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synced 2025-03-03 08:39:43 +01:00
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@ -185,15 +185,6 @@ public enum Captions implements Caption {
PERMISSION_ALIAS_REMOVE("plots.alias.remove", "static.permissions"),
PERMISSION_ADMIN_CHAT_BYPASS("plots.admin.chat.bypass", "static.permissions"),
//<editor-fold desc="Static Console">
"&cYour version of java is outdated. It is highly recommended that you update to Java 8 as it increases performance "
+ "and security. %s0 will require Java 8 in a future update.",
"&dPlease enable metrics for %s0. Using metrics improves plugin stability, performance, and features. "
+ "Bug fixes and new features are influenced on metrics.", "static.console"),
//<editor-fold desc="Confirm">
EXPIRED_CONFIRM("$2Confirmation has expired, please run the command again!", "Confirm"),
FAILED_CONFIRM("$2You have no pending actions to confirm!", "Confirm"),
@ -259,8 +250,6 @@ public enum Captions implements Caption {
//<editor-fold desc="Swap">
SWAP_OVERLAP("$2The proposed areas are not allowed to overlap", "Swap"),
SWAP_DIMENSIONS("$2The proposed areas must have comparable dimensions", "Swap"),
SWAP_SYNTAX("$2/plot swap <id>", "Swap"),
SWAP_SUCCESS("$4Successfully swapped plots", "Swap"),
SWAP_MERGED("$2Merged plots may not be swapped. Please unmerge the plot before performing the swap.", "Swap"),
@ -276,7 +265,6 @@ public enum Captions implements Caption {
COMMENT_REMOVED_SUCCESS("$4Successfully deleted comment/s:n$2 - '$3%s$2'", "Comment"),
COMMENT_REMOVED_FAILURE("$4Failed to delete comment!", "Comment"),
COMMENT_ADDED("$4A comment has been left", "Comment"),
COMMENT_HEADER("$2&m---------&r $1Comments $2&m---------&r", "Comment"),
INBOX_EMPTY("$2No comments", "Comment"),
//<editor-fold desc="Console">
@ -333,20 +321,11 @@ public enum Captions implements Caption {
"$4You should have been teleported to the created world. Otherwise you will need to set the generator manually using the bukkit.yml or "
+ "your chosen world management plugin.", "Setup"),
SETUP_WORLD_TAKEN("$2%s is already a world", "Setup"),
"$2You need to specify a world name ($1/plot setup &l<world>$1 <generator>$2)&-$1Additional commands:&-$2 - $1/plot setup <value>&-$2 -"
+ " $1/plot setup back&-$2 - $1/plot setup cancel", "Setup"),
"$2You need to specify a generator ($1/plot setup <world> &l<generator>&r$2)&-$1Additional commands:&-$2 - $1/plot setup <value>&-$2 - "
+ "$1/plot setup back&-$2 - $1/plot setup cancel", "Setup"),
SETUP_INVALID_GENERATOR("$2Invalid generator. Possible options: %s", "Setup"),
//<editor-fold desc="Schematic">
SCHEMATIC_TOO_LARGE("$2The plot is too large for this action!", "Schematics"),
SCHEMATIC_MISSING_ARG("$2You need to specify an argument. Possible values: $1save$2, $1paste $2, $1exportall$2, $1list", "Schematics"),
SCHEMATIC_INVALID("$2That is not a valid schematic. Reason: $2%s", "Schematics"),
SCHEMATIC_VALID("$2That is a valid schematic", "Schematics"),
SCHEMATIC_PASTE_MERGED("$2Schematics cannot be pasted onto merged plots. Please unmerge the plot before performing the paste.", "Schematics"),
SCHEMATIC_PASTE_FAILED("$2Failed to paste the schematic", "Schematics"),
SCHEMATIC_PASTE_SUCCESS("$4The schematic pasted successfully", "Schematics"),
@ -356,8 +335,6 @@ public enum Captions implements Caption {
SCHEMATIC_EXPORTALL_STARTED("$1Starting export...", "Schematics"),
SCHEMATIC_EXPORTALL_WORLD_ARGS("$1Need world argument. Use $3/plot sch exportall <area>", "Schematics"),
SCHEMATIC_EXPORTALL_WORLD("$1Invalid world. Use &3/plot sch exportall <area>", "Schematic"),
SCHEMATIC_EXPORTALL_MASS_STARTED("$1Schematic mass export has been started. This may take a while", "Schematics"),
SCHEMATIC_EXPORTALL_COUNT("$1Found $3%s $1plots...", "Schematics"),
SCHEMATIC_EXPORTALL_FINISHED("$1Finished mass export", "Schematics"),
SCHEMATIC_EXPORTALL_SINGLE_FINISHED("$1Finished export", "Schematics"),
TASK_IN_PROCESS("$1Task is already running.", "Error"),
@ -399,7 +376,6 @@ public enum Captions implements Caption {
NO_PLOT_PERMS("$2You must be the plot owner to perform this action", "Permission"),
CANT_CLAIM_MORE_PLOTS("$2You can't claim more plots.", "Permission"),
CANT_CLAIM_MORE_CLUSTERS("$2You can't claim more clusters.", "Permission"),
CANT_TRANSFER_MORE_PLOTS("$2You can't send more plots to that user", "Permission"),
CANT_CLAIM_MORE_PLOTS_NUM("$2You can't claim more than $1%s $2plots at once", "Permission"),
@ -409,7 +385,6 @@ public enum Captions implements Caption {
SUCCESS_MERGE("$2Plots have been merged!", "Merge"),
MERGE_REQUESTED("$2Successfully sent a merge request", "Merge"),
MERGE_REQUEST_CONFIRM("Merge request from %s", "Permission"),
NO_PERM_MERGE("$2You are not the owner of the plot: $1%plot%", "Merge"),
NO_AVAILABLE_AUTOMERGE("$2You do not own any adjacent plots in the specified direction or are not allowed to merge to the required size.", "Merge"),
UNLINK_IMPOSSIBLE("$2You can only unlink a mega-plot", "Merge"),
UNMERGE_CANCELLED("$1Unlink has been cancelled", "Merge"),
@ -429,7 +404,6 @@ public enum Captions implements Caption {
COMMAND_WENT_WRONG("$2Something went wrong when executing that command...", "Errors"),
NO_FREE_PLOTS("$2There are no free plots available", "Errors"),
NOT_IN_PLOT("$2You're not in a plot", "Errors"),
NOT_LOADED("$2The plot could not be loaded", "Errors"),
NOT_IN_CLUSTER("$2You must be within a plot cluster to perform that action", "Errors"),
NOT_IN_PLOT_WORLD("$2You're not in a plot area", "Errors"),
PLOTWORLD_INCOMPATIBLE("$2The two worlds must be compatible", "Errors"),
@ -532,28 +506,20 @@ public enum Captions implements Caption {
AREA_LIST_HEADER_PAGED("$2(Page $1%cur$2/$1%max$2) $1List of %amount% areas", "List"),
PLOT_LIST_HEADER_PAGED("$2(Page $1%cur$2/$1%max$2) $1List of %amount% plots", "List"),
PLOT_LIST_HEADER("$1List of %word% plots", "List"),
