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package net.knarcraft.stargate;
import net.knarcraft.stargate.command.CommandStarGate;
import net.knarcraft.stargate.command.StarGateTabCompleter;
import net.knarcraft.stargate.event.StargateAccessEvent;
import net.knarcraft.stargate.listener.BlockEventListener;
import net.knarcraft.stargate.listener.BungeeCordListener;
import net.knarcraft.stargate.listener.EntityEventListener;
import net.knarcraft.stargate.listener.PlayerEventsListener;
import net.knarcraft.stargate.listener.PluginEventListener;
import net.knarcraft.stargate.listener.VehicleEventListener;
import net.knarcraft.stargate.listener.WorldEventListener;
import net.knarcraft.stargate.thread.BlockPopulatorThread;
import net.knarcraft.stargate.thread.StarGateThread;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.ChatColor;
import org.bukkit.Server;
import org.bukkit.World;
import org.bukkit.block.Sign;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
import org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand;
import org.bukkit.configuration.file.FileConfiguration;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.plugin.Plugin;
import org.bukkit.plugin.PluginDescriptionFile;
import org.bukkit.plugin.PluginManager;
import org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPlugin;
import org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPluginLoader;
import java.io.File;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Queue;
import java.util.UUID;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
public class Stargate extends JavaPlugin {
public static Logger log;
private FileConfiguration newConfig;
private PluginManager pm;
public static Server server;
public static Stargate stargate;
public static LanguageLoader languageLoader;
private static String pluginVersion;
private static String portalFolder;
private static String gateFolder;
private static String langFolder;
private static String defNetwork = "central";
private static boolean destroyExplosion = false;
public static int maxGates = 0;
private static String langName = "en";
private static final int activeTime = 10;
private static final int openTime = 10;
public static boolean destMemory = false;
public static boolean handleVehicles = true;
public static boolean sortLists = false;
public static boolean protectEntrance = false;
public static boolean enableBungee = true;
public static boolean verifyPortals = true;
public static ChatColor signColor;
// Temp workaround for snowmen, don't check gate entrance
public static boolean ignoreEntrance = false;
// Used for debug
public static boolean debug = false;
public static boolean permDebug = false;
public static final ConcurrentLinkedQueue<Portal> openList = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<>();
public static ConcurrentLinkedQueue<Portal> activeList = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<>();
// Used for populating gate open/closed material.
public static Queue<BloxPopulator> blockPopulatorQueue = new LinkedList<>();
// HashMap of player names for Bungee support
public static Map<String, String> bungeeQueue = new HashMap<>();
// World names that contain stargates
public static HashSet<String> managedWorlds = new HashSet<>();
public Stargate() {
* Special constructor used for MockBukkit
* @param loader <p>The plugin loader to be used.</p>
* @param descriptionFile <p>The description file to be used.</p>
* @param dataFolder <p>The data folder to be used.</p>
* @param file <p>The file to be used</p>
protected Stargate(JavaPluginLoader loader, PluginDescriptionFile descriptionFile, File dataFolder, File file) {
super(loader, descriptionFile, dataFolder, file);
public void onDisable() {
public void onEnable() {
PluginDescriptionFile pluginDescriptionFile = this.getDescription();
pm = getServer().getPluginManager();
newConfig = this.getConfig();
log = Logger.getLogger("Minecraft");
Stargate.server = getServer();
Stargate.stargate = this;
// Set portalFile and gateFolder to the plugin folder as defaults.
String dataFolderPath = getDataFolder().getPath().replaceAll("\\\\", "/");
portalFolder = dataFolderPath + "/portals/";
gateFolder = dataFolderPath + "/gates/";
langFolder = dataFolderPath + "/lang/";
pluginVersion = pluginDescriptionFile.getVersion();
log.info(pluginDescriptionFile.getName() + " v." + pluginDescriptionFile.getVersion() + " is enabled.");
// Register events before loading gates to stop weird things happening.
pm.registerEvents(new PlayerEventsListener(), this);
pm.registerEvents(new BlockEventListener(), this);
pm.registerEvents(new VehicleEventListener(), this);
pm.registerEvents(new EntityEventListener(), this);
pm.registerEvents(new WorldEventListener(), this);
pm.registerEvents(new PluginEventListener(this), this);
// Enable the required channels for Bungee support
if (enableBungee) {
Bukkit.getMessenger().registerOutgoingPluginChannel(this, "BungeeCord");
Bukkit.getMessenger().registerIncomingPluginChannel(this, "BungeeCord", new BungeeCordListener());
// It is important to load languages here, as they are used during reloadGates()
languageLoader = new LanguageLoader(langFolder, Stargate.langName);
// Check to see if Economy is loaded yet.
