasureConfig;
import com.gmail.nossr50.config.treasure.HerbalismTreasureConfig;
@ -93,7 +92,7 @@ public final class ConfigManager {
private TypeSerializerCollection customSerializers;
private ExperienceMapManager experienceMapManager;
private PotionManager potionManager;
// private PotionManager potionManager;
@ -333,7 +332,7 @@ public final class ConfigManager {
//Set the global XP val
experienceMapManager.buildBlockXPMaps(); //Block XP value maps
potionManager = new PotionManager();
// potionManager = new PotionManager();
@ -470,9 +469,9 @@ public final class ConfigManager {
return advancedConfig;
public PotionManager getPotionManager() {
return potionManager;
// public PotionManager getPotionManager() {
// return potionManager;
// }
public CoreSkillsConfig getCoreSkillsConfig() {
return coreSkillsConfig;
@ -1,202 +0,0 @@
package com.gmail.nossr50.config.skills.alchemy;
import com.gmail.nossr50.datatypes.skills.alchemy.AlchemyPotion;
import com.gmail.nossr50.mcMMO;
import com.gmail.nossr50.skills.alchemy.PotionGenerator;
import ninja.leaping.configurate.objectmapping.serialize.ConfigSerializable;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
* Eventually I'm going to delete all of our Alchemy code and rewrite it from scratch
public class PotionManager {
public static final String POTIONS = "Potions";
// public static final String NAME = "Name";
// public static final String POTION_DATA = "PotionData";
// public static final String POTION_TYPE = "PotionType";
// public static final String WATER = "WATER";
// public static final String EXTENDED = "Extended";
// public static final String UPGRADED = "Upgraded";
// public static final String MATERIAL = "Material";
// public static final String LORE = "Lore";
// public static final String EFFECTS = "Effects";
// public static final String COLOR = "Color";
// public static final String CHILDREN = "Children";
private List<ItemStack> ingredientTierOne;
private List<ItemStack> ingredientTierTwo;
private List<ItemStack> ingredientTierThree;
private List<ItemStack> ingredientTierFour;
private List<ItemStack> ingredientTierFive;
private List<ItemStack> ingredientTierSix;
private List<ItemStack> ingredientTierSeven;
private List<ItemStack> ingredientTierEight;
private Map<String, AlchemyPotion> potionMap = new HashMap<>();
public PotionManager() {
* This grabs an instance of this config class from the Config Manager
* This method is deprecated and will be removed in the future
* @return the instance of this config
* @see mcMMO#getConfigManager()
* @deprecated Please use mcMMO.getConfigManager() to grab a specific config instead
public static PotionManager getInstance() {
return mcMMO.getConfigManager().getPotionManager();
public void unload() {
* I just want anyone who reads this to know
* This entire class is an abomination
* What you see below is a hacky solution to keep Alchemy functioning with the new config system
* Alchemy will be rewritten, until then, this disgusting class exists.
private void initIngredientLists() {
ingredientTierOne = new ArrayList<>();
ingredientTierTwo = new ArrayList<>();
ingredientTierThree = new ArrayList<>();
ingredientTierFour = new ArrayList<>();
ingredientTierFive = new ArrayList<>();
ingredientTierSix = new ArrayList<>();
ingredientTierSeven = new ArrayList<>();
ingredientTierEight = new ArrayList<>();
ingredientTierOne.add(new ItemStack(Material.BLAZE_POWDER));
ingredientTierOne.add(new ItemStack(Material.FERMENTED_SPIDER_EYE));
ingredientTierOne.add(new ItemStack(Material.GHAST_TEAR));
ingredientTierOne.add(new ItemStack(Material.GLOWSTONE_DUST));
ingredientTierOne.add(new ItemStack(Material.GOLDEN_CARROT));
ingredientTierOne.add(new ItemStack(Material.MAGMA_CREAM));
ingredientTierOne.add(new ItemStack(Material.NETHER_WART));
ingredientTierOne.add(new ItemStack(Material.REDSTONE));
ingredientTierOne.add(new ItemStack(Material.GLISTERING_MELON_SLICE));
ingredientTierOne.add(new ItemStack(Material.SPIDER_EYE));
ingredientTierOne.add(new ItemStack(Material.SUGAR));
ingredientTierOne.add(new ItemStack(Material.GUNPOWDER));
ingredientTierOne.add(new ItemStack(Material.PUFFERFISH));
ingredientTierOne.add(new ItemStack(Material.DRAGON_BREATH));
ingredientTierTwo.add(new ItemStack(Material.CARROT));
ingredientTierTwo.add(new ItemStack(Material.SLIME_BALL));
ingredientTierTwo.add(new ItemStack(Material.PHANTOM_MEMBRANE));
ingredientTierThree.add(new ItemStack(Material.QUARTZ));
ingredientTierThree.add(new ItemStack(Material.RED_MUSHROOM));
ingredientTierFour.add(new ItemStack(Material.APPLE));
ingredientTierFour.add(new ItemStack(Material.ROTTEN_FLESH));
ingredientTierFive.add(new ItemStack(Material.BROWN_MUSHROOM));
ingredientTierFive.add(new ItemStack(Material.INK_SAC));
ingredientTierSix.add(new ItemStack(Material.FERN));
ingredientTierSeven.add(new ItemStack(Material.POISONOUS_POTATO));
ingredientTierEight.add(new ItemStack(Material.GOLDEN_APPLE));
private void loadConcoctionsTier(List<ItemStack> ingredientList, List<String> ingredients) {
if (ingredients != null && ingredients.size() > 0) {
for (String ingredientString : ingredients) {
ItemStack ingredient = loadIngredient(ingredientString);
if (ingredient != null) {
private void initPotionMap() {
PotionGenerator potionGenerator = new PotionGenerator();
* Parse a string representation of an ingredient.
* Format: '<MATERIAL>[:data]'
* Returns null if input cannot be parsed.
* @param ingredient String representing an ingredient.
* @return Parsed ingredient.
private ItemStack loadIngredient(String ingredient) {
if (ingredient == null || ingredient.isEmpty()) {
return null;
Material material = Material.getMaterial(ingredient);
if (material != null) {
return new ItemStack(material, 1);
return null;
public List<ItemStack> getIngredients(int tier) {
switch (tier) {
case 8:
return ingredientTierEight;
case 7:
return ingredientTierSeven;
case 6:
return ingredientTierSix;
case 5:
return ingredientTierFive;
case 4:
return ingredientTierFour;
case 3:
return ingredientTierThree;
case 2:
return ingredientTierTwo;
case 1:
return ingredientTierOne;
public boolean isValidPotion(ItemStack item) {
return getPotion(item) != null;
public AlchemyPotion getPotion(String name) {
return potionMap.get(name);
public AlchemyPotion getPotion(ItemStack item) {
for (AlchemyPotion potion : potionMap.values()) {
if (potion.isSimilar(item)) {
return potion;
return null;
@ -1,167 +0,0 @@
package com.gmail.nossr50.datatypes.skills.alchemy;
import com.gmail.nossr50.config.skills.alchemy.PotionManager;
import org.bukkit.Color;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
import org.bukkit.inventory.meta.PotionMeta;
import org.bukkit.potion.Potion;
import org.bukkit.potion.PotionData;
import org.bukkit.potion.PotionEffect;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
public class AlchemyPotion {
private Material material;
private PotionData data;
private String name;
private List<String> lore;
private List<PotionEffect> effects;
private Color color;
private Map<ItemStack, String> children;
public AlchemyPotion(Material material, PotionData data, String name, List<String> lore, List<PotionEffect> effects, Color color, Map<ItemStack, String> children) {
this.material = material;
this.data = data;
this.lore = lore;
this.name = name;
this.effects = effects;
this.children = children;
this.color = color;
public String toString() {
return "AlchemyPotion{" + data + ", " + name + ", Effects[" + effects.size() + "], Children[" + children.size() + "]}";
public ItemStack toItemStack(int amount) {
ItemStack potion = new ItemStack(material, amount);
PotionMeta meta = (PotionMeta) potion.getItemMeta();
if (this.getName() != null) {
if (this.getLore() != null && !this.getLore().isEmpty()) {
if (!this.getEffects().isEmpty()) {
for (PotionEffect effect : this.getEffects()) {
meta.addCustomEffect(effect, true);
if (this.getColor() != null) {
return potion;
public Material getMaterial() {
return material;
public Potion toPotion(int amount) {
return Potion.fromItemStack(this.toItemStack(amount));
public PotionData getData() {
return data;
public void setData(PotionData data) {
this.data = data;
public String getName() {
return name;
public void setName(String name) {
this.name = name;
public List<String> getLore() {
return lore;
public void setLore(List<String> lore) {
this.lore = lore;
public List<PotionEffect> getEffects() {
return effects;
public void setEffects(List<PotionEffect> effects) {
this.effects = effects;
public Color getColor() {
return color;
public void setColor(Color color) {
this.color = color;
public Map<ItemStack, String> getChildren() {
return children;
public void setChildren(Map<ItemStack, String> children) {
this.children = children;
public AlchemyPotion getChild(ItemStack ingredient) {
if (!children.isEmpty()) {
for (Entry<ItemStack, String> child : children.entrySet()) {
if (ingredient.isSimilar(child.getKey())) {
return PotionManager.getInstance().getPotion(child.getValue());
return null;
public boolean isSimilar(ItemStack item) {
if (item.getType() != material) {
return false;
if (!item.hasItemMeta()) {
return false;
PotionMeta meta = (PotionMeta) item.getItemMeta();
PotionData that = meta.getBasePotionData();
if (data.getType() != that.getType()) {
return false;
if (data.isExtended() != that.isExtended()) {
return false;
if (data.isUpgraded() != that.isUpgraded()) {
return false;
for (PotionEffect effect : effects) {
if (!meta.hasCustomEffect(effect.getType())) {
return false;
if (!meta.hasLore() && !lore.isEmpty()) {
return false;
if (!(lore.isEmpty() && !meta.hasLore()) && !meta.getLore().equals(lore)) {
return false;
if (!meta.hasDisplayName() && name != null) {
return false;
return (name == null && !meta.hasDisplayName()) || meta.getDisplayName().equals(name);
@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
package com.gmail.nossr50.datatypes.skills.alchemy;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.potion.PotionData;
import org.bukkit.potion.PotionEffect;
import org.bukkit.potion.PotionType;
import java.util.List;
public enum PotionStage {
int numerical;
PotionStage(int numerical) {
this.numerical = numerical;
private static PotionStage getPotionStageNumerical(int numerical) {
for (PotionStage potionStage : values()) {
if (numerical >= potionStage.toNumerical()) {
return potionStage;
return ONE;
public static PotionStage getPotionStage(AlchemyPotion input, AlchemyPotion output) {
PotionStage potionStage = getPotionStage(output);
if (!isWaterBottle(input) && getPotionStage(input) == potionStage) {
potionStage = PotionStage.FIVE;
return potionStage;
private static boolean isWaterBottle(AlchemyPotion input) {
return input.getData().getType() == PotionType.WATER;
public static PotionStage getPotionStage(AlchemyPotion alchemyPotion) {
PotionData data = alchemyPotion.getData();
List<PotionEffect> effects = alchemyPotion.getEffects();
int stage = 1;
// Check if potion has an effect of any sort
if (data.getType().getEffectType() != null || !effects.isEmpty()) {
// Check if potion has a glowstone dust amplifier
// Else check if the potion has a custom effect with an amplifier added by mcMMO
if (data.isUpgraded()) {
} else if (!effects.isEmpty()) {
for (PotionEffect effect : effects) {
if (effect.getAmplifier() > 0) {
// Check if potion has a redstone dust amplifier
if (data.isExtended()) {
// Check if potion has a gunpowder amplifier
if (alchemyPotion.getMaterial() == Material.SPLASH_POTION || alchemyPotion.getMaterial() == Material.LINGERING_POTION) {
return PotionStage.getPotionStageNumerical(stage);
public int toNumerical() {
return numerical;
@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
//package com.gmail.nossr50.runnables.skills;
//import com.gmail.nossr50.skills.alchemy.Alchemy;
//import com.gmail.nossr50.skills.alchemy.AlchemyPotionBrewer;
//import org.bukkit.Location;
//import org.bukkit.block.BrewingStand;
//import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
//import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
//import org.bukkit.scheduler.BukkitRunnable;
//import java.util.Arrays;
//public class AlchemyBrewCheckTask extends BukkitRunnable {
// private Player player;
// private BrewingStand brewingStand;
// private ItemStack[] oldInventory;
// public AlchemyBrewCheckTask(Player player, BrewingStand brewingStand) {
// this.player = player;
// this.brewingStand = brewingStand;
// this.oldInventory = Arrays.copyOfRange(brewingStand.getInventory().getContents(), 0, 4);
// }
// @Override
// public void run() {
// Location location = brewingStand.getLocation();
// ItemStack[] newInventory = Arrays.copyOfRange(brewingStand.getInventory().getContents(), 0, 4);
// boolean validBrew = brewingStand.getFuelLevel() > 0 && AlchemyPotionBrewer.isValidBrew(player, newInventory);
// if (Alchemy.brewingStandMap.containsKey(location)) {
// if (oldInventory[Alchemy.INGREDIENT_SLOT] == null || newInventory[Alchemy.INGREDIENT_SLOT] == null || !oldInventory[Alchemy.INGREDIENT_SLOT].isSimilar(newInventory[Alchemy.INGREDIENT_SLOT]) || !validBrew) {
// Alchemy.brewingStandMap.get(location).cancelBrew();
// }
// } else if (validBrew) {
// Alchemy.brewingStandMap.put(location, new AlchemyBrewTask(brewingStand, player));
// }
// }
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
//package com.gmail.nossr50.runnables.skills;
//import com.gmail.nossr50.datatypes.skills.PrimarySkillType;
//import com.gmail.nossr50.datatypes.skills.SubSkillType;
//import com.gmail.nossr50.events.skills.alchemy.McMMOPlayerBrewEvent;
//import com.gmail.nossr50.events.skills.alchemy.McMMOPlayerCatalysisEvent;
//import com.gmail.nossr50.mcMMO;
//import com.gmail.nossr50.skills.alchemy.Alchemy;
//import com.gmail.nossr50.skills.alchemy.AlchemyPotionBrewer;
//import com.gmail.nossr50.util.Misc;
//import com.gmail.nossr50.util.Permissions;
//import com.gmail.nossr50.util.player.UserManager;
//import org.bukkit.Location;
//import org.bukkit.Material;
//import org.bukkit.block.BlockState;
//import org.bukkit.block.BrewingStand;
//import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
//import org.bukkit.scheduler.BukkitRunnable;
//public class AlchemyBrewTask extends BukkitRunnable {
// private BlockState brewingStand;
// private Location location;
// private double brewSpeed;
// private double brewTimer;
// private Player player;
// private int fuel;
// private boolean firstRun = true;
// public AlchemyBrewTask(BlockState brewingStand, Player player) {
// this.brewingStand = brewingStand;
// this.location = brewingStand.getLocation();
// this.player = player;
// brewSpeed = 1.0;
// brewTimer = 400;
// if (player != null
// && !Misc.isNPCEntity(player)
// && Permissions.isSubSkillEnabled(player, SubSkillType.ALCHEMY_CATALYSIS)
// && UserManager.getPlayer(player) != null) {
// double catalysis = UserManager.getPlayer(player).getAlchemyManager().calculateBrewSpeed(Permissions.lucky(player, PrimarySkillType.ALCHEMY));
// McMMOPlayerCatalysisEvent event = new McMMOPlayerCatalysisEvent(player, catalysis);
// mcMMO.p.getServer().getPluginManager().callEvent(event);
// if (!event.isCancelled()) {
// brewSpeed = catalysis;
// }
// }
// if (Alchemy.brewingStandMap.containsKey(location)) {
// Alchemy.brewingStandMap.get(location).cancel();
// }
// fuel = ((BrewingStand) brewingStand).getFuelLevel();
// if (((BrewingStand) brewingStand).getBrewingTime() == -1) // Only decrement on our end if it isn't a vanilla ingredient.
