mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 08:39:43 +01:00
Fix schematic creation
Seems fairly ugly, but only because the format requires the blocks be inputted in that exact order, and it prevents us from having to cache the blocks per chunk to then insert into the relevant tags.
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
package com.github.intellectualsites.plotsquared.bukkit.util;
import com.github.intellectualsites.plotsquared.bukkit.object.schematic.StateWrapper;
import com.github.intellectualsites.plotsquared.plot.object.ChunkLoc;
import com.github.intellectualsites.plotsquared.plot.object.Location;
import com.github.intellectualsites.plotsquared.plot.object.RegionWrapper;
import com.github.intellectualsites.plotsquared.plot.object.RunnableVal;
@ -13,12 +12,10 @@ import com.sk89q.jnbt.*;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.math.BlockVector3;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.regions.CuboidRegion;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.world.block.BaseBlock;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.Chunk;
import org.bukkit.World;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.stream.IntStream;
* Schematic Handler.
@ -39,9 +36,9 @@ public class BukkitSchematicHandler extends SchematicHandler {
new CuboidRegion(BukkitUtil.IMP.getWeWorld(world), bot.getBlockVector3(),
final int width = top.getX() - bot.getX() + 1;
int height = top.getY() - bot.getY() + 1;
final int length = top.getZ() - bot.getZ() + 1;
final int width = cuboidRegion.getWidth();
int height = cuboidRegion.getHeight();
final int length = cuboidRegion.getLength();
Map<String, Tag> schematic = new HashMap<>();
schematic.put("Version", new IntTag(1));
@ -89,109 +86,106 @@ public class BukkitSchematicHandler extends SchematicHandler {
RegionWrapper region = queue.poll();
Location pos1 = new Location(world, region.minX, region.minY, region.minZ);
Location pos2 = new Location(world, region.maxX, region.maxY, region.maxZ);
final int bx = bot.getX();
final int bz = bot.getZ();
final int p1x = pos1.getX();
final int p1z = pos1.getZ();
final int p2x = pos2.getX();
final int p2z = pos2.getZ();
final int bcx = p1x >> 4;
final int bcz = p1z >> 4;
final int tcx = p2x >> 4;
final int tcz = p2z >> 4;
final int sy = pos1.getY();
final int ey = pos2.getY();
// Generate list of chunks
final ArrayList<ChunkLoc> chunks = new ArrayList<>();
for (int x = bcx; x <= tcx; x++) {
for (int z = bcz; z <= tcz; z++) {
chunks.add(new ChunkLoc(x, z));
final World worldObj = Bukkit.getWorld(world);
// Main thread
Iterator<Integer> yiter = IntStream.range(sy, ey).iterator();
TaskManager.runTask(new Runnable() {
@Override public void run() {
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
while (!chunks.isEmpty()
&& System.currentTimeMillis() - start < 20) {
// save schematics
ChunkLoc chunk = chunks.remove(0);
Chunk bc = worldObj.getChunkAt(chunk.x, chunk.z);
if (!bc.load(false)) {
int X = chunk.x;
int Z = chunk.z;
int xxb = X << 4;
int zzb = Z << 4;
int xxt = xxb + 15;
int zzt = zzb + 15;
final Runnable yTask = this;
long ystart = System.currentTimeMillis();
while (yiter.hasNext()
&& System.currentTimeMillis() - ystart < 20) {
final int fy = yiter.next();
Iterator<Integer> ziter = IntStream.range(p1z, p2z).iterator();
TaskManager.runTask(new Runnable() {
@Override public void run() {
final Runnable zTask = this;
long zstart = System.currentTimeMillis();
Iterator<Integer> xiter =
IntStream.range(p1x, p2x).iterator();
while (ziter.hasNext()
&& System.currentTimeMillis() - zstart < 20) {
final int fz = ziter.next();
TaskManager.runTask(new Runnable() {
@Override public void run() {
long xstart = System.currentTimeMillis();
while (xiter.hasNext()
&& System.currentTimeMillis() - xstart
< 20) {
final int x = xiter.next();
int rx = x - p1x;
int ry = fy - sy;
int rz = fz - p1z;
BlockVector3 point =
BlockVector3.at(x, fy, fz);
BaseBlock block =
if (block.getNbtData() != null) {
Map<String, Tag> values =
new HashMap<>();
for (Map.Entry<String, Tag> entry : block
.entrySet()) {
// Remove 'id' if it exists. We want 'Id'
if (X == bcx) {
xxb = p1x;
if (X == tcx) {
xxt = p2x;
if (Z == bcz) {
zzb = p1z;
if (Z == tcz) {
zzt = p2z;
for (int y = sy; y <= Math.min(255, ey); y++) {
int ry = y - sy;
for (int z = zzb; z <= zzt; z++) {
int rz = z - bz;
for (int x = xxb; x <= xxt; x++) {
int rx = x - bx;
BlockVector3 point = BlockVector3.at(x, y, z);
BaseBlock block =
if (block.getNbtData() != null) {
Map<String, Tag> values = new HashMap<>();
for (Map.Entry<String, Tag> entry : block
.getNbtData().getValue().entrySet()) {
.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
// Positions are kept in NBT, we don't want that.