PLOT_LIST_ITEM("$2>> $1%id$2:$1%world $2- $1%owner", "List"),
PLOT_LIST_ITEM_ORDERED("$2[$1%in$2] >> $1%id$2:$1%world $2- $1%owner", "List"),
PLOT_LIST_FOOTER("$2>> $1%word% a total of $2%num% $1claimed %plot%.", "List"),
//<editor-fold desc="Chat">
PLOT_CHAT_SPY_FORMAT("$2[$1Plot Spy$2][$1%plot_id%$2] $1%sender%$2: $1%msg%", "Chat"),
PLOT_CHAT_FORMAT("$2[$1Plot Chat$2][$1%plot_id%$2] $1%sender%$2: $1%msg%", "Chat"),
PLOT_CHAT_FORCED("$2This world forces everyone to use plot chat.", "Chat"),
PLOT_CHAT_ON("$4Plot chat enabled.", "Chat"),
PLOT_CHAT_OFF("$4Plot chat disabled.", "Chat"),
//<editor-fold desc="Deny">
DENIED_ADDED("$4You successfully denied the player from this plot", "Deny"),
DENIED_NEED_ARGUMENT("$2Arguments are missing. $1/plot denied add <name> $2or $1/plot denied remove <name>", "Deny"),
WAS_NOT_DENIED("$2That player was not denied on this plot", "Deny"),
YOU_GOT_DENIED("$4You are denied from the plot you were previously on, and got teleported to spawn", "Deny"),
CANT_REMOVE_OWNER("$2You can't remove the plot owner", "Deny"),
YOU_GOT_KICKED("$4You got kicked!", "Kick"),
//<editor-fold desc="Flag">
FLAG_KEY("$2Key: %s", "Flag"),
FLAG_TYPE("$2Type: %s", "Flag"),
FLAG_DESC("$2Desc: %s", "Flag"),
NOT_VALID_FLAG("$2That is not a valid flag", "Flag"),
NOT_VALID_FLAG_SUGGESTED("$2That is not a valid flag. Did you mean: $1%s", "Flag"),
@ -564,7 +530,6 @@ public enum Captions implements Caption {
FLAG_PARTIALLY_REMOVED("$4Successfully removed flag value(s)", "Flag"),
FLAG_ADDED("$4Successfully added flag", "Flag"),
FLAG_TUTORIAL_USAGE("$1Have an admin set the flag: $2%s", "CommandConfig"),
FLAG_LIST_ENTRY("$2%s: $1%s", "Flag"),
FLAG_LIST_SEE_INFO("Click to view information about the flag", "Flag"),
FLAG_PARSE_ERROR("$2Failed to parse flag '%flag_name%', value '%flag_value%': %error%", "Flag"),
@ -694,7 +659,6 @@ public enum Captions implements Caption {
//<editor-fold desc="Trusted">
TRUSTED_ADDED("$4You successfully trusted a user to the plot", "Trusted"),
WAS_NOT_ADDED("$2That player was not trusted on this plot", "Trusted"),
PLOT_REMOVED_USER("$1Plot %s of which you were added to has been deleted due to owner inactivity", "Trusted"),
//<editor-fold desc="Member">
@ -727,8 +691,6 @@ public enum Captions implements Caption {
HELP_DISPLAY_ALL_COMMANDS("Display all commands", "Help"),
DIRECTION("$1Current direction: %dir%", "Help"),
BUCKET_ENTRIES_IGNORED("$2Total bucket values add up to 1 or more. Blocks without a specified chance will be ignored","Generator_Bucket"),
//<editor-fold desc="Command Categories">
COMMAND_CATEGORY_CLAIMING("Claiming", "Category"),
COMMAND_CATEGORY_TELEPORT("Teleport", "Category"),
@ -740,17 +702,13 @@ public enum Captions implements Caption {
COMMAND_CATEGORY_DEBUG("Debug", "Category"),
//<editor-fold desc="Grants">
GRANTED_PLOTS("$1Result: $2%s $1grants left", "Grants"),
GRANTED_PLOT("$1You granted %s0 plot to $2%s1", "Grants"),
GRANTED_PLOT_FAILED("$1Grant failed: $2%s", "Grants"),
//<editor-fold desc="Events">
EVENT_DENIED("$1%s $2Cancelled by external plugin.", "Events"),
//<editor-fold desc="Caps">
PLOT_CAPS_HEADER("$3&m---------&r $1CAPS $3&m---------", false, "Info"),
PLOT_CAPS_FORMAT("$2- Cap Type: $1%cap% $2| Status: $1%current%$2/$1%limit% $2($1%percentage%%$2)",
@ -63,8 +63,6 @@ records:
notify_leave: $2%player $2verließ deinen Plot ($1%plot$2)
swap_overlap: $2Der geplante Bereich darf nicht überlappen.
swap_dimensions: $2Die geplanten Bereiche müssen vergleichbare Dimensionen aufweisen.
swap_syntax: $2/plot swap <plot id>
swap_success: $4Plots erfolgreich getauscht.
started_swap: $2Plot swap Aufgabe gestartet. Du erhälst eine Meldung wenn sie beendet
@ -78,7 +76,6 @@ comment:
no_plot_inbox: $2Du musst an einem Plot stehen oder einen solchen angeben.
comment_removed: $4Kommentar/e n$2 - '$3%s$2' erfolgreich gelöscht.
comment_added: $4Ein Kommentar wurde hinterlassen.
comment_header: $2------ Kommentare ------
inbox_notification: '%s ungelesene Nachrichten. Öffne sie mit /plot inbox'
inbox_empty: $2Keine Kommentare.
@ -122,17 +119,11 @@ setup:
setup_finished: $3Falls du MULTIVERSE oder MULTIWORLD verwendest, sollte die Welt
generiert worden sein. Andernfalls musst du die Welt manuell über bukkit.yml hinzufügen.
setup_world_taken: $2%s ist bereits eine bekannte Plotwelt.
setup_missing_world: $2Du musst einen Namen für die Welt vergeben ($1/plot setup
&l<world>$1 <generator>$2)&-$1Zusätzliche Befehle:&-$2 - $1/plot setup <value>&-$2
- $1/plot setup backn$2 - $1/plot setup cancel
setup_missing_generator: $2Du musst einen Generator angeben ($1/plot setup <world>
&l<generator>&r$2)&-$1Zusätzliche Befehle:&-$2 - $1/plot setup <value>&-$2 - $1/plot
setup backn$2 - $1/plot setup cancel
setup_invalid_generator: '$2Ungültiger Generarator. Mögliche Optionen: %s'
schematic_missing_arg: '$2Du musst einen Wert angeben. Gültige Werte: $1save$2, $1paste $2, $1exportall'
schematic_invalid: '$2Diese Schematic ist ungültig: $2%s'
schematic_valid: $2Diese Schematic ist gültig.
schematic_paste_failed: $2Einfügen der Schematic fehlgeschlagen.
schematic_paste_success: $4Einfügen der Schematic erfolgreich.
schematic_too_large: $2Der Plot ist zu groß für diese Aktion.
@ -175,7 +166,6 @@ permission:
no_permission_event: '$2Dir fehlt folgende Berechtigung: $1%s'
cant_claim_more_clusters: $2Du kannst nicht mehr Cluster besitzen.
no_perm_merge: $2Du bist nicht Besitzer des Plots $1%plot%
unlink_required: $2Die Plots müssen vorher getrennt (unlink) werden.
unlink_impossible: $2Die Trennung (unlink) funktioniert nur auf Megaplots.
unlink_success: $2Trennung erfolgreich.
@ -211,7 +201,6 @@ errors:
invalid_player_offline: '$2Der Spieler muss online sein: $1%s.'
invalid_command_flag: '$2Ungültige Flag: %s0'
error: '$2Ein Fehler ist aufgetreten: %s'
not_loaded: $2Der Plot konnte nicht geladen werden.
purge_success: $4%s Plots erfolgreich gelöscht.
