Renames RelativeBlockVector's right, depth and distance to right, down and out respectively

This commit is contained in:
Kristian Knarvik 2021-10-24 22:48:13 +02:00
parent 822f8fb2b5
commit 669767ef89
9 changed files with 82 additions and 71 deletions

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@ -86,29 +86,29 @@ public class BlockLocation extends Location {
* Gets a location relative to this block location
* @param relativeVector <p>The relative block vector describing the relative location</p>
* @param yaw <p>The yaw pointing outwards from a portal (in the relative vector's distance direction)</p>
* @param yaw <p>The yaw pointing outwards from a portal (in the relative vector's out direction)</p>
* @return <p>A location relative to this location</p>
public BlockLocation getRelativeLocation(RelativeBlockVector relativeVector, double yaw) {
Vector realVector = DirectionHelper.getCoordinateVectorFromRelativeVector(relativeVector.getRight(),
relativeVector.getDepth(), relativeVector.getDistance(), yaw);
relativeVector.getDown(), relativeVector.getOut(), yaw);
return makeRelativeBlockLocation(realVector.getBlockX(), realVector.getBlockY(), realVector.getBlockZ());
* Makes a location relative to the current location according to given parameters
* <p>The distance goes in the direction of the yaw. Right goes in the direction of (yaw - 90) degrees.
* <p>Out goes in the direction of the yaw. Right goes in the direction of (yaw - 90) degrees.
* Depth goes downwards following the -y direction.</p>
* @param right <p>The amount of blocks to go right when looking towards a portal</p>
* @param depth <p>The amount of blocks to go downwards when looking towards a portal</p>
* @param distance <p>The amount of blocks to go outwards when looking towards a portal</p>
* @param down <p>The amount of blocks to go downwards when looking towards a portal</p>
* @param out <p>The amount of blocks to go outwards when looking towards a portal</p>
* @param portalYaw <p>The yaw when looking out from the portal</p>
* @return A new location relative to this block location
public Location getRelativeLocation(double right, double depth, double distance, float portalYaw) {
Vector realVector = DirectionHelper.getCoordinateVectorFromRelativeVector(right, depth, distance, portalYaw);
public Location getRelativeLocation(double right, double down, double out, float portalYaw) {
Vector realVector = DirectionHelper.getCoordinateVectorFromRelativeVector(right, down, out, portalYaw);
return makeRelativeLocation(0.5 + realVector.getBlockX(), realVector.getBlockY(),
0.5 + realVector.getBlockZ(), portalYaw);

