Add Dynmap support
This commit is contained in:
@ -69,6 +69,11 @@
<!-- Dynmap -->
<!-- Build -->
@ -66,6 +66,7 @@ import com.massivecraft.factions.entity.migrator.MigratorMPlayer001Ranks;
import com.massivecraft.factions.entity.migrator.MigratorMPlayer002UsingAdminMode;
import com.massivecraft.factions.entity.migrator.MigratorTerritoryAccess001Restructure;
import com.massivecraft.factions.event.EventFactionsChunkChangeType;
import com.massivecraft.factions.integration.dynmap.IntegrationDynmap;
import com.massivecraft.factions.integration.lwc.IntegrationLwc;
import com.massivecraft.factions.integration.placeholderapi.IntegrationPlaceholderAPI;
import com.massivecraft.factions.integration.venturechat.IntegrationVentureChat;
@ -195,7 +196,8 @@ public class Factions extends MassivePlugin
@ -4,12 +4,15 @@ import com.massivecraft.factions.Factions;
import com.massivecraft.factions.Rel;
import com.massivecraft.factions.engine.EngineChat;
import com.massivecraft.factions.event.EventFactionsChunkChangeType;
import com.massivecraft.factions.integration.dynmap.DynmapStyle;
import com.massivecraft.factions.integration.dynmap.IntegrationDynmap;
import com.massivecraft.massivecore.collections.BackstringSet;
import com.massivecraft.massivecore.collections.MassiveSet;
import com.massivecraft.massivecore.collections.WorldExceptionSet;
import com.massivecraft.massivecore.command.editor.annotation.EditorName;
import com.massivecraft.massivecore.command.editor.annotation.EditorType;
import com.massivecraft.massivecore.command.editor.annotation.EditorTypeInner;
import com.massivecraft.massivecore.command.editor.annotation.EditorVisible;
import com.massivecraft.massivecore.command.type.TypeMillisDiff;
import com.massivecraft.massivecore.util.MUtil;
@ -670,4 +673,78 @@ public class MConf extends Entity<MConf>
public boolean useNewMoneySystem = false;
// -------------------------------------------- //
// -------------------------------------------- //
// Should the dynmap intagration be used?
public boolean dynmapEnabled = true;
// Should the dynmap updates be logged to console output?
public boolean dynmapLogTimeSpent = false;
// Name of the Factions layer
public String dynmapLayerName = "Factions";
// Should the layer be visible per default
public boolean dynmapLayerHiddenByDefault = false;
// Ordering priority in layer menu (low goes before high - default is 0)
public int dynmapLayerPriority = 2;
// (optional) set minimum zoom level before layer is visible (0 = defalt, always visible)
public int dynmapLayerMinimumZoom = 0;
// Format for popup - substitute values for macros
//public String dynmapInfowindowFormat = "<div class=\"infowindow\"><span style=\"font-size:120%;\">%regionname%</span><br />Flags<br /><span style=\"font-weight:bold;\">%flags%</span></div>";
public String dynmapFactionDescription =
"<div class=\"infowindow\">\n" +
"<span style=\"font-weight: bold; font-size: 150%;\">%name%</span></br>\n" +
"<span style=\"font-style: italic; font-size: 110%;\">%description%</span></br>\n" +
"</br>\n" +
"<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Leader:</span> %players.leader%</br>\n" +
"<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Members:</span> %players%</br>\n" +
"</br>\n" +
"<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Age:</span> %age%</br>\n" +
"<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Bank:</span> %money%</br>\n" +
"</br>\n" +
"<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Flags:</span></br>\n" +
"%flags.table3%\n" +
// Enable the %money% macro. Only do this if you know your economy manager is thread safe.
public boolean dynmapShowMoneyInDescription = false;
// Allow players in faction to see one another on Dynmap (only relevant if Dynmap has 'player-info-protected' enabled)
//public boolean dynmapVisibilityByFaction = true;
// Optional setting to limit which regions to show.
// If empty all regions are shown.
// Specify Faction either by name or UUID.
// To show all regions on a given world, add 'world:<worldname>' to the list.
public Set<String> dynmapVisibleFactions = new MassiveSet<>();
// Optional setting to hide specific Factions.
// Specify Faction either by name or UUID.
// To hide all regions on a given world, add 'world:<worldname>' to the list.
public Set<String> dynmapHiddenFactions = new MassiveSet<>();
public DynmapStyle dynmapDefaultStyle = new DynmapStyle(
// Optional per Faction style overrides. Any defined replace those in dynmapDefaultStyle.
