1504 lines
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1504 lines
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package net.knarcraft.stargate;
import net.knarcraft.stargate.event.StargateActivateEvent;
import net.knarcraft.stargate.event.StargateCloseEvent;
import net.knarcraft.stargate.event.StargateCreateEvent;
import net.knarcraft.stargate.event.StargateDeactivateEvent;
import net.knarcraft.stargate.event.StargateOpenEvent;
import net.knarcraft.stargate.event.StargatePortalEvent;
import org.bukkit.Axis;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.ChatColor;
import org.bukkit.Location;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer;
import org.bukkit.World;
import org.bukkit.block.Block;
import org.bukkit.block.BlockFace;
import org.bukkit.block.BlockState;
import org.bukkit.block.Sign;
import org.bukkit.block.data.Bisected;
import org.bukkit.block.data.BlockData;
import org.bukkit.block.data.Directional;
import org.bukkit.block.data.Powerable;
import org.bukkit.block.data.type.WallSign;
import org.bukkit.entity.Entity;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.entity.Vehicle;
import org.bukkit.entity.minecart.StorageMinecart;
import org.bukkit.event.block.SignChangeEvent;
import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerMoveEvent;
import org.bukkit.util.Vector;
import java.io.BufferedWriter;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileWriter;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.UUID;
import java.util.logging.Level;
* stargate - A portal plugin for Bukkit
* Copyright (C) 2011 Shaun (sturmeh)
* Copyright (C) 2011 Dinnerbone
* Copyright (C) 2011, 2012 Steven "Drakia" Scott <Contact@TheDgtl.net>
* Copyright (C) 2021 Kristian Knarvik
* <p>
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* <p>
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* <p>
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
public class Portal {
// Static variables used to store portal lists
private static final HashMap<BlockLocation, Portal> lookupBlocks = new HashMap<>();
private static final HashMap<BlockLocation, Portal> lookupEntrances = new HashMap<>();
private static final HashMap<BlockLocation, Portal> lookupControls = new HashMap<>();
private static final ArrayList<Portal> allPortals = new ArrayList<>();
private static final HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>> allPortalsNet = new HashMap<>();
private static final HashMap<String, HashMap<String, Portal>> lookupNamesNet = new HashMap<>();
// A list of Bungee gates
private static final HashMap<String, Portal> bungeePortals = new HashMap<>();
// Gate location block info
private final BlockLocation topLeft;
private final int modX;
private final int modZ;
private final float rotX;
private final Axis rot;
// Block references
private final BlockLocation id;
private BlockLocation button;
private BlockLocation[] frame;
private BlockLocation[] entrances;
// Gate information
private String name;
private String destination;
private String lastDest = "";
private String network;
private final Gate gate;
private String ownerName = "";
private UUID ownerUUID = null;
private final World world;
private boolean verified;
private boolean fixed;
// Options
private boolean hidden = false;
private boolean alwaysOn = false;
private boolean priv = false;
private boolean free = false;
private boolean backwards = false;
private boolean show = false;
private boolean noNetwork = false;
private boolean random = false;
private boolean bungee = false;
// In-use information
private Player player;
private Player activePlayer;
private ArrayList<String> destinations = new ArrayList<>();
private boolean isOpen = false;
private long openTime;
private Portal(BlockLocation topLeft, int modX, int modZ,
float rotX, BlockLocation id, BlockLocation button,
String dest, String name,
boolean verified, String network, Gate gate, UUID ownerUUID, String ownerName,
boolean hidden, boolean alwaysOn, boolean priv, boolean free, boolean backwards, boolean show, boolean noNetwork, boolean random, boolean bungee) {
this.topLeft = topLeft;
this.modX = modX;
this.modZ = modZ;
this.rotX = rotX;
this.rot = rotX == 0.0F || rotX == 180.0F ? Axis.X : Axis.Z;
this.id = id;
this.destination = dest;
this.button = button;
this.verified = verified;
this.network = network;
this.name = name;
this.gate = gate;
this.ownerUUID = ownerUUID;
this.ownerName = ownerName;
this.hidden = hidden;
this.alwaysOn = alwaysOn;
this.priv = priv;
this.free = free;
this.backwards = backwards;
this.show = show;
this.noNetwork = noNetwork;
this.random = random;
this.bungee = bungee;
this.world = topLeft.getWorld();
this.fixed = dest.length() > 0 || this.random || this.bungee;
if (this.isAlwaysOn() && !this.isFixed()) {
this.alwaysOn = false;
Stargate.debug("Portal", "Can not create a non-fixed always-on gate. Setting AlwaysOn = false");
if (this.random && !this.isAlwaysOn()) {
this.alwaysOn = true;