values.put("Id", new StringTag(
values.put("Pos", new IntArrayTag(
new int[] {rx, ry, rz}));
.add(new CompoundTag(values));
String blockKey =
int blockId;
if (palette.containsKey(blockKey)) {
blockId = palette.get(blockKey);
} else {
blockId = palette.size();
.put(blockKey, palette.size());
while ((blockId & -128) != 0) {
buffer.write(blockId & 127 | 128);
blockId >>>= 7;
if (xiter.hasNext()) {
TaskManager.runTaskLater(this, 1);
} else {
// Remove 'id' if it exists. We want 'Id'
// Positions are kept in NBT, we don't want that.
.put("Id", new StringTag(block.getNbtId()));
new IntArrayTag(new int[] {rx, ry, rz}));
tileEntities.add(new CompoundTag(values));
String blockKey =
int blockId;
if (palette.containsKey(blockKey)) {
blockId = palette.get(blockKey);
} else {
blockId = palette.size();
palette.put(blockKey, palette.size());
while ((blockId & -128) != 0) {
buffer.write(blockId & 127 | 128);
blockId >>>= 7;
if (ziter.hasNext()) {
TaskManager.runTaskLater(zTask, 1);
} else {
if (!chunks.isEmpty()) {
TaskManager.runTaskLater(this, 1);
if (yiter.hasNext()) {
TaskManager.runTaskLater(yTask, 1);
} else {
@ -77,24 +77,17 @@ public abstract class SchematicHandler {
if (value == null) {
MainUtil.sendMessage(null, "&7 - Skipped plot &c" + plot.getId());
} else {
TaskManager.runTaskAsync(new Runnable() {
@Override public void run() {
MainUtil.sendMessage(null, "&6ID: " + plot.getId());
boolean result = SchematicHandler.manager.save(value,
directory + File.separator + name + ".schematic");
if (!result) {
"&7 - Failed to save &c" + plot.getId());
} else {
.sendMessage(null, "&7 - &a success: " + plot.getId());
TaskManager.runTask(new Runnable() {
@Override public void run() {
TaskManager.runTaskAsync(() -> {
MainUtil.sendMessage(null, "&6ID: " + plot.getId());
boolean result = SchematicHandler.manager
.save(value, directory + File.separator + name + ".schematic");
if (!result) {
.sendMessage(null, "&7 - Failed to save &c" + plot.getId());
} else {
MainUtil.sendMessage(null, "&7 - &a success: " + plot.getId());
TaskManager.runTask(() -> THIS.run());
@ -117,158 +110,156 @@ public abstract class SchematicHandler {
final int yOffset, final int zOffset, final boolean autoHeight,
final RunnableVal<Boolean> whenDone) {
TaskManager.runTask(new Runnable() {
@Override public void run() {
if (whenDone != null) {
whenDone.value = false;
TaskManager.runTask(() -> {
if (whenDone != null) {
whenDone.value = false;
if (schematic == null) {
PlotSquared.debug("Schematic == null :|");
try {
// Set flags
if (plot.hasOwner()) {
Map<String, Tag> flags = schematic.getFlags();
if (!flags.isEmpty()) {
for (Map.Entry<String, Tag> entry : flags.entrySet()) {
if (schematic == null) {
PlotSquared.debug("Schematic == null :|");
final LocalBlockQueue queue = plot.getArea().getQueue(false);
BlockVector3 dimension = schematic.getClipboard().getDimensions();
final int WIDTH = dimension.getX();
final int LENGTH = dimension.getZ();
final int HEIGHT = dimension.getY();
// Validate dimensions
RegionWrapper region = plot.getLargestRegion();
if (((region.maxX - region.minX + xOffset + 1) < WIDTH) || (
