mirror of
synced 2025-02-20 16:49:35 +01:00
Begin work on the task system
This commit is contained in:
@ -44,11 +44,13 @@ import com.plotsquared.bukkit.placeholder.PlaceholderFormatter;
import com.plotsquared.bukkit.placeholder.Placeholders;
import com.plotsquared.bukkit.player.BukkitPlayerManager;
import com.plotsquared.bukkit.util.BukkitChatManager;
import com.plotsquared.bukkit.util.BukkitTaskManager;
import com.plotsquared.bukkit.util.task.BukkitTaskManager;
import com.plotsquared.bukkit.util.BukkitUtil;
import com.plotsquared.bukkit.util.BukkitWorld;
import com.plotsquared.bukkit.util.SetGenCB;
import com.plotsquared.bukkit.util.UpdateUtility;
import com.plotsquared.bukkit.util.task.PaperTimeConverter;
import com.plotsquared.bukkit.util.task.SpigotTimeConverter;
import com.plotsquared.bukkit.uuid.BungeePermsUUIDService;
import com.plotsquared.bukkit.uuid.EssentialsUUIDService;
import com.plotsquared.bukkit.uuid.LuckPermsUUIDService;
@ -105,6 +107,7 @@ import com.plotsquared.core.util.ReflectionUtils;
import com.plotsquared.core.util.SetupUtils;
import com.plotsquared.core.util.WorldUtil;
import com.plotsquared.core.util.task.TaskManager;
import com.plotsquared.core.util.task.TaskTime;
import com.plotsquared.core.uuid.CacheUUIDService;
import com.plotsquared.core.uuid.UUIDPipeline;
import com.plotsquared.core.uuid.offline.OfflineModeUUIDService;
@ -215,9 +218,16 @@ import static com.plotsquared.core.util.ReflectionUtils.getRefClass;
@Override public void onEnable() {
this.pluginName = getDescription().getName();
final TaskTime.TimeConverter timeConverter;
if (PaperLib.isPaper()) {
timeConverter = new PaperTimeConverter();
} else {
timeConverter = new SpigotTimeConverter();
// Stuff that needs to be created before the PlotSquared instance
PlotPlayer.registerConverter(Player.class, BukkitUtil::getPlayer);
TaskManager.setImplementation(new BukkitTaskManager(this));
TaskManager.setImplementation(new BukkitTaskManager(this, timeConverter));
final PlotSquared plotSquared = new PlotSquared(this, "Bukkit");
@ -370,7 +380,7 @@ import static com.plotsquared.core.util.ReflectionUtils.getRefClass;
}, 1);
}, TaskTime.ticks(1L));
// Services are accessed in order
@ -500,7 +510,7 @@ import static com.plotsquared.core.util.ReflectionUtils.getRefClass;
if (Settings.Enabled_Components.WORLDS) {
TaskManager.getImplementation().taskRepeat(this::unload, 20);
TaskManager.getImplementation().taskRepeat(this::unload, TaskTime.seconds(1L));
try {
singleWorldListener = getInjector().getInstance(SingleWorldListener.class);
} catch (Exception e) {
@ -960,7 +970,7 @@ import static com.plotsquared.core.util.ReflectionUtils.getRefClass;
} catch (Throwable e) {
}), 20);
}), TaskTime.seconds(1L));
@Override @Nullable
@ -26,6 +26,8 @@
package com.plotsquared.bukkit.inject;
import com.google.inject.AbstractModule;
import com.google.inject.Provides;
import com.google.inject.Singleton;
import com.google.inject.assistedinject.FactoryModuleBuilder;
import com.google.inject.util.Providers;
import com.plotsquared.bukkit.BukkitPlatform;
@ -39,6 +41,8 @@ import com.plotsquared.bukkit.util.BukkitPermHandler;
import com.plotsquared.bukkit.util.BukkitRegionManager;
import com.plotsquared.bukkit.util.BukkitSetupUtils;
import com.plotsquared.bukkit.util.BukkitUtil;
import com.plotsquared.bukkit.util.task.PaperTimeConverter;
import com.plotsquared.bukkit.util.task.SpigotTimeConverter;
import com.plotsquared.core.PlotPlatform;
import com.plotsquared.core.configuration.Settings;
import com.plotsquared.core.generator.HybridGen;
@ -60,8 +64,10 @@ import com.plotsquared.core.util.RegionManager;
import com.plotsquared.core.util.SchematicHandler;
import com.plotsquared.core.util.SetupUtils;
import com.plotsquared.core.util.WorldUtil;
import com.plotsquared.core.util.task.TaskTime;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.bukkit.WorldEditPlugin;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.extension.platform.Actor;
import io.papermc.lib.PaperLib;
import lombok.RequiredArgsConstructor;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.command.ConsoleCommandSender;
@ -26,7 +26,6 @@
package com.plotsquared.bukkit.listener;
import com.google.inject.Inject;
import com.plotsquared.core.PlotSquared;
import com.plotsquared.core.configuration.Settings;
import com.plotsquared.core.location.Location;
import com.plotsquared.core.plot.Plot;
@ -34,7 +33,9 @@ import com.plotsquared.core.plot.world.PlotAreaManager;
import com.plotsquared.core.util.ReflectionUtils.RefClass;
import com.plotsquared.core.util.ReflectionUtils.RefField;
import com.plotsquared.core.util.ReflectionUtils.RefMethod;
import com.plotsquared.core.util.task.PlotSquaredTask;