Stargate.debug("Portal", "Gate marked as random, set to always-on");
if (verified) {
* Option Check Functions
public boolean isOpen() {
return isOpen || isAlwaysOn();
public boolean isAlwaysOn() {
return alwaysOn;
public boolean isHidden() {
return hidden;
public boolean isPrivate() {
return priv;
public boolean isFree() {
return free;
public boolean isBackwards() {
return backwards;
public boolean isShown() {
return show;
public boolean isNoNetwork() {
return noNetwork;
public boolean isRandom() {
return random;
public boolean isBungee() {
return bungee;
public void setAlwaysOn(boolean alwaysOn) {
this.alwaysOn = alwaysOn;
public void setHidden(boolean hidden) {
this.hidden = hidden;
public void setPrivate(boolean priv) {
this.priv = priv;
public void setFree(boolean free) {
this.free = free;
public void setBackwards(boolean backwards) {
this.backwards = backwards;
public void setShown(boolean show) {
this.show = show;
public void setNoNetwork(boolean noNetwork) {
this.noNetwork = noNetwork;
public void setRandom(boolean random) {
this.random = random;
* Getters and Setters
public float getRotation() {
return rotX;
public Axis getAxis() {
return rot;
public Player getActivePlayer() {
return activePlayer;
public String getNetwork() {
return network;
public void setNetwork(String network) {
this.network = network;
public long getOpenTime() {
return openTime;
public String getName() {
return name;
public void setName(String name) {
this.name = filterName(name);
public Portal getDestination(Player player) {
if (isRandom()) {
destinations = getDestinations(player, getNetwork());
if (destinations.size() == 0) {
return null;
String dest = destinations.get((new Random()).nextInt(destinations.size()));
return Portal.getByName(dest, getNetwork());
return Portal.getByName(destination, getNetwork());
public Portal getDestination() {
return getDestination(null);
public void setDestination(Portal destination) {
public void setDestination(String destination) {
this.destination = destination;
public String getDestinationName() {
return destination;
public Gate getGate() {
return gate;
public String getOwnerName() {
return ownerName;
public UUID getOwnerUUID() {
return ownerUUID;
public void setOwner(UUID owner) {
this.ownerUUID = owner;
public boolean isOwner(Player player) {
if (this.ownerUUID != null) {
return player.getUniqueId().compareTo(this.ownerUUID) == 0;
} else {
return player.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(this.ownerName);
public BlockLocation[] getEntrances() {
if (entrances == null) {
RelativeBlockVector[] space = gate.getEntrances();
entrances = new BlockLocation[space.length];
int i = 0;
for (RelativeBlockVector vector : space) {
entrances[i++] = getBlockAt(vector);
return entrances;
public BlockLocation[] getFrame() {
if (frame == null) {
RelativeBlockVector[] border = gate.getBorder();
frame = new BlockLocation[border.length];
int i = 0;
for (RelativeBlockVector vector : border) {
frame[i++] = getBlockAt(vector);
return frame;
public BlockLocation getSign() {
return id;
public World getWorld() {
return world;
public BlockLocation getButton() {
return button;
public void setButton(BlockLocation button) {
this.button = button;
public static ArrayList<String> getNetwork(String network) {
return allPortalsNet.get(network.toLowerCase());
public boolean open(boolean force) {
return open(null, force);
public boolean open(Player openFor, boolean force) {
// Call the StargateOpenEvent
StargateOpenEvent event = new StargateOpenEvent(openFor, this, force);
if (event.isCancelled()) return false;
force = event.getForce();
if (isOpen() && !force) return false;
Material openType = gate.getPortalBlockOpen();
Axis ax = openType == Material.NETHER_PORTAL ? rot : null;
for (BlockLocation inside : getEntrances()) {
Stargate.blockPopulatorQueue.add(new BloxPopulator(inside, openType, ax));
isOpen = true;
openTime = System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000;
// Open remote gate
if (!isAlwaysOn()) {
player = openFor;
Portal end = getDestination();
// Only open dest if it's not-fixed or points at this gate
if (!random && end != null && (!end.isFixed() || end.getDestinationName().equalsIgnoreCase(getName())) && !end.isOpen()) {
end.open(openFor, false);
if (end.isVerified()) end.drawSign();
return true;
public void close(boolean force) {
if (!isOpen) return;
// Call the StargateCloseEvent
StargateCloseEvent event = new StargateCloseEvent(this, force);
if (event.isCancelled()) return;
force = event.getForce();
if (isAlwaysOn() && !force) return; // Only close always-open if forced
// Close this gate, then the dest gate.
Material closedType = gate.getPortalBlockClosed();
for (BlockLocation inside : getEntrances()) {
Stargate.blockPopulatorQueue.add(new BloxPopulator(inside, closedType));
player = null;
isOpen = false;
if (!isAlwaysOn()) {
Portal end = getDestination();
if (end != null && end.isOpen()) {
end.deactivate(); // Clear it's destination first.