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@ -5,28 +5,33 @@ package net.knarcraft.stargate.container;
* <p>A relative block vector stores a vector relative to some origin. The origin in this plugin is usually the
* top-left block of a gate (top-left when looking at the side with the sign). The right is therefore the distance
* from the top-left corner towards the top-right corner. Depth is the distance from the top-left corner to the
* bottom-left corner. Distance is the distance outward from the gate.</p>
* from the top-left corner towards the top-right corner. Down is the distance from the top-left corner towards the
* bottom-left corner. Out is the distance outward from the gate.</p>
public class RelativeBlockVector {
private final int right;
private final int depth;
private final int distance;
private final int down;
private final int out;
public enum Property {RIGHT, DEPTH, DISTANCE}
public enum Property {RIGHT, DOWN, OUT}
* Instantiates a new relative block vector
* @param right <p>The distance to the right relative to the origin</p>
* @param depth <p>The distance downward relative to the origin</p>
* @param distance <p>The distance outward relative to the origin</p>
* <p>Relative block vectors start from a top-left corner. A yaw is used to orient a relative block vector in the
* "real world".
* In terms of a gate layout, the origin is 0,0. Right is towards the end of the line. Down is to the
* next line. Out is towards the observer.</p>
* @param right <p>The distance rightward relative to the origin</p>
* @param down <p>The distance downward relative to the origin</p>
* @param out <p>The distance outward relative to the origin</p>
public RelativeBlockVector(int right, int depth, int distance) {
public RelativeBlockVector(int right, int down, int out) {
this.right = right;
this.depth = depth;
this.distance = distance;
this.down = down;
this.out = out;
@ -39,11 +44,11 @@ public class RelativeBlockVector {
public RelativeBlockVector addToVector(Property propertyToAddTo, int valueToAdd) {
switch (propertyToAddTo) {
case RIGHT:
return new RelativeBlockVector(this.right + valueToAdd, this.depth, this.distance);
case DEPTH:
return new RelativeBlockVector(this.right, this.depth + valueToAdd, this.distance);
return new RelativeBlockVector(this.right, this.depth, this.distance + valueToAdd);
return new RelativeBlockVector(this.right + valueToAdd, this.down, this.out);
case DOWN:
return new RelativeBlockVector(this.right, this.down + valueToAdd, this.out);
case OUT:
return new RelativeBlockVector(this.right, this.down, this.out + valueToAdd);
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid relative block vector property given");
@ -55,7 +60,7 @@ public class RelativeBlockVector {
* @return <p>This vector, but inverted</p>
public RelativeBlockVector invert() {
return new RelativeBlockVector(-this.right, -this.depth, -this.distance);
return new RelativeBlockVector(-this.right, -this.down, -this.out);
@ -72,8 +77,8 @@ public class RelativeBlockVector {
* @return <p>The distance downward relative to the origin</p>
public int getDepth() {
return depth;
public int getDown() {
return down;
@ -81,13 +86,13 @@ public class RelativeBlockVector {
* @return <p>The distance outward relative to the origin</p>
public int getDistance() {
return distance;
public int getOut() {
return out;
public String toString() {
return String.format("(right = %d, depth = %d, distance = %d)", right, depth, distance);
return String.format("(right = %d, down = %d, out = %d)", right, down, out);
@ -99,8 +104,8 @@ public class RelativeBlockVector {
return false;
RelativeBlockVector otherVector = (RelativeBlockVector) other;
return this.right == otherVector.right && this.depth == otherVector.depth &&
this.distance == otherVector.distance;
return this.right == otherVector.right && this.down == otherVector.down &&
this.out == otherVector.out;

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@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ public class Gate {
Map<Character, Material> characterMaterialMap = new HashMap<>(this.characterMaterialMap);
for (RelativeBlockVector borderVector : layout.getBorder()) {
int rowIndex = borderVector.getRight();
int lineIndex = borderVector.getDepth();
int lineIndex = borderVector.getDown();
Character key = layout.getLayout()[lineIndex][rowIndex];
Material materialInLayout = characterMaterialMap.get(key);

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@ -276,7 +276,7 @@ public class PortalCreator {
BlockFace buttonFacing) {
//Go one block outwards to find the button's location rather than the control block's location
BlockLocation button = topLeft.getRelativeLocation(buttonVector.addToVector(
RelativeBlockVector.Property.DISTANCE, 1), portal.getYaw());
RelativeBlockVector.Property.OUT, 1), portal.getYaw());
Directional buttonData = (Directional) Bukkit.createBlockData(portal.getGate().getPortalButton());

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@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ public abstract class Teleporter {
RelativeBlockVector openingEdge = relativeExit;
do {
RelativeBlockVector possibleOpening = new RelativeBlockVector(openingEdge.getRight() + direction,
openingEdge.getDepth(), openingEdge.getDistance());
openingEdge.getDown(), openingEdge.getOut());
if (portal.getGate().getLayout().getExits().contains(possibleOpening)) {
openingEdge = possibleOpening;
} else {

