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synced 2025-02-20 16:49:35 +01:00
Async plot clear?
I got plot clearing down to around 100 ms for a 256x256 plot without async.
This commit is contained in:
@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
package com.intellectualcrafters.plot;
import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.Logger.LogLevel;
import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.database.DBFunc;
import org.bukkit.*;
@ -17,8 +18,11 @@ import org.bukkit.block.Block;
import org.bukkit.block.Sign;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.*;
import static com.intellectualcrafters.plot.PlotMain.connection;
import static com.intellectualcrafters.plot.Settings.*;
@ -31,14 +35,22 @@ public class PlotHelper {
private static double calculateNeededTime(double blocks, double blocks_per_second) {
return (blocks / blocks_per_second);
static long state;
public static final long nextLong() {
long a=state;
state = xorShift64(a);
return a;
public static Short[] getRandom(Random random, Object[] filling) {
int len= ((Short[]) filling[0]).length;
if (len==1) {
return new Short[] {((Short[]) filling[0])[0],((Short[]) filling[1])[0]};
int index = random.nextInt(len);
return new Short[] {((Short[]) filling[0])[index],((Short[]) filling[1])[index]};
public static final long xorShift64(long a) {
a ^= (a << 21);
a ^= (a >>> 35);
a ^= (a << 4);
return a;
public static final int random(int n) {
long r = ((nextLong()>>>32)*n)>>32;
return (int) r;
public static void removeSign(Player plr, Plot p) {
@ -440,21 +452,21 @@ public class PlotHelper {
public static void clear(final Player requester, final Plot plot) {
PlotWorld plotworld = PlotMain.getWorldSettings(Bukkit.getWorld(plot.world));
long start = System.nanoTime();
final PlotWorld plotworld = PlotMain.getWorldSettings(Bukkit.getWorld(plot.world));
final long start = System.nanoTime();
PlotHelper.setBiome(requester.getWorld(), plot, Biome.FOREST);
PlotHelper.removeSign(requester, plot);
PlayerFunctions.sendMessage(requester, C.CLEARING_PLOT);
World world = requester.getWorld();
Location pos1 = getPlotBottomLoc(world, plot.id).add(1,0,1);
Location pos2 = getPlotTopLoc(world, plot.id);
final World world = requester.getWorld();
final Location pos1 = getPlotBottomLoc(world, plot.id).add(1,0,1);
final Location pos2 = getPlotTopLoc(world, plot.id);
SetBlockFast setBlockClass = null;
Short[] plotfloors = new Short[plotworld.TOP_BLOCK.length];
Short[] plotfloors_data = new Short[plotworld.TOP_BLOCK.length];
final short[] plotfloors = new short[plotworld.TOP_BLOCK.length];
final short[] plotfloors_data = new short[plotworld.TOP_BLOCK.length];
Short[] filling = new Short[plotworld.MAIN_BLOCK.length];
Short[] filling_data = new Short[plotworld.MAIN_BLOCK.length];
final short[] filling = new short[plotworld.MAIN_BLOCK.length];
final short[] filling_data = new short[plotworld.MAIN_BLOCK.length];
for (int i = 0; i < plotworld.TOP_BLOCK.length; i++) {
Short[] result = getBlock(plotworld.TOP_BLOCK[i]);
@ -469,126 +481,42 @@ public class PlotHelper {
try {
setBlockClass = new SetBlockFast();
regenerateCuboid(pos1, pos2,requester,plotworld, new Object[] {plotfloors,plotfloors_data}, new Object[] {filling, filling_data});
PlayerFunctions.sendMessage(requester, C.CLEARING_DONE.s().replaceAll("%time%", ""+((System.nanoTime()-start)/1000000.0)));
PlayerFunctions.sendMessage(requester, C.CLEARING_DONE_PACKETS.s().replaceAll("%time%", ""+((System.nanoTime()-start)/1000000.0)));
