mirror of
synced 2025-02-21 09:09:35 +01:00
gen stuff
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
package com.intellectualcrafters.plot.generator;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.Chunk;
import org.bukkit.World;
import org.bukkit.block.Block;
import org.bukkit.plugin.Plugin;
import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.BukkitMain;
import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.PlotSquared;
import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.config.C;
import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.object.ChunkLoc;
import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.object.PlotBlock;
import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.util.AChunkManager;
import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.util.bukkit.BukkitUtil;
import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.util.bukkit.ChunkManager;
import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.util.bukkit.SetBlockManager;
public class BukkitHybridUtils extends HybridUtils {
public int checkModified(int threshhold, String worldname, int x1, int x2, int y1, int y2, int z1, int z2, PlotBlock[] blocks) {
World world = BukkitUtil.getWorld(worldname);
int count = 0;
for (int y = y1; y <= y2; y++) {
for (int x = x1; x <= x2; x++) {
for (int z = z1; z <= z2; z++) {
final Block block = world.getBlockAt(x, y, z);
final int id = block.getTypeId();
boolean same = false;
for (final PlotBlock p : blocks) {
if (id == p.id) {
same = true;
if (!same) {
if (count > threshhold) {
return -1;
return count;
public int get_ey(String worldname, int sx, int ex, int sz, int ez, int sy) {
World world = BukkitUtil.getWorld(worldname);
int maxY = world.getMaxHeight();
int ey = sy;
for (int x = sx; x <= ex; x++) {
for (int z = sz; z <= ez; z++) {
for (int y = sy; y < maxY; y++) {
if (y > ey) {
final Block block = world.getBlockAt(x, y, z);
if (block.getTypeId() != 0) {
ey = y;
return ey;
public void regenerateChunkChunk(String worldname, ChunkLoc loc) {
World world = BukkitUtil.getWorld(worldname);
final int sx = loc.x << 5;
final int sz = loc.z << 5;
for (int x = sx; x < (sx + 32); x++) {
for (int z = sz; z < (sz + 32); z++) {
final Chunk chunk = world.getChunkAt(x, z);
final ArrayList<Chunk> chunks2 = new ArrayList<>();
for (int x = sx; x < (sx + 32); x++) {
for (int z = sz; z < (sz + 32); z++) {
final Chunk chunk = world.getChunkAt(x, z);
regenerateRoad(worldname, new ChunkLoc(x,z));
private static boolean UPDATE = false;
private int task;
public boolean scheduleRoadUpdate(final String world) {
if (BukkitHybridUtils.UPDATE) {
return false;
final List<ChunkLoc> chunks = AChunkManager.manager.getChunkChunks(world);
final Plugin plugin = (Plugin) BukkitMain.THIS;
this.task = Bukkit.getScheduler().scheduleSyncRepeatingTask(plugin, new Runnable() {
public void run() {
if (chunks.size() == 0) {
BukkitHybridUtils.UPDATE = false;
PlotSquared.log(C.PREFIX.s() + "Finished road conversion");
} else {
try {
final ChunkLoc loc = chunks.get(0);
PlotSquared.log("Updating .mcr: " + loc.x + ", " + loc.z + " (aprrox 256 chunks)");
PlotSquared.log("Remaining regions: " + chunks.size());
regenerateChunkChunk(world, loc);
} catch (final Exception e) {
final ChunkLoc loc = chunks.get(0);
PlotSquared.log("&c[ERROR]&7 Could not update '" + world + "/region/r." + loc.x + "." + loc.z + ".mca' (Corrupt chunk?)");
PlotSquared.log("&d - Potentially skipping 256 chunks");
