Extracts the portal creation and validation part of the PortalHandler into the PortalCreator
This commit is contained in:
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ package net.knarcraft.stargate.listener;
import net.knarcraft.stargate.Stargate;
import net.knarcraft.stargate.event.StargateDestroyEvent;
import net.knarcraft.stargate.portal.Portal;
import net.knarcraft.stargate.portal.PortalCreator;
import net.knarcraft.stargate.portal.PortalHandler;
import net.knarcraft.stargate.utility.EconomyHandler;
import net.knarcraft.stargate.utility.EconomyHelper;
@ -73,7 +74,7 @@ public class BlockEventListener implements Listener {
final Portal portal = PortalHandler.createPortal(event, player);
final Portal portal = new PortalCreator(event, player).createPortal();
//Not creating a gate, just placing a sign
if (portal == null) {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,311 @@
package net.knarcraft.stargate.portal;
import net.knarcraft.stargate.Stargate;
import net.knarcraft.stargate.container.BlockLocation;
import net.knarcraft.stargate.container.RelativeBlockVector;
import net.knarcraft.stargate.event.StargateCreateEvent;
import net.knarcraft.stargate.utility.DirectionHelper;
import net.knarcraft.stargate.utility.EconomyHandler;
import net.knarcraft.stargate.utility.EconomyHelper;
import net.knarcraft.stargate.utility.PermissionHelper;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.block.Block;
import org.bukkit.block.BlockFace;
import org.bukkit.block.data.Directional;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.event.block.SignChangeEvent;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
* The portal creator can create and validate a new portal
public class PortalCreator {
private Portal portal;
private final SignChangeEvent event;
private final Player player;
* Instantiates a new portal creator
* @param event <p>The sign change event which initialized the creation</p>
* @param player <p>The player creating the portal</p>
public PortalCreator(SignChangeEvent event, Player player) {
this.event = event;
this.player = player;
* Creates a new portal
* @return <p>The created portal</p>
public Portal createPortal() {
BlockLocation signLocation = new BlockLocation(event.getBlock());
Block idParent = signLocation.getParent();
//Return early if the sign is not placed on a block, or the block is not a control block
if (idParent == null || GateHandler.getGatesByControlBlock(idParent).length == 0) {
Stargate.debug("createPortal", "Control block not registered");
return null;
//The control block is already part of another portal
if (PortalHandler.getByBlock(idParent) != null) {
Stargate.debug("createPortal", "idParent belongs to existing stargate");
return null;
//Get necessary information from the gate's sign
String portalName = PortalHandler.filterName(event.getLine(0));
String destinationName = PortalHandler.filterName(event.getLine(1));
String network = PortalHandler.filterName(event.getLine(2));
String options = PortalHandler.filterName(event.getLine(3)).toLowerCase();
//Get portal options available to the player creating the portal
Map<PortalOption, Boolean> portalOptions = PortalHandler.getPortalOptions(player, destinationName, options);
//Get the yaw
float yaw = DirectionHelper.getYawFromLocationDifference(idParent.getLocation(), signLocation.getLocation());
//Get the direction the button should be facing
BlockFace buttonFacing = DirectionHelper.getBlockFaceFromYaw(yaw);
PortalLocation portalLocation = new PortalLocation();
Stargate.debug("createPortal", "Finished getting all portal info");
//Try and find a gate matching the new portal
Gate gate = PortalHandler.findMatchingGate(portalLocation, player);
if ((gate == null) || (portalLocation.getButtonVector() == null)) {
Stargate.debug("createPortal", "Could not find matching gate layout");
return null;
//If the portal is a bungee portal and invalid, abort here
if (!PortalHandler.isValidBungeePortal(portalOptions, player, destinationName, network)) {
Stargate.debug("createPortal", "Portal is an invalid bungee portal");
return null;
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
for (PortalOption option : portalOptions.keySet()) {
builder.append(option.getCharacterRepresentation()).append(" = ").append(portalOptions.get(option)).append(" ");
Stargate.debug("createPortal", builder.toString());
//Use default network if a proper alternative is not set
if (!portalOptions.get(PortalOption.BUNGEE) && (network.length() < 1 || network.length() > 11)) {
network = Stargate.getDefaultNetwork();
boolean deny = false;
String denyMessage = "";
//Check if the player can create portals on this network. If not, create a personal portal
if (!portalOptions.get(PortalOption.BUNGEE) && !PermissionHelper.canCreateNetworkGate(player, network)) {
Stargate.debug("createPortal", "Player doesn't have create permissions on network. Trying personal");
if (PermissionHelper.canCreatePersonalGate(player)) {
network = player.getName();
if (network.length() > 11) {
network = network.substring(0, 11);
Stargate.debug("createPortal", "Creating personal portal");
Stargate.sendErrorMessage(player, Stargate.getString("createPersonal"));
} else {
Stargate.debug("createPortal", "Player does not have access to network");
deny = true;
denyMessage = Stargate.getString("createNetDeny");
//Check if the player can create this gate layout
String gateName = gate.getFilename();
gateName = gateName.substring(0, gateName.indexOf('.'));
if (!deny && !PermissionHelper.canCreateGate(player, gateName)) {
Stargate.debug("createPortal", "Player does not have access to gate layout");
deny = true;
denyMessage = Stargate.getString("createGateDeny");
//Check if the user can create portals to this world.