if (EconomyHandler.setupEconomy(pm)) {
if (EconomyHandler.economy != null) {
String vaultVersion = EconomyHandler.vault.getDescription().getVersion();
log.info(Stargate.getString("prefix") +
replaceVars(Stargate.getString("vaultLoaded"), "%version%", vaultVersion));
getServer().getScheduler().scheduleSyncRepeatingTask(this, new StarGateThread(), 0L, 100L);
getServer().getScheduler().scheduleSyncRepeatingTask(this, new BlockPopulatorThread(), 0L, 1L);
private void registerCommands() {
PluginCommand stargateCommand = this.getCommand("stargate");
if (stargateCommand != null) {
stargateCommand.setExecutor(new CommandStarGate(this));
stargateCommand.setTabCompleter(new StarGateTabCompleter());
public static String getPluginVersion() {
return pluginVersion;
public static boolean destroyedByExplosion() {
return destroyExplosion;
public static int getOpenTime() {
return openTime;
public static int getActiveTime() {
return activeTime;
public void loadConfig() {
newConfig = this.getConfig();
// Copy default values if required
// Load values into variables
portalFolder = newConfig.getString("portal-folder");
gateFolder = newConfig.getString("gate-folder");
defNetwork = newConfig.getString("default-gate-network").trim();
destroyExplosion = newConfig.getBoolean("destroyexplosion");
maxGates = newConfig.getInt("maxgates");
langName = newConfig.getString("lang");
destMemory = newConfig.getBoolean("destMemory");
ignoreEntrance = newConfig.getBoolean("ignoreEntrance");
handleVehicles = newConfig.getBoolean("handleVehicles");
sortLists = newConfig.getBoolean("sortLists");
protectEntrance = newConfig.getBoolean("protectEntrance");
enableBungee = newConfig.getBoolean("enableBungee");
verifyPortals = newConfig.getBoolean("verifyPortals");
// Sign color
String sc = newConfig.getString("signColor");
try {
signColor = ChatColor.valueOf(sc.toUpperCase());
} catch (Exception ignore) {
log.warning(Stargate.getString("prefix") + "You have specified an invalid color in your config.yml. Defaulting to BLACK");
signColor = ChatColor.BLACK;
// Debug
debug = newConfig.getBoolean("debug");
permDebug = newConfig.getBoolean("permdebug");
// Economy
EconomyHandler.economyEnabled = newConfig.getBoolean("useeconomy");
EconomyHandler.createCost = newConfig.getInt("createcost");
EconomyHandler.destroyCost = newConfig.getInt("destroycost");
EconomyHandler.useCost = newConfig.getInt("usecost");
EconomyHandler.toOwner = newConfig.getBoolean("toowner");
EconomyHandler.chargeFreeDestination = newConfig.getBoolean("chargefreedestination");
EconomyHandler.freeGatesGreen = newConfig.getBoolean("freegatesgreen");
public void closeAllPortals() {
// Close all gates prior to reloading
for (Portal p : openList) {
public void loadGates() {
log.info(Stargate.getString("prefix") + "Loaded " + Gate.getGateCount() + " gate layouts");
public void loadAllPortals() {
for (World world : getServer().getWorlds()) {
if (!managedWorlds.contains(world.getName())) {
private void migrate() {
// Only migrate if new file doesn't exist.