PlotSquared.log("&d - TODO: recommend chunkster if corrupt");
}, 20, 20);
return true;
@ -44,207 +44,6 @@ import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.util.bukkit.UUIDHandler;
public class HybridPlotManager extends ClassicPlotManager {
private static boolean UPDATE = false;
private int task;
public static boolean checkModified(final Plot plot, int requiredChanges) {
final Location bottom = MainUtil.getPlotBottomLoc(plot.world, plot.id).add(1, 0, 1);
final Location top = MainUtil.getPlotTopLoc(plot.world, plot.id);
final int botx = bottom.getX();
final int botz = bottom.getZ();
final int topx = top.getX();
final int topz = top.getZ();
final HybridPlotWorld hpw = (HybridPlotWorld) PlotSquared.getPlotWorld(plot.world);
final PlotBlock[] air = new PlotBlock[] { new PlotBlock((short) 0, (byte) 0) };
int changes = checkModified(requiredChanges, plot.world, botx, topx, hpw.PLOT_HEIGHT, hpw.PLOT_HEIGHT, botz, topz, hpw.TOP_BLOCK);
if (changes == -1) {
return true;
requiredChanges -= changes;
changes = checkModified(requiredChanges, plot.world, botx, topx, hpw.PLOT_HEIGHT + 1, hpw.PLOT_HEIGHT + 1, botz, topz, air);
if (changes == -1) {
return true;
requiredChanges -= changes;
changes = checkModified(requiredChanges, plot.world, botx, topx, hpw.PLOT_HEIGHT + 2, BukkitUtil.getMaxHeight(plot.world) - 1, botz, topz, air);
if (changes == -1) {
return true;
requiredChanges -= changes;
changes = checkModified(requiredChanges, plot.world, botx, topx, 1, hpw.PLOT_HEIGHT - 1, botz, topz, hpw.MAIN_BLOCK);
return changes == -1;
public static int checkModified(final int threshhold, final String world, final int x1, final int x2, final int y1, final int y2, final int z1, final int z2, final PlotBlock[] blocks) {
int count = 0;
for (int y = y1; y <= y2; y++) {
for (int x = x1; x <= x2; x++) {
for (int z = z1; z <= z2; z++) {
final Block block = world.getBlockAt(x, y, z);
final int id = block.getTypeId();
boolean same = false;
for (final PlotBlock p : blocks) {
if (id == p.id) {
same = true;
if (!same) {
if (count > threshhold) {
return -1;
return count;
public boolean setupRoadSchematic(final Plot plot) {
final String world = plot.world;
final Location bot = MainUtil.getPlotBottomLoc(world, plot.id);
final Location top = MainUtil.getPlotTopLoc(world, plot.id);
final HybridPlotWorld plotworld = (HybridPlotWorld) PlotSquared.getPlotWorld(world);
final int sx = (bot.getX() - plotworld.ROAD_WIDTH) + 1;
final int sz = bot.getZ() + 1;
final int sy = plotworld.ROAD_HEIGHT;
final int ex = bot.getX();
final int ez = top.getZ();
final int ey = get_ey(world, sx, ex, sz, ez, sy);
final Location pos1 = new Location(world, sx, sy, sz);
final Location pos2 = new Location(world, ex, ey, ez);
final int bx = sx;
final int bz = sz - plotworld.ROAD_WIDTH;
final int by = sy;
final int tx = ex;
final int tz = sz - 1;
final int ty = get_ey(world, bx, tx, bz, tz, by);
final Location pos3 = new Location(world, bx, by, bz);
final Location pos4 = new Location(world, tx, ty, tz);
final CompoundTag sideroad = SchematicHandler.getCompoundTag(world, pos1, pos2);
final CompoundTag intersection = SchematicHandler.getCompoundTag(world, pos3, pos4);
final String dir = PlotSquared.IMP.getDirectory() + File.separator + "schematics" + File.separator + "GEN_ROAD_SCHEMATIC" + File.separator + plot.world + File.separator;
SchematicHandler.save(sideroad, dir + "sideroad.schematic");
SchematicHandler.save(intersection, dir + "intersection.schematic");