// Specify Faction either by name or UUID.
public Map<String, DynmapStyle> dynmapFactionStyles =
"SafeZone", new DynmapStyle().withLineColor("#FF00FF").withFillColor("#FF00FF").withBoost(false),
"WarZone", new DynmapStyle().withLineColor("#FF0000").withFillColor("#FF0000").withBoost(false)
@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
package com.massivecraft.factions.integration.dynmap;
import com.massivecraft.massivecore.util.MUtil;
import org.dynmap.markers.AreaMarker;
import org.dynmap.markers.MarkerAPI;
import org.dynmap.markers.MarkerSet;
public class AreaMarkerValues
// -------------------------------------------- //
// -------------------------------------------- //
private final String label;
public String getLabel() { return label; }
public AreaMarkerValues withLabel(String label) { return new AreaMarkerValues(label, world, x, z, description, lineColor, lineOpacity, lineWeight, fillColor, fillOpacity, boost); }
private final String world;
public String getWorld() { return world; }
public AreaMarkerValues withWorld(String world) { return new AreaMarkerValues(label, world, x, z, description, lineColor, lineOpacity, lineWeight, fillColor, fillOpacity, boost); }
private final double[] x;
public double[] getX() { return x; }
public AreaMarkerValues withX(double[] x) { return new AreaMarkerValues(label, world, x, z, description, lineColor, lineOpacity, lineWeight, fillColor, fillOpacity, boost); }
private final double[] z;
public double[] getZ() { return z; }
public AreaMarkerValues withZ(double[] z) { return new AreaMarkerValues(label, world, x, z, description, lineColor, lineOpacity, lineWeight, fillColor, fillOpacity, boost); }
private final String description;
public String getDescription() { return description; }
public AreaMarkerValues withDescription(String description) { return new AreaMarkerValues(label, world, x, z, description, lineColor, lineOpacity, lineWeight, fillColor, fillOpacity, boost); }
private final int lineColor;
public int getLineColor() { return lineColor; }
public AreaMarkerValues withLineColor(int lineColor) { return new AreaMarkerValues(label, world, x, z, description, lineColor, lineOpacity, lineWeight, fillColor, fillOpacity, boost); }
private final double lineOpacity;
public double getLineOpacity() { return lineOpacity; }
public AreaMarkerValues withLineOpacity(double lineOpacity) { return new AreaMarkerValues(label, world, x, z, description, lineColor, lineOpacity, lineWeight, fillColor, fillOpacity, boost); }
private final int lineWeight;
public int getLineWeight() { return lineWeight; }
public AreaMarkerValues withLineWright(int lineWeight) { return new AreaMarkerValues(label, world, x, z, description, lineColor, lineOpacity, lineWeight, fillColor, fillOpacity, boost); }
private final int fillColor;
public int getFillColor() { return fillColor; }
public AreaMarkerValues withFillColor(int fillColor) { return new AreaMarkerValues(label, world, x, z, description, lineColor, lineOpacity, lineWeight, fillColor, fillOpacity, boost); }
private final double fillOpacity;
public double getFillOpacity() { return fillOpacity; }
public AreaMarkerValues withFillOpacity(double fillOpacity) { return new AreaMarkerValues(label, world, x, z, description, lineColor, lineOpacity, lineWeight, fillColor, fillOpacity, boost); }
private final boolean boost;
public boolean isBoost() { return boost; }
public AreaMarkerValues withBoost(boolean boost) { return new AreaMarkerValues(label, world, x, z, description, lineColor, lineOpacity, lineWeight, fillColor, fillOpacity, boost); }
public AreaMarkerValues withStyle(DynmapStyle style)
return new AreaMarkerValues(label, world, x, z, description, style);
// -------------------------------------------- //
// -------------------------------------------- //
public AreaMarkerValues(String label, String world, double[] x, double[] z, String description, DynmapStyle style)
this(label, world, x, z, description, style.getLineColor(), style.getLineOpacity(), style.getLineWeight(), style.getFillColor(), style.getFillOpacity(), style.getBoost());
public AreaMarkerValues(String label, String world, double[] x, double[] z, String description, int lineColor, double lineOpacity, int lineWeight, int fillColor, double fillOpacity, boolean boost)
this.label = label;
|||| = world;
this.x = x;
this.z = z;
this.description = description;
this.lineColor = lineColor;
this.lineOpacity = lineOpacity;
this.lineWeight = lineWeight;
this.fillColor = fillColor;
this.fillOpacity = fillOpacity;
this.boost = boost;
// -------------------------------------------- //
// -------------------------------------------- //
public AreaMarker ensureExistsAndUpdated(AreaMarker areaMarker, MarkerAPI markerApi, MarkerSet markerset, String markerId)
// NOTE: I remove from the map created just in the beginning of this method.
// NOTE: That way what is left at the end will be outdated markers to remove.
