mirror of
synced 2025-03-04 09:09:45 +01:00
Fix compiler errors
This commit is contained in:
@ -4,6 +4,6 @@ public class InvalidSkillException extends RuntimeException {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 942705284195791157L;
public InvalidSkillException(String s) {
super(s+" does not match a valid skill.");
super(s + " does not match a valid skill.");
@ -4,6 +4,6 @@ import com.gmail.nossr50.datatypes.skills.PrimarySkillType;
public class UndefinedSkillBehaviour extends RuntimeException {
public UndefinedSkillBehaviour(PrimarySkillType primarySkillType) {
super("Undefined behaviour for skill! - "+primarySkillType.toString());
super("Undefined behaviour for skill! - " + primarySkillType.toString());
@ -42,8 +42,7 @@ public class XprateCommand implements TabExecutor {
10, 10 * 20, 20);
if (mcMMO.getConfigManager().getConfigEvent().isBroadcastXPRateEventMessages()) {
@ -84,16 +83,14 @@ public class XprateCommand implements TabExecutor {
if (mcMMO.getConfigManager().getConfigEvent().isSendTitleMessages()) {
LocaleLoader.getString("Commands.Event.XP", newXpRate),
10, 10*20, 20);
10, 10 * 20, 20);
if (mcMMO.getConfigManager().getConfigEvent().isBroadcastXPRateEventMessages()) {
mcMMO.p.getServer().broadcastMessage(LocaleLoader.getString("Commands.Event.XP", newXpRate));
@ -1,337 +0,0 @@
package com.gmail.nossr50.config.experience;
import com.gmail.nossr50.config.AutoUpdateConfigLoader;
import com.gmail.nossr50.datatypes.experience.FormulaType;
import com.gmail.nossr50.datatypes.skills.MaterialType;
import com.gmail.nossr50.datatypes.skills.PrimarySkillType;
import com.gmail.nossr50.datatypes.skills.alchemy.PotionStage;
import com.gmail.nossr50.util.StringUtils;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.block.data.BlockData;
import org.bukkit.boss.BarColor;
import org.bukkit.boss.BarStyle;
import org.bukkit.entity.EntityType;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
public class ExperienceConfig extends AutoUpdateConfigLoader {
private static ExperienceConfig instance;
private ExperienceConfig() {
public static ExperienceConfig getInstance() {
if (instance == null) {
instance = new ExperienceConfig();
return instance;
protected void loadKeys() {}
protected boolean validateKeys() {
List<String> reason = new ArrayList<String>();
/* Curve values */
if (getMultiplier(FormulaType.EXPONENTIAL) <= 0) {
reason.add("Experience_Formula.Exponential_Values.multiplier should be greater than 0!");
if (getMultiplier(FormulaType.LINEAR) <= 0) {
reason.add("Experience_Formula.Linear_Values.multiplier should be greater than 0!");
if (getExponent(FormulaType.EXPONENTIAL) <= 0) {
reason.add("Experience_Formula.Exponential_Values.exponent should be greater than 0!");
/* Global modifier */
if (getExperienceGainsGlobalMultiplier() <= 0) {
reason.add("Experience_Formula.Multiplier.Global should be greater than 0!");
/* PVP modifier */
if (getPlayerVersusPlayerXP() < 0) {
reason.add("Experience_Formula.Multiplier.PVP should be at least 0!");
/* Spawned Mob modifier */
if (getSpawnedMobXpMultiplier() < 0) {
reason.add("Experience_Formula.Mobspawners.Multiplier should be at least 0!");
/* Bred Mob modifier */
if (getBredMobXpMultiplier() < 0) {
reason.add("Experience_Formula.Breeding.Multiplier should be at least 0!");
/* Conversion */
if (getExpModifier() <= 0) {
reason.add("Conversion.Exp_Modifier should be greater than 0!");
/* Alchemy */
for (PotionStage potionStage : PotionStage.values()) {
if (getPotionXP(potionStage) < 0) {
reason.add("Experience_Values.Alchemy.Potion_Stage_" + potionStage.toNumerical() + " should be at least 0!");
/* Archery */
if (getArcheryDistanceMultiplier() < 0) {
reason.add("Experience_Values.Archery.Distance_Multiplier should be at least 0!");
/* Combat XP Multipliers */
if (getAnimalsXP() < 0) {
reason.add("Experience_Values.Combat.Multiplier.Animals should be at least 0!");
if (getDodgeXPModifier() < 0) {
reason.add("Skills.Acrobatics.Dodge_XP_Modifier should be at least 0!");
if (getRollXPModifier() < 0) {
reason.add("Skills.Acrobatics.Roll_XP_Modifier should be at least 0!");
if (getFallXPModifier() < 0) {
reason.add("Skills.Acrobatics.Fall_XP_Modifier should be at least 0!");
/* Fishing */
// TODO: Add validation for each fish type once enum is available.