public boolean isOpenFor(Player player) {
if (!isOpen) {
return false;
if ((isAlwaysOn()) || (this.player == null)) {
return true;
return (player != null) && (player.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(this.player.getName()));
public boolean isFixed() {
return fixed;
public boolean isPowered() {
RelativeBlockVector[] controls = gate.getControls();
for (RelativeBlockVector vector : controls) {
BlockData data = getBlockAt(vector).getBlock().getBlockData();
if (data instanceof Powerable && ((Powerable) data).isPowered()) {
return true;
return false;
public void teleport(Player player, Portal origin, PlayerMoveEvent event) {
Location traveller = player.getLocation();
Location exit = getExit(traveller);
// Handle backwards gates
int adjust = 180;
if (isBackwards() != origin.isBackwards())
adjust = 0;
exit.setYaw(traveller.getYaw() - origin.getRotation() + this.getRotation() + adjust);
// Call the StargatePortalEvent to allow plugins to change destination
if (!origin.equals(this)) {
StargatePortalEvent pEvent = new StargatePortalEvent(player, origin, this, exit);
// Teleport is cancelled
if (pEvent.isCancelled()) {
origin.teleport(player, origin, event);
// Update exit if needed
exit = pEvent.getExit();
// If no event is passed in, assume it's a teleport, and act as such
if (event == null) {
} else {
// The new method to teleport in a move event is set the "to" field.
public void teleport(final Vehicle vehicle) {
Location traveller = new Location(this.world, vehicle.getLocation().getX(), vehicle.getLocation().getY(), vehicle.getLocation().getZ());
Location exit = getExit(traveller);
double velocity = vehicle.getVelocity().length();
// Stop and teleport
vehicle.setVelocity(new Vector());
// Get new velocity
final Vector newVelocity = new Vector(modX, 0.0F, modZ);
List<Entity> passengers = vehicle.getPassengers();
if (!passengers.isEmpty()) {
final Vehicle v = exit.getWorld().spawn(exit, vehicle.getClass());
final Entity passenger = passengers.get(0);
Stargate.server.getScheduler().scheduleSyncDelayedTask(Stargate.stargate, () -> {
}, 1);
} else {
Vehicle mc = exit.getWorld().spawn(exit, vehicle.getClass());
if (mc instanceof StorageMinecart) {
StorageMinecart smc = (StorageMinecart) mc;
smc.getInventory().setContents(((StorageMinecart) vehicle).getInventory().getContents());
public Location getExit(Location traveller) {
Location loc = null;
// Check if the gate has an exit block
if (gate.getExit() != null) {
BlockLocation exit = getBlockAt(gate.getExit());
int back = (isBackwards()) ? -1 : 1;
loc = exit.modRelativeLoc(0D, 0D, 1D, traveller.getYaw(), traveller.getPitch(), modX * back, 1, modZ * back);
} else {
Stargate.log.log(Level.WARNING, "[stargate] Missing destination point in .gate file " + gate.getFilename());
if (loc != null) {
BlockData bd = getWorld().getBlockAt(loc).getBlockData();
if (bd instanceof Bisected && ((Bisected) bd).getHalf() == Bisected.Half.BOTTOM) {
loc.add(0, 0.5, 0);
return loc;
return traveller;
public boolean isChunkLoaded() {
return getWorld().isChunkLoaded(topLeft.getBlock().getChunk());
public boolean isVerified() {
verified = true;
if (!Stargate.verifyPortals) {
return true;
for (RelativeBlockVector control : gate.getControls()) {
verified = verified && getBlockAt(control).getBlock().getType().equals(gate.getControlBlock());
return verified;
public boolean wasVerified() {
if (!Stargate.verifyPortals) {
return true;
return verified;
public boolean checkIntegrity() {
if (!Stargate.verifyPortals) {
return true;
return gate.matches(topLeft, modX, modZ);
public ArrayList<String> getDestinations(Player player, String network) {
ArrayList<String> destinations = new ArrayList<>();
for (String dest : allPortalsNet.get(network.toLowerCase())) {
Portal portal = getByName(dest, network);
if (portal == null) continue;
// Check if dest is a random gate
if (portal.isRandom()) continue;
// Check if dest is always open (Don't show if so)
if (portal.isAlwaysOn() && !portal.isShown()) continue;
// Check if dest is this portal
if (dest.equalsIgnoreCase(getName())) continue;
// Check if dest is a fixed gate not pointing to this gate
if (portal.isFixed() && !portal.getDestinationName().equalsIgnoreCase(getName())) continue;
// Allow random use by non-players (Minecarts)
if (player == null) {
// Check if this player can access the dest world
if (!Stargate.canAccessWorld(player, portal.getWorld().getName())) continue;
// Visible to this player.