@ -293,9 +282,6 @@ working:
plot_list_header_paged: $2(Seite $1%von$2/$1%max$2) $1Liste Plots nach %word%
plot_list_header: $1Liste aller %word% Plots.
plot_list_item: $2>> $1%id$2:$1%Welt $2- $1%owner
plot_list_item_ordered: $2[$1%in$2] >> $1%id$2:$1%Welt $2- $1%owner
plot_list_footer: $2>> $1%word% umfasst insgesamt $2%num% $1Plots %plot%.
comment_list_header_paged: $2(Seite $1%cur$2/$1%max$2) $1Liste %amount% Kommentare auf.
clickable: ' (interactive)'
area_list_header_paged: $2(Seite $1%cur$2/$1%max$2) $1Liste %amount% of Plot-Areas auf.
@ -305,21 +291,15 @@ chat:
plot_chat_format: '$2[$1Plot Chat$2][$1%plot_id%$2] $1%sender%$2: $1%msg%'
plot_chat_spy_format: '$2[$1Plot Spy$2][$1%plot_id%$2] $1%sender%$2: $1%msg%'
plot_chat_forced: $2Diese Welt zwingt jeden Spieler dazu den Plot Chat zu benutzen.
plot_chat_on: $4Plot Chat aktiviert.
plot_chat_off: $4Plot Chat deaktiviert.
denied_removed: $4Der Spieler darf diesen Plot wieder betreten.
denied_added: $4Der Spieler darf diesen Plot nicht mehr betreten.
denied_need_argument: $2Argumente fehlen. $1/plot denied add <name> $2oder $1/plot
helpers remove <name>
was_not_denied: $2Der Spieler durfte diesen Plot bereits betreten.
you_got_denied: $4Du wurdest von dem Plot gebannt auf dem du dich befunden hast und wurdest zum Spawn teleportiert.
need_on_off: '$2Du musst einen Wert angeben. Mögliche Werte: $1on$2, $1off'
setting_updated: $4Einstellungen erfolgreich aktualisiert.
flag_key: '$2Schlüssel: %s'
flag_type: '$2Typ: %s'
flag_desc: '$2Beschreibung: %s'
not_valid_flag: $2Ungültige Flag
not_valid_value: $2Wert der Flag muss alphanumerisch angegeben werden.
@ -330,7 +310,6 @@ flag:
flag_added: $4Flag erfolreich hinzugefügt
not_valid_flag_suggested: '$2Ungültige Flag. Meintest du: $1%s'
was_not_added: $2Dieser Spieler war bisher kein Helfer auf diesem Plot.
trusted_added: $4Spieler erfolgreich in diesem Plot vertraut.
trusted_removed: $1Diesem Spieler wird auf diesem Plot nicht mehr vertraut.
plot_removed_user: $1Plot %s wurde wegen Inaktivität des Plot Besitzers gelöscht.
@ -410,4 +389,3 @@ kick:
granted_plots: '$Ergebnis: $2%s $1Zuschuss übrig'
granted_plot: $1Du gewährst %s0 Plot an $2%s1
granted_plot_failed: '$1Gewährung gescheitert: $2%s'
@ -67,8 +67,6 @@ records:
notify_leave: $2%player $2abandona tu parcela ($1%plot$2)
swap_overlap: $2Las áreas propuestas no pueden superponerse.
swap_dimensions: $2El area propuesta debe tener dimensiones comparables.
swap_syntax: $2/plot swap <plot id>
swap_success: $4Intercambio de parcelas completado
started_swap: $2 Intercambiando las tareas de las parcelas. Serás notificado cuando el proceso haya terminado.
@ -82,7 +80,6 @@ comment:
no_plot_inbox: $2Debes permanecer en la parcela para poder escribir el comentario.
comment_removed: $4Comentario eliminado satisfactoriamente/s:n$2 - '$3%s$2'
comment_added: $4Te han dejado un comentario.
comment_header: $2&m---------&r $1Comentarios $2&m---------&r
inbox_empty: $2No hay comentarios.
not_console: $2Por razones de seguridad, este comando solo se puede ejecutar desde la consola.
@ -136,18 +133,12 @@ setup:
setup_valid_arg: $2Valor $1%s0 $2ajustado a %s1
setup_finished: $4Deberias haber sido teletransportado al mundo creado, sino tendras que generarlo manualmente usando el bukkit.yml
setup_world_taken: $2%s este mundo ya esta registrado.
setup_missing_world: $2 Necesitas especificar el nombre del mundo ($1/plot setup
&l<world>$1 <generator>$2)&-$1Comandos adicionales:&-$2 - $1/plot setup <value>&-$2
- $1/plot setup back&-$2 - $1/plot setup cancel
setup_missing_generator: $2Tienes que especificar un generador ($1/plot setup <world>
&l<generator>&r$2)&-$1Comandos adicionales:&-$2 - $1/plot setup <value>&-$2 - $1/plot
setup back&-$2 - $1/plot setup cancel
setup_invalid_generator: '$2Generador inválido. Opciones posibles: %s'
schematic_missing_arg: '$2Necesitas especificar un argumento. Valores posibles:
$1save$2, $1paste $2, $1exportall'
schematic_invalid: '$2Este no es un schematic valido. Razon: $2%s'
schematic_valid: $2Este es un schematic valido.
schematic_paste_failed: $2Fallo al pegar el schematic.
schematic_paste_success: $4El schematic ha sido copiado correctamente.
schematic_too_large: $2¡La trama es demasiado grande para esta acción!
@ -197,7 +188,6 @@ merge:
merge_accepted: $2La peticion de agrupacion ha sido aceptada.
success_merge: $2¡Las parcelas se han agrupado!
merge_requested: $2Se ha enviado con exito la peticion de agrupar.
no_perm_merge: '$2No eres el dueño de la parcela: $1%plot%'
no_available_automerge: $2 No eres propietario de ninguna parcela adyacente en la direccion especificada o no tienes permitido agrupar el tamaño requerido.
unlink_required: $2Se requiere una desconexion para hacer esto.
unlink_impossible: $2Solo puedes desconectar una mega-parcela.
@ -218,7 +208,6 @@ errors:
wait_for_timer: $2El temporizador del selector de bloque esta ligado a ti o a la parcela actual. Por favor espere a que termine.
invalid_command_flag: '$2Indicador de comando no válido: %s0'
error: '$2Ocurrió un error: %s'
not_loaded: $2No se pudo cargar la trama
debug_report_created: '$1Se ha enviado una depuracion a: $1%url%'
@ -307,30 +296,22 @@ list:
clickable: ' (interactive)'
plot_list_header_paged: $2(Page $1%cur$2/$1%max$2) $1Lista de %amount% parcelas.
plot_list_header: $1Lista de %word% parcelas.
plot_list_item: $2>> $1%id$2:$1%world $2- $1%owner.
plot_list_item_ordered: $2[$1%in$2] >> $1%id$2:$1%world $2- $1%owner.
plot_list_footer: $2>> $1%word% un total $2%num% $1claimeado %plot%.
area_list_header_paged: $2(Página $1%cur$2/$1%max$2) $1lista de %amount% areas
left_plot: $2Has abandonado una parcela.
plot_chat_format: '$2[$1Plot Chat$2][$1%plot_id%$2] $1%sender%$2: $1%msg%'
plot_chat_forced: $2Este mundo obliga a usar el chat de parcela.
plot_chat_on: $4Chat de parcela activado.
plot_chat_off: $4Chat de parcela desactivado.
plot_chat_spy_format: '$2[$1Plot Spy$2][$1%plot_id%$2] $1%sender%$2: $1%msg%'
denied_removed: $4Este usuario ya no esta denegado en esta parcela.
denied_added: $4Has denegado este usuario de tu parcela.
denied_need_argument: $2Faltan argumentos. $1/plot denied add <name> $2o $1/plot denied remove <name>
was_not_denied: $2Ese usuario no ha sido denegado de este plot.
you_got_denied: $4Has sido denegado de la parcela, se te ha teletransportado al spawn.
need_on_off: '$2Necesitas un valor especifico. Posible valores: $1on$2, $1off'
setting_updated: $4Has actualizado las opciones.
flag_key: '$2Llave: %s'
flag_type: '$2Tipo: %s'
flag_desc: '$2Desc: %s'
not_valid_flag: $2No es una flag valida.
not_valid_value: $2El valor de la flag tiene que ser alfanumerico.