if (getFishingShakeXP() <= 0) {
reason.add("Experience_Values.Fishing.Shake should be greater than 0!");
/* Repair */
if (getRepairXPBase() <= 0) {
reason.add("Experience_Values.Repair.Base should be greater than 0!");
/* Taming */
if (getTamingXP(EntityType.WOLF) <= 0) {
reason.add("Experience_Values.Taming.Animal_Taming.Wolf should be greater than 0!");
if (getTamingXP(EntityType.OCELOT) <= 0) {
reason.add("Experience_Values.Taming.Animal_Taming.Ocelot should be greater than 0!");
return noErrorsInConfig(reason);
public boolean isEarlyGameBoostEnabled() { return config.getBoolean("EarlyGameBoost.Enabled", true); }
public double getEarlyGameBoostMultiplier() { return config.getDouble("EarlyGameBoost.MaxLevelMultiplier", 0.05D); }
public boolean isEndermanEndermiteFarmingPrevented() { return config.getBoolean("ExploitFix.EndermanEndermiteFarms", true); }
public boolean isPistonExploitPrevented() { return config.getBoolean("ExploitFix.Pistons", false); }
public boolean isFishingExploitingPrevented() { return config.getBoolean("ExploitFix.Fishing", true); }
public boolean isAcrobaticsExploitingPrevented() { return config.getBoolean("ExploitFix.Acrobatics", true); }
/* Curve settings */
public FormulaType getFormulaType() { return FormulaType.getFormulaType(config.getString("Experience_Formula.Curve")); }
public boolean getCumulativeCurveEnabled() { return config.getBoolean("Experience_Formula.Cumulative_Curve", false); }
/* Curve values */
public double getMultiplier(FormulaType type) { return config.getDouble("Experience_Formula." + StringUtils.getCapitalized(type.toString()) + "_Values.multiplier"); }
public int getBase(FormulaType type) { return config.getInt("Experience_Formula." + StringUtils.getCapitalized(type.toString()) + "_Values.base"); }
public double getExponent(FormulaType type) { return config.getDouble("Experience_Formula." + StringUtils.getCapitalized(type.toString()) + "_Values.exponent"); }
/* Global modifier */
public double getExperienceGainsGlobalMultiplier() { return config.getDouble("Experience_Formula.Multiplier.Global", 1.0); }
public void setExperienceGainsGlobalMultiplier(double value) { config.set("Experience_Formula.Multiplier.Global", value); }
/* PVP modifier */
public double getPlayerVersusPlayerXP() { return config.getDouble("Experience_Formula.Multiplier.PVP", 1.0); }
/* Spawned Mob modifier */
public double getSpawnedMobXpMultiplier() { return config.getDouble("Experience_Formula.Mobspawners.Multiplier", 0.0); }
public double getBredMobXpMultiplier() { return config.getDouble("Experience_Formula.Breeding.Multiplier", 1.0); }
/* Skill modifiers */
public double getFormulaSkillModifier(PrimarySkillType skill) { return config.getDouble("Experience_Formula.Modifier." + StringUtils.getCapitalized(skill.toString())); }
/* Custom XP perk */
public double getCustomXpPerkBoost() { return config.getDouble("Experience_Formula.Custom_XP_Perk.Boost", 1.25); }
/* Diminished Returns */
public float getDiminishedReturnsCap() { return (float) config.getDouble("Dimished_Returns.Guaranteed_Minimum_Percentage", 0.05D); }
public boolean getDiminishedReturnsEnabled() { return config.getBoolean("Diminished_Returns.Enabled", false); }
public int getDiminishedReturnsThreshold(PrimarySkillType skill) { return config.getInt("Diminished_Returns.Threshold." + StringUtils.getCapitalized(skill.toString()), 20000); }
public int getDiminishedReturnsTimeInterval() { return config.getInt("Diminished_Returns.Time_Interval", 10); }
/* Conversion */
public double getExpModifier() { return config.getDouble("Conversion.Exp_Modifier", 1); }
/* General Settings */
public boolean getExperienceGainsPlayerVersusPlayerEnabled() { return config.getBoolean("Experience_Values.PVP.Rewards", true); }
/* Combat XP Multipliers */
public double getCombatXP(EntityType entity) { return config.getDouble("Experience_Values.Combat.Multiplier." + StringUtils.getPrettyEntityTypeString(entity).replace(" ", "_")); }
public double getAnimalsXP(EntityType entity) { return config.getDouble("Experience_Values.Combat.Multiplier." + StringUtils.getPrettyEntityTypeString(entity).replace(" ", "_"), getAnimalsXP()); }
public double getAnimalsXP() { return config.getDouble("Experience_Values.Combat.Multiplier.Animals", 1.0); }