if (areaMarker == null)
areaMarker = create(markerApi, markerset, markerId);
update(markerApi, markerset, areaMarker);
if (areaMarker == null)
EngineDynmap.logSevere("Could not get/create the area marker " + markerId);
return areaMarker;
// -------------------------------------------- //
// -------------------------------------------- //
public AreaMarker create(MarkerAPI markerApi, MarkerSet markerset, String markerId)
AreaMarker ret = markerset.createAreaMarker(
false // not persistent
if (ret == null) return null;
// Description
// Line Style
ret.setLineStyle(this.getLineWeight(), this.getLineOpacity(), this.getLineColor());
// Fill Style
ret.setFillStyle(this.getFillOpacity(), this.getFillColor());
// Boost Flag
return ret;
// -------------------------------------------- //
// -------------------------------------------- //
public void update(MarkerAPI markerApi, MarkerSet markerset, AreaMarker marker)
// Corner Locations
if (!equals(marker, this.x, this.z))
marker.setCornerLocations(this.x, this.z);
// Label
MUtil.setIfDifferent(this.getLabel(), marker::getLabel, marker::setLabel);
// Description
MUtil.setIfDifferent(this.getDescription(), marker::getDescription, marker::setDescription);
// Line Style
!MUtil.equals(marker.getLineWeight(), this.lineWeight)
!MUtil.equals(marker.getLineOpacity(), this.lineOpacity)
!MUtil.equals(marker.getLineColor(), this.lineColor)
marker.setLineStyle(this.lineWeight, this.lineOpacity, this.lineColor);
// Fill Style
!MUtil.equals(marker.getFillOpacity(), this.fillOpacity)
!MUtil.equals(marker.getFillColor(), this.fillColor)
marker.setFillStyle(this.fillOpacity, this.fillColor);
// Boost Flag
MUtil.setIfDifferent(this.isBoost(), marker::getBoostFlag, marker::setBoostFlag);
// -------------------------------------------- //
// -------------------------------------------- //
public static boolean equals(AreaMarker marker, double[] x, double[] z)
int length = marker.getCornerCount();
if (x.length != length) return false;
if (z.length != length) return false;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
if (marker.getCornerX(i) != x[i]) return false;
if (marker.getCornerZ(i) != z[i]) return false;
return true;
@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
package com.massivecraft.factions.integration.dynmap;
import com.massivecraft.factions.entity.MConf;
public class DynmapStyle
// -------------------------------------------- //
// -------------------------------------------- //
public final String lineColor;
public int getLineColor() { return getColor(coalesce(this.lineColor, MConf.get().dynmapDefaultStyle.lineColor, IntegrationDynmap.DYNMAP_STYLE_LINE_COLOR)); }
public DynmapStyle withLineColor(String lineColor) { return new DynmapStyle(lineColor, lineOpacity, lineWeight, fillColor, fillOpacity, homeMarker, boost); }
public final Double lineOpacity;
public double getLineOpacity() { return coalesce(this.lineOpacity, MConf.get().dynmapDefaultStyle.lineOpacity, IntegrationDynmap.DYNMAP_STYLE_LINE_OPACITY); }
public DynmapStyle withLineOpacity(Double lineOpacity) { return new DynmapStyle(lineColor, lineOpacity, lineWeight, fillColor, fillOpacity, homeMarker, boost); }
public final Integer lineWeight;
public int getLineWeight() { return coalesce(this.lineWeight, MConf.get().dynmapDefaultStyle.lineWeight, IntegrationDynmap.DYNMAP_STYLE_LINE_WEIGHT); }
public DynmapStyle withLineWeight(Integer lineWeight) { return new DynmapStyle(lineColor, lineOpacity, lineWeight, fillColor, fillOpacity, homeMarker, boost); }
public final String fillColor;
public int getFillColor() { return getColor(coalesce(this.fillColor, MConf.get().dynmapDefaultStyle.fillColor, IntegrationDynmap.DYNMAP_STYLE_FILL_COLOR)); }
public DynmapStyle withFillColor(String fillColor) { return new DynmapStyle(lineColor, lineOpacity, lineWeight, fillColor, fillOpacity, homeMarker, boost); }
public final Double fillOpacity;
public double getFillOpacity() { return coalesce(this.fillOpacity, MConf.get().dynmapDefaultStyle.fillOpacity, IntegrationDynmap.DYNMAP_STYLE_FILL_OPACITY); }
public DynmapStyle withFillOpacity(Double fillOpacity) { return new DynmapStyle(lineColor, lineOpacity, lineWeight, fillColor, fillOpacity, homeMarker, boost); }
// NOTE: We just return the string here. We do not return the resolved Dynmap MarkerIcon object.
// The reason is we use this class in the MConf. For serialization to work Dynmap would have to be loaded and we can't require that.
// Using dynmap is optional.