// fuel--;
// Alchemy.brewingStandMap.put(location, this);
// this.runTaskTimer(mcMMO.p, 1, 1);
// }
// @Override
// public void run() {
// if (player == null || !player.isValid() || brewingStand == null || brewingStand.getType() != Material.BREWING_STAND || !AlchemyPotionBrewer.isValidIngredient(player, ((BrewingStand) brewingStand).getInventory().getContents()[Alchemy.INGREDIENT_SLOT])) {
// if (Alchemy.brewingStandMap.containsKey(location)) {
// Alchemy.brewingStandMap.remove(location);
// }
// this.cancel();
// return;
// }
// if (firstRun) {
// firstRun = false;
// ((BrewingStand) brewingStand).setFuelLevel(fuel);
// }
// brewTimer -= brewSpeed;
// // Vanilla potion brewing completes when BrewingTime == 1
// if (brewTimer < Math.max(brewSpeed, 2)) {
// this.cancel();
// finish();
// } else {
// ((BrewingStand) brewingStand).setBrewingTime((int) brewTimer);
// }
// }
// private void finish() {
// McMMOPlayerBrewEvent event = new McMMOPlayerBrewEvent(player, brewingStand);
// mcMMO.p.getServer().getPluginManager().callEvent(event);
// if (!event.isCancelled()) {
// AlchemyPotionBrewer.finishBrewing(brewingStand, player, false);
// }
// Alchemy.brewingStandMap.remove(location);
// }
// public void finishImmediately() {
// this.cancel();
// AlchemyPotionBrewer.finishBrewing(brewingStand, player, true);
// Alchemy.brewingStandMap.remove(location);
// }
// public void cancelBrew() {
// this.cancel();
// ((BrewingStand) brewingStand).setBrewingTime(-1);
// Alchemy.brewingStandMap.remove(location);
// }
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
//package com.gmail.nossr50.datatypes.skills.alchemy;
//import com.gmail.nossr50.config.PotionManager;
//import org.bukkit.Color;
//import org.bukkit.Material;
//import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
//import org.bukkit.inventory.meta.PotionMeta;
//import org.bukkit.potion.Potion;
//import org.bukkit.potion.PotionData;
//import org.bukkit.potion.PotionEffect;
//import java.util.List;
//import java.util.Map;
//import java.util.Map.Entry;
//public class AlchemyPotion {
// private Material material;
// private PotionData data;
// private String name;
// private List<String> lore;
// private List<PotionEffect> effects;
// private Color color;
// private Map<ItemStack, String> children;
// public AlchemyPotion(Material material, PotionData data, String name, List<String> lore, List<PotionEffect> effects, Color color, Map<ItemStack, String> children) {
// this.material = material;
// this.data = data;
// this.lore = lore;
// this.name = name;
// this.effects = effects;
// this.children = children;
// this.color = color;
// }
// public String toString() {
// return "AlchemyPotion{" + data + ", " + name + ", Effects[" + effects.size() + "], Children[" + children.size() + "]}";
// }
// public ItemStack toItemStack(int amount) {
// ItemStack potion = new ItemStack(material, amount);
// PotionMeta meta = (PotionMeta) potion.getItemMeta();
// meta.setBasePotionData(data);
// if (this.getName() != null) {
// meta.setDisplayName(this.getName());
// }
// if (this.getLore() != null && !this.getLore().isEmpty()) {
// meta.setLore(this.getLore());
// }
// if (!this.getEffects().isEmpty()) {
// for (PotionEffect effect : this.getEffects()) {
// meta.addCustomEffect(effect, true);
// }
// }
// if (this.getColor() != null) {
// meta.setColor(this.getColor());
// }
// potion.setItemMeta(meta);
// return potion;
// }
// public Material getMaterial() {
// return material;
// }
// public Potion toPotion(int amount) {
// return Potion.fromItemStack(this.toItemStack(amount));
// }
// public PotionData getData() {
// return data;
// }
// public void setData(PotionData data) {
// this.data = data;
// }
// public String getName() {
// return name;
// }
// public void setName(String name) {
// this.name = name;
// }
// public List<String> getLore() {
// return lore;
// }
// public void setLore(List<String> lore) {
// this.lore = lore;
// }
// public List<PotionEffect> getEffects() {
// return effects;
// }
// public void setEffects(List<PotionEffect> effects) {
// this.effects = effects;
// }
// public Color getColor() {
// return color;
// }
// public void setColor(Color color) {
// this.color = color;
// }
// public Map<ItemStack, String> getChildren() {
// return children;
// }
// public void setChildren(Map<ItemStack, String> children) {
// this.children = children;
// }
// public AlchemyPotion getChild(ItemStack ingredient) {
// if (!children.isEmpty()) {
// for (Entry<ItemStack, String> child : children.entrySet()) {
// if (ingredient.isSimilar(child.getKey())) {
// return PotionManager.getInstance().getPotion(child.getValue());
// }
// }
// }
// return null;
// }
// public boolean isSimilar(ItemStack item) {
// if (item.getType() != material) {
// return false;
// }
// if (!item.hasItemMeta()) {
// return false;
// }
// PotionMeta meta = (PotionMeta) item.getItemMeta();
// PotionData that = meta.getBasePotionData();
// if (data.getType() != that.getType()) {
// return false;
// }
// if (data.isExtended() != that.isExtended()) {
// return false;
// }
// if (data.isUpgraded() != that.isUpgraded()) {
// return false;
// }
// for (PotionEffect effect : effects) {
// if (!meta.hasCustomEffect(effect.getType())) {
// return false;
// }
// }
// if (!meta.hasLore() && !lore.isEmpty()) {
// return false;
// }
// if (!(lore.isEmpty() && !meta.hasLore()) && !meta.getLore().equals(lore)) {
// return false;
// }
// if (!meta.hasDisplayName() && name != null) {
// return false;
// }
// return (name == null && !meta.hasDisplayName()) || meta.getDisplayName().equals(name);
// }
@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
//package com.gmail.nossr50.skills.alchemy;
//import com.gmail.nossr50.config.PotionManager;
//import com.gmail.nossr50.datatypes.skills.SubSkillType;
//import com.gmail.nossr50.datatypes.skills.alchemy.AlchemyPotion;
//import com.gmail.nossr50.datatypes.skills.alchemy.PotionStage;
//import com.gmail.nossr50.events.fake.FakeBrewEvent;
//import com.gmail.nossr50.mcMMO;
//import com.gmail.nossr50.runnables.player.PlayerUpdateInventoryTask;
//import com.gmail.nossr50.runnables.skills.AlchemyBrewCheckTask;
//import com.gmail.nossr50.util.Permissions;
//import com.gmail.nossr50.util.player.UserManager;
//import org.bukkit.Material;
//import org.bukkit.block.BlockState;
//import org.bukkit.block.BrewingStand;
//import org.bukkit.entity.HumanEntity;
//import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
//import org.bukkit.event.inventory.ClickType;
//import org.bukkit.inventory.BrewerInventory;
//import org.bukkit.inventory.Inventory;
//import org.bukkit.inventory.InventoryView;
//import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
//import java.util.ArrayList;
//import java.util.List;
//public final class AlchemyPotionBrewer {
// public static boolean isValidBrew(Player player, ItemStack[] contents) {
// if (!isValidIngredient(player, contents[Alchemy.INGREDIENT_SLOT])) {
// return false;
// }
// for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
// if (contents[i] == null || contents[i].getType() != Material.POTION && contents[i].getType() != Material.SPLASH_POTION && contents[i].getType() != Material.LINGERING_POTION) {
// continue;
// }
// if (getChildPotion(PotionManager.getInstance().getPotion(contents[i]), contents[Alchemy.INGREDIENT_SLOT]) != null) {
// return true;
// }
// }
// return false;
// }
// private static AlchemyPotion getChildPotion(AlchemyPotion potion, ItemStack ingredient) {
// if (potion != null) {
// return potion.getChild(ingredient);
// }
// return null;
// }
// public static boolean isEmpty(ItemStack item) {
// return item == null || item.getType() == Material.AIR || item.getAmount() == 0;
// }
// private static void removeIngredient(BrewerInventory inventory, Player player) {
// ItemStack ingredient = inventory.getIngredient() == null ? null : inventory.getIngredient().clone();
// if (isEmpty(ingredient) || !isValidIngredient(player, ingredient)) {
// } else if (ingredient.getAmount() <= 1) {
// inventory.setIngredient(null);
// } else {
// ingredient.setAmount(ingredient.getAmount() - 1);
// inventory.setIngredient(ingredient);
// }
// }
// private static boolean hasIngredient(BrewerInventory inventory, Player player) {
// ItemStack ingredient = inventory.getIngredient() == null ? null : inventory.getIngredient().clone();
// return !isEmpty(ingredient) && isValidIngredient(player, ingredient);
// }
// public static boolean isValidIngredient(Player player, ItemStack item) {
// if (isEmpty(item)) {
// return false;
// }
// for (ItemStack ingredient : getValidIngredients(player)) {
// if (item.isSimilar(ingredient)) {
// return true;
// }
// }
// return false;
// }
// private static List<ItemStack> getValidIngredients(Player player) {
// if (player == null || UserManager.getPlayer(player) == null) {
// return PotionManager.getInstance().getIngredients(1);
// }
// return PotionManager.getInstance().getIngredients(!Permissions.isSubSkillEnabled(player, SubSkillType.ALCHEMY_CONCOCTIONS) ? 1 : UserManager.getPlayer(player).getAlchemyManager().getTier());
// }
// public static void finishBrewing(BlockState brewingStand, Player player, boolean forced) {
// if (!(brewingStand instanceof BrewingStand)) {
// return;
// }
// BrewerInventory inventory = ((BrewingStand) brewingStand).getInventory();
// ItemStack ingredient = inventory.getIngredient() == null ? null : inventory.getIngredient().clone();
// if (!hasIngredient(inventory, player)) {
// return;
// }
// List<AlchemyPotion> inputList = new ArrayList<>();
// for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
// ItemStack item = inventory.getItem(i);
// if (isEmpty(item) || item.getType() == Material.GLASS_BOTTLE || !mcMMO.getConfigManager().getPotionManager().isValidPotion(item)) {
// continue;
// }
// AlchemyPotion input = mcMMO.getConfigManager().getPotionManager().getPotion(item);
// AlchemyPotion output = input.getChild(ingredient);
// inputList.add(input);
// if (output != null) {
// inventory.setItem(i, output.toItemStack(item.getAmount()).clone());
// }
// }
// FakeBrewEvent event = new FakeBrewEvent(brewingStand.getBlock(), inventory, ((BrewingStand) brewingStand).getFuelLevel());
// mcMMO.p.getServer().getPluginManager().callEvent(event);
// if (event.isCancelled() || inputList.isEmpty()) {
// return;
// }
// removeIngredient(inventory, player);
// for (AlchemyPotion input : inputList) {
// AlchemyPotion output = input.getChild(ingredient);
// if (output != null && player != null) {
// PotionStage potionStage = PotionStage.getPotionStage(input, output);
// //TODO: hmm
// if (UserManager.hasPlayerDataKey(player)) {
// UserManager.getPlayer(player).getAlchemyManager().handlePotionBrewSuccesses(potionStage, 1);
// }
// }
// }
// if (!forced) {
// scheduleUpdate(inventory);
// }
// }
// public static boolean transferItems(InventoryView view, int fromSlot, ClickType click) {
// boolean success = false;
// if (click.isLeftClick()) {
// success = transferItems(view, fromSlot);
// } else if (click.isRightClick()) {
// success = transferOneItem(view, fromSlot);
// }
// return success;
// }
// private static boolean transferOneItem(InventoryView view, int fromSlot) {
// ItemStack from = view.getItem(fromSlot).clone();
// ItemStack to = view.getItem(Alchemy.INGREDIENT_SLOT).clone();
// if (isEmpty(from)) {
// return false;
// }
// boolean emptyTo = isEmpty(to);
// int fromAmount = from.getAmount();
// if (!emptyTo && fromAmount >= from.getType().getMaxStackSize()) {
// return false;
// } else if (emptyTo || from.isSimilar(to)) {
// if (emptyTo) {
// to = from.clone();
// to.setAmount(1);
// } else {
// to.setAmount(to.getAmount() + 1);
// }
// from.setAmount(fromAmount - 1);
// view.setItem(Alchemy.INGREDIENT_SLOT, to);
// view.setItem(fromSlot, from);
// return true;
// }
// return false;
// }
// /**
// * Transfer items between two ItemStacks, returning the leftover status
// */
// private static boolean transferItems(InventoryView view, int fromSlot) {
// ItemStack from = view.getItem(fromSlot).clone();
// ItemStack to = view.getItem(Alchemy.INGREDIENT_SLOT).clone();
// if (isEmpty(from)) {
// return false;
// } else if (isEmpty(to)) {
// view.setItem(Alchemy.INGREDIENT_SLOT, from);
// view.setItem(fromSlot, null);
// return true;
// } else if (from.isSimilar(to)) {
// int fromAmount = from.getAmount();
// int toAmount = to.getAmount();
// int maxSize = to.getType().getMaxStackSize();
// if (fromAmount + toAmount > maxSize) {
// int left = fromAmount + toAmount - maxSize;
// to.setAmount(maxSize);
// view.setItem(Alchemy.INGREDIENT_SLOT, to);
// from.setAmount(left);
// view.setItem(fromSlot, from);
// return true;
// }
// to.setAmount(fromAmount + toAmount);
// view.setItem(fromSlot, null);
// view.setItem(Alchemy.INGREDIENT_SLOT, to);
// return true;
// }
// return false;
// }
// public static void scheduleCheck(Player player, BrewingStand brewingStand) {
// new AlchemyBrewCheckTask(player, brewingStand).runTask(mcMMO.p);
// }
// public static void scheduleUpdate(Inventory inventory) {
// for (HumanEntity humanEntity : inventory.getViewers()) {
// if (humanEntity instanceof Player) {
// new PlayerUpdateInventoryTask((Player) humanEntity).runTask(mcMMO.p);
// }
// }
// }
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,740 @@
//package com.gmail.nossr50.skills.alchemy;
//import com.gmail.nossr50.datatypes.skills.alchemy.AlchemyPotion;
//import com.gmail.nossr50.mcMMO;
//import org.bukkit.ChatColor;
//import org.bukkit.Color;
//import org.bukkit.Material;
//import org.bukkit.potion.PotionData;
//import org.bukkit.potion.PotionEffect;
//import org.bukkit.potion.PotionEffectType;
//import org.bukkit.potion.PotionType;
//import java.util.ArrayList;
//import java.util.HashMap;
//import java.util.List;
//import java.util.Map;
//import java.util.Map.Entry;
// * This class is an abomination
// * Alchemy will be rewritten, unfortunately during 2.2 (the config rewrite) I stumbled upon this class
// * This class is far from proper, however due to the nature of how the current implementation of Alchemy works, it'd be a royal pain to rewrite this class to "fix" it
// * Especially considering I plan to rewrite Alchemy, it does not seem worth the time involved to fix this monster
// *
// * Shield your eyes
// * It was worse before I cleaned it up
// */
//public class PotionGenerator {
// private HashMap<String, AlchemyPotion> potionHashMap;
//// private HashMap<ProtoPotion, HashMap<Ingredient, ProtoPotion>> childPotionMap; //Yuck
// public PotionGenerator() {
// potionHashMap = new HashMap<>();
//// childPotionMap = new HashMap<>();
// init();
// }
// private void init() {
// Map<ProtoPotion, Map<Ingredient, ProtoPotion>> vanillaPotions = new HashMap<>();
// Map<ProtoPotion, Map<Ingredient, ProtoPotion>> mcMMOPotions = new HashMap<>();
// populateVanillaPotions(vanillaPotions);
// populateCustomPotions(mcMMOPotions);
// List<ProtoPotion> sorted = new ArrayList<>();
// sorted.addAll(vanillaPotions.keySet());
// sorted.addAll(mcMMOPotions.keySet());
// sorted.sort((a, b) -> {
// // All normal potions first
// if (a.mat == Material.POTION && b.mat != Material.POTION) {
// return -1;
// }
// if (b.mat == Material.POTION && a.mat != Material.POTION) {
// return 1;
// }
// // All splash potions second
// if (a.mat == Material.SPLASH_POTION && b.mat != Material.SPLASH_POTION) {
// return -1;
// }
// if (b.mat == Material.SPLASH_POTION && a.mat != Material.SPLASH_POTION) {
// return 1;
// }
// // Vanilla Potions first
// if (a.effect == null && b.effect != null) {
// return -1;
// }
// if (b.effect == null && a.effect != null) {
// return 1;
// }
// // Vanilla potions
// if (a.effect == null && b.effect == null) {
// // Order by PotionType
// if (a.data.getType() != b.data.getType()) {
// return Integer.compare(a.data.getType().ordinal(), b.data.getType().ordinal());
// }
// // Plain before extended or upgraded
// if (!a.data.isExtended() && !a.data.isUpgraded() && (b.data.isExtended() || b.data.isUpgraded())) {
// return -1;
// }
// if (!b.data.isExtended() && !b.data.isUpgraded() && (a.data.isExtended() || a.data.isUpgraded())) {
// return 1;
// }
// // Extended before Upgraded
// if (a.data.isExtended() && b.data.isUpgraded()) {
// return -1;
// }
// if (b.data.isExtended() && a.data.isUpgraded()) {
// return -1;
// }
// // Same potion somehow?
// return 0;
// }
// // mcMMO Potions
// else {
// if ((a.baseName.contains("II") || a.baseName.contains("EXTENDED")) && !(b.baseName.contains("II") || b.baseName.contains("EXTENDED"))) {
// return 1;
// }
// if ((b.baseName.contains("II") || b.baseName.contains("EXTENDED")) && !(a.baseName.contains("II") || a.baseName.contains("EXTENDED"))) {
// return -1;
// }
// if (!a.baseName.contains("II") && b.baseName.contains("II")) {
// return -1;
// }
// if (!b.baseName.contains("II") && a.baseName.contains("II")) {
// return 1;
// }
// return a.baseName.split("_")[0].compareTo(b.baseName.split("_")[0]);
// }
// });
// /* Hacky solution, this entire class disgusts me */
// HashMap<String, AlchemyPotion> potionHashMap = new HashMap<>();
// for(ProtoPotion potion : sorted)
// {
// AlchemyPotion alchemyPotion;
// if(vanillaPotions.containsKey(potion)) {
// potion getChildren(potion);
// } else {
// getChildren(potion);
// }
// potionHashMap.put(alchemyPotion.getName(), alchemyPotion);
// }
//// for (ProtoPotion potion : sorted) {
//// System.out.println(" " + potion.name + ":");
//// Map<Ingredient, ProtoPotion> children;
//// if (vanillaPotions.containsKey(potion)) {
//// children = vanillaPotions.get(potion);
//// } else {
//// System.out.println(" Name: " + prettify(potion.name));
//// children = mcMMOPotions.get(potion);
//// }
//// System.out.println(" Material: " + potion.mat.name());
//// System.out.println(" PotionData:");
//// System.out.println(" PotionType: " + potion.data.getType().name());
//// if (potion.data.isExtended()) {
//// System.out.println(" Extended: true");
//// }
//// if (potion.data.isUpgraded()) {
//// System.out.println(" Upgraded: true");
//// }
//// if (potion.effect != null) {
//// System.out.println(" Effects: [\"" + getName(potion.effect.getType()) + " " + potion.effect.getAmplifier() + " " + potion.effect.getDuration() + "\"]");
//// }
//// if (children == null || children.isEmpty()) {
//// continue;
//// }
//// System.out.println(" Children:");
//// for (Entry<Ingredient, ProtoPotion> child : children.entrySet()) {
//// System.out.println(" " + child.getKey().name + ": " + child.getValue().name);
//// }
//// }
// }
// public HashMap<String, AlchemyPotion> getPotionHashMap() {
// return potionHashMap;
// }
// /**
// * I just want anyone who reads this to know
// * This entire class is an abomination
// * What you see below is a hacky solution to keep Alchemy functioning with the new config system
// * Alchemy will be rewritten, until then, this disgusting class exists.
