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package com.graywolf336.jail;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Set;
import org.bukkit.Location;
import org.bukkit.configuration.file.FileConfiguration;
import org.bukkit.configuration.file.YamlConfiguration;
import com.graywolf336.jail.beans.Cell;
import com.graywolf336.jail.beans.Jail;
import com.graywolf336.jail.beans.Prisoner;
import com.graywolf336.jail.beans.SimpleLocation;
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import com.graywolf336.jail.enums.LangString;
2013-12-16 12:26:38 -06:00
* Handles all the saving and loading of the plugin's data.
* @author graywolf336
2013-12-28 19:50:55 -06:00
* @since 2.x.x
* @version 3.0.0
2013-12-16 12:26:38 -06:00
public class JailIO {
private JailMain pl;
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private FileConfiguration flat, lang;
private int storage; //0 = flatfile, 1 = sqlite, 2 = mysql
public JailIO(JailMain plugin) {
this.pl = plugin;
String st = pl.getConfig().getString("storage.type", "flatfile");
if(st.equalsIgnoreCase("sqlite")) {
storage = 1;
}else if(st.equalsIgnoreCase("mysql")) {
storage = 2;
}else {
storage = 0;
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/** Loads the language file from disk, if there is none then we save the default one. */
public void loadLanguage() {
String language = pl.getConfig().getString("system.language");
boolean save = false;
File langFile = new File(pl.getDataFolder(), language + ".yml");
//File or folder already exists, let's check
if(langFile.exists()) {
if(langFile.isFile()) {
lang = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(langFile);
pl.getLogger().info("Loaded the language: " + language);
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}else {
pl.getLogger().severe("The language file can not be a folder.");
pl.getLogger().severe("As a result, we are reverting back to English as the language.");
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lang = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(pl.getResource("en.yml"));
save = true;
}else {
pl.getLogger().warning("Loading the default language of: en");
pl.getLogger().warning("If you wish to change this, please rename 'en.yml' to whatever you wish and set the config value to the name of the file.");
2013-12-23 14:31:27 -06:00
lang = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(pl.getResource("en.yml"));
save = true;
//If we have flagged to save the language file, let's save it as en.yml as this flag usually means they didn't have it loaded.
if(save) {
try {
lang.save(new File(pl.getDataFolder(), "en.yml"));
} catch (IOException e) {
pl.getLogger().severe("Unable to save the language file: " + e.getMessage());
/** Returns the message in the language, no variables are replaced.*/
public String getLanguageString(LangString langString) {
return getLanguageString(langString, new String[] {});
* Returns the message in the language, with the provided variables being replaced.
* @param langString Which {@link LangString} we should be getting to send.
* @param variables All the variables to replace, in order from 0 to however many.
* @return The message as a colorful message or an empty message if that isn't defined in the language file.
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public String getLanguageString(LangString langString, String... variables) {
String message = lang.getString("language." + langString.getSection() + "." + langString.getName());
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if(message == null) return "";
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for (int i = 0; i < variables.length; i++) {
message = message.replaceAll("%" + i + "%", variables[i]);
return Util.getColorfulMessage(message);
2013-12-16 12:26:38 -06:00
* Prepares the storage engine to be used.
public void prepareStorage() {
switch(storage) {
case 1:
//prepare sqlite, I need to research this
case 2:
//prepare mysql, research this as well
flat = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(new File(pl.getDataFolder(), "data.yml"));
2013-12-16 12:26:38 -06:00
* Loads the jails, this should <strong>only</strong> be called after {@link #prepareStorage()}.
public void loadJails() {
switch(storage) {
case 1:
//load the jails from sqlite
case 2:
//load the jails from mysql
//load the jails from flatfile
if(flat.isConfigurationSection("jails")) {
Set<String> jails = flat.getConfigurationSection("jails").getKeys(false);
if(!jails.isEmpty()) {
for(String name : jails) {
int s = pl.getJailManager().getJails().size();
pl.getLogger().info("Loaded " + s + (s == 1 ? " jail." : " jails."));
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* Saves the provided {@link Jail jail} to the storage system we are using.