public final String homeMarker;
public String getHomeMarker() { return coalesce(this.homeMarker, MConf.get().dynmapDefaultStyle.homeMarker, IntegrationDynmap.DYNMAP_STYLE_HOME_MARKER); }
public DynmapStyle withHomeMarker(String homeMarker) { return new DynmapStyle(lineColor, lineOpacity, lineWeight, fillColor, fillOpacity, homeMarker, boost); }
public final Boolean boost;
public boolean getBoost() { return coalesce(this.boost, MConf.get().dynmapDefaultStyle.boost, IntegrationDynmap.DYNMAP_STYLE_BOOST); }
public DynmapStyle withBoost(Boolean boost) { return new DynmapStyle(lineColor, lineOpacity, lineWeight, fillColor, fillOpacity, homeMarker, boost); }
// -------------------------------------------- //
// -------------------------------------------- //
public DynmapStyle()
this(null, null, null, null, null, null, null);
public DynmapStyle(String lineColor, Double lineOpacity, Integer lineWeight, String fillColor, Double fillOpacity, String homeMarker, Boolean boost)
this.lineColor = lineColor;
this.lineOpacity = lineOpacity;
this.lineWeight = lineWeight;
this.fillColor = fillColor;
this.fillOpacity = fillOpacity;
this.homeMarker = homeMarker;
this.boost = boost;
// -------------------------------------------- //
// -------------------------------------------- //
public static <T> T coalesce(T... items)
for (T item : items)
if (item != null) return item;
return null;
public static int getColor(String string)
int ret = 0x00FF00;
ret = Integer.parseInt(string.substring(1), 16);
catch (NumberFormatException nfx)
return ret;
@ -0,0 +1,691 @@
package com.massivecraft.factions.integration.dynmap;
import com.massivecraft.factions.Factions;
import com.massivecraft.factions.entity.BoardColl;
import com.massivecraft.factions.entity.Faction;
import com.massivecraft.factions.entity.MConf;
import com.massivecraft.factions.entity.MFlag;
import com.massivecraft.factions.entity.MPlayer;
import com.massivecraft.factions.integration.Econ;
import com.massivecraft.massivecore.Engine;
import com.massivecraft.massivecore.collections.MassiveList;
import com.massivecraft.massivecore.collections.MassiveMap;
import com.massivecraft.massivecore.collections.MassiveSet;
import com.massivecraft.massivecore.util.MUtil;
import com.massivecraft.massivecore.util.TimeDiffUtil;
import com.massivecraft.massivecore.util.TimeUnit;
import com.massivecraft.massivecore.util.Txt;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.ChatColor;
import org.dynmap.DynmapAPI;
import org.dynmap.markers.AreaMarker;
import org.dynmap.markers.MarkerAPI;
import org.dynmap.markers.MarkerSet;
import java.util.ArrayDeque;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Set;
public class EngineDynmap extends Engine
// -------------------------------------------- //
// -------------------------------------------- //
private static EngineDynmap i = new EngineDynmap();
public static EngineDynmap get() { return i; }
private EngineDynmap()
// Async
// Every 15 seconds
this.setPeriod(15 * 20L);
// -------------------------------------------- //
// -------------------------------------------- //
private DynmapAPI dynmapApi;
private MarkerAPI markerApi;
private MarkerSet markerset;
// -------------------------------------------- //
// -------------------------------------------- //
// Thread Safe / Asynchronous: Yes
public void run()
// Is Dynmap enabled?
if (MConf.get().dynmapEnabled)
public void perform()
long before = System.currentTimeMillis();
// We do what we can here.
// You /can/ run this method from the main server thread but it's not recommended at all.
// This method is supposed to be run async to avoid locking the main server thread.
//final Map<String, TempMarker> homes = createHomes();
final Map<String, AreaMarkerValues> areas = createAreas();
logTimeSpent("Async", before);
// Shedule non thread safe sync at the end!
Bukkit.getScheduler().scheduleSyncDelayedTask(Factions.get(), () -> this.updateFactionsDynmap(areas));
public void updateFactionsDynmap(Map<String, AreaMarkerValues> areas)
long before = System.currentTimeMillis();
if (!Bukkit.isPrimaryThread()) throw new IllegalStateException("async");
if (!fetchDynmapAPI()) return;
// createLayer() is thread safe but it makes use of fields set in fetchDynmapAPI() so we must have it after.
if (!updateLayer(createLayer())) return;
logTimeSpent("Sync", before);
public void disable()
if (this.markerset != null)
this.markerset = null;
// Thread Safe / Asynchronous: Yes
public static void logTimeSpent(String name, long start)
if (!MConf.get().dynmapLogTimeSpent) return;
long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
long duration = end-start;
String message = Txt.parse("<i>Dynmap %s took <h>%dms<i>.", name, duration);
// -------------------------------------------- //
// API
// -------------------------------------------- //
// Thread Safe / Asynchronous: No
public boolean fetchDynmapAPI()
// Get DynmapAPI
this.dynmapApi = (DynmapAPI) Bukkit.getPluginManager().getPlugin("dynmap");
if (this.dynmapApi == null)
logSevere("Could not access the DynmapAPI.");
return false;
// Get MarkerAPI
this.markerApi = this.dynmapApi.getMarkerAPI();
if (this.markerApi == null)
logSevere("Could not access the MarkerAPI.");
return false;
return true;
// -------------------------------------------- //
// UPDATE: Layer
// -------------------------------------------- //
// Thread Safe / Asynchronous: Yes
public LayerValues createLayer()
return new LayerValues(
// Thread Safe / Asynchronous: No
public boolean updateLayer(LayerValues temp)
this.markerset = temp.ensureExistsAndUpdated(this.markerApi, IntegrationDynmap.FACTIONS_MARKERSET);
return this.markerset != null;
// -------------------------------------------- //
// -------------------------------------------- //
// Thread Safe: YES
public Map<String, AreaMarkerValues> createAreas()
Map<String, Map<Faction, Set<PS>>> worldFactionChunks = BoardColl.get().getWorldToFactionToChunks(false);
return createAreas(worldFactionChunks);
// Thread Safe: YES
public Map<String, AreaMarkerValues> createAreas(Map<String, Map<Faction, Set<PS>>> worldFactionChunks)
// For each world create the areas
return worldFactionChunks.entrySet().stream()
// And combine all of those into a single map:
.collect(Collectors.toMap(Entry::getKey, Entry::getValue));
public Map<String, AreaMarkerValues> createAreas(Entry<String, Map<Faction, Set<PS>>> superEntry)
return createAreas(superEntry.getKey(), superEntry.getValue());
public Map<String, AreaMarkerValues> createAreas(String world, Map<Faction, Set<PS>> map)
// For each entry convert it into the appropriate map (with method below)
return map.entrySet().stream()
.map(e -> createAreas(world, e))
// And combine all of those into a single map:
.collect(Collectors.toMap(Entry::getKey, Entry::getValue));
public Map<String, AreaMarkerValues> createAreas(String world, Entry<Faction, Set<PS>> entry)
return createAreas(world, entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
public Map<String, AreaMarkerValues> createAreas(String world, Faction faction, Set<PS> chunks)
// If the faction is visible ...