@ -343,7 +324,6 @@ flag:
trusted_added: $4Has añadido un usuario de confianza en esta parcela.
trusted_removed: $4Has removido un usuario de confianza en esta parcela.
was_not_added: $2Ese usuario no es de confianza en esta parcela.
plot_removed_user: $1La parcela %s en la que estabas añadido fue removida por inactividad.
removed_players: $2Removido %s jugadores de esta parcela.
@ -391,4 +371,3 @@ kick:
granted_plots: '$1Resultado: $2%s $1grants left'
granted_plot: $1You granted %s0 plot to $2%s1
granted_plot_failed: '$1Subvención fallida: $2%s'
@ -71,8 +71,6 @@ records:
notify_leave: $2%Joueur $2quitté votre plot ($1%plot$2)
swap_overlap: $2Les zones proposées ne peuvent pas se chevaucher
swap_dimensions: $2Les zones proposées doivent avoir des dimensions comparables
swap_syntax: $2/plot swap <id>
swap_success: $4Parcelles échangées avec succès
started_swap: '$2La tâche d''échange de parcelle est commencé. Vous serez averti quand elle sera terminée'
@ -86,7 +84,6 @@ comment:
no_plot_inbox: $2Vous devez être présent ou fournir un argument de plot
comment_removed: $4Commentaire supprimé avec succès/s:n$2 - '$3%s$2'
comment_added: $4Un commentaire a été laissé
comment_header: $2&m---------&r $1Commentaires $2&m---------&r
inbox_empty: $2Sans commentaires
not_console: $2Pour des raisons de sécurité, cette commande ne peut être exécutée que par la console.
@ -140,17 +137,10 @@ setup:
setup_valid_arg: $2valeur $1%s0 $2mis à %s1
setup_finished: '$4Vous auriez dû être téléporté dans le monde créé. Sinon, vous devrez configurer le générateur manuellement à l''aide du fichier bukkit.yml ou du plug-in de gestion de monde votre choix.'
setup_world_taken: $2%s est déjà un monde
setup_missing_world: $2Vous devez spécifier un nom de monde ($1/plot setup &l<monde>$1
<generateur>$2)&-$1Commandes supplémentaires:&-$2 - $1/plot setup <valeur>&-$2 - $1/plot
setup back&-$2 - $1/plot setup cancel
setup_missing_generator: $2Vous devez spécifier un générateur ($1/plot setup <monde> $l<generateur>&r$2)&-$1Commandes supplémentaires:&-$2 - $1/plot setup <valeur>&-$2 - $1/plot
setup back&-$2 - $1/plot setup cancel
setup_invalid_generator: '$2Générateur invalide. Options possibles: %s'
schematic_too_large: $2Ce plot est trop grand pour cette action!
schematic_missing_arg: '$2Vous devez spécifier un argument. Valeurs possibles: $1save$2, $1paste $2, $1exportall'
schematic_invalid: '$2Ce n''est pas un schématic valide. Raison: $2%s'
schematic_valid: '$2C''est un schématic valide'
schematic_paste_failed: $2Impossible de coller le schématic
schematic_paste_success: $4Le schématic a été collé avec succès
@ -201,7 +191,6 @@ merge:
merge_accepted: $2La demande de fusion a été acceptée.
success_merge: $2Les plots ont été fusionnés!
merge_requested: $2Envoyé avec succès une demande de fusion
no_perm_merge: '$2Vous n''êtes pas propriétaire du plot: $1%plot%'
no_available_automerge: '$2Vous ne possédez aucun plot adjacent dans la direction spécifiée ou vous n''êtes pas autorisé à fusionner à la taille requise.'
unlink_required: $2Une dissociation est nécessaire pour faire ceci.
unlink_impossible: $2Vous pouvez seulement dissocier un méga-plot
@ -223,7 +212,6 @@ errors:
command_went_wrong: '$2Quelque chose s''est mal passé lors de l''exécution de cette commande...'
no_free_plots: '$2Il n''y a plus de plots gratuits disponibles'
not_in_plot: '$2Vous n''êtes pas dans un plot'
not_loaded: '$2Le plot n''a pas pu être chargée'
not_in_cluster: $2Vous devez être dans un cluster de plot pour effectuer cette action.
not_in_plot_world: '$2Vous n''êtes pas dans un plot'
plotworld_incompatible: $2Les deux mondes doivent être compatibles
@ -321,23 +309,15 @@ list:
area_list_header_paged: $2(Page $1%cur$2/$1%max$2) $1Liste de %amount% zones
plot_list_header_paged: $2(Page $1%cur$2/$1%max$2) $1Liste de %amount% plots
plot_list_header: $1Liste de %word% plots
plot_list_item: $2>> $1%id$2:$1%world $2- $1%owner
plot_list_item_ordered: $2[$1%in$2] >> $1%id$2:$1%world $2- $1%owner
plot_list_footer: $2>> $1%word% un total de $2%num% %plot% $1réclamé.
left_plot: $2Tu as quitté le plot
plot_chat_spy_format: '$2[$1Plot Spy$2][$1%plot_id%$2] $1%sender%$2: $1%msg%'
plot_chat_format: '$2[$1Plot Chat$2][$1%plot_id%$2] $1%sender%$2: $1%msg%'
plot_chat_forced: $2Ce monde oblige tout le monde à utiliser le chat de plot.
plot_chat_on: $4Chat du plot activé.
plot_chat_off: $4Chat du plot désactivé.
denied_removed: $4Vous avez réussi à retirer ce joueur de la liste des joueurs interdits
denied_added: $4Vous avez réussi à ajouter ce joueur à la liste des joueurs interdits
denied_need_argument: $2Arguments manquants. $1/plot denied add <nom du joueur> $2or $1/plot
denied remove <nom du joueur>
was_not_denied: '$2Ce joueur n''est pas interdit sur ce plot'
you_got_denied: $4Le plot sur lequel vous étiez précédemmment vous a été refusé et vous avez été téléporté au spawn
you_got_kicked: $4Vous avez été expulsé!
@ -346,7 +326,6 @@ rain:
setting_updated: $4Vous avez mis à jour les paramètres avec succès
flag_key: '$2Key: %s'
flag_type: '$2Type: %s'
flag_desc: '$2Desc: %s'
not_valid_flag: '$2Ceci n''est pas un flag valide'
not_valid_flag_suggested: '$2Ce n''est pas un flag valide. Vouliez-vous dire: $1%s'
@ -359,7 +338,6 @@ flag:
trusted_added: $4Vous avez réussi à ajouter ce joueur à la liste des joueurs fiables pour ce plot
trusted_removed: $4Vous avez réussi à retirer ce joueur de la liste des joueurs fiables pour ce plot
was_not_added: $2Ce joueur fait partie de la liste des joueurs non-fiables
plot_removed_user: 'Le $1Plot %s dont vous avez été ajouté a été supprimé en raison de l''inactivité du propriétaire'
removed_players: $2Suppression du joueur %s de ce plot.