public boolean hasCombatXP(EntityType entity) {return config.contains("Experience_Values.Combat.Multiplier." + StringUtils.getPrettyEntityTypeString(entity).replace(" ", "_")); }
/* Materials */
public int getXp(PrimarySkillType skill, Material data)
String baseString = "Experience_Values." + StringUtils.getCapitalized(skill.toString()) + ".";
String explicitString = baseString + StringUtils.getExplicitConfigMaterialString(data);
if (config.contains(explicitString))
return config.getInt(explicitString);
String friendlyString = baseString + StringUtils.getFriendlyConfigMaterialString(data);
if (config.contains(friendlyString))
return config.getInt(friendlyString);
String wildcardString = baseString + StringUtils.getWildcardConfigMaterialString(data);
if (config.contains(wildcardString))
return config.getInt(wildcardString);
return 0;
/* Materials */
public int getXp(PrimarySkillType skill, BlockData data)
String baseString = "Experience_Values." + StringUtils.getCapitalized(skill.toString()) + ".";
String explicitString = baseString + StringUtils.getExplicitConfigBlockDataString(data);
if (config.contains(explicitString))
return config.getInt(explicitString);
String friendlyString = baseString + StringUtils.getFriendlyConfigBlockDataString(data);
if (config.contains(friendlyString))
return config.getInt(friendlyString);
String wildcardString = baseString + StringUtils.getWildcardConfigBlockDataString(data);
if (config.contains(wildcardString))
return config.getInt(wildcardString);
return 0;
public boolean doesBlockGiveSkillXP(PrimarySkillType skill, Material data)
String baseString = "Experience_Values." + StringUtils.getCapitalized(skill.toString()) + ".";
String explicitString = baseString + StringUtils.getExplicitConfigMaterialString(data);
if (config.contains(explicitString))
return true;
String friendlyString = baseString + StringUtils.getFriendlyConfigMaterialString(data);
if (config.contains(friendlyString))
return true;
String wildcardString = baseString + StringUtils.getWildcardConfigMaterialString(data);
return config.contains(wildcardString);
public boolean doesBlockGiveSkillXP(PrimarySkillType skill, BlockData data)
String baseString = "Experience_Values." + StringUtils.getCapitalized(skill.toString()) + ".";
String explicitString = baseString + StringUtils.getExplicitConfigBlockDataString(data);
if (config.contains(explicitString))
return true;
String friendlyString = baseString + StringUtils.getFriendlyConfigBlockDataString(data);
if (config.contains(friendlyString))
return true;
String wildcardString = baseString + StringUtils.getWildcardConfigBlockDataString(data);
return config.contains(wildcardString);
* Experience Bar Stuff
public boolean isPartyExperienceBarsEnabled()
return config.getBoolean("Experience_Bars.Update.Party", true);
public boolean isPassiveGainsExperienceBarsEnabled()
return config.getBoolean("Experience_Bars.Update.Passive", true);
public boolean getDoExperienceBarsAlwaysUpdateTitle()
return config.getBoolean("Experience_Bars.ThisMayCauseLag.AlwaysUpdateTitlesWhenXPIsGained.Enable", false) || getAddExtraDetails();
public boolean getAddExtraDetails() { return config.getBoolean("Experience_Bars.ThisMayCauseLag.AlwaysUpdateTitlesWhenXPIsGained.ExtraDetails", false);}
public boolean isExperienceBarsEnabled() { return config.getBoolean("Experience_Bars.Enable", true); }
public boolean isExperienceBarEnabled(PrimarySkillType primarySkillType) { return config.getBoolean("Experience_Bars."+StringUtils.getCapitalized(primarySkillType.toString())+".Enable", true);}
public BarColor getExperienceBarColor(PrimarySkillType primarySkillType)
String colorValueFromConfig = config.getString("Experience_Bars."+StringUtils.getCapitalized(primarySkillType.toString())+".Color");
for(BarColor barColor : BarColor.values())
return barColor;
//In case the value is invalid
return BarColor.WHITE;
public BarStyle getExperienceBarStyle(PrimarySkillType primarySkillType)
String colorValueFromConfig = config.getString("Experience_Bars."+StringUtils.getCapitalized(primarySkillType.toString())+".BarStyle");
for(BarStyle barStyle : BarStyle.values())
return barStyle;
//In case the value is invalid
return BarStyle.SOLID;
