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synced 2025-02-21 09:09:35 +01:00
kill TreasureConfig.java
This commit is contained in:
@ -8,9 +8,12 @@ import com.gmail.nossr50.datatypes.treasure.FishingTreasure;
import com.gmail.nossr50.datatypes.treasure.Rarity;
import com.gmail.nossr50.datatypes.treasure.ShakeTreasure;
import com.gmail.nossr50.mcMMO;
import com.gmail.nossr50.util.EnchantmentUtils;
import com.google.common.reflect.TypeToken;
import ninja.leaping.configurate.ConfigurationNode;
import ninja.leaping.configurate.objectmapping.ObjectMappingException;
import org.bukkit.configuration.ConfigurationSection;
import org.bukkit.enchantments.Enchantment;
import org.bukkit.entity.EntityType;
import java.io.File;
@ -38,8 +41,6 @@ public class FishingTreasureConfig extends Config implements UnsafeValueValidati
public void register() {
ConfigurationNode fishingTreasureNode = getUserRootNode().getNode(FISHING);
@ -73,6 +74,9 @@ public class FishingTreasureConfig extends Config implements UnsafeValueValidati
private void loadShake(EntityType entityType)
@ -91,6 +95,36 @@ public class FishingTreasureConfig extends Config implements UnsafeValueValidati
private void loadEnchantments() {
for (Rarity rarity : Rarity.values()) {
if (rarity == Rarity.RECORD) {
if (!fishingEnchantments.containsKey(rarity)) {
fishingEnchantments.put(rarity, (new ArrayList<EnchantmentTreasure>()));
ConfigurationSection enchantmentSection = config.getConfigurationSection("Enchantments_Rarity." + rarity.toString());
if (enchantmentSection == null) {
for (String enchantmentName : enchantmentSection.getKeys(false)) {
int level = getIntValue("Enchantments_Rarity." + rarity.toString() + "." + enchantmentName);
Enchantment enchantment = EnchantmentUtils.getByName(enchantmentName);
if (enchantment == null) {
plugin.getLogger().warning("Skipping invalid enchantment in treasures.yml: " + enchantmentName);
fishingEnchantments.get(rarity).add(new EnchantmentTreasure(enchantment, level));
public void unload() {
@ -100,7 +134,50 @@ public class FishingTreasureConfig extends Config implements UnsafeValueValidati
public List<String> validateKeys() {
return null;
// Validate all the settings!
List<String> errorMessages = new ArrayList<String>();
try {
for (String tier : getUserRootNode().getNode(ENCHANTMENT_DROP_RATES).getList(TypeToken.of(String.class))) {
/*double totalEnchantDropRate = 0;
double totalItemDropRate = 0;*/
for (Rarity rarity : Rarity.values()) {
double enchantDropRate = getDoubleValue(ENCHANTMENT_DROP_RATES, tier, rarity.toString());
double itemDropRate = getDoubleValue(ITEM_DROP_RATES, tier, rarity.toString());
if ((enchantDropRate < 0.0 || enchantDropRate > 100.0) && rarity != Rarity.RECORD) {
errorMessages.add("The enchant drop rate for " + tier + " items that are " + rarity.toString() + "should be between 0.0 and 100.0!");
//Bound Values
/*enchantDropRate = boundValues(enchantDropRate, 0.0D, 100.0D);*/
if (itemDropRate < 0.0 || itemDropRate > 100.0) {
errorMessages.add("The item drop rate for " + tier + " items that are " + rarity.toString() + "should be between 0.0 and 100.0!");
//Bound Values
/*itemDropRate = boundValues(itemDropRate, 0.0D, 100.0D);*/
/*totalEnchantDropRate += enchantDropRate;
totalItemDropRate += itemDropRate;*/
//TODO: Why does it matter what the total item/enchant drop rate is?