if (!isVisible(faction, world)) return Collections.emptyMap();
// ... and has any chunks ...
if (chunks.isEmpty()) return Collections.emptyMap();
Map<String, AreaMarkerValues> ret = new MassiveMap<>();
// Get info
String description = getDescription(faction);
DynmapStyle style = this.getStyle(faction);
// Here we start of with all chunks
// This field is slowly cleared when the chunks are grouped into polygons
Set<PS> allChunksSource = new MassiveSet<>(chunks);
while (!allChunksSource.isEmpty())
PS somePs = allChunksSource.iterator().next();
// Create the polygon
Set<PS> polygonChunks = new MassiveSet<>();
floodFillTarget(allChunksSource, polygonChunks, somePs);
List<PS> linelist = getLineList(polygonChunks);
// Calc the x and y arrays
int sz = linelist.size();
double[] x = new double[sz];
double[] z = new double[sz];
int i = 0;
for (PS ps : linelist)
x[i] = ps.getLocationX(true);
z[i] = ps.getLocationZ(true);
// Build information for specific area
String markerId = calcMarkerId(world, faction);
AreaMarkerValues values = new AreaMarkerValues(faction.getName(), world, x, z, description, style);
ret.put(markerId, values);
return ret;
private static PS getMinimum(Collection<PS> pss)
int minimumX = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
int minimumZ = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
for (PS chunk : pss)
int chunkX = chunk.getChunkX();
int chunkZ = chunk.getChunkZ();
if (chunkX < minimumX)
minimumX = chunkX;
minimumZ = chunkZ;
else if (chunkX == minimumX && chunkZ < minimumZ)
minimumZ = chunkZ;
return PS.valueOf(minimumX, minimumZ);
private static List<PS> getLineList(Set<PS> polygonChunks)
PS minimumChunk = getMinimum(polygonChunks);
//final int initialX = minimumChunk.getChunkX();
//final int initialZ = minimumChunk.getChunkZ();
//int currentX = initialX;
//int currentZ = initialZ;
PS currentChunk = minimumChunk;
Direction direction = Direction.XPLUS;
List<PS> linelist = new MassiveList<>();
linelist.add(minimumChunk); // Add start point
while ((!currentChunk.equals(minimumChunk)) || (direction != Direction.ZMINUS))
PS adjacent = direction.adjacent(currentChunk);
PS corner = direction.getCorner(currentChunk);
// If the adjacent chunk is not present
if (!polygonChunks.contains(adjacent))
{ // Right turn?
linelist.add(corner); // Finish line
direction = direction.turnRight(); // Change direction
// If the chunk left of the adjacent is not present
else if (!polygonChunks.contains(direction.turnLeft().adjacent(adjacent)))
{ // Straight?
currentChunk = adjacent;
{ // Left turn
linelist.add(corner); // Finish line
direction = direction.turnLeft();
// Left turn of adjacent
currentChunk = direction.adjacent(adjacent);
return linelist;
private static boolean isSoutheastClaimed(PS ps, Collection<PS> polygon)
return polygon.contains(PS.valueOf(ps.getChunkX() - 1, ps.getChunkZ() + 1));
private static boolean isNortheastClaimed(PS ps, Collection<PS> polygon)
return polygon.contains(PS.valueOf(ps.getChunkX() + 1, ps.getChunkZ() + 1));
private static boolean isSouthwestClaimed(PS ps, Collection<PS> polygon)
return polygon.contains(PS.valueOf(ps.getChunkX() - 1, ps.getChunkZ() - 1));
private static boolean isNorthwestClaimed(PS ps, Collection<PS> polygon)
return polygon.contains(PS.valueOf(ps.getChunkX() + 1, ps.getChunkZ() - 1));
private static PS getNortheastPS(PS ps)
return PS.valueOf(ps.getChunkX() + 1, ps.getChunkZ() + 1);
private static PS getSoutheastPS(PS ps)
return PS.valueOf(ps.getChunkX(), ps.getChunkZ() + 1);
private static PS getSouthwestPS(PS ps)
return PS.valueOf(ps.getChunkX(), ps.getChunkZ());
private static PS getNorthwestPS(PS ps)
return PS.valueOf(ps.getChunkX() + 1, ps.getChunkZ());
// This markerIndex, is if a faction has several claims in a single world
private int markerIdx = 0;
private String lastPartialMarkerId = "";
public String calcMarkerId(String world, Faction faction)
// Calc current partial
String partial = IntegrationDynmap.FACTIONS_AREA_ + world + "__" + faction.getId() + "__";
// If different than last time, then reset the counter
if (!partial.equals(lastPartialMarkerId)) markerIdx = 0;
this.lastPartialMarkerId = partial;
return partial + markerIdx++;
// Thread Safe: NO
public void updateAreas(Map<String, AreaMarkerValues> values)
// Cleanup old markers
this.markerset.getAreaMarkers().stream() // Get current markers
.filter(am -> !values.containsKey(am.getMarkerID())) // That are not in the new map
.forEach(AreaMarker::deleteMarker); // and delete them
// Map Current
Map<String, AreaMarker> markers = getMarkerMap(this.markerset);
// Loop New
values.forEach((markerId, value) ->
value.ensureExistsAndUpdated(markers.get(markerId), this.markerApi, this.markerset, markerId));
private static Map<String, AreaMarker> getMarkerMap(MarkerSet markerSet)
return markerSet.getAreaMarkers().stream().collect(Collectors.toMap(AreaMarker::getMarkerID, m->m));
// -------------------------------------------- //