plotworld.ROAD_SCHEMATIC_ENABLED = true;
return true;
public int get_ey(final String world, final int sx, final int ex, final int sz, final int ez, final int sy) {
int ey = sy;
for (int x = sx; x <= ex; x++) {
for (int z = sz; z <= ez; z++) {
for (int y = sy; y < maxY; y++) {
if (y > ey) {
final Block block = world.getBlockAt(x, y, z);
if (block.getTypeId() != 0) {
ey = y;
return ey;
public void regenerateChunkChunk(final String world, final ChunkLoc loc) {
final int sx = loc.x << 5;
final int sz = loc.z << 5;
for (int x = sx; x < (sx + 32); x++) {
for (int z = sz; z < (sz + 32); z++) {
final Chunk chunk = world.getChunkAt(x, z);
final ArrayList<Chunk> chunks2 = new ArrayList<>();
for (int x = sx; x < (sx + 32); x++) {
for (int z = sz; z < (sz + 32); z++) {
final Chunk chunk = world.getChunkAt(x, z);
public boolean scheduleRoadUpdate(final String world) {
if (HybridPlotManager.UPDATE) {
return false;
final ArrayList<ChunkLoc> chunks = ChunkManager.getChunkChunks(world);
final Plugin plugin = (Plugin) PlotSquared.getMain();
this.task = Bukkit.getScheduler().scheduleSyncRepeatingTask(plugin, new Runnable() {
public void run() {
if (chunks.size() == 0) {
HybridPlotManager.UPDATE = false;
PlotSquared.log(C.PREFIX.s() + "Finished road conversion");
} else {
try {
final ChunkLoc loc = chunks.get(0);
PlotSquared.log("Updating .mcr: " + loc.x + ", " + loc.z + " (aprrox 256 chunks)");
PlotSquared.log("Remaining regions: " + chunks.size());
regenerateChunkChunk(world, loc);
} catch (final Exception e) {
final ChunkLoc loc = chunks.get(0);
PlotSquared.log("&c[ERROR]&7 Could not update '" + world.getName() + "/region/r." + loc.x + "." + loc.z + ".mca' (Corrupt chunk?)");
PlotSquared.log("&d - Potentially skipping 256 chunks");
PlotSquared.log("&d - TODO: recommend chunkster if corrupt");
}, 20, 20);
return true;
public boolean finishPlotUnlink(final PlotWorld plotworld, final ArrayList<PlotId> plotIds) {
final HybridPlotWorld hpw = (HybridPlotWorld) plotworld;
for (final PlotId id : plotIds) {
final Location bottom = getPlotBottomLocAbs(plotworld, id);
final int sx = bottom.getX() - hpw.PATH_WIDTH_LOWER;
final int sz = bottom.getZ() - hpw.PATH_WIDTH_LOWER;
final int sy = hpw.ROAD_HEIGHT;
for (final ChunkLoc loc : hpw.G_SCH.keySet()) {
final HashMap<Short, Short> blocks = hpw.G_SCH.get(loc);
final HashMap<Short, Byte> datas = hpw.G_SCH_DATA.get(loc);
if (datas == null) {
for (final Short y : blocks.keySet()) {
MainUtil.setBlock(world, sx + loc.x, sy + y, sz + loc.z, blocks.get(y), (byte) 0);
} else {
for (final Short y : blocks.keySet()) {
Byte data = datas.get(y);
if (data == null) {
data = 0;
MainUtil.setBlock(world, sx + loc.x, sy + y, sz + loc.z, blocks.get(y), data);
final PlotBlock block = ((ClassicPlotWorld) plotworld).WALL_BLOCK;
if (block.id != 0) {
for (final PlotId id : plotIds) {
setWall(world, plotworld, id, new PlotBlock[] { ((ClassicPlotWorld) plotworld).WALL_BLOCK });
final Plot plot = MainUtil.getPlot(world, id);
if (plot.hasOwner()) {
final String name = UUIDHandler.getName(plot.owner);
if (name != null) {
MainUtil.setSign(world, name, plot);
return true;
* Clearing the plot needs to only consider removing the blocks - This implementation has used the SetCuboid
@ -256,13 +55,12 @@ public class HybridPlotManager extends ClassicPlotManager {
public boolean clearPlot(final PlotWorld plotworld, final Plot plot, final boolean isDelete, final Runnable whenDone) {
final String world = plotworld.worldname;
MainUtil.runners.put(plot, 1);