if (!portalOptions.get(PortalOption.BUNGEE) && !deny && destinationName.length() > 0) {
Portal portal = PortalHandler.getByName(destinationName, network);
if (portal != null) {
String world = portal.getWorld().getName();
if (PermissionHelper.cannotAccessWorld(player, world)) {
Stargate.debug("canCreateNetworkGate", "Player does not have access to destination world");
deny = true;
denyMessage = Stargate.getString("createWorldDeny");
//Check if a conflict exists
if (PortalHandler.conflictsWithExistingPortal(gate, portalLocation.getTopLeft(), yaw, player)) {
return null;
this.portal = new Portal(portalLocation, null, destinationName, portalName,
network, gate, player.getUniqueId(), player.getName(), portalOptions);
return validatePortal(denyMessage, event.getLines(), deny);
* Validates the newly created portal assigned to this portal validator
* @param denyMessage <p>The deny message to displayed if the creation has already been denied</p>
* @param lines <p>The lines on the sign causing the portal to be created</p>
* @param deny <p>Whether the portal creation has already been denied</p>
* @return <p>The portal or null if its creation was denied</p>
public Portal validatePortal(String denyMessage, String[] lines, boolean deny) {
PortalLocation portalLocation = portal.getLocation();
Gate gate = portal.getStructure().getGate();
PortalOptions portalOptions = portal.getOptions();
String portalName = portal.getName();
String destinationName = portal.getDestinationName();
int createCost = EconomyHandler.getCreateCost(player, gate);
//Call StargateCreateEvent to let other plugins cancel or overwrite denial
StargateCreateEvent stargateCreateEvent = new StargateCreateEvent(player, portal, lines, deny,
denyMessage, createCost);
if (stargateCreateEvent.isCancelled()) {
return null;
//Tell the user why it was denied from creating the portal
if (stargateCreateEvent.getDeny()) {
Stargate.sendErrorMessage(player, stargateCreateEvent.getDenyReason());
return null;
createCost = stargateCreateEvent.getCost();
//Check if the new portal is valid
if (!checkIfNewPortalIsValid(createCost, portalName)) {
return null;
//Add button if the portal is not always on
if (!portalOptions.isAlwaysOn()) {
generatePortalButton(portalLocation.getTopLeft(), portalLocation.getButtonVector(),
//Register the new portal
//Update portals pointing at this one if it's not a bungee portal
if (!portal.getOptions().isBungee()) {
return portal;
* Checks whether the newly created, but unregistered portal is valid
* @param cost <p>The cost of creating the portal</p>
* @param portalName <p>The name of the newly created portal</p>
* @return <p>True if the portal is completely valid</p>
private boolean checkIfNewPortalIsValid(int cost, String portalName) {
// Name & Network can be changed in the event, so do these checks here.