// -------------------------------------------- //
// Thread Safe / Asynchronous: Yes
private String getDescription(Faction faction)
String ret = "<div class=\"regioninfo\">" + MConf.get().dynmapFactionDescription + "</div>";
// Name
String name = faction.getName();
ret = addToHtml(ret, "name", name);
// Description
String description = faction.getDescriptionDesc();
ret = addToHtml(ret, "description", description);
// MOTD (probably shouldn't be shown but if the server owner specifies it, I don't care)
String motd = faction.getMotd();
if (motd != null) ret = addToHtml(ret, "motd", motd);
// Age
long ageMillis = faction.getAge();
LinkedHashMap<TimeUnit, Long> ageUnitcounts = TimeDiffUtil.limit(TimeDiffUtil.unitcounts(ageMillis, TimeUnit.getAllButMillisSecondsAndMinutes()), 3);
String age = TimeDiffUtil.formatedVerboose(ageUnitcounts, "");
ret = addToHtml(ret, "age", age);
// Money
String money = "unavailable";
if (Econ.isEnabled() && MConf.get().dynmapShowMoneyInDescription)
money = Money.format(Econ.getMoney(faction));
ret = addToHtml(ret, "money", money);
// Flags
Map<MFlag, Boolean> flags = MFlag.getAll().stream()
.collect(Collectors.toMap(m -> m, faction::getFlag));
List<String> flagMapParts = new MassiveList<>();
List<String> flagTableParts = new MassiveList<>();
for (Entry<MFlag, Boolean> entry : flags.entrySet())
String flagName = entry.getKey().getName();
boolean value = entry.getValue();
String bool = String.valueOf(value);
String color = calcBoolcolor(flagName, value);
String boolcolor = calcBoolcolor(String.valueOf(value), value);
ret = ret.replace("%" + flagName + ".bool%", bool); // true
ret = ret.replace("%" + flagName + ".color%", color); // monsters (red or green)
ret = ret.replace("%" + flagName + ".boolcolor%", boolcolor); // true (red or green)
flagMapParts.add(flagName + ": " + boolcolor);
String flagMap = Txt.implode(flagMapParts, "<br>\n");
ret = ret.replace("", flagMap);
// The server can specify the wished number of columns
// So we loop over the possibilities
for (int cols = 1; cols <= 10; cols++)
String flagTable = getHtmlAsciTable(flagTableParts, cols);
ret = ret.replace("%flags.table" + cols + "%", flagTable);
// Players
List<MPlayer> playersList = faction.getMPlayers();
String playersCount = String.valueOf(playersList.size());
String players = getHtmlPlayerString(playersList);
MPlayer playersLeaderObject = faction.getLeader();
String playersLeader = getHtmlPlayerName(playersLeaderObject);
ret = ret.replace("%players%", players);
ret = ret.replace("%players.count%", playersCount);
ret = ret.replace("%players.leader%", playersLeader);
return ret;
public static String getHtmlAsciTable(Collection<String> strings, final int cols)
StringBuilder ret = new StringBuilder();
int count = 0;
for (Iterator<String> iter = strings.iterator(); iter.hasNext();)
String string =;
if (iter.hasNext())
boolean lineBreak = count % cols == 0;
ret.append(lineBreak ? "<br>" : " | ");
return ret.toString();
public static String getHtmlPlayerString(List<MPlayer> mplayers)
List<String> names =;
return Txt.implodeCommaAndDot(names);
public static String getHtmlPlayerName(MPlayer mplayer)
if (mplayer == null) return "none";
return StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(mplayer.getName());
public static String calcBoolcolor(String string, boolean bool)
return "<span style=\"color: " + (bool ? "#008000" : "#800000") + ";\">" + string + "</span>";
public static String addToHtml(String ret, String target, String replace)
if (ret == null) throw new NullPointerException("ret");
if (target == null) throw new NullPointerException("target");
if (replace == null) throw new NullPointerException("replace");
target = "%" + target + "%";
replace = ChatColor.stripColor(replace);
replace = StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(replace);
return ret.replace(target, replace);
// Thread Safe / Asynchronous: Yes
private boolean isVisible(Faction faction, String world)
if (faction == null) throw new NullPointerException("faction");
if (world == null) throw new NullPointerException("world");
final String factionId = faction.getId();
final String factionName = faction.getName();
final String worldId = "world:" + world;
Set<String> ids = MUtil.set(factionId, factionName, worldId);
if (factionId == null) throw new NullPointerException("faction id");
if (factionName == null) throw new NullPointerException("faction name");
Set<String> visible = MConf.get().dynmapVisibleFactions;
Set<String> hidden = MConf.get().dynmapHiddenFactions;
if (!visible.isEmpty() &&
return false;
if (!hidden.isEmpty() &&
return false;
return true;
// Thread Safe / Asynchronous: Yes
public DynmapStyle getStyle(Faction faction)
Map<String, DynmapStyle> styles = MConf.get().dynmapFactionStyles;
return DynmapStyle.coalesce(
public static void logSevere(String msg)
String message = ChatColor.RED.toString() + msg;
enum Direction