// * @param protoPotion target ProtoPotion
// * @return converted ProtoPotion
// */
// private AlchemyPotion convertWriteableToAlchemyPotion(ProtoPotion protoPotion, ) {
// try {
// String name = protoPotion.name;
// if (name != null) {
// name = prettify(ChatColor.translateAlternateColorCodes('&', name));
// }
// PotionData data = protoPotion.data;
// Material material = Material.POTION;
// if(protoPotion.mat != null)
// material = protoPotion.mat;
// //Lore is unused as far as I can tell
// List<String> lore = new ArrayList<>();
// List<PotionEffect> effects = new ArrayList<>();
// effects.add(protoPotion.effect);
// Color color = this.generateColor(effects);
// return new AlchemyPotion(material, data, name, lore, effects, color, getChildren(protoPotion));
// } catch (Exception e) {
// mcMMO.p.getLogger().warning("Failed to load Alchemy potion: " + potion_section.getString());
// return null;
// }
// }
// public Color generateColor(List<PotionEffect> effects) {
// if (effects != null && !effects.isEmpty()) {
// List<Color> colors = new ArrayList<>();
// for (PotionEffect effect : effects) {
// if (effect.getType().getColor() != null) {
// colors.add(effect.getType().getColor());
// }
// }
// if (!colors.isEmpty()) {
// if (colors.size() > 1) {
// return calculateAverageColor(colors);
// }
// return colors.get(0);
// }
// }
// return null;
// }
// public Color calculateAverageColor(List<Color> colors) {
// int red = 0;
// int green = 0;
// int blue = 0;
// for (Color color : colors) {
// red += color.getRed();
// green += color.getGreen();
// blue += color.getBlue();
// }
// Color color = Color.fromRGB(red / colors.size(), green / colors.size(), blue / colors.size());
// return color;
// }
// private static String prettify(String name) {
// String[] substrings = name.split("_");
// String prettyString = "";
// int size = 1;
// for (String string : substrings) {
// prettyString = prettyString.concat(getCapitalized(string));
// if (size < substrings.length) {
// prettyString = prettyString.concat(" ");
// }
// size++;
// }
// return prettyString;
// }
// public static String getCapitalized(String target) {
// if (target.equals("II")) { // hacks
// return target;
// }
// return target.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + target.substring(1).toLowerCase();
// }
// private static String getName(PotionEffectType type) {
// switch (type.getId()) {
// case 1:
// return "SPEED";
// case 2:
// return "SLOW";
// case 3:
// return "FAST_DIGGING";
// case 4:
// return "SLOW_DIGGING";
// case 5:
// return "INCREASE_DAMAGE";
// case 6:
// return "HEAL";
// case 7:
// return "HARM";
// case 8:
// return "JUMP";
// case 9:
// return "CONFUSION";
// case 10:
// return "REGENERATION";
// case 11:
// case 12:
// return "FIRE_RESISTANCE";
// case 13:
// return "WATER_BREATHING";
// case 14:
// return "INVISIBILITY";
// case 15:
// return "BLINDNESS";
// case 16:
// return "NIGHT_VISION";
// case 17:
// return "HUNGER";
// case 18:
// return "WEAKNESS";
// case 19:
// return "POISON";
// case 20:
// return "WITHER";
// case 21:
// return "HEALTH_BOOST";
// case 22:
// return "ABSORPTION";
// case 23:
// return "SATURATION";
// case 24:
// return "GLOWING";
// case 25:
// return "LEVITATION";
// case 26:
// return "LUCK";
// case 27:
// return "UNLUCK";
// case 28:
// return "SLOW_FALLING";
// case 29:
// return "CONDUIT_POWER";
// case 30:
// return "DOLPHINS_GRACE";
// default:
// return "UNKNOWN_EFFECT_TYPE_" + type.getId();
// }
// }
// private void populateVanillaPotions(Map<ProtoPotion, Map<Ingredient, ProtoPotion>> vanillaPotions) {
// for (PotionType type : PotionType.values()) {
// for (Material material : new Material[]{Material.POTION, Material.SPLASH_POTION, Material.LINGERING_POTION}) {
// ProtoPotion protoPotion = new ProtoPotion(material, type);
// getChildren(protoPotion);
// vanillaPotions.put(protoPotion, getChildren(protoPotion));
// if (type.isExtendable()) {
// protoPotion = new ProtoPotion(material, new PotionData(type, true, false));
// vanillaPotions.put(protoPotion, getChildren(protoPotion));
// }
// if (type.isUpgradeable()) {
// protoPotion = new ProtoPotion(material, new PotionData(type, false, true));
// vanillaPotions.put(protoPotion, getChildren(protoPotion));
// }
// }
// }
// for (Entry<ProtoPotion, Map<Ingredient, ProtoPotion>> entry : vanillaPotions.entrySet()) {
// if (entry.getKey().mat == Material.POTION) {
// entry.getValue().put(new Ingredient(Material.GUNPOWDER), new ProtoPotion(Material.SPLASH_POTION, entry.getKey().data));
// }
// if (entry.getKey().mat == Material.SPLASH_POTION) {
// entry.getValue().put(new Ingredient(Material.DRAGON_BREATH), new ProtoPotion(Material.LINGERING_POTION, entry.getKey().data));
// }
// }
// //Store children
// }
// private HashMap<Ingredient, ProtoPotion> getChildren(ProtoPotion protoPotion) {
// HashMap<Ingredient, ProtoPotion> children = new HashMap<>();
// switch (protoPotion.data.getType()) {
// case WATER:
// assert (!protoPotion.data.isExtended());
// assert (!protoPotion.data.isUpgraded());
// children.put(new Ingredient(Material.NETHER_WART), new ProtoPotion(protoPotion.mat, PotionType.AWKWARD));
// children.put(new Ingredient(Material.FERMENTED_SPIDER_EYE), new ProtoPotion(protoPotion.mat, PotionType.WEAKNESS));
// children.put(new Ingredient(Material.REDSTONE), new ProtoPotion(protoPotion.mat, PotionType.MUNDANE));
// children.put(new Ingredient(Material.GLOWSTONE_DUST), new ProtoPotion(protoPotion.mat, PotionType.THICK));
// children.put(new Ingredient(Material.BLAZE_POWDER), new ProtoPotion(protoPotion.mat, PotionType.MUNDANE));
// children.put(new Ingredient(Material.SUGAR), new ProtoPotion(protoPotion.mat, PotionType.MUNDANE));
// children.put(new Ingredient(Material.RABBIT_FOOT), new ProtoPotion(protoPotion.mat, PotionType.MUNDANE));
// children.put(new Ingredient(Material.SPIDER_EYE), new ProtoPotion(protoPotion.mat, PotionType.MUNDANE));
// children.put(new Ingredient(Material.MAGMA_CREAM), new ProtoPotion(protoPotion.mat, PotionType.MUNDANE));
// children.put(new Ingredient(Material.GLISTERING_MELON_SLICE), new ProtoPotion(protoPotion.mat, PotionType.MUNDANE));
// children.put(new Ingredient(Material.GHAST_TEAR), new ProtoPotion(protoPotion.mat, PotionType.MUNDANE));
// return children;
// case AWKWARD:
// assert (!protoPotion.data.isExtended());
// assert (!protoPotion.data.isUpgraded());
// children.put(new Ingredient(Material.GOLDEN_CARROT), new ProtoPotion(protoPotion.mat, PotionType.NIGHT_VISION));
// children.put(new Ingredient(Material.RABBIT_FOOT), new ProtoPotion(protoPotion.mat, PotionType.JUMP));
// children.put(new Ingredient(Material.MAGMA_CREAM), new ProtoPotion(protoPotion.mat, PotionType.FIRE_RESISTANCE));
// children.put(new Ingredient(Material.SUGAR), new ProtoPotion(protoPotion.mat, PotionType.SPEED));
// children.put(new Ingredient(Material.PUFFERFISH), new ProtoPotion(protoPotion.mat, PotionType.WATER_BREATHING));
// children.put(new Ingredient(Material.GLISTERING_MELON_SLICE), new ProtoPotion(protoPotion.mat, PotionType.INSTANT_HEAL));
// children.put(new Ingredient(Material.SPIDER_EYE), new ProtoPotion(protoPotion.mat, PotionType.POISON));
// children.put(new Ingredient(Material.GHAST_TEAR), new ProtoPotion(protoPotion.mat, PotionType.REGEN));
// children.put(new Ingredient(Material.BLAZE_POWDER), new ProtoPotion(protoPotion.mat, PotionType.STRENGTH));
// children.put(new Ingredient(Material.TURTLE_HELMET), new ProtoPotion(protoPotion.mat, PotionType.TURTLE_MASTER));
// children.put(new Ingredient(Material.PHANTOM_MEMBRANE), new ProtoPotion(protoPotion.mat, PotionType.SLOW_FALLING));
// // mcMMO custom potions
// double mod = 1;
// if (protoPotion.mat == Material.SPLASH_POTION) {
// mod = 0.75;
// }
// if (protoPotion.mat == Material.LINGERING_POTION) {
// mod = 0.25;
// }
// children.put(new Ingredient(Material.BROWN_MUSHROOM), new ProtoPotion(protoPotion.mat, PotionType.UNCRAFTABLE, new PotionEffect(PotionEffectType.CONFUSION, (int) (450 * mod), 0), "NAUSEA"));
// children.put(new Ingredient(Material.CARROT), new ProtoPotion(protoPotion.mat, PotionType.UNCRAFTABLE, new PotionEffect(PotionEffectType.FAST_DIGGING, (int) (3600 * mod), 0), "HASTE"));
// children.put(new Ingredient(Material.SLIME_BALL), new ProtoPotion(protoPotion.mat, PotionType.UNCRAFTABLE, new PotionEffect(PotionEffectType.SLOW_DIGGING, (int) (3600 * mod), 0), "DULLNESS"));
// children.put(new Ingredient(Material.GOLDEN_APPLE), new ProtoPotion(protoPotion.mat, PotionType.UNCRAFTABLE, new PotionEffect(PotionEffectType.DAMAGE_RESISTANCE, (int) (450 * mod), 0), "RESISTANCE"));
// children.put(new Ingredient(Material.INK_SAC), new ProtoPotion(protoPotion.mat, PotionType.UNCRAFTABLE, new PotionEffect(PotionEffectType.BLINDNESS, (int) (225 * mod), 0), "BLINDNESS"));
// children.put(new Ingredient(Material.ROTTEN_FLESH), new ProtoPotion(protoPotion.mat, PotionType.UNCRAFTABLE, new PotionEffect(PotionEffectType.HUNGER, (int) (900 * mod), 0), "HUNGER"));
// children.put(new Ingredient(Material.POISONOUS_POTATO), new ProtoPotion(protoPotion.mat, PotionType.UNCRAFTABLE, new PotionEffect(PotionEffectType.WITHER, (int) (450 * mod), 0), "DECAY"));
// children.put(new Ingredient(Material.QUARTZ), new ProtoPotion(protoPotion.mat, PotionType.UNCRAFTABLE, new PotionEffect(PotionEffectType.ABSORPTION, (int) (1800 * mod), 0), "ABSORPTION"));
// children.put(new Ingredient(Material.FERN), new ProtoPotion(protoPotion.mat, PotionType.UNCRAFTABLE, new PotionEffect(PotionEffectType.SATURATION, (int) (8 * mod), 0), "SATURATION"));
// children.put(new Ingredient(Material.APPLE), new ProtoPotion(protoPotion.mat, PotionType.UNCRAFTABLE, new PotionEffect(PotionEffectType.HEALTH_BOOST, (int) (1800 * mod), 0), "HEALTH_BOOST"));
// return children;
// assert (!protoPotion.data.isUpgraded());
// if (protoPotion.data.isExtended()) {
// children.put(new Ingredient(Material.FERMENTED_SPIDER_EYE), new ProtoPotion(protoPotion.mat, new PotionData(PotionType.SLOWNESS, true, false)));
// } else {
// children.put(new Ingredient(Material.FERMENTED_SPIDER_EYE), new ProtoPotion(protoPotion.mat, PotionType.SLOWNESS));
// children.put(new Ingredient(Material.REDSTONE), new ProtoPotion(protoPotion.mat, new PotionData(protoPotion.data.getType(), true, false)));
// }
// return children;
// assert (!protoPotion.data.isExtended());
// if (!protoPotion.data.isUpgraded()) {
// children.put(new Ingredient(Material.GLOWSTONE_DUST), new ProtoPotion(protoPotion.mat, new PotionData(protoPotion.data.getType(), false, true)));
// }
// return children;
// assert (!protoPotion.data.isExtended());
// if (!protoPotion.data.isUpgraded()) {
// children.put(new Ingredient(Material.FERMENTED_SPIDER_EYE), new ProtoPotion(protoPotion.mat, PotionType.INSTANT_DAMAGE));
// children.put(new Ingredient(Material.GLOWSTONE_DUST), new ProtoPotion(protoPotion.mat, new PotionData(protoPotion.data.getType(), false, true)));
// } else {
// children.put(new Ingredient(Material.FERMENTED_SPIDER_EYE), new ProtoPotion(protoPotion.mat, new PotionData(PotionType.INSTANT_DAMAGE, false, true)));
// }
// return children;
// assert (!protoPotion.data.isUpgraded());
// if (!protoPotion.data.isExtended()) {
// children.put(new Ingredient(Material.REDSTONE), new ProtoPotion(protoPotion.mat, new PotionData(protoPotion.data.getType(), true, false)));
// }
// return children;
// case JUMP:
// if (!protoPotion.data.isUpgraded() && !protoPotion.data.isExtended()) {
// children.put(new Ingredient(Material.FERMENTED_SPIDER_EYE), new ProtoPotion(protoPotion.mat, PotionType.SLOWNESS));
// children.put(new Ingredient(Material.GLOWSTONE_DUST), new ProtoPotion(protoPotion.mat, new PotionData(protoPotion.data.getType(), false, true)));
// children.put(new Ingredient(Material.REDSTONE), new ProtoPotion(protoPotion.mat, new PotionData(protoPotion.data.getType(), true, false)));
// }
// return children;
// assert (!protoPotion.data.isUpgraded());
// if (!protoPotion.data.isExtended()) {
// children.put(new Ingredient(Material.FERMENTED_SPIDER_EYE), new ProtoPotion(protoPotion.mat, PotionType.INVISIBILITY));
// children.put(new Ingredient(Material.REDSTONE), new ProtoPotion(protoPotion.mat, new PotionData(protoPotion.data.getType(), true, false)));
// } else {
// children.put(new Ingredient(Material.FERMENTED_SPIDER_EYE), new ProtoPotion(protoPotion.mat, new PotionData(PotionType.INVISIBILITY, true, false)));
// }
// return children;
// case POISON:
// if (!protoPotion.data.isUpgraded() && !protoPotion.data.isExtended()) {
// children.put(new Ingredient(Material.FERMENTED_SPIDER_EYE), new ProtoPotion(protoPotion.mat, PotionType.INSTANT_DAMAGE));
// children.put(new Ingredient(Material.GLOWSTONE_DUST), new ProtoPotion(protoPotion.mat, new PotionData(protoPotion.data.getType(), false, true)));
// children.put(new Ingredient(Material.REDSTONE), new ProtoPotion(protoPotion.mat, new PotionData(protoPotion.data.getType(), true, false)));
// } else {
// children.put(new Ingredient(Material.FERMENTED_SPIDER_EYE), new ProtoPotion(protoPotion.mat, new PotionData(PotionType.INSTANT_DAMAGE, false, true)));
// }
// return children;
// case REGEN:
// if (!protoPotion.data.isUpgraded() && !protoPotion.data.isExtended()) {
// children.put(new Ingredient(Material.GLOWSTONE_DUST), new ProtoPotion(protoPotion.mat, new PotionData(protoPotion.data.getType(), false, true)));
// children.put(new Ingredient(Material.REDSTONE), new ProtoPotion(protoPotion.mat, new PotionData(protoPotion.data.getType(), true, false)));
// }
// return children;
// case SLOWNESS:
// assert (!protoPotion.data.isUpgraded());
// if (!protoPotion.data.isExtended()) {
// children.put(new Ingredient(Material.REDSTONE), new ProtoPotion(protoPotion.mat, new PotionData(protoPotion.data.getType(), true, false)));
// }
// return children;
// assert (!protoPotion.data.isUpgraded());
// if (!protoPotion.data.isExtended()) {
// children.put(new Ingredient(Material.REDSTONE), new ProtoPotion(protoPotion.mat, new PotionData(protoPotion.data.getType(), true, false)));
// }
// return children;
// case SPEED:
// if (!protoPotion.data.isUpgraded() && !protoPotion.data.isExtended()) {
// children.put(new Ingredient(Material.FERMENTED_SPIDER_EYE), new ProtoPotion(protoPotion.mat, PotionType.SLOWNESS));
// children.put(new Ingredient(Material.GLOWSTONE_DUST), new ProtoPotion(protoPotion.mat, new PotionData(protoPotion.data.getType(), false, true)));
// children.put(new Ingredient(Material.REDSTONE), new ProtoPotion(protoPotion.mat, new PotionData(protoPotion.data.getType(), true, false)));
// } else {
// children.put(new Ingredient(Material.FERMENTED_SPIDER_EYE), new ProtoPotion(protoPotion.mat, new PotionData(PotionType.SLOWNESS, true, false)));
// }
// return children;