import com.plotsquared.core.util.task.TaskManager;
import com.plotsquared.core.util.task.TaskTime;
import io.papermc.lib.PaperLib;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.Chunk;
@ -53,10 +54,10 @@ import org.bukkit.event.entity.CreatureSpawnEvent;
import org.bukkit.event.entity.ItemSpawnEvent;
import org.bukkit.event.world.ChunkLoadEvent;
import org.bukkit.event.world.ChunkUnloadEvent;
import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.HashSet;
@ -132,7 +133,7 @@ public class ChunkListener implements Listener {
} catch (Throwable e) {
}, 1);
}, TaskTime.ticks(1L));
public boolean unloadChunk(String world, Chunk chunk, boolean safe) {
@ -254,16 +255,16 @@ public class ChunkListener implements Listener {
private void cleanChunk(final Chunk chunk) {
final Integer currentIndex = TaskManager.index.get();
Integer task = TaskManager.runTaskRepeat(() -> {
PlotSquaredTask task = TaskManager.runTaskRepeat(() -> {
if (!chunk.isLoaded()) {
BlockState[] tiles = chunk.getTileEntities();
if (tiles.length == 0) {
@ -272,7 +273,7 @@ public class ChunkListener implements Listener {
int i = 0;
while (System.currentTimeMillis() - start < 250) {
if (i >= tiles.length - Settings.Chunk_Processor.MAX_TILES) {
@ -280,7 +281,7 @@ public class ChunkListener implements Listener {
tiles[i].getBlock().setType(Material.AIR, false);
}, 5);
}, TaskTime.ticks(5L));
TaskManager.tasks.put(currentIndex, task);
@ -111,6 +111,7 @@ import com.plotsquared.core.util.RegExUtil;
import com.plotsquared.core.util.WorldUtil;
import com.plotsquared.core.util.entity.EntityCategories;
import com.plotsquared.core.util.task.TaskManager;
import com.plotsquared.core.util.task.TaskTime;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.WorldEdit;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.bukkit.BukkitAdapter;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.world.block.BlockType;
@ -281,7 +282,7 @@ import java.util.regex.Pattern;
((BukkitPlayer) player).player.sendBlockChange(bloc, data);
}, 3);
}, TaskTime.ticks(3L));
public static boolean checkEntity(Entity entity, Plot plot) {
@ -701,7 +702,7 @@ import java.util.regex.Pattern;
}, 20);
}, TaskTime.seconds(1L));
if (pp.hasPermission(Captions.PERMISSION_ADMIN_UPDATE_NOTIFICATION.getTranslated())
&& Settings.Enabled_Components.UPDATE_NOTIFICATIONS && PremiumVerification.isPremium()
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
package com.plotsquared.bukkit.queue;
import com.google.common.base.Preconditions;
import com.plotsquared.bukkit.BukkitMain;
import com.plotsquared.bukkit.BukkitPlatform;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.math.BlockVector2;
import io.papermc.lib.PaperLib;
import org.bukkit.Chunk;
@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ public final class ChunkCoordinator extends BukkitRunnable {
this.maxIterationTime = maxIterationTime;
this.whenDone = whenDone;
this.throwableConsumer = throwableConsumer;
this.plugin = JavaPlugin.getPlugin(BukkitMain.class);
this.plugin = JavaPlugin.getPlugin(BukkitPlatform.class);
@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ import com.plotsquared.core.util.RegionUtil;
import com.plotsquared.core.util.entity.EntityCategories;
import com.plotsquared.core.util.task.RunnableVal;
import com.plotsquared.core.util.task.TaskManager;
import com.plotsquared.core.util.task.TaskTime;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.bukkit.BukkitAdapter;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.bukkit.BukkitWorld;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.math.BlockVector2;
@ -399,9 +400,9 @@ import static com.plotsquared.core.util.entity.EntityCategories.CAP_VEHICLE;
if (!chunks.isEmpty()) {
TaskManager.runTaskLater(this, 1);
TaskManager.runTaskLater(this, TaskTime.ticks(1L));
} else {
TaskManager.runTaskLater(whenDone, 1);
TaskManager.runTaskLater(whenDone, TaskTime.ticks(1L));
@ -456,7 +457,7 @@ import static com.plotsquared.core.util.entity.EntityCategories.CAP_VEHICLE;
PlotSquared.platform().getGlobalBlockQueue().addEmptyTask(() -> {
for (ContentMap map : maps) {
map.restoreEntities(world1, 0, 0);
TaskManager.runTaskLater(whenDone, 1);
TaskManager.runTaskLater(whenDone, TaskTime.ticks(1L));
@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
* _____ _ _ _____ _
* | __ \| | | | / ____| | |
* | |__) | | ___ | |_| (___ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ ___ __| |
* | ___/| |/ _ \| __|\___ \ / _` | | | |/ _` | '__/ _ \/ _` |
* | | | | (_) | |_ ____) | (_| | |_| | (_| | | | __/ (_| |
* |_| |_|\___/ \__|_____/ \__, |\__,_|\__,_|_| \___|\__,_|
* | |
* |_|
* PlotSquared plot management system for Minecraft
* Copyright (C) 2020 IntellectualSites