final int prime = 31;
int h = 1;
h = prime * h + pos1.getBlockX();
h = prime * h + pos1.getBlockZ();
state = h;
PlotMain.getMain().getServer().getScheduler().runTaskAsynchronously(PlotMain.getMain(), (new Runnable() {
public void run() {
for (int y = 0; y<plotworld.PLOT_HEIGHT; y++) {
for (int x = pos1.getBlockX(); x<=pos2.getBlockX(); x++) {
for(int z = pos1.getBlockZ(); z <= pos2.getBlockZ(); z++) {
int i = random(filling.length);
short id = filling[i];
byte d = (byte) filling_data[i];
SetBlockFast.set(world, x, y, z, id, d);
for (int y = plotworld.PLOT_HEIGHT; y<plotworld.PLOT_HEIGHT+1; y++) {
for (int x = pos1.getBlockX(); x<=pos2.getBlockX(); x++) {
for(int z = pos1.getBlockZ(); z <= pos2.getBlockZ(); z++) {
int i = random(plotfloors.length);
short id = plotfloors[i];
byte d = (byte) plotfloors_data[i];
SetBlockFast.set(world, x, y, z, id, d);
PlayerFunctions.sendMessage(requester, C.CLEARING_DONE.s().replaceAll("%time%", ""+((System.nanoTime()-start)/1000000.0)));
catch (NoClassDefFoundError e) {
PlotMain.sendConsoleSenderMessage(C.PREFIX.s() + "&cFast plot clearing is currently not enabled.");
PlotMain.sendConsoleSenderMessage(C.PREFIX.s() + "&c - Please get PlotSquared for "+Bukkit.getVersion()+" for improved performance");
if (pos2.getBlockX()-pos1.getBlockX()<16) {
regenerateCuboid(pos1, pos2,requester,plotworld, new Object[] {plotfloors,plotfloors_data}, new Object[] {filling, filling_data});
int startX = (pos1.getBlockX()/16)*16;
int startZ = (pos1.getBlockZ()/16)*16;
int chunkX = 16+pos2.getBlockX();
int chunkZ = 16+pos2.getBlockZ();
int plotMinX = getPlotBottomLoc(world,plot.id).getBlockX()+1;
int plotMinZ = getPlotBottomLoc(world,plot.id).getBlockZ()+1;
int plotMaxX = getPlotTopLoc(world,plot.id).getBlockX();
int plotMaxZ = getPlotTopLoc(world,plot.id).getBlockZ();
Location min = null;
Location max = null;
for (int i = startX; i<chunkX;i+=16) {
for (int j = startZ; j<chunkZ;j+=16) {
Plot plot1 = getCurrentPlot(new Location(world, i, 0, j));
if (plot1!=null && plot1.getId()!=plot.getId() && plot1.hasOwner()) {
Plot plot2 = getCurrentPlot(new Location(world, i+15, 0, j));
if (plot2!=null && plot2.getId()!=plot.getId() && plot2.hasOwner()) {
Plot plot3 = getCurrentPlot(new Location(world, i+15, 0, j+15));
if (plot3!=null && plot3.getId()!=plot.getId() && plot3.hasOwner()) {
Plot plot4 = getCurrentPlot(new Location(world, i, 0, j+15));
if (plot4!=null && plot4.getId()!=plot.getId() && plot4.hasOwner()) {
Plot plot5 = getCurrentPlot(new Location(world, i+15, 0, j+15));
if (plot5!=null && plot5.getId()!=plot.getId() && plot5.hasOwner()) {
if (min==null) {
min = new Location(world, Math.max(i-1, plotMinX), 0, Math.max(j-1, plotMinZ));
max = new Location(world, Math.min(i+16, plotMaxX), 0, Math.min(j+16, plotMaxZ));
else if (max.getBlockZ() < j + 15 || max.getBlockX() < i + 15) {
max = new Location(world, Math.min(i+16, plotMaxX), 0, Math.min(j+16, plotMaxZ));
world.regenerateChunk(i/16, j/16);
if (min==null) {
regenerateCuboid(pos1, pos2,requester,plotworld, new Object[] {plotfloors,plotfloors_data}, new Object[] {filling, filling_data});
else {
int height = world.getMaxHeight();
regenerateCuboid(new Location(world, plotMinX, 0, plotMinZ), new Location(world, min.getBlockX(), height, min.getBlockZ()),requester,plotworld, new Object[] {plotfloors,plotfloors_data}, new Object[] {filling, filling_data}); //1