// case STRENGTH:
// if (!protoPotion.data.isUpgraded() && !protoPotion.data.isExtended()) {
// children.put(new Ingredient(Material.GLOWSTONE_DUST), new ProtoPotion(protoPotion.mat, new PotionData(protoPotion.data.getType(), false, true)));
// children.put(new Ingredient(Material.REDSTONE), new ProtoPotion(protoPotion.mat, new PotionData(protoPotion.data.getType(), true, false)));
// }
// return children;
// if (!protoPotion.data.isUpgraded() && !protoPotion.data.isExtended()) {
// children.put(new Ingredient(Material.GLOWSTONE_DUST), new ProtoPotion(protoPotion.mat, new PotionData(protoPotion.data.getType(), false, true)));
// children.put(new Ingredient(Material.REDSTONE), new ProtoPotion(protoPotion.mat, new PotionData(protoPotion.data.getType(), true, false)));
// }
// return children;
// assert (!protoPotion.data.isUpgraded());
// if (!protoPotion.data.isExtended()) {
// children.put(new Ingredient(Material.FERMENTED_SPIDER_EYE), new ProtoPotion(protoPotion.mat, PotionType.INSTANT_DAMAGE));
// children.put(new Ingredient(Material.REDSTONE), new ProtoPotion(protoPotion.mat, new PotionData(protoPotion.data.getType(), true, false)));
// }
// return children;
// case WEAKNESS:
// assert (!protoPotion.data.isUpgraded());
// if (!protoPotion.data.isExtended()) {
// children.put(new Ingredient(Material.REDSTONE), new ProtoPotion(protoPotion.mat, new PotionData(protoPotion.data.getType(), true, false)));
// }
// return children;
// case LUCK:
// case MUNDANE:
// case THICK:
// assert (!protoPotion.data.isExtended());
// assert (!protoPotion.data.isUpgraded());
// return children;
// default:
// return children;
// }
// }
// private static void populateCustomPotions(Map<ProtoPotion, Map<Ingredient, ProtoPotion>> customPotions) {
// for (Material material : new Material[]{Material.POTION, Material.SPLASH_POTION, Material.LINGERING_POTION}) {
// ProtoPotion newPotion;
// double mod = 1;
// if (material == Material.SPLASH_POTION) {
// mod = 0.75;
// }
// if (material == Material.LINGERING_POTION) {
// mod = 0.25;
// }
// HashMap<Ingredient, ProtoPotion> newPotionChildren;
// newPotion = new ProtoPotion(material, PotionType.UNCRAFTABLE, new PotionEffect(PotionEffectType.CONFUSION, (int) (450 * mod), 0), "NAUSEA");
// newPotionChildren = new HashMap<>();
// newPotionChildren.put(new Ingredient(Material.GLOWSTONE_DUST), new ProtoPotion(material, PotionType.UNCRAFTABLE, new PotionEffect(newPotion.effect.getType(), newPotion.effect.getDuration() / 2, 1), newPotion.baseName + "_II"));
// newPotionChildren.put(new Ingredient(Material.REDSTONE), new ProtoPotion(material, PotionType.UNCRAFTABLE, new PotionEffect(newPotion.effect.getType(), newPotion.effect.getDuration() * 2, 0), newPotion.baseName + "_EXTENDED"));
// for (ProtoPotion child : newPotionChildren.values()) {
// customPotions.put(child, new HashMap<>());
// }
// customPotions.put(newPotion, newPotionChildren);
// newPotion = new ProtoPotion(material, PotionType.UNCRAFTABLE, new PotionEffect(PotionEffectType.FAST_DIGGING, (int) (3600 * mod), 0), "HASTE");
// newPotionChildren = new HashMap<>();
// newPotionChildren.put(new Ingredient(Material.GLOWSTONE_DUST), new ProtoPotion(material, PotionType.UNCRAFTABLE, new PotionEffect(newPotion.effect.getType(), newPotion.effect.getDuration() / 2, 1), newPotion.baseName + "_II"));
// newPotionChildren.put(new Ingredient(Material.REDSTONE), new ProtoPotion(material, PotionType.UNCRAFTABLE, new PotionEffect(newPotion.effect.getType(), newPotion.effect.getDuration() * 2, 0), newPotion.baseName + "_EXTENDED"));
// for (ProtoPotion child : newPotionChildren.values()) {
// customPotions.put(child, new HashMap<>());
// }
// customPotions.put(newPotion, newPotionChildren);
// newPotion = new ProtoPotion(material, PotionType.UNCRAFTABLE, new PotionEffect(PotionEffectType.SLOW_DIGGING, (int) (3600 * mod), 0), "DULLNESS");
// newPotionChildren = new HashMap<>();
// newPotionChildren.put(new Ingredient(Material.GLOWSTONE_DUST), new ProtoPotion(material, PotionType.UNCRAFTABLE, new PotionEffect(newPotion.effect.getType(), newPotion.effect.getDuration() / 2, 1), newPotion.baseName + "_II"));
// newPotionChildren.put(new Ingredient(Material.REDSTONE), new ProtoPotion(material, PotionType.UNCRAFTABLE, new PotionEffect(newPotion.effect.getType(), newPotion.effect.getDuration() * 2, 0), newPotion.baseName + "_EXTENDED"));
// for (ProtoPotion child : newPotionChildren.values()) {
// customPotions.put(child, new HashMap<>());
// }
// customPotions.put(newPotion, newPotionChildren);
// newPotion = new ProtoPotion(material, PotionType.UNCRAFTABLE, new PotionEffect(PotionEffectType.DAMAGE_RESISTANCE, (int) (450 * mod), 0), "RESISTANCE");
// newPotionChildren = new HashMap<>();
// newPotionChildren.put(new Ingredient(Material.GLOWSTONE_DUST), new ProtoPotion(material, PotionType.UNCRAFTABLE, new PotionEffect(newPotion.effect.getType(), newPotion.effect.getDuration() / 2, 1), newPotion.baseName + "_II"));
// newPotionChildren.put(new Ingredient(Material.REDSTONE), new ProtoPotion(material, PotionType.UNCRAFTABLE, new PotionEffect(newPotion.effect.getType(), newPotion.effect.getDuration() * 2, 0), newPotion.baseName + "_EXTENDED"));
// for (ProtoPotion child : newPotionChildren.values()) {
// customPotions.put(child, new HashMap<>());
// }
// customPotions.put(newPotion, newPotionChildren);
// newPotion = new ProtoPotion(material, PotionType.UNCRAFTABLE, new PotionEffect(PotionEffectType.BLINDNESS, (int) (225 * mod), 0), "BLINDNESS");
// newPotionChildren = new HashMap<>();
// newPotionChildren.put(new Ingredient(Material.GLOWSTONE_DUST), new ProtoPotion(material, PotionType.UNCRAFTABLE, new PotionEffect(newPotion.effect.getType(), newPotion.effect.getDuration() / 2, 1), newPotion.baseName + "_II"));
// newPotionChildren.put(new Ingredient(Material.REDSTONE), new ProtoPotion(material, PotionType.UNCRAFTABLE, new PotionEffect(newPotion.effect.getType(), newPotion.effect.getDuration() * 2, 0), newPotion.baseName + "_EXTENDED"));
// for (ProtoPotion child : newPotionChildren.values()) {
// customPotions.put(child, new HashMap<>());
// }
// customPotions.put(newPotion, newPotionChildren);
// newPotion = new ProtoPotion(material, PotionType.UNCRAFTABLE, new PotionEffect(PotionEffectType.HUNGER, (int) (900 * mod), 0), "HUNGER");
// newPotionChildren = new HashMap<>();
// newPotionChildren.put(new Ingredient(Material.GLOWSTONE_DUST), new ProtoPotion(material, PotionType.UNCRAFTABLE, new PotionEffect(newPotion.effect.getType(), newPotion.effect.getDuration() / 2, 1), newPotion.baseName + "_II"));
// newPotionChildren.put(new Ingredient(Material.REDSTONE), new ProtoPotion(material, PotionType.UNCRAFTABLE, new PotionEffect(newPotion.effect.getType(), newPotion.effect.getDuration() * 2, 0), newPotion.baseName + "_EXTENDED"));
// for (ProtoPotion child : newPotionChildren.values()) {
// customPotions.put(child, new HashMap<>());
// }
// customPotions.put(newPotion, newPotionChildren);
// newPotion = new ProtoPotion(material, PotionType.UNCRAFTABLE, new PotionEffect(PotionEffectType.WITHER, (int) (450 * mod), 0), "DECAY");
// newPotionChildren = new HashMap<>();
// newPotionChildren.put(new Ingredient(Material.GLOWSTONE_DUST), new ProtoPotion(material, PotionType.UNCRAFTABLE, new PotionEffect(newPotion.effect.getType(), newPotion.effect.getDuration() / 2, 1), newPotion.baseName + "_II"));
// newPotionChildren.put(new Ingredient(Material.REDSTONE), new ProtoPotion(material, PotionType.UNCRAFTABLE, new PotionEffect(newPotion.effect.getType(), newPotion.effect.getDuration() * 2, 0), newPotion.baseName + "_EXTENDED"));
// for (ProtoPotion child : newPotionChildren.values()) {
// customPotions.put(child, new HashMap<>());
// }
// customPotions.put(newPotion, newPotionChildren);
// newPotion = new ProtoPotion(material, PotionType.UNCRAFTABLE, new PotionEffect(PotionEffectType.ABSORPTION, (int) (1800 * mod), 0), "ABSORPTION");
// newPotionChildren = new HashMap<>();
// newPotionChildren.put(new Ingredient(Material.GLOWSTONE_DUST), new ProtoPotion(material, PotionType.UNCRAFTABLE, new PotionEffect(newPotion.effect.getType(), newPotion.effect.getDuration() / 2, 1), newPotion.baseName + "_II"));
// newPotionChildren.put(new Ingredient(Material.REDSTONE), new ProtoPotion(material, PotionType.UNCRAFTABLE, new PotionEffect(newPotion.effect.getType(), newPotion.effect.getDuration() * 2, 0), newPotion.baseName + "_EXTENDED"));
// for (ProtoPotion child : newPotionChildren.values()) {
// customPotions.put(child, new HashMap<>());
// }
// customPotions.put(newPotion, newPotionChildren);
// newPotion = new ProtoPotion(material, PotionType.UNCRAFTABLE, new PotionEffect(PotionEffectType.SATURATION, (int) (8 * mod), 0), "SATURATION");
// newPotionChildren = new HashMap<>();
// newPotionChildren.put(new Ingredient(Material.GLOWSTONE_DUST), new ProtoPotion(material, PotionType.UNCRAFTABLE, new PotionEffect(newPotion.effect.getType(), newPotion.effect.getDuration() / 2, 1), newPotion.baseName + "_II"));
// newPotionChildren.put(new Ingredient(Material.REDSTONE), new ProtoPotion(material, PotionType.UNCRAFTABLE, new PotionEffect(newPotion.effect.getType(), newPotion.effect.getDuration() * 2, 0), newPotion.baseName + "_EXTENDED"));
// for (ProtoPotion child : newPotionChildren.values()) {
// customPotions.put(child, new HashMap<>());
// }
// customPotions.put(newPotion, newPotionChildren);
// newPotion = new ProtoPotion(material, PotionType.UNCRAFTABLE, new PotionEffect(PotionEffectType.HEALTH_BOOST, (int) (1800 * mod), 0), "HEALTH_BOOST");
// newPotionChildren = new HashMap<>();
// newPotionChildren.put(new Ingredient(Material.GLOWSTONE_DUST), new ProtoPotion(material, PotionType.UNCRAFTABLE, new PotionEffect(newPotion.effect.getType(), newPotion.effect.getDuration() / 2, 1), newPotion.baseName + "_II"));
// newPotionChildren.put(new Ingredient(Material.REDSTONE), new ProtoPotion(material, PotionType.UNCRAFTABLE, new PotionEffect(newPotion.effect.getType(), newPotion.effect.getDuration() * 2, 0), newPotion.baseName + "_EXTENDED"));
// for (ProtoPotion child : newPotionChildren.values()) {
// customPotions.put(child, new HashMap<>());
// }
// customPotions.put(newPotion, newPotionChildren);
// }
// // Add all material state changes
// for (Entry<ProtoPotion, Map<Ingredient, ProtoPotion>> entry : customPotions.entrySet()) {
// if (entry.getKey().mat == Material.POTION) {
// PotionEffect effect = new PotionEffect(entry.getKey().effect.getType(), (int) (entry.getKey().effect.getDuration() * 0.75), entry.getKey().effect.getAmplifier());
// entry.getValue().put(new Ingredient(Material.GUNPOWDER), new ProtoPotion(Material.SPLASH_POTION, entry.getKey().data, effect, entry.getKey().baseName));
// } else if (entry.getKey().mat == Material.SPLASH_POTION) {
// PotionEffect effect = new PotionEffect(entry.getKey().effect.getType(), (int) (entry.getKey().effect.getDuration() * 0.33), entry.getKey().effect.getAmplifier());
// entry.getValue().put(new Ingredient(Material.DRAGON_BREATH), new ProtoPotion(Material.LINGERING_POTION, entry.getKey().data, effect, entry.getKey().baseName));
// }
// }
// }
// public static class Ingredient {
// public Material mat;
// public int data;
// public String name;
// public Ingredient(Material mat) {
// this.mat = mat;
// this.data = 0;
// name = mat.name();
// }
// }
// public static class ProtoPotion {
// public String name;
// public Material mat;
// public PotionData data;
// public PotionEffect effect;
// public String baseName;
// public ProtoPotion(PotionData data) {
// this(Material.POTION, data);
// }
// public ProtoPotion(Material type, PotionData data) {
// this(type, data, null, getMCName(data.getType()));
// }
// public ProtoPotion(Material mat, PotionType type, PotionEffect effect, String baseName) {
// this(mat, new PotionData(type, false, false), effect, baseName);
// }
// public ProtoPotion(Material type, PotionData data, PotionEffect effect, String baseName) {
// this.data = data;
// this.effect = effect;
// this.mat = type;
// this.baseName = baseName;
// this.name = "POTION_OF_" + baseName;
// if (mat == Material.SPLASH_POTION) {
// this.name = "SPLASH_" + this.name;
// }
// if (mat == Material.LINGERING_POTION) {
// this.name = "LINGERING_" + this.name;
// }
// if (data.isExtended()) {
// this.name += "_EXTENDED";
// }
// if (data.isUpgraded()) {
// this.name += "_II";
// }
// }
// public ProtoPotion(PotionType type) {
// this(new PotionData(type, false, false));
// }
// public ProtoPotion(Material mat, PotionType type) {
// this(mat, new PotionData(type, false, false));
// }
// private static String getMCName(PotionType type) {
// switch (type) {
// return "HARMING";
// return "HEALING";
// case JUMP:
// return "LEAPING";
// case REGEN:
// return "REGENERATION";
// case SPEED:
// return "SWIFTNESS";
// return "EMPTY";
// case LUCK:
// case MUNDANE:
// case POISON:
// case SLOWNESS:
// case AWKWARD:
// case STRENGTH:
// case THICK:
// case WATER:
// case WEAKNESS:
// return type.name();
// default:
// return "";
// }
// }
// public int hashCode() {
// return name.hashCode();
// }
// public boolean equals(Object obj) {
// if (!(obj instanceof ProtoPotion)) {
// return false;
// }
// return name.equals(((ProtoPotion) obj).name);
// }
// public void setChildren()
// }
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
//package com.gmail.nossr50.config;
//import com.gmail.nossr50.datatypes.skills.alchemy.AlchemyPotion;
//import com.gmail.nossr50.skills.alchemy.PotionGenerator;
//import ninja.leaping.configurate.objectmapping.serialize.ConfigSerializable;
//import org.bukkit.Material;
//import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
//import java.util.ArrayList;
//import java.util.HashMap;
//import java.util.List;
//import java.util.Map;
// * Eventually I'm going to delete all of our Alchemy code and rewrite it from scratch
// */
//public class PotionManager {
// /* CONSTANTS */
// public static final String POTIONS = "Potions";
// private List<ItemStack> ingredientTierOne;
// private List<ItemStack> ingredientTierTwo;
// private List<ItemStack> ingredientTierThree;
// private List<ItemStack> ingredientTierFour;
// private List<ItemStack> ingredientTierFive;
// private List<ItemStack> ingredientTierSix;
// private List<ItemStack> ingredientTierSeven;
// private List<ItemStack> ingredientTierEight;
// private Map<String, AlchemyPotion> potionMap = new HashMap<>();
// public PotionManager() {
// initIngredientLists();
// initPotionMap();
// }
// /**
// * I just want anyone who reads this to know
// * This entire class is an abomination
// * What you see below is a hacky solution to keep Alchemy functioning with the new config system
// * Alchemy will be rewritten, until then, this disgusting class exists.
