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617 lines
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package net.knarcraft.stargate;
import net.knarcraft.stargate.command.CommandStarGate;
import net.knarcraft.stargate.command.StarGateTabCompleter;
import net.knarcraft.stargate.container.BlockChangeRequest;
import net.knarcraft.stargate.listener.BlockEventListener;
import net.knarcraft.stargate.listener.BungeeCordListener;
import net.knarcraft.stargate.listener.EntityEventListener;
import net.knarcraft.stargate.listener.PlayerEventListener;
import net.knarcraft.stargate.listener.PluginEventListener;
import net.knarcraft.stargate.listener.PortalEventListener;
import net.knarcraft.stargate.listener.VehicleEventListener;
import net.knarcraft.stargate.listener.WorldEventListener;
import net.knarcraft.stargate.portal.GateHandler;
import net.knarcraft.stargate.portal.Portal;
import net.knarcraft.stargate.portal.PortalHandler;
import net.knarcraft.stargate.thread.BlockChangeThread;
import net.knarcraft.stargate.thread.StarGateThread;
import net.knarcraft.stargate.utility.EconomyHandler;
import net.knarcraft.stargate.utility.FileHelper;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.ChatColor;
import org.bukkit.Server;
import org.bukkit.World;
import org.bukkit.block.Sign;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
import org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand;
import org.bukkit.configuration.file.FileConfiguration;
import org.bukkit.plugin.PluginDescriptionFile;
import org.bukkit.plugin.PluginManager;
import org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPlugin;
import org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPluginLoader;
import org.bukkit.plugin.messaging.Messenger;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Queue;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
public class Stargate extends JavaPlugin {
//Used for changing gate open/closed material.
public static final Queue<BlockChangeRequest> blockChangeRequestQueue = new LinkedList<>();
public static final ConcurrentLinkedQueue<Portal> openPortalsQueue = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<>();
public static final ConcurrentLinkedQueue<Portal> activePortalsQueue = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<>();
//Amount of seconds before deactivating/closing portals
private static final int activeTime = 10;
private static final int openTime = 10;
public static Logger logger;
public static Server server;
public static Stargate stargate;
public static LanguageLoader languageLoader;
public static int maxGatesEachNetwork = 0;
public static boolean rememberDestination = false;
public static boolean handleVehicles = true;
public static boolean sortNetworkDestinations = false;
public static boolean protectEntrance = false;
public static boolean enableBungee = true;
public static boolean verifyPortals = true;
private static boolean destroyExplosion = false;
//Temp workaround for snowmen, don't check gate entrance
public static boolean ignoreEntrance = false;
private String dataFolderPath;
public static ChatColor signColor;
// Used for debug
public static boolean debuggingEnabled = false;
public static boolean permissionDebuggingEnabled = false;
// HashMap of player names for Bungee support
public static final Map<String, String> bungeeQueue = new HashMap<>();
//World names that contain stargates
public static final HashSet<String> managedWorlds = new HashSet<>();
private static String pluginVersion;
private static String portalFolder;
private static String gateFolder;
private static String defaultGateNetwork = "central";
private static String languageName = "en";
private FileConfiguration newConfig;
private PluginManager pluginManager;
* Empty constructor necessary for Spigot
public Stargate() {
* Special constructor used for MockBukkit
* @param loader <p>The plugin loader to be used.</p>
* @param descriptionFile <p>The description file to be used.</p>
* @param dataFolder <p>The data folder to be used.</p>
* @param file <p>The file to be used</p>
protected Stargate(JavaPluginLoader loader, PluginDescriptionFile descriptionFile, File dataFolder, File file) {
super(loader, descriptionFile, dataFolder, file);
* Gets the version of this plugin
* @return <p>This plugin's version</p>
public static String getPluginVersion() {
return pluginVersion;
* Gets whether portals should be destroyed by explosions
* @return <p>True if portals should be destroyed</p>
public static boolean destroyedByExplosion() {
return destroyExplosion;
* Gets the amount of seconds a portal should be open before automatically closing
* @return <p>The open time of a gate</p>
public static int getOpenTime() {
return openTime;
