2013-12-06 10:28:03 -06:00
package com.graywolf336.jail;
2013-12-27 10:37:32 -06:00
import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
2013-12-06 15:56:46 -06:00
import java.util.LinkedList;
2013-12-24 12:28:40 -06:00
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
2013-12-06 15:56:46 -06:00
2013-12-27 10:37:32 -06:00
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
2013-12-06 15:56:46 -06:00
import org.bukkit.ChatColor;
import org.bukkit.Material;
2013-12-31 13:20:39 -06:00
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
2013-12-27 10:37:32 -06:00
import org.bukkit.inventory.Inventory;
2013-12-06 15:56:46 -06:00
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
2013-12-27 18:19:47 -06:00
import org.bukkit.inventory.PlayerInventory;
2013-12-06 15:56:46 -06:00
import org.bukkit.inventory.meta.ItemMeta;
2013-12-06 10:28:03 -06:00
import org.bukkit.util.Vector;
2013-12-27 10:37:32 -06:00
import org.bukkit.util.io.BukkitObjectInputStream;
import org.bukkit.util.io.BukkitObjectOutputStream;
import org.yaml.snakeyaml.external.biz.base64Coder.Base64Coder;
2013-12-06 10:28:03 -06:00
2013-12-31 13:20:39 -06:00
import com.graywolf336.jail.beans.Prisoner;
2013-12-28 19:50:55 -06:00
* Provides a variety of methods, static, that are used throughout the plugin.
* @author graywolf336
* @since 2.x.x
* @version 3.0.0
2013-12-06 10:28:03 -06:00
public class Util {
2013-12-24 18:45:50 -06:00
private final static Pattern DURATION_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("^(\\d+)\\s*(m(?:inute)?s?|h(?:ours?)?|d(?:ays?)?|s(?:econd)?s?)?$", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);
2013-12-06 10:28:03 -06:00
/** Checks if the first {@link Vector} is inside the other two. */
public static boolean isInsideAB(Vector point, Vector first, Vector second) {
boolean x = isInside(point.getBlockX(), first.getBlockX(), second.getBlockX());
boolean y = isInside(point.getBlockY(), first.getBlockY(), second.getBlockY());
boolean z = isInside(point.getBlockZ(), first.getBlockZ(), second.getBlockZ());
return x && y && z;
* Checks if two numbers are inside a point, or something.
2013-12-28 19:50:55 -06:00
2013-12-06 10:28:03 -06:00
* <p />
* @param loc The location.
* @param first The first point
* @param second The second point
2013-12-28 19:50:55 -06:00
* @return true if they are inside, false if not.
2013-12-06 10:28:03 -06:00
private static boolean isInside(int loc, int first, int second) {
int point1 = 0;
int point2 = 0;
if (first < second) {
point1 = first;
point2 = second;
} else {
point2 = first;
point1 = second;
return (point1 <= loc) && (loc <= point2);
/** Returns a colorful message from the color codes. */
public static String getColorfulMessage(String message) {
return message.replaceAll("(?i)&([0-9abcdefklmnor])", "\u00A7$1");
2013-12-06 15:56:46 -06:00
2013-12-28 19:50:55 -06:00
/** Returns the wand used throughout the different creation steps. */
2013-12-06 15:56:46 -06:00
public static ItemStack getWand() {
ItemStack wand = new ItemStack(Material.WOOD_SWORD);
ItemMeta meta = wand.getItemMeta();
meta.setDisplayName(ChatColor.AQUA + "Jail Wand");
LinkedList<String> lore = new LinkedList<String>();
lore.add(ChatColor.BLUE + "The wand for creating");
lore.add(ChatColor.BLUE + "a jail or cell.");
return wand;
2013-12-24 12:28:40 -06:00
2013-12-24 18:06:38 -06:00
* Converts a string like '20minutes' into the appropriate amount of milliseconds.
* @param time The string to convert.
* @return The time in milliseconds that is converted.
* @throws Exception if there are no matches
2013-12-24 12:28:40 -06:00
public static Long getTime(String time) throws Exception {
Long t = 10L;
Matcher match = DURATION_PATTERN.matcher(time);
if (match.matches()) {
String units = match.group(2);
if ("seconds".equals(units) || "second".equals(units) || "s".equals(units))
t = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.convert(Long.valueOf(match.group(1)), TimeUnit.SECONDS);
2013-12-24 19:36:14 -06:00
else if ("minutes".equals(units) || "minute".equals(units) || "mins".equals(units) || "min".equals(units) || "m".equals(units))
2013-12-24 12:28:40 -06:00
t = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.convert(Long.valueOf(match.group(1)), TimeUnit.MINUTES);
else if ("hours".equals(units) || "hour".equals(units) || "h".equals(units))
t = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.convert(Long.valueOf(match.group(1)), TimeUnit.HOURS);
else if ("days".equals(units) || "day".equals(units) || "d".equals(units))
t = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.convert(Long.valueOf(match.group(1)), TimeUnit.DAYS);
2013-12-24 19:36:14 -06:00
else {
try {
t = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.convert(Long.parseLong(time), TimeUnit.MINUTES);
}catch(NumberFormatException e) {
throw new Exception("Invalid format.");
2013-12-24 12:28:40 -06:00
}else {
2013-12-24 19:36:14 -06:00
throw new Exception("Invalid format.");
2013-12-24 12:28:40 -06:00
2013-12-24 18:45:50 -06:00
return Long.valueOf(t);
2013-12-24 12:28:40 -06:00
2013-12-27 10:37:32 -06:00
2013-12-27 18:19:47 -06:00
* Converts the player inventory to a String array of Base64 strings. First string is the content and second string is the armor.