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package com.plotsquared.bukkit.util;
import com.google.inject.Inject;
import com.google.inject.Singleton;
import com.plotsquared.bukkit.BukkitPlatform;
import com.plotsquared.core.util.task.TaskManager;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
@Singleton public class BukkitTaskManager extends TaskManager {
private final BukkitPlatform bukkitMain;
@Inject public BukkitTaskManager(BukkitPlatform bukkitMain) {
this.bukkitMain = bukkitMain;
@Override public int taskRepeat(Runnable runnable, int interval) {
return this.bukkitMain.getServer().getScheduler()
.scheduleSyncRepeatingTask(this.bukkitMain, runnable, interval, interval);
@SuppressWarnings("deprecation") @Override
public int taskRepeatAsync(Runnable runnable, int interval) {
return this.bukkitMain.getServer().getScheduler()
.scheduleAsyncRepeatingTask(this.bukkitMain, runnable, interval, interval);
@Override public void taskAsync(Runnable runnable) {
if (this.bukkitMain.isEnabled()) {
.runTaskAsynchronously(this.bukkitMain, runnable);
} else {
@Override public void task(Runnable runnable) {
this.bukkitMain.getServer().getScheduler().runTask(this.bukkitMain, runnable).getTaskId();
@Override public void taskLater(Runnable runnable, int delay) {
this.bukkitMain.getServer().getScheduler().runTaskLater(this.bukkitMain, runnable, delay)
@Override public void taskLaterAsync(Runnable runnable, int delay) {
.runTaskLaterAsynchronously(this.bukkitMain, runnable, delay);
@Override public void cancelTask(int task) {
if (task != -1) {
@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
* _____ _ _ _____ _
* | __ \| | | | / ____| | |
* | |__) | | ___ | |_| (___ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ ___ __| |
* | ___/| |/ _ \| __|\___ \ / _` | | | |/ _` | '__/ _ \/ _` |
* | | | | (_) | |_ ____) | (_| | |_| | (_| | | | __/ (_| |
* |_| |_|\___/ \__|_____/ \__, |\__,_|\__,_|_| \___|\__,_|
* | |
* |_|
* PlotSquared plot management system for Minecraft
* Copyright (C) 2020 IntellectualSites
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package com.plotsquared.bukkit.util.task;
import com.plotsquared.core.util.task.PlotSquaredTask;
import lombok.RequiredArgsConstructor;
import org.bukkit.scheduler.BukkitRunnable;
import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
* Bukkit implementation of {@link PlotSquaredTask}
public final class BukkitPlotSquaredTask extends BukkitRunnable implements PlotSquaredTask {
@Nonnull private final Runnable runnable;
@Override public void runTask() {
@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
* _____ _ _ _____ _
* | __ \| | | | / ____| | |
* | |__) | | ___ | |_| (___ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ ___ __| |
* | ___/| |/ _ \| __|\___ \ / _` | | | |/ _` | '__/ _ \/ _` |
* | | | | (_) | |_ ____) | (_| | |_| | (_| | | | __/ (_| |
* |_| |_|\___/ \__|_____/ \__, |\__,_|\__,_|_| \___|\__,_|
* | |
* |_|
* PlotSquared plot management system for Minecraft
* Copyright (C) 2020 IntellectualSites
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package com.plotsquared.bukkit.util.task;
import com.google.inject.Inject;
import com.google.inject.Singleton;
import com.plotsquared.bukkit.BukkitPlatform;
import com.plotsquared.core.util.task.PlotSquaredTask;
import com.plotsquared.core.util.task.TaskManager;
import com.plotsquared.core.util.task.TaskTime;
import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
* Bukkit implementation of {@link TaskManager} using
* by {@link org.bukkit.scheduler.BukkitScheduler} and {@link BukkitPlotSquaredTask}
@Singleton public class BukkitTaskManager extends TaskManager {
private final BukkitPlatform bukkitMain;
private final TaskTime.TimeConverter timeConverter;
@Inject public BukkitTaskManager(@Nonnull final BukkitPlatform bukkitMain,
@Nonnull final TaskTime.TimeConverter timeConverter) {
this.bukkitMain = bukkitMain;
this.timeConverter = timeConverter;
public PlotSquaredTask taskRepeat(@Nonnull final Runnable runnable,
@Nonnull final TaskTime taskTime) {
final long ticks = this.timeConverter.toTicks(taskTime);
final BukkitPlotSquaredTask bukkitPlotSquaredTask = new BukkitPlotSquaredTask(runnable);
bukkitPlotSquaredTask.runTaskTimer(this.bukkitMain, ticks, ticks);
return bukkitPlotSquaredTask;
public PlotSquaredTask taskRepeatAsync(@Nonnull final Runnable runnable,
@Nonnull final TaskTime taskTime) {
final long ticks = this.timeConverter.toTicks(taskTime);
final BukkitPlotSquaredTask bukkitPlotSquaredTask = new BukkitPlotSquaredTask(runnable);
bukkitPlotSquaredTask.runTaskTimerAsynchronously(this.bukkitMain, ticks, ticks);
return bukkitPlotSquaredTask;