@ -388,6 +366,5 @@ help:
granted_plots: '$1Résultat: $2%s $1Ajout retiré'
granted_plot: $1Vous avez été ajouté %s0 au plot $2%s1
granted_plot_failed: '$1L''ajout a échoué: $2%s'
custom_string: '-'
@ -63,8 +63,6 @@ records:
notify_leave: $2%player $2elhagyta a telked ($1%plot$2)
swap_overlap: $2A tervezett terület nem engedélyezi az átfedést
swap_dimensions: $2A tervezett területnek hasonlónak kell lennie
swap_syntax: $2/plot swap <id>
swap_success: $4Sikeresen megváltoztatva
inbox_notification: '%s olvasatlan levél. Használd a /plot inbox parancsot'
@ -78,7 +76,6 @@ comment:
comment_removed_success: $4Sikeresen törölted a hozzászólást/s:n$2 - '$3%s$2'
comment_removed_failure: $4Nem sikerült törölni a hozzászólást!
comment_added: $4Hozzászóltál
comment_header: $2&m---------&r $1Hozzászólások $2&m---------&r
inbox_empty: $2Nincs hozzászólás
not_console: $2Csak konzolról lehet végrehajtani.
@ -127,19 +124,11 @@ setup:
setup_valid_arg: $2Érték $1%s0 $2változik %s1
setup_finished: $4Teleportálva a megalkotott világba.
setup_world_taken: $2%s már egy világ
setup_missing_world: $2Meg kell adnod egy világnevet ($1/plot setup &l<world>$1
<generator>$2)&-$1Additional commands:&-$2 - $1/plot setup <value>&-$2 - $1/plot
setup back&-$2 - $1/plot setup cancel
setup_missing_generator: $2Meg kell adnod egy generátort ($1/plot setup <world>
&l<generator>&r$2)&-$1Additional commands:&-$2 - $1/plot setup <value>&-$2 - $1/plot
setup back&-$2 - $1/plot setup cancel
setup_invalid_generator: '$2Érvénytelen generátor. Lehetséges lehetőségek: %s'
schematic_too_large: $2Túl nagy a telek ehhez!
schematic_missing_arg: '$2Meg kell adnia egy argumentumot. Lehetséges értékek: $1save$2,
$1paste $2, $1exportall$2, $1list'
schematic_invalid: '$2Nem érvényes. Ok: $2%s'
schematic_valid: $2Érvényes
schematic_paste_failed: $2Sikertelen másolás
schematic_paste_success: $4Sikeresen másoltad
schematic_list: '$4Elmentve: $1%s'
@ -147,9 +136,6 @@ schematics:
mca_file_size: "$1Jegyzet: .mca fileok mérete 512x512"
schematic_exportall_started: "$1Exportálás indul..."
schematic_exportall_world_args: "$1Szükség van világ érvre. Használd: $3/plot sch exportall <area>"
schematic_exportall_mass_started: $1Megkezdődött az exportálás. Ez
eltarthat egy ideig
schematic_exportall_count: $1Talált $3%s $1telkek..
schematic_exportall_finished: $1Kész az export
schematic_exportall_single_finished: $1Kész az export
@ -195,7 +181,6 @@ merge:
merge_accepted: $2Összeolvasztás elfogadva
success_merge: $2Osszeolvsztva!
merge_requested: $2Sikeresen elküldted az összeolvasztási kérelmet
no_perm_merge: '$2Nem vagy ennek tuladonosa: $1%plot%'
no_available_automerge: $2Nem rendelkezel a szomszédos telkekkel a megadott irányban
vagy nem megengedett a kívánt méret.
unlink_impossible: $2You can only unlink a mega-plot
@ -215,7 +200,6 @@ errors:
command_went_wrong: $2Probléma merült fel...
no_free_plots: $2Nincsenek szabad telkek
not_in_plot: $2Nem egy telken vagy
not_loaded: $2A telek nem tudott betölteni
not_in_cluster: $2Ehez egy telekcsoporton kell legyél
not_in_plot_world: $2Nem vagy a telek területén
plotworld_incompatible: $2A két világnak kompatibilisnek kell lennie
@ -299,20 +283,12 @@ list:
area_list_header_paged: $2(Oldal $1%cur$2/$1%max$2) $1Lista %amount% területek
plot_list_header_paged: $2(Oldal $1%cur$2/$1%max$2) $1Lista%amount% telkek
plot_list_header: $1Lista %word% telkek
plot_list_item: $2>> $1%id$2:$1%world $2- $1%owner
plot_list_item_ordered: $2[$1%in$2] >> $1%id$2:$1%world $2- $1%owner
plot_list_footer: $2>> $1%word% összesen $2%num% $1azzal %plot%.
plot_chat_spy_format: '$2[$1Plot Spy$2][$1%plot_id%$2] $1%sender%$2: $1%msg%'
plot_chat_format: '$2[$1Plot Chat$2][$1%plot_id%$2] $1%sender%$2: $1%msg%'
plot_chat_forced: $2This world forces everyone to use plot chat.
plot_chat_on: $4A csevegési csevegés engedélyezve van.
plot_chat_off: $4A csevegési csevegés letiltva.
denied_added: $4Sikeresen elutasította a játékost ebből a telekből
denied_need_argument: $2Az érvek hiányoznak. $1/plot denied add <név> $2or $1/plot
denied remove <név>
was_not_denied: $2Ezt a játékost nem tagadták meg ezen a teleken
you_got_denied: $4Elutasítják attól a cselekménytől, amelyen korábban volt, és teleportállak
cant_remove_owner: $2Nem távolíthatja el a telek tulajdonosát
@ -320,7 +296,6 @@ kick:
you_got_kicked: $4Ki rúgtak!
flag_key: '$2Kúlcs: %s'
flag_type: '$2típus: %s'
flag_desc: '$2leírás: %s'
not_valid_flag: $2Ez nem érvényes érték
not_valid_flag_suggested: '$2Ez nem érvényes érték. Úgy értetted: $1%s'
@ -329,7 +304,6 @@ flag:
flag_not_added: $2Az érték hozzáadása nem sikerült
flag_removed: $4Az érték sikeresen eltávolítva
flag_added: $4Az érték sikeresen hozzáadva
flag_list_entry: '$2%s: $1%s'
flag_category_string: String Flags
flag_category_integers: Integer Flags
@ -362,7 +336,6 @@ flags:
flag_error_weather: 'Flag must be a weather: ''rain'' or ''sun'''
trusted_added: $4Sikeresen megbízott egy játékosban a telekben
was_not_added: $2A játékos nem volt megbízható ebben a telekben
plot_removed_user: $1Plot %s of which you were added to has been deleted due to
owner inactivity
@ -390,9 +363,6 @@ help:
help_item: $1%usage% [%alias%]&- $3- $2%desc%&-
help_display_all_commands: Az összes parancs megjelenítése
direction: '$1Jelenlegi irány: %dir%'
bucket_entries_ignored: $2A teljes vödörérték legalább 1 vagy annál nagyobb. Blokkok nélkül
egy meghatározott esélyt figyelmen kívül hagynak
command_category_claiming: Elfoglalás
command_category_teleport: Teleportálás
@ -406,7 +376,6 @@ category:
granted_plots: '$1Eredmény: $2%s $1támogatások maradtak'
granted_plot: $1Ön megadta %s0 telek $2%s1
granted_plot_failed: '$1A támogatás nem sikerült: $2%s'
legacy_config_found: Régi konfigurációs fájlt észleltünk. A konverzió lesz
@ -68,8 +68,6 @@ records:
notify_leave: $2%player $2è uscito dal tuo lotto ($1%plot$2)
swap_overlap: $2Le aree proposte non possono sovrapporsi
swap_dimensions: $2Le aree proposte devono avere le stesse dimensioni
swap_syntax: $2/plot swap <id lotto>
swap_success: $4Lotti scambiati con successo
started_swap: $2Scambio lotti avviato. Sarai avvisato al termine
@ -83,7 +81,6 @@ comment:
no_plot_inbox: $2Devi stare in un lotto o fornirlo nell'argomento
comment_removed: $4Cancellato con successo il commento/i:n$2 - '$3%s$2'
comment_added: $4È stato lasciato un commento
comment_header: $2&m---------&r $1Commenti $2&m---------&r
inbox_empty: $2Nessun commento
not_console: $2Per ragioni di sicurezza, questo commando può essere eseguito solo dalla console.
