More vehicle config options Stable
released this
2021-11-03 16:45:55 +01:00 | 155 commits to master since this releaseThis update adds three new options for adjusting which vehicles are allowed to pass through stargates:
- Adds an option to deny empty vehicles (empty minecarts, chest/tnt/hopper/furnace minecarts) from going through stargates
- Adds an option to deny vehicles containing a non-player (pig, zombie, etc.) from going through stargates alone. Non-players can not be validated before teleportation, and will bypass all permissions, thus making this option necessary for stricter teleportation.
- Adds an option to deny teleportation of creatures overall. This overrides the non-player option, and denies all vehicle teleportation with non-players as passengers. Living vehicles are excluded as they are vehicles, not passengers.
This update also add two bugfixes:
- Prevents a player in a vehicle which is not allowed to teleport from teleporting without the vehicle
- Prevents a bunch of teleportation messages when a vehicle cannot be teleported
Leashed teleportation Stable
released this
2021-11-01 18:53:13 +01:00 | 157 commits to master since this releaseThis update makes leashed creatures within a 15-block range teleport with the player. This behavior can be turned off in the config.
UUID migration update Stable
released this
2021-11-01 16:36:25 +01:00 | 164 commits to master since this releaseThis update adds UUID migration to portal owners. The only thing needed to upgrade all portal owners is to make all portal owners join the server.
Additionally a missing error message has been added for when players in vehicles cannot pay the teleportation fee. The missing error is only relevant for when two players are in the same vehicle (like a boat).
released this
2021-11-01 00:46:29 +01:00 | 167 commits to master since this releaseWhile had code to prevent portals from generating in the nether whenever players used stargates, the implementation didn't work. This update fixes the problem so no portals should be generated in the nether pointing at stargates.
released this
2021-10-31 19:53:53 +01:00 | 168 commits to master since this releaseThis is a small update which fixes and improves sign coloring. Changes:
- Fixes an exception thrown when the config contains an invalid sign color
- Adds an extra option for choosing the highlighting color
- Renames signColor to mainSignColor. To force migration, rename language to lang (NB: will also overwrite default gates).
- Fixes all inconsistencies regarding sign coloring
Stargate Revived Stable
released this
2021-10-31 14:23:45 +01:00 | 173 commits to master since this releaseThis is the first release since I started going throught all the code and fixing everything. Tons of changes have happended to the code, but I'll just mention the most relevant ones:
- Add missing information about existing features to the README.
- Adds two new default gate types, one of which is meant to be used underwater.
- Expands the choice of buttons to: Buttons, wall corals, chests and shulker-boxes
- Re-implements vehicle teleportation for minecarts, boats and user-controllable animals such as horses and pigs.
- Changes the format of the configuration to make it more readable.
- Adds comments and refactors all code to make it easier for new programmers to pick up the project.
- Replaces all concepts of direction with yaw which is now used for all direction calculation. This makes directions and relative locations easier to understand.
- Fixes all problems using the built-in portal blocks for stargates.
- Replaces ignoreEntrances with proper blocking of snowmen placing snow.
- Adds some more coloring to stargate signs to make them easier to read and understand.
While I have tested and fixed all bugs I could think of, Stargate is a complex plugin and I'm sure there are bugs I haven't found.
Please backup your Stargate folder and worlds just in case if upgrading from a previous version.Downloads
released this
2020-10-18 10:13:38 +02:00 | 385 commits to master since this releaseThis is the last version before I, EpicKnarvik97, started rewriting everything. While it will be very outdated soon, it could be useful for debugging by observing differences in behavior.