(region.maxZ - region.minZ + zOffset + 1) < LENGTH) || (HEIGHT > 256)) {
PlotSquared.debug("Schematic is too large");
"(" + WIDTH + ',' + LENGTH + ',' + HEIGHT + ") is bigger than (" + (
region.maxX - region.minX) + ',' + (region.maxZ - region.minZ)
+ ",256)");
try {
// Set flags
if (plot.hasOwner()) {
Map<String, Tag> flags = schematic.getFlags();
if (!flags.isEmpty()) {
for (Map.Entry<String, Tag> entry : flags.entrySet()) {
final LocalBlockQueue queue = plot.getArea().getQueue(false);
BlockVector3 dimension = schematic.getClipboard().getDimensions();
final int WIDTH = dimension.getX();
final int LENGTH = dimension.getZ();
final int HEIGHT = dimension.getY();
// Validate dimensions
RegionWrapper region = plot.getLargestRegion();
if (((region.maxX - region.minX + xOffset + 1) < WIDTH) || (
(region.maxZ - region.minZ + zOffset + 1) < LENGTH) || (HEIGHT > 256)) {
PlotSquared.debug("Schematic is too large");
"(" + WIDTH + ',' + LENGTH + ',' + HEIGHT + ") is bigger than (" + (
region.maxX - region.minX) + ',' + (region.maxZ - region.minZ)
+ ",256)");
// block type and data arrays
final BlockArrayClipboard blockArrayClipboard = schematic.getClipboard();
// Calculate the optimal height to paste the schematic at
final int y_offset_actual;
if (autoHeight) {
if (HEIGHT >= 256) {
y_offset_actual = yOffset;
} else {
PlotArea pw = plot.getArea();
if (pw instanceof ClassicPlotWorld) {
y_offset_actual = yOffset + ((ClassicPlotWorld) pw).PLOT_HEIGHT;
} else {
y_offset_actual = yOffset + 1 + MainUtil
.getHeighestBlock(plot.getWorldName(), region.minX + 1,
region.minZ + 1);
} else {
// block type and data arrays
final BlockArrayClipboard blockArrayClipboard = schematic.getClipboard();
// Calculate the optimal height to paste the schematic at
final int y_offset_actual;
if (autoHeight) {
if (HEIGHT >= 256) {
y_offset_actual = yOffset;
Location pos1 =
new Location(plot.getWorldName(), region.minX + xOffset, y_offset_actual,
region.minZ + zOffset);
Location pos2 = pos1.clone().add(WIDTH - 1, HEIGHT - 1, LENGTH - 1);
final int p1x = pos1.getX();
final int p1z = pos1.getZ();
final int p2x = pos2.getX();
final int p2z = pos2.getZ();
final int bcx = p1x >> 4;
final int bcz = p1z >> 4;
final int tcx = p2x >> 4;
final int tcz = p2z >> 4;
/* final ArrayList<ChunkLoc> chunks = new ArrayList<>();
for (int x = bcx; x <= tcx; x++) {
for (int z = bcz; z <= tcz; z++) {
chunks.add(new ChunkLoc(x, z));
} else {
PlotArea pw = plot.getArea();
if (pw instanceof ClassicPlotWorld) {
y_offset_actual = yOffset + ((ClassicPlotWorld) pw).PLOT_HEIGHT;
} else {
y_offset_actual = yOffset + 1 + MainUtil
.getHeighestBlock(plot.getWorldName(), region.minX + 1,
region.minZ + 1);
ChunkManager.chunkTask(pos1, pos2, new RunnableVal<int[]>() {
@Override public void run(int[] value) {
//int count = 0;
//while (!chunks.isEmpty() && count < 256) {
ChunkLoc chunk = new ChunkLoc(value[0], value[1]);
int x = chunk.x;
int z = chunk.z;
int xxb = x << 4;
int zzb = z << 4;
int xxt = xxb + 15;
int zzt = zzb + 15;
if (x == bcx) {
xxb = p1x;
if (x == tcx) {
xxt = p2x;
if (z == bcz) {
zzb = p1z;