* Gets the amount of seconds a portal should be active before automatically deactivating
* @return <p>The active time of a gate</p>
public static int getActiveTime() {
return activeTime;
* Sends a debug message
* @param route <p>The class name/route where something happened</p>
* @param message <p>A message describing what happened</p>
public static void debug(String route, String message) {
if (Stargate.debuggingEnabled) {
logger.info("[stargate::" + route + "] " + message);
} else {
logger.log(Level.FINEST, "[stargate::" + route + "] " + message);
* Sends an error message to a player
* @param player <p>The player to send the message to</p>
* @param message <p>The message to send</p>
public static void sendErrorMessage(CommandSender player, String message) {
sendMessage(player, message, true);
* Sends a success message to a player
* @param player <p>The player to send the message to</p>
* @param message <p>The message to send</p>
public static void sendSuccessMessage(CommandSender player, String message) {
sendMessage(player, message, false);
* Sends a message to a player
* @param player <p>The player to send the message to</p>
* @param message <p>The message to send</p>
* @param error <p>Whether the message sent is an error</p>
private static void sendMessage(CommandSender player, String message, boolean error) {
if (message.isEmpty()) return;
//Replace color codes with green? What's the deal with the dollar sign?
message = message.replaceAll("(&([a-f0-9]))", "\u00A7$2");
if (error) {
player.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + Stargate.getString("prefix") + ChatColor.WHITE + message);
} else {
player.sendMessage(ChatColor.GREEN + Stargate.getString("prefix") + ChatColor.WHITE + message);
* Sets a line on a sign, adding the chosen sign color
* @param sign <p>The sign to update</p>
* @param index <p>The index of the sign line to change</p>
* @param text <p>The new text on the sign</p>
public static void setLine(Sign sign, int index, String text) {
sign.setLine(index, Stargate.signColor + text);
* Gets the folder for saving created portals
* <p>The returned String path is the full path to the folder</p>
* @return <p>The folder for storing the portal database</p>
public static String getSaveLocation() {
return portalFolder;
* Gets the folder storing gate files
* <p>The returned String path is the full path to the folder</p>
* @return <p>The folder storing gate files</p>
public static String getGateFolder() {
return gateFolder;
* Gets the default network for gates where a network is not specified
* @return <p>The default network</p>
public static String getDefaultNetwork() {
return defaultGateNetwork;
* Gets a translated string given its string key
* <p>The name/key is the string before the equals sign in the language files</p>
* @param name <p>The name/key of the string to get</p>
* @return <p>The full translated string</p>
public static String getString(String name) {
return languageLoader.getString(name);
* Replaces a list of variables in a string in the order they are given
* @param input <p>The input containing the variables</p>
* @param search <p>The variables to replace</p>
* @param values <p>The replacement values</p>
* @return <p>The input string with the search values replaced with the given values</p>
public static String replaceVars(String input, String[] search, String[] values) {
if (search.length != values.length) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The number of search values and replace values do not match.");
for (int i = 0; i < search.length; i++) {
input = replaceVars(input, search[i], values[i]);
return input;
* Replaces a variable in a string
* @param input <p>The input containing the variables</p>
* @param search <p>The variable to replace</p>
* @param value <p>The replacement value</p>
* @return <p>The input string with the search replaced with value</p>
public static String replaceVars(String input, String search, String value) {
return input.replace(search, value);
public void onDisable() {
public void onEnable() {
PluginDescriptionFile pluginDescriptionFile = this.getDescription();
pluginManager = getServer().getPluginManager();
newConfig = this.getConfig();
logger = Logger.getLogger("Minecraft");
Stargate.server = getServer();
Stargate.stargate = this;
// Set portalFile and gateFolder to the plugin folder as defaults.
dataFolderPath = getDataFolder().getPath().replaceAll("\\\\", "/");
portalFolder = dataFolderPath + "/portals/";
gateFolder = dataFolderPath + "/gates/";
String languageFolder = dataFolderPath + "/lang/";
pluginVersion = pluginDescriptionFile.getVersion();
logger.info(pluginDescriptionFile.getName() + " v." + pluginDescriptionFile.getVersion() + " is enabled.");
//Register events before loading gates to stop weird things happening.
