Improves setup description
This commit is contained in:
@ -50,27 +50,27 @@ _**Note:** Instead of using /BlockHunt you could use:_
<> = Required [] = Optional
| Command | Description | Permission | Default allowed |
| `/BlockHunt [info/i]` | Displays the plugin's info. | | All players have this permission from default._ |
| `/BlockHunt <help/h>` | Shows a list of commands. | | All players have this permission from default._ |
| `/BlockHunt <reload/r>` | Reloads all configs. | blockhunt.reload | blockhunt.admin |
| `/BlockHunt <join/j> <arenaName>` | Joins a BlockHunt game. | blockhunt.join | blockhunt.player |
| `/BlockHunt <leave/l>` | Leave a BlockHunt game. | blockhunt.leave | blockhunt.player |
| `/BlockHunt <list/li>` | Shows a list of available arenas. | blockhunt.list | blockhunt.player |
| `/BlockHunt <shop/sh>` | Opens the BlockHunt shop. | | blockhunt.player |
| `/BlockHunt <start/go> <arenaName>` | Forces an arena to start. | blockhunt.start | blockhunt.moderator |
| `/BlockHunt <wand/w>` | Gives you the wand selection tool. | blockhunt.create | blockhunt.admin |
| `/BlockHunt <create/c> <arenaName>` | Creates an arena from your selection. | blockhunt.create | blockhunt.admin |
| `/BlockHunt <set/s> <arenaName>` | Opens a panel to set settings. | blockhunt.set | blockhunt.moderator |
| `/BlockHunt <setWarp/sw> <lobby/hiders/seekers/spawn> <arenaName>` | Sets warps for your arena. | blockhunt.setWarp | blockhunt.moderator |
| `/BlockHunt <remove/delete> <arenaName>` | Deletes an Arena. | blockhunt.remove | blockhunt.admin |
| `/BlockHunt <tokens/t> <set/add/take> <%playerName%> <amount>` | Change someones tokens. | blockhunt.tokens | blockhunt.admin |
| | Able to join full games. | blockhunt.joinfull | blockhunt.moderator |
| | Able to join/leave using join/leave signs. | blockhunt.joinsign | blockhunt.player |
| | Able to create a join/leave sign. | blockhunt.signcreate | blockhunt.moderator |
| | Gives you the BlockChooser. | | blockhunt.admin |
| | Gives you the ability to do all commands in-game. | blockhunt.allcommands | Operators |
| Command | Description | Permission | Default allowed |
| `/BlockHunt [info/i]` | Displays the plugin's info. | | All players have this permission by default. |
| `/BlockHunt <help/h>` | Shows a list of commands. | | All players have this permission by default. |
| `/BlockHunt <reload/r>` | Reloads all configs. | blockhunt.reload | blockhunt.admin |
| `/BlockHunt <join/j> <arenaName>` | Joins a BlockHunt game. | blockhunt.join | blockhunt.player |
| `/BlockHunt <leave/l>` | Leave a BlockHunt game. | blockhunt.leave | blockhunt.player |
| `/BlockHunt <list/li>` | Shows a list of available arenas. | blockhunt.list | blockhunt.player |
| `/BlockHunt <shop/sh>` | Opens the BlockHunt shop. | | blockhunt.player |
| `/BlockHunt <start/go> <arenaName>` | Forces an arena to start. | blockhunt.start | blockhunt.moderator |
| `/BlockHunt <wand/w>` | Gives you the wand selection tool. | blockhunt.create | blockhunt.admin |
| `/BlockHunt <create/c> <arenaName>` | Creates an arena from your selection. | blockhunt.create | blockhunt.admin |
| `/BlockHunt <set/s> <arenaName>` | Opens a panel to set settings. | blockhunt.set | blockhunt.moderator |
| `/BlockHunt <setWarp/sw> <lobby/hiders/seekers/spawn> <arenaName>` | Sets warps for your arena. | blockhunt.setWarp | blockhunt.moderator |
| `/BlockHunt <remove/delete> <arenaName>` | Deletes an Arena. | blockhunt.remove | blockhunt.admin |
| `/BlockHunt <tokens/t> <set/add/take> <%playerName%> <amount>` | Change someones tokens. | blockhunt.tokens | blockhunt.admin |
| | Able to join full games. | blockhunt.joinfull | blockhunt.moderator |
| | Able to join/leave using join/leave signs. | blockhunt.joinsign | blockhunt.player |
| | Able to create a join/leave sign. | blockhunt.signcreate | blockhunt.moderator |
| | Gives you the BlockChooser. | | blockhunt.admin |
| | Gives you the ability to do all commands in-game. | blockhunt.allcommands | Operators |
### Other special permissions
@ -100,11 +100,33 @@ and then left-click with the wand on the opposite corner. Make sure one corner i
that the other is above the top of the arena.