/*if (totalEnchantDropRate < 0 || totalEnchantDropRate > 100.0) {
errorMessages.add("The total enchant drop rate for " + tier + " should be between 0.0 and 100.0!");
if (totalItemDropRate < 0 || totalItemDropRate > 100.0) {
errorMessages.add("The total item drop rate for " + tier + " should be between 0.0 and 100.0!");
} catch (ObjectMappingException e) {
return errorMessages;
@ -112,4 +189,28 @@ public class FishingTreasureConfig extends Config implements UnsafeValueValidati
public double getConfigVersion() {
return 1;
public boolean getInventoryStealEnabled() {
return config.contains("Shake.PLAYER.INVENTORY");
public boolean getInventoryStealStacks() {
return getBooleanValue("Shake.PLAYER.INVENTORY.Whole_Stacks");
public double getInventoryStealDropChance() {
return getDoubleValue("Shake.PLAYER.INVENTORY.Drop_Chance");
public int getInventoryStealDropLevel() {
return getIntValue("Shake.PLAYER.INVENTORY.Drop_Level");
public double getItemDropRate(int tier, Rarity rarity) {
return getDoubleValue(ITEM_DROP_RATES + ".Tier_" + tier + "." + rarity.toString());
public double getEnchantmentDropRate(int tier, Rarity rarity) {
return getDoubleValue("Enchantment_Drop_Rates.Tier_" + tier + "." + rarity.toString());
@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ import ninja.leaping.configurate.ConfigurationNode;
import ninja.leaping.configurate.objectmapping.ObjectMappingException;
import java.io.File;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
@ -63,4 +64,10 @@ public class HerbalismTreasureConfig extends Config implements UnsafeValueValida
public double getConfigVersion() {
return 1;
private void AddHylianTreasure(String dropper, HylianTreasure treasure) {
if (!hylianMap.containsKey(dropper))
hylianMap.put(dropper, new ArrayList<HylianTreasure>());
@ -1,446 +0,0 @@
package com.gmail.nossr50.config.treasure;
import com.gmail.nossr50.config.Config;
import com.gmail.nossr50.config.ConfigCollection;
import com.gmail.nossr50.config.Registers;
import com.gmail.nossr50.config.UnsafeValueValidation;
import com.gmail.nossr50.datatypes.treasure.*;
import com.gmail.nossr50.mcMMO;
import com.gmail.nossr50.util.EnchantmentUtils;
import com.gmail.nossr50.util.StringUtils;
import com.google.common.reflect.TypeToken;
import ninja.leaping.configurate.ConfigurationNode;
import ninja.leaping.configurate.objectmapping.ObjectMappingException;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.Tag;
import org.bukkit.configuration.ConfigurationSection;
import org.bukkit.enchantments.Enchantment;
import org.bukkit.entity.EntityType;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
import org.bukkit.inventory.meta.ItemMeta;
import org.bukkit.inventory.meta.PotionMeta;
import org.bukkit.potion.PotionData;
import org.bukkit.potion.PotionType;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
//TODO: Need to rewrite this too
public class TreasureConfig extends Config implements UnsafeValueValidation, Registers {
public TreasureConfig() {
super(mcMMO.p.getDataFolder().getAbsoluteFile(), "treasures.yml", false, true, false);
* This grabs an instance of this config class from the Config Manager
* This method is deprecated and will be removed in the future
* @see mcMMO#getConfigManager()
* @return the instance of this config
* @deprecated Please use mcMMO.getConfigManager() to grab a specific config instead
public static TreasureConfig getInstance() {
return mcMMO.getConfigManager().getTreasureConfig();
* The version of this config
* @return
public double getConfigVersion() {
return 1;
public void unload() {
public List<String> validateKeys() {
// Validate all the settings!