@ -139,18 +136,10 @@ setup:
sarà necessario impostare manualmente il generatore usando il file bukkit.yml
o il tuo plugin di gestione dei mondi scelto.
setup_world_taken: $2%s è già un mondo lotti
setup_missing_world: $2Devi specificare un nome per il mondo ($1/plot setup &l<mondo>$1
<generatore>$2)&-$1Comandi aggiuntivi:&-$2 - $1/plot setup <valore>&-$2 - $1/plot
setup back&-$2 - $1/plot setup cancel
setup_missing_generator: $2Devi specificare un generatore ($1/plot setup <mondo>
&l<generatore>&r$2)&-$1Comandi aggiuntivi:&-$2 - $1/plot setup <valore>&-$2 -
$1/plot setup back&-$2 - $1/plot setup cancel
setup_invalid_generator: '$2Generatore non valido. Opzioni possibili: %s'
schematic_too_large: $2Il lotto è troppo grande per questa azione!
schematic_missing_arg: '$2Devi specificare un argomento. Valori possibili: $1save$2, $1paste $2, $1exportall'
schematic_invalid: '$2Quella non è una schematica valida. Motivo: $2%s'
schematic_valid: $2Quella è una schematica valida
schematic_paste_failed: $2L'incollaggio della schematica è fallito
schematic_paste_success: $4Schematica incollata con successo
@ -201,7 +190,6 @@ merge:
merge_accepted: $2La richiesta di fusione dei lotti è stata accettata
success_merge: $2I lotti sono stati uniti!
merge_requested: $2Richiesta di fusione dei lotti inviata
no_perm_merge: '$2Non sei il proprietario del lotto: $1%plot%'
no_available_automerge: $2Non possiedi alcun lotto adiacente nella direzione specificata o non puoi unire i lotti alla dimensione richiesta.
unlink_required: $2Per fare questo è necessario uno scollegamento dei lotti.
unlink_impossible: $2Puoi scollegare solo un mega-lotto
@ -223,7 +211,6 @@ errors:
command_went_wrong: $2Qualcosa è andato storto durante l'esecuzione di quel comando...
no_free_plots: $2Non ci sono lotti liberi disponibili
not_in_plot: $2Non sei in un lotto
not_loaded: $2Non è stato possibile caricare il lotto
not_in_cluster: $2Devi essere dentro un cluster di lotti per eseguire questa azione
not_in_plot_world: $2Non sei in un mondo lotti
plotworld_incompatible: $2I due mondi devono essere compatibili
@ -322,22 +309,15 @@ list:
area_list_header_paged: $2(Pagina $1%cur$2/$1%max$2) $1Elenco di %amount% aree
plot_list_header_paged: $2(Pagina $1%cur$2/$1%max$2) $1Elenco di %amount% lotti
plot_list_header: $1Elenco dei lotti di %word%
plot_list_item: $2>> $1%id$2:$1%world $2- $1%owner
plot_list_item_ordered: $2[$1%in$2] >> $1%id$2:$1%world $2- $1%owner
plot_list_footer: $2>> $1%word% con un totale di $2%num% $1%plot% claimati.
left_plot: $2Hai lasciato il lotto
plot_chat_spy_format: '$2[$1Spia Chat Lotti$2][$1%plot_id%$2] $1%sender%$2: $1%msg%'
plot_chat_format: '$2[$1Chat Lotti$2][$1%plot_id%$2] $1%sender%$2: $1%msg%'
plot_chat_forced: $2Questo mondo costringe tutti a usare la chat dei lotti.
plot_chat_on: $4Chat lotti abilitata.
plot_chat_off: $4Chat lotti disabilitata.
denied_removed: $4Hai sbloccato con successo il giocatore da questo lotto
denied_added: $4Hai bloccato con successo il giocatore da questo lotto
denied_need_argument: $2Gli argomenti sono mancanti. $1/plot denied add <nome> $2o $1/plot denied remove <nome>
was_not_denied: $2Quel giocatore non è bloccato in questo lotto
you_got_denied: $4Sei stato bloccato dal lotto dove eri prima, e sei stato teletrasportato allo spawn
you_got_kicked: $4Sei stato cacciato!
@ -346,7 +326,6 @@ rain:
setting_updated: $4Hai aggiornato l'impostazione con successo
flag_key: '$2Key: %s'
flag_type: '$2Tipo: %s'
flag_desc: '$2Desc: %s'
not_valid_flag: $2Quella non è una flag valida
not_valid_flag_suggested: '$2Quella non è una flag valida. Forse intendevi: $1%s'
@ -359,7 +338,6 @@ flag:
trusted_added: $4Quell'utente ora può costruire nel tuo lotto
trusted_removed: $4Hai rimosso con successo un amico dal lotto
was_not_added: $2Quel giocatore non è aggiunto come amico in questo lotto
plot_removed_user: $1Il lotto %s in cui eri aggiunto è stato eliminato a causa dell'inattività del proprietario
removed_players: $2Rimossi %s giocatori dal lotto.
@ -388,6 +366,5 @@ help:
granted_plots: '$1Risultato: $2%s $1concessioni rimanenti'
granted_plot: $1Hai concesso il lotto %s0 a $2%s1
granted_plot_failed: '$1Concessione fallita: $2%s'
custom_string: '-'
@ -72,8 +72,6 @@ records:
notify_leave: $2%player가 $2당신의 plot를 떠납니다 ($1%plot$2)
swap_overlap: $2해당 구역은 덮어쓰기가 허용되지 않습니다.
swap_dimensions: $2해당 지역은 반드시 비교 가능한 차원이 있어야 합니다.
swap_syntax: $2/plot swap <plot id>
swap_success: $4성공적으로 땅이 교환되었습니다
started_swap: $2땅 교환이 시작되었습니다. 작업 완료시 장신에게 통보 될 예정입니다.
@ -87,7 +85,6 @@ comment:
no_plot_inbox: $2당신은 서 있거나 줄거리를 제공해야합니다
comment_removed: $4comment가 성공적으로 삭제되었습니다/s:n$2 - '$3%s$2'
comment_added: $4A comment가 남아있습니다
comment_header: $2&m---------&r $1댓글 $2&m---------&r
inbox_empty: $2comment가 없습니다
not_console: $2보안상의 이유로, 이 명령어는 Console에서만 입력 가능합니다.
@ -143,17 +140,9 @@ setup:
setup_finished: $4당신은 만들어진 World로 이동되있어야 합니다. 그렇지 않으면 당신은 bukkit.yml를 통하여 워드를 설정하거나
다중월드 플러그인을 사용하여 월드를 생성하여야 합니다.
setup_world_taken: $2%s 는 이미 등록된 Plot World 입니다
setup_missing_world: $2당신은 월드의 이름을 지정해야 합니다 ($1/plot setup &l<world>$1 <generator>$2)&-$1Additional
commands:&-$2 - $1/plot setup <value>&-$2 - $1/plot setup back&-$2 - $1/plot setup
setup_missing_generator: $2당신은 생성기를 지정해야 합니다 ($1/plot setup <world> &l<generator>&r$2)&-$1Additional
commands:&-$2 - $1/plot setup <value>&-$2 - $1/plot setup back&-$2 - $1/plot setup
setup_invalid_generator: '$2올바르지 않은 생성기 입니다. 가능한 옵션: %s'
schematic_missing_arg: '$2당신은 인수를 지정해야 합니다. 가능한 값: $1save$2, $1paste $2, $1exportall'
schematic_invalid: '$2이것은 올바르지 않은 schematic파일 입니다. 사유: $2%s'
schematic_valid: $2이것은 올바른 schematic파일 입니다
schematic_paste_failed: $2schematic 적용에 실패하엿습니다
schematic_paste_success: $4schematic이 성공적으로 적용되었습니다
schematic_too_large: $2플롯이 너무 커서이 작업을 수행 할 수 없습니다!
