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import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
//Class: vMinecraftChat
//Use: Encapsulates all chat commands added by this mod
//Author: nossr50, TrapAlice, cerevisiae
public class vminecraftChat {
protected static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger("Minecraft");
//Function: gmsg
//Input: String msg: The message to be broadcast to all players
//Output: None
//Use: Outputs a message to everybody
public static void gmsg(String msg){
for (Player p : etc.getServer().getPlayerList()) {
if (p != null) {
2010-11-29 00:43:42 +01:00
//Function: wordWrap
//Input: String msg: The message to be wrapped
//Output: String[]: The array of substrings
//Use: Cuts the message apart into whole words short enough to fit
// on one line
public static String[] wordWrap(String msg){
//Split each word apart
String[] array = msg.split(" ");
//Create the output array
String[] out = new String[0];
//While i is less than the length of the array of words
int i = 0;
while(i < array.length){
int len = 0;
int j = i;
//Loop through the words finding their length and increasing
//j, the end point for the sub string
while(len <= 316 && j < array.length)
len += msgLength(array[j]) + 4;
if( len <= 316)
String[] temp = new String[j - i];
//If it's not the end yet
if(j < array.length)
//Copy the words in the selection into a new array
System.arraycopy(array, i, temp, 0, j);
//Merge them and add them to the output array
String[] tempOut = new String[out.length + 1];
System.arraycopy(out, 0, tempOut, 0, out.length);
tempOut[tempOut.length - 1] = etc.combineSplit(0, temp, " ");
out = tempOut;
//Merge the rest and add them to the output array
String[] tempOut = new String[out.length + 1];
System.arraycopy(out, 0, tempOut, 0, out.length);
tempOut[tempOut.length - 1] = etc.combineSplit(i, array, " ");
out = tempOut;
//Make the old front equal to the old end
i = j;
return out;
//Function: wordWrap
//Input: Player player: To get the player name
// String msg: The message to be wrapped
//Output: String[]: The array of substrings
//Use: Cuts the message apart into whole words short enough to fit
// on one line
public static String[] wordWrap(Player player, String msg){
//Split each word apart
String[] array = msg.split(" ");
//Create the output array
String[] out = new String[0];
//While i is less than the length of the array of words
int i = 0;
while(i < array.length){
int len = 0;
if(out.length == 0)
len = msgLength("<" + player.getName() + "> ");
int j = i;
//Loop through the words finding their length and increasing
//j, the end point for the sub string
while(len <= 316 && j < array.length)
len += msgLength(array[j]) + 4;
if( len <= 316)
String[] temp = new String[j - i];
//If it's not the end yet
if(j < array.length)
//Copy the words in the selection into a new array
System.arraycopy(array, i, temp, 0, j);
//Merge them and add them to the output array
String[] tempOut = new String[out.length + 1];
System.arraycopy(out, 0, tempOut, 0, out.length);
tempOut[tempOut.length - 1] = etc.combineSplit(0, temp, " ");
out = tempOut;
//Merge the rest and add them to the output array
String[] tempOut = new String[out.length + 1];
System.arraycopy(out, 0, tempOut, 0, out.length);
tempOut[tempOut.length - 1] = etc.combineSplit(i, array, " ");
out = tempOut;
//Make the old front equal to the old end
i = j;
return out;
private static int msgLength(String str){
int length = 0;
for(int x = 0; x<str.length(); x++)
if("i;,.:|!".indexOf(str.charAt(x)) != -1)
else if("l'".indexOf(str.charAt(x)) != -1)
else if("tI[]".indexOf(str.charAt(x)) != -1)
else if("kf{}<>\"*()".indexOf(str.charAt(x)) != -1)
else if("hequcbrownxjmpsvazydgTHEQUCKBROWNFXJMPSVLAZYDG1234567890#\\/?$%-=_+&".indexOf(str.charAt(x)) != -1)
else if("@~".indexOf(str.charAt(x)) != -1)
else if(str.charAt(x)==' ')
return length;
public static String rainbow(String msg){
String temp = "";
//The array of colors to use
String[] rainbow = new String[] {Colors.Red, Colors.Rose,
Colors.Yellow, Colors.Green, Colors.Blue,
Colors.LightPurple, Colors.Purple};
int counter=0;
//Loop through the message applying the colors
for(int x=0; x<msg.length(); x++)
if(msg.charAt(x)!=' ') counter++;
if(counter==7) counter = 0;
return temp;
//Function: nameColor
//Input: Player player: The player to get name as color
//Output: String: The name colored
//Use: Returns the colored name;
public static String nameColor(Player player){
return player.getColor() + player.getName();
//Function: colorChange
//Input: char colour: The color code to find the color for
//Output: String: The color that the code identified
//Use: Finds a color giving a color code
public static String colorChange(char colour)
String color = "";
case '0':
color = Colors.Black;
case '1':
color = Colors.Navy;
case '2':
color = Colors.Green;
case '3':
color = Colors.Blue;
case '4':
color = Colors.Red;
case '5':
color = Colors.Purple;
case '6':
color = Colors.Gold;
case '7':
color = Colors.LightGray;
case '8':
color = Colors.Gray;
case '9':
color = Colors.DarkPurple;
case 'a':
color = Colors.LightGreen;
case 'b':
color = Colors.LightBlue;
case 'c':
color = Colors.Rose;
case 'd':
color = Colors.LightPurple;
case 'e':
color = Colors.Yellow;
case 'f':
color = Colors.White;
case 'A':
color = Colors.LightGreen;
case 'B':
color = Colors.LightBlue;
case 'C':
color = Colors.Rose;
case 'D':
color = Colors.LightPurple;
case 'E':
color = Colors.Yellow;
case 'F':
color = Colors.White;
color = Colors.White;
return color;
//Function: adminChat
//Input: Player player: The player talking
// String message: The message to apply the effect to
//Output: boolean: If this feature is enabled
//Use: Sends messages only to admins
public static boolean adminChat(Player player, String message){
//Check if the player can use this feature
if(player.isAdmin() || player.canUseCommand("/adminchat"))
//Special formatting for adminchat {Username}
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String adminchat = Colors.DarkPurple + "{" + nameColor(player)
+ Colors.DarkPurple +"}" + Colors.White + " ";
String[] msg = wordWrap(player, message.substring(1, message.length()));
//Get the player from the playerlist to send the message to.