List<String> errorMessages = new ArrayList<String>();
try {
for (String tier : getUserRootNode().getNode(ENCHANTMENT_DROP_RATES).getList(TypeToken.of(String.class))) {
/*double totalEnchantDropRate = 0;
double totalItemDropRate = 0;*/
for (Rarity rarity : Rarity.values()) {
double enchantDropRate = getDoubleValue(ENCHANTMENT_DROP_RATES, tier, rarity.toString());
double itemDropRate = getDoubleValue(ITEM_DROP_RATES, tier, rarity.toString());
if ((enchantDropRate < 0.0 || enchantDropRate > 100.0) && rarity != Rarity.RECORD) {
errorMessages.add("The enchant drop rate for " + tier + " items that are " + rarity.toString() + "should be between 0.0 and 100.0!");
//Bound Values
/*enchantDropRate = boundValues(enchantDropRate, 0.0D, 100.0D);*/
if (itemDropRate < 0.0 || itemDropRate > 100.0) {
errorMessages.add("The item drop rate for " + tier + " items that are " + rarity.toString() + "should be between 0.0 and 100.0!");
//Bound Values
/*itemDropRate = boundValues(itemDropRate, 0.0D, 100.0D);*/
/*totalEnchantDropRate += enchantDropRate;
totalItemDropRate += itemDropRate;*/
//TODO: Why does it matter what the total item/enchant drop rate is?
/*if (totalEnchantDropRate < 0 || totalEnchantDropRate > 100.0) {
errorMessages.add("The total enchant drop rate for " + tier + " should be between 0.0 and 100.0!");
if (totalItemDropRate < 0 || totalItemDropRate > 100.0) {
errorMessages.add("The total item drop rate for " + tier + " should be between 0.0 and 100.0!");
} catch (ObjectMappingException e) {
return errorMessages;
private double boundValues(double valueRef, double min, double max)
if(valueRef < min)
valueRef = min;
else if(valueRef > max)
valueRef = max;
return valueRef;
public void register() {
private void initRegisters()
if(excavationMap == null)
excavationMap = new HashMap<>();
if(shakeMap == null)
shakeMap = new HashMap<>();
if(hylianMap == null)
hylianMap = new HashMap<>();
if(fishingRewards == null)
fishingRewards = new HashMap<>();
if(fishingEnchantments == null)
fishingEnchantments = new HashMap<>();
private void loadFishing()
private void loadExcavation()
private void loadHerbalism()
private void loadTreasures(ConfigurationNode treasureChildNode) {
if (treasureChildNode == null) {
for (String treasureName : treasureChildNode.getKeys(false)) {
// Validate all the things!
List<String> errorMessages = new ArrayList<String>();
String[] treasureInfo = treasureName.split("[|]");
String materialName = treasureInfo[0];
* Material, Amount, and Data
Material material;
if (materialName.contains("INVENTORY")) {
// Use magic material BEDROCK to know that we're grabbing something from the inventory and not a normal treasure
if (!shakeMap.containsKey(EntityType.PLAYER))
shakeMap.put(EntityType.PLAYER, new ArrayList<ShakeTreasure>());
shakeMap.get(EntityType.PLAYER).add(new ShakeTreasure(new ItemStack(Material.BEDROCK, 1, (byte) 0), 1, getInventoryStealDropChance(), getInventoryStealDropLevel()));
} else {
material = Material.matchMaterial(materialName);
int amount = getIntValue(treasureChildNodeAddress + "." + treasureName + ".Amount");
short data = (treasureInfo.length == 2) ? Short.parseShort(treasureInfo[1]) : (short) getIntValue(treasureChildNodeAddress + "." + treasureName + ".Data");
if (material == null) {
errorMessages.add("Invalid material: " + materialName);
if (amount <= 0) {
errorMessages.add("Amount of " + treasureName + " must be greater than 0! " + amount);
if (material != null && material.isBlock() && (data > 127 || data < -128)) {
errorMessages.add("Data of " + treasureName + " is invalid! " + data);
* XP, Drop Chance, and Drop Level
int xp = getIntValue(treasureChildNodeAddress + "." + treasureName + ".XP");