// */
// private void initIngredientLists() {
// ingredientTierOne = new ArrayList<>();
// ingredientTierTwo = new ArrayList<>();
// ingredientTierThree = new ArrayList<>();
// ingredientTierFour = new ArrayList<>();
// ingredientTierFive = new ArrayList<>();
// ingredientTierSix = new ArrayList<>();
// ingredientTierSeven = new ArrayList<>();
// ingredientTierEight = new ArrayList<>();
// ingredientTierOne.add(new ItemStack(Material.BLAZE_POWDER));
// ingredientTierOne.add(new ItemStack(Material.FERMENTED_SPIDER_EYE));
// ingredientTierOne.add(new ItemStack(Material.GHAST_TEAR));
// ingredientTierOne.add(new ItemStack(Material.GLOWSTONE_DUST));
// ingredientTierOne.add(new ItemStack(Material.GOLDEN_CARROT));
// ingredientTierOne.add(new ItemStack(Material.MAGMA_CREAM));
// ingredientTierOne.add(new ItemStack(Material.NETHER_WART));
// ingredientTierOne.add(new ItemStack(Material.REDSTONE));
// ingredientTierOne.add(new ItemStack(Material.GLISTERING_MELON_SLICE));
// ingredientTierOne.add(new ItemStack(Material.SPIDER_EYE));
// ingredientTierOne.add(new ItemStack(Material.SUGAR));
// ingredientTierOne.add(new ItemStack(Material.GUNPOWDER));
// ingredientTierOne.add(new ItemStack(Material.PUFFERFISH));
// ingredientTierOne.add(new ItemStack(Material.DRAGON_BREATH));
// ingredientTierTwo.add(new ItemStack(Material.CARROT));
// ingredientTierTwo.add(new ItemStack(Material.SLIME_BALL));
// ingredientTierTwo.add(new ItemStack(Material.PHANTOM_MEMBRANE));
// ingredientTierThree.add(new ItemStack(Material.QUARTZ));
// ingredientTierThree.add(new ItemStack(Material.RED_MUSHROOM));
// ingredientTierFour.add(new ItemStack(Material.APPLE));
// ingredientTierFour.add(new ItemStack(Material.ROTTEN_FLESH));
// ingredientTierFive.add(new ItemStack(Material.BROWN_MUSHROOM));
// ingredientTierFive.add(new ItemStack(Material.INK_SAC));
// ingredientTierSix.add(new ItemStack(Material.FERN));
// ingredientTierSeven.add(new ItemStack(Material.POISONOUS_POTATO));
// ingredientTierEight.add(new ItemStack(Material.GOLDEN_APPLE));
// }
// private void loadConcoctionsTier(List<ItemStack> ingredientList, List<String> ingredients) {
// if (ingredients != null && ingredients.size() > 0) {
// for (String ingredientString : ingredients) {
// ItemStack ingredient = loadIngredient(ingredientString);
// if (ingredient != null) {
// ingredientList.add(ingredient);
// }
// }
// }
// }
// private void initPotionMap() {
// PotionGenerator potionGenerator = new PotionGenerator();
// potionMap = potionMap
// }
// /**
// * Parse a string representation of an ingredient.
// * Format: '<MATERIAL>[:data]'
// * Returns null if input cannot be parsed.
// *
// * @param ingredient String representing an ingredient.
// * @return Parsed ingredient.
// */
// private ItemStack loadIngredient(String ingredient) {
// if (ingredient == null || ingredient.isEmpty()) {
// return null;
// }
// Material material = Material.getMaterial(ingredient);
// if (material != null) {
// return new ItemStack(material, 1);
// }
// return null;
// }
// public List<ItemStack> getIngredients(int tier) {
// switch (tier) {
// case 8:
// return ingredientTierEight;
// case 7:
// return ingredientTierSeven;
// case 6:
// return ingredientTierSix;
// case 5:
// return ingredientTierFive;
// case 4:
// return ingredientTierFour;
// case 3:
// return ingredientTierThree;
// case 2:
// return ingredientTierTwo;
// case 1:
// default:
// return ingredientTierOne;
// }
// }
// public boolean isValidPotion(ItemStack item) {
// return getPotion(item) != null;
// }
// public AlchemyPotion getPotion(String name) {
// return potionMap.get(name);
// }
// public AlchemyPotion getPotion(ItemStack item) {
// for (AlchemyPotion potion : potionMap.values()) {
// if (potion.isSimilar(item)) {
// return potion;
// }
// }
// return null;
// }
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
//package com.gmail.nossr50.datatypes.skills.alchemy;
//import org.bukkit.Material;
//import org.bukkit.potion.PotionData;
//import org.bukkit.potion.PotionEffect;
//import org.bukkit.potion.PotionType;
//import java.util.List;
//public enum PotionStage {
// FIVE(5),
// FOUR(4),
// THREE(3),
// TWO(2),
// ONE(1);
// int numerical;
// PotionStage(int numerical) {
// this.numerical = numerical;
// }
// private static PotionStage getPotionStageNumerical(int numerical) {
// for (PotionStage potionStage : values()) {
// if (numerical >= potionStage.toNumerical()) {
// return potionStage;
// }
// }
// return ONE;
// }
// public static PotionStage getPotionStage(AlchemyPotion input, AlchemyPotion output) {
// PotionStage potionStage = getPotionStage(output);
// if (!isWaterBottle(input) && getPotionStage(input) == potionStage) {
// potionStage = PotionStage.FIVE;
// }
// return potionStage;
// }
// private static boolean isWaterBottle(AlchemyPotion input) {
// return input.getData().getType() == PotionType.WATER;
// }
// public static PotionStage getPotionStage(AlchemyPotion alchemyPotion) {
// PotionData data = alchemyPotion.getData();
// List<PotionEffect> effects = alchemyPotion.getEffects();
// int stage = 1;
// // Check if potion has an effect of any sort
// if (data.getType().getEffectType() != null || !effects.isEmpty()) {
// stage++;
// }
// // Check if potion has a glowstone dust amplifier
// // Else check if the potion has a custom effect with an amplifier added by mcMMO
// if (data.isUpgraded()) {
// stage++;
// } else if (!effects.isEmpty()) {
// for (PotionEffect effect : effects) {
// if (effect.getAmplifier() > 0) {
// stage++;
// break;
// }
// }
// }
// // Check if potion has a redstone dust amplifier
// if (data.isExtended()) {
// stage++;
// }
// // Check if potion has a gunpowder amplifier
// if (alchemyPotion.getMaterial() == Material.SPLASH_POTION || alchemyPotion.getMaterial() == Material.LINGERING_POTION) {
// stage++;
// }
// return PotionStage.getPotionStageNumerical(stage);
// }
// public int toNumerical() {
// return numerical;
// }
@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ import com.gmail.nossr50.datatypes.skills.ToolType;
import com.gmail.nossr50.events.fake.FakeBlockBreakEvent;
import com.gmail.nossr50.events.fake.FakeBlockDamageEvent;
import com.gmail.nossr50.mcMMO;
import com.gmail.nossr50.skills.alchemy.Alchemy;
import com.gmail.nossr50.skills.excavation.ExcavationManager;
import com.gmail.nossr50.skills.herbalism.Herbalism;
import com.gmail.nossr50.skills.herbalism.HerbalismManager;
@ -33,7 +32,10 @@ import org.bukkit.GameMode;
import org.bukkit.Location;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.Tag;
import org.bukkit.block.*;
import org.bukkit.block.Block;
import org.bukkit.block.BlockFace;
import org.bukkit.block.BlockState;
import org.bukkit.block.Furnace;
import org.bukkit.entity.Item;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.event.EventHandler;
@ -254,9 +256,9 @@ public class BlockListener implements Listener {
/* ALCHEMY - Cancel any brew in progress for that BrewingStand */
if (blockState instanceof BrewingStand && Alchemy.brewingStandMap.containsKey(location)) {
// if (blockState instanceof BrewingStand && Alchemy.brewingStandMap.containsKey(location)) {
// Alchemy.brewingStandMap.get(location).cancelBrew();
// }
Player player = event.getPlayer();
@ -4,18 +4,14 @@ import com.gmail.nossr50.config.MainConfig;
import com.gmail.nossr50.config.WorldBlacklist;
import com.gmail.nossr50.datatypes.skills.PrimarySkillType;
import com.gmail.nossr50.datatypes.skills.SubSkillType;
import com.gmail.nossr50.events.fake.FakeBrewEvent;
import com.gmail.nossr50.mcMMO;
import com.gmail.nossr50.runnables.player.PlayerUpdateInventoryTask;
import com.gmail.nossr50.skills.alchemy.Alchemy;
import com.gmail.nossr50.skills.alchemy.AlchemyPotionBrewer;
import com.gmail.nossr50.util.ItemUtils;
import com.gmail.nossr50.util.Permissions;
import com.gmail.nossr50.util.player.UserManager;
import com.gmail.nossr50.util.skills.SkillUtils;
import com.gmail.nossr50.worldguard.WorldGuardManager;
import com.gmail.nossr50.worldguard.WorldGuardUtils;
import org.bukkit.Location;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.block.Block;
import org.bukkit.block.BlockState;
@ -237,78 +233,78 @@ public class InventoryListener implements Listener {
BrewingStand stand = (BrewingStand) holder;
ItemStack clicked = event.getCurrentItem();
ItemStack cursor = event.getCursor();
// BrewingStand stand = (BrewingStand) holder;
// ItemStack clicked = event.getCurrentItem();
// ItemStack cursor = event.getCursor();
if ((clicked != null && (clicked.getType() == Material.POTION || clicked.getType() == Material.SPLASH_POTION || clicked.getType() == Material.LINGERING_POTION)) || (cursor != null && (cursor.getType() == Material.POTION || cursor.getType() == Material.SPLASH_POTION || cursor.getType() == Material.LINGERING_POTION))) {
AlchemyPotionBrewer.scheduleCheck(player, stand);
// if ((clicked != null && (clicked.getType() == Material.POTION || clicked.getType() == Material.SPLASH_POTION || clicked.getType() == Material.LINGERING_POTION)) || (cursor != null && (cursor.getType() == Material.POTION || cursor.getType() == Material.SPLASH_POTION || cursor.getType() == Material.LINGERING_POTION))) {
// AlchemyPotionBrewer.scheduleCheck(player, stand);
// return;
// }
// ClickType click = event.getClick();
// InventoryType.SlotType slot = event.getSlotType();
ClickType click = event.getClick();
InventoryType.SlotType slot = event.getSlotType();
if (click.isShiftClick()) {
switch (slot) {
case FUEL:
AlchemyPotionBrewer.scheduleCheck(player, stand);
if (!AlchemyPotionBrewer.isValidIngredient(player, clicked)) {
if (!AlchemyPotionBrewer.transferItems(event.getView(), event.getRawSlot(), click)) {
AlchemyPotionBrewer.scheduleCheck(player, stand);
} else if (slot == InventoryType.SlotType.FUEL) {
boolean emptyClicked = AlchemyPotionBrewer.isEmpty(clicked);
if (AlchemyPotionBrewer.isEmpty(cursor)) {
if (emptyClicked && click == ClickType.NUMBER_KEY) {
AlchemyPotionBrewer.scheduleCheck(player, stand);
AlchemyPotionBrewer.scheduleCheck(player, stand);
} else if (emptyClicked) {
if (AlchemyPotionBrewer.isValidIngredient(player, cursor)) {
int amount = cursor.getAmount();
if (click == ClickType.LEFT || (click == ClickType.RIGHT && amount == 1)) {
AlchemyPotionBrewer.scheduleCheck(player, stand);
} else if (click == ClickType.RIGHT) {
ItemStack one = cursor.clone();
ItemStack rest = cursor.clone();
rest.setAmount(amount - 1);
AlchemyPotionBrewer.scheduleCheck(player, stand);
// if (click.isShiftClick()) {
// switch (slot) {
// case FUEL:
// AlchemyPotionBrewer.scheduleCheck(player, stand);
// return;
// case CONTAINER:
// case QUICKBAR:
// if (!AlchemyPotionBrewer.isValidIngredient(player, clicked)) {
// return;
// }
// if (!AlchemyPotionBrewer.transferItems(event.getView(), event.getRawSlot(), click)) {
// return;
// }
// event.setCancelled(true);
// AlchemyPotionBrewer.scheduleUpdate(inventory);
// AlchemyPotionBrewer.scheduleCheck(player, stand);
// return;
// default:
// }
// } else if (slot == InventoryType.SlotType.FUEL) {
// boolean emptyClicked = AlchemyPotionBrewer.isEmpty(clicked);
// if (AlchemyPotionBrewer.isEmpty(cursor)) {
// if (emptyClicked && click == ClickType.NUMBER_KEY) {
// AlchemyPotionBrewer.scheduleCheck(player, stand);
// return;
// }
// AlchemyPotionBrewer.scheduleCheck(player, stand);
// } else if (emptyClicked) {
// if (AlchemyPotionBrewer.isValidIngredient(player, cursor)) {
// int amount = cursor.getAmount();
// if (click == ClickType.LEFT || (click == ClickType.RIGHT && amount == 1)) {
// event.setCancelled(true);
// event.setCurrentItem(cursor.clone());
// event.setCursor(null);
// AlchemyPotionBrewer.scheduleUpdate(inventory);
// AlchemyPotionBrewer.scheduleCheck(player, stand);
// } else if (click == ClickType.RIGHT) {
// event.setCancelled(true);
// ItemStack one = cursor.clone();
// one.setAmount(1);
// ItemStack rest = cursor.clone();
// rest.setAmount(amount - 1);
// event.setCurrentItem(one);
// event.setCursor(rest);
// AlchemyPotionBrewer.scheduleUpdate(inventory);
// AlchemyPotionBrewer.scheduleCheck(player, stand);
// }
// }
// }
// }
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.NORMAL, ignoreCancelled = true)
@ -335,48 +331,48 @@ public class InventoryListener implements Listener {
if (!event.getInventorySlots().contains(Alchemy.INGREDIENT_SLOT)) {
ItemStack cursor = event.getCursor();
ItemStack ingredient = ((BrewerInventory) inventory).getIngredient();
if (AlchemyPotionBrewer.isEmpty(ingredient) || ingredient.isSimilar(cursor)) {
Player player = (Player) whoClicked;
if (WorldGuardUtils.isWorldGuardLoaded()) {
if (!WorldGuardManager.getInstance().hasMainFlag(player))
if (AlchemyPotionBrewer.isValidIngredient(player, cursor)) {
// Not handled: dragging custom ingredients over ingredient slot (does not trigger any event)
AlchemyPotionBrewer.scheduleCheck(player, (BrewingStand) holder);
// if (!event.getInventorySlots().contains(Alchemy.INGREDIENT_SLOT)) {
// return;
// }
// ItemStack cursor = event.getCursor();
// ItemStack ingredient = ((BrewerInventory) inventory).getIngredient();
// if (AlchemyPotionBrewer.isEmpty(ingredient) || ingredient.isSimilar(cursor)) {
// Player player = (Player) whoClicked;
// if (WorldGuardUtils.isWorldGuardLoaded()) {
// if (!WorldGuardManager.getInstance().hasMainFlag(player))
// return;
// }
// if (AlchemyPotionBrewer.isValidIngredient(player, cursor)) {
// // Not handled: dragging custom ingredients over ingredient slot (does not trigger any event)
// AlchemyPotionBrewer.scheduleCheck(player, (BrewingStand) holder);
// return;
// }
// event.setCancelled(true);
// AlchemyPotionBrewer.scheduleUpdate(inventory);
// }
// Apparently sometimes vanilla brewing beats our task listener to the actual brew. We handle this by cancelling the vanilla event and finishing our brew ourselves.
