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package net.knarcraft.stargate.config;
import net.knarcraft.stargate.Stargate;
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import net.knarcraft.stargate.container.BlockChangeRequest;
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import net.knarcraft.stargate.listener.BungeeCordListener;
import net.knarcraft.stargate.portal.Portal;
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import net.knarcraft.stargate.portal.PortalHandler;
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import net.knarcraft.stargate.portal.PortalRegistry;
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import net.knarcraft.stargate.portal.property.gate.GateHandler;
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import net.knarcraft.stargate.thread.BlockChangeThread;
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import net.knarcraft.stargate.utility.FileHelper;
import net.knarcraft.stargate.utility.PortalFileHelper;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.World;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
import org.bukkit.configuration.file.FileConfiguration;
import org.bukkit.plugin.messaging.Messenger;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
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import java.util.HashMap;
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import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Map;
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import java.util.Queue;
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import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
* The stargate config is responsible for keeping track of all configuration values
public final class StargateConfig {
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private final Queue<Portal> activePortalsQueue = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<>();
private final Queue<Portal> openPortalsQueue = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<>();
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private final HashSet<String> managedWorlds = new HashSet<>();
private StargateGateConfig stargateGateConfig;
private MessageSender messageSender;
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private final LanguageLoader languageLoader;
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private EconomyConfig economyConfig;
private final Logger logger;
private final String dataFolderPath;
private String gateFolder;
private String portalFolder;
private String languageName = "en";
private boolean debuggingEnabled = false;
private boolean permissionDebuggingEnabled = false;
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private final Map<ConfigOption, Object> configOptions;
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* Instantiates a new stargate config
* @param logger <p>The logger to use for logging errors</p>
public StargateConfig(Logger logger) {
this.logger = logger;
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configOptions = new HashMap<>();
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dataFolderPath = Stargate.getInstance().getDataFolder().getPath().replaceAll("\\\\", "/");
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portalFolder = dataFolderPath + "/portals/";
gateFolder = dataFolderPath + "/gates/";
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languageLoader = new LanguageLoader(dataFolderPath + "/lang/");
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* Finish the config setup by loading languages, gates and portals, and loading economy if vault is loaded
public void finishSetup() {
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//Enable the required channels for Bungee support
if (stargateGateConfig.enableBungee()) {
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//Set the chosen language and reload the language loader
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messageSender = new MessageSender(languageLoader);
if (debuggingEnabled) {
//Set up vault economy if vault has been loaded
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* Gets the queue of open portals
* <p>The open portals queue is used to close open portals after some time has passed</p>
* @return <p>The open portals queue</p>
public Queue<Portal> getOpenPortalsQueue() {
return openPortalsQueue;
* Gets the queue of active portals
* <p>The active portals queue is used to de-activate portals after some time has passed</p>
* @return <p>The active portals queue</p>
public Queue<Portal> getActivePortalsQueue() {
return activePortalsQueue;
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* Gets whether debugging is enabled
* @return <p>Whether debugging is enabled</p>
public boolean isDebuggingEnabled() {
return debuggingEnabled;
* Gets whether permission debugging is enabled
* @return <p>Whether permission debugging is enabled</p>
public boolean isPermissionDebuggingEnabled() {
return permissionDebuggingEnabled;
* Gets the object containing economy config values
* @return <p>The object containing economy config values</p>
public EconomyConfig getEconomyConfig() {
return this.economyConfig;
* Reloads all portals and files
* @param sender <p>The sender of the reload request</p>
public void reload(CommandSender sender) {
//Unload all saved data
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//Perform all block change requests to prevent mismatch if a gate's open-material changes. Changing the
// closed-material still requires a restart.
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BlockChangeRequest firstElement = Stargate.getBlockChangeRequestQueue().peek();
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while (firstElement != null) {
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firstElement = Stargate.getBlockChangeRequestQueue().peek();
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//Store the old enable bungee state in case it changes
boolean oldEnableBungee = stargateGateConfig.enableBungee();
//Load all data
//Enable or disable the required channels for Bungee support
if (oldEnableBungee != stargateGateConfig.enableBungee()) {
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messageSender.sendErrorMessage(sender, languageLoader.getString("reloaded"));
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* Un-loads all loaded data
private void unload() {
//De-activate all currently active portals
for (Portal activePortal : activePortalsQueue) {
//Force all portals to close
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//Clear queues and lists
//Clear all loaded portals
//Clear all loaded gates
* Clears the set of managed worlds
public void clearManagedWorlds() {
* Gets a copy of the set of managed worlds
* @return <p>The managed worlds</p>
public Set<String> getManagedWorlds() {
return new HashSet<>(managedWorlds);
* Adds a world to the managed worlds
* @param worldName <p>The name of the world to manage</p>
public void addManagedWorld(String worldName) {
* Removes a world from the managed worlds
* @param worldName <p>The name of the world to stop managing</p>
public void removeManagedWorld(String worldName) {
* Loads all necessary data
private void load() {
//Load the config from disk
//Load all gates
//Load all portals
//Update the language loader in case the loaded language changed
if (debuggingEnabled) {