/* Acrobatics */
public int getDodgeXPModifier() { return config.getInt("Experience_Values.Acrobatics.Dodge", 120); }
public int getRollXPModifier() { return config.getInt("Experience_Values.Acrobatics.Roll", 80); }
public int getFallXPModifier() { return config.getInt("Experience_Values.Acrobatics.Fall", 120); }
public double getFeatherFallXPModifier() { return config.getDouble("Experience_Values.Acrobatics.FeatherFall_Multiplier", 2.0); }
/* Alchemy */
public double getPotionXP(PotionStage stage) { return config.getDouble("Experience_Values.Alchemy.Potion_Stage_" + stage.toNumerical(), 10D); }
/* Archery */
public double getArcheryDistanceMultiplier() { return config.getDouble("Experience_Values.Archery.Distance_Multiplier", 0.025); }
public int getFishingShakeXP() { return config.getInt("Experience_Values.Fishing.Shake", 50); }
/* Repair */
public double getRepairXPBase() { return config.getDouble("Experience_Values.Repair.Base", 1000.0); }
public double getRepairXP(MaterialType repairMaterialType) { return config.getDouble("Experience_Values.Repair." + StringUtils.getCapitalized(repairMaterialType.toString())); }
/* Taming */
public int getTamingXP(EntityType type)
return config.getInt("Experience_Values.Taming.Animal_Taming." + StringUtils.getPrettyEntityTypeString(type));
public boolean preventStoneLavaFarming() { return config.getBoolean("ExploitFix.LavaStoneAndCobbleFarming", true);}
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ public class ConfigAdminNotifications {
private static final boolean SEND_ADMIN_NOTIFICATIONS_DEFAULT = true;
@Setting(value = "Send-Admin-Notifications", comment = "Send admins notifications about sensitive commands being executed" +
private boolean sendAdminNotifications = SEND_ADMIN_NOTIFICATIONS_DEFAULT;
public boolean isSendAdminNotifications() {
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ public class ConfigSectionExploitMining {
@Setting(value = "Prevent-Stone-Cobblestone-Generator-XP", comment = "Prevents cobblestone/stone formed by lava mixing with water from granting mcMMO XP." +
"\nThis can be automated so that you can stand in place with an autoclicker for easy afk Mining XP." +
"\nThis can be unwanted on a Skyblock server or otherwise, feel free to turn it off." +
private boolean preventCobblestoneStoneGeneratorXP = PREVENT_STONE_GENERATOR_XP_DEFAULT;
public boolean isPreventCobblestoneStoneGeneratorXP() {
@ -11,17 +11,17 @@ public class ConfigEventExperienceRate {
public static final boolean SEND_TITLES_FOR_EVENT_DEFAULT = true;
@Setting(value = "Show-Details-On-Player-Join", comment = "Show players info about ongoing XP rate events when they join the server." +
"\nDefault value: "+SHOW_XP_RATE_ON_JOIN_DEFAULT)
"\nDefault value: " + SHOW_XP_RATE_ON_JOIN_DEFAULT)
private boolean showXPRateInfoOnPlayerJoin = SHOW_XP_RATE_ON_JOIN_DEFAULT;
@Setting(value = "Broadcast-Event-Messages", comment = "Whether or not to broadcast info about the event to players on the server" +
"\nA broadcast is a message sent to all players connected to the server" +
private boolean broadcastXPRateEventMessages = BROADCAST_EVENT_MESSAGES_DEFAULT;
@Setting(value = "Send-Title-Messages", comment = "Send title messages to players for this event." +
"\nTitles are the very large text that appears in the middle of a players screen" +
"\nDefault value: " + SEND_TITLES_FOR_EVENT_DEFAULT)
private boolean sendTitleMessages = SEND_TITLES_FOR_EVENT_DEFAULT;
public boolean isShowXPRateInfoOnPlayerJoin() {
@ -68,12 +68,12 @@ public class ConfigExperienceBars {
@Setting(value = "Party-Experience-Triggers-XP-Bars", comment = "Whether or not shared XP gains from parties will trigger XP bar displays" +
"\nThis can result in a very cluttered UI even in smaller parties, I recommend leaving this off." +
"\nDefault value: "+PARTY_XP_DEFAULT)
"\nDefault value: " + PARTY_XP_DEFAULT)
private boolean partyExperienceTriggerXpBarDisplay = PARTY_XP_DEFAULT;
@Setting(value = "Passive-Experience-Trigger-XP-Bars", comment = "Whether or not XP gained from stuff like furnaces or brewing stands will trigger XP bars" +
"\nThis is on by default, but this can also cause a lot of clutter, turn it off it you'd like a cleaner UI." +