if (portal.getName().length() < 1 || portal.getName().length() > 11) {
Stargate.debug("createPortal", "Name length error");
Stargate.sendErrorMessage(player, Stargate.getString("createNameLength"));
return false;
//Don't do network checks for bungee portals
if (portal.getOptions().isBungee()) {
if (PortalHandler.getBungeePortals().get(portal.getName().toLowerCase()) != null) {
Stargate.debug("createPortal::Bungee", "Gate name duplicate");
Stargate.sendErrorMessage(player, Stargate.getString("createExists"));
return false;
} else {
if (PortalHandler.getByName(portal.getName(), portal.getNetwork()) != null) {
Stargate.debug("createPortal", "Gate name duplicate");
Stargate.sendErrorMessage(player, Stargate.getString("createExists"));
return false;
//Check if there are too many gates in this network
List<String> networkList = PortalHandler.getAllPortalNetworks().get(portal.getNetwork().toLowerCase());
if (Stargate.maxGatesEachNetwork > 0 && networkList != null && networkList.size() >= Stargate.maxGatesEachNetwork) {
Stargate.sendErrorMessage(player, Stargate.getString("createFull"));
return false;
if (cost > 0) {
if (!EconomyHandler.chargePlayerIfNecessary(player, cost)) {
EconomyHelper.sendInsufficientFundsMessage(portalName, player, cost);
Stargate.debug("createPortal", "Insufficient Funds");
return false;
} else {
EconomyHelper.sendDeductMessage(portalName, player, cost);
return true;
* Generates a button for a portal
* @param topLeft <p>The top-left block of the portal</p>
* @param buttonVector <p>A relative vector pointing at the button</p>
* @param buttonFacing <p>The direction the button should be facing</p>
private void generatePortalButton(BlockLocation topLeft, RelativeBlockVector buttonVector,
BlockFace buttonFacing) {
//Go one block outwards to find the button's location rather than the control block's location
BlockLocation button = topLeft.getRelativeLocation(buttonVector.addToVector(
RelativeBlockVector.Property.DISTANCE, 1), portal.getYaw());
Directional buttonData = (Directional) Bukkit.createBlockData(portal.getGate().getPortalButton());
* Updates the open state of the newly created portal
* @param destinationName <p>The name of the destination portal. Only used if set as always on</p>
private void updateNewPortalOpenState(String destinationName) {
if (portal.getOptions().isRandom() || portal.getOptions().isBungee()) {
//Open the implicitly always on portal
} else if (portal.getOptions().isAlwaysOn()) {
//For a normal always-on portal, open both the portal and the destination
Portal destinationPortal = PortalHandler.getByName(destinationName, portal.getNetwork());
if (destinationPortal != null) {
} else {
//Update the block type for the portal's opening to the closed block as the closed block can be anything,
// not just air or water
for (BlockLocation entrance : portal.getStructure().getEntrances()) {
@ -4,22 +4,15 @@ import net.knarcraft.stargate.Stargate;
import net.knarcraft.stargate.container.BlockLocation;
import net.knarcraft.stargate.container.RelativeBlockVector;
import net.knarcraft.stargate.container.TwoTuple;
import net.knarcraft.stargate.event.StargateCreateEvent;
import net.knarcraft.stargate.utility.DirectionHelper;
import net.knarcraft.stargate.utility.EconomyHandler;
import net.knarcraft.stargate.utility.EconomyHelper;
import net.knarcraft.stargate.utility.PermissionHelper;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.Location;
import org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer;
import org.bukkit.World;
import org.bukkit.block.Block;
import org.bukkit.block.BlockFace;
import org.bukkit.block.Sign;
import org.bukkit.block.data.Directional;
import org.bukkit.block.data.type.WallSign;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.event.block.SignChangeEvent;
import java.io.BufferedWriter;
import java.io.File;
@ -42,16 +35,32 @@ public class PortalHandler {
private static final Map<BlockLocation, Portal> lookupEntrances = new HashMap<>();
private static final Map<BlockLocation, Portal> lookupControls = new HashMap<>();
private static final List<Portal> allPortals = new ArrayList<>();
private static final HashMap<String, List<String>> allPortalNetworks = new HashMap<>();
private static final HashMap<String, HashMap<String, Portal>> portalLookupByNetwork = new HashMap<>();
// A list of Bungee gates
private static final Map<String, List<String>> allPortalNetworks = new HashMap<>();
private static final Map<String, Map<String, Portal>> portalLookupByNetwork = new HashMap<>();
