We was saving everything again when the players stop creating anything,
this was causing issues with duplicate cells when using any storage with
SQL (due to insert and no primary key).
Also, added a hasChanged to the cell class which will prevent resaving
things in sql if it hasn't changed.
In the PrisonerManager you can now provide either AnyCell or NoCell and
it'll select a cell or not based upon the provided one. This is breaking
because it changes the required types in the methods and the new cells
don't have anything implemented and throw exceptions.
The variables possible are:
* %player% - the player's last known name
* %uuid% - the player's uuid, or what can fit on a sign
* %reason% - the reason the player was jailed
* %jailer% - the person/thing who jailed this player
* %afktime% - the amount of time the player has been afk
* %timeinminutes% - the amount of remaining time the player has in
If the player is jailed forever, then it pulls from the language file
`jailedforeversign` property.
This will prevent overriding inventories in cell chests. When we tell
them the destination cell already has a prisoner in it, we try to find
the first empty cell in that jail but if all the jail's cells are full
then we tell them that as well.