"\nDefault value: "+PASSIVE_XP_DEFAULT)
"\nDefault value: " + PASSIVE_XP_DEFAULT)
private boolean passiveGainXPBars = PASSIVE_XP_DEFAULT;
@Setting(value = "Extra-Details", comment = "Adds extra details to the XP bar, these cause a bit more performance overhead and may not look very pretty" +
@ -81,12 +81,12 @@ public class ConfigExperienceBars {
"\nLocale key - XPBar.Complex.Template" +
"\nThe default extra detailed XP bar will include quite a few extra things, you can actually remove each thing you don't want displayed in the locale" +
"\nFor tips on editing the locale check - https://mcmmo.org/wiki/Locale" +
"\nDefault value: "+DETAILED_XP_BARS_DEFAULT)
"\nDefault value: " + DETAILED_XP_BARS_DEFAULT)
private boolean moreDetailedXPBars = DETAILED_XP_BARS_DEFAULT;
@Setting(value = "Enable-XP-Bars", comment = "Whether or not XP bars will be displayed on certain XP gains" +
"\nBy default, some XP gains do not show as they would create a lot of UI clutter, see the other options to change this" +
"\nDefault value: "+XP_BARS_DEFAULT)
"\nDefault value: " + XP_BARS_DEFAULT)
private boolean enableXPBars = XP_BARS_DEFAULT;
@Setting(value = "Skill-XP-Bar-Toggle", comment = "Turn on or off specific XP bars" +
@ -126,21 +126,21 @@ public class ConfigExperienceBars {
public boolean getXPBarToggle(PrimarySkillType primarySkillType) {
if(xpBarSpecificToggles.get(primarySkillType) == null)
if (xpBarSpecificToggles.get(primarySkillType) == null)
return true;
return xpBarSpecificToggles.get(primarySkillType);
public BarColor getXPBarColor(PrimarySkillType primarySkillType) {
if(xpBarColorMap.get(primarySkillType) == null)
if (xpBarColorMap.get(primarySkillType) == null)
return BarColor.WHITE;
return xpBarColorMap.get(primarySkillType);
public BarStyle getXPBarStyle(PrimarySkillType primarySkillType) {
if(xpBarStyleMap.get(primarySkillType) == null)
if (xpBarStyleMap.get(primarySkillType) == null)
return BarStyle.SEGMENTED_6;
return xpBarStyleMap.get(primarySkillType);
@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ public class ConfigLeveling {
return configSectionLevelCaps.getConfigSectionSkillLevelCaps().getSalvage().getLevelCap();
mcMMO.p.getLogger().severe("No defined level cap for "+primarySkillType.toString()+" - Contact the mcMMO dev team!");
mcMMO.p.getLogger().severe("No defined level cap for " + primarySkillType.toString() + " - Contact the mcMMO dev team!");
return Integer.MAX_VALUE;
@ -269,7 +269,7 @@ public class ConfigLeveling {
return configSectionLevelCaps.getConfigSectionSkillLevelCaps().getSalvage().isLevelCapEnabled();
mcMMO.p.getLogger().severe("No defined level cap for "+primarySkillType.toString()+" - Contact the mcMMO dev team!");
mcMMO.p.getLogger().severe("No defined level cap for " + primarySkillType.toString() + " - Contact the mcMMO dev team!");
return false;
@ -44,12 +44,12 @@ public class ConfigLevelingDiminishedReturns {
private static final int DIMINISHED_TIME_DEFAULT = 10;
@Setting(value = "Enabled", comment = "Setting this to true will enable Diminished Returns on XP Gains." +
private boolean diminishedReturnsEnabled = DIMINISHED_RETURNS_DEFAULT;
@Setting(value = "Time-Interval-In-Minutes", comment = "The period of time in which to measure a players XP gain and reduce gains above a threshold during that time" +
"\nPlayers will be able to gain up to the threshold of XP in this time period before having their XP drastically reduced" +
"\nDefault value: "+DIMINISHED_TIME_DEFAULT)
"\nDefault value: " + DIMINISHED_TIME_DEFAULT)
private int dimishedReturnTimeInterval = DIMINISHED_TIME_DEFAULT;
@Setting(value = "Skill-Thresholds", comment = "The amount of XP that a player can gain without penalty in the defined time interval." +
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ public class ConfigLevelingDiminishedReturns {
private float guaranteedMinimums = GURANTEED_MIN_DEFAULT;
public int getSkillThreshold(PrimarySkillType primarySkillType) {
if(skillThresholds.get(primarySkillType) == null)
if (skillThresholds.get(primarySkillType) == null)
return 10000;
return skillThresholds.get(primarySkillType);
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ import java.util.HashMap;
* The DSM (Dynamic Settings Manager) is responsible for