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@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import org.bukkit.block.BlockFace;
import org.bukkit.util.Vector;
* This class helps with direction-dependent calculations
* This class helps with direction-related calculations
public final class DirectionHelper {
@ -17,11 +17,12 @@ public final class DirectionHelper {
* Gets a yaw by comparing two locations
* <p>The yaw here is the direction an observer a the first location has to look to face the second location.
* The yaw is only meant to be calculated for locations with equal x or equal z.</p>
* The yaw is only meant to be calculated for locations where both have either the same x value or the same z value.
* Equal locations, or locations with equal x and equal z will throw an exception.</p>
* @param location1 <p>The first location, which works as the origin</p>
* @param location2 <p>The second location, which the yaw will point at</p>
* @return <p>The yaw</p>
* @param location2 <p>The second location, which the yaw will point towards</p>
* @return <p>The yaw pointing from the first location to the second location</p>
public static float getYawFromLocationDifference(Location location1, Location location2) {
Location difference = location1.clone().subtract(location2.clone());
@ -38,9 +39,11 @@ public final class DirectionHelper {
* Gets a block face given a yaw
* Gets a block face given a yaw value
* @param yaw <p>The yaw to use</p>
* <p>The supplied yaw must be a value such that (yaw mod 90) = 0. If not, an exception is thrown.</p>
* @param yaw <p>The yaw value to convert</p>
* @return <p>The block face the yaw corresponds to</p>
public static BlockFace getBlockFaceFromYaw(double yaw) {
@ -56,15 +59,15 @@ public final class DirectionHelper {
} else if (yaw == 270) {
return BlockFace.EAST;
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid yaw given");
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid yaw given. Yaw must be divisible by 90.");
* Gets a direction vector given a yaw
* @param yaw <p>The yaw to use</p>
* @return <p>The direction vector of the yaw</p>
* @param yaw <p>The yaw to convert to a direction vector</p>
* @return <p>The direction vector pointing in the same direction as the yaw</p>
public static Vector getDirectionVectorFromYaw(double yaw) {
//Make sure the yaw is between 0 and 360
@ -84,37 +87,40 @@ public final class DirectionHelper {
* Moves a location relatively
* Moves a location by the given amounts
* @param location <p>The location to move</p>
* @param right <p>The amount to go right (When looking at the front of a portal)</p>
* @param depth <p>The amount to go downward (When looking at the front of a portal)</p>
* @param distance <p>The amount to go outward (When looking a the front of a portal)</p>
* <p>The right, down and out work the same as for the relative block vector. Looking a the front of a portal,
* right goes rightwards, down goes downwards and out goes towards the observer.</p>
* @param location <p>The location to start at</p>
* @param right <p>The amount to go right</p>
* @param down <p>The amount to go downward</p>
* @param out <p>The amount to go outward</p>
* @param yaw <p>The yaw when looking directly outwards from a portal</p>
* @return <p>A location relative to the given location</p>
public static Location moveLocation(Location location, double right, double depth, double distance, double yaw) {
return location.add(getCoordinateVectorFromRelativeVector(right, depth, distance, yaw));
public static Location moveLocation(Location location, double right, double down, double out, double yaw) {
return location.add(getCoordinateVectorFromRelativeVector(right, down, out, yaw));
* Gets a vector in Minecraft's normal X,Y,Z-space from a relative block vector
* @param right <p>The amount of right steps from the top-left origin</p>
* @param depth <p>The amount of downward steps from the top-left origin</p>
* @param distance <p>The distance outward from the top-left origin</p>
* @param right <p>The amount of rightward steps from the top-left origin</p>
* @param down <p>The amount of downward steps from the top-left origin</p>
* @param out <p>The distance outward from the top-left origin</p>
* @param yaw <p>The yaw when looking directly outwards from a portal</p>
* @return <p>A normal vector</p>
public static Vector getCoordinateVectorFromRelativeVector(double right, double depth, double distance, double yaw) {
public static Vector getCoordinateVectorFromRelativeVector(double right, double down, double out, double yaw) {
Vector distanceVector = DirectionHelper.getDirectionVectorFromYaw(yaw);
Vector rightVector = DirectionHelper.getDirectionVectorFromYaw(yaw - 90);
Vector depthVector = new Vector(0, -1, 0);
return distanceVector.add(rightVector).add(depthVector);