@Override public void taskAsync(@Nonnull final Runnable runnable) {
if (this.bukkitMain.isEnabled()) {
new BukkitPlotSquaredTask(runnable).runTaskAsynchronously(this.bukkitMain);
} else {
@Override public void task(@Nonnull final Runnable runnable) {
new BukkitPlotSquaredTask(runnable).runTaskAsynchronously(this.bukkitMain);
@Override public void taskLater(@Nonnull final Runnable runnable,
@Nonnull final TaskTime taskTime) {
final long delay = this.timeConverter.toTicks(taskTime);
new BukkitPlotSquaredTask(runnable).runTaskLater(this.bukkitMain, delay);
@Override public void taskLaterAsync(@Nonnull final Runnable runnable,
@Nonnull final TaskTime taskTime) {
final long delay = this.timeConverter.toTicks(taskTime);
new BukkitPlotSquaredTask(runnable).runTaskLaterAsynchronously(this.bukkitMain, delay);
@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
* _____ _ _ _____ _
* | __ \| | | | / ____| | |
* | |__) | | ___ | |_| (___ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ ___ __| |
* | ___/| |/ _ \| __|\___ \ / _` | | | |/ _` | '__/ _ \/ _` |
* | | | | (_) | |_ ____) | (_| | |_| | (_| | | | __/ (_| |
* |_| |_|\___/ \__|_____/ \__, |\__,_|\__,_|_| \___|\__,_|
* | |
* |_|
* PlotSquared plot management system for Minecraft
* Copyright (C) 2020 IntellectualSites
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package com.plotsquared.bukkit.util.task;
import com.plotsquared.core.util.task.TaskTime;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import javax.annotation.Nonnegative;
* Time converter that uses the server MSPT count to convert between
* different time units
public final class PaperTimeConverter implements TaskTime.TimeConverter {
@Override public long msToTicks(@Nonnegative final long ms) {
return (long) (ms / Bukkit.getAverageTickTime());
@Override public long ticksToMs(@Nonnegative final long ticks) {
return (long) (ticks * Bukkit.getAverageTickTime());
@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
* _____ _ _ _____ _
* | __ \| | | | / ____| | |
* | |__) | | ___ | |_| (___ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ ___ __| |
* | ___/| |/ _ \| __|\___ \ / _` | | | |/ _` | '__/ _ \/ _` |
* | | | | (_) | |_ ____) | (_| | |_| | (_| | | | __/ (_| |
* |_| |_|\___/ \__|_____/ \__, |\__,_|\__,_|_| \___|\__,_|
* | |
* |_|
* PlotSquared plot management system for Minecraft
* Copyright (C) 2020 IntellectualSites
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package com.plotsquared.bukkit.util.task;
import com.plotsquared.core.util.task.TaskTime;
import javax.annotation.Nonnegative;
* Naive time converter that assumes that all ticks are 50 milliseconds
public final class SpigotTimeConverter implements TaskTime.TimeConverter {
private static final long MS_PER_TICKS = 50L;
@Override public long msToTicks(@Nonnegative final long ms) {
return ms / MS_PER_TICKS;
@Override public long ticksToMs(@Nonnegative final long ticks) {
return ticks * MS_PER_TICKS;
@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ import com.plotsquared.core.configuration.Captions;
import com.plotsquared.core.player.PlotPlayer;
import com.plotsquared.core.util.MainUtil;
import com.plotsquared.core.util.task.TaskManager;
import com.plotsquared.core.util.task.TaskTime;
public class CmdConfirm {
@ -46,11 +47,9 @@ public class CmdConfirm {
if (commandStr != null) {
MainUtil.sendMessage(player, Captions.REQUIRES_CONFIRM, commandStr);
TaskManager.runTaskLater(new Runnable() {
@Override public void run() {
CmdInstance cmd = new CmdInstance(runnable);
player.setMeta("cmdConfirm", cmd);
}, 1);
TaskManager.runTaskLater(() -> {
CmdInstance cmd = new CmdInstance(runnable);
player.setMeta("cmdConfirm", cmd);
}, TaskTime.ticks(1L));
@ -35,6 +35,8 @@ import com.plotsquared.core.util.MainUtil;
import com.plotsquared.core.util.MathMan;
import com.plotsquared.core.util.WorldUtil;
import com.plotsquared.core.util.task.TaskManager;
import com.plotsquared.core.util.task.TaskTime;
import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import java.util.ArrayList;
@ -177,7 +179,7 @@ public class Condense extends SubCommand {
if (result.get()) {
"Moving: " + origin + " -> " + possible);
TaskManager.runTaskLater(task, 1);
TaskManager.runTaskLater(task, TaskTime.ticks(1L));
}, false).get());
} catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException e) {
@ -482,9 +482,9 @@ public class Settings extends Config {
@Comment("Teleport to your plot on death") public static boolean ON_DEATH = false;
@Comment("Teleport to your plot on login") public static boolean ON_LOGIN = false;
@Comment("Teleport to your plot on claim") public static boolean ON_CLAIM = true;
@Comment({"Add a delay to all teleport commands",