File newPortalDir = new File(portalFolder);
if (!newPortalDir.exists()) {
if (!newPortalDir.mkdirs()) {
log.severe("Unable to create portal directory");
File newFile = new File(portalFolder, getServer().getWorlds().get(0).getName() + ".db");
if (!newFile.exists()) {
if (!newFile.getParentFile().mkdirs()) {
log.severe("Unable to create portal directory");
public static void debug(String rout, String msg) {
if (Stargate.debug) {
log.info("[stargate::" + rout + "] " + msg);
} else {
log.log(Level.FINEST, "[stargate::" + rout + "] " + msg);
public static void sendMessage(CommandSender player, String message) {
sendMessage(player, message, true);
public static void sendMessage(CommandSender player, String message, boolean error) {
if (message.isEmpty()) return;
message = message.replaceAll("(&([a-f0-9]))", "\u00A7$2");
if (error)
player.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + Stargate.getString("prefix") + ChatColor.WHITE + message);
player.sendMessage(ChatColor.GREEN + Stargate.getString("prefix") + ChatColor.WHITE + message);
public static void setLine(Sign sign, int index, String text) {
sign.setLine(index, Stargate.signColor + text);
public static String getSaveLocation() {
return portalFolder;
public static String getGateFolder() {
return gateFolder;
public static String getDefaultNetwork() {
return defNetwork;
public static String getString(String name) {
return languageLoader.getString(name);
public static void openPortal(Player player, Portal portal) {
Portal destination = portal.getDestination();
// Always-open gate -- Do nothing
if (portal.isAlwaysOn()) {
// Random gate -- Do nothing
if (portal.isRandom())
// Invalid destination
if ((destination == null) || (destination == portal)) {
Stargate.sendMessage(player, Stargate.getString("invalidMsg"));
// Gate is already open
if (portal.isOpen()) {
// Close if this player opened the gate
if (portal.getActivePlayer() == player) {
// Gate that someone else is using -- Deny access
if ((!portal.isFixed()) && portal.isActive() && (portal.getActivePlayer() != player)) {
Stargate.sendMessage(player, Stargate.getString("denyMsg"));
// Check if the player can use the private gate
if (portal.isPrivate() && !Stargate.canPrivate(player, portal)) {
Stargate.sendMessage(player, Stargate.getString("denyMsg"));
// Destination blocked
if ((destination.isOpen()) && (!destination.isAlwaysOn())) {
Stargate.sendMessage(player, Stargate.getString("blockMsg"));
// Open gate
portal.open(player, false);
* Check whether the player has the given permissions.
public static boolean hasPerm(Player player, String perm) {
if (permDebug)
Stargate.debug("hasPerm::SuperPerm(" + player.getName() + ")", perm + " => " + player.hasPermission(perm));
return player.hasPermission(perm);
* Check a deep permission, this will check to see if the permissions is defined for this use
* If using Permissions it will return the same as hasPerm
* If using SuperPerms will return true if the node isn't defined
* Or the value of the node if it is
public static boolean hasPermDeep(Player player, String perm) {
if (!player.isPermissionSet(perm)) {
if (permDebug)
Stargate.debug("hasPermDeep::SuperPerm", perm + " => true");
return true;
if (permDebug)
Stargate.debug("hasPermDeep::SuperPerms", perm + " => " + player.hasPermission(perm));
return player.hasPermission(perm);
* Check whether player can teleport to dest world
public static boolean canAccessWorld(Player player, String world) {
// Can use all stargate player features or access all worlds
if (hasPerm(player, "stargate.use") || hasPerm(player, "stargate.world")) {
// Do a deep check to see if the player lacks this specific world node
return hasPermDeep(player, "stargate.world." + world);
// Can access dest world
return hasPerm(player, "stargate.world." + world);
* Check whether player can use network
public static boolean canAccessNetwork(Player player, String network) {
// Can user all stargate player features, or access all networks
if (hasPerm(player, "stargate.use") || hasPerm(player, "stargate.network")) {
// Do a deep check to see if the player lacks this specific network node
return hasPermDeep(player, "stargate.network." + network);
// Can access this network
if (hasPerm(player, "stargate.network." + network)) return true;
// Is able to create personal gates (Assumption is made they can also access them)
String playerName = player.getName();
if (playerName.length() > 11) playerName = playerName.substring(0, 11);
return network.equals(playerName) && hasPerm(player, "stargate.create.personal");
* Check whether the player can access this server
public static boolean canAccessServer(Player player, String server) {
// Can user all stargate player features, or access all servers