if (Stargate.canSee(player, portal)) {
return destinations;
public boolean activate(Player player) {
destination = "";
activePlayer = player;
String network = getNetwork();
destinations = getDestinations(player, network);
if (Stargate.sortLists) {
if (Stargate.destMemory && !lastDest.isEmpty() && destinations.contains(lastDest)) {
destination = lastDest;
StargateActivateEvent event = new StargateActivateEvent(this, player, destinations, destination);
if (event.isCancelled()) {
return false;
destination = event.getDestination();
destinations = event.getDestinations();
return true;
public void deactivate() {
StargateDeactivateEvent event = new StargateDeactivateEvent(this);
if (event.isCancelled()) return;
if (isFixed()) {
destination = "";
activePlayer = null;
public boolean isActive() {
return isFixed() || (destinations.size() > 0);
public void cycleDestination(Player player) {
cycleDestination(player, 1);
public void cycleDestination(Player player, int dir) {
boolean activate = false;
if (!isActive() || getActivePlayer() != player) {
// If the event is cancelled, return
if (!activate(player)) {
Stargate.debug("cycleDestination", "Network Size: " + allPortalsNet.get(network.toLowerCase()).size());
Stargate.debug("cycleDestination", "Player has access to: " + destinations.size());
activate = true;
if (destinations.size() == 0) {
Stargate.sendMessage(player, Stargate.getString("destEmpty"));
if (!Stargate.destMemory || !activate || lastDest.isEmpty()) {
int index = destinations.indexOf(destination);
index += dir;
if (index >= destinations.size())
index = 0;
else if (index < 0)
index = destinations.size() - 1;
destination = destinations.get(index);
lastDest = destination;
openTime = System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000;
public final void drawSign() {
BlockState state = id.getBlock().getState();
if (!(state instanceof Sign)) {
Stargate.log.warning("[stargate] Sign block is not a Sign object");
Stargate.debug("Portal::drawSign", "Block: " + id.getBlock().getType() + " @ " + id.getBlock().getLocation());
Sign sign = (Sign) state;
Stargate.setLine(sign, 0, "-" + name + "-");
int max = destinations.size() - 1;
int done = 0;
if (!isActive()) {
Stargate.setLine(sign, ++done, Stargate.getString("signRightClick"));
Stargate.setLine(sign, ++done, Stargate.getString("signToUse"));
if (!noNetwork) {
Stargate.setLine(sign, ++done, "(" + network + ")");
} else {
// Awesome new logic for Bungee gates
if (isBungee()) {
Stargate.setLine(sign, ++done, Stargate.getString("bungeeSign"));
Stargate.setLine(sign, ++done, ">" + destination + "<");
Stargate.setLine(sign, ++done, "[" + network + "]");
} else if (isFixed()) {
if (isRandom()) {
Stargate.setLine(sign, ++done, "> " + Stargate.getString("signRandom") + " <");
} else {
Stargate.setLine(sign, ++done, ">" + destination + "<");
if (noNetwork) {
Stargate.setLine(sign, ++done, "");
} else {
Stargate.setLine(sign, ++done, "(" + network + ")");
Portal dest = Portal.getByName(destination, network);
if (dest == null && !isRandom()) {
Stargate.setLine(sign, ++done, Stargate.getString("signDisconnected"));
} else {
Stargate.setLine(sign, ++done, "");
} else {
int index = destinations.indexOf(destination);
if ((index == max) && (max > 1) && (++done <= 3)) {
if (EconomyHandler.useEconomy() && EconomyHandler.freeGatesGreen) {
Portal dest = Portal.getByName(destinations.get(index - 2), network);
boolean green = Stargate.isFree(activePlayer, this, dest);
Stargate.setLine(sign, done, (green ? ChatColor.DARK_GREEN : "") + destinations.get(index - 2));
} else {
Stargate.setLine(sign, done, destinations.get(index - 2));
if ((index > 0) && (++done <= 3)) {
if (EconomyHandler.useEconomy() && EconomyHandler.freeGatesGreen) {
Portal dest = Portal.getByName(destinations.get(index - 1), network);
boolean green = Stargate.isFree(activePlayer, this, dest);
Stargate.setLine(sign, done, (green ? ChatColor.DARK_GREEN : "") + destinations.get(index - 1));
} else {
Stargate.setLine(sign, done, destinations.get(index - 1));
if (++done <= 3) {
if (EconomyHandler.useEconomy() && EconomyHandler.freeGatesGreen) {
Portal dest = Portal.getByName(destination, network);
boolean green = Stargate.isFree(activePlayer, this, dest);
Stargate.setLine(sign, done, (green ? ChatColor.DARK_GREEN : "") + ">" + destination + "<");
} else {
Stargate.setLine(sign, done, " >" + destination + "< ");
if ((max >= index + 1) && (++done <= 3)) {
if (EconomyHandler.useEconomy() && EconomyHandler.freeGatesGreen) {
Portal dest = Portal.getByName(destinations.get(index + 1), network);
boolean green = Stargate.isFree(activePlayer, this, dest);