Use `/bh create \<name>` to create your new arena with name \<name>. Use `/bh set \<name>` to get a GUI for setting the
properties of the arena. You can set the maximum number of players that can play at once, the minimum amount of players
for a game to start, the amount of seekers required to start, the amount of seconds to keep the players in the lobby (
allowing other players to join) before starting the arena, the number of seconds to wait until seekers can start
seeking, the amount of time a game will last, the amount of seconds between each time the number of remaining hiders is
announced, the number of seconds before the game ends the hiders will be given swords.
properties of the arena. See [this](#arena-interface-descriptions) for information about the various settable values.
When you've set the values as wanted, click the book. In the inventory, put all blocks you want hiders to use.
The last step in the setup is to set the warps. Use `/bh sw lobby \<name>` to set the lobby at your current location.
The lobby is the location players are teleported to after joining, before the arena starts. Use `/bh sw hiders \<name>`
to set the hiders spawn. This is where hiders are teleported once the arena starts. Use `/bh sw seekers \<name>`
to set the seekers location at your current location. The seekers location is where seekers are teleported when the
arena starts. Choose a place where they cannot reach or see the hiders, as they are teleported to the hiders warp once
they are allowed to start seeking. Use `/bh sw spawn \<name>` to set the locations players will go to when exiting the
You can set up a join sign, which also displays current players, by creating a sign like:
1. \[BlockHunt]
2. \<name>
You can set up a leave sign, by creating a sign, in the arena and/or lobby, like:
1. \[BlockHunt]
2. Leave
You can set up a shop sign, by creating a sign like:
1. \[BlockHunt]
2. Shop
Join your new arena with `/bh join \<name>`.
### Arena interface descriptions
@ -136,8 +158,20 @@ The amount of seconds a game will last. If the hiders are alive after this time,
#### blockAnnouncerTime
The amount of seconds
The amount of seconds left when announcing the number of currently hiding players.
#### sword
#### timeUntilHidersSword
The amount of seconds to wait before allowing hiders to defend themselves with a wooden sword.
The amount of seconds to wait before allowing hiders to defend themselves with a wooden sword.
#### hidersTokenWin
The number of tokens rewarded if the hiders win.
#### seekersTokenWin
The number of tokens rewarded if the seekers win.
#### killTokens
The number of tokens rewarded if a seeker kills a hider.
@ -19,8 +19,8 @@ import java.util.Map;
public class Arena implements ConfigurationSerializable {
public final String arenaName;
public final Location pos1;
public final Location pos2;
public final Location corner1;
public final Location corner2;
public int maxPlayers;
public int minPlayers;
public int amountSeekersOnStart;
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ public class Arena implements ConfigurationSerializable {
public final List<Player> seekers;
public final Scoreboard scoreboard;
public Arena(String arenaName, Location pos1, Location pos2, int maxPlayers, int minPlayers, int amountSeekersOnStart,
public Arena(String arenaName, Location corner1, Location corner2, int maxPlayers, int minPlayers, int amountSeekersOnStart,
int timeInLobbyUntilStart, int waitingTimeSeeker, int gameTime, int timeUntilHidersSword,