@ -203,7 +192,6 @@ merge:
merge_accepted: $2병합 요청이 수락되었습니다
success_merge: $2땅이 병합되었습니다
merge_requested: $2병합요청이 성공적으로 전송되었습니다
no_perm_merge: '$2당신은 이 땅의 소유자가 아닙니다: $1%plot%'
no_available_automerge: $2당신은 지정한 방향으로 인접한 plots를 소유하지 않았거나 plots를 필요한 크기로 합병 할
수 없습니다.
unlink_required: $2An unlink는 이것을 하는데 요구 됩니다.
@ -225,7 +213,6 @@ errors:
wait_for_timer: $2A setblock 타이머는 현재의 땅 또는 당신에게 묶여있습니다. 완료까지 잠시 기다려주시기 바랍니다
invalid_command_flag: '$2잘못된 명령 플래그: %s0'
error: '$2오류가 발생했습니다: %s'
not_loaded: $2플롯을로드 할 수 없습니다
debug_report_created: '$1전체 디버그를에 업로드했습니다.: $1%url%'
@ -313,31 +300,22 @@ list:
clickable: ' (상호 작용하는)'
plot_list_header_paged: $2(페이지 $1%cur$2/$1%max$2) $1목록 %amount% plots
plot_list_header: $1목록 %word% plots
plot_list_item: $2>> $1%id$2:$1%world $2- $1%owner
plot_list_item_ordered: $2[$1%in$2] >> $1%id$2:$1%world $2- $1%owner
plot_list_footer: $2>> $1%word% 총 $2%num% $1claimed %plot%.
area_list_header_paged: $2(페이지 $1%cur$2/$1%max$2) $1목록f %amount% areas
left_plot: $2당신은 땅을 떠났습니다.
plot_chat_format: '$2[$1Plot Chat$2][$1%plot_id%$2] $1%sender%$2: $1%msg%'
plot_chat_forced: $이 월드는 모두가 plot chat을 쓰도록 강제합니다
plot_chat_on: $4플롯 채팅 사용 설정 됨.
plot_chat_off: $4플롯 채팅 사용 중지됨.
plot_chat_spy_format: '$2[$1Plot Spy$2][$1%plot_id%$2] $1%sender%$2: $1%msg%'
denied_removed: $4당신은 이 땅으로부터 플레이어를 차단 해제 했습니다.
denied_added: $4당신은 이 땅으로부터 플레이어를 성공적으로 차단 했습니다.
denied_need_argument: $2변수가 빠졌습니다. $1/plot denied add <name> $2or $1/plot denied
remove <name>
was_not_denied: $2해당 플레이어는 이 땅에서 차단되지 않았습니다.
you_got_denied: $4당신은 해당 땅으로부터 차단되었습니다 따라서 spawn으로 자동 이동 되었습니다.
need_on_off: '$2당신은 올바른 값을 선택하여야 합니다. 가능한 값: $1on$2, $1off'
setting_updated: $4당신은 설정을 성공적으로 업데이트 했습니다
flag_key: '$2Key: %s'
flag_type: '$2Type: %s'
flag_desc: '$2Desc: %s'
not_valid_flag: $2그것은 유효한 깃발이 아닙니다
not_valid_value: $2깃발 값은 무조건 문자 숫자여야만 한다
@ -350,7 +328,6 @@ flag:
trusted_added: $4당신은 그 땅에 유저를 성공적으로 위탁했습니다
trusted_removed: $4당신은 그 땅으로부터 신용(위탁)받은 유저를 성공적으로 제거했습니다.
was_not_added: $2그 플레이어는 이 땅에서 신용(위탁)받지 못했습니다.
plot_removed_user: $1당신이 추가되었던 땅 %s가 소유자의 비활성의 이유로 삭제되었습니다.
removed_players: $2이 땅으로부터 %s 플레이어가 제거되었습니다
@ -398,4 +375,3 @@ kick:
granted_plots: '$1결과: $2%s $1grants left'
granted_plot: $1You granted %s0 plot to $2%s1
granted_plot_failed: '$1Grant failed: $2%s'
@ -68,8 +68,6 @@ records:
notify_leave: $2%player $2deixou seu terreno ($1%plot$2)
swap_overlap: $2As areas propostas nao podem se sobrepor.
swap_dimensions: $2As areas propostas devem ter dimensoes comparaveis.
swap_syntax: $2/plot swap <id>
swap_success: $4Terrenos trocados com sucesso.
started_swap: $2Troca de terrenos iniciada. Voce sera notificado quando terminar.
@ -83,7 +81,6 @@ comment:
no_plot_inbox: $2Voce deve permanecer ou fornecer um argumento de terreno.
comment_removed: $4Comentario deletado com sucesso/s:n$2 - '$3%s$2'
comment_added: $4Um comentario foi deixado.
comment_header: $2&m---------&r $1Comentarios $2&m---------&r
inbox_empty: $2Nenhum comentario.
not_console: $2Por reacoes de seguranca, este comando so pode ser executado por console.
@ -138,15 +135,11 @@ setup:
setup_valid_arg: $2Valor $1%s0 $2alterado para %s1
setup_finished: $4Voce deve se teleportar para o mundo para cria-lo. Caso contrario, voce precisara configurar o gerador manualmente usando o bukkit.yml ou o plug-in de gerenciamento mundial escolhido.
setup_world_taken: $2%s foi registrado como plotworld
setup_missing_world: $2Voce precisa especificar um nome de mundo ($1/plot setup &l<world>$1 <generator>$2)&-$1Additional commands:&-$2 - $1/plot setup <value>&-$2 - $1/plot setup back&-$2 - $1/plot setup cancel
setup_missing_generator: $2Voce precisa especificar um gerador ($1/plot setup <world> &l<generator>&r$2)&-$1Additional commands:&-$2 - $1/plot setup <value>&-$2 - $1/plot setup back&-$2 - $1/plot setup cancel
setup_invalid_generator: '$2Gerador invalido. Possiveis opcoes: %s'
schematic_too_large: $2O terreno e muito grande para esta acao!
schematic_missing_arg: '$2Voce precisa especificar um argumento. Possiveis valores: $1test
<nome>$2 , $1save$2 , $1paste $2, $1exportall'
schematic_invalid: '$2Este nao e um schematic valido. Causa: $2%s'
schematic_valid: $2Este nao e um schematic valido.
schematic_paste_failed: $2Falha ao colar o schematic.
schematic_paste_success: $4O schamatic foi colado com sucesso!