//Enable the required channels for Bungee support
if (enableBungee) {
// It is important to load languages here, as they are used during reloadGates()
languageLoader = new LanguageLoader(languageFolder, Stargate.languageName);
// Check to see if Economy is loaded yet.
//Run necessary threads
getServer().getScheduler().runTaskTimer(this, new StarGateThread(), 0L, 100L);
getServer().getScheduler().runTaskTimer(this, new BlockChangeThread(), 0L, 1L);
* Registers all event listeners
private void registerEventListeners() {
pluginManager.registerEvents(new PlayerEventListener(), this);
pluginManager.registerEvents(new BlockEventListener(), this);
pluginManager.registerEvents(new VehicleEventListener(), this);
pluginManager.registerEvents(new EntityEventListener(), this);
pluginManager.registerEvents(new PortalEventListener(), this);
pluginManager.registerEvents(new WorldEventListener(), this);
pluginManager.registerEvents(new PluginEventListener(this), this);
* Registers a command for this plugin
private void registerCommands() {
PluginCommand stargateCommand = this.getCommand("stargate");
if (stargateCommand != null) {
stargateCommand.setExecutor(new CommandStarGate(this));
stargateCommand.setTabCompleter(new StarGateTabCompleter());
* Loads all config values
public void loadConfig() {
newConfig = this.getConfig();
if (newConfig.getString("lang") != null) {
// Copy default values if required
languageName = newConfig.getString("language");
portalFolder = newConfig.getString("folders.portalFolder");
gateFolder = newConfig.getString("folders.gateFolder");
debuggingEnabled = newConfig.getBoolean("debugging.debug");
permissionDebuggingEnabled = newConfig.getBoolean("debugging.permissionDebug");
* Changes all configuration values from the old name to the new name
* @param newConfig <p>The config to read from and write to</p>
private void migrateConfig(FileConfiguration newConfig) {
try {
newConfig.save(dataFolderPath + "/config.old");
} catch (IOException e) {
Stargate.debug("Stargate::migrateConfig", "Unable to save old backup and do migration");
Map<String, String> migrationFields;
try {
migrationFields = FileHelper.readKeyValuePairs(FileHelper.getBufferedReaderFromInputStream(
} catch (IOException e) {
Stargate.debug("Stargate::migrateConfig", "Unable to load config migration file");
//Replace old config names with the new ones
for (String key : migrationFields.keySet()) {
if (newConfig.contains(key)) {
String newPath = migrationFields.get(key);
Object oldValue = newConfig.get(key);
if (!newPath.trim().isEmpty()) {
newConfig.set(newPath, oldValue);
newConfig.set(key, null);
* Loads all config values related to gates
private void loadGateConfig() {
String defaultNetwork = newConfig.getString("gates.defaultGateNetwork");
defaultGateNetwork = defaultNetwork != null ? defaultNetwork.trim() : null;
maxGatesEachNetwork = newConfig.getInt("gates.maxGatesEachNetwork");
handleVehicles = newConfig.getBoolean("gates.functionality.handleVehicles");
enableBungee = newConfig.getBoolean("gates.functionality.enableBungee");
protectEntrance = newConfig.getBoolean("gates.integrity.protectEntrance");
verifyPortals = newConfig.getBoolean("gates.integrity.verifyPortals");
ignoreEntrance = newConfig.getBoolean("gates.integrity.ignoreEntrance");
destroyExplosion = newConfig.getBoolean("gates.integrity.destroyedByExplosion");
sortNetworkDestinations = newConfig.getBoolean("gates.cosmetic.sortNetworkDestinations");
rememberDestination = newConfig.getBoolean("gates.cosmetic.rememberDestination");