final Plugin plugin = PlotSquared.getMain();
TaskManager.runTaskLater(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
}, 90L);
}, 90);
final HybridPlotWorld dpw = ((HybridPlotWorld) plotworld);
final Location pos1 = MainUtil.getPlotBottomLocAbs(world, plot.id).add(1, 0, 1);
final Location pos2 = MainUtil.getPlotTopLocAbs(world, plot.id);
@ -276,17 +74,12 @@ public class HybridPlotManager extends ClassicPlotManager {
final PlotBlock wall_filling = dpw.WALL_FILLING;
final Block block = world.getBlockAt(new Location(world, pos1.getX() - 1, 1, pos1.getZ()));
if ((block.getTypeId() != wall_filling.id) || (block.getData() != wall_filling.data)) {
setWallFilling(world, dpw, plot.id, new PlotBlock[] { wall_filling });
setWallFilling(dpw, plot.id, new PlotBlock[] { wall_filling });
final int maxy = BukkitUtil.getMaxHeight(world);
TaskManager.runTaskLater(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
final Block block = world.getBlockAt(new Location(world, pos1.getX() - 1, dpw.WALL_HEIGHT + 1, pos1.getZ()));
if ((block.getTypeId() != wall.id) || (block.getData() != wall.data)) {
setWall(world, dpw, plot.id, new PlotBlock[] { wall });
setWall(dpw, plot.id, new PlotBlock[] { wall });
TaskManager.runTaskLater(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
@ -295,7 +88,7 @@ public class HybridPlotManager extends ClassicPlotManager {
TaskManager.runTaskLater(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
MainUtil.setSimpleCuboid(world, new Location(world, pos1.getX(), dpw.PLOT_HEIGHT + 1, pos1.getZ()), new Location(world, pos2.getX() + 1, world.getMaxHeight() + 1, pos2.getZ() + 1), new PlotBlock((short) 0, (byte) 0));
MainUtil.setSimpleCuboid(world, new Location(world, pos1.getX(), dpw.PLOT_HEIGHT + 1, pos1.getZ()), new Location(world, pos2.getX() + 1, maxy + 1, pos2.getZ() + 1), new PlotBlock((short) 0, (byte) 0));
TaskManager.runTaskLater(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
@ -305,11 +98,11 @@ public class HybridPlotManager extends ClassicPlotManager {
public void run() {
MainUtil.setCuboid(world, new Location(world, pos1.getX(), dpw.PLOT_HEIGHT, pos1.getZ()), new Location(world, pos2.getX() + 1, dpw.PLOT_HEIGHT + 1, pos2.getZ() + 1), plotfloor);
}, 5L);
}, 5);
}, 5L);
}, 5);
}, 5L);
}, 5);
final int startX = (pos1.getX() / 16) * 16;
@ -352,7 +145,7 @@ public class HybridPlotManager extends ClassicPlotManager {
} else if ((mx.getZ() < (j + 15)) || (mx.getX() < (i + 15))) {
mx = new Location(world, Math.min(i + 16, plotMaxX), 0, Math.min(j + 16, plotMaxZ));
world.regenerateChunk(i / 16, j / 16);
BukkitUtil.regenerateChunk(world, i / 16, j / 16);
final Location max = mx;
@ -362,7 +155,7 @@ public class HybridPlotManager extends ClassicPlotManager {
TaskManager.runTaskLater(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
MainUtil.setSimpleCuboid(world, new Location(world, pos1.getX(), dpw.PLOT_HEIGHT + 1, pos1.getZ()), new Location(world, pos2.getX() + 1, world.getMaxHeight() + 1, pos2.getZ() + 1), new PlotBlock((short) 0, (byte) 0));
MainUtil.setSimpleCuboid(world, new Location(world, pos1.getX(), dpw.PLOT_HEIGHT + 1, pos1.getZ()), new Location(world, pos2.getX() + 1, maxy + 1, pos2.getZ() + 1), new PlotBlock((short) 0, (byte) 0));
TaskManager.runTaskLater(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
@ -372,11 +165,11 @@ public class HybridPlotManager extends ClassicPlotManager {
public void run() {