"Assign `plots.teleport.delay.bypass` to bypass the cooldown."}) public static int
DELAY = 0;
@Comment({"Add a delay to all teleport commands (in seconds)",
"Assign `plots.teleport.delay.bypass` to bypass the cooldown"})
public static int DELAY = 0;
@Comment("The visit command is ordered by world instead of globally") public static boolean
@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ import com.plotsquared.core.util.SchematicHandler;
import com.plotsquared.core.util.WorldUtil;
import com.plotsquared.core.util.task.RunnableVal;
import com.plotsquared.core.util.task.TaskManager;
import com.plotsquared.core.util.task.TaskTime;
import com.sk89q.jnbt.CompoundTag;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.math.BlockVector2;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.math.BlockVector3;
@ -366,7 +367,7 @@ public class HybridUtils {
analyzeRegion(origin.getWorldName(), region, new RunnableVal<PlotAnalysis>() {
@Override public void run(PlotAnalysis value) {
TaskManager.runTaskLater(task, 1);
TaskManager.runTaskLater(task, TaskTime.ticks(1L));
@ -511,7 +512,7 @@ public class HybridUtils {
blockQueue.addEmptyTask(() -> TaskManager.runTaskLater(task, 20));
blockQueue.addEmptyTask(() -> TaskManager.runTaskLater(task, TaskTime.seconds(1L)));
@ -61,6 +61,7 @@ import com.plotsquared.core.util.Permissions;
import com.plotsquared.core.util.StringMan;
import com.plotsquared.core.util.task.RunnableVal;
import com.plotsquared.core.util.task.TaskManager;
import com.plotsquared.core.util.task.TaskTime;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.world.gamemode.GameMode;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.world.gamemode.GameModes;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.world.item.ItemType;
@ -125,7 +126,7 @@ public class PlotListener {
}, 20);
}, TaskTime.seconds(1L));
public boolean plotEntry(final PlotPlayer<?> player, final Plot plot) {
@ -279,7 +280,7 @@ public class PlotListener {
player.sendTitle(main, sub);
}, 20);
}, TaskTime.seconds(1L));
@ -66,6 +66,7 @@ import com.plotsquared.core.util.SchematicHandler;
import com.plotsquared.core.util.WorldUtil;
import com.plotsquared.core.util.task.RunnableVal;
import com.plotsquared.core.util.task.TaskManager;
import com.plotsquared.core.util.task.TaskTime;
import com.plotsquared.core.uuid.UUIDPipeline;
import com.sk89q.jnbt.CompoundTag;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.function.pattern.Pattern;
@ -1946,7 +1947,7 @@ public class Plot {
DBFunc.movePlot(this, plot);
TaskManager.runTaskLater(whenDone, 1);
TaskManager.runTaskLater(whenDone, TaskTime.ticks(1L));
return true;
@ -2909,7 +2910,7 @@ public class Plot {
this.plotListener.plotExit(pp, Plot.this);
this.plotListener.plotEntry(pp, Plot.this);
}, 1);
}, TaskTime.ticks(1L));
public void debug(@Nonnull final String message) {
@ -3004,7 +3005,7 @@ public class Plot {
MainUtil.sendMessage(player, Captions.TELEPORTED_TO_PLOT);
player.teleport(location, cause);
}, Settings.Teleport.DELAY * 20);
}, TaskTime.seconds(Settings.Teleport.DELAY));
if (this.area.isHomeAllowNonmember() || plot.isAdded(player.getUUID())) {
@ -3154,7 +3155,7 @@ public class Plot {
final int offsetX = db.getX() - ob.getX();
final int offsetZ = db.getZ() - ob.getZ();
if (!this.hasOwner()) {
TaskManager.runTaskLater(whenDone, 1);
TaskManager.runTaskLater(whenDone, TaskTime.ticks(1L));
return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(false);
AtomicBoolean occupied = new AtomicBoolean(false);
@ -3163,7 +3164,7 @@ public class Plot {
Plot other = plot.getRelative(destination.getArea(), offset.x, offset.y);
if (other.hasOwner()) {
if (!allowSwap) {
TaskManager.runTaskLater(whenDone, 1);
TaskManager.runTaskLater(whenDone, TaskTime.ticks(1L));
return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(false);
@ -3270,14 +3271,14 @@ public class Plot {
final int offsetX = db.getX() - ob.getX();
final int offsetZ = db.getZ() - ob.getZ();
if (!this.hasOwner()) {
TaskManager.runTaskLater(whenDone, 1);
TaskManager.runTaskLater(whenDone, TaskTime.ticks(1L));
return false;
Set<Plot> plots = this.getConnectedPlots();
for (Plot plot : plots) {
Plot other = plot.getRelative(destination.getArea(), offset.x, offset.y);
if (other.hasOwner()) {
TaskManager.runTaskLater(whenDone, 1);
TaskManager.runTaskLater(whenDone, TaskTime.ticks(1L));
return false;
@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ import com.plotsquared.core.player.PlotPlayer;
import com.plotsquared.core.plot.Plot;
import com.plotsquared.core.util.task.RunnableVal;
import com.plotsquared.core.util.task.TaskManager;
import com.plotsquared.core.util.task.TaskTime;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