* @param j The jail to save.
public void saveJail(Jail j) {
switch(storage) {
case 1:
case 2:
if(flat != null) {
String node = "jails." + j.getName() + ".";
2013-12-06 21:56:00 -06:00
flat.set(node + "world", j.getWorldName());
flat.set(node + "top.x", j.getMaxPoint().getBlockX());
flat.set(node + "top.y", j.getMaxPoint().getBlockY());
flat.set(node + "top.z", j.getMaxPoint().getBlockZ());
flat.set(node + "bottom.x", j.getMinPoint().getBlockX());
flat.set(node + "bottom.y", j.getMinPoint().getBlockY());
flat.set(node + "bottom.z", j.getMinPoint().getBlockZ());
2013-12-06 21:56:00 -06:00
//Tele in
flat.set(node + "tps.in.x", j.getTeleportIn().getX());
flat.set(node + "tps.in.y", j.getTeleportIn().getY());
flat.set(node + "tps.in.z", j.getTeleportIn().getZ());
flat.set(node + "tps.in.yaw", j.getTeleportIn().getYaw());
flat.set(node + "tps.in.pitch", j.getTeleportIn().getPitch());
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//Tele out
flat.set(node + "tps.free.world", j.getTeleportFree().getWorld().getName());
2013-12-06 21:56:00 -06:00
flat.set(node + "tps.free.x", j.getTeleportFree().getX());
flat.set(node + "tps.free.y", j.getTeleportFree().getY());
flat.set(node + "tps.free.z", j.getTeleportFree().getZ());
flat.set(node + "tps.free.yaw", j.getTeleportFree().getYaw());
flat.set(node + "tps.free.pitch", j.getTeleportFree().getPitch());
2013-12-06 21:56:00 -06:00
//Set all the cells to nothing, then we save each of them so no cells are left behind
flat.set(node + ".cells", null);
for(Cell c : j.getCells()) {
String cNode = node + ".cells." + c.getName() + ".";
if(c.getTeleport() != null) {
flat.set(cNode + "tp.x", c.getTeleport().getX());
flat.set(cNode + "tp.y", c.getTeleport().getY());
flat.set(cNode + "tp.z", c.getTeleport().getZ());
flat.set(cNode + "tp.yaw", c.getTeleport().getYaw());
flat.set(cNode + "tp.pitch", c.getTeleport().getPitch());
if(c.getChestLocation() != null) {
flat.set(cNode + "chest.x", c.getChestLocation().getBlockX());
flat.set(cNode + "chest.y", c.getChestLocation().getBlockY());
flat.set(cNode + "chest.z", c.getChestLocation().getBlockZ());
String[] signs = new String[c.getSigns().size()];
int count = 0;
for(SimpleLocation loc : c.getSigns()) {
signs[count] = loc.toString();
flat.set(cNode + "signs", signs);
if(c.getPrisoner() != null) {
Prisoner p = c.getPrisoner();
flat.set(cNode + "prisoner.name", p.getName());
flat.set(cNode + "prisoner.muted", p.isMuted());
flat.set(cNode + "prisoner.time", p.getRemainingTime());
flat.set(cNode + "prisoner.offlinePending", p.isOfflinePending());
flat.set(cNode + "prisoner.reason", p.getReason());
flat.set(cNode + "prisoner.inventory", p.getInventory());
flat.set(cNode + "prisoner.armor", p.getArmor());
if(p.getPreviousLocationString() != null)
flat.set(cNode + "prisoner.previousLocation", p.getPreviousLocationString());
if(p.getPreviousGameMode() != null)
flat.set(cNode + "prisoner.previousGameMode", p.getPreviousGameMode().toString());
//Null all the prisoners out before we save them again, this way no prisoners are left behind
flat.set(node + "prisoners", null);
for(Prisoner p : j.getPrisonersNotInCells()) {
String pNode = node + "prisoners." + p.getName() + ".";
flat.set(pNode + "muted", p.isMuted());
flat.set(pNode + "time", p.getRemainingTime());
flat.set(pNode + "offlinePending", p.isOfflinePending());
flat.set(pNode + "reason", p.getReason());
flat.set(pNode + "inventory", p.getInventory());
flat.set(pNode + "armor", p.getArmor());
if(p.getPreviousLocationString() != null)
flat.set(pNode + "previousLocation", p.getPreviousLocationString());
if(p.getPreviousGameMode() != null)
flat.set(pNode + "previousGameMode", p.getPreviousGameMode().toString());
try {
flat.save(new File(pl.getDataFolder(), "data.yml"));
} catch (IOException e) {
pl.getLogger().severe("Unable to save the Jail data: " + e.getMessage());
}else {
pl.getLogger().severe("Storage not enabled, could not save the jail " + j.getName());
private void loadJail(String name) {
switch(storage) {
case 1:
case 2:
String node = "jails." + name + ".";
String cNode = node + "cells.";
Jail j = new Jail(pl, name);
2013-12-16 12:36:14 -06:00
j.setWorld(flat.getString(node + "world"));