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.LOWEST, ignoreCancelled = true)
public void onBrew(BrewEvent event) {
if (WorldBlacklist.isWorldBlacklisted(event.getBlock().getWorld()))
if (event instanceof FakeBrewEvent)
Location location = event.getBlock().getLocation();
if (Alchemy.brewingStandMap.containsKey(location)) {
// @EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.LOWEST, ignoreCancelled = true)
// public void onBrew(BrewEvent event) {
// if (WorldBlacklist.isWorldBlacklisted(event.getBlock().getWorld()))
// return;
// if (event instanceof FakeBrewEvent)
// return;
// Location location = event.getBlock().getLocation();
// if (Alchemy.brewingStandMap.containsKey(location)) {
// Alchemy.brewingStandMap.get(location).finishImmediately();
// event.setCancelled(true);
// }
// }
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.NORMAL, ignoreCancelled = true)
public void onInventoryMoveItemEvent(InventoryMoveItemEvent event) {
@ -411,9 +407,9 @@ public class InventoryListener implements Listener {
if (MainConfig.getInstance().getEnabledForHoppers() && AlchemyPotionBrewer.isValidIngredient(null, item)) {
AlchemyPotionBrewer.scheduleCheck(null, (BrewingStand) holder);
// if (MainConfig.getInstance().getEnabledForHoppers() && AlchemyPotionBrewer.isValidIngredient(null, item)) {
// AlchemyPotionBrewer.scheduleCheck(null, (BrewingStand) holder);
// }
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.MONITOR, ignoreCancelled = true)
@ -91,6 +91,7 @@ public class WorldListener implements Listener {
Chunk chunk = event.getChunk();
mcMMO.getPlaceStore().chunkUnloaded(chunk.getX(), chunk.getZ(), event.getWorld());
if(chunk != null)
mcMMO.getPlaceStore().chunkUnloaded(chunk.getX(), chunk.getZ(), event.getWorld());
@ -25,7 +25,6 @@ import com.gmail.nossr50.runnables.player.ClearRegisteredXPGainTask;
import com.gmail.nossr50.runnables.player.PlayerProfileLoadingTask;
import com.gmail.nossr50.runnables.player.PowerLevelUpdatingTask;
import com.gmail.nossr50.runnables.skills.BleedTimerTask;
import com.gmail.nossr50.skills.alchemy.Alchemy;
import com.gmail.nossr50.skills.repair.repairables.RepairableManager;
import com.gmail.nossr50.skills.salvage.salvageables.SalvageableManager;
import com.gmail.nossr50.util.*;
@ -391,7 +390,7 @@ public class mcMMO extends JavaPlugin {
public void onDisable() {
try {
Alchemy.finishAllBrews(); // Finish all partially complete AlchemyBrewTasks to prevent vanilla brewing continuation on restart
// Alchemy.finishAllBrews(); // Finish all partially complete AlchemyBrewTasks to prevent vanilla brewing continuation on restart
UserManager.saveAll(); // Make sure to save player information if the server shuts down
PartyManager.saveParties(); // Save our parties
@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
package com.gmail.nossr50.runnables.skills;
import com.gmail.nossr50.skills.alchemy.Alchemy;
import com.gmail.nossr50.skills.alchemy.AlchemyPotionBrewer;
import org.bukkit.Location;
import org.bukkit.block.BrewingStand;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
import org.bukkit.scheduler.BukkitRunnable;
import java.util.Arrays;
public class AlchemyBrewCheckTask extends BukkitRunnable {
private Player player;
private BrewingStand brewingStand;
private ItemStack[] oldInventory;
public AlchemyBrewCheckTask(Player player, BrewingStand brewingStand) {
this.player = player;
this.brewingStand = brewingStand;
this.oldInventory = Arrays.copyOfRange(brewingStand.getInventory().getContents(), 0, 4);
public void run() {
Location location = brewingStand.getLocation();
ItemStack[] newInventory = Arrays.copyOfRange(brewingStand.getInventory().getContents(), 0, 4);
boolean validBrew = brewingStand.getFuelLevel() > 0 && AlchemyPotionBrewer.isValidBrew(player, newInventory);
if (Alchemy.brewingStandMap.containsKey(location)) {
if (oldInventory[Alchemy.INGREDIENT_SLOT] == null || newInventory[Alchemy.INGREDIENT_SLOT] == null || !oldInventory[Alchemy.INGREDIENT_SLOT].isSimilar(newInventory[Alchemy.INGREDIENT_SLOT]) || !validBrew) {
} else if (validBrew) {
Alchemy.brewingStandMap.put(location, new AlchemyBrewTask(brewingStand, player));
@ -1,118 +0,0 @@
package com.gmail.nossr50.runnables.skills;
import com.gmail.nossr50.datatypes.skills.PrimarySkillType;
import com.gmail.nossr50.datatypes.skills.SubSkillType;
import com.gmail.nossr50.events.skills.alchemy.McMMOPlayerBrewEvent;
import com.gmail.nossr50.events.skills.alchemy.McMMOPlayerCatalysisEvent;
import com.gmail.nossr50.mcMMO;
import com.gmail.nossr50.skills.alchemy.Alchemy;
import com.gmail.nossr50.skills.alchemy.AlchemyPotionBrewer;
import com.gmail.nossr50.util.Misc;
import com.gmail.nossr50.util.Permissions;
import com.gmail.nossr50.util.player.UserManager;
import org.bukkit.Location;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.block.BlockState;
import org.bukkit.block.BrewingStand;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.scheduler.BukkitRunnable;
public class AlchemyBrewTask extends BukkitRunnable {
private BlockState brewingStand;
private Location location;
private double brewSpeed;
private double brewTimer;
private Player player;
private int fuel;
private boolean firstRun = true;
public AlchemyBrewTask(BlockState brewingStand, Player player) {
this.brewingStand = brewingStand;
this.location = brewingStand.getLocation();
this.player = player;
brewSpeed = 1.0;
brewTimer = 400;
if (player != null
&& !Misc.isNPCEntity(player)
&& Permissions.isSubSkillEnabled(player, SubSkillType.ALCHEMY_CATALYSIS)
&& UserManager.getPlayer(player) != null) {
double catalysis = UserManager.getPlayer(player).getAlchemyManager().calculateBrewSpeed(Permissions.lucky(player, PrimarySkillType.ALCHEMY));
McMMOPlayerCatalysisEvent event = new McMMOPlayerCatalysisEvent(player, catalysis);
if (!event.isCancelled()) {
brewSpeed = catalysis;
if (Alchemy.brewingStandMap.containsKey(location)) {
fuel = ((BrewingStand) brewingStand).getFuelLevel();
if (((BrewingStand) brewingStand).getBrewingTime() == -1) // Only decrement on our end if it isn't a vanilla ingredient.
Alchemy.brewingStandMap.put(location, this);
this.runTaskTimer(mcMMO.p, 1, 1);
public void run() {
if (player == null || !player.isValid() || brewingStand == null || brewingStand.getType() != Material.BREWING_STAND || !AlchemyPotionBrewer.isValidIngredient(player, ((BrewingStand) brewingStand).getInventory().getContents()[Alchemy.INGREDIENT_SLOT])) {
if (Alchemy.brewingStandMap.containsKey(location)) {
if (firstRun) {
firstRun = false;
((BrewingStand) brewingStand).setFuelLevel(fuel);
brewTimer -= brewSpeed;
// Vanilla potion brewing completes when BrewingTime == 1
if (brewTimer < Math.max(brewSpeed, 2)) {
} else {
((BrewingStand) brewingStand).setBrewingTime((int) brewTimer);
private void finish() {
McMMOPlayerBrewEvent event = new McMMOPlayerBrewEvent(player, brewingStand);
if (!event.isCancelled()) {
AlchemyPotionBrewer.finishBrewing(brewingStand, player, false);
public void finishImmediately() {
AlchemyPotionBrewer.finishBrewing(brewingStand, player, true);
public void cancelBrew() {
((BrewingStand) brewingStand).setBrewingTime(-1);
@ -1,17 +1,5 @@
package com.gmail.nossr50.skills.alchemy;
import com.gmail.nossr50.config.AdvancedConfig;
import com.gmail.nossr50.datatypes.skills.SubSkillType;
import com.gmail.nossr50.mcMMO;
import com.gmail.nossr50.runnables.skills.AlchemyBrewTask;
import com.gmail.nossr50.util.skills.RankUtils;
import org.bukkit.Location;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
public final class Alchemy {
/*public enum Tier {
@ -47,30 +35,30 @@ public final class Alchemy {
public static final int INGREDIENT_SLOT = 3;
public static int catalysisUnlockLevel = RankUtils.getUnlockLevel(SubSkillType.ALCHEMY_CATALYSIS);
public static int catalysisMaxBonusLevel = AdvancedConfig.getInstance().getCatalysisMaxBonusLevel();
public static double catalysisMinSpeed = AdvancedConfig.getInstance().getCatalysisMinSpeed();
public static double catalysisMaxSpeed = AdvancedConfig.getInstance().getCatalysisMaxSpeed();
public static Map<Location, AlchemyBrewTask> brewingStandMap = new HashMap<>();
private Alchemy() {
* Finish all active brews. Used upon Disable to prevent vanilla potions from being brewed upon next Enable.
public static void finishAllBrews() {
mcMMO.p.debug("Completing " + brewingStandMap.size() + " unfinished Alchemy brews.");
List<AlchemyBrewTask> toFinish = new ArrayList<>();
for (AlchemyBrewTask alchemyBrewTask : toFinish) {
// public static final int INGREDIENT_SLOT = 3;
// public static int catalysisUnlockLevel = RankUtils.getUnlockLevel(SubSkillType.ALCHEMY_CATALYSIS);
// public static int catalysisMaxBonusLevel = AdvancedConfig.getInstance().getCatalysisMaxBonusLevel();
// public static double catalysisMinSpeed = AdvancedConfig.getInstance().getCatalysisMinSpeed();
// public static double catalysisMaxSpeed = AdvancedConfig.getInstance().getCatalysisMaxSpeed();
// public static Map<Location, AlchemyBrewTask> brewingStandMap = new HashMap<>();
// private Alchemy() {
// }
// /**
// * Finish all active brews. Used upon Disable to prevent vanilla potions from being brewed upon next Enable.
// */
// public static void finishAllBrews() {
// mcMMO.p.debug("Completing " + brewingStandMap.size() + " unfinished Alchemy brews.");
// List<AlchemyBrewTask> toFinish = new ArrayList<>();
// toFinish.addAll(brewingStandMap.values());
// for (AlchemyBrewTask alchemyBrewTask : toFinish) {
// alchemyBrewTask.finishImmediately();
// }
// }
@ -1,19 +1,8 @@
package com.gmail.nossr50.skills.alchemy;
import com.gmail.nossr50.config.skills.alchemy.PotionManager;
import com.gmail.nossr50.datatypes.experience.XPGainReason;
import com.gmail.nossr50.datatypes.experience.XPGainSource;
import com.gmail.nossr50.datatypes.player.McMMOPlayer;
import com.gmail.nossr50.datatypes.skills.PrimarySkillType;
import com.gmail.nossr50.datatypes.skills.SubSkillType;
import com.gmail.nossr50.datatypes.skills.alchemy.PotionStage;
import com.gmail.nossr50.mcMMO;
import com.gmail.nossr50.skills.SkillManager;
import com.gmail.nossr50.util.StringUtils;
import com.gmail.nossr50.util.skills.RankUtils;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
import java.util.List;
public class AlchemyManager extends SkillManager {
@ -21,39 +10,40 @@ public class AlchemyManager extends SkillManager {
super(mcMMOPlayer, PrimarySkillType.ALCHEMY);
public int getTier() {
return RankUtils.getRank(getPlayer(), SubSkillType.ALCHEMY_CONCOCTIONS);
public List<ItemStack> getIngredients() {
return PotionManager.getInstance().getIngredients(getTier());
public String getIngredientList() {
StringBuilder list = new StringBuilder();
for (ItemStack ingredient : getIngredients()) {
String string = StringUtils.getPrettyItemString(ingredient.getType());
list.append(", ").append(string);
return list.substring(2);
public double calculateBrewSpeed(boolean isLucky) {
int skillLevel = getSkillLevel();
if (skillLevel < Alchemy.catalysisUnlockLevel) {
return Alchemy.catalysisMinSpeed;
double LUCKY_MODIFIER = 4.0 / 3.0;
return Math.min(Alchemy.catalysisMaxSpeed, Alchemy.catalysisMinSpeed + (Alchemy.catalysisMaxSpeed - Alchemy.catalysisMinSpeed) * (skillLevel - Alchemy.catalysisUnlockLevel) / (Alchemy.catalysisMaxBonusLevel - Alchemy.catalysisUnlockLevel)) * (isLucky ? LUCKY_MODIFIER : 1.0);
public void handlePotionBrewSuccesses(PotionStage potionStage, int amount) {
//TODO: This code disturbs me
applyXpGain((float) (mcMMO.getConfigManager().getConfigExperience().getExperienceAlchemy().getPotionXPByStage(potionStage.toNumerical()) * amount), XPGainReason.PVE, XPGainSource.PASSIVE);
// public int getTier() {
// return RankUtils.getRank(getPlayer(), SubSkillType.ALCHEMY_CONCOCTIONS);
// }
// public List<ItemStack> getIngredients() {
// return PotionManager.getInstance().getIngredients(getTier());
// }
// public String getIngredientList() {
// StringBuilder list = new StringBuilder();
// for (ItemStack ingredient : getIngredients()) {
// String string = StringUtils.getPrettyItemString(ingredient.getType());
// list.append(", ").append(string);
// }
// return list.substring(2);
// }
// public double calculateBrewSpeed(boolean isLucky) {
// int skillLevel = getSkillLevel();
// if (skillLevel < Alchemy.catalysisUnlockLevel) {
// return Alchemy.catalysisMinSpeed;
// }
// double LUCKY_MODIFIER = 4.0 / 3.0;
// return Math.min(Alchemy.catalysisMaxSpeed, Alchemy.catalysisMinSpeed + (Alchemy.catalysisMaxSpeed - Alchemy.catalysisMinSpeed) * (skillLevel - Alchemy.catalysisUnlockLevel) / (Alchemy.catalysisMaxBonusLevel - Alchemy.catalysisUnlockLevel)) * (isLucky ? LUCKY_MODIFIER : 1.0);
// }
// public void handlePotionBrewSuccesses(PotionStage potionStage, int amount) {
// //TODO: This code disturbs me
// applyXpGain((float) (mcMMO.getConfigManager().getConfigExperience().getExperienceAlchemy().getPotionXPByStage(potionStage.toNumerical()) * amount), XPGainReason.PVE, XPGainSource.PASSIVE);
// }
@ -1,251 +0,0 @@
package com.gmail.nossr50.skills.alchemy;
import com.gmail.nossr50.config.skills.alchemy.PotionManager;
import com.gmail.nossr50.datatypes.skills.SubSkillType;
import com.gmail.nossr50.datatypes.skills.alchemy.AlchemyPotion;
import com.gmail.nossr50.datatypes.skills.alchemy.PotionStage;
import com.gmail.nossr50.events.fake.FakeBrewEvent;
import com.gmail.nossr50.mcMMO;
import com.gmail.nossr50.runnables.player.PlayerUpdateInventoryTask;
import com.gmail.nossr50.runnables.skills.AlchemyBrewCheckTask;
import com.gmail.nossr50.util.Permissions;
import com.gmail.nossr50.util.player.UserManager;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.block.BlockState;
import org.bukkit.block.BrewingStand;
import org.bukkit.entity.HumanEntity;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.event.inventory.ClickType;
import org.bukkit.inventory.BrewerInventory;
import org.bukkit.inventory.Inventory;
import org.bukkit.inventory.InventoryView;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
public final class AlchemyPotionBrewer {
public static boolean isValidBrew(Player player, ItemStack[] contents) {
if (!isValidIngredient(player, contents[Alchemy.INGREDIENT_SLOT])) {
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
if (contents[i] == null || contents[i].getType() != Material.POTION && contents[i].getType() != Material.SPLASH_POTION && contents[i].getType() != Material.LINGERING_POTION) {
if (getChildPotion(PotionManager.getInstance().getPotion(contents[i]), contents[Alchemy.INGREDIENT_SLOT]) != null) {
return true;
return false;
private static AlchemyPotion getChildPotion(AlchemyPotion potion, ItemStack ingredient) {
if (potion != null) {
return potion.getChild(ingredient);
return null;
public static boolean isEmpty(ItemStack item) {
return item == null || item.getType() == Material.AIR || item.getAmount() == 0;
private static void removeIngredient(BrewerInventory inventory, Player player) {
ItemStack ingredient = inventory.getIngredient() == null ? null : inventory.getIngredient().clone();
if (isEmpty(ingredient) || !isValidIngredient(player, ingredient)) {
} else if (ingredient.getAmount() <= 1) {
} else {
ingredient.setAmount(ingredient.getAmount() - 1);
private static boolean hasIngredient(BrewerInventory inventory, Player player) {
ItemStack ingredient = inventory.getIngredient() == null ? null : inventory.getIngredient().clone();
return !isEmpty(ingredient) && isValidIngredient(player, ingredient);
public static boolean isValidIngredient(Player player, ItemStack item) {
if (isEmpty(item)) {
return false;
for (ItemStack ingredient : getValidIngredients(player)) {
if (item.isSimilar(ingredient)) {
return true;
return false;
private static List<ItemStack> getValidIngredients(Player player) {
if (player == null || UserManager.getPlayer(player) == null) {
return PotionManager.getInstance().getIngredients(1);
return PotionManager.getInstance().getIngredients(!Permissions.isSubSkillEnabled(player, SubSkillType.ALCHEMY_CONCOCTIONS) ? 1 : UserManager.getPlayer(player).getAlchemyManager().getTier());
public static void finishBrewing(BlockState brewingStand, Player player, boolean forced) {
if (!(brewingStand instanceof BrewingStand)) {
BrewerInventory inventory = ((BrewingStand) brewingStand).getInventory();
ItemStack ingredient = inventory.getIngredient() == null ? null : inventory.getIngredient().clone();
if (!hasIngredient(inventory, player)) {
List<AlchemyPotion> inputList = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
ItemStack item = inventory.getItem(i);
if (isEmpty(item) || item.getType() == Material.GLASS_BOTTLE || !PotionManager.getInstance().isValidPotion(item)) {
AlchemyPotion input = PotionManager.getInstance().getPotion(item);
AlchemyPotion output = input.getChild(ingredient);
if (output != null) {
inventory.setItem(i, output.toItemStack(item.getAmount()).clone());
FakeBrewEvent event = new FakeBrewEvent(brewingStand.getBlock(), inventory, ((BrewingStand) brewingStand).getFuelLevel());
if (event.isCancelled() || inputList.isEmpty()) {
removeIngredient(inventory, player);
for (AlchemyPotion input : inputList) {
AlchemyPotion output = input.getChild(ingredient);
if (output != null && player != null) {
PotionStage potionStage = PotionStage.getPotionStage(input, output);
//TODO: hmm
if (UserManager.hasPlayerDataKey(player)) {
UserManager.getPlayer(player).getAlchemyManager().handlePotionBrewSuccesses(potionStage, 1);
if (!forced) {
public static boolean transferItems(InventoryView view, int fromSlot, ClickType click) {
boolean success = false;
if (click.isLeftClick()) {
success = transferItems(view, fromSlot);
} else if (click.isRightClick()) {
success = transferOneItem(view, fromSlot);
return success;
private static boolean transferOneItem(InventoryView view, int fromSlot) {
ItemStack from = view.getItem(fromSlot).clone();
ItemStack to = view.getItem(Alchemy.INGREDIENT_SLOT).clone();
if (isEmpty(from)) {
return false;
boolean emptyTo = isEmpty(to);
int fromAmount = from.getAmount();
if (!emptyTo && fromAmount >= from.getType().getMaxStackSize()) {
return false;
} else if (emptyTo || from.isSimilar(to)) {
if (emptyTo) {
to = from.clone();
} else {
to.setAmount(to.getAmount() + 1);
from.setAmount(fromAmount - 1);
view.setItem(Alchemy.INGREDIENT_SLOT, to);
view.setItem(fromSlot, from);
return true;
return false;
* Transfer items between two ItemStacks, returning the leftover status
private static boolean transferItems(InventoryView view, int fromSlot) {
ItemStack from = view.getItem(fromSlot).clone();
ItemStack to = view.getItem(Alchemy.INGREDIENT_SLOT).clone();
if (isEmpty(from)) {
return false;
} else if (isEmpty(to)) {
view.setItem(Alchemy.INGREDIENT_SLOT, from);
view.setItem(fromSlot, null);
return true;
} else if (from.isSimilar(to)) {
int fromAmount = from.getAmount();
int toAmount = to.getAmount();
int maxSize = to.getType().getMaxStackSize();
if (fromAmount + toAmount > maxSize) {
int left = fromAmount + toAmount - maxSize;
view.setItem(Alchemy.INGREDIENT_SLOT, to);
view.setItem(fromSlot, from);
return true;
to.setAmount(fromAmount + toAmount);
view.setItem(fromSlot, null);
view.setItem(Alchemy.INGREDIENT_SLOT, to);
return true;
return false;
public static void scheduleCheck(Player player, BrewingStand brewingStand) {
new AlchemyBrewCheckTask(player, brewingStand).runTask(mcMMO.p);
public static void scheduleUpdate(Inventory inventory) {
for (HumanEntity humanEntity : inventory.getViewers()) {
if (humanEntity instanceof Player) {
new PlayerUpdateInventoryTask((Player) humanEntity).runTask(mcMMO.p);
@ -1,718 +0,0 @@
package com.gmail.nossr50.skills.alchemy;
import com.gmail.nossr50.datatypes.skills.alchemy.AlchemyPotion;
import com.gmail.nossr50.mcMMO;
import com.google.common.reflect.TypeToken;
import org.bukkit.ChatColor;
import org.bukkit.Color;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
import org.bukkit.potion.PotionData;
import org.bukkit.potion.PotionEffect;
import org.bukkit.potion.PotionEffectType;
import org.bukkit.potion.PotionType;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
public class PotionGenerator {
private HashMap<String, AlchemyPotion> potionHashMap;
public PotionGenerator() {
potionHashMap = new HashMap<>();
private void init() {
Map<WriteablePotion, Map<Ingredient, WriteablePotion>> vanillaPotions = new HashMap<>();
Map<WriteablePotion, Map<Ingredient, WriteablePotion>> mcMMOPotions = new HashMap<>();
List<WriteablePotion> sorted = new ArrayList<>();
sorted.sort((a, b) -> {
// All normal potions first
if (a.mat == Material.POTION && b.mat != Material.POTION) {
return -1;
if (b.mat == Material.POTION && a.mat != Material.POTION) {
return 1;
// All splash potions second
if (a.mat == Material.SPLASH_POTION && b.mat != Material.SPLASH_POTION) {
return -1;
if (b.mat == Material.SPLASH_POTION && a.mat != Material.SPLASH_POTION) {
return 1;
// Vanilla Potions first
if (a.effect == null && b.effect != null) {
return -1;
if (b.effect == null && a.effect != null) {
return 1;
// Vanilla potions
if (a.effect == null && b.effect == null) {
// Order by PotionType
if (a.data.getType() != b.data.getType()) {
return Integer.compare(a.data.getType().ordinal(), b.data.getType().ordinal());
// Plain before extended or upgraded
if (!a.data.isExtended() && !a.data.isUpgraded() && (b.data.isExtended() || b.data.isUpgraded())) {
return -1;
if (!b.data.isExtended() && !b.data.isUpgraded() && (a.data.isExtended() || a.data.isUpgraded())) {
return 1;
// Extended before Upgraded
if (a.data.isExtended() && b.data.isUpgraded()) {
return -1;
if (b.data.isExtended() && a.data.isUpgraded()) {
return -1;
// Same potion somehow?