public PS adjacent(PS ps)
switch (this)
case XPLUS: return PS.valueOf(ps.getChunkX() + 1, ps.getChunkZ());
case ZPLUS: return PS.valueOf(ps.getChunkX(), ps.getChunkZ() + 1);
case XMINUS: return PS.valueOf(ps.getChunkX() - 1, ps.getChunkZ());
case ZMINUS: return PS.valueOf(ps.getChunkX(), ps.getChunkZ() - 1);
throw new RuntimeException("say what");
public PS getCorner(PS ps)
switch (this)
case XPLUS: return PS.valueOf(ps.getChunkX() + 1, ps.getChunkZ());
case ZPLUS: return PS.valueOf(ps.getChunkX() + 1, ps.getChunkZ() + 1);
case XMINUS: return PS.valueOf(ps.getChunkX(), ps.getChunkZ() + 1);
case ZMINUS: return PS.valueOf(ps.getChunkX(), ps.getChunkZ());
throw new RuntimeException("say what");
public Direction turnRight()
return values()[(this.ordinal() + 1) % values().length];
public Direction turnAround()
return this.turnRight().turnRight();
public Direction turnLeft()
return this.turnRight().turnRight().turnRight();
private void floodFillTarget(Collection<PS> source, Collection<PS> destination, PS startChunk)
// Create the deque
ArrayDeque<PS> stack = new ArrayDeque<>();
// And for each item in the queue
while (!stack.isEmpty())
PS next = stack.pop();
// If it is in the source
// Remove it from there to avoid double-counting (and endless recursion)
if (!source.remove(next)) continue;
// Add to destination
// And look in adjacent chunks that are within the source
.map(d -> d.adjacent(next))
@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
package com.massivecraft.factions.integration.dynmap;
import com.massivecraft.factions.integration.worldguard.EngineWorldGuard;
import com.massivecraft.massivecore.Engine;
import com.massivecraft.massivecore.Integration;
public class IntegrationDynmap extends Integration
// -------------------------------------------- //
// -------------------------------------------- //
// Constants must be here rather than in EngineDynmap.
// MConf relies on DynmapStyle which relies on these constants
// and we must be able to load MConf without EngineDynmap.
public final static int BLOCKS_PER_CHUNK = 16;
public final static String FACTIONS = "factions";
public final static String FACTIONS_ = FACTIONS + "_";
public final static String FACTIONS_MARKERSET = FACTIONS_ + "markerset";
public final static String FACTIONS_AREA = FACTIONS_ + "area";
public final static String FACTIONS_AREA_ = FACTIONS_AREA + "_";
public final static transient String DYNMAP_STYLE_LINE_COLOR = "#00FF00";
public final static transient double DYNMAP_STYLE_LINE_OPACITY = 0.8D;
public final static transient int DYNMAP_STYLE_LINE_WEIGHT = 3;
public final static transient String DYNMAP_STYLE_FILL_COLOR = "#00FF00";
public final static transient double DYNMAP_STYLE_FILL_OPACITY = 0.35D;
public final static transient String DYNMAP_STYLE_HOME_MARKER = "greenflag";
public final static transient boolean DYNMAP_STYLE_BOOST = false;
// -------------------------------------------- //
// -------------------------------------------- //
private static IntegrationDynmap i = new IntegrationDynmap();
public static IntegrationDynmap get() { return i; }
private IntegrationDynmap()
// -------------------------------------------- //
// -------------------------------------------- //
public Engine getEngine()
return EngineDynmap.get();
@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
package com.massivecraft.factions.integration.dynmap;
import com.massivecraft.massivecore.util.MUtil;
import org.dynmap.markers.MarkerAPI;
import org.dynmap.markers.MarkerSet;
public class LayerValues
// -------------------------------------------- //
// -------------------------------------------- //
private final String label;
public String getLabel() { return label; }
public LayerValues withLabel(String label) { return new LayerValues(label, minimumZoom, priority, hiddenByDefault); }
private final int minimumZoom;
public int getMinimumZoom() { return minimumZoom; }
public LayerValues withMinimumZoom(int minimumZoom) { return new LayerValues(label, minimumZoom, priority, hiddenByDefault); }
private final int priority;
public int getPriority() { return priority; }
public LayerValues withPriority(int priority) { return new LayerValues(label, minimumZoom, priority, hiddenByDefault); }
private final boolean hiddenByDefault;
public boolean isHiddenByDefault() { return hiddenByDefault; }
public LayerValues withHidenByDefault(boolean hideByDefault) { return new LayerValues(label, minimumZoom, priority, hideByDefault); }
// -------------------------------------------- //
// -------------------------------------------- //
public LayerValues(String label, int minimumZoom, int priority, boolean hideByDefault)
this.label = label;
this.minimumZoom = minimumZoom;
this.priority = priority;
this.hiddenByDefault = hideByDefault;
// -------------------------------------------- //
// -------------------------------------------- //
public MarkerSet ensureExistsAndUpdated(MarkerAPI api, String id)