if (hasPerm(player, "stargate.use") || hasPerm(player, "stargate.servers")) {
// Do a deep check to see if the player lacks this specific server node
return hasPermDeep(player, "stargate.server." + server);
// Can access this server
return hasPerm(player, "stargate.server." + server);
* Call the StargateAccessPortal event, used for other plugins to bypass Permissions checks
public static boolean canAccessPortal(Player player, Portal portal, boolean deny) {
StargateAccessEvent event = new StargateAccessEvent(player, portal, deny);
return !event.getDeny();
* Checks whether a given user can travel between two portals
* @param player <p>The player to check</p>
* @param entrancePortal <p>The portal the user wants to enter</p>
* @param destination <p>The portal the user wants to exit</p>
* @return <p>True if the user is allowed to access the portal</p>
public static boolean canAccessPortal(Player player, Portal entrancePortal, Portal destination) {
boolean deny = false;
// Check if player has access to this server for Bungee gates
if (entrancePortal.isBungee() && !Stargate.canAccessServer(player, entrancePortal.getNetwork())) {
deny = true;
} else if (!Stargate.canAccessNetwork(player, entrancePortal.getNetwork())) {
deny = true;
} else if (!Stargate.canAccessWorld(player, destination.getWorld().getName())) {
deny = true;
return Stargate.canAccessPortal(player, entrancePortal, deny);
* Return true if the portal is free for the player
public static boolean isFree(Player player, Portal src, Portal dest) {
// This gate is free
if (src.isFree()) return true;
// Player gets free use
if (hasPerm(player, "stargate.free") || Stargate.hasPerm(player, "stargate.free.use")) return true;
// Don't charge for free destination gates
return dest != null && !EconomyHandler.chargeFreeDestination && dest.isFree();
* Check whether the player can see this gate (Hidden property check)
public static boolean canSee(Player player, Portal portal) {
// The gate is not hidden
if (!portal.isHidden()) return true;
// The player is an admin with the ability to see hidden gates
if (hasPerm(player, "stargate.admin") || hasPerm(player, "stargate.admin.hidden")) return true;
// The player is the owner of the gate
return portal.isOwner(player);
* Check if the player can use this private gate
public static boolean canPrivate(Player player, Portal portal) {
// Check if the player is the owner of the gate
if (portal.isOwner(player)) return true;
// The player is an admin with the ability to use private gates
return hasPerm(player, "stargate.admin") || hasPerm(player, "stargate.admin.private");
* Check if the player has access to {option}
public static boolean canOption(Player player, String option) {
// Check if the player can use all options
if (hasPerm(player, "stargate.option")) return true;
// Check if they can use this specific option
return hasPerm(player, "stargate.option." + option);
* Check if the player can create gates on {network}
public static boolean canCreate(Player player, String network) {
// Check for general create
if (hasPerm(player, "stargate.create")) return true;
// Check for all network create permission
if (hasPerm(player, "stargate.create.network")) {
// Do a deep check to see if the player lacks this specific network node
return hasPermDeep(player, "stargate.create.network." + network);
// Check for this specific network
return hasPerm(player, "stargate.create.network." + network);
* Check if the player can create a personal gate
public static boolean canCreatePersonal(Player player) {
// Check for general create
if (hasPerm(player, "stargate.create")) return true;
// Check for personal
return hasPerm(player, "stargate.create.personal");
* Check if the player can create this gate layout
public static boolean canCreateGate(Player player, String gate) {
// Check for general create
if (hasPerm(player, "stargate.create")) return true;
// Check for all gate create permissions
if (hasPerm(player, "stargate.create.gate")) {
// Do a deep check to see if the player lacks this specific gate node
return hasPermDeep(player, "stargate.create.gate." + gate);
// Check for this specific gate
return hasPerm(player, "stargate.create.gate." + gate);
* Check if the player can destroy this gate
public static boolean canDestroy(Player player, Portal portal) {
String network = portal.getNetwork();
// Check for general destroy
if (hasPerm(player, "stargate.destroy")) return true;
// Check for all network destroy permission
if (hasPerm(player, "stargate.destroy.network")) {
// Do a deep check to see if the player lacks permission for this network node
return hasPermDeep(player, "stargate.destroy.network." + network);
// Check for this specific network
if (hasPerm(player, "stargate.destroy.network." + network)) return true;
// Check for personal gate