for (Player p: etc.getServer().getPlayerList()) {
//If p is not null
if (p != null) {
//And if p is an admin or has access to adminchat
if (p.isAdmin() || (p.canUseCommand("/adminchat"))) {
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//Output the first line
p.sendMessage(adminchat + msg[0]);
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//Get the rest of the lines and display them.
String[] tempOut = new String[msg.length - 1];
System.arraycopy(msg, 1, tempOut, 0, tempOut.length);
for(String str: tempOut)
//So you can read adminchat from the server console
log.log(Level.INFO, "@" + "<" + nameColor(player)
+ Colors.White +"> " + message);
return true;
return false;
//Function: quote
//Input: Player player: The player talking
// String message: The message to apply the effect to
//Output: boolean: If this feature is enabled
//Use: Displays a message as a quote
public static boolean quote(Player player, String message)
//Format the name
String playerName = "<" + nameColor(player) + Colors.White +"> ";
if(vminecraftSettings.getInstance().greentext()) {
//Log the chat
log.log(Level.INFO, "<"+player.getName()+"> "+message);
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//Get the multi line array
String[] msg = wordWrap(player, message);
//Output the first line
gmsg( playerName + Colors.LightGreen + msg[0]);
//Get the rest of the lines and display them.
String[] tempOut = new String[msg.length - 1];
System.arraycopy(msg, 1, tempOut, 0, tempOut.length);
for(String str: tempOut)
gmsg(Colors.LightGreen + str);
return true;
return false;
//Function: rage
//Input: Player player: The player talking
// String message: The message to apply the effect to
//Output: boolean: If this feature is enabled
//Use: Displays a message in red
public static boolean rage(Player player, String message)
//Format the name
String playerName = "<" + nameColor(player) + Colors.White +"> ";
if (vminecraftSettings.getInstance().FFF()) {
log.log(Level.INFO, "<"+player.getName()+"> "+message);
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//Get the multi line array
String[] msg = wordWrap(player, message);
//Output the first line
gmsg( playerName + Colors.Red + msg[0]);
//Get the rest of the lines and display them.
String[] tempOut = new String[msg.length - 1];
System.arraycopy(msg, 1, tempOut, 0, tempOut.length);
for(String str: tempOut)
gmsg(Colors.Red + str);
return true;
return false;
//Function: quakeColors
//Input: Player player: The player talking
// String message: The message to apply the effect to
//Output: boolean: If this feature is enabled
//Use: Displays a message in red
public static boolean quakeColors(Player player, String message)
//Format the name
String playerName = "<" + nameColor(player) + Colors.White +"> ";
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if(vminecraftSettings.getInstance().quakeColors() && message.length()>2) {
//Log the chat
log.log(Level.INFO, "<"+player.getName()+"> "+message);
//Get the multi line array
String[] msg = wordWrap(player, message);
//Apply colors to the lines
//Output the first line
gmsg( playerName + msg[0]);
//Get the rest of the lines and display them.
String[] tempOut = new String[msg.length - 1];
System.arraycopy(msg, 1, tempOut, 0, tempOut.length);
for(String str: tempOut)
//Loop through the string finding the color codes and inserting them
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return true;
return false;
//Function: applyColors
//Input: String[] message: The lines to be colored
//Output: String[]: The lines, but colorful
//Use: Colors each line
private static String[] applyColors(String[] message)
//The color to start the line with
String recentColor = Colors.White;
//Go through each line
int counter = 0;
for(String msg: message)
//Start the line with the most recent color
String temp = recentColor;
//Loop through looking for a color code
for(int x = 0; x< msg.length(); x++)
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if(msg.charAt(x)=='^' && x != msg.length() - 1)
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//Set the most recent color to the new color
recentColor = vminecraftChat.colorChange(msg.charAt(x+1));
temp += recentColor;
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temp += msg.charAt(x);
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//Replace the message with the colorful message
message[counter] = temp;
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return message;