j.setMaxPoint(new int[] {flat.getInt(node + "top.x"), flat.getInt(node + "top.y"), flat.getInt(node + "top.z")});
j.setMinPoint(new int[] {flat.getInt(node + "bottom.x"), flat.getInt(node + "bottom.y"), flat.getInt(node + "bottom.z")});
j.setTeleportIn(new SimpleLocation(
flat.getString(node + "world"),
flat.getDouble(node + "tps.in.x"),
flat.getDouble(node + "tps.in.y"),
flat.getDouble(node + "tps.in.z"),
(float) flat.getDouble(node + "tps.in.yaw"),
(float) flat.getDouble(node + "tps.in.pitch")));
j.setTeleportFree(new SimpleLocation(
flat.getString(node + "tps.free.world"),
flat.getDouble(node + "tps.free.x"),
flat.getDouble(node + "tps.free.y"),
flat.getDouble(node + "tps.free.z"),
(float) flat.getDouble(node + "tps.free.yaw"),
(float) flat.getDouble(node + "tps.free.pitch")));
if(flat.isConfigurationSection(node + "cells")) {
Set<String> cells = flat.getConfigurationSection(node + "cells").getKeys(false);
if(!cells.isEmpty()) {
for(String cell : cells) {
Cell c = new Cell(cell);
String cellNode = cNode + cell + ".";
c.setTeleport(new SimpleLocation(j.getTeleportIn().getWorld().getName(),
flat.getDouble(cellNode + "tp.x"),
flat.getDouble(cellNode + "tp.y"),
flat.getDouble(cellNode + "tp.z"),
(float) flat.getDouble(cellNode + "tp.yaw"),
(float) flat.getDouble(cellNode + "tp.pitch")));
c.setChestLocation(new Location(j.getTeleportIn().getWorld(),
flat.getInt(cellNode + "chest.x"),
flat.getInt(cellNode + "chest.y"),
flat.getInt(cellNode + "chest.z")));
for(String sign : flat.getStringList(cellNode + "signs")) {
String[] arr = sign.split(",");
c.addSign(new SimpleLocation(arr[0],
if(flat.contains(cellNode + "prisoner")) {
Prisoner p = new Prisoner(flat.getString(cellNode + "prisoner.name"),
flat.getBoolean(cellNode + "prisoner.muted"),
flat.getLong(cellNode + "prisoner.time"),
flat.getString(cellNode + "prisoner.reason"));
p.setOfflinePending(flat.getBoolean(cellNode + "prisoner.offlinePending"));
p.setPreviousPosition(flat.getString(cellNode + "prisoner.previousLocation"));
p.setPreviousGameMode(flat.getString(cellNode + "prisoner.previousGameMode"));
p.setInventory(flat.getString(cellNode + "prisoner.inventory", ""));
p.setArmor(flat.getString(cellNode + "prisoner.armor", ""));
j.addCell(c, false);
if(flat.isConfigurationSection(node + "prisoners")) {
Set<String> prisoners = flat.getConfigurationSection(node + "prisoners").getKeys(false);
if(!prisoners.isEmpty()) {
for(String prisoner : prisoners) {
String pNode = node + "prisoners." + prisoner + ".";
Prisoner pris = new Prisoner(prisoner, flat.getBoolean(pNode + "muted"), flat.getLong(pNode + "time"), flat.getString(pNode + "reason"));
pris.setOfflinePending(flat.getBoolean(pNode + "offlinePending"));
pris.setPreviousPosition(flat.getString(pNode + "previousLocation"));
pris.setPreviousGameMode(flat.getString(pNode + "previousGameMode"));
pris.setInventory(flat.getString(pNode + "inventory", ""));
pris.setArmor(flat.getString(pNode + "armor", ""));
if(pl.getServer().getWorld(j.getWorldName()) != null) {
pl.getJailManager().addJail(j, false);
pl.getLogger().info("Loaded jail " + j.getName() + " with " + j.getAllPrisoners().size() + " prisoners and " + j.getCellCount() + " cells.");
} else
pl.getLogger().severe("Failed to load the jail " + j.getName() + " as the world '" + j.getWorldName() + "' does not exist (is null). Did you remove this world?");
* Removes the prisoner from the storage system.
* @param j the jail which the prisoner is in.
* @param p the prisoner data
public void removePrisoner(Jail j, Prisoner p) {
this.removePrisoner(j, null, p);
* Removes the prisoner from the storage system.
* @param j the jail which the prisoner is in.
* @param c the cell which the prisoner is in, null if none
* @param p the prisoner data
public void removePrisoner(Jail j, Cell c, Prisoner p) {
switch(storage) {
case 1:
case 2:
if(c == null)
flat.set("jails." + j.getName() + ".prisoners." + p.getName(), null);
flat.set("jails." + j.getName() + "." + c.getName() + ".prisoner", null);
2013-12-28 15:42:06 -06:00
try {
flat.save(new File(pl.getDataFolder(), "data.yml"));
} catch (IOException e) {
pl.getLogger().severe("Unable to save the Jail data: " + e.getMessage());