//Load Economy support if enabled/clear if disabled
* Starts the listener for listening to BungeeCord messages
private void startStopBungeeListener(boolean start) {
Messenger messenger = Bukkit.getMessenger();
String bungeeChannel = "BungeeCord";
if (start) {
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messenger.registerOutgoingPluginChannel(Stargate.getInstance(), bungeeChannel);
messenger.registerIncomingPluginChannel(Stargate.getInstance(), bungeeChannel, new BungeeCordListener());
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} else {
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messenger.unregisterIncomingPluginChannel(Stargate.getInstance(), bungeeChannel);
messenger.unregisterOutgoingPluginChannel(Stargate.getInstance(), bungeeChannel);
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* Reloads economy by enabling or disabling it as necessary
private void reloadEconomy() {
EconomyConfig economyConfig = getEconomyConfig();
if (economyConfig.isEconomyEnabled() && economyConfig.getEconomy() == null) {
} else if (!economyConfig.isEconomyEnabled()) {
* Forces all open portals to close
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public void closeAllOpenPortals() {
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for (Portal openPortal : openPortalsQueue) {
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* Loads all config values
public void loadConfig() {
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FileConfiguration newConfig = Stargate.getInstance().getConfig();
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boolean isMigrating = false;
if (newConfig.getString("lang") != null ||
newConfig.getString("gates.integrity.ignoreEntrance") != null ||
newConfig.getString("ignoreEntrance") != null) {
isMigrating = true;
//Copy missing default values if any values are missing
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//Load all options
for (ConfigOption option : ConfigOption.values()) {
Object optionValue;
String configNode = option.getConfigNode();
//Load the option using its correct data type
switch (option.getDataType()) {
case STRING -> {
String value = newConfig.getString(configNode);
optionValue = value != null ? value.trim() : "";
case BOOLEAN -> optionValue = newConfig.getBoolean(configNode);
case INTEGER -> optionValue = newConfig.getInt(configNode);
default -> throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid config data type encountered");
configOptions.put(option, optionValue);
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//Get the language name from the config
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languageName = (String) configOptions.get(ConfigOption.LANGUAGE);
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//Get important folders from the config
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portalFolder = (String) configOptions.get(ConfigOption.PORTAL_FOLDER);
gateFolder = (String) configOptions.get(ConfigOption.GATE_FOLDER);
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//Get enabled debug settings from the config
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debuggingEnabled = (boolean) configOptions.get(ConfigOption.DEBUG);
permissionDebuggingEnabled = (boolean) configOptions.get(ConfigOption.PERMISSION_DEBUG);
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//If users have an outdated config, assume they also need to update their default gates
if (isMigrating) {
//Load all gate config values
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stargateGateConfig = new StargateGateConfig(configOptions);
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//Load all economy config values
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economyConfig = new EconomyConfig(configOptions);
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* Gets the object containing configuration values regarding gates
* @return <p>Gets the gate config</p>
public StargateGateConfig getStargateGateConfig() {
return stargateGateConfig;
* Loads all available gates
public void loadGates() {
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Stargate.logInfo(String.format("Loaded %s gate layouts", GateHandler.getGateCount()));
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* Changes all configuration values from the old name to the new name
* @param newConfig <p>The config to read from and write to</p>
private void migrateConfig(FileConfiguration newConfig) {
//Save the old config just in case something goes wrong
try {
newConfig.save(dataFolderPath + "/config.yml.old");
} catch (IOException e) {
Stargate.debug("Stargate::migrateConfig", "Unable to save old backup and do migration");
//Read all available config migrations
Map<String, String> migrationFields;
try {
migrationFields = FileHelper.readKeyValuePairs(FileHelper.getBufferedReaderFromInputStream(
} catch (IOException e) {
Stargate.debug("Stargate::migrateConfig", "Unable to load config migration file");
//Replace old config names with the new ones
for (String key : migrationFields.keySet()) {
if (newConfig.contains(key)) {
String newPath = migrationFields.get(key);
Object oldValue = newConfig.get(key);
if (!newPath.trim().isEmpty()) {
newConfig.set(newPath, oldValue);
newConfig.set(key, null);
* Loads economy from Vault
private void setupVaultEconomy() {
EconomyConfig economyConfig = getEconomyConfig();
if (economyConfig.setupEconomy(Stargate.getPluginManager()) && economyConfig.getEconomy() != null) {
String vaultVersion = economyConfig.getVault().getDescription().getVersion();
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Stargate.logInfo(Stargate.replaceVars(Stargate.getString("vaultLoaded"), "%version%", vaultVersion));
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* Loads all portals in all un-managed worlds
public void loadAllPortals() {
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for (World world : Stargate.getInstance().getServer().getWorlds()) {
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if (!managedWorlds.contains(world.getName())) {
* Creates missing folders
private void createMissingFolders() {
File newPortalDir = new File(portalFolder);
if (!newPortalDir.exists()) {
if (!newPortalDir.mkdirs()) {
logger.severe("Unable to create portal directory");
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File newFile = new File(portalFolder, Stargate.getInstance().getServer().getWorlds().get(0).getName() +
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if (!newFile.exists() && !newFile.getParentFile().exists()) {
if (!newFile.getParentFile().mkdirs()) {
logger.severe("Unable to create portal database folder: " + newFile.getParentFile().getPath());
* Gets the folder all portals are stored in
* @return <p>The portal folder</p>
public String getPortalFolder() {
return portalFolder;
* Gets the folder storing gate files
* <p>The returned String path is the full path to the folder</p>
* @return <p>The folder storing gate files</p>
public String getGateFolder() {
return gateFolder;
* Gets the sender for sending messages to players
* @return <p>The sender for sending messages to players</p>
public MessageSender getMessageSender() {
return messageSender;
* Gets the language loader containing translated strings
* @return <p>The language loader</p>
public LanguageLoader getLanguageLoader() {
return languageLoader;