int blockAnnouncerTime, boolean seekersCanHurtSeekers, boolean hidersCanHurtSeekers,
boolean hidersCanHurtHiders, boolean seekersTakeFallDamage, boolean hidersTakeFallDamage,
@ -62,8 +62,8 @@ public class Arena implements ConfigurationSerializable {
List<Player> playersInArena, ArenaState gameState, int timer, List<Player> seekers,
Scoreboard scoreboard) {
this.arenaName = arenaName;
this.pos1 = pos1;
this.pos2 = pos2;
this.corner1 = corner1;
this.corner2 = corner2;
this.maxPlayers = maxPlayers;
this.minPlayers = minPlayers;
this.amountSeekersOnStart = amountSeekersOnStart;
@ -99,8 +99,8 @@ public class Arena implements ConfigurationSerializable {
public @NotNull Map<String, Object> serialize() {
Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<>();
map.put("arenaName", arenaName);
map.put("pos1", pos1);
map.put("pos2", pos2);
map.put("pos1", corner1);
map.put("pos2", corner2);
map.put("maxPlayers", maxPlayers);
map.put("minPlayers", minPlayers);
map.put("amountSeekersOnStart", amountSeekersOnStart);
@ -73,164 +73,165 @@ public class ArenaHandler {
if (!alreadyJoined) {
for (Arena arena : MemoryStorage.arenaList) {
if (arena.arenaName.equalsIgnoreCase(arenaName)) {
found = true;
if (arena.disguiseBlocks.isEmpty()) {
MessageManager.sendFMessage(player, MessageKey.ERROR_JOIN_NO_BLOCKS_SET);
} else {
boolean inventoryEmpty = true;
for (ItemStack inventoryItem : player.getInventory()) {
if (inventoryItem != null) {
if (inventoryItem.getType() != Material.AIR) {
inventoryEmpty = false;
if (alreadyJoined) {
MessageManager.sendFMessage(player, MessageKey.ERROR_JOIN_ALREADY_JOINED);
for (ItemStack inventoryItem : player.getInventory().getArmorContents()) {
if (inventoryItem != null) {
if (inventoryItem.getType() != Material.AIR) {
inventoryEmpty = false;
if ((Boolean) MemoryStorage.config.get(ConfigKey.REQUIRE_INVENTORY_CLEAR_ON_JOIN) && !inventoryEmpty) {
MessageManager.sendFMessage(player, MessageKey.ERROR_JOIN_INVENTORY_NOT_EMPTY);
Location zero = new Location(Bukkit.getWorld(player.getWorld().getName()), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
if (arena.lobbyWarp != null && arena.hidersWarp != null && arena.seekersWarp != null && arena.spawnWarp != null) {
if (!arena.lobbyWarp.equals(zero) && !arena.hidersWarp.equals(zero) && !arena.seekersWarp.equals(zero) && !arena.spawnWarp.equals(zero)) {
if (arena.gameState == ArenaState.WAITING || arena.gameState == ArenaState.STARTING) {
if (arena.playersInArena.size() >= arena.maxPlayers) {
if (!PermissionsManager.hasPermission(player, Permission.JOIN_FULL, false)) {
MessageManager.sendFMessage(player, MessageKey.ERROR_JOIN_FULL);
boolean canWarp = PlayerHandler.teleport(player, arena.lobbyWarp);
if (!canWarp) {
MessageManager.sendFMessage(player, MessageKey.ERROR_TELEPORT_FAILED);
BlockHunt.plugin.getLogger().log(Level.INFO, player.getName() + " has joined " + arenaName);
JoinArenaEvent event = new JoinArenaEvent(player, arena);
PlayerArenaData pad = new PlayerArenaData(player.getLocation(), player.getGameMode(), player.getInventory().getContents(), player
.getInventory().getArmorContents(), player.getExp(), player.getLevel(), player.getAttribute(Attribute.GENERIC_MAX_HEALTH).getValue(), player.getHealth(), player.getFoodLevel(),
player.getActivePotionEffects(), player.getAllowFlight());
MemoryStorage.pData.put(player, pad);
for (PotionEffect pe : player.getActivePotionEffects()) {
player.getInventory().setHelmet(new ItemStack(Material.AIR));