double dropChance = getDoubleValue(treasureChildNodeAddress + "." + treasureName + ".Drop_Chance");
int dropLevel = getIntValue(treasureChildNodeAddress + "." + treasureName + ".Drop_Level");
if (xp < 0) {
errorMessages.add(treasureName + " has an invalid XP value: " + xp);
if (dropChance < 0.0D) {
errorMessages.add(treasureName + " has an invalid Drop_Chance: " + dropChance);
if (dropLevel < 0) {
errorMessages.add(treasureName + " has an invalid Drop_Level: " + dropLevel);
* Specific Types
Rarity rarity = null;
if (isFishing) {
rarity = Rarity.getRarity(getStringValue(treasureChildNodeAddress + "." + treasureName + ".Rarity"));
if (rarity == null) {
errorMessages.add("Invalid Rarity for item: " + treasureName);
* Itemstack
ItemStack item = null;
if (materialName.contains("POTION")) {
Material mat = Material.matchMaterial(materialName);
if (mat == null) {
errorMessages.add("Potion format for Treasures.yml has changed");
} else {
item = new ItemStack(mat, amount, data);
PotionMeta itemMeta = (PotionMeta) item.getItemMeta();
PotionType potionType = null;
try {
potionType = PotionType.valueOf(getStringValue(treasureChildNodeAddress + "." + treasureName + ".PotionData.PotionType", "WATER"));
} catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
errorMessages.add("Invalid Potion_Type: " + getStringValue(treasureChildNodeAddress + "." + treasureName + ".PotionData.PotionType", "WATER"));
boolean extended = getBooleanValue(treasureChildNodeAddress + "." + treasureName + ".PotionData.Extended", false);
boolean upgraded = getBooleanValue(treasureChildNodeAddress + "." + treasureName + ".PotionData.Upgraded", false);
itemMeta.setBasePotionData(new PotionData(potionType, extended, upgraded));
if (config.contains(treasureChildNodeAddress + "." + treasureName + ".Custom_Name")) {
itemMeta.setDisplayName(ChatColor.translateAlternateColorCodes('&', getStringValue(treasureChildNodeAddress + "." + treasureName + ".Custom_Name")));
if (config.contains(treasureChildNodeAddress + "." + treasureName + ".Lore")) {
List<String> lore = new ArrayList<String>();
for (String s : getStringValueList(treasureChildNodeAddress + "." + treasureName + ".Lore")) {
lore.add(ChatColor.translateAlternateColorCodes('&', s));
} else if (material != null) {
item = new ItemStack(material, amount, data);
if (config.contains(treasureChildNodeAddress + "." + treasureName + ".Custom_Name")) {
ItemMeta itemMeta = item.getItemMeta();
itemMeta.setDisplayName(ChatColor.translateAlternateColorCodes('&', getStringValue(treasureChildNodeAddress + "." + treasureName + ".Custom_Name")));
if (config.contains(treasureChildNodeAddress + "." + treasureName + ".Lore")) {
ItemMeta itemMeta = item.getItemMeta();
List<String> lore = new ArrayList<String>();
for (String s : getStringValueList(treasureChildNodeAddress + "." + treasureName + ".Lore")) {
lore.add(ChatColor.translateAlternateColorCodes('&', s));
if (noErrorsInConfig(errorMessages)) {
if (isFishing) {
fishingRewards.get(rarity).add(new FishingTreasure(item, xp));
} else if (isShake) {
ShakeTreasure shakeTreasure = new ShakeTreasure(item, xp, dropChance, dropLevel);
EntityType entityType = EntityType.valueOf(treasureChildNodeAddress.substring(6));
if (!shakeMap.containsKey(entityType))
shakeMap.put(entityType, new ArrayList<ShakeTreasure>());
} else if (isExcavation) {
ExcavationTreasure excavationTreasure = new ExcavationTreasure(item, xp, dropChance, dropLevel);
List<String> dropList = getStringValueList(treasureChildNodeAddress + "." + treasureName + ".Drops_From");
for (String blockType : dropList) {
if (!excavationMap.containsKey(blockType))