@ -72,7 +73,7 @@ import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
}, 20);
}, TaskTime.seconds(1L));
public static long getTimestamp(PlotPlayer<?> player, String inbox) {
@ -43,15 +43,15 @@ import com.plotsquared.core.plot.flag.implementations.KeepFlag;
import com.plotsquared.core.plot.message.PlotMessage;
import com.plotsquared.core.util.EventDispatcher;
import com.plotsquared.core.util.MainUtil;
import com.plotsquared.core.util.StringMan;
import com.plotsquared.core.util.query.PlotQuery;
import com.plotsquared.core.util.task.RunnableVal;
import com.plotsquared.core.util.task.RunnableVal3;
import com.plotsquared.core.util.task.TaskManager;
import com.plotsquared.core.util.task.TaskTime;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import java.util.ArrayDeque;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
@ -326,7 +326,8 @@ public class ExpireManager {
for (ExpiryTask expiryTask : expired) {
if (!expiryTask.needsAnalysis()) {
expiredTask.run(newPlot, () -> TaskManager.getImplementation().taskLaterAsync(task, 1),
expiredTask.run(newPlot, () -> TaskManager.getImplementation()
.taskLaterAsync(task, TaskTime.ticks(1L)),
@ -337,7 +338,7 @@ public class ExpireManager {
passesComplexity(changed, expired, new RunnableVal<Boolean>() {
@Override public void run(Boolean confirmation) {
() -> TaskManager.getImplementation().taskLaterAsync(task, 1),
() -> TaskManager.getImplementation().taskLaterAsync(task, TaskTime.ticks(1L)),
}, () -> {
@ -350,7 +351,7 @@ public class ExpireManager {
TaskManager.runTaskLaterAsync(task, 20);
TaskManager.runTaskLaterAsync(task, TaskTime.seconds(1L));
@ -363,7 +364,7 @@ public class ExpireManager {
@Override public void run(Boolean value) {
}, () -> TaskManager.getImplementation().taskLaterAsync(task, 1));
}, () -> TaskManager.getImplementation().taskLaterAsync(task, TaskTime.ticks(1L)));
} else {
@ -376,9 +377,9 @@ public class ExpireManager {
ExpireManager.this.running = 2;
}, 86400000);
}, TaskTime.ticks(86400000));
} else {
TaskManager.runTaskLaterAsync(task, 20 * 10);
TaskManager.runTaskLaterAsync(task, TaskTime.seconds(10L));
@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ package com.plotsquared.core.queue;
import com.plotsquared.core.PlotSquared;
import com.plotsquared.core.util.task.RunnableVal2;
import com.plotsquared.core.util.task.TaskManager;
import com.plotsquared.core.util.task.TaskTime;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.ConcurrentModificationException;
@ -165,7 +166,7 @@ public class GlobalBlockQueue {
}, 1);
}, TaskTime.ticks(1L));
return true;
@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ import com.plotsquared.core.queue.LocalBlockQueue;
import com.plotsquared.core.queue.ScopedLocalBlockQueue;
import com.plotsquared.core.util.task.RunnableVal;
import com.plotsquared.core.util.task.TaskManager;
import com.plotsquared.core.util.task.TaskTime;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.math.BlockVector2;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.regions.CuboidRegion;
@ -172,7 +173,7 @@ public abstract class ChunkManager {
if (!chunks.isEmpty()) {
TaskManager.runTaskLater(this, 1);
TaskManager.runTaskLater(this, TaskTime.ticks(1L));
} else {
@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ import com.plotsquared.core.plot.schematic.Schematic;
import com.plotsquared.core.queue.LocalBlockQueue;
import com.plotsquared.core.util.task.RunnableVal;
import com.plotsquared.core.util.task.TaskManager;
import com.plotsquared.core.util.task.TaskTime;
import com.sk89q.jnbt.ByteArrayTag;
import com.sk89q.jnbt.CompoundTag;
import com.sk89q.jnbt.IntArrayTag;
@ -661,7 +662,7 @@ public abstract class SchematicHandler {
if (yiter.hasNext()) {
TaskManager.runTaskLater(this, 1);
TaskManager.runTaskLater(this, TaskTime.ticks(1L));
} else {
@ -44,9 +44,9 @@ public class ObjectTaskRunnable<T> implements Runnable {
if (!hasNext) {
TaskManager.runTaskLater(whenDone, 1);
TaskManager.runTaskLater(whenDone, TaskTime.ticks(1L));
} else {
TaskManager.runTaskLater(this, 1);
TaskManager.runTaskLater(this, TaskTime.ticks(1L));
@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
* _____ _ _ _____ _
* | __ \| | | | / ____| | |
* | |__) | | ___ | |_| (___ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ ___ __| |
* | ___/| |/ _ \| __|\___ \ / _` | | | |/ _` | '__/ _ \/ _` |
* | | | | (_) | |_ ____) | (_| | |_| | (_| | | | __/ (_| |
* |_| |_|\___/ \__|_____/ \__, |\__,_|\__,_|_| \___|\__,_|
* | |
* |_|
* PlotSquared plot management system for Minecraft
* Copyright (C) 2020 IntellectualSites
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package com.plotsquared.core.util.task;