private static final Map<String, Portal> bungeePortals = new HashMap<>();
private PortalHandler() {
* Gets a copy of all portal networks
* @return <p>A copy of all portal networks</p>
public static Map<String, List<String>> getAllPortalNetworks() {
return new HashMap<>(allPortalNetworks);
* Gets a copy of all bungee portals
* @return <p>A copy of all bungee portals</p>
public static Map<String, Portal> getBungeePortals() {
return new HashMap<>(bungeePortals);
* Gets names of all portals within a network
@ -193,7 +202,7 @@ public class PortalHandler {
* @param portal <p>The portal to register</p>
private static void registerPortal(Portal portal) {
static void registerPortal(Portal portal) {
portal.getOptions().setFixed(portal.getDestinationName().length() > 0 || portal.getOptions().isRandom() ||
@ -242,124 +251,6 @@ public class PortalHandler {
* Creates a new portal
* @param event <p>The sign change event which initialized the creation</p>
* @param player <p>The player who's creating the portal</p>
* @return <p>The created portal</p>
public static Portal createPortal(SignChangeEvent event, Player player) {
BlockLocation signLocation = new BlockLocation(event.getBlock());
Block idParent = signLocation.getParent();
//Return early if the sign is not placed on a block, or the block is not a control block
if (idParent == null || GateHandler.getGatesByControlBlock(idParent).length == 0) {
Stargate.debug("createPortal", "Control block not registered");
return null;
//The control block is already part of another portal
if (getByBlock(idParent) != null) {
Stargate.debug("createPortal", "idParent belongs to existing stargate");
return null;
//Get necessary information from the gate's sign
String portalName = filterName(event.getLine(0));
String destinationName = filterName(event.getLine(1));
String network = filterName(event.getLine(2));
String options = filterName(event.getLine(3)).toLowerCase();
//Get portal options available to the player creating the portal
Map<PortalOption, Boolean> portalOptions = getPortalOptions(player, destinationName, options);
//Get the yaw
float yaw = DirectionHelper.getYawFromLocationDifference(idParent.getLocation(), signLocation.getLocation());
//Get the direction the button should be facing
BlockFace buttonFacing = DirectionHelper.getBlockFaceFromYaw(yaw);
PortalLocation portalLocation = new PortalLocation();
Stargate.debug("createPortal", "Finished getting all portal info");
//Try and find a gate matching the new portal
Gate gate = findMatchingGate(portalLocation, player);
if ((gate == null) || (portalLocation.getButtonVector() == null)) {
Stargate.debug("createPortal", "Could not find matching gate layout");
return null;
//If the portal is a bungee portal and invalid, abort here
if (!isValidBungeePortal(portalOptions, player, destinationName, network)) {
Stargate.debug("createPortal", "Portal is an invalid bungee portal");
return null;
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
for (PortalOption option : portalOptions.keySet()) {
builder.append(option.getCharacterRepresentation()).append(" = ").append(portalOptions.get(option)).append(" ");
Stargate.debug("createPortal", builder.toString());
//Use default network if a proper alternative is not set
if (!portalOptions.get(PortalOption.BUNGEE) && (network.length() < 1 || network.length() > 11)) {
network = Stargate.getDefaultNetwork();
boolean deny = false;
String denyMessage = "";
//Check if the player can create portals on this network
if (!portalOptions.get(PortalOption.BUNGEE) && !PermissionHelper.canCreateNetworkGate(player, network)) {
Stargate.debug("createPortal", "Player doesn't have create permissions on network. Trying personal");
if (PermissionHelper.canCreatePersonalGate(player)) {
network = player.getName();
if (network.length() > 11) network = network.substring(0, 11);
Stargate.debug("createPortal", "Creating personal portal");
Stargate.sendErrorMessage(player, Stargate.getString("createPersonal"));
} else {
Stargate.debug("createPortal", "Player does not have access to network");
deny = true;
denyMessage = Stargate.getString("createNetDeny");
//return null;
//Check if the player can create this gate layout
String gateName = gate.getFilename();
gateName = gateName.substring(0, gateName.indexOf('.'));
if (!deny && !PermissionHelper.canCreateGate(player, gateName)) {
Stargate.debug("createPortal", "Player does not have access to gate layout");
deny = true;
denyMessage = Stargate.getString("createGateDeny");
//Check if the user can create portals to this world.
