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PlotSquared Official Repo
PlotSquared - Plot Plugin Extraordinaire.
## Compile: ##
Build the project using your favourite compiler (maven is the recommended way to build), then package the jar using `mvn package` **MAVEN IS REQUIRED TO BUILD AND PACKAGE THE JAR**
To build the PlotMe converted, you need a PlotMe jar file (a release post-UUID), we won't like to this for obvious reasons.
## API: ##
The main API class can be found [here](https://github.com/IntellectualCrafters/PlotSquared/blob/master/PlotSquared/src/main/java/com/intellectualcrafters/plot/api/PlotAPI.java "API"). JavaDoc's can be found [here](http://git.plotworld.info/jdocs/ "JDOCS").
## Links: ##
- [Spigot Page](http://www.spigotmc.org/resources/plotsquared.1177/ "SpigotMc")
- [Bukkit Page](http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/plotsquared/ "Bukkit")
- [IntellectualSites Page](http://plotsquared.intellectualsites.com/ "IntellectualSites")
## Addons ##
- [Plot2Dynmap](http://www.spigotmc.org/resources/plot2dynmap.1292/ "Plot2Dynmap")
- [AdvPlots](http://www.spigotmc.org/resources/advplots-%CE%B2.1500/ "AdvPlots")
- [PlotRankup](http://www.spigotmc.org/resources/plotrankup.1571/ "PlotRankup")
Read [THIS](https://intellectualsites.com/?p=view_post&post=106) before saying that we've stolen code.