Stargate.setLine(sign, done, (green ? ChatColor.DARK_GREEN : "") + destinations.get(index + 1));
} else {
Stargate.setLine(sign, done, destinations.get(index + 1));
if ((max >= index + 2) && (++done <= 3)) {
if (EconomyHandler.useEconomy() && EconomyHandler.freeGatesGreen) {
Portal dest = Portal.getByName(destinations.get(index + 2), network);
boolean green = Stargate.isFree(activePlayer, this, dest);
Stargate.setLine(sign, done, (green ? ChatColor.DARK_GREEN : "") + destinations.get(index + 2));
} else {
Stargate.setLine(sign, done, destinations.get(index + 2));
for (done++; done <= 3; done++) {
sign.setLine(done, "");
public void unregister(boolean removeAll) {
Stargate.debug("Unregister", "Unregistering gate " + getName());
for (BlockLocation block : getFrame()) {
// Include the sign and button
if (button != null) {
if (button != null)
for (BlockLocation entrance : getEntrances()) {
if (removeAll)
if (bungee) {
} else {
for (String originName : allPortalsNet.get(getNetwork().toLowerCase())) {
Portal origin = Portal.getByName(originName, getNetwork());
if (origin == null) continue;
if (!origin.getDestinationName().equalsIgnoreCase(getName())) continue;
if (!origin.isVerified()) continue;
if (origin.isFixed()) origin.drawSign();
if (origin.isAlwaysOn()) origin.close(true);
if (id.getBlock().getBlockData() instanceof WallSign) {
Sign sign = (Sign) id.getBlock().getState();
sign.setLine(0, getName());
sign.setLine(1, "");
sign.setLine(2, "");
sign.setLine(3, "");
private BlockLocation getBlockAt(RelativeBlockVector vector) {
return topLeft.modRelative(vector.getRight(), vector.getDepth(), vector.getDistance(), modX, 1, modZ);
private void register() {
fixed = destination.length() > 0 || random || bungee;
// Bungee gates are stored in their own list
if (isBungee()) {
bungeePortals.put(getName().toLowerCase(), this);
} else {
// Check if network exists in our network list
if (!lookupNamesNet.containsKey(getNetwork().toLowerCase())) {
Stargate.debug("register", "Network " + getNetwork() + " not in lookupNamesNet, adding");
lookupNamesNet.put(getNetwork().toLowerCase(), new HashMap<>());
lookupNamesNet.get(getNetwork().toLowerCase()).put(getName().toLowerCase(), this);
// Check if this network exists
if (!allPortalsNet.containsKey(getNetwork().toLowerCase())) {
Stargate.debug("register", "Network " + getNetwork() + " not in allPortalsNet, adding");
allPortalsNet.put(getNetwork().toLowerCase(), new ArrayList<>());
for (BlockLocation block : getFrame()) {
lookupBlocks.put(block, this);
// Include the sign and button
lookupBlocks.put(id, this);
if (button != null) {
lookupBlocks.put(button, this);
lookupControls.put(id, this);
if (button != null)
lookupControls.put(button, this);
for (BlockLocation entrance : getEntrances()) {
lookupEntrances.put(entrance, this);
public static Portal createPortal(SignChangeEvent event, Player player) {
BlockLocation id = new BlockLocation(event.getBlock());
Block idParent = id.getParent();
if (idParent == null) {
return null;
if (Gate.getGatesByControlBlock(idParent).length == 0) return null;
if (Portal.getByBlock(idParent) != null) {
Stargate.debug("createPortal", "idParent belongs to existing gate");
return null;
BlockLocation parent = new BlockLocation(player.getWorld(), idParent.getX(), idParent.getY(), idParent.getZ());
BlockLocation topleft = null;
String name = filterName(event.getLine(0));
String destName = filterName(event.getLine(1));
String network = filterName(event.getLine(2));
String options = filterName(event.getLine(3)).toLowerCase();
boolean hidden = (options.indexOf('h') != -1);
boolean alwaysOn = (options.indexOf('a') != -1);
boolean priv = (options.indexOf('p') != -1);
boolean free = (options.indexOf('f') != -1);
boolean backwards = (options.indexOf('b') != -1);
boolean show = (options.indexOf('s') != -1);
boolean noNetwork = (options.indexOf('n') != -1);
boolean random = (options.indexOf('r') != -1);
boolean bungee = (options.indexOf('u') != -1);
// Check permissions for options.
if (hidden && !Stargate.canOption(player, "hidden")) hidden = false;
if (alwaysOn && !Stargate.canOption(player, "alwayson")) alwaysOn = false;
if (priv && !Stargate.canOption(player, "private")) priv = false;
if (free && !Stargate.canOption(player, "free")) free = false;
if (backwards && !Stargate.canOption(player, "backwards")) backwards = false;
if (show && !Stargate.canOption(player, "show")) show = false;
if (noNetwork && !Stargate.canOption(player, "nonetwork")) noNetwork = false;
if (random && !Stargate.canOption(player, "random")) random = false;
// Can not create a non-fixed always-on gate.