* A task that can be run and cancelled (if repeating)
public interface PlotSquaredTask extends Runnable {
* Run the task. Don't override this, instead
* implement {@link #runTask()}
@Override default void run() {
if (isCancelled()) {
* Run the task
void runTask();
* Check if the task has been cancelled
* @return {@code true} if the tasks is cancelled,
* {@code false} if not
boolean isCancelled();
* Cancel the task
void cancel();
* Get a new {@link NullTask}
* @return Null task instance
static NullTask nullTask() {
return new NullTask();
* Task that does nothing and is always cancelled
class NullTask implements PlotSquaredTask {
@Override public void runTask() {
@Override public boolean isCancelled() {
return true;
@Override public void cancel() {
@ -29,7 +29,10 @@ import com.plotsquared.core.PlotSquared;
import com.plotsquared.core.util.RuntimeExceptionRunnableVal;
import lombok.Getter;
import lombok.Setter;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
@ -40,32 +43,55 @@ import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
public abstract class TaskManager {
public static final HashSet<String> TELEPORT_QUEUE = new HashSet<>();
public static final HashMap<Integer, Integer> tasks = new HashMap<>();
public static final HashMap<Integer, PlotSquaredTask> tasks = new HashMap<>();
public static AtomicInteger index = new AtomicInteger(0);
@Getter @Setter private static TaskManager implementation;
public static int runTaskRepeat(Runnable runnable, int interval) {
* Run a repeating synchronous task. If using a platform scheduler,
* this is guaranteed to run on the server thread
* @param runnable Task to run
* @param taskTime Task interval
* @return Created task object, can be used to cancel the task
@Nonnull public static PlotSquaredTask runTaskRepeat(@Nullable final Runnable runnable,
@Nonnull final TaskTime taskTime) {
if (runnable != null) {
if (getImplementation() == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("disabled");
return getImplementation().taskRepeat(runnable, interval);
return getImplementation().taskRepeat(runnable, taskTime);
return -1;
return PlotSquaredTask.nullTask();
public static int runTaskRepeatAsync(Runnable runnable, int interval) {
* Run a repeating asynchronous task. This will never run on the
* server thread
* @param runnable Task to run
* @param taskTime Task interval
* @return Created task object, can be used to cancel the task
@Nonnull public static PlotSquaredTask runTaskRepeatAsync(@Nullable final Runnable runnable,
@NotNull final TaskTime taskTime) {
if (runnable != null) {
if (getImplementation() == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("disabled");
return getImplementation().taskRepeatAsync(runnable, interval);
return getImplementation().taskRepeatAsync(runnable, taskTime);
return -1;
return PlotSquaredTask.nullTask();
public static void runTaskAsync(Runnable runnable) {
* Run an asynchronous task. This will never run on the server thread
* @param runnable Task to run
public static void runTaskAsync(@Nullable final Runnable runnable) {
if (runnable != null) {
if (getImplementation() == null) {
@ -75,7 +101,13 @@ public abstract class TaskManager {
public static void runTask(Runnable runnable) {
* Run a synchronous task. If using a platform scheduler, this is guaranteed
* to run on the server thread
* @param runnable Task to run
public static void runTask(@Nullable final Runnable runnable) {
if (runnable != null) {
if (getImplementation() == null) {
@ -86,37 +118,43 @@ public abstract class TaskManager {
* Run task later.
* Run a synchronous task after a given delay.
* If using a platform scheduler, this is guaranteed to run on the server thread
* @param runnable The task
* @param delay The delay in ticks
* @param runnable Task to run
* @param taskTime Task delay
public static void runTaskLater(Runnable runnable, int delay) {
public static void runTaskLater(@Nullable final Runnable runnable,
@Nonnull final TaskTime taskTime) {
if (runnable != null) {
if (getImplementation() == null) {
getImplementation().taskLater(runnable, delay);
getImplementation().taskLater(runnable, taskTime);
public static void runTaskLaterAsync(Runnable runnable, int delay) {
* Run an asynchronous task after a given delay. This will never
* run on the server thread
* @param runnable Task to run
* @param taskTime Task delay
public static void runTaskLaterAsync(@Nullable final Runnable runnable,
@Nonnull final TaskTime taskTime) {
if (runnable != null) {
if (getImplementation() == null) {
getImplementation().taskLaterAsync(runnable, delay);
getImplementation().taskLaterAsync(runnable, taskTime);
* Break up a series of tasks so that they can run without lagging the server.