if (!portalOptions.get(PortalOption.BUNGEE) && !deny && destinationName.length() > 0) {
Portal portal = getByName(destinationName, network);
if (portal != null) {
String world = portal.getWorld().getName();
if (PermissionHelper.cannotAccessWorld(player, world)) {
Stargate.debug("canCreateNetworkGate", "Player does not have access to destination world");
deny = true;
denyMessage = Stargate.getString("createWorldDeny");
//Check if a conflict exists
if (conflictsWithExistingPortal(gate, portalLocation.getTopLeft(), yaw, player)) {
return null;
return createAndValidateNewPortal(portalLocation, destinationName, portalName, network, gate,
player, portalOptions, denyMessage, event.getLines(), deny);
* Checks if the new portal is a valid bungee portal
@ -369,7 +260,7 @@ public class PortalHandler {
* @param network <p>The name of the portal's network</p>
* @return <p>False if the portal is an invalid bungee portal. True otherwise</p>
private static boolean isValidBungeePortal(Map<PortalOption, Boolean> portalOptions, Player player,
static boolean isValidBungeePortal(Map<PortalOption, Boolean> portalOptions, Player player,
String destinationName, String network) {
if (portalOptions.get(PortalOption.BUNGEE)) {
if (!PermissionHelper.hasPermission(player, "stargate.admin.bungee")) {
@ -393,7 +284,7 @@ public class PortalHandler {
* @param player <p>The player trying to create the new portal</p>
* @return <p>The matching gate type, or null if no such gate could be found</p>
private static Gate findMatchingGate(PortalLocation portalLocation, Player player) {
static Gate findMatchingGate(PortalLocation portalLocation, Player player) {
Block signParent = portalLocation.getSignLocation().getParent();
BlockLocation parent = new BlockLocation(player.getWorld(), signParent.getX(), signParent.getY(),
@ -432,7 +323,7 @@ public class PortalHandler {
* @param player <p>The player creating the new portal</p>
* @return <p>True if a conflict was found. False otherwise</p>
private static boolean conflictsWithExistingPortal(Gate gate, BlockLocation topLeft, double yaw, Player player) {
static boolean conflictsWithExistingPortal(Gate gate, BlockLocation topLeft, double yaw, Player player) {
//TODO: Make a quicker check. Could just check for control block conflicts if all code is changed to account for
// getting several hits at a single location when checking for the existence of a portal. May make
// everything slower overall? Would make for cooler gates though.
@ -447,172 +338,12 @@ public class PortalHandler {
return false;
* Creates and validates a new portal
* @param destinationName <p>The name of the portal's destination</p>
* @param portalName <p>The name of the new portal</p>
* @param network <p>The name of the new portal's network</p>
* @param gate <p>The gate type used in the physical construction of the new portal</p>
* @param player <p>The player creating the new portal</p>
* @param portalOptions <p>A map of enabled and disabled portal options</p>
* @param denyMessage <p>The deny message to display if the portal creation was denied</p>
* @param lines <p>All the lines of the sign which initiated the portal creation</p>
* @param deny <p>Whether to deny the creation of the new portal</p>
* @return <p>A new portal, or null if the input cases the creation to be denied</p>
private static Portal createAndValidateNewPortal(PortalLocation portalLocation, String destinationName,
String portalName, String network, Gate gate, Player player,
Map<PortalOption, Boolean> portalOptions, String denyMessage,
String[] lines, boolean deny) {
Portal portal = new Portal(portalLocation, null, destinationName, portalName,
network, gate, player.getUniqueId(), player.getName(), portalOptions);
int createCost = EconomyHandler.getCreateCost(player, gate);
//Call StargateCreateEvent to let other plugins cancel or overwrite denial
StargateCreateEvent stargateCreateEvent = new StargateCreateEvent(player, portal, lines, deny,
denyMessage, createCost);
if (stargateCreateEvent.isCancelled()) {
return null;
//Tell the user why it was denied from creating the portal
if (stargateCreateEvent.getDeny()) {
Stargate.sendErrorMessage(player, stargateCreateEvent.getDenyReason());
return null;
createCost = stargateCreateEvent.getCost();
//Check if the new portal is valid
if (!checkIfNewPortalIsValid(portal, player, createCost, portalName)) {
return null;
//Add button if the portal is not always on
if (!portalOptions.get(PortalOption.ALWAYS_ON)) {
generatePortalButton(portal, portalLocation.getTopLeft(), portalLocation.getButtonVector(),
//Register the new portal
updateNewPortal(portal, destinationName);
//Update portals pointing at this one if it's not a bungee portal
if (!portal.getOptions().isBungee()) {
return portal;
* Checks whether the newly created, but unregistered portal is valid
* @param portal <p>The portal to validate</p>
* @param player <p>The player creating the portal</p>
* @param cost <p>The cost of creating the portal</p>
* @param portalName <p>The name of the newly created portal</p>
* @return <p>True if the portal is completely valid</p>
private static boolean checkIfNewPortalIsValid(Portal portal, Player player, int cost, String portalName) {
// Name & Network can be changed in the event, so do these checks here.