if (alwaysOn && destName.length() == 0) {
alwaysOn = false;
// Show isn't useful if A is false
if (show && !alwaysOn) {
show = false;
// Random gates are always on and can't be shown
if (random) {
alwaysOn = true;
show = false;
// Bungee gates are always on and don't support Random
if (bungee) {
alwaysOn = true;
random = false;
// Moved the layout check so as to avoid invalid messages when not making a gate
int modX = 0;
int modZ = 0;
float rotX = 0f;
BlockFace buttonfacing = BlockFace.DOWN;
if (idParent.getX() > id.getBlock().getX()) {
modZ -= 1;
rotX = 90f;
buttonfacing = BlockFace.WEST;
} else if (idParent.getX() < id.getBlock().getX()) {
modZ += 1;
rotX = 270f;
buttonfacing = BlockFace.EAST;
} else if (idParent.getZ() > id.getBlock().getZ()) {
modX += 1;
rotX = 180f;
buttonfacing = BlockFace.NORTH;
} else if (idParent.getZ() < id.getBlock().getZ()) {
modX -= 1;
rotX = 0f;
buttonfacing = BlockFace.SOUTH;
Gate[] possibleGates = Gate.getGatesByControlBlock(idParent);
Gate gate = null;
RelativeBlockVector buttonVector = null;
for (Gate possibility : possibleGates) {
if ((gate == null) && (buttonVector == null)) {
RelativeBlockVector[] vectors = possibility.getControls();
RelativeBlockVector otherControl = null;
for (RelativeBlockVector vector : vectors) {
BlockLocation tl = parent.modRelative(-vector.getRight(), -vector.getDepth(), -vector.getDistance(), modX, 1, modZ);
if (gate == null) {
if (possibility.matches(tl, modX, modZ, true)) {
gate = possibility;
topleft = tl;
if (otherControl != null) {
buttonVector = otherControl;
} else if (otherControl != null) {
buttonVector = vector;
otherControl = vector;
if ((gate == null) || (buttonVector == null)) {
Stargate.debug("createPortal", "Could not find matching gate layout");
return null;
// If the player is trying to create a Bungee gate without permissions, drop out here
// Do this after the gate layout check, in the least
if (bungee) {
if (!Stargate.enableBungee) {
Stargate.sendMessage(player, Stargate.getString("bungeeDisabled"));
return null;
} else if (!Stargate.hasPerm(player, "stargate.admin.bungee")) {
Stargate.sendMessage(player, Stargate.getString("bungeeDeny"));
return null;
} else if (destName.isEmpty() || network.isEmpty()) {
Stargate.sendMessage(player, Stargate.getString("bungeeEmpty"));
return null;
// Debug
Stargate.debug("createPortal", "h = " + hidden + " a = " + alwaysOn + " p = " + priv + " f = " + free + " b = " + backwards + " s = " + show + " n = " + noNetwork + " r = " + random + " u = " + bungee);
if (!bungee && (network.length() < 1 || network.length() > 11)) {
network = Stargate.getDefaultNetwork();
boolean deny = false;
String denyMsg = "";
// Check if the player can create gates on this network
if (!bungee && !Stargate.canCreate(player, network)) {
Stargate.debug("createPortal", "Player doesn't have create permissions on network. Trying personal");
if (Stargate.canCreatePersonal(player)) {
network = player.getName();
if (network.length() > 11) network = network.substring(0, 11);
Stargate.debug("createPortal", "Creating personal portal");
Stargate.sendMessage(player, Stargate.getString("createPersonal"));
} else {
Stargate.debug("createPortal", "Player does not have access to network");
deny = true;
denyMsg = Stargate.getString("createNetDeny");
//return null;
// Check if the player can create this gate layout
String gateName = gate.getFilename();
gateName = gateName.substring(0, gateName.indexOf('.'));
if (!deny && !Stargate.canCreateGate(player, gateName)) {
Stargate.debug("createPortal", "Player does not have access to gate layout");
deny = true;
denyMsg = Stargate.getString("createGateDeny");
// Check if the user can create gates to this world.
if (!bungee && !deny && destName.length() > 0) {
Portal p = Portal.getByName(destName, network);
if (p != null) {
String world = p.getWorld().getName();
if (!Stargate.canAccessWorld(player, world)) {
Stargate.debug("canCreate", "Player does not have access to destination world");
deny = true;
denyMsg = Stargate.getString("createWorldDeny");
// Bleh, gotta check to make sure none of this gate belongs to another gate. Boo slow.
for (RelativeBlockVector v : gate.getBorder()) {
BlockLocation b = topleft.modRelative(v.getRight(), v.getDepth(), v.getDistance(), modX, 1, modZ);
if (Portal.getByBlock(b.getBlock()) != null) {
Stargate.debug("createPortal", "Gate conflicts with existing gate");
Stargate.sendMessage(player, Stargate.getString("createConflict"));
return null;
BlockLocation button = null;
Portal portal;
portal = new Portal(topleft, modX, modZ, rotX, id, button, destName, name, false, network, gate, player.getUniqueId(), player.getName(), hidden, alwaysOn, priv, free, backwards, show, noNetwork, random, bungee);
int cost = Stargate.getCreateCost(player, gate);
// Call StargateCreateEvent
StargateCreateEvent cEvent = new StargateCreateEvent(player, portal, event.getLines(), deny, denyMsg, cost);
if (cEvent.isCancelled()) {
return null;
if (cEvent.getDeny()) {
Stargate.sendMessage(player, cEvent.getDenyReason());
return null;
cost = cEvent.getCost();
// Name & Network can be changed in the event, so do these checks here.