return 0;
// mcMMO Potions
else {
if ((a.baseName.contains("II") || a.baseName.contains("EXTENDED")) && !(b.baseName.contains("II") || b.baseName.contains("EXTENDED"))) {
return 1;
if ((b.baseName.contains("II") || b.baseName.contains("EXTENDED")) && !(a.baseName.contains("II") || a.baseName.contains("EXTENDED"))) {
return -1;
if (!a.baseName.contains("II") && b.baseName.contains("II")) {
return -1;
if (!b.baseName.contains("II") && a.baseName.contains("II")) {
return 1;
return a.baseName.split("_")[0].compareTo(b.baseName.split("_")[0]);
/* Hacky solution, this entire class disgusts me */
HashMap<String, AlchemyPotion> potionHashMap = new HashMap<>();
for(WriteablePotion potion : sorted)
AlchemyPotion alchemyPotion = convertWriteableToAlchemyPotion(potion);
potionHashMap.put(alchemyPotion.getName(), alchemyPotion);
// for (WriteablePotion potion : sorted) {
// System.out.println(" " + potion.name + ":");
// Map<Ingredient, WriteablePotion> children;
// if (vanillaPotions.containsKey(potion)) {
// children = vanillaPotions.get(potion);
// } else {
// System.out.println(" Name: " + prettify(potion.name));
// children = mcMMOPotions.get(potion);
// }
// System.out.println(" Material: " + potion.mat.name());
// System.out.println(" PotionData:");
// System.out.println(" PotionType: " + potion.data.getType().name());
// if (potion.data.isExtended()) {
// System.out.println(" Extended: true");
// }
// if (potion.data.isUpgraded()) {
// System.out.println(" Upgraded: true");
// }
// if (potion.effect != null) {
// System.out.println(" Effects: [\"" + getName(potion.effect.getType()) + " " + potion.effect.getAmplifier() + " " + potion.effect.getDuration() + "\"]");
// }
// if (children == null || children.isEmpty()) {
// continue;
// }
// System.out.println(" Children:");
// for (Entry<Ingredient, WriteablePotion> child : children.entrySet()) {
// System.out.println(" " + child.getKey().name + ": " + child.getValue().name);
// }
// }
* I just want anyone who reads this to know
* This entire class is an abomination
* What you see below is a hacky solution to keep Alchemy functioning with the new config system
* Alchemy will be rewritten, until then, this disgusting class exists.
* @param writeablePotion target WriteablePotion
* @return converted WriteablePotion
private AlchemyPotion convertWriteableToAlchemyPotion(WriteablePotion writeablePotion) {
try {
String name = writeablePotion.name;
if (name != null) {
name = prettify(ChatColor.translateAlternateColorCodes('&', name));
PotionData data = writeablePotion.data;
Material material = Material.POTION;
if(writeablePotion.mat != null)
material = writeablePotion.mat;
//Lore is unused as far as I can tell
List<String> lore = new ArrayList<>();
List<PotionEffect> effects = new ArrayList<>();
Color color = this.generateColor(effects);
return new AlchemyPotion(material, data, name, lore, effects, color, getChildren(writeablePotion));
} catch (Exception e) {
mcMMO.p.getLogger().warning("Failed to load Alchemy potion: " + potion_section.getString());
return null;
public Color generateColor(List<PotionEffect> effects) {
if (effects != null && !effects.isEmpty()) {
List<Color> colors = new ArrayList<>();
for (PotionEffect effect : effects) {
if (effect.getType().getColor() != null) {
if (!colors.isEmpty()) {
if (colors.size() > 1) {
return calculateAverageColor(colors);
return colors.get(0);
return null;
public Color calculateAverageColor(List<Color> colors) {
int red = 0;
int green = 0;
int blue = 0;
for (Color color : colors) {
red += color.getRed();
green += color.getGreen();
blue += color.getBlue();
Color color = Color.fromRGB(red / colors.size(), green / colors.size(), blue / colors.size());
return color;
private static String prettify(String name) {
String[] substrings = name.split("_");
String prettyString = "";
int size = 1;
for (String string : substrings) {
prettyString = prettyString.concat(getCapitalized(string));
if (size < substrings.length) {
prettyString = prettyString.concat(" ");
return prettyString;
public static String getCapitalized(String target) {
if (target.equals("II")) { // hacks
return target;
return target.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + target.substring(1).toLowerCase();
private static String getName(PotionEffectType type) {
switch (type.getId()) {
case 1:
return "SPEED";
case 2:
return "SLOW";
case 3:
return "FAST_DIGGING";
case 4:
return "SLOW_DIGGING";
case 5:
case 6:
return "HEAL";
case 7:
return "HARM";
case 8:
return "JUMP";
case 9:
return "CONFUSION";
case 10:
case 11:
case 12:
case 13:
case 14:
case 15:
return "BLINDNESS";
case 16:
return "NIGHT_VISION";
case 17:
return "HUNGER";
case 18:
return "WEAKNESS";
case 19:
return "POISON";
case 20:
return "WITHER";
case 21:
return "HEALTH_BOOST";
case 22:
return "ABSORPTION";
case 23:
return "SATURATION";
case 24:
return "GLOWING";
case 25:
return "LEVITATION";
case 26:
return "LUCK";
case 27:
return "UNLUCK";
case 28:
return "SLOW_FALLING";
case 29:
case 30:
return "UNKNOWN_EFFECT_TYPE_" + type.getId();
private void populateVanillaPotions(Map<WriteablePotion, Map<Ingredient, WriteablePotion>> vanillaPotions) {
for (PotionType type : PotionType.values()) {
for (Material material : new Material[]{Material.POTION, Material.SPLASH_POTION, Material.LINGERING_POTION}) {
WriteablePotion writeablePotion = new WriteablePotion(material, type);
vanillaPotions.put(writeablePotion, getChildren(writeablePotion));
if (type.isExtendable()) {
writeablePotion = new WriteablePotion(material, new PotionData(type, true, false));
vanillaPotions.put(writeablePotion, getChildren(writeablePotion));
if (type.isUpgradeable()) {
writeablePotion = new WriteablePotion(material, new PotionData(type, false, true));
vanillaPotions.put(writeablePotion, getChildren(writeablePotion));
for (Entry<WriteablePotion, Map<Ingredient, WriteablePotion>> entry : vanillaPotions.entrySet()) {
if (entry.getKey().mat == Material.POTION) {
entry.getValue().put(new Ingredient(Material.GUNPOWDER), new WriteablePotion(Material.SPLASH_POTION, entry.getKey().data));
if (entry.getKey().mat == Material.SPLASH_POTION) {
entry.getValue().put(new Ingredient(Material.DRAGON_BREATH), new WriteablePotion(Material.LINGERING_POTION, entry.getKey().data));
//Store children
private HashMap<Ingredient, WriteablePotion> getChildren(WriteablePotion writeablePotion) {
HashMap<Ingredient, WriteablePotion> children = new HashMap<>();
switch (writeablePotion.data.getType()) {
case WATER:
assert (!writeablePotion.data.isExtended());
assert (!writeablePotion.data.isUpgraded());
children.put(new Ingredient(Material.NETHER_WART), new WriteablePotion(writeablePotion.mat, PotionType.AWKWARD));
children.put(new Ingredient(Material.FERMENTED_SPIDER_EYE), new WriteablePotion(writeablePotion.mat, PotionType.WEAKNESS));
children.put(new Ingredient(Material.REDSTONE), new WriteablePotion(writeablePotion.mat, PotionType.MUNDANE));
children.put(new Ingredient(Material.GLOWSTONE_DUST), new WriteablePotion(writeablePotion.mat, PotionType.THICK));
children.put(new Ingredient(Material.BLAZE_POWDER), new WriteablePotion(writeablePotion.mat, PotionType.MUNDANE));
children.put(new Ingredient(Material.SUGAR), new WriteablePotion(writeablePotion.mat, PotionType.MUNDANE));
children.put(new Ingredient(Material.RABBIT_FOOT), new WriteablePotion(writeablePotion.mat, PotionType.MUNDANE));
children.put(new Ingredient(Material.SPIDER_EYE), new WriteablePotion(writeablePotion.mat, PotionType.MUNDANE));
children.put(new Ingredient(Material.MAGMA_CREAM), new WriteablePotion(writeablePotion.mat, PotionType.MUNDANE));
children.put(new Ingredient(Material.GLISTERING_MELON_SLICE), new WriteablePotion(writeablePotion.mat, PotionType.MUNDANE));
children.put(new Ingredient(Material.GHAST_TEAR), new WriteablePotion(writeablePotion.mat, PotionType.MUNDANE));
return children;
assert (!writeablePotion.data.isExtended());
assert (!writeablePotion.data.isUpgraded());
children.put(new Ingredient(Material.GOLDEN_CARROT), new WriteablePotion(writeablePotion.mat, PotionType.NIGHT_VISION));
children.put(new Ingredient(Material.RABBIT_FOOT), new WriteablePotion(writeablePotion.mat, PotionType.JUMP));
children.put(new Ingredient(Material.MAGMA_CREAM), new WriteablePotion(writeablePotion.mat, PotionType.FIRE_RESISTANCE));
children.put(new Ingredient(Material.SUGAR), new WriteablePotion(writeablePotion.mat, PotionType.SPEED));
children.put(new Ingredient(Material.PUFFERFISH), new WriteablePotion(writeablePotion.mat, PotionType.WATER_BREATHING));
children.put(new Ingredient(Material.GLISTERING_MELON_SLICE), new WriteablePotion(writeablePotion.mat, PotionType.INSTANT_HEAL));
children.put(new Ingredient(Material.SPIDER_EYE), new WriteablePotion(writeablePotion.mat, PotionType.POISON));
children.put(new Ingredient(Material.GHAST_TEAR), new WriteablePotion(writeablePotion.mat, PotionType.REGEN));
children.put(new Ingredient(Material.BLAZE_POWDER), new WriteablePotion(writeablePotion.mat, PotionType.STRENGTH));
children.put(new Ingredient(Material.TURTLE_HELMET), new WriteablePotion(writeablePotion.mat, PotionType.TURTLE_MASTER));
children.put(new Ingredient(Material.PHANTOM_MEMBRANE), new WriteablePotion(writeablePotion.mat, PotionType.SLOW_FALLING));
// mcMMO custom potions
double mod = 1;
if (writeablePotion.mat == Material.SPLASH_POTION) {
mod = 0.75;
if (writeablePotion.mat == Material.LINGERING_POTION) {
mod = 0.25;
children.put(new Ingredient(Material.BROWN_MUSHROOM), new WriteablePotion(writeablePotion.mat, PotionType.UNCRAFTABLE, new PotionEffect(PotionEffectType.CONFUSION, (int) (450 * mod), 0), "NAUSEA"));
children.put(new Ingredient(Material.CARROT), new WriteablePotion(writeablePotion.mat, PotionType.UNCRAFTABLE, new PotionEffect(PotionEffectType.FAST_DIGGING, (int) (3600 * mod), 0), "HASTE"));
children.put(new Ingredient(Material.SLIME_BALL), new WriteablePotion(writeablePotion.mat, PotionType.UNCRAFTABLE, new PotionEffect(PotionEffectType.SLOW_DIGGING, (int) (3600 * mod), 0), "DULLNESS"));
children.put(new Ingredient(Material.GOLDEN_APPLE), new WriteablePotion(writeablePotion.mat, PotionType.UNCRAFTABLE, new PotionEffect(PotionEffectType.DAMAGE_RESISTANCE, (int) (450 * mod), 0), "RESISTANCE"));
children.put(new Ingredient(Material.INK_SAC), new WriteablePotion(writeablePotion.mat, PotionType.UNCRAFTABLE, new PotionEffect(PotionEffectType.BLINDNESS, (int) (225 * mod), 0), "BLINDNESS"));
children.put(new Ingredient(Material.ROTTEN_FLESH), new WriteablePotion(writeablePotion.mat, PotionType.UNCRAFTABLE, new PotionEffect(PotionEffectType.HUNGER, (int) (900 * mod), 0), "HUNGER"));
children.put(new Ingredient(Material.POISONOUS_POTATO), new WriteablePotion(writeablePotion.mat, PotionType.UNCRAFTABLE, new PotionEffect(PotionEffectType.WITHER, (int) (450 * mod), 0), "DECAY"));
children.put(new Ingredient(Material.QUARTZ), new WriteablePotion(writeablePotion.mat, PotionType.UNCRAFTABLE, new PotionEffect(PotionEffectType.ABSORPTION, (int) (1800 * mod), 0), "ABSORPTION"));
children.put(new Ingredient(Material.FERN), new WriteablePotion(writeablePotion.mat, PotionType.UNCRAFTABLE, new PotionEffect(PotionEffectType.SATURATION, (int) (8 * mod), 0), "SATURATION"));
children.put(new Ingredient(Material.APPLE), new WriteablePotion(writeablePotion.mat, PotionType.UNCRAFTABLE, new PotionEffect(PotionEffectType.HEALTH_BOOST, (int) (1800 * mod), 0), "HEALTH_BOOST"));
return children;
assert (!writeablePotion.data.isUpgraded());
if (writeablePotion.data.isExtended()) {
children.put(new Ingredient(Material.FERMENTED_SPIDER_EYE), new WriteablePotion(writeablePotion.mat, new PotionData(PotionType.SLOWNESS, true, false)));
} else {
children.put(new Ingredient(Material.FERMENTED_SPIDER_EYE), new WriteablePotion(writeablePotion.mat, PotionType.SLOWNESS));
children.put(new Ingredient(Material.REDSTONE), new WriteablePotion(writeablePotion.mat, new PotionData(writeablePotion.data.getType(), true, false)));
return children;
assert (!writeablePotion.data.isExtended());
if (!writeablePotion.data.isUpgraded()) {
children.put(new Ingredient(Material.GLOWSTONE_DUST), new WriteablePotion(writeablePotion.mat, new PotionData(writeablePotion.data.getType(), false, true)));
return children;
assert (!writeablePotion.data.isExtended());
if (!writeablePotion.data.isUpgraded()) {
children.put(new Ingredient(Material.FERMENTED_SPIDER_EYE), new WriteablePotion(writeablePotion.mat, PotionType.INSTANT_DAMAGE));
children.put(new Ingredient(Material.GLOWSTONE_DUST), new WriteablePotion(writeablePotion.mat, new PotionData(writeablePotion.data.getType(), false, true)));
} else {
children.put(new Ingredient(Material.FERMENTED_SPIDER_EYE), new WriteablePotion(writeablePotion.mat, new PotionData(PotionType.INSTANT_DAMAGE, false, true)));
return children;
assert (!writeablePotion.data.isUpgraded());
if (!writeablePotion.data.isExtended()) {
children.put(new Ingredient(Material.REDSTONE), new WriteablePotion(writeablePotion.mat, new PotionData(writeablePotion.data.getType(), true, false)));
return children;
case JUMP:
if (!writeablePotion.data.isUpgraded() && !writeablePotion.data.isExtended()) {
children.put(new Ingredient(Material.FERMENTED_SPIDER_EYE), new WriteablePotion(writeablePotion.mat, PotionType.SLOWNESS));
children.put(new Ingredient(Material.GLOWSTONE_DUST), new WriteablePotion(writeablePotion.mat, new PotionData(writeablePotion.data.getType(), false, true)));
children.put(new Ingredient(Material.REDSTONE), new WriteablePotion(writeablePotion.mat, new PotionData(writeablePotion.data.getType(), true, false)));
return children;
assert (!writeablePotion.data.isUpgraded());
if (!writeablePotion.data.isExtended()) {
children.put(new Ingredient(Material.FERMENTED_SPIDER_EYE), new WriteablePotion(writeablePotion.mat, PotionType.INVISIBILITY));
children.put(new Ingredient(Material.REDSTONE), new WriteablePotion(writeablePotion.mat, new PotionData(writeablePotion.data.getType(), true, false)));
} else {
children.put(new Ingredient(Material.FERMENTED_SPIDER_EYE), new WriteablePotion(writeablePotion.mat, new PotionData(PotionType.INVISIBILITY, true, false)));
return children;
case POISON:
if (!writeablePotion.data.isUpgraded() && !writeablePotion.data.isExtended()) {