* 1) Inits managers which convert platform generic settings from the configs (specifically pulling from ConfigManager) into usable data for this platform
* 2) Retrieving or Setting variables for core systems in mcMMO without permanent change (WIP)
* <p>
* This class is a WIP, expect API breakages in the future
* Currently implementation of this class will only be friendly to Bukkit, this will change in the near future
@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ package com.gmail.nossr50.listeners;
import com.gmail.nossr50.config.MainConfig;
import com.gmail.nossr50.config.WorldBlacklist;
import com.gmail.nossr50.config.experience.ExperienceConfig;
import com.gmail.nossr50.core.MetadataConstants;
import com.gmail.nossr50.datatypes.meta.BonusDropMeta;
import com.gmail.nossr50.datatypes.player.McMMOPlayer;
@ -167,16 +166,13 @@ public class BlockListener implements Listener {
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.MONITOR, ignoreCancelled = true)
public void onBlockFormEvent(BlockFormEvent event)
public void onBlockFormEvent(BlockFormEvent event) {
if (WorldBlacklist.isWorldBlacklisted(event.getBlock().getWorld()))
if(event.getNewState().getType() != Material.OBSIDIAN && BlockUtils.shouldBeWatched(event.getNewState()))
if (mcMMO.getConfigManager().getConfigExploitPrevention().getConfigSectionExploitSkills().isPreventCobblestoneStoneGeneratorXP()) {
if (event.getNewState().getType() != Material.OBSIDIAN && BlockUtils.shouldBeWatched(event.getNewState())) {
@ -64,8 +64,7 @@ public class EntityListener implements Listener {
//It's rare but targets can be null sometimes
if(event.getTarget() == null)
if (event.getTarget() == null) {
@ -365,10 +364,8 @@ public class EntityListener implements Listener {
* This sets entity names back to whatever they are supposed to be
if(event.getFinalDamage() >= target.getHealth())
if(attacker instanceof LivingEntity)
if (event.getFinalDamage() >= target.getHealth()) {
if (attacker instanceof LivingEntity) {
CombatUtils.fixNames((LivingEntity) attacker);
@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ import com.gmail.nossr50.chat.ChatManagerFactory;
import com.gmail.nossr50.chat.PartyChatManager;
import com.gmail.nossr50.config.MainConfig;
import com.gmail.nossr50.config.WorldBlacklist;
import com.gmail.nossr50.config.experience.ExperienceConfig;
import com.gmail.nossr50.core.MetadataConstants;
import com.gmail.nossr50.datatypes.chat.ChatMode;
import com.gmail.nossr50.datatypes.party.Party;
@ -49,7 +48,6 @@ import org.bukkit.event.entity.PlayerDeathEvent;
import org.bukkit.event.player.*;
import org.bukkit.inventory.EquipmentSlot;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
import sun.security.krb5.Config;
public class PlayerListener implements Listener {
private final mcMMO plugin;
@ -531,7 +529,7 @@ public class PlayerListener implements Listener {
if (plugin.isXPEventEnabled() && mcMMO.getConfigManager().getConfigEvent().isShowXPRateInfoOnPlayerJoin()) {
player.sendMessage(LocaleLoader.getString("XPRate.Event", ExperienceConfig.getInstance().getExperienceGainsGlobalMultiplier()));
player.sendMessage(LocaleLoader.getString("XPRate.Event", mcMMO.getDynamicSettingsManager().getExperienceManager().getGlobalXpMult()));
@ -510,8 +510,7 @@ public class mcMMO extends JavaPlugin {
System.out.println("[mcMMO]" + " enabling Acrobatics Skills");
//TODO: Should do this differently
if (mcMMO.getConfigManager().getConfigCoreSkills().isRollEnabled()) {
InteractionManager.registerSubSkill(new Roll());
@ -97,12 +97,11 @@ public class Herbalism {
} else {
//Check the block itself first
if (!mcMMO.getPlaceStore().isTrue(block)) {
if (herbalismManager.checkDoubleDrop(blockState))
bonusDropAmount += bonusAdd;
} else {
@ -120,8 +119,8 @@ public class Herbalism {
} else {
if (herbalismManager.checkDoubleDrop(relativeBlock.getState()))
bonusDropAmount += bonusAdd;
@ -249,11 +249,9 @@ public class TamingManager extends SkillManager {
public void attackTarget(LivingEntity target) {
if(target instanceof Tameable)
if (target instanceof Tameable) {
Tameable tameable = (Tameable) target;
if(tameable.getOwner() == getPlayer())
if (tameable.getOwner() == getPlayer()) {
@ -37,11 +37,12 @@ public final class BlockUtils {