MarkerSet set = api.getMarkerSet(id);
if (set == null)
set = this.create(api, id);
if (set == null)
EngineDynmap.logSevere("Could not create the Faction Markerset/Layer");
return set;
// -------------------------------------------- //
// -------------------------------------------- //
public MarkerSet create(MarkerAPI markerApi, String id)
MarkerSet ret = markerApi.createMarkerSet(id, this.label, null, false); // ("null, false" at the end means "all icons allowed, not perisistent")
if (ret == null) return null;
// Minimum Zoom
if (this.minimumZoom > 0)
// Priority
// Hide by Default
return ret;
// -------------------------------------------- //
// -------------------------------------------- //
public void update(MarkerSet markerset)
// Minimum Zoom
if (this.minimumZoom > 0)
MUtil.setIfDifferent(this.getMinimumZoom(), markerset::getMinZoom, markerset::setMinZoom);
// Set other values
MUtil.setIfDifferent(this.getLabel(), markerset::getMarkerSetLabel, markerset::setMarkerSetLabel);
MUtil.setIfDifferent(this.getPriority(), markerset::getLayerPriority, markerset::setLayerPriority);
MUtil.setIfDifferent(this.isHiddenByDefault(), markerset::getHideByDefault, markerset::setHideByDefault);
@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
package com.massivecraft.factions.integration.dynmap;
import com.massivecraft.massivecore.util.MUtil;
import org.dynmap.markers.Marker;
import org.dynmap.markers.MarkerAPI;
import org.dynmap.markers.MarkerIcon;
import org.dynmap.markers.MarkerSet;
public class MarkerValues
// -------------------------------------------- //
// -------------------------------------------- //
private final String label;
public String getLabel() { return label; }
public MarkerValues withLabel(String label) { return new MarkerValues(label, world, x, y, z, iconName, description); }
private final String world;
public String getWorld() { return world; }
public MarkerValues withWorld(String world) { return new MarkerValues(label, world, x, y, z, iconName, description); }
private final double x;
public double getX() { return x; }
public MarkerValues withX(double x) { return new MarkerValues(label, world, x, y, z, iconName, description); }
private final double y;
public double getY() { return y; }
public MarkerValues withY(double y) { return new MarkerValues(label, world, x, y, z, iconName, description); }
private final double z;
public double getZ() { return z; }
public MarkerValues withZ(double z) { return new MarkerValues(label, world, x, y, z, iconName, description); }
private final String iconName;
public String getIconName() { return iconName; }
public MarkerValues withIconName(String iconName) { return new MarkerValues(label, world, x, y, z, iconName, description); }
private final String description;
public String getDescription() { return description; }
public MarkerValues withDescription(String description) { return new MarkerValues(label, world, x, y, z, iconName, description); }
// -------------------------------------------- //
// -------------------------------------------- //
public MarkerValues(String label, String world, double x, double y, double z, String iconName, String description)
this.label = label;
|||| = world;
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.z = z;
this.iconName = iconName;
this.description = description;
// -------------------------------------------- //
// -------------------------------------------- //
public Marker ensureExistsAndUpdated(MarkerAPI markerApi, MarkerSet markerset, String id)
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("todo");
// -------------------------------------------- //
// -------------------------------------------- //
public Marker create(MarkerAPI markerApi, MarkerSet markerset, String markerId)
Marker ret = markerset.createMarker(
getMarkerIcon(markerApi, this.getIconName()),
false // not persistent
if (ret == null) return null;
return ret;
// -------------------------------------------- //
// -------------------------------------------- //
public void update(MarkerAPI markerApi, MarkerSet markerset, Marker marker)
!MUtil.equals(marker.getWorld(), this.getWorld())
marker.getX() != this.getX()
marker.getY() != this.getY()
marker.getZ() != this.getZ()
MUtil.setIfDifferent(this.getLabel(), marker::getLabel, marker::setLabel);
MarkerIcon icon = getMarkerIcon(markerApi, this.iconName);
MUtil.setIfDifferent(icon, marker::getMarkerIcon, marker::setMarkerIcon);
MUtil.setIfDifferent(this.getDescription(), marker::getDescription, marker::setDescription);
// -------------------------------------------- //
// -------------------------------------------- //
public static MarkerIcon getMarkerIcon(MarkerAPI markerApi, String name)
MarkerIcon ret = markerApi.getMarkerIcon(name);
if (ret == null) ret = markerApi.getMarkerIcon(IntegrationDynmap.DYNMAP_STYLE_HOME_MARKER);
return ret;
Reference in New Issue
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