@ -195,7 +188,6 @@ merge:
merge_accepted: $2O pedido de mesclagem de terrenos foi aceito.
success_merge: $2Terrenos mesclados!
merge_requested: $2Pedido de mesclagem foi enviado com sucesso.
no_perm_merge: '$2Voce nao e proprietario deste terreno: $1%plot%'
no_available_automerge: $2Voce nao possui terrenos adjacentes na direcao especificada ou nao pode mesclar com o tamanho necessario.
unlink_required: $2Um desvinculo e requirido para fazer isso..
unlink_impossible: $2Voce so pode desvincular um mega-terreno
@ -308,21 +300,14 @@ list:
area_list_header_paged: $2(Pagina $1%cur$2/$1%max$2) $1Lista de %amount% areas
plot_list_header_paged: $2(Pagina $1%cur$2/$1%max$2) $1Lista de %amount% terrenos
plot_list_header: $1Lista de %word% terrenos
plot_list_item: $2>> $1%id$2:$1%world $2- $1%owner
plot_list_item_ordered: $2[$1%in$2] >> $1%id$2:$1%world $2- $1%owner
plot_list_footer: $2>> $1%word% um total de $2%num% $1reinvindicados %plot%.
left_plot: $2Voce saiu do terreno
plot_chat_format: '$2[$1Terreno Chat$2][$1%plot_id%$2] $1%sender%$2: $1%msg%'
plot_chat_forced: $2Este mundo forca todos usarem o chat do terreno.
plot_chat_on: $4Plot chat enabled.
plot_chat_off: $4Chat do terreno desativado.
denied_removed: $4Voce removeu este jogador dos jogadores negados.
denied_added: $4Voce negou este jogador com sucesso.
denied_need_argument: $2Faltam argumentos. $1/plot negar add <nome> $2ou $1/plot denied remove <nome>
was_not_denied: $2Este jogador foi negado do terreno.
you_got_denied: $4Voce foi negado do terreno em que estava, e foi teleportado para o spawn.
you_got_kicked: $4Voce foi chutado!
@ -331,7 +316,6 @@ rain:
setting_updated: $4Voce atualizou as configuracoes com sucesso.
flag_key: '$2Chave: %s'
flag_type: '$2Tipo: %s'
flag_desc: '$2Desc: %s'
not_valid_flag: $2Esta nao e uma flag valida.
not_valid_flag_suggested: '$2Esta nao e uma flag valida. Voce quis dizer: $1%s'
@ -344,7 +328,6 @@ flag:
trusted_added: $4Voce confiou com sucesso neste jogador.
trusted_removed: $4Voce removeu com sucesso a confianca deste jogador.
was_not_added: $2Este jogador nao recebeu confianca neste terreno.
plot_removed_user: $1Terreno %s o qual voce foi adicionado foi deletado pela inatividade do proprietario.
removed_players: $2Foi/foram removido(s) %s jogador(es) deste terreno.
@ -372,6 +355,5 @@ help:
granted_plots: '$1Resultado: $2%s $1concecoes restantes'
granted_plot: $1Voce concedeu %s0 terreno(s) para $2%s1
granted_plot_failed: '$1A concessao falhou: $2%s'
custom_string: '-'
@ -79,8 +79,6 @@ records:
notify_leave: $2%player $2已离开阁下的地皮($1%plot$2)
swap_overlap: $2计划的区域不允许重叠
swap_dimensions: $2计划的区域必须有可对比的维度
swap_syntax: $2/plot swap <编号>
swap_success: $4已成功交换地皮
started_swap: $2已开始地皮交换任务。阁下将会在完成时收到提醒
@ -94,7 +92,6 @@ comment:
no_plot_inbox: $2阁下必须站在地皮内或提供地皮参数
comment_removed: $4已成功删除评论$2 - '$3%s$2'
comment_added: $4有玩家留下了一条评论
comment_header: $2&m---------&r $1评论 $2&m---------&r
inbox_empty: $2无评论
not_console: $2由于安全考虑,此命令只可由控制台执行。
@ -151,18 +148,10 @@ setup:
setup_finished: $4阁下应已被传送至新建的世界。否则阁下将需
在 bukkit.yml 或世界管理插件中手动设置生成器。
setup_world_taken: $2%s 已是一个世界
setup_missing_world: $2阁下需要指定世界名($1/plot setup &l<世界名>$1
<生成器>$2)&-$1附加指令:&-$2 - $1/plot setup <值>&-$2 - $1/plot
setup back&-$2 - $1/plot setup cancel
setup_missing_generator: $2阁下需要指定生成器($1/plot setup <世界名>
&l<生成器>&r$2)&-$1附加指令&-$2 - $1/plot setup <值>&-$2 - $1/plot
setup back&-$2 - $1/plot setup cancel
setup_invalid_generator: '$2无效的生成器。可能选项:%s'
schematic_too_large: $2此地皮过大无法进行此操作!
schematic_missing_arg: '$2阁下需要指定参数。可能的值:$1save$2, $1paste $2, $1exportall'
schematic_invalid: '$2布局无效。理由:$2%s'
schematic_valid: $2布局无效
schematic_paste_failed: $2粘贴布局失败
schematic_paste_success: $4已成功粘贴布局
@ -214,7 +203,6 @@ merge:
merge_accepted: $2此合并请求已被接受
success_merge: $2已合并地皮!
merge_requested: $2已成功发送合并请求
no_perm_merge: '$2阁下不是地皮 $1%plot% $2的所有者'
no_available_automerge: $2阁下在指定方向不拥有任何相邻的地皮
unlink_required: $2需要解除关联才能执行此操作。
@ -237,7 +225,6 @@ errors:
command_went_wrong: $2执行此命令时发生错误···
no_free_plots: $2无可用的免费地皮
not_in_plot: $2阁下不在地皮上
not_loaded: $2无法加载地皮
not_in_cluster: $2阁下必须在地皮群集上以进行此操作
not_in_plot_world: $2阁下不在地皮区域上
plotworld_incompatible: $2两个世界必须相互兼容
@ -335,23 +322,15 @@ list:
area_list_header_paged: $2(页面 $1%cur$2/$1%max$2) $1共计 %amount% 块区域
plot_list_header_paged: $2(页面 $1%cur$2/$1%max$2) $1共计 %amount% 块地皮
plot_list_header: $1共计 %word% 块地皮
plot_list_item: $2>> $1%id$2:$1%world $2- $1%owner
plot_list_item_ordered: $2[$1%in$2] >> $1%id$2:$1%world $2- $1%owner
plot_list_footer: $2>> $1%word% 共计 $2%num% $1领取了地皮 %plot%。
left_plot: $2阁下已离开地皮
plot_chat_spy_format: '$2[$1地皮间谍$2][$1%plot_id%$2] $1%sender%$2: $1%msg%'
plot_chat_format: '$2[$1地皮老铁$2][$1%plot_id%$2] $1%sender%$2: $1%msg%'
plot_chat_forced: $2此世界强制所有人使用地皮聊天。
plot_chat_on: $4已启用地皮聊天。
plot_chat_off: $4已禁用地皮聊天。
denied_removed: $4阁下已成功解禁此玩家进入地皮
denied_added: $4阁下已成功禁止此玩家进入地皮
denied_need_argument: $2缺少参数。$1/plot denied add <名称> $2或 $1/plot
denied remove <名称>
was_not_denied: $2此玩家未被此地皮封禁
you_got_denied: $4阁下已被禁止进入先前所在的地皮并已被传送至出生点
you_got_kicked: $4阁下已被踢出!
@ -360,7 +339,6 @@ rain:
setting_updated: $4阁下已成功更新设置
flag_key: '$2关键词:%s'
flag_type: '$2类型:%s'
flag_desc: '$2描述:%s'
not_valid_flag: $2标记无效
not_valid_flag_suggested: '$2标记无效。阁下的意思是否是:$1%s'
@ -373,7 +351,6 @@ flag:
trusted_added: $4阁下已成功将用户添加到地皮受信列表
trusted_removed: $4阁下已成功将用户从地皮受信列表中移除
was_not_added: $2此用户在此地皮上不受信任
plot_removed_user: $1阁下所添加至的地皮 %s 由于所有者不活跃已被删除
removed_players: $2已从此地皮中移除了 %s 位玩家。
@ -401,6 +378,5 @@ help:
granted_plots: '$1结果:剩余 $2%s $1次授权'
granted_plot: $1阁下授权了 %s0 地皮至 $2%s1
granted_plot_failed: '$1授权失败:$2%s'
custom_string: '-'
Reference in New Issue
Block a user