* Marks a block to drop extra copies of items
* @param blockState target blockstate
* @param amount amount of extra items to drop
* @param amount amount of extra items to drop
public static void markDropsAsBonus(BlockState blockState, int amount) {
blockState.setMetadata(MetadataConstants.BONUS_DROPS_METAKEY, new BonusDropMeta(amount, mcMMO.p));
blockState.setMetadata(MetadataConstants.BONUS_DROPS_METAKEY, new BonusDropMeta(amount, mcMMO.p));
@ -43,8 +43,7 @@ public class ExperienceManager {
tamingExperienceMap = new HashMap<>();
private void registerDefaultValues()
private void registerDefaultValues() {
@ -55,28 +54,25 @@ public class ExperienceManager {
* Fills the combat XP multiplier map with values from a platform generic map
* Platform safe map, is just a map which uses strings to define target entities/etc
* Platform safe maps are converted to ENUMs for the platform for convenience
* @param platformSafeMap the platform safe map
public void fillCombatXPMultiplierMap(HashMap<String, Float> platformSafeMap) {
mcMMO.p.getLogger().info("Registering combat XP values...");
for(String entityString : platformSafeMap.keySet())
for (String entityString : platformSafeMap.keySet()) {
//Iterate over all EntityType(s)
for(EntityType type : EntityType.values())
for (EntityType type : EntityType.values()) {
//Match ignoring case
if (entityString.equalsIgnoreCase(entityString)) {
//Check for duplicates and warn the admin
mcMMO.p.getLogger().severe("Entity named "+entityString+" has multiple values in the combat experience config!");
if (combatXPMultiplierMap.containsKey(entityString)) {
mcMMO.p.getLogger().severe("Entity named " + entityString + " has multiple values in the combat experience config!");
//Match found
combatXPMultiplierMap.put(type, platformSafeMap.get(entityString));
} else {
//Log an error so the admin can deal with figuring it out
mcMMO.p.getLogger().severe("No entity could be matched for the combat experience config value named - "+entityString);
mcMMO.p.getLogger().severe("No entity could be matched for the combat experience config value named - " + entityString);
@ -84,10 +80,10 @@ public class ExperienceManager {
* Registers the map values for special combat XP to the specified map
* @param map target map
public void registerSpecialCombatXPMultiplierMap(HashMap<SpecialXPKey, Float> map)
public void registerSpecialCombatXPMultiplierMap(HashMap<SpecialXPKey, Float> map) {
mcMMO.p.getLogger().info("Registering special combat XP values...");
specialCombatXPMultiplierMap = map;
@ -190,6 +186,7 @@ public class ExperienceManager {
* Set the mining block XP map to the provided one
* @param miningFullyQualifiedBlockXpMap the XP map to change to
public void setMiningFullyQualifiedBlockXpMap(HashMap<String, Integer> miningFullyQualifiedBlockXpMap) {
@ -199,6 +196,7 @@ public class ExperienceManager {
* Set the mining block XP map to the provided one
* @param herbalismFullyQualifiedBlockXpMap the XP map to change to
public void setHerbalismFullyQualifiedBlockXpMap(HashMap<String, Integer> herbalismFullyQualifiedBlockXpMap) {
@ -208,6 +206,7 @@ public class ExperienceManager {
* Set the mining block XP map to the provided one
* @param woodcuttingFullyQualifiedBlockXpMap the XP map to change to
public void setWoodcuttingFullyQualifiedBlockXpMap(HashMap<String, Integer> woodcuttingFullyQualifiedBlockXpMap) {
@ -217,6 +216,7 @@ public class ExperienceManager {
* Set the mining block XP map to the provided one
* @param excavationFullyQualifiedBlockXpMap the XP map to change to
public void setExcavationFullyQualifiedBlockXpMap(HashMap<String, Integer> excavationFullyQualifiedBlockXpMap) {
@ -372,31 +372,31 @@ public class ExperienceManager {
* Get the XP multiplier value for a special XP group
* @param specialXPKey target special XP group
* @return XP multiplier for target special XP group
public float getSpecialCombatXP(SpecialXPKey specialXPKey)
public float getSpecialCombatXP(SpecialXPKey specialXPKey) {
return specialCombatXPMultiplierMap.get(specialXPKey);
* Gets the combat XP multiplier for this entity type
* @param entityType target entity type
* @return the combat XP multiplier for this entity
public float getCombatXPMultiplier(EntityType entityType)