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@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ public class RelativeBlockVectorTest {
public void getTest() {
RelativeBlockVector relativeBlockVector = new RelativeBlockVector(56, 44, 23);
assertEquals(56, relativeBlockVector.getRight());
assertEquals(44, relativeBlockVector.getDepth());
assertEquals(23, relativeBlockVector.getDistance());
assertEquals(44, relativeBlockVector.getDown());
assertEquals(23, relativeBlockVector.getOut());

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@ -27,22 +27,22 @@ public class BlockLocationTest {
RelativeBlockVector relativeBlockVector = new RelativeBlockVector(2, 1, 3);
BlockLocation relativeLocation1 = startLocation.getRelativeLocation(relativeBlockVector, 0);
//With yaw = 0, going right goes in the x direction, and distance goes in the z direction, while y is decremented
//With yaw = 0, going right goes in the x direction, and out goes in the z direction, while y is decremented
BlockLocation targetLocation1 = new BlockLocation(world, 9, 2, 9);
Assertions.assertEquals(targetLocation1, relativeLocation1);
BlockLocation relativeLocation2 = startLocation.getRelativeLocation(relativeBlockVector, 90);
//With yaw = 90, going right goes in the z direction, and distance goes in the -x direction, while y is decremented
//With yaw = 90, going right goes in the z direction, and out goes in the -x direction, while y is decremented
BlockLocation targetLocation2 = new BlockLocation(world, 4, 2, 8);
Assertions.assertEquals(targetLocation2, relativeLocation2);
BlockLocation relativeLocation3 = startLocation.getRelativeLocation(relativeBlockVector, 180);
//With yaw = 180, going right goes in the -x direction, and distance goes in the -z direction, while y is decremented
//With yaw = 180, going right goes in the -x direction, and out goes in the -z direction, while y is decremented
BlockLocation targetLocation3 = new BlockLocation(world, 5, 2, 3);
Assertions.assertEquals(targetLocation3, relativeLocation3);
BlockLocation relativeLocation4 = startLocation.getRelativeLocation(relativeBlockVector, 270);
//With yaw = 270, going right goes in the -z direction, and distance goes in the x direction, while y is decremented
//With yaw = 270, going right goes in the -z direction, and out goes in the x direction, while y is decremented
BlockLocation targetLocation4 = new BlockLocation(world, 10, 2, 4);
Assertions.assertEquals(targetLocation4, relativeLocation4);

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@ -8,21 +8,21 @@ public class RelativeBlockVectorTest {
public void addToVectorTest() {
int right = 5;
int depth = 5;
int distance = 3;
int down = 5;
int out = 3;
RelativeBlockVector relativeBlockVector = new RelativeBlockVector(right, depth, distance);
RelativeBlockVector relativeBlockVector = new RelativeBlockVector(right, down, out);
for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
int randomValue = getRandomNumber();
RelativeBlockVector newVector = relativeBlockVector.addToVector(RelativeBlockVector.Property.RIGHT, randomValue);
Assertions.assertEquals(new RelativeBlockVector(right + randomValue, depth, distance), newVector);
Assertions.assertEquals(new RelativeBlockVector(right + randomValue, down, out), newVector);
newVector = relativeBlockVector.addToVector(RelativeBlockVector.Property.DISTANCE, randomValue);
Assertions.assertEquals(new RelativeBlockVector(right, depth, distance + randomValue), newVector);
newVector = relativeBlockVector.addToVector(RelativeBlockVector.Property.OUT, randomValue);
Assertions.assertEquals(new RelativeBlockVector(right, down, out + randomValue), newVector);
newVector = relativeBlockVector.addToVector(RelativeBlockVector.Property.DEPTH, randomValue);
Assertions.assertEquals(new RelativeBlockVector(right, depth + randomValue, distance), newVector);
newVector = relativeBlockVector.addToVector(RelativeBlockVector.Property.DOWN, randomValue);
Assertions.assertEquals(new RelativeBlockVector(right, down + randomValue, out), newVector);