* @param playerInventory to turn into an array of strings.
* @return Array of strings: [ main content, armor content ]
* @throws IllegalStateException
public static String[] playerInventoryToBase64(PlayerInventory playerInventory) throws IllegalStateException {
//get the main content part, this doesn't return the armor
String content = toBase64(playerInventory);
String armor = itemStackArrayToBase64(playerInventory.getArmorContents());
return new String[] { content, armor };
* A method to serialize an {@link ItemStack} array to Base64 String.
* <p />
* Based off of {@link #toBase64(Inventory)}.
* @param items to turn into a Base64 String.
* @return Base64 string of the items.
* @throws IllegalStateException
public static String itemStackArrayToBase64(ItemStack[] items) throws IllegalStateException {
try {
ByteArrayOutputStream outputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
BukkitObjectOutputStream dataOutput = new BukkitObjectOutputStream(outputStream);
// Write the size of the inventory
// Save every element in the list
for (int i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
// Serialize that array
return Base64Coder.encodeLines(outputStream.toByteArray());
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to save item stacks.", e);
2013-12-27 10:37:32 -06:00
* A method to serialize an inventory to Base64 string.
* <p />
* Special thanks to Comphenix in the Bukkit forums or also known
* as aadnk on GitHub.
* <a href="https://gist.github.com/aadnk/8138186">Original Source</a>
* @param inventory to serialize
* @return Base64 string of the provided inventory
* @throws IllegalStateException
public static String toBase64(Inventory inventory) throws IllegalStateException {
try {
ByteArrayOutputStream outputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
BukkitObjectOutputStream dataOutput = new BukkitObjectOutputStream(outputStream);
// Write the size of the inventory
// Save every element in the list
for (int i = 0; i < inventory.getSize(); i++) {
// Serialize that array
return Base64Coder.encodeLines(outputStream.toByteArray());
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to save item stacks.", e);
2013-12-27 18:19:47 -06:00
2013-12-27 10:37:32 -06:00
* A method to get an {@link Inventory} from an encoded, Base64, string.
* <p />
* Special thanks to Comphenix in the Bukkit forums or also known
* as aadnk on GitHub.
* <a href="https://gist.github.com/aadnk/8138186">Original Source</a>
* @param data Base64 string of data containing an inventory.
* @return Inventory created from the Base64 string.
* @throws IOException
public static Inventory fromBase64(String data) throws IOException {
2013-12-28 15:08:24 -06:00
if(data.isEmpty()) Bukkit.getServer().createInventory(null, 0);
2013-12-27 10:37:32 -06:00
try {
ByteArrayInputStream inputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(Base64Coder.decodeLines(data));
BukkitObjectInputStream dataInput = new BukkitObjectInputStream(inputStream);
Inventory inventory = Bukkit.getServer().createInventory(null, dataInput.readInt());
// Read the serialized inventory
for (int i = 0; i < inventory.getSize(); i++) {
inventory.setItem(i, (ItemStack) dataInput.readObject());
return inventory;
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
throw new IOException("Unable to decode class type.", e);
2013-12-27 18:19:47 -06:00
* Gets an array of ItemStacks from Base64 string.
* <p />
* Base off of {@link #fromBase64(String)}.
* @param data Base64 string to convert to ItemStack array.
* @return ItemStack array created from the Base64 string.
* @throws IOException
public static ItemStack[] itemStackArrayFromBase64(String data) throws IOException {
2013-12-28 15:08:24 -06:00
if(data.isEmpty()) return new ItemStack[] {};
2013-12-27 18:19:47 -06:00
try {
ByteArrayInputStream inputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(Base64Coder.decodeLines(data));
BukkitObjectInputStream dataInput = new BukkitObjectInputStream(inputStream);
ItemStack[] items = new ItemStack[dataInput.readInt()];
// Read the serialized inventory
for (int i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
items[i] = (ItemStack) dataInput.readObject();
return items;
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
throw new IOException("Unable to decode class type.", e);
2013-12-31 13:20:39 -06:00
public static void restoreInventory(Player player, Prisoner prisoner) {
try {
Inventory content = Util.fromBase64(prisoner.getInventory());
ItemStack[] armor = Util.itemStackArrayFromBase64(prisoner.getArmor());
for(ItemStack item : armor) {
if(item == null)
else if(item.getType().toString().toLowerCase().contains("helmet"))
else if(item.getType().toString().toLowerCase().contains("chestplate"))
else if(item.getType().toString().toLowerCase().contains("leg"))
else if(item.getType().toString().toLowerCase().contains("boots"))
else if (player.getInventory().firstEmpty() == -1)
player.getWorld().dropItem(player.getLocation(), item);
for(ItemStack item : content.getContents()) {
if(item == null) continue;
else if(player.getInventory().firstEmpty() == -1)
player.getWorld().dropItem(player.getLocation(), item);
} catch (IOException e) {
Bukkit.getLogger().severe("Unable to restore " + player.getName() + "'s inventory.");
2013-12-06 10:28:03 -06:00