public float getCombatXPMultiplier(EntityType entityType) {
return combatXPMultiplierMap.get(entityType);
* Returns true/false if a EntityType has a defined XP multiplier (from the config typically)
* @param entityType target entity type
* @return true if entity type has XP
public boolean hasCombatXP(EntityType entityType)
public boolean hasCombatXP(EntityType entityType) {
return combatXPMultiplierMap.get(entityType) != null;
@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
package com.gmail.nossr50.util.player;
import com.gmail.nossr50.config.AdvancedConfig;
import com.gmail.nossr50.config.Config;
import com.gmail.nossr50.datatypes.interactions.NotificationType;
import com.gmail.nossr50.datatypes.notifications.SensitiveCommandType;
import com.gmail.nossr50.datatypes.player.McMMOPlayer;
@ -154,17 +153,16 @@ public class NotificationManager {
* Sends a message to all admins with the admin notification formatting from the locale
* Admins are currently players with either Operator status or Admin Chat permission
* @param msg message fetched from locale
private static void sendAdminNotification(String msg) {
//If its not enabled exit
if (!mcMMO.getConfigManager().getConfigAdmin().isSendAdminNotifications())
for(Player player : Bukkit.getServer().getOnlinePlayers())
if(player.isOp() || Permissions.adminChat(player))
for (Player player : Bukkit.getServer().getOnlinePlayers()) {
if (player.isOp() || Permissions.adminChat(player)) {
player.sendMessage(LocaleLoader.getString("Notifications.Admin.Format.Others", msg));
@ -175,8 +173,9 @@ public class NotificationManager {
* Sends a confirmation message to the CommandSender who just executed an admin command
* @param commandSender target command sender
* @param msg message fetched from locale
* @param msg message fetched from locale
private static void sendAdminCommandConfirmation(CommandSender commandSender, String msg) {
commandSender.sendMessage(LocaleLoader.getString("Notifications.Admin.Format.Self", msg));
@ -184,7 +183,8 @@ public class NotificationManager {
* Convenience method to report info about a command sender using a sensitive command
* @param commandSender the command user
* @param commandSender the command user
* @param sensitiveCommandType type of command issued
public static void processSensitiveCommandNotification(CommandSender commandSender, SensitiveCommandType sensitiveCommandType, String... args) {
@ -193,14 +193,12 @@ public class NotificationManager {
String senderName = LocaleLoader.getString("Server.ConsoleName");
if(commandSender instanceof Player)
if (commandSender instanceof Player) {
senderName = ((Player) commandSender).getDisplayName() + ChatColor.RESET + "-" + ((Player) commandSender).getUniqueId();
//Send the notification
switch (sensitiveCommandType) {
sendAdminNotification(LocaleLoader.getString("Notifications.Admin.XPRate.Start.Others", addItemToFirstPositionOfArray(senderName, args)));
sendAdminCommandConfirmation(commandSender, LocaleLoader.getString("Notifications.Admin.XPRate.Start.Self", args));
@ -215,7 +213,8 @@ public class NotificationManager {
* Takes an array and an object, makes a new array with object in the first position of the new array,
* and the following elements in this new array being a copy of the existing array retaining their order
* @param itemToAdd the string to put at the beginning of the new array
* @param itemToAdd the string to put at the beginning of the new array
* @param existingArray the existing array to be copied to the new array at position [0]+1 relative to their original index
* @return the new array combining itemToAdd at the start and existing array elements following while retaining their order
@ -352,17 +352,16 @@ public final class CombatUtils {
* This cleans up names from displaying in chat as hearts
* @param entity target entity
public static void fixNames(LivingEntity entity)
public static void fixNames(LivingEntity entity) {
List<MetadataValue> metadataValue = entity.getMetadata("mcMMO_oldName");
if(metadataValue.size() <= 0)
if (metadataValue.size() <= 0)
if(metadataValue != null)
if (metadataValue != null) {
OldName oldName = (OldName) metadataValue.get(0);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user