* @param objects
* @param task
* @param whenDone
public static <T> void objectTask(Collection<T> objects, final RunnableVal<T> task,
final Runnable whenDone) {
@ -152,17 +190,61 @@ public abstract class TaskManager {
return function.value;
public abstract int taskRepeat(Runnable runnable, int interval);
* Run a repeating synchronous task. If using a platform scheduler,
* this is guaranteed to run on the server thread
* @param runnable Task to run
* @param taskTime Task interval
* @return Created task object, can be used to cancel the task
public abstract PlotSquaredTask taskRepeat(@Nonnull Runnable runnable,
@Nonnull TaskTime taskTime);
public abstract int taskRepeatAsync(Runnable runnable, int interval);
* Run a repeating asynchronous task. This will never run on the
* server thread
* @param runnable Task to run
* @param taskTime Task interval
* @return Created task object, can be used to cancel the task
public abstract PlotSquaredTask taskRepeatAsync(@Nonnull Runnable runnable,
@Nonnull TaskTime taskTime);
public abstract void taskAsync(Runnable runnable);
* Run an asynchronous task. This will never run on the server thread
* @param runnable Task to run
public abstract void taskAsync(@Nonnull Runnable runnable);
public abstract void task(Runnable runnable);
* Run a synchronous task. If using a platform scheduler, this is guaranteed
* to run on the server thread
* @param runnable Task to run
public abstract void task(@Nonnull Runnable runnable);
public abstract void taskLater(Runnable runnable, int delay);
* Run a synchronous task after a given delay.
* If using a platform scheduler, this is guaranteed to run on the server thread
* @param runnable Task to run
* @param taskTime Task delay
public abstract void taskLater(@Nonnull Runnable runnable,
@Nonnull TaskTime taskTime);
public abstract void taskLaterAsync(Runnable runnable, int delay);
* Run an asynchronous task after a given delay. This will never
* run on the server thread
* @param runnable Task to run
* @param taskTime Task delay
public abstract void taskLaterAsync(@Nonnull Runnable runnable,
@Nonnull TaskTime taskTime);
public abstract void cancelTask(int task);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
* _____ _ _ _____ _
* | __ \| | | | / ____| | |
* | |__) | | ___ | |_| (___ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ ___ __| |
* | ___/| |/ _ \| __|\___ \ / _` | | | |/ _` | '__/ _ \/ _` |
* | | | | (_) | |_ ____) | (_| | |_| | (_| | | | __/ (_| |
* |_| |_|\___/ \__|_____/ \__, |\__,_|\__,_|_| \___|\__,_|
* | |
* |_|
* PlotSquared plot management system for Minecraft
* Copyright (C) 2020 IntellectualSites
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package com.plotsquared.core.util.task;
import lombok.EqualsAndHashCode;
import lombok.ToString;
import javax.annotation.Nonnegative;
import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
* Task timings
@EqualsAndHashCode @ToString @SuppressWarnings("unused")
public final class TaskTime {
private final long time;
private final TaskUnit unit;
private TaskTime(@Nonnegative final long time, @Nonnull final TaskUnit unit) {
this.time = time;
this.unit = unit;
* Create a new task time in seconds
* @param seconds Seconds
* @return Created task time instance
@Nonnull public static TaskTime seconds(@Nonnegative final long seconds) {
return new TaskTime(seconds * 1000L, TaskUnit.MILLISECONDS);
* Create a new task time in server ticks
* @param ticks Server ticks
* @return Created task time instance
@Nonnull public static TaskTime ticks(@Nonnegative final long ticks) {
return new TaskTime(ticks, TaskUnit.TICKS);
* Create a new task time in milliseconds
* @param ms Milliseconds
* @return Created task time instance
@Nonnull public static TaskTime ms(@Nonnegative final long ms) {
return new TaskTime(ms, TaskUnit.MILLISECONDS);
* Get the task time
* @return Task time
@Nonnegative public long getTime() {
return this.time;
* Get the time unit
* @return Time unit
@Nonnull public TaskUnit getUnit() {
return this.unit;
public enum TaskUnit {
public interface TimeConverter {
* Convert from milliseconds to server ticks
* @param ms Milliseconds
* @return Server ticks
@Nonnegative long msToTicks(@Nonnegative final long ms);
* Convert from server ticks to milliseconds
* @param ticks Server ticks
* @return Milliseconds
@Nonnegative long ticksToMs(@Nonnegative final long ticks);
* Convert the task time to server ticks
* @param taskTime Task time
* @return Server ticks
@Nonnegative default long toTicks(@Nonnull final TaskTime taskTime) {
if (taskTime.getUnit() == TaskUnit.TICKS) {
return taskTime.getTime();
} else {
return this.msToTicks(taskTime.getTime());
* Convert the task time to milliseconds
* @param taskTime Task time
* @return Milliseconds
@Nonnegative default long toMs(@Nonnull final TaskTime taskTime) {
if (taskTime.getUnit() == TaskUnit.MILLISECONDS) {
return taskTime.getTime();
} else {
return this.ticksToMs(taskTime.getTime());
Reference in New Issue
Block a user