MainUtil.setCuboid(world, new Location(world, pos1.getX(), dpw.PLOT_HEIGHT, pos1.getZ()), new Location(world, pos2.getX() + 1, dpw.PLOT_HEIGHT + 1, pos2.getZ() + 1), plotfloor);
}, 5L);
}, 5);
}, 5L);
}, 5);
}, 5L);
}, 5);
} else {
if (min.getX() < plotMinX) {
@ -398,7 +191,7 @@ public class HybridPlotManager extends ClassicPlotManager {
TaskManager.runTaskLater(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
MainUtil.setSimpleCuboid(world, new Location(world, plotMinX, dpw.PLOT_HEIGHT + 1, plotMinZ), new Location(world, min.getX() + 1, world.getMaxHeight() + 1, min.getZ() + 1), new PlotBlock((short) 0, (byte) 0));
MainUtil.setSimpleCuboid(world, new Location(world, plotMinX, dpw.PLOT_HEIGHT + 1, plotMinZ), new Location(world, min.getX() + 1, maxy + 1, min.getZ() + 1), new PlotBlock((short) 0, (byte) 0));
TaskManager.runTaskLater(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
@ -422,7 +215,7 @@ public class HybridPlotManager extends ClassicPlotManager {
TaskManager.runTaskLater(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
MainUtil.setSimpleCuboid(world, new Location(world, min.getX(), dpw.PLOT_HEIGHT + 1, plotMinZ), new Location(world, max.getX() + 1, world.getMaxHeight() + 1, min.getZ() + 1), new PlotBlock((short) 0, (byte) 0));
MainUtil.setSimpleCuboid(world, new Location(world, min.getX(), dpw.PLOT_HEIGHT + 1, plotMinZ), new Location(world, max.getX() + 1, maxy + 1, min.getZ() + 1), new PlotBlock((short) 0, (byte) 0));
TaskManager.runTaskLater(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
@ -438,7 +231,7 @@ public class HybridPlotManager extends ClassicPlotManager {
}, 1);
}, 25L);
}, 25);
TaskManager.runTaskLater(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
@ -446,7 +239,7 @@ public class HybridPlotManager extends ClassicPlotManager {
TaskManager.runTaskLater(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
MainUtil.setSimpleCuboid(world, new Location(world, max.getX(), dpw.PLOT_HEIGHT + 1, plotMinZ), new Location(world, plotMaxX + 1, world.getMaxHeight() + 1, min.getZ() + 1), new PlotBlock((short) 0, (byte) 0));
MainUtil.setSimpleCuboid(world, new Location(world, max.getX(), dpw.PLOT_HEIGHT + 1, plotMinZ), new Location(world, plotMaxX + 1, maxy + 1, min.getZ() + 1), new PlotBlock((short) 0, (byte) 0));
TaskManager.runTaskLater(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
@ -462,7 +255,7 @@ public class HybridPlotManager extends ClassicPlotManager {
}, 1);
}, 29L);
}, 29);
TaskManager.runTaskLater(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
@ -470,7 +263,7 @@ public class HybridPlotManager extends ClassicPlotManager {
TaskManager.runTaskLater(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
MainUtil.setSimpleCuboid(world, new Location(world, plotMinX, dpw.PLOT_HEIGHT + 1, min.getZ()), new Location(world, min.getX() + 1, world.getMaxHeight() + 1, max.getZ() + 1), new PlotBlock((short) 0, (byte) 0));
MainUtil.setSimpleCuboid(world, new Location(world, plotMinX, dpw.PLOT_HEIGHT + 1, min.getZ()), new Location(world, min.getX() + 1, maxy + 1, max.getZ() + 1), new PlotBlock((short) 0, (byte) 0));
TaskManager.runTaskLater(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
@ -486,7 +279,7 @@ public class HybridPlotManager extends ClassicPlotManager {
}, 1);
}, 33L);
}, 33);
TaskManager.runTaskLater(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
@ -494,7 +287,7 @@ public class HybridPlotManager extends ClassicPlotManager {
TaskManager.runTaskLater(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