* Loads all config values related to economy
private void loadEconomyConfig() {
EconomyHandler.economyEnabled = newConfig.getBoolean("economy.useEconomy");
EconomyHandler.toOwner = newConfig.getBoolean("economy.toOwner");
EconomyHandler.chargeFreeDestination = newConfig.getBoolean("economy.chargeFreeDestination");
EconomyHandler.freeGatesGreen = newConfig.getBoolean("economy.freeGatesGreen");
* Loads the correct sign color given a sign color string
* @param signColor <p>A string representing a sign color</p>
private void loadSignColor(String signColor) {
if (signColor != null) {
try {
Stargate.signColor = ChatColor.valueOf(signColor.toUpperCase());
} catch (IllegalArgumentException | NullPointerException ignored) {
logger.warning(getString("prefix") + "You have specified an invalid color in your config.yml. Defaulting to BLACK");
Stargate.signColor = ChatColor.BLACK;
* Forces all open portals to close
public void closeAllPortals() {
// Close all gates prior to reloading
for (Portal openPortal : openPortalsQueue) {
* Loads all available gates
public void loadGates() {
logger.info(Stargate.getString("prefix") + "Loaded " + GateHandler.getGateCount() + " gate layouts");
* Loads all portals in all un-managed worlds
public void loadAllPortals() {
for (World world : getServer().getWorlds()) {
if (!managedWorlds.contains(world.getName())) {
* Creates missing folders
private void createMissingFolders() {
File newPortalDir = new File(portalFolder);
if (!newPortalDir.exists()) {
if (!newPortalDir.mkdirs()) {
logger.severe("Unable to create portal directory");
File newFile = new File(portalFolder, getServer().getWorlds().get(0).getName() + ".db");
if (!newFile.exists() && !newFile.getParentFile().exists()) {
if (!newFile.getParentFile().mkdirs()) {
logger.severe("Unable to create portal database folder: " + newFile.getParentFile().getPath());
* Reloads all portals and files
* @param sender <p>The sender of the reload request</p>
public void reload(CommandSender sender) {
// Deactivate portals
for (Portal activePortal : activePortalsQueue) {
// Close portals
// Clear all lists
// Store the old Bungee enabled value
boolean oldEnableBungee = enableBungee;
// Reload data
//Load Economy support if enabled/clear if disabled
//Enable or disable the required channels for Bungee support
if (oldEnableBungee != enableBungee) {
sendErrorMessage(sender, "stargate reloaded");
* Reloads economy by enabling or disabling it as necessary
private void reloadEconomy() {
if (EconomyHandler.economyEnabled && EconomyHandler.economy == null) {
} else if (!EconomyHandler.economyEnabled) {
EconomyHandler.vault = null;
EconomyHandler.economy = null;
* Loads economy from Vault
private void setupVaultEconomy() {
if (EconomyHandler.setupEconomy(pluginManager) && EconomyHandler.economy != null) {
String vaultVersion = EconomyHandler.vault.getDescription().getVersion();
logger.info(Stargate.getString("prefix") + Stargate.replaceVars(
Stargate.getString("vaultLoaded"), "%version%", vaultVersion));
* Starts the listener for listening to BungeeCord messages
private void startStopBungeeListener(boolean start) {
Messenger messenger = Bukkit.getMessenger();
String bungeeChannel = "BungeeCord";
if (start) {
messenger.registerOutgoingPluginChannel(this, bungeeChannel);
messenger.registerIncomingPluginChannel(this, bungeeChannel, new BungeeCordListener());
} else {
messenger.unregisterIncomingPluginChannel(this, bungeeChannel);
messenger.unregisterOutgoingPluginChannel(this, bungeeChannel);