regenerateCuboid(new Location(world, min.getBlockX(), 0, plotMinZ), new Location(world, max.getBlockX(), height, min.getBlockZ()),requester,plotworld, new Object[] {plotfloors,plotfloors_data}, new Object[] {filling, filling_data}); //2
regenerateCuboid(new Location(world, max.getBlockX(), 0, plotMinZ), new Location(world, plotMaxX, height, min.getBlockZ()),requester,plotworld, new Object[] {plotfloors,plotfloors_data}, new Object[] {filling, filling_data}); //3
regenerateCuboid(new Location(world, plotMinX, 0, min.getBlockZ()), new Location(world, min.getBlockX(), height, max.getBlockZ()),requester,plotworld, new Object[] {plotfloors,plotfloors_data}, new Object[] {filling, filling_data}); //4
regenerateCuboid(new Location(world, plotMinX, 0, max.getBlockZ()), new Location(world, min.getBlockX(), height, plotMaxZ),requester,plotworld, new Object[] {plotfloors,plotfloors_data}, new Object[] {filling, filling_data}); //5
regenerateCuboid(new Location(world, min.getBlockX(), 0, max.getBlockZ()), new Location(world, max.getBlockX(), height, plotMaxZ),requester,plotworld, new Object[] {plotfloors,plotfloors_data}, new Object[] {filling, filling_data}); //6
regenerateCuboid(new Location(world, max.getBlockX(), 0, min.getBlockZ()), new Location(world, plotMaxX, height, max.getBlockZ()),requester,plotworld, new Object[] {plotfloors,plotfloors_data}, new Object[] {filling, filling_data}); //7
regenerateCuboid(new Location(world, max.getBlockX(), 0, max.getBlockZ()), new Location(world, plotMaxX, height, plotMaxZ),requester,plotworld, new Object[] {plotfloors,plotfloors_data}, new Object[] {filling, filling_data}); //8
PlayerFunctions.sendMessage(requester, C.CLEARING_DONE.s().replaceAll("%time%", ""+((System.currentTimeMillis()-start)/1000.0)));
public static void regenerateCuboid(Location pos1, Location pos2,Player player, PlotWorld plotworld, Object[] plotfloors, Object[] filling) {
World world = pos1.getWorld();
int zMin = pos1.getBlockZ();
int zMax = pos2.getBlockZ();
int xMin = pos1.getBlockX();
int xMax = pos2.getBlockX();
int height = pos2.getBlockY();
Random random = new Random();
for (int y = 0; y<=height; y++) {
for (int x = xMin; x<=xMax; x++) {
for(int z = zMin; z <= zMax; z++) {
short d = 0;
short id = 0;
boolean change = true;
Block block = world.getBlockAt(x,y,z);
int type = block.getTypeId();
if(y == 0) {
if(type != 7)
id = (short) Material.BEDROCK.getId();
change = false;
} else if(y == plotworld.PLOT_HEIGHT) {
Short[] result = getRandom(random, plotfloors);
id = result[0];
d = result[1];
} else if(y < plotworld.PLOT_HEIGHT) {
Short[] result = getRandom(random, filling);
id = result[0];
d = result[1];
} else if(y > plotworld.PLOT_HEIGHT && y < world.getMaxHeight()) {
if(type != 0)
id = 0;
change = false;
else {
change = false;
if(change) {
if (type!=id) {
block.setTypeIdAndData(id, (byte) d, true);
PlayerFunctions.sendMessage(requester, C.PREFIX.s() + "&cFast plot clearing is currently not enabled.");
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ import static com.intellectualcrafters.plot.PlotWorld.*;
public class WorldGenerator extends ChunkGenerator {
private long state = 100;
private long state;
public final long nextLong() {
long a=state;
state = xorShift64(a);
@ -35,11 +35,11 @@ public class WorldGenerator extends ChunkGenerator {
a ^= (a << 4);
return a;
public final int random(int n) {
long r = ((nextLong()>>>32)*n)>>32;
return (int) r;
PlotWorld plotworld;
short[][] result;
int plotsize;
Reference in New Issue
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