My own way to control block-breaking/-placing

This version controls blockbreaking and -placing when noone is playing
(no game is running) using the whitelist/blacklist feature to prevent
people from breaking the spawn-/lobby-area !  This behaviour is
switchable (config) and controllable (permission) !
This commit is contained in:
Jeppa 2013-03-30 16:33:08 +01:00
parent 2ae5363b4b
commit 1a5b18ebe1

View File

@ -32,39 +32,36 @@ public class BlockStorage implements Listener {
String pname = p.getName();
boolean protall = false;
if (plugin.config.getString("Protected_Arena_Always").equalsIgnoreCase("True")) { /* Jeppa Fix/Add */
protall = true;
p.sendMessage("You can't break blocks, at all, if you feel this should change, talk to the server owner.");
if(!p.hasPermission("HungerArena.arena")){ // Admins frei...
protall = true;
if (plugin.getArena(p) != null || !protall) {
if ((plugin.getArena(p) != null) || (protall)) { /* Bug1a */
//int a = this.plugin.getArena(p).intValue();
int a = 1; //Jeppa: define a default (may be needed if protall is true)
if (plugin.getArena(p) != null){
a = plugin.getArena(p);
if (!event.isCancelled() && plugin.Playing.get(a).contains(pname)){
if (plugin.config.getString("Protected_Arena").equalsIgnoreCase("True")) {
if (plugin.getArena(p) != null) a = plugin.getArena(p);
if ((!event.isCancelled()) && (((plugin.Playing.get(a)).contains(pname)) || (protall))) /* Bug1a */
if (plugin.config.getString("Protected_Arena").equalsIgnoreCase("True")) {
event.setCancelled(true); /* Jeppa fix Bug1 */
p.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "You can't break blocks while playing!");
} else if ((((plugin.canjoin.get(a))) || (protall)) && ((plugin.config.getStringList("worlds").isEmpty()) || ((!plugin.config.getStringList("worlds").isEmpty()) && (plugin.config.getStringList("worlds").contains(p.getWorld().getName()))))) {
if ((("blocks.whitelist").isEmpty()) || ((!"blocks.whitelist").isEmpty()) && (!"blocks.whitelist").contains(Integer.valueOf(b.getTypeId()))))) ^ ("blocks.useWhitelistAsBlacklist"))) {
p.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "You can't break blocks while playing!");
} else if ((((plugin.canjoin.get(a))) || (protall)) && ((plugin.config.getStringList("worlds").isEmpty()) || ((!plugin.config.getStringList("worlds").isEmpty()) && (plugin.config.getStringList("worlds").contains(p.getWorld().getName()))))) {
if ((("blocks.whitelist").isEmpty()) || ((!"blocks.whitelist").isEmpty()) && (!"blocks.whitelist").contains(Integer.valueOf(b.getTypeId()))))) ^ ("blocks.useWhitelistAsBlacklist"))) {
p.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "That is an illegal block!");
} else {
String w = b.getWorld().getName();
int x = b.getX();
int y = b.getY();
int z = b.getZ();
int d = b.getTypeId();
byte m = b.getData();
String coords = w + "," + x + "," + y + "," + z + "," + d + "," + m + "," + a;
List<String> blocks ="Blocks_Destroyed");
if (!"Blocks_Placed").contains(w + "," + x + "," + y + "," + z + "," + a)) {
blocks.add(coords);"Blocks_Destroyed", blocks);
p.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "That is an illegal block!");
} else {
String w = b.getWorld().getName();
int x = b.getX();
int y = b.getY();
int z = b.getZ();
int d = b.getTypeId();
byte m = b.getData();
String coords = w + "," + x + "," + y + "," + z + "," + d + "," + m + "," + a;
List<String> blocks ="Blocks_Destroyed");
if (!"Blocks_Placed").contains(w + "," + x + "," + y + "," + z + "," + a)) {
blocks.add(coords);"Blocks_Destroyed", blocks);
@ -140,11 +137,18 @@ public class BlockStorage implements Listener {
public void blockPlace(BlockPlaceEvent event){
Block b = event.getBlock();
Player p = event.getPlayer();
if(plugin.getArena(p)!= null){
int a = plugin.getArena(p);
boolean protall = false;
if (plugin.config.getString("Protected_Arena_Always").equalsIgnoreCase("True")) { /* Jeppa Fix/Add */
if(!p.hasPermission("HungerArena.arena")){ // Admins or with permission : free...
protall = true;
if ((plugin.getArena(p) != null) || (protall)) { /* Bug1a */
int a = 1; //Jeppa: define a default (may be needed if protall is true)
if (plugin.getArena(p) != null) a = plugin.getArena(p);
if (((plugin.Playing.get(a)).contains(p.getName())) || (protall)) {
if((plugin.canjoin.get(a)) || (protall)){
if(plugin.config.getStringList("worlds").isEmpty() || (!plugin.config.getStringList("worlds").isEmpty() && plugin.config.getStringList("worlds").contains(b.getWorld().getName()))){
if((b.getType()== Material.SAND || b.getType()== Material.GRAVEL) && (b.getRelative(BlockFace.DOWN).getType()== Material.AIR || b.getRelative(BlockFace.DOWN).getType()== Material.WATER || b.getRelative(BlockFace.DOWN).getType()== Material.LAVA)){
int n = b.getY() -1;
@ -159,6 +163,7 @@ public class BlockStorage implements Listener {
int y = br.getY();
int z = br.getZ();
String coords = w + "," + x + "," + y + "," + z + "," + a;
p.sendMessage(ChatColor.GREEN + "Sand/Gravel will land at " + coords);
List<String> blocks ="Blocks_Placed");
blocks.add(coords);"Blocks_Placed", blocks);