MainUtil.setSimpleCuboid(world, new Location(world, plotMinX, dpw.PLOT_HEIGHT + 1, max.getZ()), new Location(world, min.getX() + 1, world.getMaxHeight() + 1, plotMaxZ + 1), new PlotBlock((short) 0, (byte) 0));
MainUtil.setSimpleCuboid(world, new Location(world, plotMinX, dpw.PLOT_HEIGHT + 1, max.getZ()), new Location(world, min.getX() + 1, maxy + 1, plotMaxZ + 1), new PlotBlock((short) 0, (byte) 0));
TaskManager.runTaskLater(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
@ -510,7 +303,7 @@ public class HybridPlotManager extends ClassicPlotManager {
}, 1);
}, 37L);
}, 37);
TaskManager.runTaskLater(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
@ -518,7 +311,7 @@ public class HybridPlotManager extends ClassicPlotManager {
TaskManager.runTaskLater(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
MainUtil.setSimpleCuboid(world, new Location(world, min.getX(), dpw.PLOT_HEIGHT + 1, max.getZ()), new Location(world, max.getX() + 1, world.getMaxHeight() + 1, plotMaxZ + 1), new PlotBlock((short) 0, (byte) 0));
MainUtil.setSimpleCuboid(world, new Location(world, min.getX(), dpw.PLOT_HEIGHT + 1, max.getZ()), new Location(world, max.getX() + 1, maxy + 1, plotMaxZ + 1), new PlotBlock((short) 0, (byte) 0));
TaskManager.runTaskLater(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
@ -542,7 +335,7 @@ public class HybridPlotManager extends ClassicPlotManager {
TaskManager.runTaskLater(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
MainUtil.setSimpleCuboid(world, new Location(world, max.getX(), dpw.PLOT_HEIGHT + 1, min.getZ()), new Location(world, plotMaxX + 1, world.getMaxHeight() + 1, max.getZ() + 1), new PlotBlock((short) 0, (byte) 0));
MainUtil.setSimpleCuboid(world, new Location(world, max.getX(), dpw.PLOT_HEIGHT + 1, min.getZ()), new Location(world, plotMaxX + 1, maxy + 1, max.getZ() + 1), new PlotBlock((short) 0, (byte) 0));
TaskManager.runTaskLater(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
@ -566,7 +359,7 @@ public class HybridPlotManager extends ClassicPlotManager {
TaskManager.runTaskLater(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
MainUtil.setSimpleCuboid(world, new Location(world, max.getX(), dpw.PLOT_HEIGHT + 1, max.getZ()), new Location(world, plotMaxX + 1, world.getMaxHeight() + 1, plotMaxZ + 1), new PlotBlock((short) 0, (byte) 0));
MainUtil.setSimpleCuboid(world, new Location(world, max.getX(), dpw.PLOT_HEIGHT + 1, max.getZ()), new Location(world, plotMaxX + 1, maxy + 1, plotMaxZ + 1), new PlotBlock((short) 0, (byte) 0));
TaskManager.runTaskLater(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
@ -18,6 +18,8 @@ import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.util.bukkit.BukkitUtil;
public abstract class HybridUtils {
public static HybridUtils manager = new BukkitHybridUtils();
public boolean checkModified(final Plot plot, int requiredChanges) {
final Location bottom = MainUtil.getPlotBottomLoc(plot.world, plot.id).add(1, 0, 1);
final Location top = MainUtil.getPlotTopLoc(plot.world, plot.id);
@ -116,6 +116,10 @@ public class BukkitUtil extends BlockManager {
getWorld(world).refreshChunk(x, z);
public static void regenerateChunk(final String world, final int x, final int z) {
getWorld(world).regenerateChunk(x, z);
public static PlotBlock getBlock(final Location loc) {
final World world = getWorld(loc.getWorld());
final Block block = world.getBlockAt(loc.getX(), loc.getY(), loc.getZ());
Reference in New Issue
Block a user