player.getInventory().setChestplate(new ItemStack(Material.AIR));
player.getInventory().setLeggings(new ItemStack(Material.AIR));
player.getInventory().setBoots(new ItemStack(Material.AIR));
// Fix for client not showing players after
// they join
for (Player otherPlayer : arena.playersInArena) {
if (otherPlayer.canSee(player)) {
otherPlayer.showPlayer(BlockHunt.plugin, player); // Make
// new
// player
// visible
// to
// others
if (player.canSee(otherPlayer)) {
player.showPlayer(BlockHunt.plugin, otherPlayer); // Make
// other
// players
// visible
// to
// new
// player
if ((Boolean) MemoryStorage.config.get(ConfigKey.SHOP_BLOCK_CHOOSER_V_1_ENABLED)) {
if ( + ".blockchooser") != null
|| PermissionsManager.hasPermission(player, Permission.SHOP_BLOCK_CHOOSER, false)) {
ItemStack shopBlockChooser = new ItemStack(Material.getMaterial((String) MemoryStorage.config.get(ConfigKey.SHOP_BLOCK_CHOOSER_V_1_ID_NAME)), 1);
ItemMeta shopBlockChooser_IM = shopBlockChooser.getItemMeta();
shopBlockChooser_IM.setDisplayName(MessageManager.replaceAll((String) MemoryStorage.config.get(ConfigKey.SHOP_BLOCK_CHOOSER_V_1_NAME)));
List<String> loreStrings = MemoryStorage.config.getFile().getStringList(ConfigKey.SHOP_BLOCK_CHOOSER_V_1_DESCRIPTION.getPath());
List<String> loreStrings2 = new ArrayList<>();
for (String lore : loreStrings) {
if ((Boolean) MemoryStorage.config.get(ConfigKey.SHOP_BLOCK_HUNT_PASS_V_2_ENABLED)) {
if ( + ".blockhuntpass") != 0) {
ItemStack shopBlockHuntPass = new ItemStack(Material.getMaterial((String) MemoryStorage.config.get(ConfigKey.SHOP_BLOCK_HUNT_PASS_V_2_ID_NAME)),
ItemMeta shopBlockHuntPass_IM = shopBlockHuntPass.getItemMeta();
shopBlockHuntPass_IM.setDisplayName(MessageManager.replaceAll((String) MemoryStorage.config.get(ConfigKey.SHOP_BLOCK_HUNT_PASS_V_2_NAME)));
List<String> loreStrings = MemoryStorage.config.getFile().getStringList(ConfigKey.SHOP_BLOCK_HUNT_PASS_V_2_DESCRIPTION.getPath());
List<String> loreStrings2 = new ArrayList<>();
for (String lore : loreStrings) {
shopBlockHuntPass.setAmount( + ".blockhuntpass"));
ArenaHandler.sendFMessage(arena, MessageKey.NORMAL_JOIN_JOINED_ARENA, "%playerName%-" + player.getName(),
"1-" + arena.playersInArena.size(), "2-" + arena.maxPlayers);
if (arena.playersInArena.size() < arena.minPlayers) {
sendFMessage(arena, MessageKey.WARNING_LOBBY_NEED_AT_LEAST, "1-" + arena.minPlayers);
} else {
MessageManager.sendFMessage(player, MessageKey.ERROR_JOIN_ARENA_IN_GAME);
} else {
MessageManager.sendFMessage(player, MessageKey.ERROR_JOIN_WARPS_NOT_SET);
} else {
MessageManager.sendFMessage(player, MessageKey.ERROR_JOIN_WARPS_NOT_SET);
for (Arena arena : MemoryStorage.arenaList) {
if (!arena.arenaName.equalsIgnoreCase(arenaName)) {
found = true;
if (arena.disguiseBlocks.isEmpty()) {
MessageManager.sendFMessage(player, MessageKey.ERROR_JOIN_NO_BLOCKS_SET);
} else {
boolean inventoryEmpty = true;
for (ItemStack inventoryItem : player.getInventory()) {
if (inventoryItem != null) {
if (inventoryItem.getType() != Material.AIR) {
inventoryEmpty = false;
for (ItemStack inventoryItem : player.getInventory().getArmorContents()) {
if (inventoryItem != null) {
if (inventoryItem.getType() != Material.AIR) {
inventoryEmpty = false;
if ((Boolean) MemoryStorage.config.get(ConfigKey.REQUIRE_INVENTORY_CLEAR_ON_JOIN) && !inventoryEmpty) {
MessageManager.sendFMessage(player, MessageKey.ERROR_JOIN_INVENTORY_NOT_EMPTY);
Location zero = new Location(Bukkit.getWorld(player.getWorld().getName()), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