if (portal.getName().length() < 1 || portal.getName().length() > 11) {
Stargate.debug("createPortal", "Name length error");
Stargate.sendMessage(player, Stargate.getString("createNameLength"));
return null;
// Don't do network checks for bungee gates
if (portal.isBungee()) {
if (bungeePortals.get(portal.getName().toLowerCase()) != null) {
Stargate.debug("createPortal::Bungee", "Gate Exists");
Stargate.sendMessage(player, Stargate.getString("createExists"));
return null;
} else {
if (getByName(portal.getName(), portal.getNetwork()) != null) {
Stargate.debug("createPortal", "Name Error");
Stargate.sendMessage(player, Stargate.getString("createExists"));
return null;
// Check if there are too many gates in this network
ArrayList<String> netList = allPortalsNet.get(portal.getNetwork().toLowerCase());
if (Stargate.maxGates > 0 && netList != null && netList.size() >= Stargate.maxGates) {
Stargate.sendMessage(player, Stargate.getString("createFull"));
return null;
if (cost > 0) {
if (!Stargate.chargePlayer(player, cost)) {
String inFundMsg = Stargate.getString("ecoInFunds");
inFundMsg = Stargate.replaceVars(inFundMsg, new String[]{"%cost%", "%portal%"}, new String[]{EconomyHandler.format(cost), name});
Stargate.sendMessage(player, inFundMsg);
Stargate.debug("createPortal", "Insufficient Funds");
return null;
String deductMsg = Stargate.getString("ecoDeduct");
deductMsg = Stargate.replaceVars(deductMsg, new String[]{"%cost%", "%portal%"}, new String[]{EconomyHandler.format(cost), name});
Stargate.sendMessage(player, deductMsg, false);
// No button on an always-open gate.
if (!alwaysOn) {
button = topleft.modRelative(buttonVector.getRight(), buttonVector.getDepth(), buttonVector.getDistance() + 1, modX, 1, modZ);
Directional buttondata = (Directional) Bukkit.createBlockData(gate.getButton());
// Open always on gate
if (portal.isRandom() || portal.isBungee()) {
} else if (portal.isAlwaysOn()) {
Portal dest = Portal.getByName(destName, portal.getNetwork());
if (dest != null) {
// Set the inside of the gate to its closed material
} else {
for (BlockLocation inside : portal.getEntrances()) {
// Don't do network stuff for bungee gates
if (!portal.isBungee()) {
// Open any always on gate pointing at this gate
for (String originName : allPortalsNet.get(portal.getNetwork().toLowerCase())) {
Portal origin = Portal.getByName(originName, portal.getNetwork());
if (origin == null) continue;
if (!origin.getDestinationName().equalsIgnoreCase(portal.getName())) continue;
if (!origin.isVerified()) continue;
if (origin.isFixed()) origin.drawSign();
if (origin.isAlwaysOn()) origin.open(true);
return portal;
public static Portal getByName(String name, String network) {
if (!lookupNamesNet.containsKey(network.toLowerCase())) return null;
return lookupNamesNet.get(network.toLowerCase()).get(name.toLowerCase());
public static Portal getByEntrance(Location location) {
return lookupEntrances.get(new BlockLocation(location));
public static Portal getByEntrance(Block block) {
return lookupEntrances.get(new BlockLocation(block));
public static Portal getByAdjacentEntrance(Location loc) {
int centerX = loc.getBlockX();
int centerY = loc.getBlockY();
int centerZ = loc.getBlockZ();
World world = loc.getWorld();
Portal portal = lookupEntrances.get(new BlockLocation(world, centerX, centerY, centerZ));
if (portal != null) {
return portal;
portal = lookupEntrances.get(new BlockLocation(world, centerX + 1, centerY, centerZ));
if (portal != null) {
return portal;
portal = lookupEntrances.get(new BlockLocation(world, centerX - 1, centerY, centerZ));
if (portal != null) {
return portal;
portal = lookupEntrances.get(new BlockLocation(world, centerX, centerY, centerZ + 1));
if (portal != null) {
return portal;
portal = lookupEntrances.get(new BlockLocation(world, centerX, centerY, centerZ - 1));
if (portal != null) {
return portal;
return null;
public static Portal getByControl(Block block) {
return lookupControls.get(new BlockLocation(block));
public static Portal getByBlock(Block block) {
return lookupBlocks.get(new BlockLocation(block));
public static Portal getBungeeGate(String name) {
return bungeePortals.get(name.toLowerCase());
public static void saveAllGates(World world) {
String loc = Stargate.getSaveLocation() + "/" + world.getName() + ".db";
try {
BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(loc, false));
for (Portal portal : allPortals) {
String wName = portal.world.getName();
if (!wName.equalsIgnoreCase(world.getName())) continue;
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
BlockLocation sign = portal.id;
BlockLocation button = portal.button;
builder.append((button != null) ? button.toString() : "");
builder.append(portal.isFixed() ? portal.getDestinationName() : "");
UUID owner = portal.getOwnerUUID();
if (owner != null) {
} else {
} catch (Exception e) {
Stargate.log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Exception while writing stargates to " + loc + ": " + e);
public static void clearGates() {