children.put(new Ingredient(Material.FERMENTED_SPIDER_EYE), new WriteablePotion(writeablePotion.mat, PotionType.INSTANT_DAMAGE));
children.put(new Ingredient(Material.GLOWSTONE_DUST), new WriteablePotion(writeablePotion.mat, new PotionData(writeablePotion.data.getType(), false, true)));
children.put(new Ingredient(Material.REDSTONE), new WriteablePotion(writeablePotion.mat, new PotionData(writeablePotion.data.getType(), true, false)));
} else {
children.put(new Ingredient(Material.FERMENTED_SPIDER_EYE), new WriteablePotion(writeablePotion.mat, new PotionData(PotionType.INSTANT_DAMAGE, false, true)));
return children;
case REGEN:
if (!writeablePotion.data.isUpgraded() && !writeablePotion.data.isExtended()) {
children.put(new Ingredient(Material.GLOWSTONE_DUST), new WriteablePotion(writeablePotion.mat, new PotionData(writeablePotion.data.getType(), false, true)));
children.put(new Ingredient(Material.REDSTONE), new WriteablePotion(writeablePotion.mat, new PotionData(writeablePotion.data.getType(), true, false)));
return children;
assert (!writeablePotion.data.isUpgraded());
if (!writeablePotion.data.isExtended()) {
children.put(new Ingredient(Material.REDSTONE), new WriteablePotion(writeablePotion.mat, new PotionData(writeablePotion.data.getType(), true, false)));
return children;
assert (!writeablePotion.data.isUpgraded());
if (!writeablePotion.data.isExtended()) {
children.put(new Ingredient(Material.REDSTONE), new WriteablePotion(writeablePotion.mat, new PotionData(writeablePotion.data.getType(), true, false)));
return children;
case SPEED:
if (!writeablePotion.data.isUpgraded() && !writeablePotion.data.isExtended()) {
children.put(new Ingredient(Material.FERMENTED_SPIDER_EYE), new WriteablePotion(writeablePotion.mat, PotionType.SLOWNESS));
children.put(new Ingredient(Material.GLOWSTONE_DUST), new WriteablePotion(writeablePotion.mat, new PotionData(writeablePotion.data.getType(), false, true)));
children.put(new Ingredient(Material.REDSTONE), new WriteablePotion(writeablePotion.mat, new PotionData(writeablePotion.data.getType(), true, false)));
} else {
children.put(new Ingredient(Material.FERMENTED_SPIDER_EYE), new WriteablePotion(writeablePotion.mat, new PotionData(PotionType.SLOWNESS, true, false)));
return children;
if (!writeablePotion.data.isUpgraded() && !writeablePotion.data.isExtended()) {
children.put(new Ingredient(Material.GLOWSTONE_DUST), new WriteablePotion(writeablePotion.mat, new PotionData(writeablePotion.data.getType(), false, true)));
children.put(new Ingredient(Material.REDSTONE), new WriteablePotion(writeablePotion.mat, new PotionData(writeablePotion.data.getType(), true, false)));
return children;
if (!writeablePotion.data.isUpgraded() && !writeablePotion.data.isExtended()) {
children.put(new Ingredient(Material.GLOWSTONE_DUST), new WriteablePotion(writeablePotion.mat, new PotionData(writeablePotion.data.getType(), false, true)));
children.put(new Ingredient(Material.REDSTONE), new WriteablePotion(writeablePotion.mat, new PotionData(writeablePotion.data.getType(), true, false)));
return children;
assert (!writeablePotion.data.isUpgraded());
if (!writeablePotion.data.isExtended()) {
children.put(new Ingredient(Material.FERMENTED_SPIDER_EYE), new WriteablePotion(writeablePotion.mat, PotionType.INSTANT_DAMAGE));
children.put(new Ingredient(Material.REDSTONE), new WriteablePotion(writeablePotion.mat, new PotionData(writeablePotion.data.getType(), true, false)));
return children;
assert (!writeablePotion.data.isUpgraded());
if (!writeablePotion.data.isExtended()) {
children.put(new Ingredient(Material.REDSTONE), new WriteablePotion(writeablePotion.mat, new PotionData(writeablePotion.data.getType(), true, false)));
return children;
case LUCK:
case THICK:
assert (!writeablePotion.data.isExtended());
assert (!writeablePotion.data.isUpgraded());
return children;
return children;
private static void populateCustomPotions(Map<WriteablePotion, Map<Ingredient, WriteablePotion>> mcMMOPotions) {
for (Material material : new Material[]{Material.POTION, Material.SPLASH_POTION, Material.LINGERING_POTION}) {
WriteablePotion data;
double mod = 1;
if (material == Material.SPLASH_POTION) {
mod = 0.75;
if (material == Material.LINGERING_POTION) {
mod = 0.25;
HashMap<Ingredient, WriteablePotion> children;
data = new WriteablePotion(material, PotionType.UNCRAFTABLE, new PotionEffect(PotionEffectType.CONFUSION, (int) (450 * mod), 0), "NAUSEA");
children = new HashMap<>();
children.put(new Ingredient(Material.GLOWSTONE_DUST), new WriteablePotion(material, PotionType.UNCRAFTABLE, new PotionEffect(data.effect.getType(), data.effect.getDuration() / 2, 1), data.baseName + "_II"));
children.put(new Ingredient(Material.REDSTONE), new WriteablePotion(material, PotionType.UNCRAFTABLE, new PotionEffect(data.effect.getType(), data.effect.getDuration() * 2, 0), data.baseName + "_EXTENDED"));
for (WriteablePotion child : children.values()) {
mcMMOPotions.put(child, new HashMap<>());
mcMMOPotions.put(data, children);
data = new WriteablePotion(material, PotionType.UNCRAFTABLE, new PotionEffect(PotionEffectType.FAST_DIGGING, (int) (3600 * mod), 0), "HASTE");
children = new HashMap<>();
children.put(new Ingredient(Material.GLOWSTONE_DUST), new WriteablePotion(material, PotionType.UNCRAFTABLE, new PotionEffect(data.effect.getType(), data.effect.getDuration() / 2, 1), data.baseName + "_II"));
children.put(new Ingredient(Material.REDSTONE), new WriteablePotion(material, PotionType.UNCRAFTABLE, new PotionEffect(data.effect.getType(), data.effect.getDuration() * 2, 0), data.baseName + "_EXTENDED"));
for (WriteablePotion child : children.values()) {
mcMMOPotions.put(child, new HashMap<>());
mcMMOPotions.put(data, children);
data = new WriteablePotion(material, PotionType.UNCRAFTABLE, new PotionEffect(PotionEffectType.SLOW_DIGGING, (int) (3600 * mod), 0), "DULLNESS");
children = new HashMap<>();
children.put(new Ingredient(Material.GLOWSTONE_DUST), new WriteablePotion(material, PotionType.UNCRAFTABLE, new PotionEffect(data.effect.getType(), data.effect.getDuration() / 2, 1), data.baseName + "_II"));
children.put(new Ingredient(Material.REDSTONE), new WriteablePotion(material, PotionType.UNCRAFTABLE, new PotionEffect(data.effect.getType(), data.effect.getDuration() * 2, 0), data.baseName + "_EXTENDED"));
for (WriteablePotion child : children.values()) {
mcMMOPotions.put(child, new HashMap<>());
mcMMOPotions.put(data, children);
data = new WriteablePotion(material, PotionType.UNCRAFTABLE, new PotionEffect(PotionEffectType.DAMAGE_RESISTANCE, (int) (450 * mod), 0), "RESISTANCE");
children = new HashMap<>();
children.put(new Ingredient(Material.GLOWSTONE_DUST), new WriteablePotion(material, PotionType.UNCRAFTABLE, new PotionEffect(data.effect.getType(), data.effect.getDuration() / 2, 1), data.baseName + "_II"));
children.put(new Ingredient(Material.REDSTONE), new WriteablePotion(material, PotionType.UNCRAFTABLE, new PotionEffect(data.effect.getType(), data.effect.getDuration() * 2, 0), data.baseName + "_EXTENDED"));
for (WriteablePotion child : children.values()) {
mcMMOPotions.put(child, new HashMap<>());
mcMMOPotions.put(data, children);
data = new WriteablePotion(material, PotionType.UNCRAFTABLE, new PotionEffect(PotionEffectType.BLINDNESS, (int) (225 * mod), 0), "BLINDNESS");
children = new HashMap<>();
children.put(new Ingredient(Material.GLOWSTONE_DUST), new WriteablePotion(material, PotionType.UNCRAFTABLE, new PotionEffect(data.effect.getType(), data.effect.getDuration() / 2, 1), data.baseName + "_II"));
children.put(new Ingredient(Material.REDSTONE), new WriteablePotion(material, PotionType.UNCRAFTABLE, new PotionEffect(data.effect.getType(), data.effect.getDuration() * 2, 0), data.baseName + "_EXTENDED"));
for (WriteablePotion child : children.values()) {
mcMMOPotions.put(child, new HashMap<>());
mcMMOPotions.put(data, children);
data = new WriteablePotion(material, PotionType.UNCRAFTABLE, new PotionEffect(PotionEffectType.HUNGER, (int) (900 * mod), 0), "HUNGER");
children = new HashMap<>();
children.put(new Ingredient(Material.GLOWSTONE_DUST), new WriteablePotion(material, PotionType.UNCRAFTABLE, new PotionEffect(data.effect.getType(), data.effect.getDuration() / 2, 1), data.baseName + "_II"));
children.put(new Ingredient(Material.REDSTONE), new WriteablePotion(material, PotionType.UNCRAFTABLE, new PotionEffect(data.effect.getType(), data.effect.getDuration() * 2, 0), data.baseName + "_EXTENDED"));
for (WriteablePotion child : children.values()) {
mcMMOPotions.put(child, new HashMap<>());
mcMMOPotions.put(data, children);
data = new WriteablePotion(material, PotionType.UNCRAFTABLE, new PotionEffect(PotionEffectType.WITHER, (int) (450 * mod), 0), "DECAY");
children = new HashMap<>();
children.put(new Ingredient(Material.GLOWSTONE_DUST), new WriteablePotion(material, PotionType.UNCRAFTABLE, new PotionEffect(data.effect.getType(), data.effect.getDuration() / 2, 1), data.baseName + "_II"));
children.put(new Ingredient(Material.REDSTONE), new WriteablePotion(material, PotionType.UNCRAFTABLE, new PotionEffect(data.effect.getType(), data.effect.getDuration() * 2, 0), data.baseName + "_EXTENDED"));
for (WriteablePotion child : children.values()) {
mcMMOPotions.put(child, new HashMap<>());
mcMMOPotions.put(data, children);
data = new WriteablePotion(material, PotionType.UNCRAFTABLE, new PotionEffect(PotionEffectType.ABSORPTION, (int) (1800 * mod), 0), "ABSORPTION");
children = new HashMap<>();
children.put(new Ingredient(Material.GLOWSTONE_DUST), new WriteablePotion(material, PotionType.UNCRAFTABLE, new PotionEffect(data.effect.getType(), data.effect.getDuration() / 2, 1), data.baseName + "_II"));
children.put(new Ingredient(Material.REDSTONE), new WriteablePotion(material, PotionType.UNCRAFTABLE, new PotionEffect(data.effect.getType(), data.effect.getDuration() * 2, 0), data.baseName + "_EXTENDED"));
for (WriteablePotion child : children.values()) {
mcMMOPotions.put(child, new HashMap<>());
mcMMOPotions.put(data, children);
data = new WriteablePotion(material, PotionType.UNCRAFTABLE, new PotionEffect(PotionEffectType.SATURATION, (int) (8 * mod), 0), "SATURATION");
children = new HashMap<>();
children.put(new Ingredient(Material.GLOWSTONE_DUST), new WriteablePotion(material, PotionType.UNCRAFTABLE, new PotionEffect(data.effect.getType(), data.effect.getDuration() / 2, 1), data.baseName + "_II"));
children.put(new Ingredient(Material.REDSTONE), new WriteablePotion(material, PotionType.UNCRAFTABLE, new PotionEffect(data.effect.getType(), data.effect.getDuration() * 2, 0), data.baseName + "_EXTENDED"));
for (WriteablePotion child : children.values()) {
mcMMOPotions.put(child, new HashMap<>());
mcMMOPotions.put(data, children);
data = new WriteablePotion(material, PotionType.UNCRAFTABLE, new PotionEffect(PotionEffectType.HEALTH_BOOST, (int) (1800 * mod), 0), "HEALTH_BOOST");
children = new HashMap<>();
children.put(new Ingredient(Material.GLOWSTONE_DUST), new WriteablePotion(material, PotionType.UNCRAFTABLE, new PotionEffect(data.effect.getType(), data.effect.getDuration() / 2, 1), data.baseName + "_II"));
children.put(new Ingredient(Material.REDSTONE), new WriteablePotion(material, PotionType.UNCRAFTABLE, new PotionEffect(data.effect.getType(), data.effect.getDuration() * 2, 0), data.baseName + "_EXTENDED"));
for (WriteablePotion child : children.values()) {
mcMMOPotions.put(child, new HashMap<>());
mcMMOPotions.put(data, children);
// Add all material state changes
for (Entry<WriteablePotion, Map<Ingredient, WriteablePotion>> entry : mcMMOPotions.entrySet()) {
if (entry.getKey().mat == Material.POTION) {
PotionEffect effect = new PotionEffect(entry.getKey().effect.getType(), (int) (entry.getKey().effect.getDuration() * 0.75), entry.getKey().effect.getAmplifier());
entry.getValue().put(new Ingredient(Material.GUNPOWDER), new WriteablePotion(Material.SPLASH_POTION, entry.getKey().data, effect, entry.getKey().baseName));
} else if (entry.getKey().mat == Material.SPLASH_POTION) {
PotionEffect effect = new PotionEffect(entry.getKey().effect.getType(), (int) (entry.getKey().effect.getDuration() * 0.33), entry.getKey().effect.getAmplifier());
entry.getValue().put(new Ingredient(Material.DRAGON_BREATH), new WriteablePotion(Material.LINGERING_POTION, entry.getKey().data, effect, entry.getKey().baseName));
public static class Ingredient {
public Material mat;
public int data;
public String name;
public Ingredient(Material mat) {
this.mat = mat;
this.data = 0;
name = mat.name();
public static class WriteablePotion {
public String name;
public Material mat;
public PotionData data;
public PotionEffect effect;
public String baseName;
public WriteablePotion(PotionData data) {
this(Material.POTION, data);
public WriteablePotion(Material type, PotionData data) {
this(type, data, null, getMCName(data.getType()));
public WriteablePotion(Material mat, PotionType type, PotionEffect effect, String baseName) {
this(mat, new PotionData(type, false, false), effect, baseName);
public WriteablePotion(Material type, PotionData data, PotionEffect effect, String baseName) {
this.data = data;
this.effect = effect;
this.mat = type;
this.baseName = baseName;
this.name = "POTION_OF_" + baseName;
if (mat == Material.SPLASH_POTION) {
this.name = "SPLASH_" + this.name;
if (mat == Material.LINGERING_POTION) {
this.name = "LINGERING_" + this.name;
if (data.isExtended()) {
this.name += "_EXTENDED";
if (data.isUpgraded()) {
this.name += "_II";
public WriteablePotion(PotionType type) {
this(new PotionData(type, false, false));
public WriteablePotion(Material mat, PotionType type) {
this(mat, new PotionData(type, false, false));
private static String getMCName(PotionType type) {
switch (type) {
return "HARMING";
return "HEALING";
case JUMP:
return "LEAPING";
case REGEN:
case SPEED:
return "SWIFTNESS";
return "EMPTY";
case LUCK:
case POISON:
case THICK:
case WATER:
return type.name();
return "";
public int hashCode() {
return name.hashCode();
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (!(obj instanceof WriteablePotion)) {
return false;
return name.equals(((WriteablePotion) obj).name);
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ public final class CommandRegistrationManager {
command.setExecutor(new AlchemyCommand());
// command.setExecutor(new AlchemyCommand());
Reference in New Issue
Block a user