if (portal.getName().length() < 1 || portal.getName().length() > 11) {
Stargate.debug("createPortal", "Name length error");
Stargate.sendErrorMessage(player, Stargate.getString("createNameLength"));
return false;
//Don't do network checks for bungee portals
if (portal.getOptions().isBungee()) {
if (bungeePortals.get(portal.getName().toLowerCase()) != null) {
Stargate.debug("createPortal::Bungee", "Gate name duplicate");
Stargate.sendErrorMessage(player, Stargate.getString("createExists"));
return false;
} else {
if (getByName(portal.getName(), portal.getNetwork()) != null) {
Stargate.debug("createPortal", "Gate name duplicate");
Stargate.sendErrorMessage(player, Stargate.getString("createExists"));
return false;
//Check if there are too many gates in this network
List<String> networkList = allPortalNetworks.get(portal.getNetwork().toLowerCase());
if (Stargate.maxGatesEachNetwork > 0 && networkList != null && networkList.size() >= Stargate.maxGatesEachNetwork) {
Stargate.sendErrorMessage(player, Stargate.getString("createFull"));
return false;
if (cost > 0) {
if (!EconomyHandler.chargePlayerIfNecessary(player, cost)) {
EconomyHelper.sendInsufficientFundsMessage(portalName, player, cost);
Stargate.debug("createPortal", "Insufficient Funds");
return false;
} else {
EconomyHelper.sendDeductMessage(portalName, player, cost);
return true;
* Generates a button for a portal
* @param portal <p>The portal to generate a button for</p>
* @param topLeft <p>The top-left block of the portal</p>
* @param buttonVector <p>A relative vector pointing at the button</p>
* @param buttonFacing <p>The direction the button should be facing</p>
private static void generatePortalButton(Portal portal, BlockLocation topLeft, RelativeBlockVector buttonVector,
BlockFace buttonFacing) {
//Go one block outwards to find the button's location rather than the control block's location
BlockLocation button = topLeft.getRelativeLocation(buttonVector.addToVector(
RelativeBlockVector.Property.DISTANCE, 1), portal.getYaw());
Directional buttonData = (Directional) Bukkit.createBlockData(portal.getGate().getPortalButton());
* Updates the open state of the newly created portal
* @param portal <p>The portal newly created</p>
* @param destinationName <p>The name of the destination portal</p>
private static void updateNewPortal(Portal portal, String destinationName) {
//Open an always on portal
if (portal.getOptions().isRandom() || portal.getOptions().isBungee()) {
} else if (portal.getOptions().isAlwaysOn()) {
Portal destinationPortal = getByName(destinationName, portal.getNetwork());
if (destinationPortal != null) {
} else {
//Update the block type for the portal's opening to the closed block
for (BlockLocation entrance : portal.getStructure().getEntrances()) {
* Updates the sign and open state of portals pointing at the newly created portal
* @param portal <p>The newly created portal</p>
private static void updatePortalsPointingAtNewPortal(Portal portal) {
static void updatePortalsPointingAtNewPortal(Portal portal) {
for (String originName : allPortalNetworks.get(portal.getNetwork().toLowerCase())) {
Portal origin = getByName(originName, portal.getNetwork());
if (origin == null ||
@ -639,7 +370,7 @@ public class PortalHandler {
* @param options <p>The string on the option line of the sign</p>
* @return <p>A map containing all portal options and their values</p>
private static Map<PortalOption, Boolean> getPortalOptions(Player player, String destinationName, String options) {
static Map<PortalOption, Boolean> getPortalOptions(Player player, String destinationName, String options) {
Map<PortalOption, Boolean> portalOptions = new HashMap<>();
for (PortalOption option : PortalOption.values()) {
portalOptions.put(option, options.indexOf(option.getCharacterRepresentation()) != -1 &&
Reference in New Issue
Block a user