Add the removing of a jail via the ``/jail delete`` command.

This commit is contained in:
graywolf336 2014-02-13 11:26:42 -06:00
parent 950eb638b8
commit 78cc20c2c1
6 changed files with 75 additions and 0 deletions

@ -405,4 +405,26 @@ public class JailIO {
* Removes a jail from the storage system.
* @param name of the jail to remove.
public void removeJail(String name) {
switch(storage) {
case 1:
case 2:
flat.set("jails." + name, null);
try { File(pl.getDataFolder(), "data.yml"));
} catch (IOException e) {
pl.getLogger().severe("Unable to remove the jail " + name + " from the storage: " + e.getMessage());

@ -73,6 +73,16 @@ public class JailManager {
if(n) plugin.getJailIO().saveJail(jail);
* Removes a {@link Jail}.
* @param name of the jail to remove
public void removeJail(String name) {
* Gets a jail by the given name.

@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ import com.graywolf336.jail.command.subcommands.JailCommand;
import com.graywolf336.jail.command.subcommands.JailCreateCommand;
import com.graywolf336.jail.command.subcommands.JailDeleteCellCommand;
import com.graywolf336.jail.command.subcommands.JailDeleteCellsCommand;
import com.graywolf336.jail.command.subcommands.JailDeleteCommand;
import com.graywolf336.jail.command.subcommands.JailListCellsCommand;
import com.graywolf336.jail.command.subcommands.JailListCommand;
import com.graywolf336.jail.command.subcommands.JailMuteCommand;
@ -172,6 +173,7 @@ public class JailHandler {

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
package com.graywolf336.jail.command.subcommands;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
import com.graywolf336.jail.JailManager;
import com.graywolf336.jail.command.Command;
import com.graywolf336.jail.command.CommandInfo;
import com.graywolf336.jail.enums.LangString;
maxArgs = 1,
minimumArgs = 1,
needsPlayer = false,
pattern = "delete|d",
permission = "jail.command.jaildelete",
usage = "/jail delete <jail>"
public class JailDeleteCommand implements Command {
public boolean execute(JailManager jm, CommandSender sender, String... args) throws Exception {
//Check if the jail name provided is a valid jail
if(jm.isValidJail(args[1])) {
//check if the jail doesn't contain prisoners
if(jm.getJail(args[1]).getAllPrisoners().size() == 0) {
//There are no prisoners, so we can delete it
sender.sendMessage(jm.getPlugin().getJailIO().getLanguageString(LangString.JAILREMOVED, args[1]));
}else {
//The jail has prisoners, they need to release them first
sender.sendMessage(jm.getPlugin().getJailIO().getLanguageString(LangString.JAILREMOVALUNSUCCESSFUL, args[1]));
}else {
//No jail found by the provided name
sender.sendMessage(jm.getPlugin().getJailIO().getLanguageString(LangString.NOJAIL, args[1]));
return true;

@ -114,6 +114,8 @@ public enum LangString {
CELLREMOVED ("general"),
/** The simple word jailing to be put in other parts. */
JAILING ("jailing"),
/** THe message sent to the sender when they try to remove a jail but there are still prisoners in there. */
/** The message sent whenever a jail is successfully removed. */
JAILREMOVED ("general"),
/** Message sent when doing something that requires a cell but the given name of a cell doesn't exist. */

@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ language:
cellremovalunsuccessful: '&cThe removal of cell %0% from jail %1% was unsuccessful because there is a prisoner in there still. Release or transfer before trying to remove the cell again.'
cellremoved: '&9Cell %0% has been successfully removed from the jail %1%.'
jailing: '&9jailing'
jailremovalunsuccessful: '&cThe removal of the jail %0% was unsuccessful because there are prisoners in there, please release or transfer them first.'
jailremoved: '&9Jail %0% has been successfully removed.'
nocell: '&cNo cell found by the name of %0% in the jail %1%.'
nocells: '&cNo cells found in the jail %0%.'