if (arena.lobbyWarp != null && arena.hidersWarp != null && arena.seekersWarp != null && arena.spawnWarp != null) {
if (!arena.lobbyWarp.equals(zero) && !arena.hidersWarp.equals(zero) &&
!arena.seekersWarp.equals(zero) && !arena.spawnWarp.equals(zero)) {
if (arena.gameState == ArenaState.WAITING || arena.gameState == ArenaState.STARTING) {
if (arena.playersInArena.size() >= arena.maxPlayers &&
!PermissionsManager.hasPermission(player, Permission.JOIN_FULL, false)) {
MessageManager.sendFMessage(player, MessageKey.ERROR_JOIN_FULL);
boolean canWarp = PlayerHandler.teleport(player, arena.lobbyWarp);
if (!canWarp) {
MessageManager.sendFMessage(player, MessageKey.ERROR_TELEPORT_FAILED);
BlockHunt.plugin.getLogger().log(Level.INFO, player.getName() + " has joined " + arenaName);
JoinArenaEvent event = new JoinArenaEvent(player, arena);
PlayerArenaData pad = new PlayerArenaData(player.getLocation(), player.getGameMode(), player.getInventory().getContents(), player
.getInventory().getArmorContents(), player.getExp(), player.getLevel(), player.getAttribute(Attribute.GENERIC_MAX_HEALTH).getValue(), player.getHealth(), player.getFoodLevel(),
player.getActivePotionEffects(), player.getAllowFlight());
MemoryStorage.pData.put(player, pad);
for (PotionEffect pe : player.getActivePotionEffects()) {
player.getInventory().setHelmet(new ItemStack(Material.AIR));
player.getInventory().setChestplate(new ItemStack(Material.AIR));
player.getInventory().setLeggings(new ItemStack(Material.AIR));
player.getInventory().setBoots(new ItemStack(Material.AIR));
// Fix for client not showing players after
// they join
for (Player otherPlayer : arena.playersInArena) {
if (otherPlayer.canSee(player)) {
otherPlayer.showPlayer(BlockHunt.plugin, player); // Make
// new
// player
// visible
// to
// others
if (player.canSee(otherPlayer)) {
player.showPlayer(BlockHunt.plugin, otherPlayer); // Make
// other
// players
// visible
// to
// new
// player
if ((Boolean) MemoryStorage.config.get(ConfigKey.SHOP_BLOCK_CHOOSER_V_1_ENABLED)) {
if ( + ".blockchooser") != null
|| PermissionsManager.hasPermission(player, Permission.SHOP_BLOCK_CHOOSER, false)) {
ItemStack shopBlockChooser = new ItemStack(Material.getMaterial((String) MemoryStorage.config.get(ConfigKey.SHOP_BLOCK_CHOOSER_V_1_ID_NAME)), 1);
ItemMeta shopBlockChooser_IM = shopBlockChooser.getItemMeta();
shopBlockChooser_IM.setDisplayName(MessageManager.replaceAll((String) MemoryStorage.config.get(ConfigKey.SHOP_BLOCK_CHOOSER_V_1_NAME)));
List<String> loreStrings = MemoryStorage.config.getFile().getStringList(ConfigKey.SHOP_BLOCK_CHOOSER_V_1_DESCRIPTION.getPath());
List<String> loreStrings2 = new ArrayList<>();
for (String lore : loreStrings) {
if ((Boolean) MemoryStorage.config.get(ConfigKey.SHOP_BLOCK_HUNT_PASS_V_2_ENABLED)) {
if ( + ".blockhuntpass") != 0) {
ItemStack shopBlockHuntPass = new ItemStack(Material.getMaterial((String) MemoryStorage.config.get(ConfigKey.SHOP_BLOCK_HUNT_PASS_V_2_ID_NAME)),
ItemMeta shopBlockHuntPass_IM = shopBlockHuntPass.getItemMeta();
shopBlockHuntPass_IM.setDisplayName(MessageManager.replaceAll((String) MemoryStorage.config.get(ConfigKey.SHOP_BLOCK_HUNT_PASS_V_2_NAME)));
List<String> loreStrings = MemoryStorage.config.getFile().getStringList(ConfigKey.SHOP_BLOCK_HUNT_PASS_V_2_DESCRIPTION.getPath());
List<String> loreStrings2 = new ArrayList<>();
for (String lore : loreStrings) {
shopBlockHuntPass.setAmount( + ".blockhuntpass"));