public static boolean loadAllGates(World world) {
String location = Stargate.getSaveLocation();
File db = new File(location, world.getName() + ".db");
if (db.exists()) {
int l = 0;
int portalCount = 0;
try {
Scanner scanner = new Scanner(db);
while (scanner.hasNextLine()) {
String line = scanner.nextLine().trim();
if (line.startsWith("#") || line.isEmpty()) {
String[] split = line.split(":");
if (split.length < 8) {
Stargate.log.info("[stargate] Invalid line - " + l);
String name = split[0];
BlockLocation sign = new BlockLocation(world, split[1]);
BlockLocation button = (split[2].length() > 0) ? new BlockLocation(world, split[2]) : null;
int modX = Integer.parseInt(split[3]);
int modZ = Integer.parseInt(split[4]);
float rotX = Float.parseFloat(split[5]);
BlockLocation topLeft = new BlockLocation(world, split[6]);
Gate gate = Gate.getGateByName(split[7]);
if (gate == null) {
Stargate.log.info("[stargate] Gate layout on line " + l + " does not exist [" + split[7] + "]");
String dest = (split.length > 8) ? split[8] : "";
String network = (split.length > 9) ? split[9] : Stargate.getDefaultNetwork();
if (network.isEmpty()) network = Stargate.getDefaultNetwork();
String ownerString = (split.length > 10) ? split[10] : "";
boolean hidden = (split.length > 11) && split[11].equalsIgnoreCase("true");
boolean alwaysOn = (split.length > 12) && split[12].equalsIgnoreCase("true");
boolean priv = (split.length > 13) && split[13].equalsIgnoreCase("true");
boolean free = (split.length > 15) && split[15].equalsIgnoreCase("true");
boolean backwards = (split.length > 16) && split[16].equalsIgnoreCase("true");
boolean show = (split.length > 17) && split[17].equalsIgnoreCase("true");
boolean noNetwork = (split.length > 18) && split[18].equalsIgnoreCase("true");
boolean random = (split.length > 19) && split[19].equalsIgnoreCase("true");
boolean bungee = (split.length > 20) && split[20].equalsIgnoreCase("true");
// Attempt to get owner as UUID
UUID ownerUUID = null;
String ownerName;
if (ownerString.length() > 16) {
try {
ownerUUID = UUID.fromString(ownerString);
OfflinePlayer offlineOwner = Bukkit.getServer().getOfflinePlayer(ownerUUID);
ownerName = offlineOwner.getName();
} catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
// neither name nor UUID, so keep it as-is
ownerName = ownerString;
Stargate.debug("loadAllGates", "Invalid stargate owner string: " + ownerString);
} else {
ownerName = ownerString;
Portal portal = new Portal(topLeft, modX, modZ, rotX, sign, button, dest, name, false, network, gate, ownerUUID, ownerName, hidden, alwaysOn, priv, free, backwards, show, noNetwork, random, bungee);
// Open any always-on gates. Do this here as it should be more efficient than in the loop.
int OpenCount = 0;
for (Iterator<Portal> iter = allPortals.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
Portal portal = iter.next();
if (portal == null) continue;
// Verify portal integrity/register portal
if (!portal.wasVerified()) {
if (!portal.isVerified() || !portal.checkIntegrity()) {
for (RelativeBlockVector control : portal.getGate().getControls()) {
if (!portal.getBlockAt(control).getBlock().getType().equals(portal.getGate().getControlBlock())) {
Stargate.debug("loadAllGates", "Control Block Type == " + portal.getBlockAt(control).getBlock().getType().name());
Stargate.log.info("[stargate] Destroying stargate at " + portal.toString());
if (portal.isFixed() && (Stargate.enableBungee && portal.isBungee()
|| portal.getDestination() != null && portal.isAlwaysOn())) {
Stargate.log.info("[stargate] {" + world.getName() + "} Loaded " + portalCount + " stargates with " + OpenCount + " set as always-on");
return true;
} catch (Exception e) {
Stargate.log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Exception while reading stargates from " + db.getName() + ": " + l);
} else {
Stargate.log.info("[stargate] {" + world.getName() + "} No stargates for world ");
return false;
public static void closeAllGates() {
Stargate.log.info("Closing all stargates.");
for (Portal p : allPortals) {
if (p == null) continue;
public static String filterName(String input) {
if (input == null) {
return "";
return input.replaceAll("[\\|:#]", "").trim();
public String toString() {
return String.format("Portal [id=%s, network=%s name=%s, type=%s]", id, network, name, gate.getFilename());
public int hashCode() {
final int prime = 31;
int result = 1;
result = prime * result + ((name == null) ? 0 : name.hashCode());
result = prime * result + ((network == null) ? 0 : network.hashCode());
return result;
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (this == obj)
return true;
if (obj == null)
return false;
if (getClass() != obj.getClass())
return false;
Portal other = (Portal) obj;
if (name == null) {
if (other.name != null)
return false;
} else if (!name.equalsIgnoreCase(other.name))
return false;
if (network == null) {
if (other.network != null)
return false;
} else if (!network.equalsIgnoreCase(other.network))
return false;
return true;