excavationMap.put(blockType, new ArrayList<ExcavationTreasure>());
} else if (isHylian) {
HylianTreasure hylianTreasure = new HylianTreasure(item, xp, dropChance, dropLevel);
List<String> dropList = getStringValueList(treasureChildNodeAddress + "." + treasureName + ".Drops_From");
for (String dropper : dropList) {
if (dropper.equals("Bushes")) {
AddHylianTreasure(StringUtils.getFriendlyConfigMaterialString(Material.FERN), hylianTreasure);
AddHylianTreasure(StringUtils.getFriendlyConfigMaterialString(Material.TALL_GRASS), hylianTreasure);
for (Material species : Tag.SAPLINGS.getValues())
AddHylianTreasure(StringUtils.getFriendlyConfigMaterialString(species), hylianTreasure);
AddHylianTreasure(StringUtils.getFriendlyConfigMaterialString(Material.DEAD_BUSH), hylianTreasure);
if (dropper.equals("Flowers")) {
AddHylianTreasure(StringUtils.getFriendlyConfigMaterialString(Material.POPPY), hylianTreasure);
AddHylianTreasure(StringUtils.getFriendlyConfigMaterialString(Material.DANDELION), hylianTreasure);
AddHylianTreasure(StringUtils.getFriendlyConfigMaterialString(Material.BLUE_ORCHID), hylianTreasure);
AddHylianTreasure(StringUtils.getFriendlyConfigMaterialString(Material.ALLIUM), hylianTreasure);
AddHylianTreasure(StringUtils.getFriendlyConfigMaterialString(Material.AZURE_BLUET), hylianTreasure);
AddHylianTreasure(StringUtils.getFriendlyConfigMaterialString(Material.ORANGE_TULIP), hylianTreasure);
AddHylianTreasure(StringUtils.getFriendlyConfigMaterialString(Material.PINK_TULIP), hylianTreasure);
AddHylianTreasure(StringUtils.getFriendlyConfigMaterialString(Material.RED_TULIP), hylianTreasure);
AddHylianTreasure(StringUtils.getFriendlyConfigMaterialString(Material.WHITE_TULIP), hylianTreasure);
if (dropper.equals("Pots")) {
for (Material species : Tag.FLOWER_POTS.getValues())
AddHylianTreasure(StringUtils.getFriendlyConfigMaterialString(species), hylianTreasure);
AddHylianTreasure(dropper, hylianTreasure);
private void AddHylianTreasure(String dropper, HylianTreasure treasure) {
if (!hylianMap.containsKey(dropper))
hylianMap.put(dropper, new ArrayList<HylianTreasure>());
private void loadEnchantments() {
for (Rarity rarity : Rarity.values()) {
if (rarity == Rarity.RECORD) {
if (!fishingEnchantments.containsKey(rarity)) {
fishingEnchantments.put(rarity, (new ArrayList<EnchantmentTreasure>()));
ConfigurationSection enchantmentSection = config.getConfigurationSection("Enchantments_Rarity." + rarity.toString());
if (enchantmentSection == null) {
for (String enchantmentName : enchantmentSection.getKeys(false)) {
int level = getIntValue("Enchantments_Rarity." + rarity.toString() + "." + enchantmentName);
Enchantment enchantment = EnchantmentUtils.getByName(enchantmentName);
if (enchantment == null) {
plugin.getLogger().warning("Skipping invalid enchantment in treasures.yml: " + enchantmentName);
fishingEnchantments.get(rarity).add(new EnchantmentTreasure(enchantment, level));
public boolean getInventoryStealEnabled() {
return config.contains("Shake.PLAYER.INVENTORY");
public boolean getInventoryStealStacks() {
return getBooleanValue("Shake.PLAYER.INVENTORY.Whole_Stacks");
public double getInventoryStealDropChance() {
return getDoubleValue("Shake.PLAYER.INVENTORY.Drop_Chance");
public int getInventoryStealDropLevel() {
return getIntValue("Shake.PLAYER.INVENTORY.Drop_Level");
public double getItemDropRate(int tier, Rarity rarity) {
return getDoubleValue(ITEM_DROP_RATES + ".Tier_" + tier + "." + rarity.toString());
public double getEnchantmentDropRate(int tier, Rarity rarity) {
return getDoubleValue("Enchantment_Drop_Rates.Tier_" + tier + "." + rarity.toString());
Reference in New Issue
Block a user