ArenaHandler.sendFMessage(arena, MessageKey.NORMAL_JOIN_JOINED_ARENA, "%playerName%-" + player.getName(),
"1-" + arena.playersInArena.size(), "2-" + arena.maxPlayers);
if (arena.playersInArena.size() < arena.minPlayers) {
sendFMessage(arena, MessageKey.WARNING_LOBBY_NEED_AT_LEAST, "1-" + arena.minPlayers);
} else {
MessageManager.sendFMessage(player, MessageKey.ERROR_JOIN_ARENA_IN_GAME);
} else {
MessageManager.sendFMessage(player, MessageKey.ERROR_JOIN_WARPS_NOT_SET);
} else {
MessageManager.sendFMessage(player, MessageKey.ERROR_JOIN_WARPS_NOT_SET);
} else {
MessageManager.sendFMessage(player, MessageKey.ERROR_JOIN_ALREADY_JOINED);
if (!found) {
@ -258,9 +259,7 @@ public class ArenaHandler {
if (cleanup) {
if (arena.seekers.contains(player)) {
if (arena.playersInArena.size() < arena.minPlayers && arena.gameState.equals(ArenaState.STARTING)) {
arena.gameState = ArenaState.WAITING;
@ -13,15 +13,11 @@ public class BlockHuntTabCompleter implements TabCompleter {
public List<String> onTabComplete(@NotNull CommandSender sender, @NotNull org.bukkit.command.Command cmd, @NotNull String label,
String[] args) {
for (Command command : MemoryStorage.commands) {
if (cmd.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(command.label())) {
if (args.length == 1) {
return command.mainTabList();
if (cmd.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(command.label()) && args.length == 1) {
return command.mainTabList();
return null;
@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
public class HelpCommand extends DefaultCommand {
public boolean execute(Player player, String[] args) {
int amountCommands = 0;
@ -28,11 +28,11 @@ public class OnPlayerMoveEvent implements Listener {
if (arena.playersInArena.contains(player)) {
if (arena.gameState == ArenaState.IN_GAME) {
MemoryStorage.moveLoc.put(player, player.getLocation());
if (arena.pos1 == null || arena.pos2 == null) {
if (arena.corner1 == null || arena.corner2 == null) {
BlockHunt.plugin.getLogger().info("Arena:" +
arena.arenaName + " appears to have bad coords : pos1:" +
((arena.pos1 != null) ? arena.pos1.toString() : " NULL") + " Pos2:" +
((arena.pos2 != null) ? arena.pos2.toString() : " NULL"));
((arena.corner1 != null) ? arena.corner1.toString() : " NULL") + " Pos2:" +
((arena.corner2 != null) ? arena.corner2.toString() : " NULL"));
BlockHunt.plugin.getLogger().info("Player has been returned to hiderswarp due to bad arena state");
Location loc = player.getLocation();
@ -41,12 +41,12 @@ public class OnPlayerMoveEvent implements Listener {
PlayerHandler.teleport(player, arena.hidersWarp);
double maxX = Math.max(arena.pos1.getX(), arena.pos2.getX());
double minX = Math.min(arena.pos1.getX(), arena.pos2.getX());
double maxY = Math.max(arena.pos1.getY(), arena.pos2.getY());
double minY = Math.min(arena.pos1.getY(), arena.pos2.getY());
double maxZ = Math.max(arena.pos1.getZ(), arena.pos2.getZ());
double minZ = Math.min(arena.pos1.getZ(), arena.pos2.getZ());
double maxX = Math.max(arena.corner1.getX(), arena.corner2.getX());
double minX = Math.min(arena.corner1.getX(), arena.corner2.getX());
double maxY = Math.max(arena.corner1.getY(), arena.corner2.getY());
double minY = Math.min(arena.corner1.getY(), arena.corner2.getY());
double maxZ = Math.max(arena.corner1.getZ(), arena.corner2.getZ());
double minZ = Math.min(arena.corner1.getZ(), arena.corner2.getZ());
Location loc = player.getLocation();
if (loc.getBlockX() > maxX) {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user