if (z == tcz) {
zzt = p2z;
// Paste schematic here
for (int ry = 0; ry < Math.min(256, HEIGHT); ry++) {
int yy = y_offset_actual + ry;
if (yy > 255) {
int i1 = ry * WIDTH * LENGTH;
for (int rz = zzb - p1z; rz <= (zzt - p1z); rz++) {
int i2 = (rz * WIDTH) + i1;
for (int rx = xxb - p1x; rx <= (xxt - p1x); rx++) {
int i = i2 + rx;
int xx = p1x + rx;
int zz = p1z + rz;
BaseBlock id = blockArrayClipboard
.getFullBlock(BlockVector3.at(rx, ry, rz));
queue.setBlock(xx, yy, zz, id);
/* }
if (!chunks.isEmpty()) {
} else {
HashMap<BlockLoc, CompoundTag> tiles = schematic.getClipboard().getTiles();
if (!tiles.isEmpty()) {
TaskManager.IMP.sync(new RunnableVal<Object>() {
@Override public void run(Object value) {
for (Map.Entry<BlockLoc, CompoundTag> entry : schematic
.getTiles().entrySet()) {
BlockLoc loc = entry.getKey();
restoreTile(queue, entry.getValue(),
p1x + xOffset + loc.x, loc.y + y_offset_actual,
p1z + zOffset + loc.z);
}, null, 10);
if (whenDone != null) {
whenDone.value = true;
} catch (Exception e) {
} else {
y_offset_actual = yOffset;
Location pos1 =
new Location(plot.getWorldName(), region.minX + xOffset, y_offset_actual,
region.minZ + zOffset);
Location pos2 = pos1.clone().add(WIDTH - 1, HEIGHT - 1, LENGTH - 1);
final int p1x = pos1.getX();
final int p1z = pos1.getZ();
final int p2x = pos2.getX();
final int p2z = pos2.getZ();
final int bcx = p1x >> 4;
final int bcz = p1z >> 4;
final int tcx = p2x >> 4;
final int tcz = p2z >> 4;
/* final ArrayList<ChunkLoc> chunks = new ArrayList<>();
for (int x = bcx; x <= tcx; x++) {
for (int z = bcz; z <= tcz; z++) {
chunks.add(new ChunkLoc(x, z));
ChunkManager.chunkTask(pos1, pos2, new RunnableVal<int[]>() {
@Override public void run(int[] value) {
//int count = 0;
//while (!chunks.isEmpty() && count < 256) {
ChunkLoc chunk = new ChunkLoc(value[0], value[1]);
int x = chunk.x;
int z = chunk.z;
int xxb = x << 4;
int zzb = z << 4;
int xxt = xxb + 15;
int zzt = zzb + 15;
if (x == bcx) {
xxb = p1x;
if (x == tcx) {
xxt = p2x;
if (z == bcz) {
zzb = p1z;
if (z == tcz) {
zzt = p2z;
// Paste schematic here
for (int ry = 0; ry < Math.min(256, HEIGHT); ry++) {
int yy = y_offset_actual + ry;
if (yy > 255) {
int i1 = ry * WIDTH * LENGTH;
for (int rz = zzb - p1z; rz <= (zzt - p1z); rz++) {
int i2 = (rz * WIDTH) + i1;
for (int rx = xxb - p1x; rx <= (xxt - p1x); rx++) {
int i = i2 + rx;
int xx = p1x + rx;
int zz = p1z + rz;
BaseBlock id = blockArrayClipboard
.getFullBlock(BlockVector3.at(rx, ry, rz));
queue.setBlock(xx, yy, zz, id);
/* }
if (!chunks.isEmpty()) {
} else {
HashMap<BlockLoc, CompoundTag> tiles = schematic.getClipboard().getTiles();
if (!tiles.isEmpty()) {
TaskManager.IMP.sync(new RunnableVal<Object>() {
@Override public void run(Object value) {
for (Map.Entry<BlockLoc, CompoundTag> entry : schematic
.getTiles().entrySet()) {
BlockLoc loc = entry.getKey();
restoreTile(queue, entry.getValue(),
p1x + xOffset + loc.x, loc.y + y_offset_actual,
p1z + zOffset + loc.z);
}, null, 10);
if (whenDone != null) {
whenDone.value = true;
} catch (Exception e) {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user