return portal.isOwner(player) && hasPerm(player, "stargate.destroy.personal");
* Charge player for {action} if required, true on success, false if can't afford
public static boolean chargePlayer(Player player, UUID target, int cost) {
// If cost is 0
if (cost == 0) return true;
// Economy is disabled
if (!EconomyHandler.useEconomy()) return true;
// Charge player
return EconomyHandler.chargePlayer(player, target, cost);
* Charge player for {action} if required, true on success, false if can't afford
public static boolean chargePlayer(Player player, int cost) {
// If cost is 0
if (cost == 0) return true;
// Economy is disabled
if (!EconomyHandler.useEconomy()) return true;
// Charge player
return EconomyHandler.chargePlayer(player, cost);
* Determine the cost of a gate
public static int getUseCost(Player player, Portal src, Portal dest) {
// Not using Economy
if (!EconomyHandler.useEconomy()) return 0;
// Portal is free
if (src.isFree()) return 0;
// Not charging for free destinations
if (dest != null && !EconomyHandler.chargeFreeDestination && dest.isFree()) return 0;
// Cost is 0 if the player owns this gate and funds go to the owner
if (src.getGate().getToOwner() && src.isOwner(player)) return 0;
// Player gets free gate use
if (hasPerm(player, "stargate.free") || hasPerm(player, "stargate.free.use")) return 0;
return src.getGate().getUseCost();
* Determine the cost to create the gate
public static int getCreateCost(Player player, Gate gate) {
// Not using Economy
if (!EconomyHandler.useEconomy()) return 0;
// Player gets free gate destruction
if (hasPerm(player, "stargate.free") || hasPerm(player, "stargate.free.create")) return 0;
return gate.getCreateCost();
* Determine the cost to destroy the gate
public static int getDestroyCost(Player player, Gate gate) {
// Not using Economy
if (!EconomyHandler.useEconomy()) return 0;
// Player gets free gate destruction
if (hasPerm(player, "stargate.free") || hasPerm(player, "stargate.free.destroy")) return 0;
return gate.getDestroyCost();
* Check if a plugin is loaded/enabled already. Returns the plugin if so, null otherwise
private Plugin checkPlugin(String p) {
Plugin plugin = pm.getPlugin(p);
return checkPlugin(plugin);
private Plugin checkPlugin(Plugin plugin) {
if (plugin != null && plugin.isEnabled()) {
log.info(Stargate.getString("prefix") + "Found " + plugin.getDescription().getName() + " (v" + plugin.getDescription().getVersion() + ")");
return plugin;
return null;
* Replaces a list of variables in a string in the order they are given
* @param input <p>The input containing the variables</p>
* @param search <p>The variables to replace</p>
* @param values <p>The replacement values</p>
* @return <p>The input string with the search values replaced with the given values</p>
public static String replaceVars(String input, String[] search, String[] values) {
if (search.length != values.length) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The number of search values and replace values do not match.");
for (int i = 0; i < search.length; i++) {
input = replaceVars(input, search[i], values[i]);
return input;
* Replaces a variable in a string
* @param input <p>The input containing the variables</p>
* @param search <p>The variable to replace</p>
* @param value <p>The replacement value</p>
* @return <p>The input string with the search replaced with value</p>
public static String replaceVars(String input, String search, String value) {
return input.replace(search, value);
* Reloads all portals and files
* @param sender <p>The sender of the reload request</p>
public void reload(CommandSender sender) {
// Deactivate portals
for (Portal p : activeList) {
// Close portals
// Clear all lists
// Store the old Bungee enabled value
boolean oldEnableBungee = enableBungee;
// Reload data
// Load Economy support if enabled/clear if disabled
if (EconomyHandler.economyEnabled && EconomyHandler.economy == null) {
if (EconomyHandler.setupEconomy(pm)) {
if (EconomyHandler.economy != null) {
String vaultVersion = EconomyHandler.vault.getDescription().getVersion();
log.info(Stargate.getString("prefix") + Stargate.replaceVars(
Stargate.getString("vaultLoaded"), "%version%", vaultVersion));
if (!EconomyHandler.economyEnabled) {
EconomyHandler.vault = null;
EconomyHandler.economy = null;
// Enable the required channels for Bungee support
if (oldEnableBungee != enableBungee) {
if (enableBungee) {
Bukkit.getMessenger().registerOutgoingPluginChannel(this, "BungeeCord");
Bukkit.getMessenger().registerIncomingPluginChannel(this, "BungeeCord", new BungeeCordListener());
} else {
Bukkit.getMessenger().unregisterIncomingPluginChannel(this, "BungeeCord");
Bukkit.getMessenger().unregisterOutgoingPluginChannel(this, "BungeeCord");
sendMessage(sender, "stargate reloaded");